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tv   Perevedi yeyo cherez Maidan  1TV  March 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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of course, we didn’t expect such a big surprise, so it’s kind of surprising that our homeland is calling us back to baikal, closer, closer to home, well, thank you very much, a very unexpected, very pleasant surprise. interest in the russian exhibition, which opened at vdnkh in november , is growing; you can see what is rich and proud of our great country until july 8th. that 's all, just take her across the maidan right now. film premiere, new series.
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what are you doing here, you little bitch, return the flash drive, i’m glad i asked you to look after you, why, and what, you decided to throw it away, withdraw the money get out, what are you talking about, don’t drag my daughter into this, stay where you are, i know your... affairs, you know mine, maybe i know yours, maybe i have a daddy for you, maybe i ’ve been doing this all along i’m listening to you, i’m writing that there are caymans, warm countries, fuck you, the maidan will take power, you’ll fly to jail, sanda cattle.
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the general shot himself, the general shot himself, the general shot himself, i'm glad it happened. where are you? dad shot himself, look at these houses, sharp glass sticking out, broken heads, but wrongly silent, no one hears me, two sides, one metal soul, who? it will be time to eat,
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the whole world benefits from this, but the person will not listen to her, where are you flying, you gray ones, why are you knocking with coins, why choose lyuba, leave lyuba, lyuba, yuba, i’m stuck.
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likes on a new post are important to you, and it’s important to them not to get hit in the morning, you’re also part of this battle, but at home it’s warm, and there’s a hero, don’t worry about someone else’s grief, let’s justify ourselves involuntarily, there people are fighting for peace day, there people are just someone's goal, explosions rock the cradle, and you just you watch a movie, you die, go away, try to wake up. what's wrong with you, you're not feeling well, no, it's just that the boss and i have been bullshit for so many years, you yourself understand how... what time did you arrive at work?
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at about one o'clock in the morning i delivered papers to the administration, at one o'clock there was a meeting, then i worked in my office all day. let's say you've met? certainly. about 3:00 in the afternoon , then, then he worked in the office, once went out to lunch in the dining room, then, in the evening, he was going home, saw that the boss was still at work, went to say goodbye until tomorrow, and he was sitting in a chair with pistol in my hands, and i asked, what, what 's going on there? he took it and shot, didn’t say anything, no, what were you talking to korzh at 3:00 in the afternoon, well, he was under extreme stress, well
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, in general, there were troubles at work, his daughter had an accident, she’s pregnant. did you have a relationship with her? yes, but it's all in the past. is there anything else you want to add? no. fine. stay here, don't go anywhere.
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she couldn’t find something white for herself, it wasn’t all written yesterday, race influences culture, you can’t interfere, i don’t understand her mother, what influences history, influences the state, you can’t interfere, is it hitler or what? no, but since i take the theory seriously, otherwise we will quickly end, there are already fewer of us. mom is from a village near kiev, she came here to work, tattooed,
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well, he doesn’t live with us, but he’s also white from near lvov, are you listening to me, yeah, listen, have you been on vacation for a long time? i really want to go to dubai, i recently got a brochure from a tour operator, so trips there are straight from 5 days, it’s a little too long, of course, but you wouldn’t want to go, honestly, i’d like to move away from everything right now this mess, i want to be warm and not scream around in the street, mother scandinavians. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin dmeushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me
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to be a clone. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i... want to make, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series of half-hour portraits programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 and a half days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is not the soviet union, this is the language in which i write, it was such a truly poor moscow bohemia. who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 s2 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, a matador
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on friday on the first, everything that can be imagined is real, courage is very important here in order... imagining an attic bed is charming because you can go there to settle down, relax, here you can think of anything you want, our life is short, but everything that is done in it with love is eternal, like so much life around. beauty, it all grew out of a hobby, when you do something for yourself, and those around you say: how great you did it, you think so, yeah, that i like it, i like it, yes, i can share, everything comes from childhood, it’s very important to remember what your inner child dreamed of, i used to do handicrafts as a child, i sewed dolls for my hands , wrote a script, invited the children of the street servants, let’s play with the blanket, come on, about comfort, the premiere is on saturday on the first, big. history, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future.
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law enforcement officers stand outside the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them combat weapons and warned everyone that in the event of an attack on an administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons. it was a uniquely cold winter for ukraine, and the maidan was freezing, and it captured the buildings that were nearby. due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top, we could not turn off the heat to the captured buildings. they set me up with this trade union house, like they burned people. yanukovych had already played the note; he had to leave, and preferably die. the current ukrainian prosecutor's office has admitted that there were no russian snipers there. the nazis carried out pogroms, murders, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we came out for... our families for our land, premiere, big story, maidan, part two, sunday on
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the first, as always you are late, minute by minute , maybe... what, how is our nurse yulia doing? nothing new, food for walks, did you call me for this? i have a business with you for 100 bucks? no, for a much larger amount in another currency, come on, i’m interested in alina nikolina’s connections in your department. are you interested? i cannot say who exactly ordered the information, but people pay generously, with a guarantee. and these people are aware of the topic of weapons
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being brought from poland, they always knew that you can’t be trusted, you want to set me up, this is a check from filimonov, he said everything , he’s run out of ideas , you’re watching too many spy movies, i just need information, for she ’s paid well, either you say yes or we disagree, and this conversation didn’t happen, the way you started talking, i need to think. okay, think, but hurry up, please, and i didn’t underestimate you, little mouse in a beret, well, call him, where is he? he's already on his way.
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good afternoon everyone, you look great, i’m taking my vitamins, sit down, tomorrow we start transporting the parcel to the maidan, yours is all ready, yes, okay, let’s go. with the motorcade , whoever is in the motorcade, the roof is your trump card, so don’t worry about the move, you have a reliable escort, if anything he will solve all your questions, there was no other escort , he’s a friend of these people with whom i got involved, oh well, look at things more broadly, times are different now, interesting, yesterday we were shooting at each other, and today go ahead and work together, one thing in common... do the job, you need to go into politics, you know how to convince in any bullshit,
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but my philosophy is simple, keep professionals around you and feed them, and not quarrel, your deputy has been found, by the way, what do you want with my deputy, no, i wasn’t found, i think he killed the cop and the woman disappeared, take the hat off mine, “nothing, there will be someone who needs it besides you, you’re like your own father.” okay, wait for instructions on where this is going, where, where, where it needs to go, what are you doing,
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your arm hurts? what's happened? i don't understand the topic, do i need it? i have my own job. me hands feed. what's here? what are we unloading? i didn't sign up for this. and i think we need to get rid of the voice. and what will you do? where are you going? the world is big, an acquaintance of mine worked in cannes in antibes for six months, it was like rolling cheese in butter, there was the sea, plump wallets on the embankment in clubs in the evenings, like mud, everyone was drunk, relaxed, i don’t want work, even at night, even during the day, i think the voice
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rattled the egg, the dust, and the cop, i didn’t sign up for such things. the voice will recognize you, it will kill you, they carried you away, they were looking for me, yes, sit down. dad called him there now you need help, you are returning home, here is the money, you will give some of it to him, the rest to you,
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me, what? aren't you afraid of drinking? if you don’t drink, you’re already an adult, well, yes, and don’t let me see you here again. the european parliament wants to impose sanctions, they demand to stop using berkut and give the streets to the crowd. viktor fedorovich, europe is pressing, but i have information about how things really are there. they think we are going
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the right way. i think so too. well, that’s what russia will say, i wonder, what about russia? russians always support the legally elected the authorities, and they have no time for us, now they have the olympics, i must admit, they hold it at the highest level, on a grand scale, they always do everything on a grand scale, what should we do? how did you find out about teste's death? my wife called. when did you arrive from sochi? yesterday. flight number 2761 landed at 5 o'clock. and we immediately went
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to my father-in-law. yes, i read it on a business trip and gave a report to him. on the topic of? in the donetsk case. what time did you leave? around 8, what condition was it in? yes, in a normal working environment, colleagues said that he had problems, i don’t know, someone threatened him, there were enemies, not openly, but behind his back i don’t know. you had a conflict with korzh’s deputy, major magromenko, regarding the active participation.
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there is no evidence that he was killed, we , of course, will check the fingers on the pistol, he was shot by gromenko, where does such confidence, experience come from, well, i think that ’s all for today, i won’t distract you anymore, we’ll call you before the call, there are so many options the master was, suddenly, groin,
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that’s it, a bullet, a strange story, you also believe in suicide, well, perhaps the presidential administration... poked in with the money allocated for these maidan, there were questions about payments , and i think he was scared of the investigation and whoever was scared, the master was scared, the master wasn’t scared, but damn, how am i going to get my money back now, and this is a barn louse, where is his deputy, gromenko, well, in the morning they released me from interrogation, i haven’t come yet, we’re looking for him, his friend has my money, find it and shake out my soul, there
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is, well, yesterday i went home , he let me go, but it’s impossible, i have a sedative, i have it, i i didn’t... i dialed him, you call me when he arrives, okay, okay, maybe i’ve decided this one mad miller, well, sort of.
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i think he’s the devil, when you arrive, there will be questions about bandera, i have to love bandera, these are the conditions for my appearance on the territory, they just want to be gouleiters, premiere, vavan and lexus show, today on the first, on the 135th anniversary of his birth alexander vertinsky, my daughters, my daughters, my daughters.
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to emphasize to some people what they cannot get in modern life. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but come here. i
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was a studio. dozens of people have seen me , you’re lying, why are you all lumped together , and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but then come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the spouses you know nechaev received a statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want, together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live in the next world together, well, what kind of love can there be, what... where is champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, len, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, life. after
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life, the premiere of a multi-part film will soon be on the first.
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i'm sorry. sit down. will you rivet? no, i'm warming up. where are you from? people of the world? me too. i don't believe in the suicide theory. i visited your father shortly before the murder. disappeared, he’s not at work, he’s nowhere to be found, he called you, why did he call you, do you have any questions for him, what, do you it’s better not to know, lord, i’m left completely alone, it’s all your fault, you ruined everything, i’m glad, go away, i don’t want to see you,
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disappear completely, why are you even there? my life, everything is very simple, i am your guardian angel, who is the angel? rara, i beg you, don’t start, and so on, gorovenko, he really could have killed his father, he could have, they are looking for him, he apparently escaped, i don’t believe that he could have killed. dad, igor, take me away from here, i want to go home. i’m glad, i’m at work day and night, so who ’s going to look after you? no need to look after me, you just need to bring me home. okay, i'll talk to the doctor.
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hello, can you tell me where i can find a goon? it’s me, i’m listening to you, i ’m talking about rada melnik, my wife is asking to go home, i wanted to consult with you, remind me how i can contact you? igor, igor, i’m not sure, she needs constant care, she needs medications to maintain her pregnancy, and besides, she’s under extreme stress right now. yes, i am against rada mikhailovna leaving the clinic. persuade her the rest. okay, thank you, where is your wife? i mean, where is my wife? well, she's not in the room,
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her purse always stood here in the corner. what kind of music do you like? aren't you cold, are you without a jacket? no, it's not cold.
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the passenger was left in the morning, where they will be withered for me here in the car, don’t be offended, hello, thank you,
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if the little one knew the woman in me, she gave me some peas from the barn, she rewarded me.
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well, guys, soon all over ukraine will be on fire, well, it’s high time, ukraine is about to die, i didn’t finish my thought. the press and all media must be under control; those at the top allow everyone to write whatever comes into their head, hence the chaos. press under control, freedom of speech, i heard, didn’t i? what does this have to do with it? and despite the fact that the press is under control, this is totalitarianism, not freedom. what kind of freedom, where does it come from? these dogs are already under control. they don’t work for one oligarch, they will work for another. freedom, fairy tales for the poor. listen, i’m looking at you, and i’ve never seen you anywhere before, well, i’m generally a sociable person, well, that’s me too, what do you do, i give lectures on human rights, on life, a landscape designer, and
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you’re not a cop, no, oops , why cop, i’m just asking, i’m just answering, no, for dates. a group of authorized representatives of the verkhovna rada of ukraine faction to work on an agreed bill on amending the constitution had to be canceled due to the divergence of positions of representatives of udar and batkovshchina. something urgent, busy, what? i don’t know, i checked this morning, everything was fine, i warned you, it could have been an infection, i’m so tired of you all, you freaks, the devil pulled me to come here, i hate it. you bastard, get out of here, you
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will pay me everything. go away.
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this is the place, the most favorite place in crimea, this is where i feel absolute harmony, 10 years ago crimea and... at the finish line, all participants in the conflict in the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties are leaving our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why? a person writes a will at the age of 30. roman is sure that
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the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. do you know dad's handwriting, zhirok? i'll be honest, no. have you been confused about the price? it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine such a blow for me 26 years later? exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died, a reward yes, but he drives like a duck to water, is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? yes sir? in any department of the city your glory
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will get ahead of you, we are launching an experiment , we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to a taxi driver and a taxi. at the same time, if necessary , with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator, with one press of a button , it turns into a police car, not a car, but an animal, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find a gunner, we cover the gang, our people are among yours, everything they will do it for him, we are working. undercover taxi, premiering on march 25, on the first.
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this bloke, korzh's deputy, gromenko, doesn't give me peace, hasn't he shown up? no, he didn’t show up, but my people are working, looking, and maybe he really killed the master, what a bastard, i’ll find out, we don’t need him to talk. god forbid he opens his mouth and says that he was in contact with us, he doesn’t open it, i take it from myself. mood. disgusting, the master never returned the money to me, and this is my money, i understand, but i don’t need your sympathy, i need your actions, call the miller, there is something for him, i want
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to get out of here as soon as possible, yulia... vladimirovna, we advise you not to rush, as paradoxical as it sounds, but here is the safest place for you now. what do you mean? i want to say that while yanukovych is in power, we cannot give you security guarantees. i need to go to the maidan. the people are waiting for me, my people. your electorate is not going anywhere, patience. not long left, sorry, we have to go, goodbye, goodbye, well, here's who
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to work with, the living, greedy men, have degenerated that's it, okay. in the morning , the commandant of the seized city administration building signed an agreement with the osce representative, swiss ambassador schennenberg, according to which the building is transferred to the control of the osce, osce, osce, and the chairman of the administration.
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what else? a destroyed and destroyed row of buildings in the center of kiev, the ministry of health of ukraine, the central house of officers. that’s it, prepare a plan to clear the maidan so that there is no one else in their spirit. you will meet people - these are our guests. it says here where they come, contact the elders. bring them to the base near petrivtsi, there are questions, no, fine, here you go, the paper about your authority, inspection, and the holding of your car are prohibited, when to go, right now.
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it’s not for nothing that we are now on the maidan. it will be better for the deaf in europe too. how are you? great. listen, i was walking past, and there were these nazis, with a headlight sitting with them. headlight? has he gone crazy? why is he doing this? danaziks don't know what a headlight looks like. “i couldn’t believe my eyes, they were chatting, laughing, do you think it might help him to know who he is, to make money at the same time, what are you talking about, okay, i was joking,
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“hello, this is goromenko, i have a new number , we need to meet, we must have found it, our dear lost, we still need to meet , i have so many questions for you, well, the main thing is don’t be afraid, don’t fuss, there’s a problem, i ’ll help, yes there’s a problem , that’s why i’m calling you first, i need to leave quietly before they hang all the dogs on me, everyone, now i’ll send you the address, oh, i found it myself, moron, good day, in a word, you should never underestimate anyone." chapalina agreed with us
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cooperate, tsibulya, yes, chapalina, onion grief, great, but wants twice as much, well, he wants it, he’ll get it, you , come on, behave more carefully, their office works unsystematically, but cruelly, i didn’t want to call you? find on the banks of the dnieper with a bag on your head, i understand, see you, come on, crimeans held an anti-nazi rally in simferopol and our brothers russians came out in favor of holding a referendum on separation from ukraine, a referendum, a referendum. a meeting of citizens concerned about the coup d'état taking place in kiev against the backdrop of complete inaction by the authorities took place today in sevastopol,
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did you run away? do you understand that you are the main thing suspected murder of korzh, i didn’t kill him. do you believe in this yourself? well, he also had problems with anti-maidan. listen, you don’t know where something is that his son-in-law brought him from sochi. and i’ll tell you, you wanted to leave with the money, right? “masha, i called, i saw, we have nothing
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to talk about, i blocked you, no , we need to talk, i, i conveyed my message incorrectly, i did it wrong, why, you conveyed everything very clearly, you are a scumbag, a fascist, a racist bastard, but to be with you, god forbid you become a child, is just that..." i'll prove it to you, that this is not so, come on, come on thursday at 9 pm, you close the cafe and we’ll just talk, well, what, what will you talk to her about, you don’t like people like her, why don’t you call me, slept with everything, yes, mash, i was with him, so i’m asking, so what are you going to talk to her about? stem, where are you going?
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hello everyone, my name is ugakhvi , i am a grandmother from chuvash, my name is ilina, and i and everyone are the same, in order to be completely happy, you need personal happiness, unfortunately, at the moment i do not have it, there were about 100 guys, everyone was lined up, and the girls were told that you choose , so i chose, happiness is when you get up in the morning, nothing hurts, “disappear, i beg you, russia is, first of all, people
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who will make a great country and a great power, and god grant that the main thing is health, and the rest will be all right, hypertensive patients in russia , join in, live healthy in the program, a new project is starting, pressure in numbers and facts, ours have completely changed.” end in a stroke, we don't want to with the idea of ​​pressure, but pressure can this happened to you, my pressure is my responsibility, living in the program is great, tomorrow is first, virtual reality is the place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, virtual space can be located right away several people, that is , for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in... in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists.
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our company is developing, production of diagnostic tests to determine allergic reactions using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected, mainly our collections are sheepskin coats, we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts, the style of our brand is casual luxury, our everything, premiere, on saturday on the first.
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respect here you speak english in russian, no problem, we can speak russian. come to us for a long time, your task is to meet and bring, ask there are no questions, well, it was self-defense, and especially since i framed everything in such a way that it was like suicide, well done,
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why did he run away, you understand? that he ran away, that means he’s guilty, your nerves are gone , and you’re working in the wrong structure to get on your nerves, so how can i get back now, the miller’s roof has been blown away, he’s going to kill me, he’s going to kill me, or he’s not going to kill you, i mean, yes , how can you breathe, the master was going to transfer money, take documents and a flash drive to him , he was ready to give him a few hours before his death, and what do we have now, not a flash drive, nothing, did you know about this? do you have a flash drive, how much is on it? 17 million euros, a good figure , you give the flash drive to me, and i will help you leave the country, your life is now worth 17 million, well , let me at least half it, well, i don’t want to, i don’t need to,
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i have a lot of things to do, 70 to 30. you’ll give me the flash drive , i’ll let you out of the country, see you later.
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why did you run away from the clinic? i'm in the pool!
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fuck you, take me to the airport tomorrow,
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i'm leaving. alina, how does black suit you, you look dazzling, please accept my condolences, sometimes you become more attached to animals than to people, the more you get to know people, the less you want to communicate with them. horses are loyal and love just like that, but people are traitors, they love only when it is convenient for them, i could discuss this topic, but i won’t,
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we have a lot to do, at most another week and the maidan will win, they won’t even let yanukovych save his face, yes, it’s a good country, but they have a big problem , corruption, i’ve never seen such a scale anywhere, they pull everything that’s bad, they spin such schemes, you can write textbooks, they’ll write them later, they’ll sell them, well, god bless them, here, perhaps, nothing can be corrected; their weaknesses even benefit us; surprisingly, in no other developed state would the government ever allow such a riot of the crowd, but this is provided that it is the government. and if semolina porridge is at the helm, then there is nothing to be surprised about, we must manage to get everything done here before the olympics in russia are over, while the russians
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are not interested in us.


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