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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  March 20, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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another week at most and the maidan will win , they won’t even let yanukovych save his face, yes, it’s a good country, but they have a big problem, corruption, i’ve never seen such a scale anywhere , they pull everything that is bad, they spin such schemes, you can write textbooks, they and they’ll write it later and sell it, well, god bless them, there’s probably nothing that can be corrected here, because of... weaknesses even help, surprisingly, in no other developed state would the authorities have ever allowed such a riot of the crowd, but this provided that she is in power, and if semolina is at the helm, then there is nothing to be surprised about, we must have time to get everything done here before the olympics in russia are over, while the russians are not interested in us. yeah,
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andrei petrovich, negotiate with the opposition, klitschko, yatsenyuk, tegnebok, well, actually, no one else is needed, viktor fedovich signs the agreement, we begin a constructive negotiation process. we are forming a transitional government , that’s right, we are going to new elections, and there general pokrovsky from moscow is rushing to meet the president, no, no, we don’t need such contacts now, i am in contact with europe and they will raise such a howl there, but if it comes to the maidan, then that’s it, all negotiations.
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they will start yelling that you are playing on the side of moscow, there will be blood again, well, that’s it, and, by the way, your personal return to power will be neutralized, so first the agreements, and then all the meetings and the like, i agree, especially since victor fedorovich himself now... isolated everyone, andrei petrovich, we agreed, of course, no one will get you there, i hope my father translated something for me, that’s enough, but what’s wrong with you?
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they will quickly divorce, we will divorce through lawyers, get yourself in order for now, heal your nerves , write when you land, okay, happy to stay and take care of yourself, you are good, and i want everything to work out for you. on a personal level too, i’m sorry, i was a bad wife, but here we are even, i was not the best husband, goodbye, and forgive me, why goodbye, i’m not saying goodbye to you, we’ll see each other again.
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come on, that’s normal, but exactly there, are they the ones that are the hairdresser? it will do just fine, where have you been? i went to see my father, did business, are you all on the maidan now? yes, the headquarters is there now, brother? same walks around, teaches everyone about life, and stepan? i said, everything is there, i went, don’t forget to close the gate,
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otherwise stepan will tear his head off. yes, come on, to the maidan. there's a big game on the air. in the area of ​​the belgorod region there are still battles , artillery attacks continue, in general the situation is quite tough, although, as i understand, we will talk about this in a few minutes with our military expert
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dmitry drazdenko, as i understand, the intensity of the shelling decreased somewhat, but of course, i would like to hear your opinion, but obviously. that russia is being tested for its strength. let's listen to what president putin said about this in his two recent speeches. of course, we can respond in kind, we can respond in the same way to civilian infrastructure, to all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks. well, we have our own views. this account and our plans, we will follow what we have outlined, our enemy, whom he decided to intimidate, the russian people, the multinational people of russia, this has never happened before and will never happen, you probably also noticed, even representatives
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of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions, in difficult regions, and said, where are you going, you’re not afraid, and such an adult, i’m russian, i ’ll go there, where i need, you see, this is what our enemy is doing, hoping to achieve a result, he achieves a result, but exactly the opposite of what was expected, that’s all, they don’t understand with whom they are dealing with russia, they really don’t understand with whom they deal, it's amazing if you want, analytical blindness and, well, some kind of simple...
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which, well, is, perhaps, one of the most hostile to russia, of these radical opposition organizations, so he said that the final use of the vampire system in peaceful settlements and cities is clearly
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a war crime , definitely a war crime, i have no doubt that this is a war crime, that’s what i can’t fully understand... how can our czech former partners, who are so worried about democracy, be so worried about... that is, we do not fall under the concept of their civilization, their civilized people, this
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is the first, second, of course, the main goal of these attacks was to disrupt the elections, it was to exert pressure, armed pressure on our population, and the rights of our commander-in-chief, who said, that well, they just don’t understand the russians, but dmitry, in fairness, the elections are over, but the attacks continue, the attacks continue, their intensity is several.
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and during the period, that is, january before the collegium, that is, we get mid-march, our
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troops destroyed three times more equipment and enemy forces, that is, i mean why i say this in relation to the previous period, that is, how much the efficiency of our work of our armed forces has increased, that is, we are learning, we are moving and the enemy will be defeated, the only thing that i would still pay attention to is the words of the supreme... to the commander, that we will be forced to move the sanitary zone, this should scare everyone, it seems to me that it scared some, so, taking into account modern weapons, the sanitary zone will be in the berlin area, just like that , well, it depends if berlin will hand over missiles, alexander vyacheslavovich belonovsky, editor-in-chief of the authoritative magazine profile, we are glad to welcome you to the program, i have the same question for you, well, i understand why the ukrainians do what they do?
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mass of information and became a means of propaganda, they had a completely clear division between theirs and theirs, this division
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still exists, and given the narrative that they live in the best world, in a blooming garden, as a colleague noted, that’s all the rest doesn't fit into this at all the right life, so everything else is enemies, it’s wrong, and it’s not discussed , but what they have is right, it’s good, it should be like that, unfortunately, we live in such an upside-down world, to do something about it, that’s enough, that is, if i understand you correctly, their approach is so acknowledging in advance...
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somehow against the general trend, it is harshly suppressed, subjected to astracism, even to the point of legal consequences, well, look, what happened to the stacker, how many tubs were there for it was poured out after an interview that he took with vladimir vladimirovich and so, in general , i believe, it will happen with any journalist who tries to speak out against the general trend, against the general rules that now exist there, at fox news they fired tucker carston not for the interview with putin earlier. he was fired earlier, but look what happened in the western media after this interview came out, look at what they accused him of, well , where does that fit, that is, no one tried to make out the interview, what was said, why, how, why, there was an attempt to denigrate the person who took him, well, as you said, there is a presumption of guilt in
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relation to russia, if anyone questions this presumption, then...
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the clinton administration and the clintons personally in their time with the soviet union and you know, i generally have the impression, i now emphasize the impression, not the evidence , the impression that a certain number of people who were very favorable towards the soviet union, as a rule, they were leftists, were favorable towards the soviet union, when it was.
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therefore, they had a desire, again i speak in cautious formulations, not that there was some kind of conspiracy, but they had a desire, if you like, to preemptively rehabilitate themselves to show how they are now, now they are unshakable fighters against russia, the soviet union they were ready to play along, but when...russia found itself, let’s say, in difficult circumstances, then they were ready to declare war on this russia. i emphasize that there was a corresponding investigation by the cia and fbi into in the late nineties, this is mentioned in the report of special prosecutor malor, but it
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is mentioned there in a footnote, which everything was crossed out there, supposedly under... i want to ask you, academician naumkin, regarding gases, uh, i’m a little perplexed, i hear that, uh,
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egypt, the officials expressed it seriously.
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we are determined to complete the elimination of hamas, which requires the destruction of the groups remaining in rafah. we have differences with the americans. hamas through military means, without destroying the remaining militant groups. we are determined to do this. we we are ready to listen to president biden's proposal, especially on humanitarian issues, but i have made it very clear to president biden that we are determined to complete the dismantling of the groups in rafah, and this cannot be done without a ground invasion. that's what i don't understand. to end. the united states is israel's main patron. the united states supplies israel with a large amount
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of weapons and intelligence information. together with the united states, israel carries out attacks on iran from time to time. this it would be much more risky if the united states did not help and support. why does nitanya allow such a tone? it's perfect. in an insolent tone, you see, he says that i made it clear, you see , he makes it clear to biden, here sits this netanyahu, who is hanging on by a thread there, and he could be in prison, if circumstances had turned out a little differently, he the hamas operation would not have helped, and he allows himself such arrogant expressions addressed to the american administration, which of course plays uh in the conditions of the election struggle, biden plays. sharp sentiments , sharply critical of israel, and in any case in rhetoric he pretends that he also
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very sharply criticizes israel, although there are completely different calculations, indeed about the invasion of the israeli army, the land invasion of rafah, this is quite obviously the way, the way . catastrophe of the bloodbath, there are indeed several units there that are the most combat-ready and not affected by the operations carried out by israel in gaza, hamas units, this somewhere around 10,000 people, well armed, well trained, and there, i think, it won’t seem like much to those who come there, and this will, of course, lead to huge losses with...
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he doesn’t want to appear in the eyes of even his own population, where there is sympathy for israel, he does not want to look like such an unconditional supporter of israel, although in general he is such, moreover, he apparently wants to somehow delegitimize trump, who is considered a more pro-israel figure and candidate than biden himself , this is the game around who supports israel more and who less, it is completely obvious. in the conditions of this humanitarian catastrophe, biden had to go to the extent of announcing the creation of a floating port off the coast of gaza, this has been done. under powerful
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pressure from the united arab emirates, this is the main source of humanitarian aid to the enclave. the emirates are very unhappy with what is happening, although they have good relations with all of the united states, too, and under this pressure it was announced that there will be a floating port there, that it will be quickly built, and that somewhere, apparently, there will be about a thousand us military personnel doing this, this is already military. presence, this is not just for the sake of building a port, this is the path that the united states chose in 1982, when they allegedly helped the palestinians evacuate from beirut, and you remember, better than me, you know what a disaster this led, yes, i remember very well, it means that they seem to want to do it according to rumors, it means they say that in 2 months they will build, it will be built there also a two-lane dam that
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will go ashore. and will be delivered there , goods will be delivered, which means there will be humanitarian aid, these speculations around humanitarian aid and the supposed solidarity of the united states with the civilian population, which israel wants to deport somewhere, this is some kind of deceptive maneuver , which in my opinion will lead to the same thing, as was the case with lebanon... in the second year, when israel invaded there, in fact, the massacre began with the help of christian extremists, and the united states, all the talk about the protection of the population that was, they showed that this, that it was all a vomit, and the same vomit is happening now, now here, i was in lebanon then, i could personally observe all this , i wrote a column for
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the newspaper:
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which will deploy a floating pier, it sounds approximately verbatim like this: not a single american military service should set foot on the land of gas, this is on land, but that is, they will be located, as it were, on the territory of water, that is, like this that's the nuance right there embedded in this action, and they were given instructions that if gases were fired at them from the shore, that they should not shoot back, most likely the instructions were given in response, they would immediately shoot, okay, but the pier is the pier. they will also build this dam, although there will be no american military personnel there, but it’s quite obvious, i don’t know exactly who will be involved in this from some states friendly to the united states, the same military personnel will be their allies, but it will be towed and actually docked to the shore, next there will be an operation transshipments from large ships to small ones, and small ones will be delivered as if under the supervision of someone, but not the americans, these will be my own people, i allow myself to be the devil’s advocate so in defense of netanyahu he...
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needs my protection, but he may have this calculation, as you said during the election campaign, biden will not do anything against netanyahu. and the arab states, they condemn netanyahu’s action, well, in general, so far no one has broken off relations with netanyahu, no sharp movements have been made against israel, firstly, is this true, and if so, why? well, you know, i wouldn’t say now, but in all arab states, they have different policies and different situations.
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but turkey has sharply increased the volume of trade with israel, the latest data suggests that israel now meets 60%, excuse me, 65% of its steel needs from turkey and 95 from cement, and cement goes mainly to the military industry, this a strategic product, like turkey, which, on top of everything else, is the main supplier of vegetables.
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he has his own calculations, his own calculations of what he can afford, so far not only from the united states, but also from his arab and turkish neighbors, he has not yet experienced real pressure,
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right? yes, this is true, but on the other hand, these states, which of course hate netanyahu, i think they are very happy that relations between netanyahu and the united states and biden are deteriorating.
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all the forces that advocate peace with russia are immediately denounced, called nazis, for a second he has at least the ambitions of a chancellor, but for him germany alone is not enough. atlantic bridge versus crimean bridge, the meaning of a political symbol. the awkward situation
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of boris pistorius. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. big history, a program for those who want to know. the past to understand the present and see the future. law enforcement officers stand outside the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them fighters. it was a cold winter for ukraine, and the maidan was freezing, and he captured the buildings that were nearby, due to the fact that the decision was not made himself at the top, we could not turn off the captured buildings from the heat, they set me up with this trade union house, like he burned people out, yanukovych was already playing the note, he had to leave, and preferably. die, the current
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ukrainian prosecutor's office admitted that there were no russian snipers there, the nazis carried out pogroms, murders, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we married our families for our land, premiere, big story, maidan, part second, sunday on the first. french president macron continues some not very clear line, then he hints that french troops may be sent to ukraine, or he seems to deny this, saying that he does not mean combat units, then he again gives the impression that these may be combat units, and it is not very clear to what extent this is a political game.
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as for sending troops, anyone ’s, well, especially the french , medvedev responded well, he said that if the french come to this territory, it will not be a very difficult, but extremely important goal, which we will naturally destroy, the fact is that well, it’s no secret that the military personnel of nato countries, the american ones, and all sorts of them, they are already there, but they are there under a legend, as soon as these military personnel are legitimized, then in fact the countries...
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will the americans be tempted to attack us ? blow to finish off the country? yes, accordingly, we will take this into account, whether china will be tempted, yes, so anyone is tempted to hit this. russia, no, in america, because it seems like everything is growing,
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growing, growing, the logic itself can say that everyone will hit everyone, that is, accordingly, one camp in a different way, without stopping at any intermediate results, all this will be driven by fear, so any movement here, crossing this threshold, it is very dangerous, i think the americans are more aware of this now, because in this situation they will no longer be able to sit out. on your continent. you know, i will now say something paradoxical, if french troops actually arrived and took part in the battles in ukraine, but i hope this will not happen. but if this happened, the best thing that could have happened to france and personally to macron had these troops suffered quickly.
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is playing with fire, so i want to ask you, alexander vyacheslavovich, european leaders, they say that their troops would not join the french if french units were in ukraine, but in general, i don’t see any, well you know, serious
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reflection on what such a situation threatens, indignation at the irresponsible. macron's action, is it correct, i understand the situation, how europe, it is also so itself convinced that russia can be put under pressure, the threat here is minimal, because russia will destroy the ukrainian armed forces in response, and europe is not embarrassed to fight to the last ukrainian, they don’t believe, they don’t believe that russia can really fight against them... loved ones themselves to do something, you know, today’s europeans have lost the fear of war, they didn’t fight, their fathers didn’t fight, their grandfathers, but that was a very long time ago, as a result, everything they know about war, they crossed out from history books, judging by everything, history they taught not very well, against the background of the general
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degradation of culture, the general degradation of the culture of international relations, we see that...
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it may not be long before we see some new positive developments in the policies of those states of the global south, who are still forced...
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and they look to see who is stronger, who is more decisive, and in order for russia to successfully complete its tasks in ukraine, it is very important that in
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the eyes of the global south russia also looks like a winner, which of these points of view do you think more correct, the second one for me seems more correct, because what we can hear from our friends, and partners, and...
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i coordinate snipers myself, and this great ukrainian dream, it looks exactly like this: now the most important thing is to prevent bloodshed, transfer her through the maidan, final episode, tomorrow after the program, there is information that they want to liquidate you. there's a big game on the air, now in our
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final segment, as usual, a free discussion with our participants, and let's start with you, you know, colleagues, we we started the conversation with the events in the belgorod region, and we tried to understand, tried to figure out why, for what, for what all this happened, you know, i see. there is only one answer to this question, it all happened for the sake of pararaction, that is , in order to show that ukraine can do something, that the ukrainian army is capable of such sorties, and that the ukrainian army, as you rightly said, needs weapons, nevertheless tries to carry out similar actions on our territory, well, what can we say, it’s sad, it’s sad that they they sacrificed a lot of their people, our guys had to fight. well, if a clown comes to the palace, then the palace becomes a circus, well, well, it deals with...
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the region, unfortunately, the expression circus often comes to mind, but i would only say a bloody circus, a tragic circus. dmitry vitalievich, well, yes, i’ll add, well, it’s not very sad, because there is a war going on, a difficult, bloody war is going on, and for us this is a war for our independence, within the framework of the history that took place in the kursk-belogorodsk regions, and what is happening, in general, i would turned.
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it was precisely for the purpose of terrorizing the population, absolutely true, it did not serve a military purpose as such, therefore this is a crime that is no less than kheroshima and nagasaka, nagasaki, which the americans committed, we act in our own way, that is, we work systematically, now a short the remark about france, france's entry into the conflict - i just think that the french elites do not fully understand, but the discussions that are being conducted, for example, also in specialized... in american circles there is awareness there, the point is: what france is a nuclear power, that is, if we, say , enter into a battle with poland, that’s one thing, poland is not a nuclear power, and even more so, the americans said in advance that we would not stand up for poland if poland itself, let’s say, goes in ukraine there will be a fight with the russians, because this is not a nato bloc, this is a private war of the poles there and someone else. france is a completely different story, france is the owner of an impressive nuclear arsenal,
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and accordingly, the decisions in response that will occur as a result of this. troops appeared to attack france simply because the french were in ukraine, for this something like this in ukraine with russia could be inflicted out of the blue with the participation of these troops should happen, which would be a real challenge to russia. well, for example, these troops can, with the help of modern weapons that france has, deliver quite sensitive strikes on our territory, again with the help of the same long-range missiles and something else, that is, what is, in principle, in our doctrine described as attacks on control points and things like that. we don’t necessarily have to hit france, france is not the owner of tactical weapons, we can hit the french contingent on neutral territory, this is a favorite american song,
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it’s called a limited nuclear war, which they also have planned, for example. for french warships, that’s also an option, also not bad, but on the other hand , french ships are the territory of france, if we’re talking about the french contingent stationed, say, near lvov, it’s just a french contingent, i’m with you i agree, firstly, i think that it is unlikely that macron will send his troops, at least his combat units, and secondly, i think that if they were there, they would behave extremely ... carefully, but i i also know something else, i know that when you embark on this path of escalation, very often the parties see the situation completely differently, if you just look at the memoirs of kaiser wilhelm and look at the memoirs of russian generals and statesmen of that
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time , then this is the attitude towards who wins provoked.
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this is a new challenge that we are successfully resisting, because those who invaded our territory were destroyed very quickly, but it seems to me that we need to look very carefully, to analyze what is happening and what may still happen, we need it seems to me to predict those possible developments of the situation that may take place right now, in the near future. especially against the background of our successes in confronting what has already happened, this is what will happen next, it seems to me, maybe a little bit of strategic planning is missing in terms of what to do next, when
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we think about what to do next, alexander vyacheslavovich, the question arises not only of what to do in defense and foreign policy, but also, naturally, in maintaining internal stability in russia and.
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then these guys have nothing to count on, that is, at least when there are serious external challenges, you don’t see serious internal threats, no, me too,
12:00 am
thank you, it was a great game, we’ll see you on the air tomorrow. the hero of our today's program said that he despises russia, and she despises him. he left russia, saying he feared for his life and was afraid of arrest. after the start of the northern military district, he promised the russian people terrible punishments and disasters. and commenting on victory day, he announced that russians are proud of horror, shame, shame and crimes. he considers himself a poet, satirist and screenwriter, but today he will.


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