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tv   Shou Vovana i Leksusa  1TV  March 21, 2024 12:00am-12:41am MSK

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thank you already, it was a great game, we’ll see you on the air tomorrow. the hero of our today's program said that he despises russia, and she despises him. he left russia, saying he feared for his life and was afraid of arrest. after the start of the great patriotic war, he promised the russian people terrible punishments and disasters, and commenting on victory day, he announced that the russians are proud of horror, shame, shame and crime. he considers himself a poet, satirist and screenwriter, but today he will behave according to our scenario.
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to begin with, i will introduce our current guests, today with us is honored artist of russia alexey ogurtsov, blogger, journalist larisa rzhandovskaya, blogger andrey trityakov and journalist, blogger, staz, oh how simple it is, stanislav vasiliev. friends, hello, let's get started, our today's hero viktor shenderovich is an agent. by the way, this is not the first time he has become the hero of practical jokes, including ours.
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yes, we have problems, this is really the topic now, as i already talked with dmitry bykov, with other cultural figures, we have an interesting idea, regarding specifically russian-language culture, which we could present in the near future in ukraine, and of course, once again i must say that this initiative comes directly from our president. who is also a person not far from culture, from television, from creativity, i know, of course, then let me briefly tell you what is now on my part, what i can offer just for a quick refresher, my aphorisms, i am releasing the first book of my aphorisms, i decided many months ago that the first translation it will be in ukrainian, not in english, since i’m on the list. the mountaineer, as you know, and
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in general, in fact, in russian speaking, they slandered me, because i quoted on the air an unsuccessful phrase from a rain correspondent about our boys, if you know my collision, i kind of ironically quoted him, and rather vilely my the words were unquoted, that is, it turned out that now, in fact , millions of ukrainians know, as it seems to them, that i am my phrase, that these are my boys, that i call... our russian boys there soldier-killer, there were already attacks on me in vilnius, they poured ketchup on me and so on and so on, and i read a lot of disgusting things about myself, it became scary, they poured ketchup on me, i acted with him, probably 15 years ago, listen, completely different he was a changeable person, but even at the time when we were working in kiev, and at the film studio, you know, he probably still started, but we don’t know the ukrainian language, this language of surzheg, and he...
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advantages like you're a peacemaker, that's not the point, but in any case, like him he says, this just shows that what kind of democracy is there, they don’t even understand anything, this is a court without knowing why he is making peace with this, he said, allowed himself to say that there is nazism in ukraine, well, by name about bandera and so on, we will now move on to this topic, but they did not forgive him for this, the ukrainians began to persecute him, the man clearly did not live in poverty there, let’s call it that, now we see how the person is literally ready there and for whom and who needs it now? so why,
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isn’t it really easy to figure out where you can sell yourself at a higher price, well, i mean, if the essence of a person is to sell himself, bargaining is not profitable, bargaining is going on with ermak, and you, well, yes, i ’m ready, here let me... russian free speech and the russian empire , how the russian empire prevented free russian speech, this is a lecture that i give all over the world, in russian, of course, of course, i can read it in kiev, in odessa, i will
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only be happy about it do, there is nothing there that can provoke aggression inadequate, well, listen, it’s just about there. only about censorship, moreover , i can add to it, given that i will go to kiev, i can add to it stories related to the censorship of national literature, both soviet and tsarist, including stories from shevchenko, vasyl stus, and so on , yes, but in general i can’t have anything ukrainian unless i invent it, yes, it would be funny if they immediately mobilized at his lecture. everyone, the best advertisement was, i like the way they blurt it out, whether you like it or not, first, recognized the empire, admitted, they really are strange, they have such a negative attitude towards the word empire, you know how it is, oh, you were born handsome, smart, and even to rich parents, ugh, how bad it is, in fact, what amazes me most is
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what i will tell about russian censorship, well, russian, imperial and so on, and she’s like, well, by the way, a person from a peacemaker will talk about freedom to free people, but the question is, where is there no censorship? in general, this is a very convenient lecture format, you can come to ukraine to tell about russian censorship, then come to russia about ukrainian, go to america to talk about some other censorship, he won’t come to russia and won’t talk about the rest , he has one exception, i don’t think shandarovich has a chance before as long as we retain at least some subjectivity of our state, the question seems to be different: do we have enough mattresses, if he returns, you are already moving into satire, by the way, he is also satirizing himself. i just don’t see the point in seriously commenting on this, because when a person talks about censorship, well, this is propaganda, he says: i agree to the censorship that will be from ukraine, but as if because there is free democratic censorship, i won’t say anything, good censorship, good censorship, no, well, did you notice that the last time
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, let’s put it this way, maybe two or three months there, he chooses very light expressions about russia, after such words, we can forgive and accept him, you know,
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a prose writer, a satirist, he is really engaged, engaged, including about the armed forces of ukraine, here is the next video about it, my wife and i now see each other only from time to time, she breaks out, yes, i can be with my wife, if if there is, say, it happens in february, you can at least come with your mother-in-law, at least with mattress, and problems, and i can say more that the entire organization about... passes through me, so don’t even worry about this issue here, listen, this is my dream, i asked bykov how it started, i i complained to him that because of this list i might not see the peacemaker for the rest of my life kiev with odessa, and he said, wait
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a minute, i’ll bring you together now, he started talking about this, but i want to say right away that, of course, if the whole... the whole, so to speak, material country, if anything... then it will be collected from my country, if, well, okay, but if we do this with some kind of fund, which can subsequently. this is also the preservation of life, the same thing, this is the same humanitarian aspect, like this,
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that is, he now confirmed that he helped, that he confirmed this a month later, that not a single ukrainian fund collects only no for humanitarian aid, in my opinion noise also recently flew in when rockets hit his hometown, and he donated money to this fund, but do they sincerely believe that this is the same humanitarian aid, or do they justify themselves in this way, well, he in plain text he says that if he had said conventionally in the forties to some vossenets person: listen, financing nazi germany is a saved life, i think that he would have been misunderstood, but you would still see how he says , says yes, says, i say, i’m financing, i say i’m helping humanitarian aid, maybe i’ll get credit for this, but you correctly believe that the same shandarovich takes his hard-earned money, goes, takes it somewhere in some form, gave it to him honestly, you know, who, who does he work for now, now he...
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it’s just his business card, when normally 43003 is not completely, 4000 in rubles is not completely for shanderovich, you can still do it for this money.
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let him come back, what difference does it make, well , he wants it, you personally want him in ours, it’s not ukraine, we still have freedom, he to punch him in the face for his words, that’s your right, well, the correspondence during the broadcasts was given by pormy for 20 years, he lived here for so many years and no one punched him in the face, only he had to leave right away. yes, that’s what i’m talking about, we have freedom , that is, you and i can say that he’s the devil , i personally think he’s the devil, but in fact, yes, in fact, he can come back if he wants, it’s his right, we have a free country, and we will see new revelations immediately after the advertisement, this is the very place, my favorite place in crimea, right here, i i feel absolute harmony, 10 years ago crimea and sevastopol became part of. the roads have become better - a fact, new hospitals are being built - a fact, medicine is free, crimea gave me
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a dream, the business i am involved in, on the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series, tomorrow on the first, on the 135th anniversary of the birth of alexander vertinsky . my daughters, my daughters, my daughters.
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this is the vavan and lexus show and we continue. shandarovich recognized himself as an enemy of all states except ukrainian. let's get a look. ukraine, it will decide for itself what to do with these, i, i really wouldn’t want to, i’m already an enemy of all peoples, you know, already yes, which means i wouldn’t want to dwell on this, where it goes,
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so this, this in general, i i this is completely yes on on for on... so to speak, it’s up to the organization’s decision, i would prefer it to be divided between the humanitarian and military parts, yeah, yeah, and now the details, we’ll discuss this, maybe you can tell me what - the main thing is that it is beautiful, yeah, the main thing is that it is beautiful, it’s good, yes, to spend the money is beautiful, i think we can organize it, and secondly, we also don’t want to create problems for you on the russian side, if it suddenly turns out that this is your problem.
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so that they understand me correctly, for me the ideal option is without decoding, i have my own there, that i have some kind of fee fund, i give it to some fund, yes, which, if you can divide the money in half between support, without specifics , support for the armed forces of ukraine and refugees in the humanitarian component there and so on, it’s just stupid to divide everything in half, listen, well actually. yes, he’s still neater, he ’s neater than in those months, even 2-3 months , i also kind of look at some internet notes, he’s selective, he speaks selectively, he’s neat if he’s happy he says, it’s good for the armed forces of ukraine, so for the armed forces of ukraine, just give a little more for the humanitarian aid, yes, you see, for the humanitarian aid, so that it won’t be visible, well, at least, at least, he
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doesn’t mutter too much about the country’s leadership, they give everything for one, they give everything for whoever can. starting from musicians and so on, so on, etc., guys, everyone, everyone understands that our home country is still great, powerful, it is invincible, they will not escape from it, they will come anyway, after this conversation, after the next excerpt, i doubt that he will be especially somewhere they are waiting in the donbass there or in new territories, let's see, you spoke negatively about some of our battalions and... about, well, let's talk about an unpleasant topic, an unpleasant topic, an unpleasant topic, yes, i, when the story happened , yes, i know, i know what you're talking about, the situation is simple, ukraine is fighting for its freedom, i clearly share the interests of ukraine and
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the interests of russia, the interests of ukraine to liberate its territory, they bring benefits, these are your sons of bitches.
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but you can’t insult the person who is the hero of ukraine, at least provoke the memories that came to me about these dark elephants, i’m not going to, i don’t have such a task, but if they ask me, if they ask me, what i ’m thinking to myself about the lvov pogrom of 1941, or am i a probaba, but i’m not must.
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here is the second one on bandera avenue, i will talk about the fact that ukrainian nazism is not state-based, i think that if he had come there, they would have deliberately given him a speech somewhere there on this street. it’s interesting that he says that as a citizen of russia, he can only criticize russian history, yes, but ukrainian history, what kind of position is this, we have that everyone can only talk about their own history, well , this is a patient position, which he actually is, in general, he said, a man who was like he was separated from a woman, he was like that, and i i can’t get another one. here he is, what is he talking about now, he says that you have nazis fighting in ukraine, who then want to come to power in russia, so you better, please, well, we understand that you have them, you
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have the right to use them as you want, use their services, but when you win later, when they take crimea , please build a dialogue with us, nothing has changed for ten years, some wanted to use hitler so that stalin would fall, the bloody tyrant, history repeats itself every time. only the names change, listen, well, after all, an adult should think two steps ahead, at least, okay, you admit that these are nazis, that they will come to power, that’s why then why would these nazis, in principle, build a dialogue with you, that’s what it’s already ermak likes , wants, thought that ermak would accept his point of view, we are such white, fluffy ones, who are intellectuals for you, liberal publics , and why do you need to conduct a dialogue with some crazy nazis, so it’s better to have a dialogue with us?
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regarding dugin and so on, not everyone agrees with what we are doing in relation to crimea, in relation to belgorod, i would also like to understand what your, no, here there are no... there are no disagreements, there is a war going on and any, that means, all, any military goal in any territory, i wrote this about the prilepin case, and about
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the dugin case, and about tatarsky, i said that prilepin was blown up not as a writer, but as a political instructor of an illegal military formation, and as a writer, he can be read, not to read, but since he declared himself as... truk, yes, from donbass, then he is for the legitimate military goals, these are his, this is his choice, no , well, listen, we use, we use historical analogies, was the murder of goebbels legitimate, let’s say, absolutely legitimate, although he personally did not kill anyone, yes, but the man who incited the war, called for destruction , wartime, legitimate military goals, i’m sad to say this, but that’s how i... preferred, i say again, i would prefer that they were all sitting in the dock, yes, but, but if we talk about a legitimate military goal in time of war, yes, absolutely amateur, it's very, very
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the idea of ​​nuremberg was precisely that this would not be a murder, it would be a legal process, where the nazis are not the barbarians, we are people who respect the law, including the international one initiated by america, supposedly not , america didn’t want to, the prosecutor general of the soviet union was just one of the representatives, look how well shandarovich played it off, they ask him what we are doing on the territory of belgorod. crimea, that is, well, an outright terrorist attack against the mernik, and chirping and so on, so oh, tatar, that is, he translated it into personalities, that is, here he is, it turns out he justifies, justifies, but here you can see, he still went to the side, as it were, on the character, with us, since you no , listen, but the point is that he’s saying what he should have heard, so he’s speaking now, not thinking about the fact that the targets are peaceful people, these are wounded guys. these are children,
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ah, at least, at least i took it on the internet and typed alley in donetsk, i don’t know how you can sink below the plinth when you’re fighting just with the civilian population, when you are at war with grandparents, because all the guys on the front line, in peaceful cities, they are mostly people who are there for some reason with children, this, this for this, for this, you can no longer forgive, well , again, you are appealing to the human, i would say that i generally don’t care about my... conservatism, imperialism, absolutely everything, russia doesn’t care what the reason is, ours is whatever, we are no longer people, to non-humans, yes you can apply untermens, everyone who at least somehow supports russia, well, in any case this was the case before, but now it is enough just to be an ethnic russian or, in principle,
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to live on the territory of russia. fascism , with the help of the world hegemon of the united states of america, has completely degenerated, although many could say so, i believe that fascism has always been their ideology, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe extermination of the indians, yes, that is, how america dealt, the americans dealt with the indigenous population, this is what he wanted to do with the russians, because the germans, and not like the americans, are the highest race in their continent, and the russians are the same indians from whom they need to be taken away...
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isn’t it a dangerous person who wants death, that’s why he mocks the russian people, liberalism is the forerunner of fascism. stalin said scratch a liberal and you will find a fascist, every liberalism has a name, for example, the one we talked about today, thank you for watching us, we will see you soon. hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching the triggers podcast, we are with you, its hosts are psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya,
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psychologist and psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, and leonid is visiting us today. hello, leonid, tell us what you came to us with? hello, i came to you with a request, a problem, i have an eldest son, he is 7 years old, so... my son doesn’t know that i live with another family, that i have two children, twins, he doesn’t care at all knows about your other family, he doesn’t know at all, and why , because i’m afraid of causing him psychological trauma, because i don’t live with him now, i love the child very much, so i’m trying to give him as much as possible everything that’s with me the sides are possible, there’s nothing younger yet they understand that they are 2 years old, they are still growing, but in the future i understand that when they grow up, they will have to communicate as friends.
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when he has matured, because maybe , well, some kind of trauma may occur, yes, psychologically, it can affect the further development of the child, with this question, problem, i came to your program, and where do you even get the idea about what this can cause injury, where do you even get the idea that injuries exist, where do you get the idea that this injury can affect his development, well, always an adult, when he grows... some childhood moments influence, yes, when some traumas, some incidents, they later form his character, shape his personality, well, i even know from myself that some things happened... then moments, yes they could
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very much influence me, and then later, on my relatives, loved ones, that’s who i talked to, i watched, there was such a moment that really happened, then when he became an adult, he for these... what kind of injury do you have, for example, injuries like probably so, but how did you manage to survive without injury? well, there are probably all kinds of traumas, but those that influenced me specifically in childhood, then tell me, what kind of trauma did you see in another person? i have a relative, whatever you want, don’t name people, there’s just one guy, he has this kind of injury. this is why he behaves this way, for example, yes, there was a situation, we were all walking together, and in the gardens of the community, and suddenly the police, although we did nothing, the police were behind us, they started driving, we got scared,
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ran, ran, ran, we are both older was, i have a younger relative, and when we realized that they were catching up with him, we stopped, but he was very scared, after that moment he... was so very fearful and even it seems to me that at some moments he’s just very cautious, he’s afraid of something, and this is one of the moments that i think had an impact. you said that there were some situations that influenced you, okay, you don’t see the injury, but some situations, you can identify, situations, but if it’s straight away, i probably can’t, because well, here a story happened: “the police were following you , you stopped, the guy got scared, it somehow affected him, he became withdrawn because of this , i don’t know, fearful, cowardly, well, it doesn’t matter, careful, cautious, okay,
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and what kind of trauma, in the same context as you just described the reasons for the investigative connection, what kind of trauma are you afraid to inflict on your eldest son, in fact, by introducing him to his brothers, well, i left him, abandoned him, i’m now with other children, i spend time with him because he loves me very much, that’s how i am, just madly, yeah, but... that is, it’s a trauma that he’ll think that you abandoned him because of these children, but i think that maybe it’s great, but now tell me how you spend time with him now, i try to pick him up from school, take him to training, he goes to the pool, that is , almost every day, not every day, we live very far away, because my ex-wife lives in a communal apartment , i live closer to the center, yeah, it takes about an hour there. yes , if you take me for half a day, but two or three
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once a week i’ll generally try, but despite everything, they took him, took him, stayed with him, brought him back home, left, yes, and he’s like, well, let’s just say, that ’s what he gets by with, and you don’t take him to your place home, you don’t introduce him to the children, you don’t introduce him to your current wife, assuming that you told everything... it went well, how will his life change in the context of communicating with you, will he spend more or less time with you ? it may most likely not change in time, but he has resentment may appear, so he will begin to take offense at me, because he is a very sensitive child, he takes everything very close to his heart, so i think that maybe they will bleat, that is, when he knows that he has brothers, when he will know...
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so that the eldest son communicates with the younger ones with his new wife, well then the problem is this, not the child, and also yes, probably, but what a legend for your eldest son, and how do you explain to him why you leaving and not living with him? i explain what to me it’s inconvenient to get far, it’s closer to work , where i live now, and supposedly there’s not enough space , probably, to live, and his mother... supports this legend, you agreed with her that you will tell him that,
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about supporting i can’t say for sure, this is my legend, what i try to explain to him when he asks, well , i think his mother most likely supports him, but how did you agree with his mother when you were breaking up, well, we’re in good, normal relationship, yes, she is still the mother of my child, i try support her there as much as possible, and i treat her very well, this is still not a stranger there, but this is the one... the person who is raising my children, my child, so i try to listen to her and solve some issues together, how did you agree on what you will tell your child? we didn’t agree on the fact that he would n’t communicate, she said: no, you won’t, i don’t want him to be seen communicating with children, because it could traumatize him, including, yes, and also that, well, she also has negative relationships, and have you been separated for a long time? separated, divorced
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for two years, something like that, and separated for three, yeah, and she has a negative relationship, because as i understand it, maybe yes, because i have a new one, because the relationship with that woman may have arisen when you were still married , yes, that is, she has reason to dislike that woman, okay, i’ll tell you approximately how the whole story happened in our country, i lived in the north on yamal, so... with whom can i build?


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