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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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there is no apartment, everything is completely privatized, the house was supposed to be demolished in 2000, then in 2017, they are rebuilding it, people live in monstrous conditions, there was a fire in the house, because there are big problems with the wiring, they extinguished the fire at their own expense, for in order for the house to be recognized as unsafe, the owners, the price of the issue is 15,000 to obtain an opinion, they were already collecting, we were collecting, a woman came, oh, i'm afraid, and we have money...
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yes, we agreed, that's it, thank you very much, i hope we can help these people, head sysert city, dmitry neskovskik is really on official leave, they showed us the documents, we were convinced of this, and since he became mayor of the year, we really hope that with such an award he will really get involved in this problem and solve it like...
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fights , partying , unknown personalities are constantly walking around, and they are knocking down the door to our feet, like a cockroach i’ll walk, like a cockroach i’ll sit down, now you’re sitting down, you’re drinking, we’re drinking, but nothing like that, the fact that she’s molding herself now, hear you, chicken, we sang and made some noise, we drank, baby, that's it, we're going to bed, what lack of spirituality, why drink then, yes, wake up, come here, are you crazy, why wake up, about the dog, the fact that they play at night and then... you have another neighbor, who believes that your problems are nothing compared to the problems of the house itself. good evening, the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikonov. today
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the central election commission summed up the official results of the presidential elections in our country, and today president putin can be considered the officially elected president next term. this is how, in fact, this formal action was carried out, the word goes to the chairman of the central election commission panfilova. i will allow you to put to a vote the draft resolution of the central election commission of russia on the results of the presidential elections of the russian federation scheduled for march 17, 2024. who agrees? who's against it?
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president of the russian federation, with which we can now officially congratulate him on behalf of all our television viewers and, of course, from the entire first channel. well, immediately after this official event took place, the president addressed the citizens, the russians, this is what he said. dear citizens of russia, dear friends, today we have been let down. official voting results for
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the russian presidential election. the election campaign, which is extremely important for our country’s society and citizens, has ended. each candidate had his own approach to solving specific problems. we will definitely use all constructive proposals, all ideas that resonated with voters in our common work in interests of the country's development. the past campaign was intense and extremely responsible, because by and large we were choosing the path that russia would take next, choosing the future for ourselves and our children. and the significance of this event was understood by the absolute majority of voters who came to the elections. thank you for your support. for me this is more important than a formal victory in the elections. this is support for the political and economic course of our country, our overall results,
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which, of course, should be greater, but already today they make russia even stronger and more independent. let's do it. everything so that the large-scale national projects and programs that i recently spoke about in detail in my message are implemented, the elections show that russia today is one big, friendly family, we are walking together along the historical path we have chosen, confident in ourselves, in our strengths and in our future . thank you. olegorievich tsarev, one of the most prominent deputies of the ukrainian rada, at a time when it was still legitimate, we are very glad to see you, in good health here, in the big game studio, we haven’t seen you since the beginning of the war, the beginning of a special military operation, well, now you have already taken
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part in the elections, because the president of the russian federation, that’s what you felt at home , where you voted, and in moscow, when you already we came here from...
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the russian volunteer corps, which was in the kursk region, was advancing to the territory of belgorod, rdk, they said, they said, no, it’s not us, it’s the russians. themselves against each other, it all looked funny, because it’s the same as even hitler, unlike zelensky, didn’t protested and did not deny that vlastov’s army is part of the german army, just as these detachments are part of the naturally ukrainian army in the ssus and equipment, weapons and everything else, yes, but it must be said that there were not only ukrainian armed forces, there were a large number of romanians there, like...
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ball, including in our country, this holiday is more than 3,000 years old, they say it became official in the achimenid empire in persia. the prophet muhammad moved from mecca to medina,
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it was from this time that summer was calculated, and in iran it was solar hijja, this is not the one that others use , why is it solar, because it is all designed specifically for the spring equinox, it is at the point of the spring equinox that the new year begins in iran, in afghanistan, well, in other countries where this is... a tradition now is present, and you know who was one of, and perhaps the most important ideologist of the transition to this calendar, where it came from, it was a great scientist, mathematician, astronomer of the 11th-12th century, who really became famous mainly as a poet, the great persian poet. amarhayam, so this is the story, and of course, in iran
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this is a big holiday, and ayet aminii made quite important speeches in some places, even in several, including talking about how relations with the united states are being built. the demonstration of the power of resistance violated all the calculations of the americans and their plans to establish their dominance over the countries of the region. the power of the resistance disrupted all their plans and showed that the americans are not only unable to establish their dominance in the region, they are not even able to maintain their position in the region and forced to leave him. these events showed that the zionist regime is not only incapable of self-defense, but is faced with a crisis in the matter of exiting the crisis situation, because having invaded gaza, it is stuck in a swamp and now , no matter what, it will get out. well, we congratulate our iranian friends, now fabrix partners, on the new year,
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a photo of sergei vikovich lavrova has already leaked through, and this is not accidental, and not entirely in connection with navruz, it’s just his birthday today, too, we wholeheartedly , congratulations sergei viktorovich on this wonderful day and wish him great success, strength , of course, victories in the diplomatic field, well, ivan alekseevich and i are in iran -
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which you showed, they very clearly indicate that iran, as a country, is very important in composition of the world majority , but the americans are still afraid that everyone is angry about them and wants to annoy them, yes, they want to create some kind of trouble for them, but what did the iranian leader say, that they are driving themselves into a corner, instead of to change something in your behavior.
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the way out of this, as a rule, is either escalation, or at the same time it may also be that they are recruiting someone from their own vassals, so all last week this week we... are watching how the americans are trying to betray one of their most loyal vassals , whom they had previously set against, and now supported, and now they are leaking, this is of course the government, and, by the way, today blinken is in saudi arabia, everyone noticed that again, as in his previous visit, bensalman
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did not display the american flag, in general demonstrated everything that he thinks about the united states of america and... it is clear that the reception there is clearly somewhat sour, especially the blinkin police and members of the delegation, this is clearly visible, so israel is really not in the best shape , the united states says, that they are ready to almost settle for a peaceful formula there, and obviously without taking into account the opinion of israel, which wants to fight the war to a victorious end, but today the ukrainian armed forces continued to strike at the belgorod region. unfortunately, this continues rd, the ukrainians also entered, tried to enter our territory, with very sad means for them, but our armed forces dealt a powerful blow, including for the first time in a month and a half, our missiles arrived in kiev, and, of course, the ukrainian side said that there were
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29 missiles, of which 31 missiles were shot down, well, this is ukrainian arithmetic, it always does not agree with... universal human arithmetic, and mar khayyam would clearly not agree with it. boris aleksandrovich rozhen is in direct contact with us now. boris alexandrovich, what news do you have regarding the strike and the situation on the northern military district fronts in general? good evening. yes, indeed, the strike turned out to be quite good, despite the enemy’s statement that supposedly all the missiles were shot down; several hits were confirmed on defense facilities and military logistics facilities. that is, and it is noted that the kiev cart, due to the fact that part of the complexes was removed and taken to the donbass to cover the troops, worked much worse, in fact, which made it easier for our military to carry out these strikes, and the strikes were also carried out in other regions of ukraine, in addition to kiev, this is the right bank of the dnieper, the zaporozhye region, the kharkov region, serious damage was also caused to the military infrastructure, in
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fact, as the president said, we could, of course, as an enemy, engage in shelling of residential buildings and kill civilians. under control, well, we have advanced a little north of novomikhailovka, in the marinka area we continue to fight for georgievka, we have a small advance in krasnogorovka, in the navdeevsky direction ministry of defense today confirmed the end of the battles
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for thin, the village has been completely liberated, now all we have to do is put the squeeze on the berdach, after that all... that our troops have advanced a little in the disputed area and are also fighting in belogorovka itself, well, in the svatovo-kupyansk direction, the main the fighting took place north of tabaevka in the senkovka area, here the initiative was also ours. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rorent, for, as always, an accurate analysis of what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation. well, uh,
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indeed, our armed forces retain strategic initiative in many ways, thanks to their technical...
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protests against boris pistorius, almost complete control of society. all forces that advocate peace with russia are immediately denounced and called nazis. for a moment he has the ambitions of a chancellor, at least, but for him germany alone is not enough. atlantic bridge versus crimean bridge, the meaning of a political symbol. the awkward situation of boris pistorius. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one.
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transfer her across the maidan. final series. watch the time after the program. there is information that they want to liquidate you. i was born in crimea. crimea is a place where the soul yearns. our beloved artek. artek is a full-fledged operation of nine camps, the sports and recreation complex has been renovated. six dining centers have been restored. we received land as a large family. six acres on the seashore, here live truly strong people who wanted to return home and did so, where is the style of the reunification of crimea with russia,
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the premiere of the documentary series, tomorrow on first. let's pour water, friends, and answer your questions about water on water resources day, this and much more in the program live healthy! tomorrow on the first. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room. several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it were already real physically exists. our company is engaged in development and production.
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roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want find out the truth, you know dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years? exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday first. and when you entered into an inheritance,
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did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. probably the only love in my life. graffiti is everywhere in sao paulo. it's true that you can choose any place in the city. and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, they won’t put you in jail, but they will give you a rather large fine, what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone's husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's equally, or coffee - it's just bliss, the lives of others, premieres sunday on the first. big game live. western
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politicians who came to kiev usually arranged their visit with great pomp. and then suddenly salevan, assistant to the us president for national security, traveled to kiev secret visit. well i think the symptom is clearly there. why did you go? well? it’s not very clear, that’s what the washington post wrote. national security adviser jake sullivan secretly visited ukraine on wednesday to reaffirm u.s. support for the beleaguered ally. during his trip , salewan tried to drum up enthusiasm for the military action, which president biden hopes will become a symbol of his administration's leadership in the fight against autocratic aggression. ukrainian officials warn that morale is falling
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as the war continues. whether it’s a trump card , maybe left in the bargain, maybe pushed a little into the background, we need to get an idea of ​​the possibility of the kiev regime, we really need to get an idea of ​​the extent to which there may still be time in the kiev powder flasks, because we are, of course, talking about the period until november, at least this year, but it seems to me personally that the administration is in some kind of
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strategic decision or... semi-strategic, what to do with ukraine, here in the course of the presidential campaign, and i think a lot depends on this visit, and i personally think that we really need to look at the consequences, in this regard, i just want to draw interesting parallels, we knew about a month and a half ago in i came to kiev and looked at the situation there too, some time passed and she announced that she was resigning at the end of march. so i think that today the administration cannot really count on positive news from this direction, but nevertheless it’s quite obvious that some decisions will be made at the strategic level, well, you see, the place hasn’t been prayed for, well, he retired, now salya he’s arrived, so anything can happen, but zelensky’s curse, it’s inescapable here, but for now , as it appears.
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americans advise ukraine to rely more on its own forces, there is a lot of talk about this now, from the american side, here is the latest washington post, there is an article that ukraine should produce its own weapons, but the truth is that something is not working out for them, let’s listen, ukrainian while defense companies are racing to meet the army's biggest need by creating their own 155mm shells to nato standards, these rounds are in desperately short supply. at the front, but an ukroboronprom official said production would not begin until the second half of this year. exact production data is not disclosed due to security reasons, but a whole list of difficulties from lack of sufficient funding to finding enough gunpowder does not allow ukrainian industry to expand production. well, the head of the nato military committee, rob bauer, made a number of statements, but the main one, i think, is that,
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in general, ukraine needs. a plan was adopted, or rather a new strategy for waging war, which was then very beautifully and poetically called a war of attrition, then after the failed offensive they began to talk about the curse of the first world war, zaluzhny wrote two whole articles, or rather an article and gave a huge interview in which he talked about that the modern military system has changed so much that the offensive began to give way to the defense, and that in
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general this is a curse... the main problem for the armed forces of ukraine, of which american advisers are well aware, is that per day, as it were , fewer people are caught than are lost at the front, and for them this of course, an extremely depressing thing, while, of course, they
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were forced to admit that the russian army has changed radically, russian aviation, which returned to the front last summer, these famous ompcs, that is, began to play a huge role. who now heads the committee of chiefs of staff, his idea is to transfer the war as much as possible to the territory of russia, that is, i will remind you that if before this for almost a year and a half there was a taboo everywhere, so to speak, in all american media, in western media , what does it mean that ukraine can enter
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the territory of russia or somehow influence , that is, it was necessary, as they said, to liberate its territory plus crimea, and russia is like a taboo, then today , mind you, for more than a month they are not considered anything. that is, there is constant shelling of our territories, there were attempts to enter during the elections, to create a new front, which was supposed to force us to throw reserves from the front in order to kick them out of this territory, but it is obvious that this is exactly the transition to such an indiscriminate war, it is very fraught for the ukrainians themselves, because , of course, one way or another, but in the near future we will close, including... the belgorod and kursk border from the main shelling, of course, now the task will be to really, how to throw it away ukrainian troops from the border, but this will be a subsequent task, and the most important thing is that
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the americans understand very well that all these decisions cannot change anything, that is , the course of the war itself is following a very bad trajectory, that is, the ukrainian army is depleted, thinned out, there are huge problems with the command
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of the bolgorod region, and there, of course, the blow that was dealt to kiev, i think it is absolutely connected with what they are doing in the belgorod region, in any case , kiev did not suffer for a month and a half, today got it and got it hard, but nok anatolyevich, i understand that you don’t miss the verkhovna rada, but nevertheless, i want to send you there today too, now it’s on fire there... petro poroshenko, he is now almost the main oppositionist , and he raises questions that, in general, relate to how ukraine will generally survive in this situation. let's listen to what he said. so,
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the earth is burning. the earth is burning along its entire length, from kupinsk to kherson. when in 2021 we demanded an increase in funding for the armed forces, there were such grins, like now, when we demand a keyword.
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then they limited it, restricted it, made deputies banned from traveling, and as soon as it happened that as soon as they made deputies banned from traveling, the residents of ukraine also became banned from traveling, but now this is not the main intrigue, in any case, parliament, no matter how much its role is belittled, is the place forces in and place of power in ukraine, the president can have real power only when there is support in parliament, there is no support.
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situation, let's remember how i formed
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the biggest problems in the servant of the people, who formed the servant of the people? igor valerievich kolomoisky and bogdan, former head of administration. the president's office, both of them are in trouble right now. one is in prison, the other is in opposition. many people, deputies, are personally focused on these, these two characters. and the opposition is building its own. what they want, they want there to be no votes in parliament, now , if you see, it is being postponed, then for some laws they are collecting votes situationally, for some they are not collecting, in the servants of the people 40 people wrote a statement when leaving parliament, this parliamentary mandate, if you buy it instead of on the list in ukraine, it comes to $8 million, if people are ready to hand over the parliamentary mandate on their own, this... this is very serious, this will never happen happened in the history of ukraine, why? because they are scared,
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because they see that the current government is leading to such a state, this is the state ukraine is in now, that someone will be responsible for the actions that zelensky is now committing, but answering is not your responsibility. they will spit on your back, now they will throw a grenade, how many tables, weapons there are in ukraine, they are afraid, they write statements. and now they are waiting for zelensky to agree that he cannot pass a single law, what will happen first? first, he will need to extend the martial law, because if he doesn’t get the votes to extend the martial law, what ’s next, the borders need to be opened, otherwise the people are being held back deconstitutionally, and mobilization, mobilization is everything else, that is, everything is covered, everything stops, that’s it one... poroshenko is waiting
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may 20, may 20, why, because it is exactly 5 years from zelensky’s inauguration, in our constitution of ukraine it is written that the president is elected for 5 years and there are no reservations that the term will be extended if by that time... .. the parliamentary crisis is in full swing, zelensky’s legitimacy is in question, then petro poroshenko comes up and says: listen, we need to give in, lend a shoulder for zelensky, we are all ukrainians, we need it, we are all at once, and let’s create a coalition government, then, what are they talking about americans, and i even agree, in the sense that petro poroshenko will head this government, and
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this is a disaster for zelensky, now events are developing in ukraine, in parliament according to this scenario, and... petro poroshenko wants to do this in such a way that he supposedly has nothing to do with it, it all kind of turned out this way, he doesn’t want to be accused of disrupting the situation in the country when there is a war, organizing political intrigues there, no, he wants it to turn out like this and he just helps, he he is on a white horse, he is a savior, he helps ukraine, he helps zelensky, then he resets him, that’s the kind of intrigue, yes, spiders in jars.
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but ukraine will feel this seriously , that is, in principle there can be no relations there, but what about the european union , which held a summit today and is going to destroy our gold and foreign exchange reserves, after advertising, they took it to the house of the commoners, if in the near future... it is not resolved, questions will be raised about the annexation of crimea to russia. snipers i coordinate it myself. and this great ukrainian dream, it looks exactly like this. the most important thing now is to prevent bloodshed. take her
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across the maidan, final episode. watch the time after the program. there is information that they want you. regarding the destruction of the bridge, there is an opinion that taurus will succeed. russia wanted to embarrass us, divide our unity and undermine our support for kiev. the germans are trying to figure out how to bomb the crimean bridge, but this is a russian hybrid war. who exactly was responsible for leaking this information? we found a simple initiate, but the rest of this crowd. all the forces that advocate peace with russia are immediately slandered, called nazis, he
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has the ambitions of a chancellor at a minimum, but for him germany alone is not enough. the atlantic bridge against crimean, the meaning of a political symbol, the awkward position of boris pistorius, the dolls of tutti's heir, today on the first. this is the program, you saw the video. my name is nikolai drozdov. this was the first time i had seen such contact between a person and a whale. is it scary with whales? not really, he was blowing bubbles he blew bubbles, and i popped them. i don't know about you, but i just love cleaning. we bought him a ball for his birthday, took a long time to choose it and he destroyed it in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to go outside. it's always new year's eve, it's always a housewarming party if the owner is with you, have you seen the video? watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first. alena alexandrovna, let’s be more attentive to our work.
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that's all for today, right? there is a reward, and he drives like a fish in water. is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? so exactly. in any department of the city, your fame will precede you. we are launching. experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to a taxi driver and a taxi, and if necessary, a taxi with the help built-in...
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they will do everything for him, we are working, an undercover taxi, the premiere is on monday. on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. ah, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but i got it. come here. will you catch it? i was in the studio. dozens of people saw me. you keep lying, why are you lumping everything together, huh? we will get used to living separately, but we will still separate. well, understand, we don’t decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, from those known to you. the nichaev spouses have received a statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to be together with my
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wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to... break up, hello, lyon, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, that’s all, life after life, premiere of a multi-episode movie, coming soon to the first one. big game at the first in brussels, another the european union summit, a rare summit without
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another package of sanctions against russia, has apparently been burned out on all the previous ones, but now they are discussing the actual question that josep borel had already voiced the day before. let's listen. i hope that the european council will approve my proposal. 90% of the proceeds from frozen russian assets to the european peace fund in addition to 5 billion euros to increase military support for ukraine. we are doing this for the european peace fund because the european union cannot use its budgetary resources for purchasing weapons. the european peace foundation, as an intergovernmental fund, can do this. the remaining 10% will be allocated from the eu budget for the reconstruction needs of ukraine to support the strengthening of its defense and industrial potential. and now, before echavel, it became known that this decision would not be made either, because hungary seemed
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to object, in general, of course, the cynicism was amazing. yes, the peace fund, it turns out, was created solely so that money could be sent to ukraine. peace is war. orvel. we saw clearly that the month or a year and a half ago, in general, european politicians rushed to washington to put pressure on the us congress to finally get the problem of military and economic assistance to ukraine off the ground. nothing happened; today everything stands still. that’s when, strictly speaking, it gets up. european countries are already faced with the question: what to do with ukraine in conditions when, as we say, the situation there is worsening, without raising the clock, then, in general , one very important thing turns out that the european union must really take themselves most of the economic responsibility, the european union now, in general, or the countries of nato or the european union, this is the same thing,
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the military is already beginning to provide assistance to ukraine to a greater extent. let’s look today from the point of view of how they say it in washington, because washington says, at least trump, let europe take on greater responsibility, it turns out one thing, what ivan alekseevich said is excellent, not only the united states , but also europe, then it begins to drive itself into a corner, very good, so let her take on this responsibility, this is the situation brussels finds itself in today, and if they want to take our money, then we will take their money, send it no longer to our peace fund, which deals with peace issues, to the ministry defense, which is doing what it needs to do, but there are growing sentiments in europe that are clearly at odds with what will be voiced today in brussels. here is giuseppe conte, until recently the prime minister of italy, by the way, here he is at parliamentary debate expresses this point of view, let's listen. we ask ourselves, and we
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ask you, what about the bet you made on a military victory over russia? you see that all the predictions for military victory, for the collapse of the russian economy, for the collapse of the putin regime have failed, what have we achieved with this military strategy, death and destruction, we have gone into debt to send more and more weapons to the bitter end for endless escalation , and you deserve as a prize a kiss on the head for the loyalty you promised biden and which you demonstrated to washington, you don’t even want...
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as for the proposal put forward by france regarding possible direct military intervention. our position is not in favor of this plan; it is a harbinger of dangerous escalation and should be avoided at all costs. they simply understand very well, especially the people who still... are really engaged in what is called the defense complex, that there are no real prerequisites for a more or less successful war with russia, modern european armies are in the state is, well, let’s say, deplorable, they can be considered as expeditionary armies that are capable of complementing what they have been doing for 20 years, the large expeditionary
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forces of the united states, and there are several squadrons, there are several brigades to be sent, so to speak, under american patronage, rolling out iraq or syria there or anyone, they can, but there is really no fighting, because there is no equipment for this, no weapons, no ammunition, not only miloni understands, today barel, who yesterday was going to bully us, today also did something interesting statement, let's listen, there is no need to scare people by saying that war is inevitable, the need to support ukraine is inevitable, this is not about dying for donbass, this is... about helping ukrainians so that they are not killed for donbass or not they were killed in kiev when it was being bombed , well, in general, olegolievich, in kiev they understand that they are now simply being left to their own devices, that the ground is being pulled out from under their feet , that’s the most important thing - this is not a parliamentary crisis, the most important thing is not even disruption of arms supplies, not
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constitutional. we have a look at the gross product of the western countries and russia, we are now going to tear them apart, we are done , now there will be sanctions, russia will die, and volunteers came, there really were volunteers, they stood in lines, they signed up, and
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it was all over, and now the first psychological crisis has superimposed on the second, and the elites were the first to surrender, the elites realized that the further the war goes, the worse, yes, the more territory is lost, the cheaper their assets, politicians realized that...
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and it’s very good that they don’t even believe it, yes, but we didn’t know, so you know everything, then you don’t say that you didn’t know something , they told you everything, but i want to say, it
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was very vividly described that the people are really at a loss in ukraine, and what role they were assigned, because we let it slip a few months ago, nazi germany in 1944 , the west looks at them with exactly this perspective, yes, the west... looks at them simply as a bargaining chip or at people as just human material that was thrown into the furnace of war, who must continue to die for the interests of the west, our the cause is right, the enemy will be defeated victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return, don’t miss 23:00. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you.


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