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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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so from the front to the back, so, well, please, reproduce us, thus, here accordingly, but at the court hearings tagirov refused his testimony, he will spend the rest of his life in prison. svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, liliya zorina, natalya sidorova, kristina neznanova and anatoly mineev. first channel kazan. a patient who had an electronic chip implanted in his brain learned to play chess using the power of his thoughts. this is the footage that came from the usa, a completely paralyzed man moving pieces on a chessboard on computer screen. everything looks as if he does it with just one glance and he himself is clearly delighted with his new capabilities. i haven't been able to do much in the last couple of years, like this, for example. i used to use a special mouse, but now i can control my laptop.
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the power of thought, look, the cursor is moving across the screen , it’s me, it’s all me, pretty cool, the device was developed by elon musk’s company for 8 years, experiments were first carried out on animals, and recently at the end of january the operation was performed on a person, as the patient himself says, his life after that it began to change, the developer company believes that in the future such chips will help immobilized people, at least control a computer. that's all for now, we are monitoring developments. the information channel on the first will continue the program time will tell, hello , live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about the most important, most current events, including to a large extent in the light of the international situation about events contact... and we will talk as always
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interested, sincerely as always, but i want to start this program with birthday greetings to a person for whom, unlike all of us, who discuss this very sincerely and involvedly, in a sense it is our job, but in a sense it is our hobby, and most importantly, in general, we don’t have a very big... happy birthday to lavrova , our minister of foreign affairs, for whom everything that we are discussing here, sometimes with difficulty restraining, so to speak, our emotions, is daily work and i i imagine, how much he sometimes wants to say and comment on, but as a rule he cannot.
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because he is a professional of the highest flight, a diplomat - so to speak, well, from god, this, i can’t even say that this is a difficult job, i can’t imagine how especially in the current situation, and the current situation is already 10 years old, if not more, that’s all - well, sergei viktorovich manages to withstand, endure, and so on, so the main wish is patience, health, but nevertheless this... worthiness, nevertheless this feeling a very subtle, restrained humor for which our minister of foreign affairs is famous, and we all know that, of course, inside he sometimes gives very subtle and accurate assessments of what is happening, these are not always entirely diplomatic, we all use them, i think i would very much appreciate gave it to listen to how sergei viktorovich, in an informal setting
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, discusses what we are discussing here with you on the air, it seems to me that this would be just a wonderful cross-section of the analysis of the modern international political situation, well, as they say, happy birthday to anyone, sergey viktorovich, all the best, advertising, we’ll be back later. poris pistorius, his personal and military initiative. regarding the destruction of the bridge, there is an opinion that taurus will succeed. russia wanted to put us in harm's way.
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complete control of society, all the forces that advocate peace with russia are immediately denounced, called nazis, for a second he has at least the ambitions of a chancellor, but for him there is only germany. the awkward situation of boris pestorius. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. today we will introduce you to a man whose work day by day causes more and more interest. this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me. to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to make, it does not exist, we continue our series of
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half-hour portrait programs and want to present to you dmitry sovietsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years, i came to my beloved woman and through by... the day i realized that it didn’t exist, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is not the soviet union, this is the language in which i write, it was so really poor moscow bohemia , who lived on bad wine and good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby. motador is on first tomorrow. kvn. major league. new season. on saturday, on the first. there is a reward. how does he drive? behind the wheel
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he's like a fish in water. is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? yes sir. in any department of the city, your glory is yours. " we are launching an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, a taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to a taxi driver and a taxi, and, if necessary, with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator, the taxi turns into a police car at the touch of a button, not a car, and the beast, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find the gunner, we cover the gang, our people among yours
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will do everything for him. we work, undercover taxi, premiere. from monday on the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i will see the light, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re still lying, why you're lumping everything into one pile, but we'll get used to living separately, we'll break up anyway, well, understand, it's not us we decide, and then come up with something, and so on... yes, a statement was received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, will begin to live together in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i’ll tell lenka right now that
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i’m leaving, after all, not she will be the first, she will cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions. life after life premiere of the serial the movie is on first soon. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, discuss the events taking place , discuss where they are heading and what possible scenarios for the further development of these events, primarily bearing in mind our conflict with the american-centric west, which in itself is of course part of the big
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perestroika, reshaping, i don’t know, shuffling the current world order, which has already begun to slowly crumble, because it was dominated. the united states as a hegemon after 1991 of the year. the hegemon is no longer the same coat, but no one knows what will come to replace this order. and in general, everything that is happening , by and large, is, well... a new disposition of forces, and under a certain, it seems to me, completely incomprehensible to no one else, a new world order, and on the way to this, today we have an important, important milestone, since today the results of the presidential elections of the russian federation were officially announced, this is important because it has been officially confirmed that the leader... of our nation, the president and supreme commander-in-chief, let's say, reconfirmed its mandate of legitimacy both before the law and
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before the country, of course, for us this is quite enough, considering the turnout figures , considering the voting results, there are a lot of voices about this, especially from europe , they somehow tried to do something there, as the election winner likes to say, to tease out , well, by the way, for those who are teasing about... about the fact that they recognize the elections, they don’t recognize the elections, i, in general, you know, am a supporter of compromises, i have a compromise proposal, who does not recognize just these results ended elections of the president of the russian federation, or may continue to consider the previous president of the russian federation legitimate, and it seems to me that the dispute will be settled, and most importantly, everyone will remain to their own, we are democratic and polite people, so you don’t like the one who i have now chosen. consider the previous one legitimate, and we are, in general, as they say, peaceful people, which means that regarding
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those who chime in on time or at the wrong time, i mentioned the european, because then several statements followed, sullivan from states and potel, there is also such a figure there, well, it’s like he’s official, well, at lower levels, that means about what you know, let’s talk about the realities, the realities are like that, well, actually about... which is what i say, the realities are such that here is the president of the russian federation putin, you need to deal with him, but the lari publica newspaper gave further confirmation of this, that there is some discrepancy on this matter, that it is lari publica who writes the italian newspaper, which means anthony blinken blocked the text of the statement of large countries seven with condemnation consisting well this is blah blah blah pulling up, italy is present there, where as we know.
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same newspapers, they either have coffee, then lunch, then a smoke break, then they just talk to them
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for nothing, well, holy people, dolchuvita, holy business, but in general, there is no refutation from la repubblica yet, so we will assume that there is there are some discrepancies between the european leaders, and therefore, accordingly, the main shir khan, but be that as it may, we all understand perfectly well that the president and supreme commander-in-chief of the russian federation, vladimir putin, still working. regardless of who thinks what, who says what and what they write, and i don’t know, due to the fact that well, the elections are some kind of important milestone that simply reconfirmed the very reality that the americans are talking about, you can is it possible to say that now a new stage will begin according to some criteria, in our confrontation, in the political, on the battlefield and so on, i don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or something? well, the sign is that just today, the day when
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the official election results were announced russian federation, and the ministry of defense reported that high-precision weapons carried out attacks on military and double infrastructure facilities on the territory of the ukrainian reich, and we know that from confirmations from that side, official ones, that among the objects where... our high-precision weapons flew was kiev , why am i saying that maybe this is a coincidence, but maybe this is not a coincidence, because actually 44 days, 44.
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well, i’ll try, as it were, according to your entire preview , first of all, regarding the leaked information, the public is very close to reality, but that is, it is close to what we know, but well, this is not a two-story story , it’s a three-story story, because of course i don’t believe that the document was prepared by the italians, who
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would allow them, of course the americans did it, and after that they do everything for you don’t like the italians, i see, no, on the contrary , well, they then... the last lines that salevan, the national security adviser, supported the original statement, yes, and after that blinken blocked him for a second, versions larry public on yes, for a second, these are the two closest biden employee, one in the white house, the second in a year. i mean from different wings, yes, these are different, these are different groups, political too, not just geographical, that is, why am i saying this, to the conclusion, we are now observing a process, and it is significant for understanding what is happening here too , because any war, especially if it lasts 2 years, it always becomes a reason
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for the creation of public or non-public blocs, alliances , advisors, intelligence, space and so on, we have already talked about the twenty-fourth year, tied to the elections, that in the twenty -first year there will be more politics than war, in contrast to the twenty-third year, where there was more war than politics, yeah, and the elections are really significant here in the united states, in europe, in britain , unlike us, there will be big changes everywhere, and as a result, by
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the twenty-fourth year, this public coalition, which... it began to crack, but crack not in the sense of falling apart, they began to have a lot of politics within themselves, and you tell me, even inside so much so that inside even washington, even washington, yes, just like in berlin , internal discord is also already beginning, yes, why is this starting, but because the outcome of the special military operation is a foregone conclusion, it is a matter of time, unfortunately, the price. for us too , but it is a foregone conclusion, everyone understands this, and they understand it too, they begin to model their existence in that post-war future, and this is the reason for all these quarrels, squabbles, mutual accusations, blackmail that have begun, listen, i i really like everything you do you say, although i force myself
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to doubt it very much, i’m generally good at this, well, kind of doubt it, but... i can’t help but ask you, when you say that the result of a special military operation, it is predetermined, if you say that it is predetermined, then this means that you have some idea about well , some contours of predetermination, and you say that they know this too, then please describe to me what kind of predetermination of the outcome of the svo they know, from -why in your logic, if i understood it correctly, they already have internal contradictions are crackling, what are these foregone conclusions? such that it is a foregone conclusion, i first add one more sentence to the previous words, that they begin to formulate for themselves a post for each personally, not for parties, that is.
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what do we want, what can we do? well, it seems to me that you are greatly generalizing, if everyone planned what they want, they don’t, it’s just that some plan for one day, others for 10 years, but everyone has a personal strategy, with one exception, maybe two, i have repeatedly compared personal strategies kiev, this idiot zelensky , and our supreme commander-in-chief, of course , this great comparison, and this is simply indicative, because they are on different sides of this scale, they are on different sides of this scale, yes, we
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always say that on on different sides of this scale there are slightly different people, and not the dotyrok, as you called him, this is just a flower in the hole, which he, he is important to me for qualitative comparison, because look, in zelensky’s personal strategy, there is no strategy for the future of ukraine, huh? word at all, he thinks about whether they will take him out, kill him, when he thinks about his future? how do you draw this conclusion? because from his behavior, from how it is going there, how mobilization is going there, because of the military decisions that he insists on, which contribute to the collapse of ukraine, that is, he does not have ukraine there, for qualitative comparison, why am i saying about two people, well, two, whom i know are putin and sidinpin, but putin is definitely personal...
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and what is the most important decision for you? the question of what they think, what we think, this is the formulation of victory, uh-huh, that’s what we entrusted to him, because each of us has a different image of victory, it was not predetermined for us, this is a great domestic one, it was given, finish off the reptile in its den, go to berlin, bang, yes, there are a lot of dens and a lot of troubles, they flow, besides , the minister of defense is clear about this here. he said clearly, yes, we must inflict military defeat on the armed forces of ukraine, yeah, that is, the task has been set for the army, in in relation to all this, and we entrusted
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such a heavy mandate to vladimir vladimirovich, so that he, that is, we gave him the right, to formulate an image of victory, with which we agree, because we ourselves gave him this right, an interesting thought, by the way, here's the question, you say, you just said
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, as i said, that for 44 days nothing arrived in kiev, but today it arrived, and judging by the reports that, well, the ministry of defense, it should, it’s still very says rather abstractly, yes, ah many transcripts, including from that side, say that there is a drone factory there and that the ship has arrived at some point, and so on and so forth, but even today an important thing is that the minister of defense received a report at the enterprise where they produce factories, that the production of fabs 1500 has been doubled, mass production of fabs 300 has been organized since february , why it seems to me that this is very important, and it’s not just something like that, well, what is called a working moment, the fact is that professional factories 1500
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fighters are already groaning. ukroreikha not the first week, and i wrote about it, we talked about it this week, i reported about it, they’re just howling, here’s an example of how they’re howling about it on cnn, where they write about these same 1500 factories, well , controlled, when they groan from thousands of hundreds and they say that this has changed the situation critically today, they are told that the guys actually have three thousand meters on the way...
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but after that he told them: return to normal people and comply, this time he’s finished differently, yeah, he said: “ okay, then we’ll act like this too but how convenient it is for us, by and large we don’t give a damn, like you, about everything restrictive , yes, well, at the same time we are new, this is a new putin, this is a different rhetoric, i agree with you, but at the same time this is new, in in a sense of the word, the enemy, because over the last
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week the shelling of belgorod has increased manifold, and 18 people have died there and about 100 have already been wounded, and 9,000 children have already been taken out of belgorod, and today i saw in the news that the head of the grayvoronovo urban district recommended to everyone residents of the district temporarily move from there to the yaroslavl region, so we are still talking about the fact that this is possibly a new stage.
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history, therefore, speaking about different stages , the intermediaries, well, they acquire a strange one, let’s try to understand what kind of stage is on the other side, and by that side i mean, of course, no kiev and no, as i said, nedotyrka, nedotikom as not dotika, here are the real beneficiaries, salleon. the same jake about whom you said that he was from one of the wings, he came, i really like i like it, he secretly came to kiev , so secretly that they wrote about it in all the newspapers, it was burns who came before on a secret visit, now sullivan came on a secret visit, and having arrived on a secret visit, he secretly spoke somewhere in official place, among the secret things that we said at this meeting, i mean, quite interesting words, listen, i stood on the podium of the white
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house... and said that ukraine must win, i said here today that ukraine must win , and what does it mean? this means that ukraine is emerging from this war sovereign, independent and free. that russia had already lost in this war, what russia intended to do was to erase ukraine from the map, to erase the very idea of ​​being ukrainian from history. this has already failed. the attack on your capital failed because the ukrainians stood up and defended kiev. putin has failed to crush ukraine's democratically elected government. when i listened to this, i even, well, i thought that maybe some link was broken, and these were some performances there, summer, there... after after here what is the name of this non-charitable charity, but what was it called, and gestures of goodwill, that’s all i think something is probably wrong, a broken link because it ’s all rhetoric, a training manual, and let’s say a message
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speaking political science with which they encouraged them in the spring of twenty-two in the fall of twenty-two what russia has already lost kiev and defended ukraine exists and this is already a victory, but... against that background they were told this with this shortcoming, but at the same time they added that we will support you and supply you with weapons as much as necessary, in time or in terms of volume, today they get this old mossy manual of some kind, very pretentious, all this sounds against the backdrop of conversations in their own press that lately, there have been a lot of articles about ramstein, that lately...
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now you need be prepared to shut up these problems with your lives, he says this directly, and he is not the only one who says so, just a few days ago there was linsigram, who said the same thing verbatim: we need more soldiers on the line front, you need to reduce the age of mobilization, that is, from the talk that you are fighting, and we will give you everything, as much as you need, the talk goes to the point that it doesn’t matter how much we give you. you have to shut this up with people, no matter what the cost, how do we decipher it, is it suspicious that this is some kind of misinformation, or that they, after all, also have some kind of internal, different stage? this is a big hitch in the west, a lot of
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fatigue in the west and some squabbling in the west, we don’t need to exaggerate this, because the general anti-russian orientation remains the same, but what called salevan was cruelly framed, because he was going to kiev, roughly speaking , empty, so, that is, the 300 million dollars that he said, i even thought i heard it, these are rubles on you, you can’t deny yourself anything , that’s right, but he had the hope that... there would be a decision, so to speak, supposedly prepared by italy, that, therefore, the russian elections are, in quotes, a farce, here, guys, i didn’t bring you money, i didn’t bring you a weapon, but here’s a piece of paper, please wipe it off, and so to speak, spend some time, it was deprived even this consolation, and his own partner deprived him of it, yes, they always have friction there, but nevertheless, why is this?
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that when everyone sees that there is a year ahead, when everything is not, in fact, even deeper, the point is, the owner is a mess, yeah, the code is from the house, the mice are dancing, everyone begins to realize their wonderful interests, they coincide in many ways, in part hatred towards us, these interests to... unfortunately coincide, but inside the interest is different, we see macron,
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who is trying to become napoleon again, we see, this reminds me of a joke, yes, i i want to go to paris again, have you been to paris , no, i already wanted to once, yes, in general, he is trying to pretend to be napoleon, quite strongly, we see scholz, who is trying to revive german industry, even if only in part for the military.
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here we are in difficult times, this is superimposed on this, this is superimposed on the actual interest of european politicians, european politicians in most countries have a real problem, a drop in living standards, this is a real problem, it is painful there, what can be done to make people distracted from survival, in 15 merkel, for personal physical safety, dragged one and a half million meters. now there is a slightly different agenda, we need to kindle the fire of military
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expectations, we need to kindle military hysteria so that everyone thinks, first, the terrible russians are coming, second, we are losing money not because these idiots are destroying europe, but we are losing money because all our strength to fight the russians, and third, when there are a sufficient number of unemployed people, some of them can be processed as meat for... a genetic kidney was transplanted into a patient
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modified pig, it was specially modified for this purpose, a kidney was transplanted. small nuance: the patient turned out to be african-american and in connection with this it’s not with us here, i don’t know about religion, hardly , hardly, but in connection with this the topic arose that damn, how badly blacks live in america, they really do much poorer than the whites, but the whites... the ukrainians have enough forgings on their kidneys, african americans have to make scientific achievements, the goal of american politicians is to have ukrainian kidneys... regarding europe now of course, let's continue the conversation, well, i know that you are such a europhile, it sounds something like that, well, yes, well, within the framework, a europhile - you are definitely a francophile, in today's, in today's
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context, it sounds ambiguous, so let's say this , a person who is interested in europe, exactly, who is interested in europe, he has such an indifferent interest, but on the other hand, i remember, at one time, for many years, you, in general, well, read , thought, communicated, visited here, yes, when they have not yet completely lost their minds, me in this sense, within the framework of what is happening, what we are discussing, well, that is, it is clear that the americans have a lot of their own things to do for the year , it is clear that they already have their own graters among themselves, it is clear that in europe there are also a lot of different lines of cleavage , which we will talk about now, but... if we see it here , then many here who are not completely idiots, and there are many who are not completely idiots, they also cannot help but see it and analyze it, in this sense i'm wondering, in your opinion, this is their bravado that they are still going to defeat russia, and that means, here is the carcass
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of defeated russia, you know, like a cat brings a mouse, that means, to the feet of the owner, that means, bring it somewhere on the lawn in front of the white house. do you think there are still people there who are seriously here, well , i’ll give you an example, amilian, they had such a minister of infrastructure, in my opinion, he was a pretty idiotic person, but he studied somewhere there for abroad there, well, that is, he was idiotic, but a man speaks quite seriously in an interview with a politician, where they discuss what kind of things ukrainians are like refer to the fact that now the help is not free, on credit, and he tells them, i checked, it is in this article, that if we, well, he says, we win, you americans, will receive payment in the form of russian oil, gas, diamonds and furs, well, if we lose , then the question is how the west, that is, there are two things here, first, it is still the belief that they will be capos, that means, barracks and gouleiters of these russian
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regions, and secondly, that if they don’t win, then they will perish along with the west, so tell me in your... from their stage image, on social networks, speaking on television from one or another platform, they are forced to be like this, and so i’m maxim, i asked you about this in this case, that what i understand is that when the president, the formal one of this in total , it means that an actor is walking around the field, we don’t
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understand at all where he has the line between reality and fiction, he doesn’t have a line, he doesn’t have this line, and the question is to what extent they all live in this. they drove themselves into a dead end with these boastful statements, and now to move away from them and even slightly enter the soil of real life, it is dangerous for them, because they themselves have corrupted this active part of public opinion, and if suddenly someone from zelensky’s entourage utters some phrase that could be considered as a compromise, as a capitulation, they will attack him so much that he will spit, wave his hand, and say, it’s better. i understand what you are telling me, and you probably read something, you hear there, well, from here, that many are already there, even those more or less close to the big top, they already understand that things are smelling kerosene, but for now publicly jumping off
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is, well, more dangerous than fap-3000, not publicly, but on the other hand, we cited salevan’s statement, if you clear it of pathos, then... what he says: guys, don’t think about it , to go out on the border of the ninety-first year, you see, even the ukrainians noticed this, they didn’t like it, you have already won the fact that you saved the state, that the russians are not in kiev, that now and now agree to reasonable compromises, guys, agree , you like the way finland lives, well be finland, be mangerheim, forty finland did not shell belgorod and did not shell.
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germany fought with her, that is, the finns showed wisdom, the ukrainians are not able to show it, moreover, this one, you said why they didn’t strike kiev for 44 days , and i think this is a response for belgorod, this is a response for that the ukrainians crossed a certain red line, there is one version, it was put forward by andrei lorionov, i don’t know, he is recognized there by someone there as a bad extremist, let’s say.
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there are some unspoken agreements about red lines, and one of these red lines between the kremlin and the white house is still that the canonical russian territory is not touched, but the ukrainians, nevertheless, by putting pressure on the united states, violate this, thereby exposing the united states, and the united states clearly does not want to expose itself, because someone...
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look, a new, new face of the state department, what was the old face like? victoria, she’s leaving, why is she leaving? was, she was number three in the state department, and number two was mrs. sherman, when she was pushed aside, when she left, nuland i really hoped that she would become number two, but she didn’t, they took someone, they took a man, a man who specialized in asia on the chinese issue and, accordingly.
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it’s unusual for us when europe plays a more aggressive role in relation to russia, and the states go there, europe now, let’s talk about europe now, we wanted to add something, michal gerodich, i wanted to add about the historical wisdom of the finns, so, about which here was discussed, which means, firstly, when finland became a state, it marked this event not only as completely monstrous the massacre of the red finns on a class basis, with mass extermination, with genocide, but also the massacre of russians on an ethnic basis, in some places, let’s say, in my opinion, it happened in vyborg. secondly, regarding the fortieth year
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, finland survived, the wisdom of the finnish people was manifested in the fact that england and france assembled a corps of fifty thousand, taking the manarheim line, we signed a peace treaty simply so as not to enter into a peaceful military conflict with england-france, on the eve of a military conflict with hitler, let him formally he was then a sogu.
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we talked about europe, well enough, with a laugh, but this is europe in general, now we are generally discussing to what extent, that is, we no longer completely rule out that they will become a new , more militant europe and some kind of center of this conflict, then we actually we are discussing, firstly, the presence of strength, and secondly , the presence of will in this kind of europe, because even in comparison with the fortieth year, these are still not the same englishmen, despite all that, they are not the same frenchmen, and many things are not the same, not the same. poles, compared to the fortieth year, probably, in general, this is a very interesting question, in fact, given the year that the americans will be in a coma, with whom we are dealing with in the form of europe, which one way or another will have to somehow balance this conflict, do not switch, hello, they took the nashiks and dragged them to where, to the house of the common people,
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if the crisis is not resolved in the near future. will raise questions about the annexation of crimea to russia. i coordinate the snipers myself. and this great ukrainian dream, it looks exactly like this. the most important thing now is to prevent bloodshed. translate her through the maidan. final episode. watch the time after the program. there is information that they want to liquidate you. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, monte chococa cognac, a product of the stellar group. his personal and military initiatives. regarding the destruction of the bridge, there is
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an opinion that taurus will succeed. russia wanted to put... in an awkward position, to divide our unity and undermine our support for kiev, the germans are trying to figure out how to bomb the crimean bridge, but this is a hybrid war russians, who exactly was responsible for leaking this information, we found a simple initiator, but the rest are extras, similar to a classic american information company, another question is, why? this is preparation for war, an attack on russia, but no one is protesting against boris pistorius. the awkward situation of boris pistorius. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one.
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will. the battle for the inheritance of a star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at 30 years old, roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i i want to know the truth, you know my dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were getting divorced in prices, it turned out that the court. divorced, you can imagine it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that are there any other potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the man whom i loved, probably the only love in my life, died. on
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the 5th anniversary of the birth of alexander vertinsky.
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collect your dad’s dowry , we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her put on her wedding dress, someone came to us, well, yes who, who is young, bring out our beauty, what about the groom, there will be a wedding, let's go and have a laugh. we are having a wedding on sunday on the first day, time
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will tell the program, we continue to work live, we are discussing live, in fact, within the framework of that confrontation. about which we have been talking for a long time, in which it is clear that ukryreich is just a pawn, pieces on the board, other people are playing, in fact, who are the other people who will be a party to the conflict in the coming year, when we assume that the americans, well not that it’s not at all the point, but it’s very much not the point, and we ’ve been discussing this for a long time, that one way or another they will pushing europe towards this cause, not washing takat, and that the situation with well... it looks in a sense today, you know, like these are the potatoes, who baked, they know when you take potatoes out of the fire, and it’s so hot, everyone starts passing it on to each other and they pass it on to you, and
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you too, i have a feeling that the ukrainian now is this potato, which means this, that is, scholz first jumped on something with these taurus, apparently that you can’t quit, because it seems, well, it’s kind of hot, so now these potatoes seem to be passing from hand to hand, it’s time... don’t frighten people with the fact that war is inevitable, the need to support ukraine is inevitable. we are not talking about dying for donbass, we are talking about helping ukrainians so that they are not killed for donbass or are not killed in kiev when it is being bombed, yes, but it’s interesting, but we
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are talking about the fact that no one not one of us is going to die for donbass, about helping ukrainians die for something, i’m really interested, but for odessa, for example, he’s ready, here, this someone is ready to die for odessa, well, project. let’s talk again, there is really another extreme, well, it’s clear there, a separate ward, where we all know three or four patients, special conditions of detention, well, from this ward kaya kallos, today she has such an aggravation, admitted that she’s actually ready to kill herself against the wall, i’m not exaggerating anything, because that’s what i said, it means a surprisingly cheerful estonian, in 2022 i expected that nato countries would increase their defense spending, because in europe... there is a hot war, but that did not happen. some countries are doing absolutely nothing except saying: with eu elections approaching, it is important that eu leaders explain europe's defense needs to their citizens by raising taxes
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in their country to cover estonia's defense needs, i am committing political suicide, but i have no choice. i haven’t heard more, so to speak, positive and promising things from kaya lately; i wrote today in my tv channel: “kaya, don’t deny yourself anything anymore.” don’t languish anymore, kill yourself already, or run away somehow quickly, or just politically , bang your head against the wall somehow active , kill yourself already, don’t torment us with this, well , these are two extremes, such a restrained friend barel and unrestrained to the point kaya callas, well now here i intercepted this hot potato from scholz either willingly or unwillingly, that’s a separate question, our emik. flighty macron, regarding france, too , we have been discussing all this for a long time, but the tonality can be different, sometimes i’m honest in discussing these french things, i
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i always catch myself that maybe i’m too humorous, too relaxed, i can’t discuss this seriously, i’m probably wrong, nuclear power and all that, high-tech industry, i really liked it this is... just a separate genre, here is pyotr olegovich tolstoy, my comrade and, therefore, the person whom i replaced here, in general his communication with french journalists is such a separate genre, yes.
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we’ll kill the rest as soon as they appear there, well , we’ll just kill everyone, that’s it, yes, well, that’s it back and forth, i don’t know if this is the right tone to talk to them, i can’t imagine any other way, no one is going to do anything, well, how to heat things up, yes, and it’s very interesting that that’s why it doesn’t work out seriously, the foreign ministry responded to this france , yes, the french foreign ministry reacted to this, mr. tolstoy, is obviously trying to... intimidate, but
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the only reaction that this causes is a feeling of excessiveness and indignation, nothing will force us to abandon support for ukraine for so long and as intensely as this will be required, i remind you, this is the wording of the americans, yeah, who are now speaking completely different texts, that is , the french foreign ministry is monitoring these things and reacting to it, i turned to pyotr olegovich for a comment on the comment.
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blah blah. at first i wanted to continue your image with potatoes. of course, the fire is here and the potatoes are baked here too, but they are not the ones who take the potatoes out of the fire. they get rid of london , throw it to the europeans, and what are they supposed to do with it? the potatoes were seized because they were thrown to the germans. yes, the germans threw it away, so now what are the french doing with these potatoes? they want her, then?
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well, yes, now france, paris and macron are the only countries that can send their contingent, and this is not in vain, as i understand it, he mentioned odessa, about what, about odessa, about odessa, and it’s just interesting to send your contingent there , because there is also no direct contact with us, well , at least there up to 40 km, that’s quite a lot, that’s what everyone is saying about the belarusian border, but most likely the poles are going there, and well, that ’s what everyone says, that’s in the ukrainians, that’s what they say on french television. well, in fact, in other european countries they are talking about this, here in ukraine, no, this has already happened, that is, do you think that it is possible that the real scenario of sending french contingents, not mercenaries , to ukraine, has already worked out, so what? well, according to information from our colleague alexander artamonov, he gave it today from his french sources, and we know what specific sources he has in france, and the command staff has already been selected, they have already received access to the military internet.
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the first coordination meetings took place, well, we have information from sergei naryshkin that the number is already known and so on, but here there are just specific marks for connecting to the internet with the military, special, and so on, so, well, actually about this our supreme said, he already said that they want to go there, but he simply warned that they are from there, it has already been said at all possible levels that if they go in, they will a legitimate goal, that is, in this situation, no, as it is said verbatim eh? our supreme commander only called the americans interventionists, americans, which means that everything here will be maximally, extremely legally taxed on all sides, it will be some kind of thing.
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after all, these statements made by macron at that time were just some kind of foppery or an overton window. everyone told me: “okay, you chatted with your conspiracy theories, what a window, 3 weeks passed and it was finalized and i’m not talking about 200 contingents, but the director of the foreign intelligence service, this is the question of what you know , conspiracy theories of conspiracy theories, what do you think, about the prospect of bringing the french there, how much do ukrainians believe in this, by the way, apparently they believe in a village in the odessa region unexpectedly." renamed champagne, you know, i guess true , he immediately suggested not to waste time on trifles, so he sketched out a little, so you can talk about burgundy, normandy, champagne, provence, gascony, and that’s all, well, in principle, if odessa is a russian city, well, let him show off, but until
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the year forty-five it was called some kind of then there is gofshtun, that it’s unpronounceable, distant, something like that, but still, in your opinion, jokes are jokes. but i think there will be no deployment of troops, now i’ll try to explain why, and this is an element of bluff on macron’s part, on the eve of the elections on june 6, elections to the european parliament, which are given enormous importance there, it is important for him to inflate his prestige, his belligerence, to artificially demonstrate, for so that all the forces, well, who definitely won’t be there for the extreme right, for... not the left, but under the impression of this coolness of the president, as he hopes, for they voted for him, he will succeed, well , there is little chance for now, because according to polls, 76% of the french are against the water of troops among voters of macron’s party, 68%. these 2,000 that
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naryshkin is talking about, well, they can really be prepared, but let’s say for transfer to romania and sit there for some time, so that until macron wins. but i don’t think that he will win, as long as they lose 10% of the game to marina lepen, this is very serious, listen, he loses every election about someone in the previous ones, well listen, don’t even make me laugh, every time this is where marie lepin begins, marie lepin , then anyone stays with marie len and votes for anyone, but not for marriley, now we are not talking about the french elections, but about the elections to the european parliament, where the macron car will not allow the faction the far right was not very powerful. that of the two photographs that conditionally reflect macron’s position, which everyone is discussing, it means that one is in pink pajamas, and the other is such a cheerful dude, who of course was pumped up with such a bitch with photoshop, well, this is one option, the inscription says ready for war, here's another
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version, give me another photo, here's where the right hand is, here's where the right hand is, where's the right hand, give me a photo, we don't have a photo of the right hand, well done, well prepared. finished, everyone remembers his surrender to sedan along with the entire french, with one of the two french armies, the other
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surrendered a month later, despite the fact that the third napoleon had a victorious crimean war, but it all ended very badly, so in this case i i think that the french have enough moderation and common sense voters, the entire french political class, macron, he is the only one who came out from such positions, everyone grabbed their heads, just people from his party. they don’t talk about this, but believe me, i talked with the french, when we talk about france, i have pyotr olegovich tolstoy in first place and you in second, almost everyone is shocked by him, return the pajamas then so that everyone is like- then calm down, because they are looking at this, they are worried, they see such a bat there, especially their prime minister, i think he generally goes crazy there, when in general this he sees the photo, doesn’t know how, leave this nice, mikhail, about the fact that supposedly no one will touch the french if they end up in odessa with pistols. you know, the french general who crashed somewhere in the alps, he was hardly
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running around ukraine with a grenade or a saber, he also sat somewhere in the headquarters, he was not a regular contingent of regular french troops, that’s all- something else, he was what is called in army practice a military adviser, this is completely different, nevertheless, the french military are dying in ukraine and i’m afraid they will continue to die, why are you afraid? because , after all, you always feel sorry for people, even the french, even the french, secondly, we should not underestimate the level of degradation of european litas, i completely agree with the very wise thought that was voiced here, that the current poles had polish leadership, it has not yet reached its 1940 model state, but it is going there quite confidently, as for mrs. kallos, well, now she will have a very beautiful exit.
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which macron leads, she is not here, she inside france, this is a war of financial-speculative capital, which is usually associated with the city of london, where the comrade worked, with the old european aristocracy, and macron won a stunning victory in this war, because the financial base of the old european, old french aristocracy was in french africa, yup, and macron elegantly handed over french africa to a large extent to the americans a lot.
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spanish franco, who did not enter the second world war, the blue division into
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which he gathered everyone, so to speak, especially frostbitten and violent, he sent them safely , he shuffled aside, so to speak, in front of hitler , he carefully buried this entire blue division at stalingrad, that is, i’m telling you this because all of this is not some kind of so to speak, these are theoretical constructions, that in general these mechanisms in european history, even in modern history, have been worked out quite well, well, we will continue to monitor. what will happen in this case, because the most important story now is that there are nuclear weapons, so all the analogies with the previous stages of history, with all their important, they are a little incorrect, but the advertising on the first channel is 100% correct. forris pistorius, his personal and military initiatives regarding the destruction of the bridge, there is an opinion that taurus will succeed, russia wanted to embarrass us, divide our unity and undermine our support for kiev. the germans are trying to figure out how to bomb the crimean
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bridge, but this is a russian hybrid war. who exactly was responsible for leaking this information? we found? a simple initiator , the rest of this crowd looks like classic american information company. another question: why? this is preparation for war, an attack on russia. but no one is protesting against boris pistorius. almost complete control of society. all forces that advocate peace with russia are immediately denounced and called nazis. for a moment he has the ambitions of a chancellor, at least, but for him germany alone is not enough. atlantic bridge against crimean, the meaning of a political symbol. the awkward situation of boris pistorius. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. rum. castro, product stellor
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group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. let's pour water, friends, and answer your questions about water on the day of water resources, this and much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow is the first, the will of zhenya beloosov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is reaching the finish line, all participants in the conflict are in our studio , you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, the novel is sure that once the entire inheritance is unfair.
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potential heirs, you see, i was in you told the notary that there is more in such a state , the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, a big story, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future, law enforcement officers are standing outside the verkhovna rada building, i started police to the presidential administration and gave them military weapons and warned everyone. that in the event of an attack on an administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons, it was a cold winter unique to ukraine, and the maidan was freezing, and he captured the buildings that were nearby, due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top, we could not turn off the captured buildings from the heat, they set me up with this trade union house, like he burned people,
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yanukovych had already played the note, he had to leave, and preferably die , now...
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lyosha, do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember what i told you about the secret work? attention, there is an armed attack, there are casualties, this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague. no matter what, you can always count on me, even despite our divorce, no could have stayed away from him, you don't love him, that is. their parents killed, i can’t even find out how they are looking for their killers, hold on, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it, you haven’t been on a date for a long time, and the undercover taxi of the prime minister is from monday on the first, from now on no contact with this simpleton from
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ppp. well, as i already said, before we go to advertising, of course, we will keep an eye on it, you can laugh as much as you want about all these french activities. and so on, here, but clearly the ukrainian topic is now occupying macron, whether it’s more on the domestic agenda or on the foreign one, i don’t know, here he again said that he once put it that ukraine would soon be something like on the verge of falling, as he said , show us, okay, uh, here’s a brainstorm with experts on the issues of elections to the european parliament, by the way, on the issues of elections to the european parliament, according to two guests from the elyst palace, he called for better protection of reputation. this means that on the threshold of historical events, ukraine can fall very quickly, which again indicates anything, either the fact that this is some kind of internal political puffing up of cheeks, how it could be
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, say, a layer in the good sense of the word for some more energetic actions, and so on, especially since, as we found out in the conversation, it’s not so simple emik , as it may seem for some reasons, in general, there is something to watch here, they guys... are like that, here is another example of how things are changing quickly for them, here is charles michel, what do you think, about what? never guess about nuclear energy, maybe? let's listen. the kremlin released an energy missile across europe to destroy our economy. we must be more independent in energy matters. this is why we must build a real energy union. this is the basis of our security. atomic. energy must play a role in ensuring european energy sovereignty, you see, yes, this is a challenge to germany, listen, this
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is a common sense challenge to germany, that is, a green message goodbye, because the kremlin threw an energy bomb, in what sense, stopped supplying undemocratic gas , so firstly, these same flows were blown up, you don’t want to figure out who, and secondly, you yourself rejected all this, why am i saying this, this is a typical example of that. that everything they want to somehow change is wonderful, and a striking example of this can be seen in the program of the heir tute dolls, there they dissect such charlie michels in a classical way, i can’t tear myself away, i’m off. boris pistorius, his personal and military initiatives in our doll program.


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