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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 22, 2024 3:05am-3:31am MSK

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this is such a joy, well, probably an awareness-bearing pain, let’s call it something like pain useful for understanding, and you know, the story is about when you are valuable not only within the work framework, but you are valuable in general as a person, that’s probably , i’m now telling a story about such support, if we see your eyes, and your tears a little, and once again, this is absolutely, well, not a minus for you, this is just the degree, the degree of understanding of your reality, this is very important. are experiencing discomfort, and apparently you are experiencing it, it is important in that team that you are forming, that is , it is important either to find some person in the team who will truly become your right hand, you need, you know, such a bulldog deputy, we delegate to the deputy, it may even just be your assistant, you know, which you have not yet
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stood up, or customers, this also happens, that is , there will be those challenges that you were not prepared for in hiring, that’s how you need it psychologically , i’ll just even detail for you that most often in practice there are challenges, firstly, and maybe your inner circle includes mom, dad, friends may not support you, work colleagues whom you previously considered friends may not support you, in addition, it happens that a person himself has not even had time to develop in freelancing, but those who started working for him, having realized that this the gold mine is leaving you.
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or you completely clenched your jaw in complete isolation, as they say, and went through this difficult path, which strategy is more comfortable for you, anastasia, what is closer to you, what is more realistic to your story, not in the house? this is the wrong metaphor, not in the house, you are in this, you know, in armored train, closed and rush at this stage, right now i felt what you are saying, andrey, thank you very much , now the psychologist gave you a very correct instruction, i’m talking about a non-train, so we speak louder , words, i am an armored train, we say tougher, anastasia, i’m an armored train, even tougher, we do training for you here, just like in trainings, listen, it’s a really cool setup, i like it.
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millions of people have already walked along your path before you, they’ve already got their hands full, and bicycles have already been invented, it’s very important that when a person starts something new, i really haven’t gotten my head around it, if you take everything that natalya and i are talking about today, of course, this will significantly increase your chances of realizing your dream, of becoming after all... this is a podcast of the psyche, my name is natalya losva, we continue analyze the story of our heroine anastasia. nastya , when you made this decision, well, i understand that it was forced, you discussed with someone who supported you and who did not, that is, you simply confronted everyone with a fact, andrey, what if nastya had gone to talk about this idea. their
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plans, even if they are just now forced to appear. there is such a practical side here. if anastasia had always consulted with others in her life, yes, always tried to find ground under her feet, that same support group, then it would be more correct to start a new radical path, in this case freelancing, to create this ground under her feet here too. if anastasia had never consulted with anyone before, everything radically happened, then of course you can remain in this position. anastasia, which one?
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your intuition tells you, nastya, you are now annoyed not because the question was stupid, because not because you are incompetent, but because you feel anxiety inside yourself, which means something here is unclear to you, it’s just that your expectations are optimistic, illusory, they they tell you, they lull you to sleep, don’t pay attention , close your eyes, sleep until lunch,
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the most pessimistic way, it seems like they have a high probability of winning, but at what cost, and at the price of this neurosis, tension, irritation, or, well, lost opportunities, this is what, in your opinion, the path will generally lead us to success with a greater
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probability, what suits anastasia, what to learn, strange as it may seem, and so, in contradiction to what we said in the program, according to statistics, more often turn out to be successful. people who were not quite prepared, who did not see, did not understand certain risks, yes, because those who see many risks, they most often do not dare and will not take this path, yes, because they are too smart , they are too they are afraid, they most often remain employed there , that is, those who see more risks, as it were, they end up on the road and do not go out, more often the strategy works when a person somewhere is a little optimistic, a little naive, but in this case, we paid attention to this today. allies are important, if , when faced with reality, you saw your gaps, you definitely need an ally, so your optimism, plus an ally who may just grumble, sees risks, this is exactly a collaboration of two people, this is a synergy of two
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people, this is the most correct form of success, therefore the largest companies, the largest structures that have developed, are most often founded not by one, but by two people, they can then quarrel, quarrel. i don’t really understand how to properly set myself up for this step, it seems like
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going back, but maybe not, you know, i emphasize, practice shows that a successful start occurs on average in only 10-15% of 100 possible, but i repeat, that is , about 80-90% of people roll back, but about 2/3 of those who rolled back they say so, stop, stop, nothing more. i’m not going, but about a third say this , i get useful experience, i don’t go back forever, i go back for a year, a year and a half, two, in order to do additional just preparatory work, in this case there is no defeat, there is experience just preparing better for your new start, yes, such and such a restart, once again, this is not a refusal to go back, this is a restart, it’s just going out again in a more prepared situation, well , let’s say, as it happens, we are back from home...
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back, took what they needed and moved on, it ’s better than you walking around all day, excuse me without a wallet or without keys, but she didn’t just come back, she came back beaten, yes, that is, she came back with experience, she is still enriched, even if in the case of anastasia we see that there is not only defeat, yes, there are just a lot of connections, a lot of new skills, a lot of stress that has been lived through correctly, right? that is, such a hardened psyche, we see that anastasia will no longer be the same, in any case, she or she will return with gratitude to the job that she had, discover a lot of advantages in it that she had not seen before and will remain in it forever, and i emphasize that this is also far from the worst option for work if you continue to do what what they did for good money with a feeling of satisfaction, this is actually also an important story, but if you returned, having accordingly got something that... go again, then it will be a different anastasia, it will be the same anastasia bronepoyas who
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will ultimately still achieve that success in life that she wants to achieve, but you will do it more rationally, yes, that is, you will already build up this very armor, you will already write down a normal plan, you will already know when you return to your previous job or to another job in the office , so i get this skill here, i do this, but how will this be useful later in my big one? plan, that is, you are already rationalizing this aspiration of yours, this dream of yours, and most likely, it seems to me that in the second iteration the person will no longer sleep until, undoubtedly, you you will be less complacent, you will be less illusory, you will be less optimistic , you will be more collected, you will be more critical of yourself, and of your respective cases, of your various, as we can now say skills, yes, that is, this very important story and i underlined.
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more effective, stronger, wiser than the one that was , therefore, no matter how your trajectory goes , in fact, the very fact that you communicate with us today, the very fact that you ask the right questions, the very fact that you find the answers for yourself show that you are on the right path of transformation, it seems to me that these tears are beautiful, these are just the tears of the birth of a new anastasia, yes, you feel it, this new anastasia, i feel it. loud, clear, i feel the armored train, great, and accordingly, your customers, your clients, and your team, in fact, these tears should not be perceived as tears of weakness, these are tears of strength, because a person who works on himself always becomes stronger , thank you, i would listen to you , andrey, just endlessly, inspire, friends, well, today we have very radically and intensively reborn ours.
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watch our podcast on the website of the first channel! “i’m larisa guzeeva and let’s get married, good afternoon, today the grooms are alexei, anton and evgeniy, and our bride is polina. polina is 33 years old, due to pathological fatigue at work, she could not pay due attention to her husband, so she herself suggested that he have
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a woman for soul and body, but soon i greatly regretted it. polina, occupational health and industrial safety specialist construction company, lives in moscow, is proud of his noble origin and successful rhenoplasty, dreams of going on maternity leave, admits that due to increased anxiety, he always carries a rubik’s cube with him. polina will not be able to build a harmonious relationship with a gynecologist, pathologist, or an overweight person. the man of her dreams should have a successful career, love animals , and have such a wild imagination that he can shock her with a surprise on the program. let's get married! hello girls! glad to see you! hello! i like extraordinary girl. well, her appearance is certainly interesting. how do you like it, lesh? attracts. paulie, i have many options, in what
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situation can i offer a man to find another woman while in a bra? for the body and for the soul, but only one of them is true, and i just know this, for sure, when you don’t love, no, not really, well, if you love, no, it won’t turn a tongue, it means we have different ideas about love, but the fact is that i’m a techie, i approach problems from a technical point of view, not from a spiritual point of view, let me cut the cake now, maybe not for us, this for you, this is for you, here. well, the story is of course specific, but interesting, unusual, extraordinary, he even said that the technician, answer, so, when my dad got sick, in fact, it all started with this, i needed expensive treatment, i went to additional work, in this cycle of affairs , the cycle of tasks, you forget about
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your personal life, it happened that i came home, fell, forgot that i had dinner, that... i took a shower there, and my husband is a foreigner, very temperamental, he is hungarian, and he needed increased attention, but i don't could pay due attention when he voiced his problem, he didn’t want to change, we had a good relationship, very good , he came to me, brought his problem, and i’m just like a technical person, they brought me a problem, i’m looking for a solution, i i understand that i can’t cope on my own, which means i have to give it away , look, this is a puppy, whenever...
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it wouldn’t be offensive to anyone in the couple, well, that’s why, when i suggested this option, and the man, he immediately picked it up, he was surprised, but there was no refusal, that is he said, well, in principle, why not , if you really don’t mind, yes, it’s all about me, it was a difficult situation, well, what to do, and this is how it was, let’s say he persuaded you to fulfill this very duty, and you said, listen, i beg you, i can’t, my father is dying, i can’t, i just can’t do it. how best can you find someone for this time, well, can’t you see how tired i am, this is one situation when you , as a techie, will think through everything, look, i want to talk to you, now you want to take a walk or make love, you understand, when you give him a choice, how it was, in what situation, you know, sometimes i was even so tired that i came home and
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went to bed, the man says, and you know that you have everything it happened, but i don’t know, i don’t remember. “zhenya, are you aware that today you have not two competitors, three. today her ex-husband came to the program, would you know that? no, i didn’t know what you think on this topic? well, i think, given that , what kind of relationship they had, taking into account the fact that he didn’t even helped, but there she was, when he had a difficult situation, then i think he’s not even a competitor, your love for him passed, love, but tenderness, that’s all, you know, over time, of course, but we remained friends , he no, wait a second, at the moment when you offered it to him, when you offered him, no, no, i loved you, i was with you." that he won’t do it to the end, that he will hear my notes, my hints, when it has reached the level of jokes, when i’m driving home from work, i ask to meet me or ask to buy something in a store, and the person says: well... at the same time i’ll come, well, to calm down, relieve stress, it’s like a joke, a joke, and then at some point, please, did he love you, do you think, yes, very much, yes, just an infantile
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character, no, this is not infantile , and he is an animal that has no brains, and he behaves like this, like a dog, sick, healthy, he doesn’t behave like that, a psychologist explained to me that this is just infantilism, because a person is over 40, and a person does not see that he has him... now psychologists explain everything in a different way, no, you know, today - meanness cannot be called meanness, because they are looking for some other options so as not to offend, such a substitution occurs, polina, this has nothing to do with love , infantility, he just didn’t respect you, well , perhaps, that’s why i’m actually here, because that there are classics, where yes, when we were studying...
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well, in general, yes, but the point was that she didn’t actually offer it to him, it was a sign of protest, say, i didn’t crawl, i didn’t, you say, i was joking , well, somehow justify
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myself, i tried to beg, cried, but here’s the truth, i just took it off with my hand, but he told you, you yourself gave me permission, of course he said , of course, and my attempts to explain, he didn’t understand, he just didn’t understand, i say, well, yes, but you and i have been together for so many years, you really didn’t consider my actions , you say mine to the reasonable, jump from the eleventh . you didn’t decide anything, you know, when you ’re on the floor, nothing will happen to you, i allow him, he won’t jump, because he has his own brains, then what are you doing? they said it was just a smear, he wouldn’t care...
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to unload me, to start himself it’s possible to get more tired, so it was necessary to start with this, the intensity of emotions, it’s difficult, he says everything factually, she’s great, well done, smart, i thought he was the richest man, well, you have to think for yourself somehow, get to this point, i ca n’t talk about everything, i didn’t marry a child, no, but sometimes a man needs to say, i ’m tired, i’m tired, but not in a way that takes
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on part of the work, but brought in money, maybe he didn’t work enough, but it brought in more than enough money, what was the point of working, then i needed to spend money on dad, for treatment, no, well, you have to figure that out for yourself, she got her husband together, says, go find yourself a girl, but what’s his, just if he acquires something, cars, apartments, this is his case of
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