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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  March 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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the main problem that is now being solved in the united states, in domestic politics , is the bankruptcy of trump, they are trying to bankrupt him in order to deprive him of money for the election campaign, and whether this will be done or not, this is now the main intrigue of american political life, and of course there is another question , if they bankrupt him, will this add to trump’s popularity or not, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be... shot down, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. in response to attacks on our territory, the russian army launched...
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the capital's doctors rescued a patient who spent an hour and a half in a state of clinical death. we'll tell you how the doctors managed to stop time and how the patient feels. the future has arrived, china is preparing to launch the world's first unmanned flying taxi. the film crew of our channel tested the reliability of such transport. ukrainian terrorists struck again this morning according to... in the belgorod region, in the capital
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of the region, four medical institutions were damaged, including a perinatal center , glass was broken in the building , the facade was cut by shrapnel, all patients had to be urgently evacuated, explosions also thundered inside residential areas, one person was killed, two were injured , several apartment buildings were damaged, in addition, one of the shells exploded in the parking lot, several cars were burned, the kursk region was also shelled today, the enemy attacked the village of tyotkino, glushkovsky district, one local a resident... received shrapnel wounds, grocery stores, private houses and a high-rise building were damaged by the blast wave. and that night, the russian army launched a massive retaliatory strike on ukrainian territory, one of the most powerful in recent times. explosions occurred in many regions of the country. the targets were facilities associated with the armed forces of ukraine, which are used for the production of equipment and ammunition, as well as for supplying militants. and of course, energy, thanks to which military enterprises continue to operate. so on the list of those affected.
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before hitting the station, the missile also fired off heat traps so that it would not be shot down by ukrainian air defense. so, with several high-precision strikes, our military pilots disabled the dneproges, the largest hydroelectric power station on the main waterway of ukraine. according to eyewitnesses, both turbine rooms were destroyed: ges-1 and ges-2, airlock devices and power lines were destroyed. the station was stopped; it supplied about a tenth to the country's system. electricity
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and served as the so-called peak regulator, while the dam of the power plant itself is intact, there is no threat of its breakthrough, but it will no longer be possible to cross the dam from one bank of the dnieper to the other. electricity from dneprags went, among other things, to an enterprise that produces military products and ensures the operation of the railway infrastructure. this is, in particular, the delivery of western equipment and weapons to the forward positions of the armed forces of ukraine. this night and this morning our troops dealt a massive blow not only to the energy sector. objects, but also railway junctions, places where ukrainian foreign fighters gather mercenaries, as well as a warehouse with ammunition. as a result of the strike, the functioning of industrial enterprises producing and repairing weapons, military equipment and ammunition was disorganized. in addition, foreign military equipment and weapons delivered to ukraine from nato countries were destroyed. the transfer of enemy reserves to the front line was disrupted, units of the ukrainian armed forces were hit at...
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the malyshev mechanical engineering plant is part of the ukroboronprom concern. it is known that the plant repaired and restored armored vehicles for the armed forces of ukraine. there, the workshops of the elektrozhmash plant, where combat vehicles were produced instead of electrical equipment, were seriously damaged. and in dnepropetrovsk, as the riyanovosti agency reports, the target was the yuzhmash plant. the drones with which ukraine attacked targets on the territory of our country were assembled there. the uav was assembled at the motorsi aircraft engine plant. in the city of zaporozhye, where they were converted into an attack version of the old s-200 missile. all this production has apparently been destroyed today by our high-precision weapons. missiles aimed hit the military airfield in starokonstantinov. they were preparing to deploy nato f-16 aircraft there.
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they knew that such powerful attacks would inevitably follow in ukraine. this happened after two terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge. there was a noticeable blow of retaliation against ukraine. now they have used, among other things, unique hypersonic weapons. from march 16 to 22, in response to shelling of our territory, attempts to break through the capture of russian border settlements, the armed forces carried out 49 retaliatory strikes, high-precision long-range air -launched weapons, including dagger aeroballistic hypersonic missiles, missile systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. about the consequences. in some cities, for example, in kharkov, there was a complete blackout, there was no light, no communications; in the kharkov region, the target of our military space forces was at least two energy facilities:
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zmeevskaya tes and tets-2. in western ukraine , burshtynska tes in the ivano-frankivsk region was damaged. this is the largest thermal power plant in the country. reportedly pipe is destroyed. tes are also going to neighboring countries, romania, hungary, slovakia; in the vinnitsa region, explosions occurred on the ladyzhinskaya tes. the gas transportation system has also been destroyed in most regions. this was stated by naftogaz of ukraine. energy infrastructure was also damaged in vinnytsia, lviv and khmelnytsky regions. emergency power outage schedules were introduced in the kirovograd, sumy, poltava, dnepropetrovsk, and kharkov regions. there are power outages in odessa and krivoy rog. there too.
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conceived and is trying to carry out a series of criminal, demonstrative armed actions. this, first of all, involves striking civilian settlements on russian territory. these enemy attacks do not and will not remain unpunished. now about how the special operations are going, news from our ministry of defense. the week's summary arrived today. during this time, the settlements of peace in the zaporozhye region, thinnaya in the dpr, and the alabastrovaya railway station were liberated. in reply. attacks on russian territory resulted in attempts to break through the border fifty retaliatory strikes, decision-making centers in the armed forces of ukraine, weapons storage warehouses, as well as temporary deployment points for special operations forces of foreign mercenaries were destroyed. in a week in the belgorod direction, ukrainian formations lost more than 3,000 militants and
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a lot of armored vehicles, well, in total , the enemy lost about 9,000 people in all directions in a week. nine czech rsezo vampire installations and battery were destroyed. about how the enemy west of artyomovsk is being destroyed by our rocket artillery from an advanced report guseina guseinova. to load a full package of a combat vehicle with rockets, this hail crew needs no more than a couple of minutes, and the same amount of time to take up a firing position after receiving the coordinates. the modification of this hail is a little different from... the usual machines, this is one of the first developed examples of a reactive fire system designed to work with difficult terrain, it was designed to work in the mountains, it has very good stealth, it can be hidden ideally anywhere . rocket battery eighty
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the fifth brigade, fighting as part of the southern group of troops, is conducting combat operations on the southern flank of the artmov direction. the combat vehicle rolls up as close as possible to the line of combat contact; in total, about 7 km, it hits not only the front line, but the rear of the enemy. having worked on the enemy. the crew immediately leaves to reload ammunition; there are many targets, so the combat vehicle must always be ready to strike the next blow. and now we’re heading to the cannon artillery firing positions, this is a galubich division of the eighty-fifth brigade, which stands directly under the tick-tree. as a rule, heavy guns do not roll up so close to the line of combat contact; a firing range of up to 15 km allows them to work at a distance, but the artillerymen of this unit decided... the third one is ready for battle, the third one is ready, fire! yesterday, servicemen from this
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gun, the first battery, hit a dugout with enemy personnel. today , soldiers of the third battery hit an enemy mortar crew and a dugout. no bright flash during shooting, good camouflage and well-coordinated crew work makes the gun virtually invulnerable, not wanting to lose occupied strategic heights.
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seven supporters of the so-called russian volunteer corps, a terrorist organization banned in our country, were detained in moscow. they were going to create a criminal group and carry out violent actions against representatives of law enforcement agencies and foreign military personnel. it was established that they maintained contacts with traitors who acted as part of the group. it confirms correspondence in the seized communications equipment, machetes, a tactical axe, eight knives, an aerosol pistol, pepper spray and flags with nazi symbols were also found. another 10 ukrainian militants received long prison sentences for brutal treatment of civilians. we are talking about the nazis, recognized as terrorist banned in our country of azov, the supreme court of the donetsk people's republic found that in the spring of twenty-two they fired mortars at a residential area on the western outskirts of mariupol, against peaceful people
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fired 100 shells when our fighters arrived, let me remind you, they retreated to the azovstal plant, but soon laid down their arms and surrendered. today, a meeting of the president with permanent participants of the russian security council was devoted to the fight against the spread of neo-nazism ideas; it was conducted by vladimir putin via video link from nov ogorev. dear colleagues, good afternoon. as a first question , today we will consider measures to combat the spread of neo-nazist ideas, i will not go into details, we are aware of about what it is and how important it is in the context of today's events, let's start working, i ask you, we have two speakers, let's start, the european union at the summit in brussels did not agree on a decision to help kiev. due to the theft of russian money frozen in the west, let me remind you that the idea of ​​seizing income from our
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assets was put forward by the chief eu diplomat jose borel, he had previously said that europe had exhausted its weapons resources for ukraine. zelensky, who showed the video messages to the summit, threw, as the media write, hysterics, insulted his sponsors, calling the lack of military assistance is a disgrace. the head of the european commission tried to convince european leaders to use russian-owned funds, but to no avail. i told the european leaders that if we quickly complete the process of divesting these assets, we could distribute the first billion by july 1st, so it is up to us, everything is in our hands, if we act quickly, concrete actions will be taken in the summer . meanwhile, the states, which are also not eager to finance kiev from their own pockets, offered europe another option is to get into someone else's. washington believes that the eu countries could already... now issue bonds worth at least $50 billion, and these securities
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will someday be backed by profits from sovereign russian assets. in germany and france, as bloomberg writes, the idea was received with caution, but estonia, on the contrary, enthusiastically proposed confiscating assets altogether. however, even in the west they understand that financial robbery can undermine the reputation of the eu itself as a safe haven for big capital. therefore, in order push the idea using russian assets.
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i remember how the germans said that they were not ready to send deadly weapons to ukraine, they said that we would send better equipment, helmets, now we are talking about germany providing ukraine with missiles that can reach moscow or deep into russia, so what it looks like now absurd and impossible, in 2-3 months it can become a reality. the submarine volkhov of the pacific fleet launched a cruise missile at a coastal target in the khabarovsk territory. in the footage that she published the ministry of defense is visible as a submarine.
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today kept the key rate unchanged at 16%. the decision is expected, experts say; the central bank emphasizes that inflation pressure in the country is gradually weakening, but still remains relatively high. and in order to return inflation to the target range, it will take a fairly long period of maintaining tight monetary conditions in the economy, that is, while borrowed money from the state will remain quite expensive, but deposit rates for the population will also remain the same attractiveness. the russian economy continues to grow actively. unemployment has reached a historic low. the economy is growing above potential, as evidenced by continued elevated inflationary pressures. inflationary expectations further fuel consumer demand. citizens' interest in large purchases has been growing since december. this is largely due to rising incomes. and now we are observing a rather unusual
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situation, where a strong increase in savings is accompanied by active consumption. in the future, we expect that the accumulated the effect of tightening monetary conditions will motivate people to save even more, and this will contribute to a more pronounced slowdown in inflation. today , the names of the winners of two prestigious awards were announced: the presidential prize, for young cultural figures, and separately in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth. there are only six people, representatives of different professions, each true in their field. an ascetic, ivan prozarov was convinced of this. his workshop covers the entire donbass, even the most dangerous sections of the front, where sketch for a maximum of half an hour. alexey kryukov began coming here long before the start of the northern military district, painting portraits of militia battalion commanders, ordinary soldiers, and children of war. in the fire of conflict showed the light of hope. the presidential prize was awarded for his contribution to the preservation and development of the traditions of the russian
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realistic art school. a talented icon painter, a student of the people's artist ilya glazunov. is engaged in painting temples, which is probably why his wartime chronicle turned out to be so poignant and honest , of those who fought and fought for homeland, to be a patriot, to be a citizen, because we have a great country , which was handed down to us by our heroes, they did a lot of work to preserve the cultural diversity of our country in tuva, philologist mingi andar has been studying the heritage of our ancestors for more than 10 years. language, folklore, crafts after the expedition in potuva,
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the world. ram performs in the best concert halls in the outback. now he pays special attention to concerts abroad, where he is received very warmly. everyone came to listen to music and communicate with the musician. art only builds bridges. i hope there will be more sensible people. another presidential prize in the field of literature and art for a work for young children, an award for those. who inspires young hearts, helps them choose the right path in life , the white steamship music festival is a platform for gifted children who... find themselves in a difficult situation, children with disabilities, orphans from large and single-parent families have been helping them with free education and admission for 20 years to the best music schools in the country, and just find new faithful
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friends. like-minded people appeared , great musicians appeared who began to spend their holidays working with these children, now we have our own foundation, the white steamship foundation, a children's music studio at vdnkh, for the preservation and development of the tradition of domestic... which education is noted marina leonova, acting rector of the moscow state academy of choreography, under the leadership of the people's artist of russia, a unique international educational center appeared, branches were opened in vladivostok, kaliningrad and kemerovo and students make their way to the best ballet stages. the puppet theater was raised to a new level in ryazan more than 20 years ago, the local troupe was headed by director konstantin kirillov. the performance was repeatedly awarded the golden mask and harlequin awards. an international festival of puppet theaters was registered in ryazan and,
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most importantly, several generations of devoted spectators grew up. as we say, puppet theater is for children and wise men. we are in such a constant energy drive because we really love what we do. we are engaged. for 13 years , cultural figures from 16 regions have become laureates of the presidential prize.
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you are watching the evening news and then we will tell the story of the unique rescue of a man who spent an hour and a half in a state of clinical death, well, we will show the world’s first unmanned air taxi, don’t switch. i go to the choir, sing and perform at various events in my city, the restoration of the monuments of my
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country is an incredible honor, of course, and i directly live by my work, what makes me happy is the results of my children and the fact that i i invest in children so that they always have a day, tomorrow is the first for the 135th anniversary of the birth of alexander vertinsky.
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russia allegedly kidnaps children for cadet schools, children are taught to become adults , that is, not just to make decisions, but also to bear responsibility for them, there is a large competitive selection, we have about six people per place, it is quite difficult to get there, the mariupol port allegedly began to be cut into scrap metal, of course, needs to be restored, the old one needs to be cut off, new ones need to be built, the port infrastructure is just being maintained, is being modernized and multiplied, and a new trend in italy, a film about donbass, why ukrainian viewers didn’t like it... so much, anti-fake, premiere on monday on the first, the world’s largest investment corporation black rock, the black rock company places its people and extends its tentacles in the offices of government, its leader, a certain mr. fink, maybe it’s time for larry to become president, no, i ’m still too young for that, he’s more than the president of the united states, a shadow
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ruler, not only financial. fink doll heir tutti on monday on her resources america and her next dirty first. you watch the evening news on the first and we continue. the first group of children, whom
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it was decided, left belgorod for penza today. evacuate due to shelling. children from shubekinsky, grayvoronsky and belgorod districts went to health camps. they are accompanied by teachers and doctors. in total, it is planned to withdraw 9.00 children. more than a dozen regions offered to host them, including the moscow region, st. petersburg, tula, yaroslavl region, stavropol region, dagestan. a separate train was allocated for the trip to penza . i think i will see a lot of good and amazing things. be in a good mood, otherwise we are sitting at home, i want to see a lot of new friends at the camp, meet someone there, and i think it will be cool, i would like to take a little away from what is happening in the city, children need a distraction, children need to do what they love, we see off our granddaughter in a good mood, we are glad that the main thing will be safety, i
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i hope that. was in intensive care for several days, how he ended up in intensive care, he doesn’t know, everything happened at lightning speed, a sharp pain in the heart area, then a loss of memory, the only thing according to the information that my neighbor’s wife told me, which is that i asked to call an ambulance, on on the spot, doctors declared clinical death, no breathing, no pulse, they immediately injected adrenaline, installed a device that performs indirect cardiac massage, it frees up the hands of the resuscitator so
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that he can practice. other side effects things, and artificial ventilation of the lungs was carried out, accordingly, repeated defibrillation was carried out, already at the flagship center of the verisaev hospital a whole team of specialists got involved. literally 10 minutes after admission to the flagship center, the patient was on the operating table, where he was connected to an ecmo machine, which simultaneously replaces the work of the heart of the lungs. at the same time, the surgical team was preparing to stage the coronary arteries. cause of clinical death.
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which the cardiologist began to speak. fortunately, this time there were no serious consequences. andrei semenovich was operated on and three stents were placed in the coronary artery. now he is in rehabilitation, he promises doctors to take his health more seriously in the future. many thanks to the staff, doctors, nurses for their professionalism, for doing their duty, for fighting to the end for the lives of patients.
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it cannot be attributed to classic helicopters or airplanes; it is closest to modern drones, 16 electric motors, each of which is equipped with a propeller. lifting force distributed among 16 propellers, therefore. durable carbon fiber, flight range of 30 km , made of carbon fiber, lightweight and on one charge, reaches speeds of up to 130 km/h,
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the cabin is designed for two passengers, everyone fasten their seat belts today, the team of the first will test the world's first flying taxi, this particular model received a flight certificate. you can feel the vibration of the body in the cabin, it’s noisy, the rotors are working, if you ’ve ever flown on a helicopter, then you know this feeling of a soft rise, as if on an elevator, you can’t even believe that in the future, everyone will be able to make such flights. passengers are completely removed from the control of the coordinates and commands come from the ground operator. we look at the all-round panorama, the cockpit is missing, that is, it flies very smoothly, very smoothly, but there is no feeling that you are somehow re-seating or afraid, cariena,
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no, very smoothly. ambitious plans to launch tourist sightseeing routes have been in place for several years, together with the civil aviation administration of china creating the world's first standards for unmanned commercial vehicles. transportation that is, the air taxi itself is already a licensed infrastructure vehicle. air taxi requires many infrastructure improvements, including 5g communications high in the air and the creation of a digital airspace management system. the first commercial routes will connect popular urban points such as train stations and airports. china sees huge potential in a new industry called the low-altitude economy. maintenance costs here are much lower than in conventional aviation, i think
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that over time, the cost of a flight from chengiya to zhuhai will not be more expensive than a trip by regular taxi. real! a technology race has unfolded today between manufacturers from china, europe and the usa. each has its own design advantages, but the winner will be the first one to launch a regular message. about the fact that what sometimes seems incredible may well become reality and even change fate, new russian cinema, an abnormal film, a touching story of a boy in whom no one believed because of his serious diagnosis, no one except the mentor, who saw enormous talent in him. the film is in wide release on march 28, with a theatrical premiere in october. this boy is not like everyone else , it is difficult for him to walk, he does not have enough strength for anything
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, he needs constant care, eight-year-old kolya is even sure that he is abnormal, until a mysterious, kind person appears in his life, who told you that you crazy, dad said, he wasn’t usually crazy, but from the film we understand that everyone here is crazy, it seems to me that this even... putting kolya on his feet will become the meaning of his life, he will love the boy like a son, will argue with doctors, convincing everyone around that a miracle is possible, you just have to want it, it will help, of course, i read that schumann also had weak hands, what if music can heal, so a simple engineer opens up the world of schumann and chapin for kolya. grandmother and mother just shrug their hands, grandmother
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is very jealous, how can i say, of all the innovations that are offered, because she feels sorry for him and protects him very much, or else, mom, let him take a walk, just i’ll take the bike, the family helps him find, how to say, and the strength to overcome this ill-fortune, now the teenager... has a new goal - to win a prestigious international competition, the picture of the abnormal was filmed in china, too, and the chinese part of the film crew numbered more than 300 people, it’s great that we suddenly decided to go there, especially since we were the first international film crew in china in 4 years who decided to shoot their own film. there are two artists on the red carpet at the premiere at the oktyabr cinema who played kolya. in childhood at a young age, both had their debut in a big movie, both of them specially
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learned to play the piano, the hammer hits the side, at that moment a sound wave is born, you literally had to think through every step, how you walk the plastic, its character, you needed this to perceive everything, for me this is probably the opportunity of large screens, to talk about something with people through my own eyes, it’s important. a good movie about the most important thing, about the difficult relationship between father and son, about how sometimes a complete stranger can become family and change your life, about how sometimes absolute love can become suffocating and how important it is to be able to let go of someone who is truly dear to you. maybe you only need me to prove something to someone? you know, i do everything just for you. kristina levieva, ivan strukov, roman khrolenko, maria melyanova and konstantin. first channel. that's all for now, we are following
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the development of events, well, right now on the first, watch the program "man is the law." the first match of the russian national football team in 2024 pleased fans of the most popular game in our country in every sense. the friendly match against the serbian team at the capital's dynamo stadium started with a symbolic kick of the ball performed by serbian actor milos bikovic, who is very... popular in russia and became an unforgettable show. dragon stojkovic's team started to be more active and attacked more dangerously, but in the twentieth minute an episode occurred that affected the entire subsequent scenario of the match. daniil khlusevich jumped up one on one with the goalkeeper, but he cska defender milangaich threw into the penalty area. turkish referee arda kerdesler, after consulting with the video referee regarding a possible offside, awarded a penalty to send off the serbian footballer. anton miranchuk was accurate from the penalty spot. soon ivan oblekov. the standard worked, alexander golovin delivered the serve to
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the goal line, where konstantin tyukavin and strakhinya pavlovich were fighting.


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