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tv   Nashe vsyo  1TV  March 23, 2024 10:15am-11:06am MSK

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after stabilization, we decide that we still need to evacuate. the federal center for disaster medicine, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova, governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, minister of health mikhail murashko, are visiting the wards of the victims and coordinating the provision of assistance to the wounded. currently there are 115 patients in inpatient facilities, of which five are children, one child is in serious condition, of 110 adults 60%.
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as a result of the terrorist attack, hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, as well as federal centers, are treating people in serious condition immediately after tragedy, the research institutes were urgently evacuated from klefosovsky, dozens of ambulances and disaster medicine helicopters arrived here. in the dead of night, the deputy chairman of the government and the minister of health, without cameras, walked around the wards with those injured as a result of the terrorist attack. there is enough of everything, there are no problems with medicines, consumables, or anything.
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directly outside the shift, so almost full teams came out to provide medical assistance. specialists from the serbsky institute provide psychological support to the relatives of victims, who needs it. maria saushkina, sergey levashov, channel one. residents of moscow and the region are encouraged to donate blood. there is now a supply of the necessary drugs, medical facilities are fully provided, however, when tragedies of this magnitude occur, the blood bank is always required to be replenished. you can hand it over. in many moscow hospitals, in particular, they encourage you to contact donor centers at the addresses polikarpova street 14, building 1, bakinskoye 31 or, for example, shabolovka 57. it is important to have a passport with nils with you. today from 3:39 am donors the blood center of the federal medical and biological agency began receiving services, my colleague, anna kurbatova, now works there, she is joining the live broadcast. anna, hello. yes, colleagues, hello, we
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are absolutely right, now we work at the fmba, here is the blood center of the federal medical and biological agency. well, i must say that yesterday information was published that by 8:30 anyone can come here, donate blood, donate plasma, but look at the huge number of people, people, of course, began to come long before 8:30, despite the rain, despite such chilly weather, already at 7:00 in the morning queues began to form here, people do not crowd, they stand dispersed, but... if you look at the queue only from here, this queue stretches, probably for a hundred meters, these are the people who came to donate blood for the first time in their lives, there are three queues here, here is the entrance for donors, now we will show you, here are the people who have already donated blood, but there are so many people , they continue to stay and stay that now let's go through and show you further there, a mobile blood and plasma collection point has also been deployed
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, there is also a queue lined up there now... despite the fact that just yesterday the federal medical and biological agency said that there is enough blood for all victims of the terrorist attack, despite this, still every one of them these people felt it was their duty to come here today, well, because there is no other way, each of them said today that, of course, this is our common misfortune, our common grief, our common tragedy, and no one can just stay on the sidelines, let's let's listen to what they said, we recorded it many of these... people right before the broadcast , let's listen, last night we decided that we could help, we came to donate, we wanted to donate before, but we didn’t get around to it, you understand, despite the message that there are enough blood components from tfmb, anyway, it definitely won’t be superfluous, the majority here are young people and those people who could not get into the building itself, since there are a lot of people willing, we arrived here at about 7:00 in the morning , there was already a queue when i saw the news that you can donate blood for... the victims immediately
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i realized for myself that well, i have to do this, because i pass all the indicators, i need to help those people who now need blood, this is the little that i can do now. well, we see that people continue to stay and stay, and especially many, of course, who decided to donate blood for the first time today, colleagues, our correspondent, anna kurbatova was in direct communication from the fmba blood center. after the terrorist attack in moscow, the moscow region and other regions, security measures were strengthened and events in federal institutions were canceled culture, many educational institutions have closed or moved classes remotely, special regime on capital roads. additional police forces are working at exits from moscow, checking cars, the maximum level of security in transport throughout the country, airports are operating normally, but passengers are asked to arrive in advance. increased security measures in shopping centers, the whole of russia mourns. on street billboards there are mourning
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posters, a candle and the date of a terrible tragedy. the inscription mourn crocus at night appeared on the facade of the rostov arena in rostov-on-don. in vladivostok, in the morning, people carry carnations and light lamps in memory of '. these are shots from minsk, a sea of ​​flowers , words of support, and this is our representative office in beijing and abroad, in russia, tears and general pain, of course, horror, horror, no words, it’s just that while we were all sleeping, we woke up, here it is is happening in the country, of course, we...
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from stockholm to chisinau, from minsk to paris, from tashkent to tallinn , flowers are brought to the russian embassy, ​​terrible footage from the moscow region shocked the whole world, words of support are flying to the russian capital from everywhere, chinese president sijin ping expressed his condolences, serbian president aleksandar vucic
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said belgrade mourns together with moscow. i want to express my sincere condolences to the citizens and leadership of russia, i hope that the terrorists who committed this terrible crime. will be held accountable. the canadian ministry of defense expressed its condolences to the families of the victims in condemnation of the terrorist attack. a similar statement was made by the diplomatic departments of peru, argentina, and iraq. immediately after the incident , the hereditary sent a telegram to the russian president prince of bahrain. a telegram of condolences also arrived from the president of tajikistan, imali rahmon. dushambe. the quotation strongly condemns this inhumane act of violence for which there is no justification. a letter of solidarity came to the kremlin from the president of uzbekistan. the secretary general of the arab league condemned the terrorist attack. hungarian prime minister orban said that he was praying for the families of the victims, however, although the eu as a whole criticized the heinous attack, the position of the union is clearly ambiguous. i was categorically against what happened italian prime minister giorgia miloni, but her
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polish colleague limited himself to a short message that he was following the news. the heads of the ministry of defense of the ministry of internal affairs, as well as the coordinators of the special services, keep me informed of the circumstances of the terrorist attack in moscow and the possible consequences. for the situation in the region. the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs made it clear that he did not attach much importance to the event and urged not to be distracted from more important things. let's not lose focus. the german press, discussing the terrorist attack in which russians died, found a reason to blame russia. the only thing that is clear is that there is still no reliable information about the possible culprits. it is also obvious that the kremlin will view this terrorist attack as part of military propaganda. and the french media were among the first to pick up the reuters version, which... with reference to a certain official telegram channel, isis linked the terrorist attack to this organization banned in russia. murder near moscow. emmanuel macron strongly condemns the terrorist attack claimed by isis, which killed more than 60 people. special forces soldiers, american
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newspapers have already named the culprits, now citing secret sources in the white house. the terrorist group isis claimed responsibility for the attack, it said ... an american official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the united states has no reason to doubt this statement. it is significant that the publication’s experts specifically analyzed each video from the scene of the terrorist attack, checking. its authenticity, but there were no reports of verification of that very statement in the isis telegram channel, it is unconditionally in the states taken on faith. us officials said they believed isis was responsible for the attack. the group claimed responsibility in a statement published on a telegram channel linked to the isis news agency. the new york times went the furthest, where they even named a specific isis cell according to the publication’s version, again with reference to certain sources behind the terrorist attack. there are militants whose headquarters are in kabul. an isis affiliate claimed responsibility for friday's attack in moscow, after which
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us officials confirmed it message. according to officials, in march the united states received word that a unit of the group based in afghanistan was planning an attack on moscow. the times reports that authorized american officials shared intelligence about the impending attack with their russian colleagues. however, the publication continues, it is unknown to what extent the information was provided and whether it went beyond the scope of publication. on the website of the american embassy in moscow there is a warning dated march 7. the embassy is monitoring the report that extremists are planning in the near future to attack crowded places in moscow, for example, concerts. us citizens are advised to avoid such areas for the next 48 hours. but this did not stop the diplomatic department , whose employees had obviously learned something in advance, from declaring that american diplomats were shocked by what had happened, and yet on the eve of the terrorist attack, its likelihood, in an infrequent case, was assessed by the embassy
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as too early to say that we know what - details of what happened in moscow, so our ability to identify
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extremely accurate information during these hours is limited, but literally half a minute later the same john kirby suddenly began to exclude even the theoretical possibility that ukrainian special services were behind the terrorist attack. we have no signals, none at all, that the ukrainians are in any way connected with this. it is striking that the american media, both liberal and conservative, justify.
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destroyed 11 vampire missiles over the region. and more information from the military departments thwarted an attempt by ukrainian saboteurs to penetrate the territory of the belgorod region, footage from the village of spodoryushina.
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everything is bitter, that’s it, but we must honor it, of course , for what it’s all, people are in grief, loss, these are incomprehensible, thank you, we, of course, also address these words, condolences, just condolences to all the relatives of the dead, recovery to all the wounded, that’s actually
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here in the back of the building. we’re working now, colleagues, here are the flowers, the first bouquet that appeared near the security post, i’ll ask the operator to show him the side of the building, actually, the façade itself - this complex is a hall , but apparently was not damaged, unlike the front part itself, but this is only an appearance, of course, specialists have even more work to do to find out the condition of the structure that is behind the outer facade, and that’s the case here, of course, clouds of smoke also rise, and they are noticeable to some extent, rain helps firefighters, it helps cool structures so that they don’t melt further, don’t collapse, so there were many reports that people left the building through all possible exits, here is one of them right now behind us, literally 30-50 m, pay attention, glass doors and glass are broken, that is, people who fled from the building, left the building, they knocked out
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the glass in order to quickly get it leave why here, here is the mikinina metro station, and colleagues, as you already said, 150, literally 200 m in a straight line along. from this building, people headed there, there they looked for shelter, it is known that they were all without outer clothing, so of course they warmed up there, in general, they came to their senses, tried to contact relatives understand what was happening, what is happening, they are working here now , pay attention, the military, this reinforcement happened literally half an hour ago, several additional vehicles of the national guard arrived here, several dozen employees also arrived, obviously the work continues, dog handlers with dogs also arrived, here is one of them just at the entrance near the security post. is now located, we also saw specialists with anti-drone systems, that is, here now such a reliable security bubble has been created around the croc setiho, well, understandably reasons, but the specialists work here all night for the ministry of emergency situations, for example, pay attention, i’ll ask the operator to show you, green tents are even erected, headquarters tents, it looks like some kind of
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meetings are being held there, coordination of work, well, all the services, firefighters, the ministry of emergency situations, the military and the russian guard continue. their work, which, apparently, they still have a lot of work to do, colleagues, there was my colleague ivan prozorov, a monstrous terrorist attack. at this moment, more than 60 victims are known; this is preliminary data from the investigative committee. three children - reported from the moscow region ministry of health there are more than 100 people in hospitals, many of them in serious or very serious condition. in moscow and the moscow region there are now queues at blood donation centers. medical institutions have a supply of necessary medications. are fully provided for, however, when tragedies of this magnitude occur, replenishment of the blood bank is always required. yesterday evening, at the beginning of nine, armed terrorists opened fire on people who came to a concert in podmoskovnik. more than 6,000 people could have been there during the attack, that’s how much the concert hall can accommodate. the hall was almost all sold out, terrorists threw molotovo cocktails or house bombs, an explosion, a major fire. here are
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shots of what crocos city looked like, how... the roof caught fire. our camera is installed on the roof of a neighboring high-rise building. the total area of ​​the fire is almost 13. m. as a result, the roof collapsed, there was a hole in the structure, and there was a leak through it. next are shots from inside kropus cityhall and the epicenter of the fire - the auditorium. vladimir putin constantly receives information in real time, instructions to all services who conduct investigation into who organizes treatment for victims and support for the families of victims in moscow, the moscow region and other regions. mass and entertainment events have been cancelled, condolences and words of support are pouring in from all over the world. please note the changes in the program of channel one, today we have an information channel on air and, of course, the news release next at noon. well, right now the program, time will tell. the first channel
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switches to the information channel mode, live all day, we will tell you about everything that is happening in the studio of oles losev, ruslan astashko. sleepless night, emotions, worries, watching the news, grief, clenched fists. anger and rage, the night passed, the smoke from the fire and the fog cleared and we saw what was now inside the crocus, the head of the department. the fire was put out by the special services throughout the night; it has now been localized, but extinguishing the fires continues. according to
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preliminary data published by the investigative committee, the number of deaths as a result of the terrorist attack exceeded 60 people, according to the ministry of health of the moscow region, among three children died. the investigative committee reported that the number of victims may.
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now in moscow and the moscow region , many people have come to blood donation centers to become donors and help those affected by the terrorist attack; many people have gathered
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to help at the moscow regional station. gathered at the blood transfusion station and what did they say that prompted them to come? and in the first hour of operation of the blood service institutions of the moscow region, we already had more than 600 people who had donated donors, and suitable groups of people, because people do not come one at a time even, and sometimes in groups, families, with friends, well, at the moment it’s difficult to say the exact number, but today in our blood center
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about... since the first negative one can be transfused without determining the blood group practically from the wheels, this was the most popular, however, we still try to adhere to group transfusions, so at the moment we have sufficient supplies of all groups, but we will be happy to accept everyone from all groups, but we especially ask you to pay attention to the first negative one and come to us in order to so that we can replenish the supplies that were
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spent yesterday. maria viktorovna, and to whom? no need to come, these are the kind of people who should, well, on an impulse , i don’t know, such a spiritual one, still abstain now, everyone who weighs less than 50 kg should refrain, since these people inevitably have fainting reactions, well, we don’t allow them , therefore, before donating to people with chronic diseases, it means abstaining for 48 hours after drinking alcohol, also 48 hours, in general, practically healthy people who do not take medications do not suffer some diseases, are not on medication correction, but hormonal changes in their body, which is also important, that is , a person thinks that he does not have a chronic disease, but he has constant medication support, as very often there are questions
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about... toxin, so everyone who constantly takes medications does not need to come to donate blood, tell me, do they need it differently, until what time will you accept donors today? today we work until the last donor, naturally, we do not we can refuse people, but in those of our units in the moscow region where the capacity for storing blood will already be overflowing, unfortunately, at a certain moment we will not be able to accept them. will be stopped, you just need to treat this with understanding. thank you very much, maria opalub, chief physician of the moscow regional blood center, was in direct contact with us. the purpose of any terrorist act is to intimidate and sow panic, but nothing happened, our people showed themselves heroically, we showed examples of the heroism of people there in the crocus concert hall, under terrorist shots. alexander yuryevich, who better than donetsk knows the value of the heroism of ordinary
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people. we now have the whole country united in an impulse, everyone is showing themselves to be a hero, what did the terrorists count on? did they manage to achieve their goals? you know, it seems to me that after 2 years of a special military operation, our people , even during such tragic events , began to behave differently, if we remember previous terrorist attacks, like this... organized concentrated behavior in terrible circumstances, i something not just i remember, i’ll even remind you of the story with the taxi drivers, yeah, we all remember what was going on then and how the whole society was outraged, after all, the past 2 years of our confrontation with the west, realized by people, as the presidential elections showed, they influence
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behavior in such extreme circumstances. this is the fact that people save not only themselves, but also those around them, in absolutely extreme circumstances, of course.
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the queue for blood donation was probably no less than now, so here it’s simple ours, our mentality, of course, they were counting on being scared, so to speak, but this is a small revenge of small people who, in general, have taken the path of such a cruel crime, murder, the murder of practically unarmed people, i don’t see here there are some special stories, difficulties, yes, if a person is programmed to kill, he will kill... in any case, therefore, we must keep in mind not their combat training, but their moral training, to shoot defenseless people you need to have a certain mentality , or maybe to be in general, so to speak, to be in a state of drug or some other intoxication,
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yes, but in this situation they, of course, what, what how, what happened, they, of course, killed a large number of people, they did not set themselves the task of dying themselves, as it was during the period of the chechen company, when a person entered into... that they did not try to die there themselves, so to speak, to become victims of their own terrorist attack and become heroes, yes, they tried to realize their plans to leave, therefore in this situation they succeeded, now they will probably be found, we generally
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have a very good hot pursuit investigation system, there are a lot of technical means, they make it possible to solve crimes very quickly, so i think that we will tell you about it right away, we will naturally discuss this, georgievich, what changes they are waiting for us and... does the duma plan to change its work schedule and what actions can we expect from legislation? firstly , the state duma will work next week and so this is not a regional week, so meetings will be held outside of any doubts in the focus of attention of the state duma, this issue will be, as it will be in the focus of attention of all russian leading television channels, the entire russian society, vile, absolutely very cruel, that it is important to emphasize a well- thought-out, verified crime. of course, our sincere condolences to everyone whose loved ones suffered, those whose loved ones died and those who will have to be treated, restore their health after the events that happened, key figures in russian politics, public life,
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state life have spoken out, condolences were brought by valentina ivanna matvienko, a very harsh statement on behalf of the state duma was made by vyacheslavavich volodin, gennady andrevich zyuganov on behalf of our party and the communist faction in the state duma as well. said his condolences and spoke in favor of the need for a very thorough , attentive investigation of this crime, and here it is very important to emphasize that our law enforcement officers are in no hurry to make political statements, they are painstakingly and thoughtfully understanding the details of this crime, and this inspires hope that we will quickly enough we will receive reliable information about what happened, who the customers are, who the performers are, and so on, and of course i agree specially. the behavior of our people deserves respect , what we saw, modern means of communication make it possible to quickly transmit messages, including at a private level, from the scene of events, the very worthy behavior of our fellow citizens, the reaction is as good as it can be in such a
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situation, well thought out, people supported each other, people tried to avoid panic, and it seems to me that this is extremely important, we unfortunately, we live in a society where no one... on the contrary , they want to pit us against each other as quickly as possible, to separate us, but it turns out, but it turns out that we unite, a short advertisement and we’ll come back. russia allegedly kidnaps children for cadet schools, children are taught to become adults, that is, not just to make decisions, but to bear responsibility for them. there is a lot of competitive selection, we have about six people per place, it’s quite difficult to get there, they allegedly started cutting the mariupol port for scrap metal, of course, it needs to be restored. cut new ones build the port infrastructure is only being maintained, modernized and
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increased, and a new trend in italy is a film about donbass, why did ukrainian viewers not like it so much? antifake, premieres on monday on the first. i work undercover, combining the duties of a secret police officer and an operator. show me your id. an abandoned building in the area of ​​a specific park, suspicious persons have been spotted, it is necessary to check. what about now? call you a taxi driver in uniform, bombed in law, hands behind your head on the ground, you injured four people this month, you broke the chalist of one of them, that was when, but you don’t remember all of them, yes turbin, the consequences for you will be as severe as possible, tell me, do you know this man, a taxi under the guise of the prime minister. from monday on the first
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, a symphony of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion, after death and pitch darkness we are again resurrected and moving along the paths of improvement, i, together with the whole country i was jubilant, ours have finally arrived, we are breaking. it was a dazzling flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, among whistling bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession. on monday, on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. and, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i just. come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of
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people saw me, you’re lying, why are you always lying in one pile, but we will get used to living separately, we will separate anyway, well, understand , it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare, that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want to live with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna.
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life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. the information channel on the first one is live all day today . so, according to the latest data investigative committee, the number of dead exceeded 60 people, but some telegram channels report that there were 62 dead. ministry of emergency situations, between. reports that at least 121 people were injured, of whom 115 are now in hospitals, including five children. now pervokanal correspondent ivan prozorov is working at the scene of the terrorist attack in crocus. literally since yesterday evening he has been at the scene of the events . we’ll find out what’s happening there now. ivan, hello, over to you. colleagues, hello, but we are now probably the closest distance. you can approach the building from the end literally
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30-50 meters away, you can notice that here we can see, we see, of course, the facade of the building, which is destroyed at the top, you see the burnt structures, where the roof collapse happened, on our side, at the starting part of the building , the external façade has been preserved, but this is of course only an appearance; specialists still have to do a lot of work to understand how stable the structure is, what is inside - in this sense, the rain in... in some way in a sense, it helps the firefighters who are still working inside, here are a few people, literally several calculations came out before the start of our live broadcast, and the rain cools the structures in a sense, in general it helps the fire.
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that people did not escape through the central entrance , it is understandable, because it is dangerous there, they were shooting there, there were criminals there, but they chose all possible methods of evacuation, through stairs, through emergency exits, one of them is located right here, literally behind the fence, behind cordon, please note, glass doors, now i’ll ask the operator to enlarge the frame, the glass is broken, this means people who were evacuating, leaving the building, broke the glass so that it could be as possible... it’s difficult to say whether they were closed or not, we can’t check this, maybe they were are open, but perhaps people simply knocked out the glass
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so that the flow would exit faster, because the door needs to be held, this is still some kind of hitch, perhaps the glass was removed simply in order to leave this building faster, so we saw that specialists went there , but did they pull they handle. we didn’t witness this, but here, why did people run out, because here it’s literally 150-200 meters in a straight line to the mikinin metro station, and people were without outerwear, in the lobby of the metro they took shelter, warmed up, came to their senses, tried to communicate with relatives and loved ones , to understand what happened, what happened , to find out which of those with whom they came to the concert were injured, who were not injured, what happened in general, of course, this work continues now and despite the fact... that already the night passed morning, the next day reinforced, the cordon arrived several cars of the national guard, and the military - armored vehicles, there are dog handlers with dogs, there are, uh, there are specialists with anti-drone systems, that is, above the croc city hall, such a security cap, a security perimeter was created
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so that specialists calmly - they completed extinguishing the fire, carried out investigative measures, in fact, they were doing very important work right now. colleagues, thank you very much, ivan prozurov, a correspondent for channel one, was in direct contact with us. on ukrainian social networks immediately after the news of the terrorist attack , a real sabbath began. bandera members do not hide their joy over the tragedy; here are just some of the comments on social networks. i think you understand perfectly well what kind of mood reigned there, and this is just a small part of everything that poured out during this time, during this night on social networks. well, you know, the fire of hatred, as i understand it, warms.
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the white house immediately rushed to make excuses for ukraine, there were no official reports yet, and john kirby is already saying: there are no signs there is no involvement of ukraine. i know you are still gathering information about the attacks on moscow, but do you have any idea if this could be related to the conflict in ukraine? at this point there is no indication that ukraine or ukrainians are involved in this attack, but then again it just happened. we are studying the information, but for now i would'.
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but we will have to do this, firstly, the terrorist attack was planned very professionally, and obviously perfectly, i’m here during a commercial break. she said that from my point of view even this reaction of the population was calculated ours and society, that is, this
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consolidation, this has already happened, and this is exactly how we react, there is nothing surprising in this, but why then, it means that this was calculated, secondly, we must understand that any terrorist attack, and this airborne sabotage activities of the enemy, and on the territory... which he defined as the territory of the enemy, and the third, it hardly seems to me, will be quite difficult to prove with all the stupidity that kirby was talking about, the direct participation of the ukrainian special services of the ukrainian side, they know this, that's why kirby says: here it’s unlikely that such a chain will be proven, or even if we prove it, well, how about... presenting this to the international community, this is a very interesting, i think it’s a difficult moment, then here i would, you know,
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i really can’t afford it, but i would like to appeal to our fellow citizens, well , the festival is over, the festival is over, we have them all the time, you know, we have one part of the country and it helps uh. donbass is being helped by a special military operation, and another, not even from not now, not from those who, as it were, infected with some kind of ethical deviations, you understand what i’m talking about about all sorts of parties, not even these people, even completely normal people who want not to notice anything, i can say, i understand them perfectly, because you need to take additional civil responsibility . we need people from the special services
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, including from law enforcement agencies, who can educate, well, ordinary people, not professionals, but we have judges, so that spy mania does not start in society, you know, because this is also aimed at that this should be in our society, that is, this is one of the goals. yes, this is also the extreme that is not intended for. now further, insofar as we see , and i monitor, well, you understand , i am studying the foreign policy component, yes, the threats that can come to us from different sources, we have a very large border, our country is really not you isolate, because no amount of electrical tape is enough, but i see how provocations are prepared and brought there.
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that these people were trained by instructors, why i said that this operation, the special operation , was very well planned, precisely due to the fact that there were no suicide bombers there, yes, this needs to be prepared very well, we need to rely on people with an animal psychology who shot unarmed people , we don’t have much time, but we really want to give everyone the opportunity to be sure today, even more representatives of the special services... andrei vitalievich addressed them, but how should we react, what goals were set and - what did they expect, this?


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