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tv   Poekhali  1TV  March 23, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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in connection with the terrorist attack, telephone hotlines of various services have been opened, mobile operators are eliminating fees for calls, and the government portal objasnyaem.rf publishes a complete list of communication lines in its telegram channel. the ministry of emergency situations can provide psychological assistance to people in connection with the terrorist attack at 8800 775-1717. the department's website also posts lists of victims. so, 11 people included. four terrorists who were directly involved in the monstrous terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow were detained. about this vladimir putin fsb director alexander bortnikov reported. the suspects' accomplices are being identified and a search is underway for them. and another important information from the investigative committee, a significant detail: four criminals were detained in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine they were going to cross it, notes the special services. now the suspects are being taken to moscow. investigators also reported someone died during the attack. 93 people and added that
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the number of victims will still increase. just now a photo is appearing on the internet, so far from unofficial sources, as they write, this is the one the very car in which the terrorists tried to escape and were detained in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine. after the terrorist attack in moscow, the moscow region and other regions, security measures were strengthened, events in federal cultural institutions were cancelled, many educational institutions were closed or... transferred classes to remote learning, a special regime on the capital's roads, additional police forces are working on exits from moscow, checking cars maximum level of safety in transport throughout the country. airports are operating normally, but passengers are asked to arrive early. increased security measures in shopping centers. all of russia is mourning; on street billboards there are mourning posters, a candle and the date of the terrible tragedy. the inscription mourn crocus at night appeared on the facade of the rostov arena in rostov-on-don.
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these are shots from minsk, a sea of ​​flowers, words of support, but this is our representation in beijing and abroad, in russia, tears and common pain, we are together with the muscovites, we...
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we couldn’t help but come and honor the memory of the victims , this is a terrible tragedy for everyone countries, and we must express, show our feelings that this is so uniting, now more than ever, unite all the people together, and, of course, experience words of condolences and support to everyone who suffered, everyone who was involved. it has just become known about vladimir putin’s telephone conversation with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko, he expressed deep condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in moscow, they talked about their readiness to continue working together to combat terrorism, the press secretary said russian leader, dmitry peskov. condolences to the families of the victims, words of support are coming from all continents, as for the version, of course, we need to receive the first official statements from the services that are involved.
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“i want to express my sincere condolences to the citizens and leadership of russia, i hope that the terrorists who committed this terrible crime will be brought to justice. the canadian ministry of defense issued a condemnation of the terrorist attack and condolences to the families of the victims; a similar statement was made by the diplomatic departments of peru, argentina, iraq, immediately after the incident , the crown prince of bahrain sent a telegram to the russian president. also, a telegram of condolences was received from the president of tajikistan, imali rahmon dushamba. the quotation
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strongly condemns this inhumane act of violence for which there is no justification. a letter of solidarity came to the kremlin from the president of uzbekistan. the terrorist attack was condemned by the secretary general of the arab league. orban said that he was praying for the families of the victims, however, although the eu as a whole criticized the heinous attack, the position of the union is clearly ambiguous. italian prime minister giorgia miloni was categorically against the incident, but the head of the lithuanian foreign ministry made it clear that he did not attach much importance to the event and urged not to be distracted from more important things. let's not lose focus. the german press, discussing the terrorist attack in which russians died, found a reason to blame russia. what is clear is that there is still no reliable information about the possible culprits, and it is also obvious that the kremlin will view this terrorist attack as part of military propaganda. and the french media were among the first to pick up the agency’s version reuters, which, with reference to a certain isis official telegram channel, linked the terrorist attack with this
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organization banned in russia. murder near moscow. emmanuel macron strongly condemns the terrorist attack claimed by isis, which killed more than 60 people. in a buiding. special forces soldiers were still working in sitiho, and american newspapers were already naming the culprits, now citing secret sources in the white house. the terrorist group isis claimed responsibility for the attack, its news agency reported. american the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the us had no reason to doubt the statement. it is significant that the publication’s experts specifically analyzed each video from the scene of the terrorist attack, checking it for authenticity, but reports about the verification of that very statement in igilovsky. in the states it is unconditionally accepted on faith. us officials said they believed isis was responsible for the attack. the group claimed responsibility in a statement published on a telegram channel associated with isis news agency.
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the new york times went the furthest, they even named a specific isis cell. according to the publication, again with reference to certain sources, militants whose headquarters are in kabul are behind the terrorist attack. responsibility for friday's attack. an isis branch took over in moscow, after which american officials confirmed the report. according to officials, in march the united states received word that a unit of the group based in afghanistan was planning an attack on moscow. the new york times reports that authorized american officials shared intelligence about the impending attack with their russian counterparts. however, the publication continues, it is unknown to what extent the information was provided and whether it went beyond the warning dated march 7 published on the website of the american embassy in moscow. the embassy is monitoring reports that extremists are planning to attack crowded places in moscow, such as concerts, in the near future. us citizens are advised to avoid such areas for the next 48 hours. but this did not stop the diplomatic department, whose employees had obviously learned something in advance, from declaring that american
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diplomats were shocked by what happened, and yet on the eve of the terrorist attack, the likelihood of it happening infrequently by the embassy was assessed as close to 100%. from my own experience. and i have been involved in the preparation of these types of warnings, i know that they are based on reliable intelligence indicating an imminent terrorist attack, such warnings are based on sources reporting on the terrorists' plans, their access to weapons and events, so the american government knew exactly what was being prepared. if so, then under international law washington was obliged to share with moscow any information, even classified information, that could help prevent an attack.
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i don’t think that the ukrainians are interested in such goals, they are more likely to attack oil refineries, radars, military facilities, what has happened is a pure war crime, and the ukrainians, no matter how angry they are with russia, do not
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do such things. general clark seems to have nothing knows about regular, one might say daily, attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on residential areas of belgorod, where the casualties are almost all civilians. women and children. in the affected area there are social facilities, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and a maternity hospital. just today, after the morning shelling, two people were killed and 14 apartment buildings were damaged. today, as reported. an attempt by ukrainian saboteurs to break through the border was stopped. obviously, a small detachment could not have a strategic goal; a much more likely task was to intimidate civilians, this is approximately what the militants launched the terrorist attack in crocus for. general clark apparently did not hear the words of the head of the main intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense budanov about the death of daria dugina. don't continue this topic. i will say this: we have killed and will continue to kill russians anywhere in the world until the complete victory of ukraine. but american journalists did not remember this threat. some democratic media, such as
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cbs, generally presented the news about princess catherine of wales’ cancer as the main event of the day, although the british bbc, which should be much closer to the jaws that fell on the royal family, brought the terrorist attack in moscow to the front page. are the americans trying, as they say, to bury the topic, with lightning speed, by appointing isis members as guilty. however, despite all the attempts of the american media to politicize it as much as possible. a spontaneous memorial appeared at the russian consulate in new york: americans, residents of the city, bring flowers and light candles in memory of those killed in the moscow region. georgy lisashvili, natalya labanova, victor averin, alexey kozlov, first channel. the families of the victims will receive financial support, and the victims will receive from 500 thousand to 3 million rubles. this was stated by the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. this applies not only to muscovites, but also to those who came to the concert. from other regions. in addition, additional monthly payments to children whose mothers or fathers died in the sitihol cropus.
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the same support measures are in the moscow region, said regional governor andrei vorobyov. earlier, the head of the region held a meeting at the operational headquarters, and is now clarifying the lists of victims in hospitals. rescuers continue to work at the site of the tragedy. a help center is opening for relatives of the dead and wounded near crocus city hall. all the latest information will be available there. you are now starting to...
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in which the terrorists drove up to crocus city hall, the car was promptly put on the wanted list, here are new photographs this morning , apparently of the same car. white symbol, this is the bryansk region, not far from the ukrainian border. so, 11 people were detained, including four terrorists who were directly involved in the terrorist attack. about fsb director alexander bortnikov reported this to vladimir putin. now service employees are identifying accomplices. the investigative committee reports that interrogations have already begun. four were detained near the border with ukraine in the bryansk region. the fsb clarifies that the criminals had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side. there was a terrorist attack.
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yesterday evening at the beginning of eight, armed terrorists opened fire on people who came to a concert in the city hall building near moscow, there could have been more than 6.00 people there during the attack, that’s how much it can accommodate the concert hall almost all tickets were sold out. the terrorists used a highly flammable liquid and a large fire started. here are shots of what kroku city looked like when the roof was on fire. our camera is installed on the roof of a neighboring high-rise building; the total area of ​​the fires is almost 13.00 km2, in total. collapsed, there is a hole in the structure, there is a leak coming through it. well, here are the shots
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from the inside: the cityhall crocus and the epicenter of the fire, the auditorium. vladimir putin constantly receives information in real time, instructions to all services who conduct investigation into who organizes treatment for the victims and support for the families of the victims. in moscow, the moscow region and other regions , security measures have been strengthened and mass entertainment events have been cancelled. condolences and words of support come from all over the world. our episode is now complete; the big game program is now on channel one. there's a big game on the air, hello, and first of all i want to... in this monstrous inhuman terrorist attack that took place yesterday in the moscow crocus city hall, a terrorist attack in its scale and cruelty comparable to those that swept across russia in the late nineties, early 2000, including in the notorious nordost; according to the investigative committee, as of today, 93 people have died,
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and unfortunately, this number will continue to grow, here indeed, the deepest... deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims, this is a huge, unsurpassed, simply indescribable tragedy. vladimir putin, of course, did not sleep that night; he was constantly in contact with law enforcement and social departments, in particular with the heads of the ministry of emergency situations, the fsb, ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee of the russian guard, with deputy prime minister golikova, with the minister of health murashka and the governor of the moscow region vorobyov. and about an hour ago, a little over an hour ago. the head of the fsb , alexander bortnikov, reported to vladimir putin about the detention of 11 people, including four of all four terrorists who were directly involved in yesterday’s terrorist attack in crocus. the renault car in which the terrorists were traveling was stopped in battle in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine, and the fsb officially announced today, i quote,
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that after the terrorist attack, the criminals intended to cross the border. russia and ukraine had corresponding contacts on the ukrainian side. well, i also want, of course, to emphasize the heroism, solidarity and unity that ordinary people, our fellow citizens, showed in the terrible moments of the terrorist attack. firstly, many of the spectators who came to the concert in crocus yesterday were saving other people, pulling out the wounded, carrying out children, leading people out of the burnt area. buildings, these are real heroes, the same like our soldiers in the special operation zone. secondly, today muscovites are donating blood en masse to donor centers. at night , people brought humanitarian aid to the crocus for the victims and doctors, food and warm tea. well, our healthcare system worked well, because, as
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minister murashka said, we managed to mobilize doctors literally in a matter of minutes. there is no official data yet about who carried out this monstrous terrorist attack, but there are some versions, yes, and version number one is that the roots go back to ukraine, i already i just said that terrorists were rushing to the ukrainian border and had relevant contacts on the other side who were trying to cross it,
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the fsb officially announced this. ukraine itself is still categorically against... further in the west , everyone almost in unison declares that this terrorist attack was most likely carried out by the islamic state isis, banned in russia. let's listen to what the american new york times writes about this. on friday, isis claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in moscow that killed at least
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60 people and about 100 were injured. us officials confirmed shortly thereafter. statement. in march, the united states received intelligence that the group's affiliate in kharasan province, based in afghanistan, was planning an attack on moscow, officials said. as one of the american officials stated, members of this terrorist organization are actively operating in russia. this is the second version, and indeed the united states and the collective west are actively trying to turn the tables on isis, but even if this isis was fine with this. of course, this does not negate the fact that the kiev regime is terrorist in nature; by the way, we remember very well how the united states itself worked closely with egil in the same syria. used egil to fight the bashar-assad regime by the official syrian armed forces, and also the united states is actively moving the needle away from itself, from
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itself, yes, we remember very well that some time ago the united states announced that terrorist attacks were being prepared in russia, well, today they hastened to declare that they had no they don’t see anything to do with this, they don’t see any... the united states adrian watson even stated at the national security council that the united states warned russia about these terrorist attacks that were being prepared. let's listen to adrian utson. earlier this month , the us government had information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow. it was potentially aimed at large gatherings, including. concerts, it prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans in russia. the us government, building on its long-standing the practice of mandatory warning in
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such cases also shared this information with the russian authorities. well , i must say that a source in the russian special services, as reported by ria novosti, today confirmed that yes, indeed, the united states transmitted some information, but according to this... source , this information was extremely general and not at all non-specific. yuri nikolaevich, you are the deputy chairman of the state duma defense committee, but you are naturally knowledgeable in these issues the work of the special services, the terrorist attacks, your reaction to what happened, including those versions that are already appearing in the public space today, the ukrainian version, the isis version, that's... what the united states allegedly warned, but not specifically. yes, in addition, i was the commander of soobra, the commander of amon, so i am related to certain issues. i will say, in my opinion, any
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version has a basis. well, i don’t hide the fact that before the transfer we shared with our colleagues, yes, and, in any case, i am inclined to think that we were right i support that, after all, the roots go to ukraine, if isis, then they were, well, as a tool to achieve their goals. and, of course, the united states of america. played an important role in this matter, they coordinated this action, they were on topic with these questions and so on, because the information was really of a general nature, i may seem like a feeding thing to some, but i will say that the employees will agree with me after listening , my colleagues, practically protect every object 100% completely it is impossible, every object, but to minimize everything, to do everything possible to ensure the safety of citizens, this is what is being done, i also saw the actions of the assembly employees who were there. and the department, which means i will say that employees cannot be blamed for inaction or unprofessionalism, everything possible has been done, is being done and will be
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done to prevent this, now the task is to fully disclose and prevent subsequent acts of this kind from happening, which means at the same time i want let’s also say objectively, if some link in this chain has failed, it means that something has not been completed, in some ways we are together, here we cannot separate. people, medicine, society here, our entire society , and we must understand that only through joint efforts can we prevent what happened today, because nevertheless they were detained in hot pursuit, and now their involvement is being worked out and so on, but i i think that hot on the heels of the first, well, investigative actions confirm their involvement in committing terrorism, this is also professionalism our employees, so i think i want to emphasize this again.
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attempts to warn the russian federation, attempts to prevent these terrorist attacks, at least now they are trying , in this way, it’s all, how to imagine, yes, what do you think about it? well , you know, their position is quite weak, when there were terrorist attacks in the united states, for example, with people from the former soviet republics, our intelligence services transmitted absolutely specific data, for example, remember the terrorist attack in boston, like a marathon in
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boston, definitely tsarnaev. of course, according to tsarnaev, specific names were given , specific warnings were given , no one was detained there, although they were on the territory of the united states, this is the first, second, we all remember very well that there were terrorist acts on the territory of the russian federation carried out by kiev terrorists, then the united states also said that the kiev regime had nothing to do with it, the united states had nothing to do with it, its intelligence services had nothing to do with it, then they had to do it under pressure.
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ukrainian border, accordingly , someone was waiting there, there are some, apparently, paths where washington’s allies were supposed to receive them, so for me, today’s position of the west is absolutely weak, in fact, today they must answer to their own citizens why they they are fighting terrorism so weakly, well, it seems to me that they are not even fighting terrorism, they are using it in their own interests, we remember how
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the united states used it. they tried to undermine the same islamist terrorism against russia in the nineties stability, stability of the russian state, we remember how the united states, as i already said, collaborated with the same group in syria, and we know, including from the american media and even without the american media, how closely the cia works with the same group ukraine, yes, let me remind you, there was an article in the new york times, where it was written in black and white that the same kirill budanov. this is an american agent, they prepared and trained him, he was one of the commandos who was trained by the united states, today he leads main directorate of intelligence of ukraine , taking all this into account, i also don’t believe the statements that we hear today from washington, most likely they are just trying to change the arrows, now there is a little advertising, then we will continue, the premiere, a big story,
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you can work alone without partner, taxi? why does covering for a taxi driver give such excellent results? yes, because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to taxi drivers and taxis. moreover, if necessary, a taxi using the built-in the flashing lights in the radiator with one press of a button turns into a police car, not a car,
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but an animal. let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find a gunner, we cover up the gang, our people, among yours, will do everything for him, we work! undercover taxi, premiering monday on the first. big history, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. law enforcement officers stand outside the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them combat weapon. warned everyone that in the event of an attack on an administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons, it was unique for ukraine, it was a cold winter, and the maidan was freezing, and he captured the buildings that were nearby, due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top , we
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could not turn off the captured buildings from the heat, they set me up with this trade union house, like he burned people, yanukovych was already a played note, he had to leave, and preferably die. the current ukrainian prosecutor's office has admitted that russian there were no snipers there, the nazis carried out pogroms, murders, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we came out for our families, for our land, premiere, big story, maidan, part two, tomorrow on the first, this is the one, who surrendered his partner. what have you done? no one wants to work with him; when he’s driving, he’s like a duck to water. we are launching an experiment. taxi, undercover taxi , that colonel, is this legal? i had my own
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plans for this car, but they forced one joint on you, and you ’ll fly out of here like a traffic jam. champagne. an interception plan has been introduced, an armed attack at the address north 27. it looks like we have a new maniac. more? pipes , and what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform, a bomb in the law, which is unfinished, you yourself decided to start the actual investigation, persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here, why are you helping me, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, what’s your name, for you i’m just a taxi driver, an undercover taxi, the premiere starts on monday on the first, then you fell? and what else, well, here you go how to live with you, well, you don’t live , premiere, big story, maidan, part two, tomorrow on the first,
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big game on air, the vast majority of countries in the world, especially, of course, our partners, among the world majority, expressed deep condolences to russia and we unequivocally condemned the inhumane terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. as an example, let's listen to the statement of chinese president xidzenping. on behalf of the chinese government and the chinese people, i would like to express my deepest condolences to the victims and express sincere condolences to the victims and families of the victims. china opposes all forms of terrorism, strongly condemns terrorist... attacks, and firmly supports the russian government's efforts to maintain national security and stability. well, of course , similar statements were made by indian prime minister narendra modi and the king and crown prince of saudi arabia and many, many other
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leaders. the un security council also came out with a unified position and strongly condemned all un member countries, by the way, including ours opponents from the collective west, also within the framework. the security council condemned these terrorist attacks. ivan alekseevich, taking into account such an international reaction, is it possible to talk about the possible intensification of counter-terrorism cooperation, firstly, within the framework of the global majority, within the framework of such structures as brix, where russia is now the chairman, the sco, the shanghai cooperation organization, where terrorism is, extremism, are named precisely those evils that this organization is fighting, the second question is, can we talk about, i don’t know,
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and various terrorist networks were an independent, as if destructive force, even if they were then to some extent an independent destructive force,
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in general, the collapse of western american hegemony will, it will contribute to easing the situation with this terrorist threat, because that the western intelligence services will use less of all kinds of scum when these american deep state finally seriously squeeze the countries of the world majority, but as for cooperation here with western countries. i want to draw your attention to the fact that - formally everyone said
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words of condolences, sympathy, but we , of course, are very grateful, i am sure, probably our leadership will say about this, that russia is grateful to everyone who sincerely sympathizes with the dead, who prays for the wounded , but the key word is who does it sincerely, because the impression is created that despite the fact that these formal... words were also spoken from the west, the meaning is put into them in a different way, because against the backdrop of these formal words we we see that the americans for 12 hours now, they have been using this terrorist attack to the detriment of russia, to discredit what is happening in our society, what the russian leadership is doing, we must not forget that, after all, the context is related to the russian elections with a high turnout, with high support, it also continues, americans be careful.
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the phrase that you know, in russia there are many who allegedly disagree with the regime of vladimir putin, he did not insist, but still abandoned it; he said it in the context of these very terrorist attacks, yes, but then he said that we have there is no evidence, so let 's wait a little longer, this is true, they are officially spreading it out carefully, but look at the statement of romney, mitt romney, the senator, to the state, these are ugly statements that i don’t even
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want to quote, in fact putting the russian leadership on one level with terrorists, so this is an information campaign, they are working on these , i agree, well, the kiev regime, in fact, despite this monstrous terrorist attack in crocus, continued the open official terrorist activities against russia, this night according to the ministry of defense. 12 ukrainian drones were shot down on russian territory, and these drones tried to hit the kuibyshev oil refinery and the novokuibyshev oil refinery, despite the fact that the united states seems to be calling on the kiev leadership not to hit russian oil refineries, anyway, they still continue to hit, over belgorod 11 vampire rszo shells made in the czech republic were intercepted in the region, that’s what’s happening now...
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slight progress, but nevertheless, in the ugledar direction we have progress north of novomikhailovka, in the village itself fierce battles continue, in marinsky this morning there are no changes yet, there are battles in georgievka on the outskirts of krasnogorovka, in the avdeevka direction our the troops have seriously advanced to the west of the thin one, as well as in the direction of, well , berdych, there somewhere the advance is about one to one and a half kilometers, the enemy recognizes a sharp deterioration in the situation.
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is undertaken by the enemy, again, this is from, well, let’s just say, they are trying to somehow overcome the extremely negative background from defeats at the front, the situation is not new, we encountered this during the campaign in syria, when , as we destroyed the so-called islamic state, banned in russia , the terrorists tried with all their might to use terrorist attacks in syria and other regions, including in our country, to block the extremely negative developments of events on the fronts. will they be able to break our society with terrorist attacks, no, they won’t be able to, we will win by military means. go down a level we won’t carry out this bloody terror, that is, we have proven methods in the north caucasus and syria, how to find and destroy those who carry out these terrorist attacks and defeat those who take arms on the battlefield by military means. thank you very much, boris alexandrovich, keep us informed. yuri nikolaevich, how will this monstrous terrorist attack
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affect russian actions in the zone of special military operation? you know, maybe once again, as i tell you, i’ll say a feeding thing. the zone of special military operation has already shifted to our territory countries, that means we must fight those enemies, those enemies who commit these kinds of terrorist acts and are generally engaged in criminal activities, this is the first, second, of course, in my opinion, retaliatory strikes will be inevitable, at the same time i would correct myself a little that our armed forces today show examples of courage and heroism, and at the same time everything is done in accordance with the plan of the general staff of the russian armed forces. federation, we shouldn’t wander this way and that, of course we should take into account the current situation , in this case there is a terrorist attack, and as they say , our fists are itching, and i think that they will come , they will bring the feeling, but at the same time we must follow the plans of the general staff, our units are advancing, we have seized the initiative and today’s terrorist attack
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is evidence the fact that our armed forces are really successfully fulfilling the tasks that they face at the front, so i want to emphasize once again that it was no coincidence that i started with the fact that... the special military operation has already moved to the borders of our country, and we must understand to realize what happened today, yesterday, or rather, forgiveness, in moscow, this can happen anywhere, anywhere, at any time, and today, like us from everyone else, today we do not separate moscow, the belgorod region, there bryansk, kursk, we are all one country, and we all must understand that today the enemy, here he is the enemy, today composure depends on us, which means the absence of panic, one thing.
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and in general against the evil, the complex evil with which we, with which we are fighting. a little advertising, then we'll be back. lyosha, you do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember what i told you about the secret work? attention,
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there is an armed attack, there are casualties, this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague. no matter what, you can always count on me, even despite our divorce, you couldn’t stay away from him, you don’t love him. that is, my parents were killed, i can’t even find out how the killers are looking for them, hold on, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it, you haven’t been on a date for a long time, and an undercover taxi, the premiere is on monday on the first, from this for now, no contact with this guy from the teaching staff. big history, a program for those who want to know. the past to understand the present and see the future. law enforcement officers stand outside the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into
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the presidential administration and gave them military weapons and warned everyone that in the event of an attack on the administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons. it was a uniquely cold winter for ukraine, and the maidan was freezing, and he captured the buildings that were nearby due to the fact that no decision was made at the very top. we could not disconnect the captured buildings from heat, they set me up with this trade union house, like he burned people, yanukovych had already played the note, he had to leave, and preferably die, the current ukrainian prosecutor’s office admitted that there were no russian snipers there, the nazis they organized pogroms, murders, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we married our families, our land, the prime minister. big story, maidan, part two, tomorrow on the first, maybe we can have dinner together, come on, then
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your wife came to you, asked how you were, we i would like to sit down and talk like a human being, we quarreled, sulked, she’s happy with me, lesh, we can meet, olya, i hit him because he climbed into someone else’s bed, let everything be left. there is, what remains, that the turbine is not yours, how do you understand something here, if you love, you understand, but you don’t want to invite me to dinner today, excuse me, it’s work, attention, an armed attack at severnaya 27, there are victims, big history, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future, law enforcement officers stand outside the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them military
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weapons and warned everyone that in the event of an attack on the administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons. it was a uniquely cold winter for ukraine, and the maidan was freezing, and he seized the buildings that were nearby, due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top, we could not disconnect the seized buildings from... they set me up with this trade union house, like burned people. yanukovych had already played the note, he must was to leave, and preferably to die. the current ukrainian prosecutor's office has admitted that there were no russian snipers there. the nazis carried out pogroms and murders, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we married our families for our land. premiere, big story, maidan. part two, tomorrow on the first. there is a big game on the air, the monstrous
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terakrocus cityhall, some leaders of even western countries condemned it and expressed sympathy, including emmanuel macron , prime minister of italy, george meloni, she said that this terrorist attack is an unacceptable massacre, well... "let's not lose focus, obviously keeping in mind that it is unacceptable for russia to be seen as a victim, russia, according to
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lansberges, must remain evil.
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can the tragedy become a turning point, and can they still open up someone's eyes and some kind of conscience will wake up, so as not to connect their fate with evil, so it seems to me that this will not be a turning point , what in principle we already knew is happening, and i will repeat it again. of course, words are spoken in the west sympathy, but but gives away from him from them, with something like that on duty paraffinov , one feels hypocrisy, because at the same time there are very nasty comments from the other side, they are planting all sorts of stashes, like you already said, yes, to try to turn the arrows somewhere, in the end the russian to discredit the leadership, but some
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take a hypocritical position, although...
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who then got through to george bush jr. was vladimir putin. and he expressed absolute solidarity with the united states and offered cooperation in the fight with this common evil. today, john kirby , not only did he say that he cannot rule out that this is a protest against putin on the part of some dissenters in russia, which is also absolute unacceptable cynicism, but that is also true. said that president biden does not plan to call putin in light of this terrorist attack in crocus. alexander viktorovich, first of all, your assessment of this position of the united states, right? and secondly, do you expect some kind of interaction between the special services at a lower level, at the working level, to combat international terrorism. dmitry, you know, the russian people, they always know how to sympathize at the leadership level, including any tragedy of
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a particular nation, especially when terrorist events occur.


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