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tv   Shirli-mirli  1TV  March 23, 2024 1:10pm-3:06pm MSK

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the foreign leader who then reached george w. bush was vladimir putin. and he expressed absolute solidarity with the united states and offered cooperation in the fight against this common evil. today john kirby, not only did he say that he cannot rule out that this is a protest against putin on the part of some dissenters in russia, which is also absolutely unacceptable cynicism.
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intelligence services, russian authorities and the head of state always express condolences, including the entire russian people. talking about cooperation between intelligence services, well , i think that under the biden administration today this is impossible, because it was most likely during his administration that a story happened in which our intelligence services received general information, to cooperate with those with whom there is no point in cooperating, i think we ... they shouldn’t, and
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we need to wait for the vector to change, because people live in the usa, and there are many adequate people who certainly want global terrorism to cease to exist anywhere on this planet, we need to wait for these people to arrive at the white house today, to be honest , i think there have been no statements yet, but i think that from donald trump we will hear some other statements regarding the terrorist attacks in crocus.
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you conveyed information, yes, when the united states is trying to excuse the kiev regime, yes, again they say that there is no reason to assume that this is the kiev regime, although the information that the fsb has already shared is of the opposite nature, that’s fair to me saying reminds how the united states excuses western mercenaries who are fighting in ukraine, yes, there are a huge number of western mercenaries in ukraine, but we don’t know anything about the official position of the same biden administration.
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tie themselves as much as possible to this situation , first, secondly, to protect ukraine in some way, because they understand that the world community, we already talked about this today, for the most part condemned the terrorist attack, moreover, the osce, moreover, this means that the european union even, and i will say that in the light of un security, which it happened, it happened, it means that a corresponding statement was adopted on the support of our country in the investigation of this terrorist attack, so, therefore, the united states of america understands that... here they need to take such a position, try to sit on two chairs, of course they can’t do it, the first thing they gave out was when kirby almost accused the president of russia of not trusting him, this thereby expresses stupidity and all sorts of real nonsense, so i think that the united states of america will follow the path of distancing itself, but again, as they always do, from under the cover, it means somehow heating up the situation against us in any case. i completely
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agree with you, indeed, and as dmitry polyansky stated, this is the deputy post-fred of russia at the united nations, the security council called on all states in accordance with the implementation of this statement of the security council, who is not? the big game will continue today within the framework of the information channel, now we pass the floor to the program: time will tell. information channel on the first continues its work, on air, live program time will tell. we continue our special issue in the studio of anatoly kuzichev. yesterday evening, terrorists broke into the crocus city hall building in the moscow region and began shooting the people there.
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according to the investigative committee, the number of deaths as a result of the terrorist attack - this is the latest data - has increased to 115 people. analysis of rubble and search work by emergency services. are continuing, at the moment there are 121 victims in hospitals in the moscow region, this is the latest information, now our colleague is near city hall, our colleague is working, channel one correspondent anatoly lazarev, let's contact him and ask what the situation is there, anatoly, hello, thank you for being with us, what is happening on the spot at these moments, please, well, the situation at the city hall building is now like this, you can probably see that the building is starting to smoke again, in just an hour. ago there seemed to be no more smoke and there was information that the fire had been localized and there were suggestions that there might even be one has already been extinguished, but smoke has appeared again and apparently the situation is more complicated than expected, the work continues, firefighters are working inside, and they
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worked all night, they are spilling the buildings , there are certainly some fires left there , since there is smoke, they are spilling the building so that the fire didn't get any hotter. even aviation was involved at night, and it is known that firefighters were able to enter the auditorium, where the epicenter of the fire was, where the terrorists lit flammable liquids of their own, and the roof collapsed, the roof collapsed in the hall, now there is information that these rubbles are being sorted out, at first they said that it might take a day, now...
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there were also found a lot of automatic weapons, the use of which had already been determined, weapons, here are some details on this topic can you tell us? well , i don’t have many details on this topic, except that now, in addition to the firefighters, experts from the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs of the investigative committee are also working with them, they are collecting all the material evidence, collecting all the evidence and analyzing it, got it, thank you big anatoly, anatoly lazarev was
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in direct contact with us, a correspondent for channel one, here he is working at the crocus city hall, an almost burnt building, where search work continues, the removal of rubble continues, i know you were there yesterday. they were sent to the hospital, they were sent to four hospitals, these are the moscow region and sklif, and then they put out the fire, it was quite a long time, and i left, i left, well, i’m still talking about a serious fire, which, in fact, the bulk of the fire it was exactly above the concert hall and on the outside
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side there, they couldn’t extinguish it very much, so they couldn’t anatoly said that they had already entered the auditorium, well, you saw it everywhere and in these pictures of the auditorium, which is simple. to the hospital , talked to the doctors, well, to the first city hospital, in krasnogorsk, you know, firstly, i was surprised that no, i wasn’t surprised, probably, it ’s probably still our russian soul and heart, because the doctors all came who worked, who didn’t work, who was on vacation, everyone came from clinics and offered their help, even then there were already donors, already everywhere in the pictures you will see queues and donovo centers, 22 arrived in krasnogorsk . well, unfortunately, they couldn’t save two, but everyone else, of course, from ward to ward, like
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where is my husband, where is my son, well, these things are quite heavy, well then he returned back somewhere, well, the fire had already been extinguished, the main one, and the worst thing began when they began to carry out the bodies of people who had burned, when they carried out mothers who hugged their children and families, well... it was very difficult, yes i imagine, thank you very much, i'm going there, because, firstly, this is my district , and secondly, there were a lot of my friends at this concert, and people whom i love and who worked there, well, thank god, everyone survived, there is a connection with everyone, look, it’s clear that this terrorist attack, this tragedy , has several dimensions, human, emotional, professional, there is a dimension, everything about it now...
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that’s where? let's talk about this right after the commercial. there is a reward, but he drives like a driver, like a fish in water. is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? so exactly. in any department of the city, your fame will precede you. we are launching an experiment. we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi. “can you work alone without a partner,
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a taxi? why does covering a taxi driver give such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to a taxi driver and a taxi, and if necessary, a taxi with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator turns into a police station at the touch of a button a car. not a machine, but a beast, let me take care of my own affairs, and you with yours, we find a spotter , we cover up the gang, our people, among yours, will do everything for him, we work, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, big story, program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. law enforcement officers stand outside
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the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them military weapons and warned everyone that in the event of an attack on the administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons. it was unique it was a cold winter for ukraine, and the maidan was freezing, and he seized the buildings that were nearby due to the fact that no decision was made. at the very top, we could not disconnect the captured buildings from the heat, they set me up with this trade union house, like he burned people out, yanukovych was already played out, he had to leave, and preferably die, the current ukrainian prosecutor’s office admitted that there were no russian snipers there it happened, the nazis carried out pogroms, murders, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we went outside our families for their land at... premiere, big story, maidan, part two, tomorrow on
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the first, this is the same one who ratted out his partner, what have you done, no one wants to work with him, he’s driving, he like a duck to water, we are launching an experiment, a taxi, an undercover taxi, comrade colonel, but is this really legal, i had my own plans for this car, but they forced one joint on you and you will fly out of here like a champagne cork. an interception plan was introduced, an armed attack at the address north 27. it looks very likely that we have a plan.
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then you fell, then something else, well, here’s how to live with you, well, you don’t live, premiere, big story, maidan, part two, tomorrow on the first, so, let’s see, now official information is coming, very important, the kremlin website reports the detention of four suspects. directly in the commission, in the execution of this terrorist attack by seven more involved in it, here is a quote, please: so the federal security service, in fact, this is what i wanted to say, they clarified that the criminals were trying to break through to the border with ukraine, it seems to me, this is also a very important detail, but it’s interesting that i immediately remember how in the white house immediately, i don’t know where they got so much
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information, this is also a question by the way, if they have so much information that they can afford to say that ukraine is not involved exactly, ah...
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such goals are interesting, the fact that a pure war crime occurred, and the ukrainians, no matter how angry they are with russia, do not do such things. one more thing, well, let’s do this again delicately, not indisputably, it means that the ukrainians, no matter how angry with russia, are so they don’t do things, seriously, but it seems to me that they do it methodically , purposefully with pleasure, no, if , by the way, the western media didn’t even wait, well, that’s actually what i’m talking about... i was talking about the preliminary results of the investigation , by the way, it was thrown in by the rater, according to - in my opinion, they directly stated that it was all their fault, which means isis, they sucked on some, that means, some account of theirs, either theirs, or not theirs, and so on. indeed, first information appeared, there was, there was an entry point, so to speak, from information, uh, which means that islamic the state, an organization banned in russia , took responsibility, and then
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it turned out that this statement actually turned out to be a fake, another thing is that the western media... didn’t stop it, so what do we have now, friends, we have , that means, comments from all sorts of western officials, it’s simply amazing, somehow choral comments that no, no, no, no, no, no, this is of course not ukraine, in no case, of course, no, this means we have four detained terrorists, seven accomplices who tried to escape, there they were moving towards the borders with ukraine, i , as you noticed, am not saying anything, but i am obliged to ask questions, yes, and...
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then we suspect ukraine, sorry, but we have reason to at least suspect ukraine, because we are at war with bandera. regime, which speaks in favor of the fact that ukraine may be in some form, i emphasize, is involved in this, well , i draw your attention, immediately immediately a statement from the ukrainian leadership, we
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have nothing to do with this, i listened to the statement mr. podalyak, these were done directly by him, he said the following: ukraine does not engage in terrorism, we want to defeat russia on the battlefield, we do not need terrorist acts, sorry, but this is a vile, deceitful, spider-like creature. terrorist shelling of belgorod, provocations that were organized during the elections, when telephone terrorists called weakly mentally balanced citizens and forced them to come and spoil the ballots, and formally a case has now been opened there for obstructing the election rights of citizens, but it’s one thing when...
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ukraine not only used, but constantly used terror against russia, moreover, the worse things are with them at the front, the more interested they are in organizing terrorist acts. let's look further, all states, i draw your attention, all, including unfriendly ones, at least formally. at least formally condemned the terrorist act, except for some baltic states, who said simply, oh well, let’s not talk about this, ukraine as a state is a terrorist act did not condemn, well, okay, they are fighting against, as they say, our regime, yes, understandably, but they could express words of sympathy for the victims, they could condemn terror as a method, this is not there, there is no official state, all so to speak are unfriendly states , so to speak, they brought condolences to the people of russia, condemned the terrorist attack and so on, yes.
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there are two states in the world: the united states of america and great britain. i would even put it the other way around, great britain and the united states of america, they are behind all terrorist acts. let's say, let's even assume that this is isis, but where did isis come from? is isis a consequence of the attack of the united states of america on iraq and the defeat of an independent state? isn’t it a consequence of the fact that the united states of america has been arming the majahet for decades, then the taliban against the soviet union, and the so -called remember. look conceptually , so to speak, a philosophical generalization as
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a philosophical generalization, we accept it as an attempt to understand this specific situation, while it seems to me that we are not talking about such things at all the fact that we are here expressing only hypotheses , considerations and hypotheses, well, regarding the results of the investigation, absolutely yes, another thing is that no one will stop us from reasoning and we simply can, we are obliged to do it. tell me, sergey, this movement towards the border with ukraine, everyone focuses on it, everyone believes that this, that this gives us some kind of food in order to understand where, where the customer sits, you have how, well, that is , do you share a similar approach as a professional? at least at least, i think that in order to start a conversation, which, as they say , we talked about, i would like to recall the words of the nazi budanov that he said: earlier about our country, i don’t remember verbatim, but the words were as follows: our defeats in front we will compensate with terrorist,
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sabotage acts and murders on the territory of russia, i think, roughly speaking, it is better not to say that he expressed, unfortunately, what he expressed to us threatened or to his threat, unfortunately, this is for now, to deep regret. on our territory manifests itself, and the most negative thing manifests itself in the fact that this seems to me to have happened, a terrible tragedy, after all, it will set a watershed for our attitude, well , let’s call up the svo operations, because let’s say, kill so many defenseless people, we won’t be able to react to this, i think it will be difficult to explain to our citizens, of course, here let’s just remember the word react and try to decipher it, but what does it mean, and how does it work? firstly, all these nazis who are now
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leading ukraine and... alleged terrorist, let's see
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a piece, and continue the conversation, please. when he arrived from turkey on march 4 , what did he do in turkey for the sake of documents ? the borders ended here, and again, give last names and patronymics, year of birth, 1998, 900 , well done, well done in crocus, what did you do yesterday, about in crocus, about shoot, what did you do in crocus, shot? shot what? whom? people, why? please supply it for money, money? yes, so how much money? about half a million, half a million of what? rub. from whom did you receive it? i haven’t received it yet, i received half of it, where did i get it? on did you translate the map? yes, where is the map? the card was thrown
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behind all the clothes.
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he wrote, in short , he promised about a million rubles, what he started with, what he told you what to do, how the conversation started, he just bowed at first, then he offered it to me, i agreed that he offered, that he offered money, he offered money, for what, what did he offer, for money did he offer, that he did such things, what kind of things, specifically, what did he tell you, such murders, that who to kill, that’s the place, the place is everything, they threw off, exactly who to kill? yes, what kind of people? without difference, in short, he’ll come in there, he said, take it , come in, kill, yes, stop, stop, again, last name and estate, year of birth, shamsidin 1998, kilometer, full date, september 17, phew! listen, well, franz
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adamovich, i know, you are better than all of us , probably here you communicated with a similar, similar public personally, so i look at this pathetic thing, which means he’s shaking, it’s clear that he might be shaking there from the cold, or maybe from the after-drink, because i have no doubt that they were under some kind of substance there, but they were well trained, judging by the way they acted, yes, not for the first time, they clearly interacted, so to speak. how they reloaded, like in the movies , that is, professionals, here he is, this pathetic sight , with trembling lips, there is something bleating there, no, well, how is this, what is this, these are substances, that this knowledge, knowledge of tendencies frees one from knowledge of little things, andrei konstantinovich spoke about this in his speech, all these things, they are absolutely clear to me as an element of cover for a large, serious operation that was planned for more than one day. was done
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in a compartment with a large number of representatives of the intelligence services without western intelligence services , primarily the agnosakians, this did not happen, and at the same time they are linked there and... when we talk about igilism and ukraine, their intelligence services, then these are performers and extras, nothing more, in fact, everything is much deeper , i would like to return to one trend, it was 3 weeks ago, when zelensky, speaking, said that soon the whole world will find out, and russia will tremble, you will understand. these events i begin to ask why this did not happen the day before, it could have been done, but happened after the elections and so on further, we must return to the events,
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the line of contact, those colossal reconnaissance and sabotage offensive groups, well, listen, when we burned 21 tanks a day, when in different directions up to 10 thousand stoned people walked to the border. our conscript boys who were not serving here fought and were already standing on the territory of a sovereign russian state, and we understand that everything didn’t go according to plan for them, they don’t have any motivation , they stooped to this to justify themselves, this is this creature, intimidated, this creature, which should...
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refers to the english, i put it aside a little, they are terrorists in
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the information and psychological sphere, here are the americans who prepared the taliban, and isis, and al-qaeda, and these are their derivatives, for sergei alekseevich and me absolutely understandable. and they don’t understand today, you understand , they miscalculate russia every time, they don’t understand the level of professionalism of our special services, a couple of days and we will receive all the information, society will know, vladimir
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petrovich, your comment, i think, is for everyone it is obvious that we are faced with a well-thought-out, systemic, well-developed and clearly controlled terrorist act at the first stage. the implementation of such a terrorist attack in our country alone required from 20 to 30 assistants who would ensure their activities, not counting those abroad, the level of development shows that, of course, these are not what they showed, let’s just record, then there is, in order to carry out, conceive, think through , carry out such a terrorist attack, you need several dozen people as accomplices, well, some there is a tip in the form of five of these scumbags, these are the current performers.
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two main goals: first, to hit
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the moral and psychological unity of the russian people that arose after the presidential elections, to try to somehow spoil this uplifting mood that arose. and the second, no less, perhaps even more dangerous direction, is to create conditions for interethnic conflicts, that is, to shift the mood of people from the main line of confrontation, which means to push, by the way, to pay attention, well, there is incredible stuffing there quantity, for sure.
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i agree with this, absolutely, this is really a long-planned operation , why is this, excuse me, now , listen, let’s find this zelensky, friends, if he, if he is somewhere, let’s try to find him, okay, where did he promise, how , that russia will be shocked, russia will tremble, now we will find this non-human who ended up in the hands of our special services, honor and praise to them for this, that we will be able to view, we will be able to see, we will be able to analyze first-hand how it all happened happened, but this... said that he listened
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to the preacher, this means that psychological pumping of these people was carried out, by what factor, the islamic factor, the preacher, it was the preacher who contacted him, he did not wonder why? well, because it has nothing to do with islam, why? because the preacher began to talk to him about money, but money has nothing to do with it, only faith exists here, and money is secondary in faith. in isla, that's for sure, so when this operation began, it began with the psychological treatment of all these people who ended up in our hands, which, i am sure, will happen.
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was, in my opinion, the root cause, the root cause, they worked it out, and then they simply dropped it, why? yes, because no one needs him. no, as petrovich correctly said, this definition, it’s kind of, well, quite inhumane, but here this is the very case when it can and should be used, this is a consumable material, this one, this is a consumable material, it’s clear, it’s clear, of course it was dropped when americans say, i heard mr. clark, clark said, his first statement was, i don’t think, that’s exactly what i don’t think, this is the basis of the american foundation, i forgive you again my beloved, so to speak, this is the very speaker kirby, he says, we don’t have any information, but this is definitely not ukraine at all, well done, come on, now there’s a short advertisement, and then after the advertisement, actually, let’s now talk about the consequences of what happened,
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there is a reward, but he drives like he’s driving he is like a fish in water, this is the one... who is his did you rat out your partner, or what? that’s right, in any department of the city your fame will precede you. we are launching an experiment. we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi. you can work alone without a partner. taxi? why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results. yes, because no lawbreakers ever...
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undercover taxi, premiere, starting monday on the first. big history, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. law enforcement officers stand at building of the verkhovna rada. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them military weapons and warned everyone. that in the event of an attack on an administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons, it was a unique cold winter for ukraine, and the maidan froze, and it captured the buildings that were nearby, due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top, we could not turn it off captured buildings from the heat, they set me up with this trade union house, like he burned people,
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yanukovych was already playing a note, he should was to leave, and preferably to die, now... the ukrainian prosecutor's office admitted that there were no russian snipers there, the nazis carried out pogroms, murder, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we married our families for our land, premiere, big story, maidan, part two, tomorrow on the first, lyosha, you work part-time in a taxi, i... i talked about secret work, attention, armed attack, there are victims, this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin on... colleague , no matter what, you can always count on me, even despite our divorce, no
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you could have stayed away from him , you don’t love him, that is, my parents were killed, i can’t even find out how they are looking for their killers, hold on, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it , you haven’t been on a date for a long time, yes, an undercover taxi, prime minister ... from monday on the first, from now on no contact with this simpleton from the teaching staff. premiere, big story, maidan, part two. tomorrow first. we continue to work live, and they keep coming to us, so to speak. the picture from crocus city hall is almost destroyed, look, yes, now climbers are conducting reconnaissance in the concert hall, crocus city hall,
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or rather, what’s left of it, what’s left of the ceiling is now, as reported, in danger of collapse, this is a statement from the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, well, the picture is of course perfect terrible , absolutely terrible, phew, so, here in the advertisement now i naturally read it, ran through the telegram channels, this...
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last night was a milestone and that we have every reason, so to speak, to believe who our
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enemy is? terrible tragedy is not a discovery, but yes, a terrible tragedy, of course , condolences to the families and friends of the victims , society is indeed in a state of shock, and at the same time it very quickly demonstrated the same unity that franz adamych spoke about, indeed people are specifically looking for where they can donate blood, how they can help , this... once again shows that our enemies simply do not know our people, they do not know that in the face of threats, terrible challenges, we are consolidating, small technological ones are simply also an addition to the wonderful comments of my colleagues, i here is the information space , but i always analyze it, i specialize in this , always the west, when it wants to sell a certain solution that has already been designed, does it according to manuals, first
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an important point, but this is a picture for the western man in the street, it is very important to show them that and for the russian people, for people who communicate and live in the russian, in the russian cultural space, that this is also isis, what they do in this case, we know that we have a huge number of traitors, people who are behind abroad, some of them are foreign agents , some are terrorists, some are not, but nevertheless they have a significant influence on the audience, the russian-speaking audience through social networks, including... banned before the start of our release, i looked at what these scoundrels and traitors were saying , about
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the same thing, but the most interesting thing is, you know what , that some of them, apparently in pursuit of hype, nevertheless began to tell, well , actually the truth, which is absolutely obvious, that this terrorist attack is quite clearly integrated into the strategy of ukraine, at naturally, the supervision of western intelligence services to inflict maximum psychological damage through terror, shelling of belgorod, this is what our extremists who escaped say, so they said this, and then very quickly seriously rubbed their posts. story about egil, this once again speaks about those very training manuals that work and work quite professionally, which means the third point is also unfortunately, now nikita, someone put on about egil, but i, well, it seems to me that this is important to say, but my former friend, well to say, well, liberally oriented so to speak , well, you never know until the last moment, well, anything can happen, well, listen , well, yes, he and i, so to speak, completely disagreed
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politically there and so on, but you can remain human, yes, well, judging by... that by his comment, which, so to speak , following the ukrainians, who therefore accuse russia, that this is our provocation, we fired at ourselves before, and now we blew ourselves up, so he wrote like this make comments in the sense that i say i have no doubts, here i am i realized that that’s all, that’s all, in this sense, for me it’s also a personal personal milestone, so to speak, because you can be with a cat from any point of view, but being with a cat is, well, excuse me, it’s no longer with me. please, the third technological point, based on the words of this non-human, i don’t know what to call him in general, uh, what he said was that he was conditionally found in one, apparently a telegram channel, where he watched materials a certain preacher, this preacher's assistant contacted him, so here's the story recruiting through telegram channels is large and working directly with those who
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, hypothetically, can become convenient performers, this is the handwriting of the ukrainian security service, this is the same technology of call centers that, unfortunately, have information on our citizens who, due to various circumstances, psychological , some financial, ideological, as colleagues correctly say, can become convenient executors, i remind you that the same, approximately the same technology is used when recruiting saboteurs in order to set fire to our power plants in order to pawn the...
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yes, this is an expression on a thief and his hat is on fire. by the way, you know that the most interesting thing in britain is that almost all the major media do not tell the story about the terrorist attack. this is about the top customer, which is theoretical, but at least we can guess. well, the last point, if i may, regarding the milestone, of course , there is a milestone, in my opinion, this is really a very important point, because i cannot give any advice to either the management or those more special services, i can say about mine. expectations, i am sure the expectations of many of our citizens, of course, this terrorist attack divides a special military operation into before and after, i remember the words of our president about terrorists who need to be found at the airport, at the airport in the toilet, we will soak them in the toilet, and also medvedev, who works in our security council, said that if the access to the kiev regime is really proven, then
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the perpetrators, the ideological inspirers, must be embodied in death , i really hope to what happened in moscow, that’s it, but the rest there, of course, it’s just theirs , they have their own life, so to speak, their own history and so on, but it’s interesting, they kind of have their own life there, their own history, there mishest especially and so on, here are the people, this may sound idiotic, but i will say, but this is like the only good news of today, and many people remain people in london, and in any cities, and carry, and carry there and flowers, and some of
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these same toys, look, i repeat, there may not be any of them, so to speak, not as many bouquets as it would be fair to have there now, but nevertheless, nevertheless, people of their own free will - this is not some kind of action, they go to the embassy, ​​i repeat, this is still not the whole world it turns out he’s gone, to a greater extent he’s gone, the vast majority, of course, this is just a psychiatric case, but, but not all of them, and people remain people, this is fantastic, it’s very, very pleasant, although in terms of the number of bouquets, there are not many of them, after all , you can, you can. roughly see find out how much, how much it was the people who did not go crazy. let 's talk about the consequences, it seems to me that this is the most interesting, the most important right now. ask. yes, there are consequences, and i
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think we should draw at least three conclusions. the first conclusion is that the enemy made a bet, well , he had previously made a bet on the split of russian society, but if earlier he had made a bet on economic issues, yes, he thought of shaking russia from the inside with the help of economic ones.
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this did not turn into a threat to national security, this is another important conclusion that can be drawn, final, of course, this terrorist attack turned out to be a definite point , what you said, anatoly, is absolutely correct, but if before this terrorist attack those who fled and croaked against russia there, yes, could be perceived, well, these people are dissidents, these are pacifists there, they are there for no one to fight with anyone , this is... their position in life, this terrorist attack makes everyone who stands on the side of our enemy people at least justifying terrorism, absolutely and unequivocally, we
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are not dealing with distributors of fakes, not with dissenters, that is, it turns out that we are dealing with state traitors who justify those who kill our citizens, and i would especially pay attention. to a certain category , there is a certain category within this crowd, which for the last few months has been openly saying that only by armed means can the regime be overthrown, only by the collapse of russia, only by its division into different states, only in this way can this be achieved, these people exist, they are known, they must be treated as terrorists, this is part of a terrorist organization, you know, the terrorists... for example, the northern irish ones, they had a legal party, which even took part in the elections, and the irish republican army, which committed terrorist acts, but they were the same bunch , that’s the same thing, those who broadcast on
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youtube channels today, justifying terrorists, the so-called russian volunteer corps, calling on them to support it, etc., etc., and those who kill people, this is one and the same team, and they should all be treated equally, it was a watershed. not very liberal-democratic, but where to go
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? against, no, either there or there, no, no other, so to speak, there is no longer a band of uncertainty, everyone will have to make a tough decision, advertising. then we’ll continue, there’s a reward, it’s like he’s driving like a duck to water, this is the one... the one, who ratted out his partner, or what? that's right, in any department of the city, your fame will precede you, we are launching an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering up a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because there are no lawbreakers,
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taxi undercover, premiere, from monday on the first. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. big history, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future.
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with this trade union house, he burned people like that. yanukovych had already played the note; he had to leave, and preferably die. the current ukrainian prosecutor's office has admitted that there were no russian snipers there. the nazis carried out pogroms and murders, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, we married our families, for our land. premiere, big story, maidan, part two. tomorrow on
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the first day, is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done? nobody wants to work with him; behind the wheel he is like a duck to water. we are launching an experiment. taxi? undercover taxi. colonel, is this legal? i had my own plans for this car, but one joint was forced on me, and you will fly out of here like a traffic jam... a plan has been introduced to intercept, an armed attack at severnaya 27, it looks like we have a new maniac, another one a corpse , but what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform, a bomber in law, an unfinished cobboy, who decided to start the actual investigation, persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here , why are you helping me, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, what’s your name, i just... taxi driver.
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undercover taxi. premiere. from monday on the first. then you fell, then what? well, this is how to live with you? well, you don't live. well, now the official number of victims is still, officially, i repeat, confirmed 115, but unfortunately, you and i all understand that, well, unfortunately. the number of victims is growing and will increase, of course, unfortunately so, it means that a video has appeared on the internet of the arrest of the alleged leader of this gang, we are now we’ll show him to you, there’s an interesting , very interesting story here, this leader doesn’t speak russian, i think that this in no way, so to speak, refutes our assumptions, moreover, it makes it worse , let’s see, here he is, yes, it’s clear, well, here he is, a man, we repeat now
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, we have no sound, we don’t hear what he says, but here he is in russian, so to speak, he communicates , either he really doesn’t know how, or he either does what he doesn’t he can and doesn’t want to, but i repeat, it means what, what idea, if we assume, yes, everyone agreed with it, our experts, that they are really consumables, that these are people who, so to speak , through manipulation, so to speak, simply hired, well, this is how we hire, you know, there for all sorts of work, well, for such a specific one, well, they hired, in what is the problem, plus i repeat, i am convinced of this, they were.
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so i think that maybe it was assumed that they would not come out of there and everything would end up in the water, well, this seems to me to be excellent technology, you understand, i already said that the first part the operation was planned simply minute by minute, yes, that is, the organization of fire control, yes, that means the management of activities , and so on, and then, apparently, they got scared of something, broke the plan... according to which they, apparently, should be destroyed , i assume that it is quite possible that the car that they were supposed to use and that was offered to them could have been mined, then there would have been an explosion and no one would have been there, and they left in another car, while they did not change the numbers from
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duruta, they were walking, by the way, sorry, one alone from the supposed terrorist , who is ours, he was there, in my opinion, with the shahid belt, no, such information did not confirm how they acted, the fact is that the psychology of ingemasi, the suicide bombers, yes, it is understandable, they follow completely -otherwise, they act completely differently, anyone who has seen them at least once in person understands what it is, they acted like people who were sure that they
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would leave calmly and normally, that’s what awaited them at this departure by the developers , that’s another question, i think our special services will sort it out, i’m sure this, please, when we talk about conclusions, then... without a doubt, speaking about what was prepared, you must understand one thing: he enters a cultural and entertainment center, where there are more than 6,000 people, people with weapons, with incendiary liquid, they understand that no one will shoot at them when you are with a machine gun and you have enough ammunition, it costs nothing to disperse such a crowd with one machine gun, although there is one moment when a man has not yet been identified, took the machine gun and beat, i heard ,
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and knew where to light it and light it up dynamite, checkers, they understood that it would catch fire, and why did this material burn, why did such, in such conditions, this shopping and entertainment center, with so many people, caught fire, and as we speak, the number of people who died, this is what was installed, the roof collapsed, there are many, there are more.
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let's fix it, you know, it just occurred to me , look, you remember how... but, but they were already , so to speak, proactively, no one knew anything yet, public opinion is shaping up, kirby
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come forward, he says, we don’t have, he says, any information, he says, believe me, this is not ukraine, but it’s all strange, it’s all quite muddy and it smells like that, yes, after they, that means, laid this straw, he says, it’s all isis , believe me, these people mean, this public is delayed, you can say, maybe because they knew that it was isis, that’s why this public is delayed,
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that’s no one, oh, they found the newspaper, well done, and independent, yes, indeed, here he is, and this is this is similar, but different, i mean, where he stands with this joke, it’s the same thing, the anti-soviet warrior goes there, the warrior, you know, literally a knight, tra-tatam, led the army onto the road, onto the road of peace, we saw it, this road of peace, the american too, well, david not an american, no, look at him, he looks like an american, but not this one, give us the previous speaker, this one. that's it,
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please, yes, i just want to continue what we talked about today with respected experts, you understand, i have a feeling that what our the president at the fsb board, let's be honest, he outlined everything, all the points, first, the fight against terrorism in all aspects that we have regarding the problems that we have on our territory.
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reasoning, well, it’s unlikely that a white european , so to speak, man of nationality, right,
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right, you’ll probably hire someone who is as opposite as possible from yourself, so to speak, looking, and so on, logical , logical, that means, after you hired him and assumed that the tatami would put him there, and then they would simply identify him and say, well, what’s wrong take them, but just in case , you probably felt that not everything was going as planned, not everything was going according to plan, or just in case, again,
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so that the putin regime would strengthen, so to speak, even several waves , the first wave, most likely they blew themselves up so they had to translate, which means we can be even tougher and the like, it’s clear that this absolutely looks like nonsense, but they are brainwashed, someone somewhere has something settled , then the second echelo is the opposite, of course, this is isis, because well, look, this is typical muslims who did something like that, blew it up and the like don’t speak russian yet, but everything works out.
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but i would like to appeal to everyone, after all, terror is such a terrible thing, not a single intelligence service in the world, in a multi-million city or in such a huge country, can prevent all terrorist acts in advance, but citizens can and should act these days , in these months, and maybe even in these years, show increased vigilance, understand that this is a threat to us, our children, the elderly, the defenseless people who are next to us deserve this.
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specifically construction for such establishments with a large number of people, amplification, well, listen, everything burned out, well, it burned out, because it instantly caught fire, the chairs should not be flammable materials, they already exist, you just need to firstly check and strictly check and secondly already grind it down but... firstly, if something is an emergency, where to go, how to go, and they will open the corridors, secondly, they can block the action of certain terrorists somewhere, limit the actions of certain terrorists, this my proposal, i am with you, thank you very much, thank you to everyone for participating in the program, words of support, condolences to those who lost
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their loved ones in this passionate terrorist attack, strength, endurance and patience to all of us. the information channel on the first continues, then the big game. big game live. hello, the whole country is in mourning. today, everyone who went to ostankino’s studio, of course, saw that a candle was burning on all the billboards, with the words “condolences” written on it. we mourn march 22, a time of fasting, a time of mourning, a time of prayer, god rest, the souls of the departed, the most sincere condolences to the relatives of the victims, the number of whom, unfortunately,
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continues to grow, it will grow, because the rubble of crocus city has not yet been cleared. and under the rubble is the auditorium , in which these nonhumans also shot, they have already been caught, they have already been caught, they are already being interrogated, they are already giving evidence, they are pathetic, but yesterday they were merciless, they destroyed people, people who came to have a good friday evening, listen. favorite rock band, today we will conduct an investigation, an investigation, i am sure in the end we will come to the conclusion that who are the perpetrators, who are the customers of this monstrous crime, but we will begin a classic investigation , like any classic investigation from a crime scene, and the crime scene is
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the crocus city hall, which is well known to muscovites , where a concert of the rock band picnic was supposed to take place, well, a fan of this group , as i understand it, there was also viktor gusev, i remain, yes, i don’t consider myself a fan of the picnic group, but nevertheless, here you are an eyewitness, now even the investigative committee and the prosecutor’s office are asking all eyewitnesses to testify about what happened there, because this will help to really investigate this whole crime and ultimately punish the perpetrators, well, it happened that way, you became a direct participant, an eyewitness, a witness to this monstrous crime, yes , the concert began, it should was supposed to start at 8:00 pm, we arrived at seven in advance, we were my wife, me, our friend and his fourteen-year-old son, and we stood a little in the faye, right where
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the epicenter of this terrible event was later, to fortunately for us we went early to the box , we had seats in the box from the picnic group, and we were already at the top at 78, a friend’s son bought the records , we were ready, and we started taking pictures, here’s a photo first of us sitting, my friends sitting and i photographed my wife, and then they changed places, i sat in this chair, my wife began to photograph, i saw something happening in the hall, the box was located at the end of the stalls, slightly overhanging this stall, and as if from under us and from the center of the hall people ran to the stage, this happens when rock concerts when the hall is not full. and the group suggested: let’s all take the empty seats, but it was nonsense to think so, because there were no seats, everything was sold out, and then people ran to the stage, and we heard
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machine gun fire, familiar to me from my service in the army, we heard explosions, smoke was creeping up, we needed to do something, and we rushed from this box to the dressing room, the boxes, we started, there were men, women, teenagers, photographs, you see, yes i saw, so i saw. wife is filming, friend, you can’t to understand what’s going on, grisha, little one, he also begins to understand that something, something was happening, this is a friend’s son, and we see people running around the stage, then i thought that this could be some kind of picnic performance, they must take part, they are on stage, a fan group, everyone also ran there, as it turned out, it was unsafe behind the stage, and we went out, ran out into this dressing room, together with the men began to barricade the door, already the furniture, breaking the furniture, trying to escape in this box in the dressing room, at this moment a woman appeared who saved us, because we tend to talk about how the services didn’t work, how the security didn’t work,
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a small woman with dark hair appeared with a walkie-talkie, she started opening these doors, shouting for us to clear the rubble, took us all out into a narrow corridor, when we were walking along the corridor before the start, my wife said: what a corridor, you can’t get out of here, if anything happens , she said, then it’s like this... it turned out to be a dark joke, so she said the opposite, everyone into the corridor, she started keys, she would have lock this box, because the danger could come from there, just from the country of the hall, it worked very smartly, and we stood, it feels like an eternity to me, we are standing in the narrow corridor of the explosion, gradually smoke began to ooze from under the doors, at that moment this woman, she ordered after me, you know, there’s a hero, she’s behind me, she heard something on the radio, and we followed her behind us... these clouds of gunshot smoke, like in a movie about indiana jones, when it’s so scary -danger is coming at you from behind, it let us down at some door, which was open, and we ran down
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the stairs and ran out into the faye, but going around the very epicenter in the faye, where everything was happening, we jumped out into the street, then it struck me, i saw traces of bass feet, these were women taking off their high-heeled shoes, in order to run faster, we ran at full speed, so we ran in the direction. the shopping center is your home and it was already safe there, yes, well , since you’re a fan of the picnic group, let’s try to find a political background here, because well, it’s clear that the choice of place and time was not accidental, and it is clear, it is also known that shklyarsky, who leads the picnic group, he is, in general, well, a supporter of our armed forces, he supported our special military operation, do you think it could be like this here, i don’t know , i don’t know, i think the thing was that they knew that this was a very big concert, that the tickets were sold out, because there was only supposed to be yesterday’s concert, and
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tickets were urgently sold for today too, that is, instead of one there were two concerts, there were a lot of people, it was their first time invited a symphony orchestra, there should have been a lot of people on stage, they invited dancers, a full hall, that is , i think that was the intention, they chose the very thing... something powerful that was in the evening in moscow, in terms of the number of people, there was no football match or anything else, but there was this concert, then the question is about time, yes, time, why? well, we remember that the last presidential election was a winter cherry, on thursday the results of the presidential election were summed up, on friday there was a terrorist attack, and well, maybe that was it’s really connected, this is clearly a specially chosen time to overshadow the presidential
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elections, uh. or, well, since presidential elections are usually accompanied by intensification everywhere, wait until the disposal is lifted to strike then, well, why do you think they struck at this particular time? well, the fact is that this was a very seriously planned terrorist act, organized by a criminal group, organized by a criminal community, because i am convinced that if we look at it in such a big context, of course...
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some conditions, they simply go to kill people, and the more, the better, without any doubt, there is a very serious organization here, where there is a customer, there is a recruiter, there is a performer, today we are working with the weakest link, with the performers, whom we took and despite the shaking voice of these performers, i see here the absolute style of the performer, who...
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are ready to kill, i am sure, and further and further, well, with this, their criminal road has already ended, well, let's see , in fact, the performers of this the crimes have already been caught, and here we must pay tribute to our fsb special services, which worked very quickly, almost everything - all these perpetrators, they testify, let's listen, fsb director alexander bortnikov, pledged to vladimir putin to detain eleven people, including including all four terrorists directly involved in the terrorist attack at crocus cityhall. alexander bortnikov also informed the president about the work of the fsb to identify the accomplice base that carried out the terrorist attack. well, this is a message from the fsb, but then the detainees themselves began to testify, including about the money they received. let's get a look.
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the performers are truly a beast, which is ready to kill an unlimited number of living souls for 250 thousand rubles or for the promised 500 thousand, it is truly a monster.
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condolences to putin from the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation came from almost all the largest and not the largest countries in the world, including from all our brix partners, from comrade sizenpin, from narendra modi, the prime minister of india, from the leadership of brazil, well, essentially from all heads of state, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that... words of condolences from, say, great britain or germany came after it was announced that the perpetrators were caught, what were they waiting for, to be honest...
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the people of the white house immediately, literally a minute after the terrorist attack, were already voicing their versions, and this version excluded the participation of ukraine, in this version isis had already begun to sound like a ready-made performer, moreover, with reference to the fact that isis allegedly himself admitted to this, although there were simply no confessions on the part of isis at that moment, but let’s remember, the embassy of the united... states, on march 7, posted an announcement that extremists in the near future plans to attack large gatherings in moscow, including concerts, and us citizens should be advised to avoid large
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gatherings, after which the message was duplicated by the british and all european countries, that is, in fact, they certainly knew something and they were preparing something. victoria. having visited ukraine, she stated that we have provided additional funding for kiev, and putin will definitely expect a number of unpleasant surprises this year. well, now let's listen to the actual talking head of the national security council, that is, the white house - john kirby. all his thoughts, of course, are about the victims of the terrorist attack, well, let’s listen. all our thoughts now are obviously dedicated to the victims of this terrible attack, you may also have seen , anyway, i hope you have seen the notices distributed by our embassy for all americans in moscow to avoid any large gatherings,
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concerts, large shopping centers or anything similar, just for their own safety. obviously, there are people in moscow and russia who disagree with the way mr. putin is running the country, but i don't think we can make a connection between the two at the moment. happy with how putin runs the country, but this was only the first version, they will abandon the rest later, but we will discuss them immediately after , so the first version is that not everyone in russia advertising, there is a reward, but he drives like a fish in water, this is the one. who ratted out his partner, or what? that's right, in any department in the city, your fame will precede you, we are launching an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi,
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can you work alone without a partner, taxi? why does covering a taxi driver give such great results? yes, because no lawbreakers ever... pay attention to a taxi driver and a taxi, and if necessary, a taxi using the built-in flashing lights in the radiator at the touch of a button turns into a police car, not a car, but an animal, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find a gunner, we cover the gang, our people among yours will do everything for him, we work. undercover taxi. premiere. from monday on the first. big history, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand
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the present and see the future. law enforcement officers stand outside the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them military weapons and warned everyone. what in case attacks on an administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons. it was a uniquely cold winter for ukraine, and the maidan froze, and it captured the buildings that were nearby, due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top, we could not turn off the captured buildings from the heat. they set me up with this trade union house, like they burned people. yanukovych had already played the note; he had to leave, and preferably die.
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our colleague, no matter what, you can always count on me, even despite our divorce, could you stay away from atol, you don’t love him, that is, my parents were killed, i can’t even find out how they are looking for their killers, hold on, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it, you haven’t been on a date for a long time, yes, a taxi undercover, from monday on
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the first, from now on no contact with this simpleton from the teaching staff. premiere, big story, maidan, part two. tomorrow on the first. big game, live, let's continue. earlier this month, the state department
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did warn of a possible terrorist threat. now we don't know as far as these warnings and this attack are related, but we had some concerns about a possible terrorist attack in moscow and the moscow region earlier this month, so again, we just need to get more information and see if we can put all the pieces together . well, that is, they had something there, but they either shared or did not share any information, and then everything was american.
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states to shield themselves, to shield themselves rather clumsily and absurdly, to direct the investigation to a false trail, but turn the arrows to isis, which, well, is really unlikely to have anything to do with this terrorist attack. well, first of all, the united states has been making statements quite substantively for several weeks.
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representatives of isis or other representatives of radical islam who carry out terrorist attacks for money, usually they go as suicide bombers to die, they usually believe that they are warriors of allah, they will now go to heaven, and this is such an honorable mission, these clearly do not behave like that led, these received money, hoped to get more money, ran away, and they fled to where, to ukraine, yes, where?
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or these same so-called voluntary organizations, representatives of those people, performers who are very often recruited to commit terrorist acts on our territory by the ukrainian intelligence services together with the british intelligence services, respectively, we need to talk today about some global things, who could do? one way or another, the reason is, of course, the great work that the united states is doing together with the british intelligence services, and accordingly using ukrainian intelligence services. everything is coordinated from ukraine to washington, the intermediate option is european intelligence services, but accordingly, today it is isis or some other organizations, this remains to be clarified by the investigation, besides these performers that we have seen now, there could be other groups if
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they could not if only other groups would have done this, because preparedness and organized criminal groups are one of them, but i am inclined to think that isis is the last one. what to do, they don’t warn like they do they warn , they warn, as we warned during the boston terrorist attack, when at the level of the top officials of the special services at the level of bortnikov , the special services of the united states were warned three times that tsernayev, together with a group, was preparing a terrorist attack on the territory of the united states, they warn like this, when in fact they actually
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do it. yes, in fact, there could be anyone, in this case the nationality of the criminals, even their passport does not matter, we... could be anyone, but in fact they were chosen specifically for this particular terrorist attack , in fact, when the americans said that right from the first minute that it was isis, in fact, in my opinion, it was simply revealing a cover-up operation for the fact that they were setting up people in advance who would then be credited as isis’s assets, yes, that is , they were selected not because they are members of isis, because they fit the american version that this is isis. of course, well, firstly, i must say that people have already begun to forget about isis, because the peak of the operation against the islamic state was passed a long time ago, and isis is just, you know, some kind of bogeyman that can take it out of your pocket at any moment and start waving it around. in general
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, i must say that this terrorist attack reminds me, nordost, of a single, big event, a huge hall. the only thing, of course, thank god, is that in terms of scale and damage, the current terrorist attack did not reach nordos, but it just seems to me that they did not have enough performers to capture such a huge hall, blockade, but if it was really isis , need to was to put forward some political demands, and political demands, if you start putting forward, if it was... in order, so to speak, the ukrainians, if this was a matter, so to speak, directly of the ukrainians, then they would also have to put forward political demands , no political demands were put forward, so it is possible to cover up the ukrainians now, although it is absolutely clear that the united states is behind this, that
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the same budanov and his organization are behind this, i personally have no doubts about this, i haven’t said anything yet, myself in fact she said, there has already been a statement by the organization of islamic cooperation, let's listen, 57 countries, listen, the general secretariat of the organization of islamic cooperation has condemned in the strongest possible terms the armed terrorist attack on the crocus city hall concert hall. the secretary general expressed his sincere condolences to the families of the victims, the government and the people of the russian federation, and also wished a speedy recovery to the wounded, he emphasized the principle.
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also shake up the interethnic situation in our country, interreligious relations, although i repeat, it doesn’t matter at all who they involve, we give the floor to the news and will continue the investigation immediately after the news. hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the maxim shrafuddinov studio. 115 people, updated data from the investigative committee on the number of victims of the monstrous
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terrorist attack in crocus city hall in krasnogorsk. the dead are found while clearing the rubble of the building. earlier , the moscow region ministry of health reported that among the victims were three children, more than 100 injured, many in serious or extremely serious condition. four the terrorists who directly participated in the attack and the families of their accomplices were detained. the directors reported this to vladimir putin.
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two terrorists who were detained in a car in the bryansk region, not far from the ukrainian border, and once again give the patronymic last name, shamsidin, year of birth, 1998, well done, so in crocus, what he did yesterday, in crocus, shot, what did he do in crocuses, shot, what shot, yes, whom, why instructions, people, why, please put him in, for money, for money? so how much money is somewhere half a million half a million what half a million
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rubles from whom i received i haven’t received half yet received where i received it from card to card transferred and where card card they threw for everything all the clothes they didn’t have time and where they took the weapons they delivered the weapons themselves who they don’t know by telegram they wrote without a name, without a last name, without anything, specifically, what he told you , such murders, that someone to kill, that’s the place, the place, everything, they threw it away, they said specifically who to kill, and people, which ones without, in short, he’ll come in there, remove this one, come in kill here are the frames of the first seconds after the arrest of the second terrorist, who tried to hide in the forest, they are leading to testify, a white car in which... and four direct participants in the attack on crocus city were stopped by shots at the wheels, this is exactly the renault symbol that hit yesterday dvr lens near
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the concert hall. the car stops at the entrance and just like that shots are heard, as eyewitnesses said, the terrorists didn’t even open the glass doors, they started shooting at them as they walked from the street. in the first seconds no one understands anything, people are confused, shots are heard getting closer , visitors rush to run. we are now in the crocus, shooting has begun. some are running, some are hiding behind furniture, while terrorists shoot indiscriminately at defenseless people. witnesses to this brutal crime tell what they had to endure, some of the wounded, in order... to save themselves, pretended to be dead, they were standing there at the exit, we started walking for something, they saw us, some of them ran back and started standing on people, i fell completely i did everything there was to do, and the girl , at first people started running in quickly, there was some kind of incomprehensible noise, then i saw that there were people following them, shooting, they
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ran faster through these doors in the crocus. there could have been 6,200 people present during the attack, and these are only those who bought tickets to the rockgroup picnic concert. in fact there could have been more people. there were at least five attackers; four are clearly visible in the footage. three have long guns, one appears to be coordinating the attack, showing where to go. crokus city is a large concert and exhibition complex with many levels of premises. it’s not so easy to navigate them on the go. judging by the nature of the terrorists' actions, we can conclude that they have combat experience. a couple of minutes later they... burst into a concert hall full of spectators, there is an explosion, they shoot from a machine gun, they shoot at the crowd, some people shoot, people try to escape, they lie down on the floor, someone runs backstage, someone was sitting in the hall from above, where the balconies were, we heard shots, at first they didn’t understand what happened, then i personally saw how -


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