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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  March 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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must be taken into account, because this is also an ideology, it is dangerous, it is dangerous for our society, it is dangerous for its bearers themselves. thank you, we pass the floor to the news, the big game will return. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. a monstrous terrorist attack in the moscow region, the death toll increased to 133. these are the data of the investigative committee, announced an hour and a half ago, and which will most likely change. there are a lot of wounded, work at the scene of the tragedy continues. film crew of the first channel we managed to visit the victim’s interior together with representatives of the operational services.
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we'll put it on the air very soon. tomorrow , march 24, there will be national mourning in russia for the victims, its president announced, vladimir putin addressed the russians. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody barbaric terrorist act. whose victims were dozens of peaceful, innocent people, our compatriots, including children, teenagers, women, for the lives of the victims, those who are in serious condition now doctors are fighting. i am sure they will do everything possible and even impossible to preserve the life and health of all the wounded. special thanks to the crews.
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assistance, transported the victims to the hospital. for hours, security service employees provided first aid. we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, to families whose lives have suffered a terrible misfortune, to wounded victims. i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones. everyone mourns with you.
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all the details of the crime, but it is already obvious that we are faced with not just a carefully cynical a planned terrorist attack, with a prepared and organized mass murder of peaceful, defenseless people, the criminals cold-bloodedly and purposefully went to kill, shoot our citizens, our children point-blank, just like the nazis once did when they carried out massacres in the occupied territories, they... decided to organize a demonstration execution,
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a bloody act of intimidation, all the perpetrators and organizers of this crime. fair and inevitable punishment, whoever they were, whoever directed them? i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands for behind the backs of the terrorists who prepared this atrocity, this blow against russia, against our people. we know what the threat of terrorism is, and we count here on interaction with all states that sincerely share our will and are ready. in fact, it is realistic to unite efforts in the fight against a common enemy, international terrorism, with all its manifestations. terrorists, murderers, non-humans who do not and cannot have a nationality face one unenviable fate: the retribution of oblivion.
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they have no future. our common duty now is to our comrades at the front, all citizens of the country, to be together in one ranks. “i believe it will be so, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia, no one will be able to sow the poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multinational society. russia has passed through more than once the most difficult, sometimes unbearable tests, but it became even stronger.
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it is feasible, everyone who was affected by the terrorist attack is provided with the necessary medical, psychological and other assistance, noted mikhail mishustin. work at the site of the tragedy is in progress. city fires continue, firefighters are spilling structures, the rubble is being cleared, the roof has partially collapsed, and there is a threat of a complete collapse of the ceiling structures, this was reported by the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. nevertheless, rescuers were in the building, investigators, security forces were there, and i visited the dilapidated crocus at the scene of the tragedy.
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mozsky massive, twisted structures , which are difficult to cut, thirdly, although the fire has been extinguished, from time to time, here and there, separate fires appear; we saw at least two in the auditorium places where smoke was coming from, but rescuers do not stop working while some pour
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water on the fire, others continue to saw metal and take out pieces of concrete. our group of more than 50 people will also be carried out here. replacements , rotation, but the work will not stop until we finish all the work, the center for carrying out rescue operations will be here on site until all the rubble is cleared, the main difficulty, but one of the activities was fire extinguishing, the second is now dismantling very complex structures, searching tel injured, dead, working as a rescuer often involves being in tickle-deep water, firefighters spent the whole night extinguishing the fire, and they were burning 13.00 km, near the walls of krokushi. igor alekseev, channel one. as
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vladimir putin noted in his address, the special services have already detained 11 people, including four murderers, the same ones who shot people in crocus sitiholi, and seven more of their accomplices. terrorists. not from here, but from the bryansk region, where the suspects were detained approximately 400 km from the site of the terrorist attacks. here with the torn one face one of the terrorists. he was caught somewhere in the forest. here is another kidar, which was in moscow yesterday. here is the third terrorist, well, it’s okay to make it higher. well, finally, the fourth shooter, full date of birth, i don’t know, year of birth, 1950 ticket, how many, 30,
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that’s it, everyone who shot people in crocus yesterday was found alive, as a result of the actions of the special services and law enforcement agencies, 11 people were detained, including four terrorists who were directly involved in carrying out a terrorist act in complex crocus cityhall, further work is underway to identify the accomplice base. after committing a terrorist act , the criminals intended to cross the russian-ukrainian border and had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side. at the moment, we can only guess the route the terrorists took to get to the bryansk region; a few hours after the terrorist attacks at crocus city hall, they managed to drive along the kiev highway to the village of khatsun, approximately hundreds of kilometers from the ukrainian border and were planning to cross it, but fsb special forces intervened. what were you doing in the crocus? shot what did you shoot? but why? here is finally the answer to the question why none of the terrorists put forward
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any demands during the capture of crocus or shouted slogans, four shooters, ordinary mercenaries, for money, for how much money, about half a million, half a million of what, half a million rubles, from whom did they receive , i haven’t received it yet, i received half of it wherever i received it while i was transferring it to the card, so this man who speaks poor russian killed dozens of people for payment.
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you had a weapon, you threw it here or there somewhere on the road, look, in these neighborhoods you threw it or there near moscow you threw it, my friends, ask them, another terrorist suddenly forgot russian during interrogation . what street? on the highway, the shooters' temporary residence has already been established on the dmitrovskoye highway, the intrigue with the terrorists' car has been resolved. it means a friend bought it, it means a car, they wanted to work on this car. what is a taxi or trucking a small car taxi
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they wanted to work well, different photos of the car brought confusion on some of the white renault, on others it seemed to have a glass roof, they were looking for different ones, but in fact it turned out that the black car was not completely covered with film. a surveillance camera next to the crocus recorded the moment the terrorists left in the same car after the terrorist attack, and before that , the dvr of a random car also recorded the moment the group of shooters arrived and began the massacre. the footage clearly shows four terrorists, three of them have automatic weapons, one apparently coordinates the attack, first there is shooting in the lobby, then the terrorists enter the concert hall, shoot from machine guns, shoot at the crowd, some people shoot, people try to escape, lie down on the floor and between the chairs, someone breaks through stage,
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runs backstage, sat in the hall from above, where the balconies were, then they heard shots, at first they didn’t understand what happened, then i personally saw how the terrorists came in and started shooting everyone. the footage shows three terrorists shooting from the ground up from the ground, and then they set the hall on fire. according to eyewitnesses, the militants threw either a molotovo cocktail or an incendiary bomb. they set fire to the hall, the hall is on fire. we now managed to hide, we climbed out into the street through some basements, there were people left in the area, some of the people who were on the upper tier of the hall did not know how to get out , they hoped from sitting in the corridor, among them was our colleague, sports commentator viktor gusev . and this corridor was barricaded on both sides, there were
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men, women, teenagers, we started barricading with furniture, at some point started knocking and we saw that... a woman was knocking, an employee of crocus, she said: let's do the opposite, open one door down this staircase, their group managed to escape, the flames quickly engulfed the hall, then the top floor roof of the building in less than half an hour, the area of ​​the fire increased to 13,000 km, the ministry of emergency situations employees, who promptly arrived on the scene, rescued some people from the roof with lifts, there was already a lot of smoke with the help of firefighters, we partially went down on the wires, partially using the fire escape framed. and we lowered the child one by one , the women came out, so i left there a minute ago, the rescue work at the site of the terrorist attack was coordinated by the headquarters under the leadership of the head of the region, let's get helicopters, nothing else can help here, only helicopters. andrei vorobyov, yesterday evening, at the first opportunity, made a tour of the crocus together with the emergency services, and today this is all that remains of that very hall,
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they have just begun to open, they have just begun work, they will dismantle, they will dismantle everything take out.
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and there is no question, the killers were racing at full speed in their car towards the ukrainian border, the route, and this is understandable, was worked out by the terrorists in advance, that is , the road from the moscow ring road to the ukrainian border as a planned escape route, and the killers themselves realized after their arrest that they had contacts on the ukrainian side, what else is known for sure, as soon as the tragedy occurred, the first thing they said in the united states was that kiev had nothing to do with it, the scale of what happened was not yet clear, the roof was still on fire. crocus, and washington has already hastened to begin to lead the trail away from its wards in kiev, because information about some involvement of the banned egil also came from the west. however, the fact that the kiev regime is engaged in terrorism is no longer news, and the fact that they are able to search for the perpetrators of various attacks via the internet and instant messengers is also a known fact. but it’s also no secret that the ukrainian formations are full of all sorts of
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scum and scum from all over the world. they specially collect them under their banners, and representatives of the ukrainian authorities. open they threatened us with terrorist attacks , how it’s all interconnected, anton vernitsky figured out what he was doing in the crocus, to shoot which people, the very first interrogation of one of the terrorists caught in the bryansk region confirms the version that the killers were just a tool that was controlled according to the scheme used against russia more than once. destabilization of our country at any cost, the scheme is banally cynical, but this makes it especially scary. the terrorists received orders for mass murder. via the internet via telegram they wrote without a name, without a surname, without anything, but how are you? found you, did you look for them yourself or did they find you? no, they wrote to me, why did they write to you specifically, he preached , listened to the preacher, offered money, offered money, for what, what he offered, for money he offered, what he did, what kind of things, specifically,
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what he told you, such murders that they threw off whoever to kill, the whole place. they said specifically who to kill and what kind of people, no matter who the couple comes in, said 5,000 rubles from a certain preacher, judging by the words of another captured terrorist, processing it took more than one day to figure out how he got to know them telegram, telegram telegram on telegram, met on telegram, and telegram judges, but what phone is this, hona phone, hud, he’s from his phone, from his phone, but from his? the group was put together through proper psychological processing. a certain preacher during lessons in the telegram messenger, which one of the detainees spoke about, promised work, money and a happy life.


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