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tv   Klub Veselikh i Nakhodchivikh  1TV  March 23, 2024 9:35pm-11:51pm MSK

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together with you. as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus hall, 140 people were injured. this is updated data from the capital's health department. 105 people are now in hospitals in moscow and the region. it was previously reported that the condition of fifteen is extremely serious, and doctors are fighting for their lives. dozens of operations have already been carried out. the doctors have everything they need to provide assistance. yulia anishchenko with the latest information. as a matter of fact, i did. in the morning at 6:30 am he is in the most serious condition, artificial ventilation. name surgical center in pirogovo, in the intensive care unit , doctors report to deputy prime minister tatyana gulikova and health minister mikhail murashko about the health status of patients. in the center named after pirogovo , two men and one woman with gunshot wounds were transferred from regional hospitals in the morning. they are in serious condition, but a total of 107 people continue to receive medical care, both in the capital and in the moscow region. of these, three are children, one is a child.
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serious condition, among adults 15 are in extremely serious condition, 42 are in extremely serious condition and two children are in in serious condition, everyone was provided with the necessary medical care, and i want to emphasize once again that there is enough medicine, blood, dressing materials, a total of 19 medical organizations were involved, all ambulance teams worked. professional work made it possible to actually ensure delivery of patients with extremely serious conditions to medical organizations and promptly begin resuscitation surgical measures. the situation of many is improving, just recently one the patient was discharged home after stabilizing his condition, so doctors are fighting for each person. leading specialists, traumatologists, surgeons, anesthesiologists work with the most severe patients; 40 people have already
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been operated on in moscow clinics. the mayor of the capital met with patients and doctors at the botkin hospital. what is your name? julia, her condition is normal now, should you go away? no, of course, i think everything will be fine. we're great. there are currently 80 people injured during the terrorist attack in moscow clinics. the best moscow doctors are fighting for their life and... health, i wanted to express to them words of great gratitude to all those city services that took part in saving people, the victims were transported not only by ambulance, but by air, 29 people, some of them were admitted to the sklefosovsky research institute in serious condition , operating rooms were immediately deployed, including hybrid ones; many suffered polytraumas due to the collapse of structures, most of them required some kind of surgical intervention or bone fixation. assault and
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special systems, plus the operation on the organs of the abdominal cavity or on the organs of the chest, so there are such patients, the nature of the damage varies, there are gunshot wounds, there is damage from shrapnel, various, and glass, and so on, mostly these are vessels, for example, damaged, there are burns, there is poisoning combustion products, there are patients with combined injuries, combined injuries, as soon as the tragedy became known, all the clinic employees arrived at the workplace within... an hour, naturally, everyone who can come, everyone comes, but in at the institute, this has always been accepted since ancient times, so heads of departments, ordinary doctors, nurses, and orderlies come, so everyone works as one team. the only way to experience and understand the horror that concertgoers witnessed was this way, together, shoulder to shoulder. one of the victims in krasnogorsk received severe burns. the girl had to pretend to be dead in order to survive. they stood there at the exit, we went here.
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six people remain in intensive care, including one child, patients who are intensive care, they are already in a state of awakening , they can already say who they are, what their names are, because they were all admitted in serious condition, we, of course, considered our first task to be full provision of medical care, now we are already clarifying them data, where they live, what their names are and so that relatives can be given information. all
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immediate response forces were immediately deployed, these are 55 emergency medical teams, 15 teams from the disaster medicine center, and moscow also helped us. sending another 25 brigades to us, these forces there were quite enough funds to disperse the victims to receive qualified assistance between hospitals. a help center for relatives of victims has opened in krasnogorsk. flow of calls. we posted information on the website of the ministry of health of the moscow region in order to make it clear who is where, in which medical institution in moscow or the moscow region. and accordingly they work for us. psychologists work with patients and their relatives, including specialists from the institute named after serbian. yulia nishchenko, alexander isaev, irina chyuchuy, veronica lvuchenkov, oleg kolchkov, ilya zhuravlev, channel one. in connection
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with the terrorist attack, telephone hotlines have been opened. cellular operators are eliminating call charges. there is a single davi phone on your screens. contacts of the ministry of health of the moscow region, a number for obtaining information on hospitalization in moscow, telephone numbers for psychological help, choose calmly, slowly, what you need. well , if you didn’t have time to write down the required number, then the full list of line is on the portal we explain government information.rf, enter the name of the cyrillic alphabet into the search, i have already done this, i am on the portal, everything is very informative, under the header, six windows, we find hotlines after the terrorist attack, click, then follow the link for more details, there are already many more contacts, pay attention to the last short number 122.0, search for people injured in the terrorist attack. we return to
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the first page and find a window for compensation for victims, also follow the link for more details, here in the article about financial assistance to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack for those who hospital and... with minor injuries he is being treated at home, i will add, under the main six windows there is a link to a telegram channel for more advanced users. today in moscow and the region, people stood in lines for many hours to donate blood for the victims. more than 4,000 people responded to the call to help in the capital and over 3.00 more in the moscow region, where a ton of components were prepared in a day, and the moscow blood center extended its work to accept everyone. and those whom the shock of the tragedy brought to doctors for the first time and experienced donors who know for sure, are not medically withdrawn will be, their blood will help, i don’t want to stay on the sidelines, for me it’s a pain in the heart, it’s hard to sit at home when you understand that you can do something, help somehow, we want
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to help, help at least somehow, so as not to there was more of this, unfortunately, there were also children there, and since i am a kindergarten teacher , i could not stay away. moscow , the gavrilov blood center, the line of people wanting to become a donor and save someone’s life stretched for a kilometer, when the news appeared, they wrote that the centers were open, and we immediately decided in the night that we would we’ll definitely go, this is how we can help, and this is the center of the capital, shabolovka, hundreds of people also spent their day off here, i couldn’t help but come, i was worried about the events all night, the call of blood is our people, i couldn’t do it any other way to do, and this was the case in all points of moscow and the moscow region, where today it was possible to donate blood from... remain indifferent with a friend, everything is fine , i heard all this on the phone and i couldn’t friend, yes, he was on the balcony and
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was evacuated today they donated blood together honorary donors and those who came here in general for the first time in my life there are a huge number of such people, not only have i recently turned 18, i have the right. agency today, as of 3 p.m. , more than 700 people have donated blood, among them players and members of the coaching staff of the russian national football team. now the donor is taking blood and working with his fist. the other day our guys beat the serbian team, and the day after tomorrow a friendly match with paraguay was also supposed to take place in moscow, but due to the terrorist attack it was
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decided to cancel the meeting. at fmba today everything was organized in such a way that 58 people could donate blood at once, but people walked and walked, and as a result , a mobile was also deployed. in a single impulse and we see that the flow of people wishing to donate blood and plasma continues; of course, this is a reflection of unanimity, unanimous support. our people, the desire, well, some piece of themselves , to convey their support in this terrible tragic situation, we simply see that the whole society has stood up in order to do everything possible, just yesterday mikhail murashko, our minister of health, said that to all those injured during the terrorist attacks in crocus cityholly there is enough blood, but despite this, there are still a huge number of people here, because each of them believes that... it is impossible to stay away now and everyone wants to do at least something to be with their
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country, because of course this is our common grief , our common tragedy, anyway it definitely won’t be superfluous, you always have to donate, you always need blood, it just comes, probably, to the heart, because we are russian people, at many points today there was a field kitchen was organized, sweets were distributed to donors hot tea, students helped keep warm in the queues. this morning they wrote to us that they urgently need volunteers, well, i got up , saw the message and immediately went here, so we are trying to somehow help the people who are waiting, they just gave us cookies here, we distribute tea, pour it, and so on , just passers-by also joined them, there are guys here who are not indifferent, they buy buns, hand out water, pour tea, salespeople in stores also participate in all this, that is, every person, as he can now... well, many centers in moscow and the moscow region today decided that they will work until the last
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person willing to donate blood. this is our duty, at such a time, we should all be together, united. the support is colossal, that is , standing here, you understand that we are such a strong people, we are such a united people, we are so unbreakable. anna kurbatova, dmitry bedorev, vyacheslav amelyutin, natalya sidorova, liliya zorina, alexander kovalev. first channel. the two countries of nicaragua and the republic of serbian bosnia and herzegovina declared march 24 mourning as a sign solidarity with russia. deep condolences from different countries continued to pour in today. vladimir putin received a call from the presidents of belarus alexander lukashenko, uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev, and kazakhstan kasym zhamar takaev. they confirmed their readiness to continue to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan said the same in a telephone conversation. whom the russian leader informed about the progress of the investigation, praising the support
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of the turkish people. in the evening, the kremlin press service announced a call from the syrian president bashar al-assad, with whom vladimir putin discussed intensifying contacts in countering terrorism, the threat of which syria faces directly. the condemnation of the terrorist attack in russia was joined at the level of top officials in the west. at the same time, the press there is promoting a version that leads away from the kiev regime, which. with its terrorist essence, it is supported politically with money and weapons by both the european union and the united states. by the way, there is a separate big question for them: what exactly did they know about the impending attack, and knowing what they did to prevent it. about responses in the world, georgiy alisashvili. words of support are heard from all continents; chinese president xijen ping expressed condolences to the russian president. solidarity with moscow, official belgrade and ankara. i would like to express my sincere condolences to the citizens and leadership of russia. i hope that the terrorists who committed
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this terrible crime will be brought to justice. on behalf of my country, all our people, i express my condolences to the russian authorities in connection with yesterday's terrorist attack on a concert hall in moscow. we strongly condemn this heinous terrorist attack on innocent civilians . the foreign ministries of argentina, peru, iraq, the league of arab states, and the georgian government also condemned the terrorist attack. telegrams were sent to the kremlin. crown prince of bahrain and president of tajikistan, prime minister of hungary orban said that he was praying for the families of the victims, and even representatives of unfriendly russia and states did not stand aside. foreign ministers of denmark, poland and germany, chancellor scholz, french president macron, head of european diplomacy barel, chairman european commission vonderlaen addressed the russians with condolences. us secretary of state blinken expressed solidarity with the people of russia. against this background, it was true that the originals stood out, like the minister of foreign affairs. lithuania, who made it clear that he did not attach much importance to the incident. let's not
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lose focus. the german press, discussing the terrorist attack in which russians died, found a reason to blame russia. what is clear is that there is still no reliable information about the possible culprits. it is also obvious that the kremlin will consider this terrorist attack as part of military propaganda. and the french media were among the first to pick up the version of the reuters agency, which, with reference to a certain official isis telegram channel, linked the terrorist attack to this one. organization banned in russia. murder near moscow. emmanuel macron strongly condemns the terrorist attack claimed by isis, which killed more than 60 people. in a buiding. special forces soldiers were still working antijo, american newspapers were already naming the culprits, now citing secret sources in white house. the terrorist group isis claimed responsibility for the attack, its news agency reported. a us official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the us had no reason to doubt the statement. it is significant that the publication’s experts specifically analyzed
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each video from the scene of the terrorist attack, checking it for authenticity, but there were reports of verification of that very statement in the isis telegram. there was no channel, it is unconditionally accepted on faith in the states. american officials said they believed isis was responsible for the attack. the group claimed responsibility in a statement published on the telegram channel of the isis-affiliated information agency. the new york times went the furthest, they even named a specific isis cell. according to the publication, again with reference to certain sources. the militants, whose headquarters are in kabul, are behind the attack. a branch of isis claimed responsibility for friday's attack in moscow, after which american officials confirmed this message. according to officials in march the united states has received information that a unit of a group based in afghanistan is planning an attack on moscow. the new york times reports that authorized american officials shared intelligence about the impending attack with their russian colleagues. however, the publication continues, it is unknown to what extent the information was provided and
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whether it went beyond the warning dated march 7 published on the website of the american embassy in moscow. the embassy is monitoring reports that extremists in the near future they plan to attack crowded places in moscow, for example, concerts. us citizens are advised to avoid such areas for the next 48 hours. but this did not stop the diplomatic department , whose employees had obviously learned something in advance, from declaring that american diplomats were shocked by what happened, and yet on the eve of the terrorist attack, its probability, an infrequent occurrence, was assessed by the embassy as close to 100%. from my own experience. i participated in the preparation of such warnings, i i know they are relying on credible intelligence indicating an imminent terrorist attack. such warnings rely on sources reporting on the terrorists' plans, access to weapons and activities, so the us government knew exactly what to prepare for. if so, then under international law washington was obliged to share with
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moscow any information, even classified information, that could help prevent an attack. the white house confirmed. there was official contact with the kremlin. source tas is already from the russian the parties, however, said that the information transmitted was of a general nature. in any case, it is not clear why this suddenly bloodless group of radical islamists decided to carry out this attack; the explanations of american experts seem strained, like a customized solution, a prepared answer. the russians brutally suppress muslims in syria, afghanistan, and the caucasus. the white house, commenting on the terrorist attack in hot pursuit, emphasized the details of what happened to washington.
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daytime strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on residential areas of belgorod, where the victims were almost all civilians, often women and children. in the affected area there are social facilities, schools, kindergartens , hospitals, and a maternity hospital. just today, after the morning shelling, two people were killed and 14 apartment buildings were damaged. today, as the russian military department reported, in the area of ​​the village of ospodaryushino, an attempt by ukrainian saboteurs to break through
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the border was stopped. obviously, the small detachment could not have a strategic goal; a much more likely goal was intimidation. civilians, approximately what the militants were fighting for a terrorist attack was being launched in crocus, general clark apparently did not hear the words of the head of the main intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense budanov about the death of daria dugina. do not continue this topic, i will say this, we have killed and will continue to kill russians anywhere in the world until the complete victory of ukraine. deputy secretary of state nuland spoke a little more meaningfully at the end of january, but in the context of yesterday’s terrorist attack , the words of the architect of the ukrainian maidan sound very ominous. islamists. the main thing is that the american authorities do not forget how their information and political environment has tied terrorists who shot people in crocus city hall with the banned terrorist
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organization isis. now we know in which country these bloody bastards planned to hide from persecution. ukraine. by the way, in europe, the audience who are told about ukraine as if it’s a dead person, well or nothing, does not consider the isis version a priority. this shouldn't happen, it's cruel. and although it is already known for sure that they did not come from ukraine, even the european man in the street who is far from the conflict sees in the tragedy traces leading to kiev, and not kabul, is that why some american pro-democracy media , such as cbs news, generally presented the news about princess catherine of white's cancer as the main event of the day, although the british bbc, which should have been much closer to the misfortunes that befell the royal family, put it on the front page ... the terrorist attack in moscow, aren’t the americans trying, as they say, to bury the issue, with lightning speed, by appointing isis members as guilty? however, despite all the attempts of the american media to politicize what happened as much as possible,
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a spontaneous memorial appeared at the russian consulate in new york. americans, city residents, bring flowers and light candles in memory of those killed in the moscow region. georgy alisashvili, natalya labanova, victor averin, fedor yurasov, channel one. and in contrast to the footage that came from riga this evening, the police there forbid bringing flowers to the russian embassy; people were left with a place on the opposite side of the street for the people’s memorial. it is lined, i beg your pardon, with various russophobic exhibits . now the author's comment mikhail leontyev, and we will continue. however, hello, eternal memory and the kingdom
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of heaven to the victims of this brutal murder, this is war. we are in a state of war, so i insist, yes, it began as a special military operation, but as soon as a group was formed there, here is the collective west plus ukraine, when the collective west is a hundred. means that they knew for sure, they even seemed to have warned, and not even a minute had passed, the american media immediately pointed to a certain isis cell. it's called legending
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cover operation: i blinded you from what happened. radical islamists, especially after the defeat of the isis, are excellent cover material. what is more important for world history? taliban or collapse of the soviet empire? some provoked muslims or the liberation of half of europe and the end of the cold war from an interview with the nuvel observator newspaper. this is a consumable item, it was still there. one detail: these people are never suicide bombers, a swift flight towards the customer, no belts, suicide bombers, hostages, staged broadcasts, burning people alive, this rather the handwriting of european nazism, the old european inquisition. this is khatyn, this is babir, odessa, donetsk, belgorod, this is punitive, this is revenge, our elections were for our choice, these people were killed for their choice. 25
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years ago, terrible terrorist attacks awakened the trampled defeated power, then it had to be revived, now, thank god, nothing needs to be revived. we chose this path 25 years ago, and we will follow it until complete victory. however, goodbye. this was the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev, we continue. we will return to the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole in during the release, now a report from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation. in the donetsk direction and units of the southern group
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liberated the settlement, krasnaya, to the west artyomovskaya is extremely important for us to develop the offensive on chasov yar. he strengthened the militant area, opening the way to kramatorsk and slavyansk, cities of the donetsk people's republic, which are still under the control of the kiev regime. in the same direction , the crew of the rszz uragan destroyed a large ammunition depot according to aerial reconnaissance coordinates. in the severodonetsk direction su-25 attack aircraft launched a missile strike against camouflaged enemy equipment and manpower. the gunner is also informed about the destruction of two ukrainian-300 launchers and a deployment point for foreign mercenaries in his zone. the belgorod region was again attacked from the air today. about 3 hours ago, an unmanned aircraft pilot was shot down . this was the fourth strike of the day from the ukrainian side. the first in belgorod in the morning from a vampire salvo missile system made by the devil. our air defense worked, as it did later
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when two drones were shot down. to unfortunately, again there were casualties, there was damage to apartment buildings, our correspondent, anna prokofieva, is working on the spot. today is saturday, the shelling began at 7:00 in the morning, when people were still sleeping, one of the hits was on a residential high-rise building, part of the facade collapsed here , the apartment on the second floor was damaged the most , a man died there from his wounds, the owner of the apartment died on the spot even before the ambulance arrived, his wife was taken to the hospital with a head injury, i heard explosions. and got out of the car, hid behind a garbage chute, and just it flew here, a woman ran out, there , screaming, saying, call an ambulance, well, i was shaking myself, then people came running, and accordingly, all the services came together, special services are working on the spot, the territory has been isolated, we can’t go any further, but we see severe destruction , bricks are lying everywhere, balconies of several floors have collapsed, here is the moment of one of the arrivals, filmed
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by an eyewitness. another residential area, there are no military installations here, there is a shopping center across the road, again a residential high-rise building was damaged, the glass in the windows was broken, there is damage inside the house, the residents are now putting their apartments in order as much as possible, let's talk to the owners , hello, well in the morning, as always, in the morning ukraine greeted us good morning and got to our apartment, but this is not only to our apartment, everything was covered in glass. there is no balcony, here is a fragment, it would have flown there, but we have always slept here for how long, exactly 2 weeks, we have been sleeping behind the wall, that is, you specially organized the sleeping place in such a way that, well, they say that behind the wall it is safe, but behind the wall it would be unsafe , neither me nor the child would not have been here today, the child had gone to the dacha, he did not want to leave here with the apartment, he might say, let’s go to another apartment,
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several floors are damaged. i was right at home , laying on the bed, my warning went off, howled, i jumped up, went to the kitchen, wanted to put coffee on, accidentally went into the bathroom, just by accident, flew into the kitchen, there are fragments there, broken through the frame all over the world, if i didn’t come in, i don’t know what ’s left of me, so the breakaway came in, you see, and came out somewhere, our dealers are great, we’ve got them we support you, if it weren’t for them, belgorod probably wouldn’t exist, today it was very hard. it’s okay, we will cope with this disaster, and i think russia will still win, this is gloom, no, we are sure of this, we are sure of this, that russia will win. construction crews are already working at the site of the shelling, closing broken windows and repairing damage so that people can return to everyday life as quickly as possible. another ukrainian shell exploded near a passenger bus, but the tragedy was a success to avoid. the signal came on time, i reacted quickly, people came out to the rescue.
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the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft is in low-earth orbit on the second attempt, today the launch went smoothly, the automation did not find a deviation from the set parameters, as it did the day before yesterday, and yet, then the protection worked, and this is important. our correspondent, yuri shcherbakov, followed the launch from baikanur of the crew, which included an american and the first belarusian female cosmonaut. he has the answer why the path to the iss of the new union will take 47 hours more than the originally scheduled time. from the launch pad.
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the observation point is only about 3 km, but even here the roar of the engine can be clearly heard , the earth is literally shaking, the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft is rapidly gaining altitude to soon be on... 2 minutes after the launch , the emergency rescue system is separated from the rocket in normal mode , followed by the first stage, after about another 5 minutes, the second, then the third, here is the manned spacecraft face to face with space, the flight is normal, after a successful the launch of the union was a traditional formation of the combat crew, this time it began with a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole.
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but it’s nice that i am the commander of a crew that includes two wonderful women, so the preparation process was very intense, it was impossible to lose face, i am very grateful, as well as to my fellow crew members, that they supported me together
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during this period. for the country of aftannas, american tracy dyson is already the third expedition to the iss; she spent almost 190 days. space flights cannot be compared with anything, and flights to the iss just prove it. since the launch was postponed, the dmks route has grown significantly; instead of a short two-orbit scheme, the astronauts will have to circle the planet 34 times. the docking of the alliance with the station is scheduled for march 25. yuri sherbakov, andrey lesnykh, zulfiya khakimova, vladimir aykhovsky,
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channel one, baikanur. and again about the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow. tomorrow in russia there will be mourning for the victims, it was announced by vladimir putin. there are 133 names on the list of victims, but most likely there will be more. to the rescuer needs a few more days to complete the analysis of the rubble, they need to make a passage in the wall, which still needs to be approached , there are huge damages inside, sometimes fire breaks out, there are 140 victims, this is data for the capital and regional clinics, more than 7,000 people in moscow and the moscow region came today to donate blood. 11 people detained in connection with the terrorist attack, including the four who shot and caused the explosion and fire, have already been taken to the capital to the building of the investigative committee of russia. caught and conducted the first interrogations in the bryansk region on the way to ukraine. since that “on the other hand, according to preliminary data, a window was ready for crossing the border,” the president said, addressing russian citizens. work is underway to uncover the entire base of accomplices,
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who provided transport, outlined escape routes, and prepared caches of weapons. a help center is open 24 hours a day on the premises of the fatherland defenders foundation in krasnogorsk. the moscow region will pay 3 million rubles. relatives of the victims, a million rubles each for victims who are in the hospital and half a million for those who received assistance on an outpatient basis, he said governor of the moscow region andrey vorobyov. moscow will also provide financial support, with compensation ranging from 500 thousand to 3 million rubles. announced the mayor of the capital sergei sabyanin. both the city and the region will establish separate monthly payments for children who lost their parents as a result of the terrorist attack. a number of russian banks have announced their readiness to write off all debt.
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a large number of innocent people, then this already becomes a crime that remains in the people’s memory for a long time, but we as christians must... first of all, against this kind to respond to terrible events in accordance with our calling, our first calling is to say prayer, in such cases as we are talking about now, to say prayer for innocent people killed. there were no other faiths left in the country, the chief ruler of russia, berl lazar, offered condolences and canceled celebrations in honor of the purim holiday, which begins today. in a buddhist temple in moscow they prayed for the dead victims. a spiritual
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support center has been opened in the muslim center of krasnogorsk. condemned terror high-ranking minister of islam. islam categorically denies this kind of phenomenon. and from the point of view of our religion, this is a grave sin, because the murder of an innocent person, from the point of view of the koran, as the almighty says in the koran, is... this is sinfulness, as if they killed all of humanity, of course, in no canonical way , this does not fall within any religious framework, regardless of religion, here we all must unite to provide help and support, the common grief of a huge country, words of sympathy and support, flowers, candles, in memory of those whose lives and dreams were taken away by terrorists, who will never return... to family and friends, scarlet
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carnations on cold paving stones, spontaneous memorials throughout the country, they bring flowers, gather, mourn in silence , for no reason, without any reason, why is this being done, and what is in people’s heads, at dawn, before anyone else in donetsk, the military are walking quickly with flowers in their hands, the townspeople are flocking behind them, they know where to go, the memorial is filled with red , yes, it is rarely empty, only usually relatives and friends from moscow call to find out if everything is okay, now...
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years ago, the candles are sorrowful. krasnodar residents, still unfinished churches, carry flowers , light candles, pray in volgograd, so that they will see and feel support far away in moscow, make words out of candles, because sometimes it is too hard to speak, we express our deepest sympathy and condolences, we are people, we are living people, and to survive this grief is very difficult for everyone, i sympathize with all those who died and those who... lost their loved ones, kazan together with moscow, of course, we are one country, one people,
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we are together with muscovites, we are grieving together with all of russia, and we would like to show our support to the people, our people. people come to moscow with families, flowers, the ground is overgrown with wet asphalt and cold iron bars, with sympathy people try to warm those whose loss is irreparable. a terrible tragedy, i'm very sorry. to the families of the victims , we must hold on, move forward, we cannot be broken, when today i found out that children died, and i work with children, it was just a shock for me, in fact, we just have to all together to unite as one country, one power, at the headquarters at the walls of the smoldering circle near the city, the relatives of those who went missing cannot be found either in the lists of the dead or in hospitals, to the sons-in-law, as if they were their own son, he works in the very core of city hall, you and you can’t contact him, here’s the story. one more terrible than the other, how dying mothers hugged their children
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, how fathers covered their family with their bodies, he simply disappeared there, he was wounded, so you already know that he was wounded, yes, where from, he covered his wife with himself, behind every name on the list of the dead is a tragic story: spouses, mother and the father of two boys was late for the concert, they ran into the hall of kuku city last, they were shot at point-blank range. svetlana maryakina died on the spot, her husband nikolai was taken to intensive care in khimki. alexander. kirasimov, father of six children, died. a young family from kirov dreamed of a trip to moscow; friends gave them tickets to a concert. before the concert , they called their relatives and said: it’s about to start, the shooting has begun. one of the dead.
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son, their seats were in the amphitheater, they managed to hide during the shooting. boy in intensive care, in serious condition, father the eldest son is looking for him; he didn’t go to the concert. the mother has already regained consciousness, but remembers almost nothing. alexander lapshin is looking for his friend, grigory budko. he went to the concert with his future mother-in-law. no one ever got in touch, the phones are unreachable, we don’t even know what to think. igor works in a car service center, as soon as the news broke, he rushed to rock city to look for his wife yana. 1959. after that, she no longer had a connection... he looked in the crowd of people running out, he went around everything, he was in all the hospitals, he will now go to all the hospitals again. she doesn't she worked, we recently had a child. zlati is eight years old and is waiting for her mother at home. the world
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is shocked by the scale of the horror and people are flocking to the embassies with flowers. in belarus, the flow of people does not stop; in kazakhstan, those gathered do not disperse for a long time. they lived from roses, in yerevan there was a sea of ​​flowers, in berlin there were a lot of toys, in sofia the roses were painted in tricolor, in belgrade they celebrated a memorial service. i am very very sad, i remember in my country, in yugoslavia, these 30 years of war and hatred, sorry, i can’t say more, a sea of ​​people and a sea of ​​flowers, in each
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boundless pain and sympathy, muscovites, volgograd residents, st. petersburg residents, sevastopol residents, crimean residents, all of us, i am novoduban, stanislav opletina. such was the day of mourning in russia on sunday, march 24th. on this day, our channel has completely changed its program schedule, the channel's team joins in condolences and shares the grief and pain of those who have suffered an irreparable loss. we are together. goodbye. reflecting on the vocation of a teacher, the great
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french philosopher michel wrote: it takes much more intelligence to teach another than to... to learn oneself, today our studio brought together great masters who, through their entire lives, proved that they are not only great students, but also brilliant teachers. i chose a teacher for myself, and i can, so to speak, publicly say about it that i remain faithful to this teacher. achapollo, achapollon, i say, yes, i am apollo, when in the afternoon i sit down to compose a dance, to do it. as a rule, i can’t do anything, i ride at night, i get up with a completely broken head, in the morning i give out some piece that is good, i like it the most, i picked it up, nag, you run you can, and if you don’t make it, i’ll crawl out of the stage, i’ll strangle you there, i’m deeply grateful to tovstanogov for giving
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me the opportunity to try myself in completely different roles. health, just great health, so that you can raise more than one generation of dummies like us, today we have gathered here in such a fantastic company and we will really talk about a unique profession, a profession that created us all, in ryazan’s wonderful film. can bring much more troubles, than we imagine, the fact is that i myself have not only been a teacher for many years, but i
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am first and foremost the son of a teacher, my mother worked as a teacher for many years, i grew up in the teacher’s room, and from childhood i knew some kind of hard work, and today we all gathered to remember our mentors, precisely those who made us who we are today, so... watching the screensaver, when georgy alexandrovich tovstan was shown, everyone applauded at once. sveta, let's start with you, because, i'm especially pleased, because georgy alexandrovich twili, because he is truly a fantastic person, probably my love for the theater, it began because my mother was a huge fan of lebedev and tovstan, well, since they served in tbilis, it was connected with her youth, and they regularly brought me .
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pita, didn’t wait for me , you finally understand that nothing can happen between you and me, i left
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moscow, i still have a passport, it says there, it was written out outside the city of moscow, i left mkhast, to nowhere, without signing, not having a theater, i rushed to leningrad, i’m nobody like god, no one, like god, after 2 months georgy alexandrovich invited me to a conversation.
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so he could come to the screening and say: lena, i didn’t understand something today, that’s it, tomorrow come to the board, additional distribution of roles, they were afraid at all, i wasn’t afraid of him, because i have moscow training, i’m my teacher , master, vasily petrovich markov raised, if you saw this girl who came from chisinau, you can hang noodles with ears like these, pink. i blushed, i cried from everything, here is my teacher, intelligent, wonderful
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a man, vasily petrovich markov, said nasty things to me, i cried, jumped out, spoke for 2 years, in the third year at the exam, he said something sharp to me, i laughed, he came up to me in the corridor and said: “that’s it, now i’m calm for you, you’ll survive in the theater, i had this moscow mess between me.” other than that, tough, but necessary, and what good do you have with your truth, what did you get from it, nothing, alone, free, proud, independent, lonely, do you even understand that a lonely woman is indecent, indecent, i ask you, madam, don't move, i'm not madame, mademoiselle, madame, mademoiselle , what's the difference, you're not a person, you're an argument that appeared just in time, look, mona, that's how you'll be, pay attention, kuku, this person has. how do you know, it means kuku, and the name, leave
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me alone, philofte, stop it, evlampe, yes, he’s not all at home, i know your name is... esmeralda, such a woman, it was so sweet, but now it’s sweet for her , well, speak, i ask the lord god, don’t spare the sovereign, how should i interrogate, how i caressed, that i should teach a scientist, thank you,
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a feeling somewhere there in the subconscious , a feeling that i’m a newbie, it continues to be present, as if it were wondering what it was, then she won’t be able to leave, but you analyze it as if independently of her , by doing this you even help her, you understand , i can say with full confidence that my acting destiny was happy, primarily because i met georgy aleksanovich tovstanog, he became my equal.
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will result, but i understood that i don’t have the texture that is generally needed for the bdt, i’m not his actress, i’m not tovstanogovskaya, it was for me somehow understandable, terrible, painful, but understandable, that’s why i somehow didn’t allow myself to take this step, because , to be honest, i was probably afraid that he would then look at me and say
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that - that's all, yes. this is where the matter ends, and that’s why i snuck away from my dream just like that, as if saying to myself, well, it’s as if i didn’t go there myself, he generally joked while working, it’s always very funny, then i come to our quiet graduation don, but there’s always a wind in my head, for some reason i’m always being carried somewhere, our groom was filming, and we started riding horses at an equestrian school. and i had a healthy horse like this, remember a working horse with an oryol trotter, he had such a reason, he took first places in show jumping, his carriage was called, and i was with him on the eve of the premiere, that means in the fields near the alexander garden in tsarskoe selo, he jumped over something, i stood up in the stirrups and sat down, and he found something else there to jump over, and he jumped, and i
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flew, pulled it, tore it off, ended up in... an ambulance, and then the premiere the day before, i come, my finger is bandaged, and i’m playing ksenia, i can’t walk, i say , you know, our lights were turned off in the entrance, there are pipes there, i accidentally fell, and he tells me, svetlanochka, you’re like a partisan, you have there’s always something tied up, it’s funny, but the way he watched love scenes, he never rehearsed love scenes with natasha tinyakova and me, which means that upstairs in the rehearsal room we’re rehearsing the quiet don and... we’re all standing on two of these plowshares, saying sholokhov’s text , i have to say the text, and then grisha will rush, well, that’s all that’s needed, the final one scene, we get to this scene, this insertion says, well, tomorrow we move to the hall, i say, georgiysanovich, how can this be, we didn’t rehearse the final scene, that he won’t cry to me and love won’t play out, but the scene looked like this, his malbara is always in
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borjomi, the seventh row, his place, the lamp, if there is love... that’s it, we don’t hear anything else, that means it’s correct, let ’s look at the statement. impression about him, this man didn’t play anything, this is your teacher, but i have this one bastard, he played only positive heroes, because he radiated some kind of
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inhuman goodness, universal, i’m here, dear, where were you in the forest, what were you doing there, and i wanted to fight a mad bear. for what? well, to take a break from household chores, dear. look into my eyes, look into my eyes. is it true that you spoke to the king? the honest truth, wifey. you asked the king for an increase in your salary. somehow this didn't occur to me. yes, but did you ask the king to include me and my little ones in the book of the first handsome men of the kingdom? well, something darling, how can you? “so you talked to the king and didn’t ask him for anything , of course, because we talked with him so simply in a friendly manner, oh, when i look at him, i
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think how beautiful he is, how handsome he is, how extraordinary he is, i often i think, what a strange thing - memory , which snatches out some fragments from our life, seemingly almost insignificant, little things, here i am. i remember how, at the age of 5, i walked with my mother along vasilyevsky island, and so, the union seal, this kiosk where they sell newspapers, then they sold in these kiosks, they sold photographs of, well, the most famous, wonderful artists, film artists of that time, and that means when i was 5 years old, we suddenly approached this kiosk, and i said: mom, please buy me this one...
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nothing explicable, because i’m okay, i think that by that time i could n’t see him in any films, first of all i think about airplanes, and then girls, and then girls, well , come on, come on, come on, well, well, well, you know, friends, no, no, this is in my opinion, this is nothing, nothing, on the occasion of recovery, 25 g does not interfere, so, for the fearless fighter, master of non-parachute sports, okay, major bulochkin, hurray, lovely
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madam, you are smiling, but i have very serious business with you, serious madam, and it’s not difficult for me to be serious because of these garters. crosswise you get some stagnation in the blood, just think, the bride ran away , she should be happy, she’s worth a penny because of such a handsome man, a real hero, you exchanged some kind of rat, that’s right, right, it was she who lost her happiness, not him, that’s what she needs, she’s unworthy, for someone like her, universal... our masculine contempt, years passed, i entered the theater institute, and that means, well, the prose of the fable subsided, the prose of the fable subsided, tra-ta-ta, as
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a result, for a reason still unclear to me, however, i entered, there was nothing in i had something that i could cling to in order to say that this girl should be taken to college, not externally, not in any way. i was just as thin as, i don’t know, some kind of horsetail, i only had one bulging place, everything else was absolutely absent, and that means i went through all of these.
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i don't even have any connections with him classes, so i entered the course of professor vasily vasilyevich merkuryev, the circle is closed, and this is my childhood, this is some voice that apparently whispered to me, buy this photo, it’s not just like that. after the commercial, we will return to the studio and continue to remember the great mentors. rum, castro.
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product of steller group. veta vodka. product of steller group. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. bourbon stearnsman is a product of the steller group. visky mancatcher is a product of the stellar group. genie snop. product steller group. cognac monteshop. productlar group tonight in our studio great students remember their brilliant teachers. i enrolled in this course by vasily vasilyevich mercury and irina sevuda merholt. irina vselona meorhold, daughter of the great vselod emilovich meorhold. she studied biomechanics with us, at which, in general, if they didn’t laugh, then the whole institute smiled.
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so on and so forth, but but i needed some kind of imaginary bone under the chair and somehow distinguish myself in order to still get in the end, so as not to be expelled as a candidate, i began to make a fly. i played a fly, a fly, a fly for a very long time, i rehearsed for a very long time, i tried to penetrate into the soul some kind of psychological transitions and so on, so, together with my classmate, i played a fly, and she played a spider, and this was the first tragic role in my life, i was all in black, and since i wasn’t there anyway, i was already all in black like...
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she didn’t love me, but vasily vasilyevich i would have divided us like that, but vasily vasilyevich loved me, and that means she maybe that’s why i was still very daring, she said, well, actually , you were asked to make animals, and a fly is not an animal, i
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say, a fly, of course, is not an animal, but it’s not a person either, she said, well, anyway, make an animal, well then i made a crow, that is, i highlighted it. maybe his son, that vasily vasilyevich kept a diary, which means that in which it was written, her crow was completely like a living one, i was terribly proud, vasily vasilyevich , from the point of view of such correct pedagogy, may not have been such a teacher, he never went into these theoretical developments. he flew out the scene and he showed, he didn’t know the text, he knew, apparently the essence, so he was seething, like this, that means
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he showed us the whole scene, and we... like that, with our mouths open, we looked, he was very touching , he was very gentle, he called me once, he called me, i, of course, i lived in a communal apartment, of course, i didn’t recognize him, because i couldn’t imagine that vasily vasilyevich would call me at home, and he said what is it like you, how are you how are you doing, i boldly told him, well, it depends on who i’m talking to, he said, this is vasily vasilyevich. he said how did you pass polytechonomy, i said, i passed it, how much did you get, i say, fortunately, three, he said, tomorrow you go to the teacher and ask to retake, i say,
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i can retake only two, already mine the talent of the mind is not enough for a c , the second time, i can’t, no, you have to go from... pass at least a four, and better yet a five, well, of course, i didn’t go anywhere, i couldn’t pass even a four , not five, that's clear, but he always wanted me to do better than anyone else, even in political economy, everything else, so that i could play better than i played yesterday, he stimulated me all the time, i really wanted all the time to be better, better, better, get out of here! clearly, ugh, kind of ill-mannered , but i still love you, but you’re still not here, get out, okay, by the way, i ’m leaving, but remember once and for all, if i
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fall in love with someone, it’s for all life, you’ll have to fall in love with me too, of course , no, see you soon, how... it’s good that it’s like this, oh, my observant one, i’m on my own she sewed a new skirt, and sews, yes, and cooks, yes, and prints, yes, and washes, saves, and tortures, goes. don’t give me such a hairstyle , i’m not ours anyway, well, maybe that’s enough, i’ll take it to you, it’s convenient for you, yes, just like that, it’s convenient for you , give it, give it, and i’m very grateful to him for
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being so ignorant, as if , without any edification, he put some basics... the main, perhaps theatrical laws, into my head, well, we remembered the bdt, smoothly transported to ligitmik, yes, but so that from the bdt along the fountain passtmik, we can’t help but pass through zodchivo rossi street, it’s impossible to pass by, let’s remember this unique educational institution.
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i look like this, my first day as rector , november 29, 2013, i’m not usually in the office, i’m not the leader who sits in the office, since the revolution, these courtyards were all passages, that’s why there was a dump here when i became vector, i was amazed, in general, they cleared it all out and turned it into a kindergarten. in the soviet years there was a beer hall here, freely, now it’s all
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a hostel, all the children live here, this is the building boys, this is the boys' corps, this is the girls' corps, here we have a monument to my teacher, the brilliant ballerina galina ulanova. this is a historical value , it cannot be demolished, if you want to imagine what i was faced with, it was all like this, but look how it became, why else do we need to remember about this street, because we were just talking about the theater. yes, all our theater, music, everything came from this zoichivaya rossi street, because one way or
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another it was an imperial theater school, even partly an art school gymnastics, she left us, just now when the class was going on, i told irinsa, i say, a lot of recognizable things, because i think you have the same thing, anatolna, yes, stretch your leg , stretch your leg, stretch your leg, you repeat, how i am very much... he follows her, begins to smile quietly and says: look, she says, what a godly dandelion is coming, i chuckled, because understanding
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the age difference, she says: you know, why i’m not a dandelion, i say why , he says, you can’t blow us away, and i think that great teachers, like sveta now she told me, yes, that they prepared us not only for a profession, but for life, and cultivated character. we'll talk about great mentors in sports, is this the one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done ? one joint, and you'll fly out... miraculously, like a champagne cork, an interception plan has been introduced, armed attack at 27 north,
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it looks like we have a new maniac, another corpse, what is it like now? undercover taxi premier from monday on the first, then you fell, then what else, well, this is how... to live, but you don’t live, today in our studio grateful, brilliant students remember their great mentors. perensanna, you know, i am very glad that you are here today, because for me you are not only a great friend and in many ways an example, i
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know very well, naturally, i know i am very friends with various of your brilliant students, but i i've always been interested in... asking you who you consider to be your teacher? this is who you remember most about, or you know, how to navigate? i have a teacher, he was in tashkent, but this teacher came from leningrad, then there was no rhythmic gymnastics in tashkent, our advanced minister invited a teacher from leningrad, it was lelya yuryevna petrov. who really was consistently sidora duncan, she really studied all these dances without yes yes she taught us all this very well, well, just like she taught us, i i got there completely by accident, as they say,
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there are no cases, but i got there so that i was dancing, i was in a ballet club and danced a panther on a christmas tree. i had a dance like this, in panther you had to do flips, some kind of copratic elements, at school, when rhythmic gymnastics opened, i went there to learn only forward flips, backward flips, some acromatic elements specifically for this dance, but when i arrived i said, i said, it was already a little so impudent, i said, i came for a few days in order to to learn such acrobatic elements, she says, you don’t need to come for a few days, goodbye, girl, yes, well , that’s what i said, well, okay,
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who was a multiple champion of leningrad, also from leningrad, she came, here she was real, she did such things with us, she gave us such options for rhythmic gymnastics and ballet, we always laughed, we studied at a choreographic school, trained at a choreographic school, there was one handsome guy who hung on the honor board, he looked after me, he did you say what it is? like, swing forward, swing to the side, grant batman, yes it’s called, and she said, swing forward, swing to the side, from then on i studied very seriously and began to study ballet terminology, ballet terminology, yes, but she was an actress its content, it was the artist, these waves, waves, what they dance in
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ballet now, she taught us this and this kind of dynamics... which is now inherent in ballet, because we see that now even men, ballet dancers, make waves , waves, this free body, all this she gives us taught and all this she ran, fell , forced us to run, fall, get up through the wave, dance, this is the basis of this school for me, unfortunately, now it has been a little erased, it is very difficult to explain what a wave is, where it starts from and where it ends, well, i had... such teachers, and then, when i started working with my children, she scolded me terribly, she came and said that you’re doing it wrong, and you’re doing it wrong, and this you're not doing that, she was very tough, i then i told her, well, ilianora anatolyevna , these are my children, i am now a teacher, please , if you want to reprimand me, let ’s go out and talk, but stop here, don’t
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open your mouth, you are my teacher, thank you very much for everything, but come , don’t you dare, that’s what i said and we’re still friends with her, she stayed in tashkent, and i’m here, these are the teachers, and let’s listen to what your students say about you. do it like this, stand on your head, something else on your ear, and you look like that, talker, are you serious, well, this is unreal do what she says, a day passes, two days pass, and after 2 days the gymnast will do this, so go there and die, like the dying swan died. and really i was in such a state, i was put into such a state that i don’t even perform on the circuit myself, i didn’t understand what was happening, it was like i was flying in the clouds, everyone says, this is how
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you can stand it, well, how can we stand it , if this has been bringing results for many years, then there is simply no other way, this is the person who made our country fall in love with this sport, made us follow him, to be sick, to worry, raised rhythmic gymnastics to an incredible level, so i think without her it would not be the same, well, since we have been friends for many years and i want.
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made a fuss and didn’t want to, but i had to dance , then trensanna comes, the children are standing like this , a bouquet, irinsana’s mother was standing behind, who did this to me, which means irensana was turning to the children like that, saying: “ look, well, here you go.” look, a minor role, and he knows better than everyone else, you understood what needs to be done, and then i thought to myself, oh, in principle, it’s not necessary refuse, no, what are you talking about? " "the whole point is that this evil genius was a crown on your head, they looked at him with lust, and this prince was pathetic, such a parody of a prince, such
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a little boy , which generally needs to be pecked and scattered to the wind, but for me it was a great lesson, thank you, it was amazing, i’ll also tell you that nikolai, you are of course a genius, for me you are a complete genius, complete.” then i told her, i once set an exercise for my girl, on the overture to the queen of spades, and i said, let’s try, she’s such
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a gypsy, she’s such a spaniard, she’s so characteristic, she smiled, she danced, i said, let’s try to do such a thing, and we started looking for images, we found you, in this music in the queen of spades, in the queen of spades, and we watched these from these pieces a thousand times, in the end she... did it, it was her best exercise, and i kept telling her, here is the scene of madness, here you don’t understand what you’re doing at all, you don’t understand, and he doesn’t understand, in the end you understand that you can’t live like that, you rush, look at tsiskaridze, look at his hands, look carefully and copy, at least it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, or invite him here so that he can show you directly, he will come, but you will be ashamed, thank you. thank you, elena antonevna , tell me, in your profession, who were these teachers, well, besides the brilliant people among whom you grew up, the mosovet theater, yes, where
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i worked in the theater, yes, i am a theater child, i grew up smacking king lear at the age of 4 by heart, so i'm from there, but when did i start tuberculosis, we were returned to the links, and my mother was told that we urgently need to go outside in order to do some kind of sport. but my mother is from the counts, she couldn’t give me the skis, they gave me to the figure cat, then we skated on the street, great,
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the young athlete took first place in these competitions, she took me on as her coach, she felt something. and i came to the first training session, long hair, these heels, in shoes, and standing on the ice for 3 hours, she saw and said, what are you doing? i say, well, i came, are you stupid, i it seems that this is the favorite word of all good teachers, i say, but what is this, you will remember me all your life at night, your
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legs will twist so much, i’m proud that i didn’t discourage the desire to be a coach, although many said that we didn’t we want to suffer like you, so in general we won’t be coaches, but we became, after tarasova, who also went and became a wonderful coach, there were many, many people, which i am proud of, not the results, although i have eight olympic medals, no, then very many great trainers from marin zueva
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yours, wait. that means pakhomova pots, blessed memory to them, lenichuk korponosov, the volozhin pig, all the coaches, masha butyrskaya, but i never knew that there would be a wonderful coach, that is, professions are passed on, and i am very happy , he is skating, i am very happy that like the principles that were laid down by me, and before me by dolmacheva, this...
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i’ll present elena anatolyevna with my favorite flowers , my sun, thank you dear, since we can’t meet very often now, before it was every day, now, now lena anatolyevna often she and i are absent in moscow, so here is an opportunity , so i do it with pleasure, because i chose ilenuevna myself, i myself chose ilena anatolyevna, no, first of all, i want to say
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that... gurnom, it was she who believed in me, she , as they say, pushed me there, went on maternity leave, i was transferred to vodorezova, this is also the person who... later raised the olympic champion adelina sotnikova, in the same way she goes on maternity leave for a year, me again how, well, how is the banner passing there, other hands, here i certainly don’t feel very good lucky, she said that i was unpromising and
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simply kicked me out of cska, i stayed at all, yes, no, then when she met me, she said, you see what i am, i felt that i had to do this because you are strong. and you found the strength in yourself, and showed that you know how to resist, i got it, i don’t know, or she knows, i skated with kovalev, how can i not know, i took you from everyone else in this same thing student, two-time world champion, vladimir kovalev, he left us in the middle of the season because he said he was 40 years old, he went to america, yes, he says, i don’t have a mercedes. i went to earn money and i ran after aleno anatolna for a very long time, knocked on the door, and my only regret is that we didn’t start collaborating with her much earlier, because well, 24 years, that is, well, that’s
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all, i say , my grandmother didn’t write figure kata, when she was skating, sorry that i’m in the third person, she was skating like this all the time, here, i say, you’re a beauty, there’s no such thing... position there with her arms behind her, this audience is going to erupt for her, and there is finally smile on her face.
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let's look at another story of one great master, a working day, 9:00 the hall begins with us, take a deep breath, arms wide, arms wide, or acrobatics, or dance training, general physical training, gym, that 's all the hall, one and two and three and four , then there is preparation about clearly. position and not only about counting, but they choreographically practice in front of the mirror everything that is done with their hands on the water, then they go out onto the water, for 3 from
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half or 4 hours they work in the water, six to half past ten is the second training session, now you were doing it upstairs, if you please. immediately move forward, you don’t twist it, i like ruschi so much, i’m a maximalist, a maximalist coach, at work, yes, what do you dare, when there are moments, you had an acrobat yesterday, you had to work out this support, now i’m doing i’m doing this, that’s it , time goes by, i’m on the same support, everything is the same, otherwise you won’t achieve this, and the girls know that in life i’m different, at work yes.
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that thanks to this program we finally met, because if for i am not only my idols, but also people who are very close to me. i somehow never managed to cross paths with you anywhere, but i
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want to tell you that i am your huge admirer, an admirer of everything you do, when i especially found out that you, so to speak, brought our country to such an amazing height in synchronized swimming , you have nothing to do with this sport at all, i fell in love with you even more, i respected you, because this is... real skill, tell me how you even came to this, walked and walked and came, yes, but let's start with the fact that it is also rhythmic gymnastics, you are a gymnast, a gymnast, yes, an artist and a ballerina, so this helped, i think that if you change the sport, well, no, well, not to ours, for example, to football or something else- then he can do it too, and easily. irenzano
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can heat up more than one city with its energy, just now when we were watching the story, you said, again they show me screaming, you know, the fact is that we are always shown screaming, both me and redsanna, but without this, this it's energy, you're not simple, just raise your voice, this is the energy that you communicate, they bring it, they bring it, here’s another thing, in our form we still need to achieve in a group synchronously, in such conditions when they don’t see... their legs, nothing, well, how, no, well, it’s very important to differentiate, this is work, this is life, at work, well, my opinion, a person should be angry, demanding, in an interview with georgy aleksandrovich tovstan, we started with this, there was an amazing phrase: voluntary tyranny, no , no, not like that, but
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also if you don’t understand that you must must obey this, there will be no result, necessarily, no, you have a huge casting, tell me, what are you looking for when choosing students, yes, what do you pay attention to most, i’m already saying only one phrase: on the head, yes, so that an athlete , in ours, especially over there, look how complex the coordination is, if... the girl doesn’t understand well how she is, what she’s doing and how she is and doesn’t feel the partnership, it’s only a smart girl who can feel like she’s in the national team so that she something maybe, the head, i said earlier, oh, we have legs, oh, we have a stretch, that’s all, i’m saying now, alas, i’ll disappoint you, the head, the head too, the head and legs. next to us now is my colleague, in many ways, mikhail valerievich, you
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are gordin, you are the rector of baumanka, mstu baumanka, yes, because it is popularly called baumanka, but tell me, in order to become a rector in your destiny, what path did you have to go through? were your teachers? well, the path was very long, in general it was a completely unexpected story for me that he became rector, because just like for me, if you think that i i once thought that i would. place, well, look, here’s everyone who
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, just now, said to you, as if i, too, we for this purpose, for the choice of our profession, yes, we were, first of all, carried away by someone, these were, well, not only our idols, it was our falling in love in many ways, and then it became our life, and your life, how it was and what do you think, now our current applicants, who they look up to, you know, my life. a complex story, because there was no one person in those eighties when i made the decision to enter graduate school, but somehow it turned out that somewhere , a few years before leaving school, i decided for myself that i want to be an engineer, i want to build electronic computers for our soviet country , with a determined mind i went to college and entered there, accordingly , i began to study, so there wasn’t just one person, rather...
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modern technology, personal computers, so it fascinated me a lot, and then it led through life there, most of the guys who , many of the guys who are studying with us now and... and the girls too, they, of course, really have money, really so that for an engineer they increase, increase their profession, it’s not about the one who chose this path, something is important create, it is important to be involved in the creation of a new device, machine, i don’t know, service, then feel that you have done it, after a short advertisement we will continue to remember the great teachers, premiere, big story, maidan, i know one profession, what would i do -i really wanted to study, but unfortunately, to this i came up with thoughts when i grew up,
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because i chose my profession in childhood, then in fact, truly, it was a whim that just... it was a happy circumstance that, well, my whim became a profession, a calling, it seemed like it worked out well, but when i grew up, i realized that i really only wanted to become a surgeon and an operating doctor. let's look at one story: a cardiac surgeon , every day, coming to the operating room, looks at death with one eye. we are the largest clinic in the world, we do more than 500 operations on the supragrade heart, of which more than 2,500 were children and adults, and here are several wards we have - children, newborns, children of the first year of life with the most complex heart defects that must be
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operated on in the first days or first months of life, because they they simply will not survive this period. as if you are nervous, but in general his confidence, his calmness during the operation, accordingly, extends to you, so that there is no arrogance, i don’t praise them, i can praise them depending on the situation, say that you
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well done and so on, but they really give everything they have, they come at the same time as me, they leave almost when i do, and sometimes later.
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i will definitely go to the doctor. how did you come to this profession? well, yes, indeed, i have an older sister, marina. we are three of us in the family. antosh died suddenly when i was 3 and a half years old, and two girls older than me. here, we lived in the city of poti, there is such a wonderful city, sandy beaches, 50 km, a river, there, a lake, a polyostome, an amazing place, here. there means i grew up, i grew up, and we children went to enroll either in tbilisi by train, or by boat to odessa, because it was very difficult to get to moscow, naturally, so i was in my first year, i graduated from school with a medal, i went to odessa, there were enough of our own there
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, just like in beles, so they gave me a bad mark, although i was a complete failure from the first grade for writing, so i was embarrassed to return to... what odessa, what kind of things, we went to moscow, and we went to enter moscow, i entered the first moscow order of lenin, order labor red banner, medical institute named after ivan mikhailovich sechinov , then, when i graduated from it, they took me straight to graduate school, to the rector of the first moscow medical institute, vladimir vasilevich kovanov, when i graduated from graduate school, i had a topic that after... 2 years became the lenin prize, which means i began to perform the first operations in the soviet union under conditions of increased barometric pressure in
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the barooperative room. what's the matter? anesthesia was not very complete at that time, and children cyanotic, who have a congenital blue heart threshold, they did not tolerate this stage of anesthesia well, because the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood is 30 or 35, like you and me. 100-110, and they give him anesthesia, that’s the same thing, they fibrillate and die, and itburem, the dutch, offered the option of treating them under increased barometric pressure of oxygen, and we made such a pressure chamber, a barooperative chamber, our results, of course, have improved dramatically, they have become better than european ones there and so on, that's what the guys who tell me they helped, they said: let’s nominate for a prize...
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no, or as a teacher, no, no, now it’s literally just one more minute, i live in a hostel in
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perlovka, we have the first medical institute, we have to go along the northern road to the yaroslavl station , and to get there to the city center and so on, well, there are 26 of us in the group, as soon as the lesson is over, i leave to play football, sorry, have a drink there and so on, in the month of january. or in december i don’t remember, we are renting out the first, first, first half of the year we we take anatomy, the most disgusting subject, in general, as you yourself understand, and well, when i entered the institute, i think, well, the main thing, although i had a medal, i thought that, well, i need to finish the institute , become a doctor, come back sweating and work there , and suddenly volodya golovachev comes up, who lived in the same hostel where i was in perlovka, studied with us in the same group and says, i heard, olya to the soldier... got an a, i say , what is this, he says, this is it, he says, i see a little girl standing in glasses, straight legs, after all, it’s true, yes,
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straight legs, they turn out to be important in medicine, well, then everything is known, we later got married, we have two daughters, seven grandchildren, okay, both daughters , here they are, our beauties, both of them are doctors of science, the one on the left is free, she is also a corresponding member of the academy of sciences, and ugarsan is an honored doctor of russia, unlike me, i’m just, you’re just a doctor, i’m just an academician. i’m like , remember the old joke, i love it very much, when a mother walks with a small child past the monument to karl marx, and the child asks: mom, who is this, he says, this is karl marx, i say, who was he? karl marx was an economist, he says, just like our aunt tsilya, no, our aunt tsilya is the eldest, and olga aleksandrovna, you are a practical teacher,
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you get it, you pulled up a teacher. i think that he himself achieved everything, of course, but you were an example, i don’t know if i was an example, but i tried to create an environment at home so that he could work calmly, i just want to say two more words about pain, she is from very a really good family, why am i saying that when i arrived i decided for myself that i was going to court this girl. i told my mother that this is how it is, and my mother, who raised three children, raised them, gave her a higher education, she said: the main thing is that she was from a decent family, she swore, well, well, she has a very georgian approach, that’s why i want to remember her parents too, her dad was an outstanding diplomat, gromyk’s deputy, minister of foreign
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affairs, a good family, he didn’t miss a beat. ambassador the soviet union in england, in cuba, and so on, alexander alekseevich was a soldier , i had a wonderful mother-in-law, that would be me, olga alexandrovna, and what would you say about your wife? well, talk, talk, i admired him from the very beginning, i still admire him, for how many years, how many years, soon it will be 64 64, oh, 64. let's see a story about another amazing teacher, by the way, why are you coming to us now you're going down, yes gris, you're going down now, listen guys, now we're not so much moving as we listen to music, so that we can understand everything accurately, please, panogram, vlentin nikolaevich pluchik, one of my teachers, gave
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a lot of very valuable advice, albeit in a joking manner, but he said that in general...
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which one he will offer me, i just know , that he won’t offer me anything bad, you know , he also has, as if he feels responsible for his children, he is a very good father, maybe he doesn’t waste himself in some kind of love affairs and does the right thing, but there are
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some moments, when you realize what it is very dear to you... a person, very dear, when you understand that this is his back, his shoulder, ivan, your teacher, your director, please tell me, well, you can talk about mark anatolyevich. forever, he’s a really wonderful director, he’s not even a director , he’s a magician, i was lucky to star in his last film, which he decided to kill the dragon, really... that at least i had to work, so i’m saying, you don’t know him well, so and they prepared the bride for you, and i personally tried on the rings, guys,
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i look at you and think, it’s good that we’re all from... that city, he distinguished himself on the set, in the theater, at the institute, yes, where the curtains were, where he was the same everywhere, that he always called everyone by their patronymic name, even the last installer, he knew that, alexander anatolyevich, come here, he says, move this stool to the left here, this, this was such a style, it’s unclear how much humor there was, how much respect there was. responsibility, but everyone in the theater after mark anatolvich addressed each other exclusively by patronymic name, alexander gavrilovich, said oleg ivanovich yankovsky, you are the future of theaters, and i am the past
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, let’s show you how this should be done, he says: “no, no, oleg ivanovich, you are our grandfather, a luminary, let’s show all this with an icy face, like mark anatolyevich, well , they say rightly that all dogs, they are partly similar to their owners, so all are artists.” similar to her teachers and her directors, light, georgy aleksanovich was very respectful of mark anatolivich and iago relationships, i have never seen them side by side, they are with nikolai petrovich karachenets, they called each other, this is an amateur artistic group that congratulated everyone on their anniversary, mark anatolvich spoke, and nikolai petrovich sang, i will never forget you, let's see. i would like to convey special words of gratitude on behalf of the moscow theater community to our common leader, teacher, outstanding soviet director, georgy alexandrovich.
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it’s very happy that you have such excellent directorial stability in leningrad, i want to say that here in moscow, we have changed almost all of our artists, we use them... but i hope to see you , i remembered, of course, i was there, this is the last
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year of georgy sanavich’s life, may 23, 1989, he left us, it was a terrible day of my life, unfortunately , now there are many, that’s who we are looking at, but they show, very many, unfortunately, are already in the other world, and that’s why we are here today. for us, his artists , his departure was a terrible loss, i think, only i grieved so much for my mother, but i didn’t grieve so much for my dad, i grieved for him, god forgive me, more than for my own father, the scary thing is that it’s not scary, it’s life, but when such masters as stanogov, like galina borisovnak, leave , you understand that... they remain, but there are fewer and fewer people left, in front of whom maybe , just like that this is a human , educational shame, a shame for some kind of hack work, a shame if you did something wrong, and this is our conscience, these are
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the people to whom we must be responsible, it’s true, i go out when with my poetic programs, i leave with one thought behind the scenes, what if in would george be sitting in the hall? this is what i'm focusing on, is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done ? one joint. and you 'll fly out of here like a champagne cork. an interception plan has been introduced. armed attack at severnaya 27. it looks like we have a new maniac. another corpse. how about you now?
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call? a taxi driver in uniform, bombed by the law, who was unfinished, did he himself decide to start an investigation? assertive and quick-witted. so, what kind of puzzle do we have here? why are you helping me? you won't calm down, will you? yes, until you catch them. what's your name? for you, i'm just a taxi driver. undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first. then you fell, then what? here you go. this is how to live with you, well, you don’t live, tonight in our studio great students remember their brilliant teachers, so dad, let me tell you on behalf of the images you created, or rather the images, don’t worry, never mind, all your negative characters are alive.
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i have known gennady viktorovich for a very long time, well, just since childhood, probably from my own, and i remember him very much as, first of all, an outstanding, absolutely brilliant artist, who, it seems to me, achieved some, so to speak, highest results while working in...
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this is close, so to speak, in genre, to the great artist arkady raikin, he knew his father’s work, no worse, than, for example, i, instead of textbooks, i read this book, this is the first book, which is called arkady raikin, show me the cover, nothing is written on it, i am very grateful to him for such devotion and love, in general i am very grateful, my dad loved him very much and ... knew him from his adolescence and corresponded with him, and wrote letters to him, we have these letters in the family, asked him questions, dad answered him, my mother answered him, i consider him the best student of the arkadians, here if we can say that he had some students, then ena is the most outstanding and... successful, wonderful
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student of arkady rakin. yes, you were moved, even. you know, this is how life turned out, i just didn’t know, at that moment, the name of the person i would like to become, only now i...
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you know, there is a word virtuoso, here is an absolute virtuoso, he was once called a desecration of the stage, no he’s not a desecration of the stage, he was driven by this profession, when the last day of his life came, i brought him
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medicine from a tour... in america, i called katya, and katya said, that the father is in intensive care and that he is unlikely to need it. this medicine and on december 17, 1987, he left this mortal coil. on october 24 last year, i arrived at novodevich, i stopped near the monument, and thought how lucky it was that this man was in my life. one day, it was shortly before his death.
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floor, in my opinion, i had an attack of tachycardia from what i was about to see, yes, the curtain opened, i swear, i’m not making this up, here’s the grama, they played the prologue, the troupe played and the stage flies out, uh-huh, the man who just before my eyes lay half-dead, i i looked at him and thought, this can’t be, he gave a grandiose performance. grandiosely, simply with such energy after the performance , he says: you can take me home with me, and then the driver will take you, well, for me, in general, any proposal from this person was like, i arrive at
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blagoveshchensky lane, the worker’s house has set the table, and we the two of us sit down to have dinner, we can’t eat it, it’s not salty. unpeppered, some kind of boiled everything, well, everything was healthy, yes, well, the worker’s house, she set the table and sat down to look, follow, and arkadivich says: listen, you had some troubles there, tell me , i start telling, he listens, i ’m finished, he says, you know, i had one once, he just said this phrase, this is the housekeeper speaking , well, shut up, let the artist listen, he had enough of a sense of humor and he looked and said: “you see
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the student from the defeated teacher, take it”?
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i have to go to work tomorrow, you see, a man without a glass, why should i gurgle from the neck, she’s in the greek hall, in the greek hall, akhapolon, akhapolon, i say, yes, i am apollo, and he is apollo, well, let yourself be apollo, well, you know, i... m, very grateful to you all for coming today, i want to remind everyone that dante’s divine comedy , the circles of betrayal are described, the most terrible circle is the ninth circle, this is lake katsit, the icy lake kotsit, in which satan stands and personally
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tears apart sinners, and the most terrible circle of betrayal is how surprising, there are four circles, yes, a traitor to the homeland, but the worst, the very last are traitors his teacher, his mentor, judas suffers there, kasi suffers there, suffers there. and indeed today we, first of all, were devoted students , devoted to the great mastery, the work that we received and which many of us are trying to convey with great, how to say, joy, strength, i bow deeply to you, i bow to all my teachers, dear friends , i say goodbye to you until next week.


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