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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 24, 2024 2:30am-3:16am MSK

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there are a lot of experiments with unmanned vehicles, but in the sense that an unmanned car drives wherever it wants and it ’s fine, this is not there, i have been talking about this for a long time already and said that if there is a dedicated circuit, a special environment , whatever you want to call it , technological simply in human terms, then yes, then a driverless car makes sense and it will drive, but if, for example, on a city scale, this is not a chess game, where a computer can learn to play with itself, this is not a game wow, that's...
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it dives to a certain depth , there is nowhere for artificial intelligence to dive , that is, there is no spare space there from which the necessary algorithms could be quickly pulled up to solve this issue, well, by the way , i also remembered this now, i read somewhere , that if we compare the human brain with a computer, yes, then we still proceed from the fact that a computer is a deterministic system, that is, under the same conditions, yes, we get the same result, and the human brain is a system.
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our capacity, but we must treat this in such a way that we have a fairly effective tool for solving the problem, now we need, based on the complexity that this technology represents, we must manage risks, make sure that it does not cause harm, and maximize was used, well, as always, in principle , in the life of mankind, there was a nuclear reactor, some other complex technologies, but don’t treat this as if now let’s implement it everywhere at any cost, because it’s profitable, well, it’s clear that when you
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you let a person through on the subway , well, what difference does it make, well, even if he cheats and comes in, yes, well, let him come in, it won’t affect anything, but if he goes to a nuclear facility, for example, it’s probably not worth the risk there, and there should be more contours of protection to check for sure that it is he or it is not him, here it seems to me that world practice is already moving in this direction, the europeans are generally tough, so they announced in may, we discussed this at our conference, now - they accepted that they divide artificial intelligence into three parts, one part will simply be prohibited. for example, there is the collection of biometrics in public places, social scoring, the second part will necessarily be regulatory, well, for example, in aviation, you know, there are strict rules, it’s just that if you are not developing an operating system for aviation from scratch, for example, it is impossible to certify , that is, it is quite tough, and there is no artificial intelligence there, this is ordinary software, but it is an extremely dangerous zone and , accordingly, there the costs of certification for support are sometimes several times more than for the certification itself we... are engaged in development, so
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i know it well, we make a real-time operating system ourselves, finally the third part, when you can use it as you want, it doesn’t affect anything, well, for example, a photo in the subway, from my point of view, can be entered into the third part , well, a person comes in, they come in, or they go to the dining room, for example, admission, well , well, the congress is once again, but on a large scale this does not play a role, this needs to be discussed somehow in our society, because now the opinion there were a lot of different things, some people think that there is no need to regulate anything at all, some people think that the opposite is necessary.
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how the quality of translation has advanced not only from modern languages, but also from ancient ones, for example, i don’t speak ancient armenian, but today, thanks to artificial intelligence, i can imagine in general terms what the holy fathers were talking about there, interesting for me, in this period, that is, a completely new , previously completely inaccessible to me, in my status, with my level of knowledge, area is opening up as... which i can already use plus or minus is quite adequate, i think that, of course, this is a huge help. on the other hand, remembering the story of our seminarians who tried to write a sermon, and were then very upset that, in general, not each of them could
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write such a sermon that it would be guaranteed to pass the test of the teacher, this is also great , why? because it makes you think.
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in the scientific field, a taxi under the guise of the prime minister, there are no reprimands, there is a reward, he will drive like a duck to water, the first the victim also left the subway, excuse me, but who is this? this is a taxi driver from monday on the first. academician orutyun avetsyan, proteraeus pavel velikanov, i am vladimir, today we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. i think that there is no... industry now of our life where artificial intelligence will not be introduced, because once again, i think karmar said yes, that the capitalist will sell 100% of the profit and his mother, there is an obvious benefit from our point of view countries, because on the one hand it is the advantage of hope, on the other hand , of course, there are risks associated with the loss
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of jobs, this is discussed there, well, it’s understandable, but from the point of view of our huge country, where the population is not very large, automation of this kind will help to master something... that is now difficult in in this sense , in a sense, it’s even easier for us, e agriculture, for example, well, we need to increase its efficiency, automate it, this is all connected again with artificial intelligence, because using traditional methods, if you do this, it’s just very expensive, in medicine, uh, in fact, most of us just don’t go to doctors, to be honest, well, i mean the population, and that’s why what we’re doing is trying to move them in this direction. that screening of the population is constantly passive, for example, through the devices that we carry with us, there is a single-channel signal, now it’s already in the clock, and a person can be brought to the doctor earlier, and as you know, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better he can be treated, with from my point of view, this will not lead to the fact that doctors will not be needed,
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on the contrary, the pressure will be even greater, doctors will be needed more, but the efficiency factor can increase sharply, that is, if before we served i don’t know 1.00 people, then we can serve 10,000, but more, and with a good doctor. will be able to convey his knowledge to regions, even to villages , where sometimes there are no doctors, god forbid that there is a filsher, that is, these are simple examples, and there are a lot of them, in fact, i’m not even talking about production, where they have been used for a long time i don’t know production analysis methods there flow in order to reduce defects, and it seems to me that there are simply no problems here, this must be implemented, i am certainly not the person who, despite the fact that i said that security, trust, wants to stop. this, but it needs to be done wisely, again, it needs to be done so that there is control over it, control does not mean that people usually understand it, technologically, thank god, we are a fairly advanced country in this regard, we are not lagging behind anyone , here’s a little about the social consequences, yes, i’m in my opinion
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time, like many, i probably read martin ford’s book, the robots are coming, remember, this is the fifteenth, sixteenth year, at least the translation was at that time, i read it in translation, and there were a lot of the same books, surprisingly... that almost all the forecasts did not come true, he talked about professions that will die out, i remember my friend, who understands this much more than me, he said, the driver’s profession has 5 years left, the translator’s profession has 10 years left, right? but can we somehow responsibly today, but how sad evidence-based medicine, but it is responsible from this point of view to say that there really are problems with the extinction of entire professions and areas, and that this is unlike anything, because ford argued that the speed at which this is happening is unprecedented, and never one invention, including electricity, most of all did not give such results when our negative effect exceeded the possible result in the long term. positive, so far he was wrong according to his forecast, but are there any risks here? if i may, i'm not exactly
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i will answer, but i will expand your question into a very practical plane, which i encountered, and i am a person from an analog childhood, adolescence, youth, and i remember very well that if you had any problem in interacting with what -different services, there was always a hotline number where you could call... it turned out that what was supposed to make it easier to solve the problem, in the end
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, just drives the person into a dead end, and you understand that listen, but what’s the point? call there if i still probably won’t resolve this issue, well, this is your stone, yes, but in fact , i think these very issues will definitely be resolved in more or less the next 5-10 years, because now translators are already appearing right away, you can hang it on your ear and communicate with each other. in different languages, i just returned from china, the girl there at the hotel didn’t know a word of english at all, she had a device on which she spoke chinese, translated into english, everything was fine, not the other way around, that is, profession, we with her, we communicated without translators, she was calm i understand, we have done everything, that is, potentially, of course, in a mass sense, yes, but this does not mean that professional translators will not be needed for specialized stories, in this sense, well, yes, there is a social danger . some professions will be unclaimed, well, once upon a time the same thing happened to horses, but in this
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story, it doesn’t seem so dramatic to me if we manage it all correctly, that is, especially for our country, where we have enough big resources and small population, we need to fight to improve the quality of this population, this is what needs to be invested in secondary education in school, first of all, in general, so that the population is... literate, then it will be able to get involved in all these processes and use these technologies for the benefit. here - let's talk about education , here i got to my favorite topic, you said in some interview that when we had a round table with magim and there, in my opinion , the mathematician gasnikov said that articles are written with the help of a bot and and if i understood correctly, you simply cited it as an example of this, well, correct use , and i ended up on some kind of bot , well, in general, it says write whatever you want, that means, neural networks, please, the demo version is free, and i entered a task on a topic that
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was clear to me topic of my dissertation , neurosity generated a twenty-page text very quickly in 3 minutes, well, part of the text was closed because it was a demo version, so yes, i couldn’t use it without paying, but i can quite responsibly say that more than half of my students are like this the text, let alone in three days, won’t be written in 3 weeks, i’m specifically sharpening the question polemically, what’s in it? the problem of education, from my point of view, cannot be solved if you don’t have an elite, but if we didn’t have a glass matte in our country, there wouldn’t be any mathematical education on the scale of the union, and no one would train an elite, if a student of festekh or vmc brings me diploma, well , do i really read this diploma in detail , thoroughly, no, of course, i listen to him, he speaks, i know his knowledge, if his knowledge do not correspond to what is written there. it’s still clear that he can order this work, but that this didn’t exist before, in all second-rate universities everywhere, there’s a whole business, well
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, consider that this business is going to die , because a child has appeared, yes, but nothing more, that is if we build the education system correctly, this will not interfere, this is again a threat, a risk, but we can manage this risk, and if we don’t have this, then of course, if the teacher himself can no longer distinguish in the sense that a person here... maybe interview him to understand that he doesn’t understand, well then the problem, yes, that’s a different question, therefore, that’s why i am, that’s why in elite places it doesn’t cause problems, because there you either run a hundred meters for the need. number of seconds, or you don’t write and the texts won’t help you, this is an obvious thing, in my opinion, again i ’m saying this now on purpose, the problem exists, of course, it needs to be raised, it needs to be discussed, but it is not in the plane that is being discussed , how to make sure that the quality of education in our country increases, do not try to close the chapter, because this is impossible, because once again physical people will do it, what difference does it make, but how to do it, what
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has generally grown, how to do it so that these places appear at the point of growth of how to do it, my colleagues and i, when we discussed it, after all , of course.. .you pose the problem more broadly and deeply, and you have this instrumental one, someone said, and there is no need to try to prohibit it, on the contrary, we need to give tasks that, well, for example, one of the options and solutions that will include the use chat, let the student work with the chat, this is such, this is a possible way use, however, well, of course it is possible, this is a new toolkit, well, yes, and accordingly , it won’t be possible to create a new course on this topic in one day, it needs to be involved - our designers, writers, will use this one way or another, just at least for inspiration, for example, because you can re-check a thousand options, and then, like a professional, choose what you think is right, this is quite possible, but this is a different level, and again this is not solved by prohibitions or restrictions, you know i
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i would like to pick up a little on the topic of the need for elites, so... from this perspective, it seems to me, the active introduction of high technologies makes the need for a request for the emergence of a non-elite in the sense that we most often perceive it today, from something that has practically been squeezed out of our everyday language, and there is no consciousness of the concept of chivalry or a real aristocracy, who are they? there is a wonderful... study by marina osovskaya, called knights of the bourgeois, where she shows how the knight was really different from a consumer person, who has always been, in general, not only in the 20th century, but by the fact that he did not have the right to engage in any professional activity, he could not earn
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money, but at the same time he had to be deeply immersed in many different... ... spheres in the military sphere, in philosophy, in languages, in culture, he must be able to draw there, dance there, and so on and so forth, what is this? this is the creation of a model, not a model, the creation of a certain person, the main work of life, which is service, service, of course, knights - knights are first total service, and service with the understanding that you can and should give your life for this service, this is the norm, it seems to me that all this... artificial intelligence, the context of high technology, it simply pushes us to the conclusion that if if we don’t return to the theme of service and put it as the cornerstone theme of human life in general, then we will have nothing to oppose to these technological possibilities, i would say even more radically, if we have already gone in this direction, if we do not disassociate the idea of ​​a person with a function, if
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we do not return to the understanding that a person is a seeker of truth, goodness, love, beauty, otherwise then, in general, artificial intelligence... no matter how we define it, it has already defeated us, i i’m afraid that we are now again endowing artificial intelligence with subjectivity, we are not trying to do this, i reiterate that this is not so, there is no need to be afraid of this, but i would be opposed to serving the profession as such, i will explain why, because here, and if it turns out that i don’t know, service to the profession is contrary serving the homeland, what to choose then, or family, for example, or friendship, eh? that’s what’s more important, it’s in the person, that’s the struggle , probably internal to the person and the conversation is, as a person whose profession is unlikely to fit, in your case it’s not a contradiction, yes, well, for example, it comes up very often, so you make some kind of technology, it can always be used in different ways, that’s kind of an important question, for me it was a discovery that,
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relatively speaking, the knight’s professional amateurism in all matters, he... he was a guarantee, it was still a guarantee that he was not engaged by anyone, by any profession, by any internal, so to speak, cultural interpretation, because chivalry is actually the creation of secular culture, well, i don’t want it, it’s completely different, this is just a step from church culture to secular culture; by the way, there was no chivalry in russian culture, so this is also an important cultural fact. academician orutyun avetsyan, praterey pavel velikanov, i am vladimir ligoida, we have gathered our thoughts on about artificial intelligence. look, yuri mikhailovich lotman, what he said when some kind of technology appears.
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question: the speed with which changes are happening today, not even the speed of implementation, the speed of the appearance of something, but the implementation that you talked about, yes, doesn’t this problem make it extremely acute, can we say that there is a problem that in lotman’s terms, technology does not have time to become culture, i absolutely agree, moreover, we are right here, each of us can see that throughout our lives these so-called revolutions took place several times, although from the point of view of the person who is involved in it, this is simply... evolutionary development, the world around has changed, and what is happening now in social networks is only the beginning, because we will immerse yourself there
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more and more, there are already countries where millions of people simply don’t leave the house at all, i, as a layman, don’t see anything good, from the point of view of these people, they already live in this normally for them, and this seems to me to be human adaptive mechanisms still they don't are limitless at some point, this also changes... it does not allow, let's say, a person to come to god, because there is no time anymore, he lives all the time in a comfortable environment, but does not understand what he eats hamburger, and not eating steak, i don’t know, and he, because well, everything seems to be there , everything seems to be good, there is entertainment, and digital entertainment, everything will be cheaper, cheaper, this is also something they don’t talk about much, but if digital education, the digital environment, this also means a reduction in cost, on the one hand, it seems to everyone... accessible, on the other hand, it may not be of the highest quality, because our educational experience shows that there should still be combined methods, that is, digitalization is very good, but not enough, it does not
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completely replace human communication, but it’s hard for me to imagine that with a priest it’s only through the digital world, and yet we’re heading towards this, to be honest, but on the other hand , we, as orthodox people, probably understand what’s ahead, what awaits us, so in this sense.
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for a person - this is the impossibility of scaling technologies without taking into account the fact that for whom everything exists, and this will create a corresponding request for such asceticism, i think we can find exactly the same approach to the cultivation of technology that votman spoke about, great, we will i hope so, i have one last question, if possible, in blitz mode, yes, very briefly, today there are a lot... opportunities, using the program, to get answers to some of your questions, yes, the so-called chats that give you options for solutions, one colleague
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admitted to me that he says, i don’t make any decisions at all without consulting, because well, he just says, they understand and advise better than me, so to speak, i have a question, do you use this in your life , if so, in what cases, i use it only in the case of translating text, but i... don’t use it, due to professional necessity, i of course keep my finger on the pulse, but i don’t use such everyday life activities, but generative artificial intelligence, which it will help us more and more, it has its negative sides, which are sometimes rarely talked about, that it can generate very plausible ones, but lies, well, for example, i gave an example at the academy of sciences when i spoke in november. a book was published from a distance under such a generated book on mushrooms about mushrooms, well, this is a very good topic for us, so if you read it and do what is written there, you will simply get poisoned,
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therefore. we argued many years ago that there should be trusted artificial intelligence, among some of the points that we have to perform, this is data related, for example, federated learning, but also watermarking, so that we can uniquely determine, know whether it is generated or not, why? because, from my point of view, there is no technology that can accurately determine whether it’s fake or not , yeah, literally in september 2003 , the united states government... wrote with its five large companies that any generated content should have watermarks, so that the consumer clearly i can determine whether it is gene-specific or not , active work is currently underway in this area, i hope that in the next few years i am sure, it will simply be essentially criminalized, those who upload content that does not have such watermarks will be caught under regulation, i think that the rest of our country will follow this path,
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because otherwise it will not work. why am i telling this, that this is one of the examples of how society is gradually starting this matter, at least not in the sense that prohibit, but what do i, as a consumer , have the right to know, i’m looking, it’s my neighbor who says or generated, this kind of work will be increasingly in demand, and in this sense, we are also not lagging behind anyone, one of the countries in the world , which has the appropriate technologies, we are developing, and i think this is very important. on this optimistic note, dear friends, i am extremely grateful to you, it seems to me that we have talked about a lot of important things, thank you very much again, harutyunanovich avitisyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming of the russian academy of sciences, proteria pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida, today we were gathering thoughts about artificial intelligence, fears, hopes about it, all the best.
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the other day i saw two public opinion polls, our people were asked who the greatest, most effective ruler in russia was, well, they called themselves peter the great, in general it’s clear, there are two reasons in my opinion, firstly, indeed...
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so to speak, there were others, let's say, the favorite of peter's sister sophia, vasily galitsin, well, he was the most avid european and westernizer, he knew languages, he knew languages, he even communicated with the jesuits, so to speak, calmly, completely, and also dreamed of very many, many reforms, first of all, so to speak, about the reform of the army, because during the campaigns to the south... he suffered
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a big, major failure, especially since he wanted to reform the army, but in general, everything they, of course, are only partially, vasily kolyuchevsky believed that, in general, the ancestors they left peter almost a draft design of all the reforms, and peter then, so to speak, followed this project, there is really no proof of this in history, that’s not all of what klyuchevsky listed, so to speak, peter implemented, well, at least , in general logic, especially since this logic was determined by a number of negative factors. russia in the 17th century lost many and often wars. well, you can remember. time, but then twice in 1634, in 1660 the russian army capitulates with banners with the commander in chief in full force. the chagerin campaigns, the war with the ottoman empire, are dragging on
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; overall, it was not very successful for russia; for the ottoman empire, it was also not very successful, but at least a decisive turning point was not achieved. russia has been fighting the polish army, which is not the most combat-ready in europe, for a very long and painful time. actually. crimean campaigns of vasily golitsin, whom you mentioned, and unsuccessful campaigns, they tried to make some attempt at success out of them, but nevertheless the crimean khan then annoyed russia until time catherine. russia is inferior to the west, and this becomes obvious, among these failures, in fact, the first attempts of peter the great, this is the first azov campaign, also not the most powerful fortress, because the fortress was outdated azov at that time, nevertheless, the first azov the campaign fails, the second with big ones...
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because the figure is completely extraordinary, there are a lot of accidents here in my opinion, well , listen, the sixteenth child from his second marriage, by the way, from natalia naryshkina , he is the fourteenth, well, it doesn’t matter, well, i don’t remember already, you know, you can go astray, there with so many descendants you can go astray, it was necessary for a lot of different circumstances to develop in order for this particular person to ascend to the throne, he... did not receive the upbringing that they usually received, so to say, the heirs to the throne, after the death of their brother fyodor, in general, his teachers became the street, the german settlement, and the german settlement, by the way, next to preobrazhensky,
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appeared, in general, also by accident, because it burned down and could have been build in a completely different place, and we know what influence, so to speak, german freedom had on peter. history, he never followed the principle of nicholas i, we do not need smart people , but loyal subjects, on the contrary, yes, on the contrary, from the very beginning this was so, but at the same time, for a huge part of the population, peter i went down in history not as peter the great, as peter antichrist, this is an old believers
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designation, of course, because under peter the persecution of the old believers sharply intensified, in whom peter saw this antiquity, especially since the streltsy, the streltsy rebellion, this very one, which gave rise to petrovsky emotions and which later, like many. according to historians , it cost him a nervous tic and fits of rage when he saw how matveev, his confidant, and his mother, peter ii, were dealt with before his eyes, of course, how can you remember lenin’s quote here, yes, i’m exaggerating, but nevertheless less than a little, but he reformed the barbaric country using barbaric methods, the methods were extremely cruel, and this cruelty was also established from the very beginning, this is that part of peter’s reign, which in no case should be forgotten, because there is such a cult image of peter i, there is a second one , this one.
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so to speak, in general peter, of course , well, according to today, you can call him a technician, he was not primarily interested in hardware, even in preobrazhenskoye he took a lot from... from the kremlin, all kinds of weapons and so on, from the weapons of the chamber, and then he returned everything broken or disassembled into pieces, because he tinkered with all the pieces of hardware. first of all, he was interested, of course, in technology, military affairs, anything, so to speak, connected with technology, with all these matters, this was a priority, in fact, when he went abroad, the first thing he wanted to see was the riga fortress. the swedes didn’t allow it, then
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there was a version that he started to fight with the swedes because he was offended that they didn’t let him in, they looked and they greeted him really very coldly, but they greeted him coldly , unlike the germans, well, of course i remember , that somewhere after peter’s death they found in the archives notes from some incomprehensible gentleman, so to speak, his impression of the west, but what interested this gentleman, simply so that ...
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the sovereign, but not for us, but not for us, not but it’s funny when they scold, so to speak, for us, not for us, he had a conversation with the local archbishops about , so to speak, religion, church affairs and so on, it seemed like there was a serious conversation, although the englishman, in my opinion, reacted to this conversation in such a way as to be an unusual combination of a wild barbarian and the smartest man, the same two german bookstores who received him, from which... at first i covered my face with my hands, i was embarrassed, and then they
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they said that he was at the same time very kind and very evil, because that’s how it is, yes, that ’s how it was, so the person, of course, was very complex and contradictory, and this must be understood, it is still in many ways a mystery, because historians have a lot of versions of how he was formed, his personality traits that developed in childhood, but he is not a typical figure for russia in the 16th century, this is important to understand, this is desperate curiosity, a craving for novelty, the ability to... assimilate it, the desire to touch everything with your hands and do it all yourself, clear installation for that, for practical needs, theoretical ones also appeared later, when there will be regular regulations, when there will be some attempt to create what we call a regular state, but this will happen later, peter’s reforms are quite chaotic, the whole goal is to create a coalition against turkey, although historians argue from the very beginning or against the ottoman empire, maybe initially there were also ideas about sweden, but in any case... the task is to create a coalition to access the sea, the sea
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is needed for what, it is trade, because income from trade with russia ended up in the pockets of western merchants and one of the largest cities through which russian goods were exported, riga, respectively, könecksberg, where, by the way, to the question of his practical needs, the head of the prussian artillery demonstrated, respectively, and serfdom artillery, how to handle it and... is looking for allies, trying to create an international coalition in order to gain access to the sea, access to the sea is still an opportunity to get more of those same new products from the west, and in this case it is not particularly important for him to have access to which sea, either the black one, then he must fight with turkey , continuing the azov theme, or the north, respectively, then against sweden. but it must be said that diplomatically
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it didn’t work out very well, russian diplomacy was still only wearing short pants in holland , the diplomatic mission was completely and absolutely failed, including through the fault of peter himself, there was not enough subtlety, and europe at that time, which is of interest, should have the elderly spanish king will die soon and europe must was to grab the spanish inheritance, who were the bourbons, the french or the habsburgs, the holy roman empire, vienna, peter ii. but then i still couldn’t cope , especially since the russians were just beginning to comprehend the science of giving bribes to foreign ministers, but for now they behaved quite freely, in my opinion, in holland, or in england, in england, the owner, the owner of the house , presented the bill , where the russian embassy was located, for broken furniture, torn paintings and even a ruined park, they rested to
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the fullest, to the fullest, so this is the coalition against turkey failed to create, then europe and russia, in general, were not particularly interested in western europe.
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they beat us , they beat us for a long time, while in the forest, we don’t know much about it, but peter called this battle the mother of poltava, so to speak, because there for the first time the swedes were completely defeated, and there were much fewer russians, about 600 , and most importantly it raised
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morale, so they went to poltava with a completely different mood, enough to talk about the significance of poltava.
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this victorious swedish army, which before it beat the russians led by karl, it beat the poles, it beat everyone up to this moment, now it suffers a defeat, but here it is important to understand that it was not just a defeat, it was a disaster, it was a complete defeat, only then after the persecution uh the russian army was captured after poltava, but it must be said that peter...


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