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tv   Zdorove  1TV  March 24, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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well, for another half hour, come in, let me know what you have there, i would like to talk to you, come on, come on, comrade major, i could n’t help but notice your strange behavior, i’m sure suspicious, yes, you’re behaving suspiciously, here. .. you constantly
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go to the archive, i see that you read materials from cases that you do not conduct and have never conducted, i know exactly what documents you were studying that evening when i discovered you in the archive, these were cases of espionage , have you made everyone crazy today, or what? still a citizen teplitskaya, i believe that you are showing her these documents and materials. to which she does not have access, this is not the first time i have noticed the peculiarities of your communication with her , peculiarities, yes, exactly peculiarities, you and she are whispering there about something, and today she was sitting in your office and reading various documents, she told me that carries out an order from a comrade major, but i can’t give an order to moore’s employee, it got here through you, i spoke with the personnel department, you insisted on an expedited check of her documents, so that citizens as soon as possible...
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stop fooling around, kim, go to prisny park, work, and at the same time get some fresh air, come on, come on, eat.
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rita, reed, what, help me, and there in. room, i bought it for the lead, wow, what, what’s new?
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new, of course, but i want to ask you, you can give it away as if from yourself, somehow from yourself, why, lida won’t accept it from me, but can you say that they gave you a good reception at work? i beg you. lida, look what a gift i bought for you, oh, thank you very much, beauty, lesh. lyosha, i already told you everything yesterday. not
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he said, you gave me an ultimatum, your wife is smart, there’s no reason to be happy, you’re behaving like a fool. i didn’t get enough sleep, i would have slept longer on the day off, i slept normally , what are you saying, this is an interrogation, i found somewhere to go to work, i wouldn’t be surprised if you
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got hit in the head because of this, why would anyone like such a neighborhood, i like it there, of course i like it. and in general, these poets , where they came from, coincidentally, i heard, they had this evening planned for a long time, and katya just introduced us all, she’s a librarian, and in general, wherever i want, i work there, why are you looking at me like that, do i have the right? “if someone else is visiting me in the hospital besides you, what’s wrong with that, i mean something to other people too, i have friends, acquaintances, comrades, i generally like to communicate with people, i’m crazy, what are you like you're talking to me, you've settled down in mur, you're a bird
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of a different flight, semyon, sit the hell down, it's not up to you now, you sit, sit, teplitskaya conscientiously, yes, let's go with us, where? mur, san, what's going on, citizen, yes you are don't worry, where are you taking my wife, well they told you, husband, i’m ready, let’s go for a walk.
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however, sofia lvoovna, how did you manage to establish yourself in 3 days of work at sea, in one, i... lay in the hospital after the attack, well then, especially in one single working day, your activity managed to raise questions among your colleagues, questions about what you are in a relationship with proshka, what are we hinting at? no, i’m not hinting at anything, i’m specifically asking, what is your relationship with the smoky major? konstantin ivanovich, workers, this statement, no, you answer with words, workers , what kind of working relationship do the investigators and the typist have, do you
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find it unpleasant to communicate with me or don’t like the fact that there is no interrogation room here, but i thought you were already used to it, you visited your friend, dorofeyeva anna and... proskuren, so actively contributed your hiring, then, what were you looking for in secret official documents? sophia, i would
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like to talk with you a little more, but now i need to leave for a while. comrade parskurin, what is your relationship with teplitskaya and sophia lev? you have nothing to do, this is my job, closed
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the case is closed, what’s unclear here, i believe that i haven’t found the criminal, there are all the facts, there is all the evidence, they didn’t convince me, so what, to hell with you, major, investigate, but not to the detriment of other cases, that is, i can reopen the case, no. when there is normal evidence, then come and leave the greenhouse alone, let the girl work in peace, eat, you need to replace verkhinina, why, well, it was your lieutenant who signaled, but no, no need, i ’ll work with him some more, well, look, just don’t give the boy a hard face.
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good morning, sorry for waking you up, it’s my only day off and it doesn’t allow me to sleep. yes, good morning, good morning, venya, i ’m cooking scrambled eggs, yeah, thank you, good morning, excuse me, so, venya, don’t bother me, oh, where am i going? bon appetit, here you go, lyudmila
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arkadyevna, thank you very much for your help, but for now, i don’t even know how you will find what you need in our archive, it’s like a needle in a haystack, the main thing is that you they let me in, please come in. rerberg was strangled, blakhova samoilova's head was broken, the publisher, the last one i saw titov alive, we need to look for a publisher, no, we should start with the fact that... what doesn’t fit into the scheme, if there is one murderer, why different methods of murder? and it’s also a bullet in
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rerberg’s head, a bullet, a bullet, lesh, don’t be ashamed, i checked the test books and i thought you’d at least spend sunday with the children, but how are you at work? you disappear, and these business trips are yours forever, this is my job, this is your job, this is what you’re doing, it’s boring, there’s nothing to occupy your brain, once again help the children with their homework, i don’t care at all do you understand why you suddenly decided to play next, i don’t play, what if i can really help, who can i help? proskurina, lesh, comrade major, move away,
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comrade, you are blocking the sun, konstantin ivanovich, i want you to understand me, i am not going to apologize for my action, i now believe that i did the right thing. you behaved suspiciously, i signaled, first i came to you and only then signaled, i am very glad that i was mistaken, yes, kim is dead.
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interrogations, everything is clear, comrade major, i won’t let you down, i believe, but what needs to be done, well, the main thing way to ensure the safety of sofia lvovna, but at the same time walk, observe, notice everything, but with this everything is fine with you, and
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i will draw conclusions myself, because you are not very good with conclusions. the great hour has struck, an immortal man lives among us, hel hitler is screaming, gotcha, where? what information are you interested in? participants on our side are traitors, we have things to do, but i don’t think anyone is still alive right now, dikhtor.
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good afternoon, hello, a pass has been ordered in your name, no, i’m teplitskaya’s husband, she’s at you work here, she was collected today, tell me how she is, citizen, move away, and get a new pass, listen, my wife is here. okay, okay, i understand, sofia, i hope you understand me, i’m telling you again, i don’t need your apologies, you’d better
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ask konstantin ivanovich for forgiveness, i’m just a typist, and he may have problems, an entry in his personal file , go to him. why are you playing me back and forth, let's get to work, my working day starts tomorrow monday at 9:00, hello, hello, proskuren told me about your case and entrusted me with working with you, i’m going home, okay, i’ll see you off, don’t, i’ll see you off, i wish you health, don’t, you have a face like you’re doing a guilty service, dad, please help me , fasten a fur coat, mom, you already know how to button a hat, please, i can’t do it, so give me a hat,
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faster, whatever is faster, don’t get scared, come on, go faster, misha, that’s enough, sanya, who are you, a citizen? my husband, goodbye, comrade, they took you, they didn’t take me, what are you, i just forgot to sign the documents about hiring, they brought me, i signed everything, you fool, why did you sign, i told you, quit, i don’t want to quit, it’s not enough that you don’t want to, don’t yell at me. who are you, lieutenant, okay, guys, he’s talking.
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so, what are you doing here? good afternoon, anna nikolaevna, decide to come in. sofya lvovna is delayed. will be, but i decided to attend your tea party today, i think it will be more productive, excuse me, last time you didn’t ask my permission, today you didn’t take the search warrant with you, i found it, here it is nikifarov, denis semenovich. was the editor of a fascist newspaper, yeah, shot and rightly so, yeah, son nikifarov arseniy
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denisovich, born in 1915, was recruited by his father to work on the propaganda newspaper german herald, and dragged his son along with him, probably also shot. they imprisoned you, they didn’t shoot you, they’re happy for you, but it would be better if they were thrown to the wall, maybe what do you want to eat? yana’s happiness will come to me in two, i
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won’t pour you a farewell.
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thank you, i'll try not to be late. so, what do we have there, mom, what are you doing, where are you going, yes i’ll just meet aunt anya and come back for dinner, why are you crying, i don’t want you to go out, i don’t want you and dad to fight, stop it, what are you talking about, we’re not fighting, i can hear you screaming at each other , mommy, don’t go, baby, misha, little darling, come here, which means you’re usually
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going to the library, yes. apparently irina, this is what we need to focus on, the bullet. “konstantin ivanovich,
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you yourself said that the wound is strange, too accurate for a pistol from such a long distance, the bullet is german, i believe that it was fired at rerberg by our criminal, norberg survived, recognized him on the street, and he recognized her, you need to deal with the bullet with what happened during the war, the publishers won’t help you with this, why won’t they, yes, you said, help you?” “i’m leaving, i can’t help you anymore, i have a family and i have to be with her, katerina and sonya also have a family, anh, i don’t want to discuss this, i made the decision to leave us, let him go."
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your doors, slam, and this public, there’s nothing here, well, i found sophia lvovna, i found her, and where is she, the pests, people need to do this, not to spoil it so that everyone will feel bad, you don’t have peace yourself, and you don’t give it to others, yes, but semyonich, come in, you’re playing chess, that ’s right, that’s right, it’s a good thing, why aren’t you going home, but
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the lieutenant colonel was just about to go? yeah, what's going on with your comrade proskulin, have you clarified the situation? yes, of course, and, well, okay, okay, you, that’s what, lieutenant, if you still notice something suspicious, well, mine, or someone is doing something wrong.
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yes, okay, serve as a lieutenant, serve, yes, this is training, as if he really doesn’t know anything, i watched from a chatball player, in this pool there is nothing remarkable. “in any case, irina’s train of thought is correct, we need to focus on the past, i found a man in the archive who worked in the newspaper gp 721, he could see the dikhtor, tell me the details of this person, i will find him, so i copied the data from his things are going well, let’s assume there is a witness, we have nothing to do for now, i suggest we take a break, i asked you to find
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arguments for me in favor of murder.” you did it, so rest, well, we didn’t find the killer, sofia, you are face to face with this killer we collided, well, in any case, it’s too late, so i suggest you go home, ofiliovna, i’ll personally take you home, goodbye, goodbye, good night, good night, sonechka, good night. well, what about you? it’s okay, i’ll sit alone, read a book, and tomorrow i’ll go again to deliver kiev cutlets and compote. and i will return to my apartment, where my husband lives with another woman who raised my daughter while i
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was going through stages. and now my daughter hates me for it. things aren't so bad for you. just stop feeling sorry for yourself. and don't judge irina for trying to save her family. i don't judge her. good night, bye. the premiere is a big story. maidan, part two, today on the first, sorry, i ’m late for dinner, it’s okay, we’ll leave food for you on the table so you don’t go to bed, thank you,
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my dear, penmanship, yeah, here’s mishka’s math, how was the meeting? with anna, we decided that we need to meet less often, otherwise i began to spend too much time with my friends, i need to think about my family, mom, i played the piano for 2 hours, didn’t you? what, misha, and how did it all work out, yeah, well done, well, how are you doing, everything is fine, good, “hello, you came, thank you for seeing me, you’re welcome, see
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you at work tomorrow? yes, why are you you ask? well, after today’s interrogation , you haven’t lost the desire to work with us yet, don’t get your hopes up, well, that means see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow"? goodbye, goodbye, but will you arrest me or take me to the sobering station, vitya, don’t start? don’t talk to me like that, stop being rowdy, you live here, maybe you’re registered, maybe your wife, i understand, it’s time for me to go to the side, i understand, so,
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well, how did you go to anna? okay, okay, you ’ll talk to me normally, or else i’ll teach you that there’s no lieutenant and you’re not so brave, yes, don’t come near me. good evening, good, where are rita and dad , they’re walking, there’s war here, go away, i’ll do it myself, let me
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help you, it’ll be easier for you, why are you so little, leave me alone, you think you bought a fur coat, it’s all new mathematics. what kind of fur coat, what are you talking about? do you think i'm a fool? what is the bonus at the plant in the middle of the month? did you give riti money for my fur coat? lit how i like you hate?
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well, i got ready, i'm sorry, i can't do this anymore. i was about to leave, go to where i spent the night. you can take it with you, i’ll throw it away anyway.
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good morning, good morning, what are you going to do, i baked pancakes, but if you want, i can make scrambled eggs or an omelet, children have breakfast, good morning, good morning, thank you, come on, bear, so, wait, let's go somewhere after school today with the whole family - let's go, maybe to the kotka, yes, well, eat pancakes, yes, good morning, comrade major, decide to come in, you've already entered, come on, what do you have? about they found chernov in the prestin case
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, they are taking him for interrogation, well done, as soon as they bring him, let me know, there is, and you find out where this citizen lives now, and this is for what case the comrade major, on the same one, but i understand, there is, that’s all , i’ll find out, but let me go, go. sofia, what happened to you, don’t worry , i’m fine, your face is broken, just a small bruise, he hit you, yes, no, i hit him. “i love this place,
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lilacs bloom here in the summer, the smell, and where are you from, from leningrad, and why did you move, after the blockade, i couldn’t live there any longer, although i don’t go anywhere, i’d like to forget, but it doesn’t work out, maybe..." it’s not worth living , and i remember this all the time, no, well, not all the time, at least once a year , remember, before victory day was a day off, now it’s a normal working day, like everyone else, i understand that it’s painful and scary, but it seems to me that it would be more correct, more honest or something, if on this day everyone stops, puts aside work and just remembers , why, we have to leave it...
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they shot first in the temple, then they counted how many heads were hit, you know how to bring it to frank conversation, forgive me, but you have changed a lot since our last meeting, talk. even in a completely different way, i’m smarter
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next to you, but come on, tell me, who is this front-line soldier with whom you were talking, this is one writer. alya, what's wrong with you? larisa ivanovna, replace me for a few minutes, please. the bullet, i know why rerberg did not die from such a wound, so, the bet was on the killing power of the bullet, how many heads one shot would hit, they
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lined up people in a line, shot the first one in the temple, so the bullet hit rerberg in the head. got on flight, how did you know about this? sergei vasiliev, not a poet, is a prose writer, he was at the literary club that day, and so he told letnev that he had heard about such a dispute when he conquered belarus, mogilev, do you have a smoked phone? the lesson is over, write down your homework, problems and examples from forty-five to fiftieth, don’t forget to prepare, next week there’s a final test, another
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test, that’s it, you can be free, well done, sit down, well... what, maybe a movie after school, no ready, yes, sit down, bye, bye bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye. hello, connect me with the vitepsky military registration and enlistment office. hello, hello, lieutenant vershinin moore, i am interested in the documents of sergei viktorovich vasiliev, born in 1910. hello, will proskuren call if
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something turns up? of course, just remember, he can’t officially interrogate vasilyev, he doesn’t have any grounds for this yet, so let’s start looking for these grounds, i suggest going to the military archive, there’s a lot of information on the secret field police, what if let's find something about vasilyev, let's go, i need to take time off, wait a minute, excuse me, where is zoy polona? “excuse me, i would like to leave early today, if possible, what happened, family circumstances, i ’ll work the weekend, what are the circumstances,
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something with my daughter, why do you need to delve into my problems, nothing serious, just me now”? you are in prison, you need to hold on to a decent job with all your might every day , justify the trust placed in you, go back to work!
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goodbye marya, everyone's home, yes, i'm here just two lessons, all the best to you, sergey viktorovich, thank you so much for being able to come to us so quickly, well, when a car comes from mur, whether you want it or not, you get ready quickly, i wanted to discuss with you the possibility of your creative meeting with collaborators mura, why with me? and you know, our employees are very keenly interested in prose, including yours. recently i was sitting in the cafeteria and i heard people discussing. well, how nice, but what exactly are they discussing? and... your story, tomorrow's dawn, novel, i'm sorry, it's a novel, i hear they're discussing it, well
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, besides, you're a front-line soldier, you fought on the belarusian front, so i thought it would be great if, in addition to the creative meeting, you told your employees a few front-line stories, you know, i don't like, i don’t understand this topic in my work, i’m writing about today, i understand, i understand, but i thought that... and present for approval by the management 10-12 stories from your front-line past with exact geographical names,
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with dates if possible, well so they can two or three stories should be approved for the cultural meeting, sergei viktorovich, yes, yes, i ’ll write everything now. yes, but what about right now? and what? well, i need to think. don’t you remember your biography? i remember. you know, i’ll have to think about military history for a couple of days. that is great. you write a biography now, and in 2-3 days bring stories.
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"hello, hello, lieutenant vershinin moore, i am interested in the introductory documents of sergei viktorovich vasiliev, born in 1910, place of birth mogilev, excellent, prepare them, please, i'll come by tomorrow and pick them up." so the children of the salary, mish, study , i'll come soon. i'll turn on the tv, and i'll also tell mom that you didn't play, and i hear mom and dad saying that they want to send you to
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a cello class, but what? do you know how much a cello is, and you will have to carry it on you every day, and if it falls on you, it will give you away . good evening, hello, irij, come in, i just decided to come in, i haven’t come in for a long time, yes, we haven’t talked about criminal corpses for a long time we were talking, i was looking for the recipe for your donuts, they turn out so delicious, i wanted to feed lyosha and the children, maybe i would make it tomorrow morning, but for this you need sour milk, so then i’ll cook it when it turns sour. will you give me the recipes? ladies, don’t you want to ask me anything else? well, how is life, if not the new ones?
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you're kind of strange. okay, let's go bake the donuts. what will you see off again? yes sir. why did proskuren make him follow me? yes , i myself don’t mind in principle, i have a husband, yes, who beats you, how much have you taken, what and how many days did they take him away, why didn’t you contact the police, d4 56 12, that this is my home phone number, i know that if you heard it once, you won’t forget it, so call me if anything happens. sofia, lovingly, are you
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offended, no. you’re not scared, that it’s not scary to do all this, no, it’s very scary, then why are you doing it, well , because it’s right, it’s necessary, it’s right, but you ’re not afraid, but not very much, because they haven’t had time to scare you yet, during the war, i really wanted to go to the front, to go with my father, well , i couldn’t leave my mother alone, and then we we lived in khantemansiysk, there were no germans there and i couldn’t even fight as a partisan, well, i thought when i turned 16, then i’d definitely go to the front, but 2
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days before my birthday we already took berlin. if you are ashamed that you did not have time to fight, then in vain, you are a happy person, you are happy about this, and father, father has returned, and with you, we are going out, thank you, we are going out.
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good evening, good evening, goodbye, won't you come in, no, excuse me, i still have work to do , he was ordered by proskuren, or is he escorting the young lady home on his own initiative, anya, what, a prominent guy has already lieutenant, anya. wedge by wedge, sofia levovna, will you have some tea? yes, thank you, it’s worse, the color is changing, now let’s drink tea and get to work, what are we doing?
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i want to take irenna’s diagram and go through it , taking into account the fact that we now suspect vasiliev. and before leaving i spoke with the smoky one, he had already met with vasiliev and began to develop it, can you imagine, uh-huh, the bear is poor today, he was squirming all over in bed, while i was reading a bedtime story, so the guy is already an adult, an adult, he is 9 years old, 9 years, that’s counting tomorrow in the army, you say the same. yeah, maybe it's time to send them away separate rooms? no, it’s not time yet, tanya is still too little to sleep alone, you think, yes, she will still cry, cry, or maybe she won’t cry, suddenly
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she’s just like her mother, just as brave. just as brave. musalya.
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moore, call the police, have them send a squad,
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lyuda, put him on hold at the police station, tie his hands, he ’s screwed. here are highlighted the facts where you made a mistake in your autobiography, in the writers' union you wrote that you went to war in
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forty-three, and they wrote to me that in forty-two, and this is my first year in the party, the first year he was a partisan, in forty-three he joined the ranks of the red army, partisans, right? and i think that until the forty-third year you worked in the secret field police number 721, when they were knocked out from under mogilev, you left with them when they were bombed near orsha, you survived and moved to the nearest military registration and enlistment office, where you reported your glorious partisan past, as i understand it, there are no objections, i didn’t work with the fascists, that’s what you’re talking about. no, i don’t write poetry, i’m a prose writer, forgive the inaccuracy, you’re a dikhtor, well, let’s tell you everything already, as it is, citizen vasiliev, they forced me
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, i didn’t kill anyone, i just wrote propaganda, it’s just just pieces of paper, these are... stupid stories about how it will be good with the germans, but no one believed it , well, everyone saw what they were doing, this is stupidity, this, i just wanted to survive, you weren’t in the occupation, you don’t, you don’t know what was going on there, here at the front, they killed you once, that’s all , here, here every day with the fascists , with these beasts, are you an announcer? no, but they told me about him, he served before me in gf-721, i heard from him from the germans, i’ll tell you everything, have you seen him, no, you know what he looks like, i’ll tell you everything,
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i’ll tell you everything, convince the citizen, let him wash himself, calm down , i'll be back in 10 minutes, i'll tell you everything, i 'll tell you everything. creature! creature! the germans were afraid of this dikhtor, they themselves were afraid, he lived in the same house with a policeman, commissar kerner , well, so to speak, he was especially close, the commissioner
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approved of the dikhtor’s working methods, especially this dispute over the lethal force of a bullet, the dikhtor was practically he always won, you can give a description of the person’s appearance, no, well, he was practically a boy. that is, about 15-16 years old, the announcer is 15 years old, as i say, he was practically crazy, they told me that he kept going to his literature teacher... he knocked out his teeth just because he simply laughed at his verse, that is, it turns out , now they are about thirty, and you were looking for someone older, and how is your boyfriend, i didn’t kill him.
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good afternoon, i’m visiting kim aleksandrovich vershinin, your identification, please, good afternoon, hello, and you to to whom, i go to vershinin, he... here, and where is our top? vaughn is sleeping by the window. yeah thanks. they brought it in tonight, it was completely white, now it’s okay, it’s gone away. so girl, don't worry. aklimai!
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i’ll start right away with the essence of the conversation, what happened to vershinin, i sent lieutenant vershinin to the writer vasilyev for stories, the transfer of which i agreed with him earlier in the evening of the same day, what stories, what writers, what are you talking about, proscuren, what do you want to say, what? my mind goes beyond my mind to calculate your moves, you are telling yourself that you want, and i spin like a top in front of the authorities, you want to play against me, and by the way, i am a mountain for each of you, this investigation is part of the tetovo case, i sent verkhinina to vasiliev to check.
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so that he wouldn’t leave, i didn’t think that vasiliev would act so quickly and harshly, my mistake, yours, yours, well, mine, wait, it turns out, vasiliev killed those three girls, no, but he gave testimony that will help us find the criminal, during the war they served together in the same guf, in the guf? military third ryg police, that’s right, konstantin ivanovich, but tell me, please, do you know what the abbreviation moore stands for? but i understand that this is not our business, the moscow criminal investigation department, comrade lieutenant colonel, allow me to bring this matter to the end, the moscow criminal investigation department. rozys, you urgently prepare
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documents to transfer the case, and i, and i inform the kgb, 24 hours, give me 24 hours, if by the evening i don’t find him, i’ll give everything to the kgb, and if i find him, comrade colonel. there is a day, good morning, ekaterina petrovna, good morning, lyudmila arkadyevna, what are you doing? are you doing here? i thought that you would come to work with me again? yes, i was going to, you really worried me with your business. so
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then i began to search myself, i found someone, i hope it will help in your search, yes , hello, hello, thank you very much, the main thing is to catch this traitor, thank you, thank you, goodbye, goodbye. good afternoon, hello, how are you feeling today, i’m fine. vasily fired at vershinin, that after a conversation with proskurin, he decided to run, vershinin stopped him, as he? at the hospital, the doctors said he had lost a lot of blood, the wound was not dangerous, he had been interrogating vasilyev all morning, he was our killer,
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no, he also worked for gf 21, but at a different time. the only thing my father knows about dichter was when he was 15 years old. serving as a translator at the german headquarters, which means that now he is about 30, 15, just a child, what can you think at 15, you can, at the age of 16 i was hired to serve on the general staff, and i realized that fascism is bad, that killing people , torturing people, starving them and sending them to the geths is not good, somehow i...
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managed to escape, please tell me that she is still alive and that she lives in moscow, yes, excuse me, but this is the fifth house, yes, this.
9:20 am
who is there, and i’m visiting raisa plekhanova, does she live here? what did you want? open the door, please, don’t shout at me throughout the entire stairwell? scared me, so what did you want?


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