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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 24, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

10:00 am
hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one. the whole country mourns the victims of the monstrous terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. today there is national mourning in russia. 133 lives were lost in a bloody terrorist attack. these data from the investigative committee may change. work is still underway at the site of the tragedy. he prays for the dead in all churches.
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and a sea of ​​flowers - these are new shots. vladivostok, petropalsk-kamchatsky, krasnoyarsk, bring soft toys. children died, families died, at the last moment, clinging to each other. petersburg is mourning. on the palace people lined up in the square with a mourning inscription. national flags have been lowered, entertainment sporting events have been cancelled , boundless grief, common in the hearts of each of us, the enormous grief of a huge country, more than 15.
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hello maxim, today from 7:00 am a variety of people bring flowers, candles, toys in memory of those who came to the concert on friday evening with family, children, friends and will never leave this building again, more than 130 dead at the moment it is impossible to stay away from this tragedy to no one, neither in moscow , nor in all of russia, they only actually came
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on a business trip, but they came because there was such grief, the wife, yes, friend, yan bogadayev, he was here yesterday, he came, he’s not on the list, she is still not in the hospitals, nor the victims, nor on any lists, she left with her friend and here, too, who still has not returned home, bugerskaya christina. ninetieth year of birth, today , as if in the morning, i understand that how important it is to tell your loved ones how much you love them, because at one moment everything can end, like it would just be some kind of madness, just maybe, you could just come somewhere, someone could just take your life, just some crazy people, there are just no words, like, just love each other. say
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kind words to each other, because there may be a lot left unsaid, we saw these non-humans, well, it’s scary, i can’t, and the governor in the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, said that the rescue operation is over, it is moving into the search category, but special equipment is working here around the clock inside the knowledge outside clearing away the rubble. over the next 12-14 hours, make access to the concert hall as easy as possible, the fact is that most of it, due to the large number of collapses , has not yet been dismantled, but we need to hold this event overnight, and accordingly. allow us
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to make things completely clear. and in the near future, work will be organized to return personal belongings, it will also be possible to pick up cars from the parking lot, but now, of course , this is not the most important thing, the most important work of the support center, where people turn, who cannot yet find their relatives or whose relatives are in the hospital, there are more than hundreds of requests, a hotline is working, psychologists are helping, all efforts are being thrown to help these people, all efforts are also being thrown. to help the victims in the hospital, it is very, very important to donate blood today, despite the fact that the ministry of health says that there is enough blood for the victims, now people who come to donate blood are replenishing those supplies that will definitely need to be replenished, that will be needed in 2 weeks or a month, colleagues, olga knyazeva was live with
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the latest news about the search operation in krasnogorsk. so, hotlines, mobile operators are zeroing out fees for calls on your screens, a single helpline, ministry contacts. moscow region authorities have opened a hotline to search for people injured in the 122:00 terrorist attack. if you did not have time to write down the required number, the full list is on the government information portal, we explain.rf in the search you need to type the name in cyrillic under the header six windows, including hotlines on this. website with information on financial assistance to the families of the victims, those who are in the hospital or are being treated at home with minor injuries. i’ll add a link to the telegram channel under the main six windows, all the important data is there too. and new footage appeared, taken during the terrorist attack at the very first moment.
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this is what happened in the lobby of the building. a continuous burst of machine gun fire is heard. the shots don't stop for a second. people are trying to hide wherever possible. one of them, during interrogation, stated that he killed people for money, he was promised half a million rubles i will add that in addition to the four direct participants in the terrorist attack
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, seven more of their accomplices were detained. the full picture of the terrorist attack is not yet clear, but from fragments of the first interrogations it is known that the unnamed organizers recruited the killers approximately a month ago. terrorist attack. was carefully planned. at the time of the attack, there could have been more than 6,000 people inside, which is exactly how many the krupus cityiho concert hall can accommodate. tickets for the concert of the rock group picnic were sold out. more than 100 victims of the terrorist attack remain in hospitals in moscow and moscow region, condition 15, as previously reported, extremely serious, forty-two severe. in addition, one child is in critical condition. the capital's leading doctors and surgeons are fighting for the lives and health of patients.
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on all continents , words of support are expressed for our country. in the united arab emirates, huge skyscrapers are painted in tricolor. russian flag on the tallest building in the world, bursh khalifa. condolences from china, turkey, hungary, argentina, peru, syria, burkina faso, tajikistan, kazakhstan, uzbekistan and belarus. and the leader
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north korea's kimchen-un sent a message to vladimir putin. on behalf of the government of the people of the democratic people's republic of korea, as well as on my own behalf, i express to you, and through you, yours. mongolia expresses our deepest condolences to you and our friendly russian people for the death and injury of dozens of innocent civilians. mongolia resolutely opposes this brutal terrorist act and expresses eternal unanimity and sincere solidarity with the people of the russian federation in overcoming these difficult times. also concerned citizens come to embassies in european countries and the usa. in new york, people bring flowers to our consulate. and in serbia during a friendly match of football clubs. zenit and red star fans brought numerous posters of support for our country
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and painted the stands with the flags of russia and serbia. the entire stadium of thousands sang katyusha. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin said that everyone who helped save people from crocus attacked by terrorists will be presented with awards. and there were many such cases. several men. they knocked down the terrorist when he began to reload the machine gun and thereby allowed dozens of people to leave the hall. mikhail and his girlfriend led many people out of the smoky room. someone broke the glass, opening the way to escape from the faye; one of crocus's guards calmed him down and led dozens of people out the back door. and thanks to fifteen-year-old islam, who worked as a cloakroom attendant , about 100 people were saved from the building. there, there, there, there, everyone goes in that direction, thousands of flowers, candles, soft toys, near the building of the concert hall. a spontaneous memorial appeared, people continued to come here even after dark, volunteers organized
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the distribution of hot drinks and food, thousands of citizens express grief, try to help in whatever way they can, in hospitals, for example, they donate blood for those whose lives doctors are fighting for. a large number of our residents in different parts and especially in moscow and the moscow region donated blood, and this tragedy united us all, more than 3.00 people came. donate blood , they offered their help in every possible way, including a sufficient number of russian companies they also offered, in addition to the payments that are provided by moscow, ours, as the president said, all these guarantees are unshakable, the state will certainly fulfill all compensation, but at the same time, there is another opportunity, if russian business... we will provide an invoice where accordingly, businesses can participate. a huge number of people today offered
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us all kinds of help. i want to thank everyone who showed concern. andrei vorobyov also said that today those who still have personal belongings in the surviving units the concert hall buildings will explain how they can be returned. and in the evening , the evacuation and transfer to citizens of cars that still remain in the underground parking lot will begin. pyotr deryagin, ilya zhuravlev, first. the russian army carried out massive attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets, infrastructure targets associated with the ukrainian army in kiev, and explosions also in the dnepropetrovsk and khmelnitsky regions in these regions of the airfield where military aircraft are stationed. telegram channels write almost two dozen arrivals in the city of stryi, lviv region, there is a large railway junction in western ukraine, five directions. and news from the special operation zone near kherson. our fighters destroyed the observation post. enemy on the right bank of the dnieper, a few minutes to take up firing positions, then
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mortars work. in the seversk direction, paratroopers disrupted the rotation of militants, the ukrainian military was discovered by reconnaissance with a drone, the maximum distance to the target, grenade launchers, blow after blow, the enemy lost a group of infantry. grads work in the same area, fighters of the 123rd brigade of the southern group of troops, the core of the volunteers who stood up. to defend donbass in the fourteenth year, they are connected by a lot, a real military family , oleg shishkin met with the heroes, we are going to the area of ​​​​combat missions, the position of the artillerymen of the 123rd brigade of the southern group of forces can be reached relatively safely only in the dead of night, when enemy drones make a small a break before the day's hunt. the rszzo grad combat vehicle is barely visible in the pitch darkness. the missilemen are working in the northern direction, breaking through air defense provides enemy and target defense.
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charge for donbass, charge for belgorod. the combat vehicle must be ready to move into a firing position at any moment, so the soldiers hold it. fully loaded, here is the full package, 40 rockets. to bring the vehicle into combat readiness, the crew needs no more than 8 minutes. cadet, target 606, high-explosive fragmentation, consumption, one salvo, aim at yakuban. the first sighting shells are in the air, our
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bird is hanging in the air, the affected area is clearly visible. operator.


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