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tv   Igraem svadbu  1TV  March 24, 2024 10:15am-11:06am MSK

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sometimes we just disperse, if the enemy is advancing, we try to drive away the armor, mostly infantry support comes, we cajole him at any time of the day, no matter, 24 to 7. the soldiers gave this vehicle the call sign katyusha, the hull is punctured from shrapnel, more than once we had to fire under enemy fire. attention, charge for the boys, charge for the donbass, charge for belgorod. the combat vehicle must be ready to move into a firing position at any moment, so the soldiers keep it fully charged, here is the complete package, 40 jets shells. to bring the vehicle into combat readiness, the crew needs no more than 8 minutes. cadet, target 606, high-explosive fragmentation, consumption - one salvo, aim at yakuban.
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accepts, there are some small sorties, and the backbone of the 123rd brigade consists of fighters who fought under the command of the legendary cambrig of tashkent, a hero of russia who died last summer, a volunteer who stood up to defend donbass back in 2014, to defend their children, their family, their homeland , it was necessary to go, it was necessary to protect, at least someone had to go, it didn’t matter. gunner gun d-30 with the call sign fang, he fights with his son, he is also an artilleryman, serving in a unit on another sector of the front.
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everything is fine, how do you feel there, you’re not sick, everything is fine, he says something sternly, and he always says that, he matured, when back in the fourteenth year they started shelling our neighborhood, he quickly matured, he has a younger brother, he is now 8 years old, he carried him in his arms, under fire, and the fighter with the call sign tucker has his own personal scores to settle with the enemy, he used to work as a driver in civilian life. then they killed a friend, came to serve, not just like a brotherhood, but like a family already, well, let’s put it this way, we all understand each other, we all help each other out in everything we can, and the home crew receives coordinates from the enemy’s fortress, two minutes is enough to aim the gun, a shot , a blinding flash illuminates the entire space around for a split second, three precise shots destroyed the enemy dugout, the air is heard again from the fire control center, thank you for your work, oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoiko, victor...
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the first channel of lugansk narodnaya is overruled republic terrorist attack on crimea under the attack of ukrainian militants sevastopol target - civilian objects, no military bases nearby, arrivals at residential buildings, office buildings, shock wave knocked out glass in high-rise buildings in the city center, air defense system is working, dozens of missiles were shot down. our military repelled an attack on sevastopol, it was the most massive in recent times, due to a rocket fragment hitting the end of a house on yalta. a sixty-five-year-old sevastopol resident died. in total , four people were injured by shrapnel today. the sevastopol rescue service continues to record reports of discovered fragments and parts of downed missiles. and once again , two people were injured under fire from ukrainian militants in the belgorod region. the target is again residential areas. in belgorod itself , 10 private houses were damaged and their roofs were broken. there is destruction in two more settlements . and a message from the ministry of defense, at night over the air defense region, 19 vampire rsz shells were shot down. children from
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the areas of the belgorod region affected by shelling are now being met in different russian regions, trains are already arrived in tambo, penza, koluga, the main thing was to surround the children with care and distract them from what they had to do. been through. dmitry tolmachev will tell you more. trains arrive exactly on schedule at peron, the cars are greeted by volunteers, cadets, and employees of the ministry of emergency situations. children of almost all ages, who are mainly accompanied by teachers, breathe a sigh of relief; here their charges are definitely not in danger. we are glad that we slept at least one night without booms or explosions. adults pass children from hand to hand like jewelry and return home themselves. now children we were seated on buses; in total we arrived from belgorod to kaluga about.
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they will go on a hike, they will go to our vernadovsky reserve, that is, the atmosphere that will contribute to the creation of a comfortable environment, quick acquaintances, roll call breakfast, they promise to feed tasty and plentiful, five times a day, fish soup, pasta with cutlets, pork-beef, pancakes dinner, home-style roast herring, in the camp where we are now there is the possibility of a swimming pool, in addition to this there are other cultural events that will take place here on the territory for...
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they have forever forgotten what artillery shelling is. dmitry tolmachev, mikhail fedorov, timofey roevsky, maria mortanova, konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. a date that doesn't just return to the past. 25 years ago , the nato operation in yugoslavia began, under the pretext of protecting democracy in the person of the pro-western kosovo albanians, the alliance raised military aircraft more than ten thousand times in 2 and a half months. 1300 cruise missiles, 20 thousand heavy aircraft bombs killed.
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belgrade 25 years ago, we will never forget we will never forget what happened to the dead civilians of donetsk, belgorod, who died in crocus. we will do everything to ensure that what is happening today in ukraine ends in such a way that it will never again be common practice for nato countries to exercise on foreign soil, and to carry out actions without regard for the lives of civilians. their own rules. in the nato operation , ammunition with combined uranium was used; after that aggression, serbia came out on top in europe in terms of mortality from cancer . about the scale of the tragedy and its political significance in pavel krasny's report. welcome, this is a small
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museum, the museum is really small in area, but the event to which it is dedicated went down in history last for... the serbs, but it was only the third day of the war , then this small victory inspired the unleashed nato against yugoslavia, with the balkan republic ahead we waited another 75 days
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of carpet bombing. nato explained the aggression against belgrade with the protection of kosovo albanians, this is a descendant. it will finally become clear that the footage from the village of rachek, where the serbs it was as if civilians were being executed, a staged act, they were dressed as civilian militants, but washington, which had its sights set on war, only needed an excuse. today, our armed forces joined our nato allies in conducting airstrikes against serbian forces responsible for the brutality in kosovo. for the sake of attacks on yugoslavia, washington assembled a coalition of nineteen countries of the north atlantic bloc. for 11 weeks, more than a thousand planes ironed the country, bringing down a thousand on it.
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on april 12, we will destroy a passenger plane with a missile. a train 2 days later, a nato plane will hit a column of refugees, 64 people will die, the americans will even bomb an albanian village, thinking that serbian troops are stationed there. in belgrade, the rocket will hit. it will be bombed on april 23, liljana milanovic was broadcasting news on serbian television in those years . 16 of her colleagues were killed by the bomb. they wanted us to shut up, they said that we were spreading propaganda, but we were about...
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punishments. behind these hills already lies for which to this day no one has suffered the breakaway from serbia and kosovo. reason and only at first glance. for the west, kosovo is a consequence of nato bombing. but this question was only an excuse for a show of force. the war against yugoslavia was evidence of the final formation of a unipolar world, but it was also the beginning of its end. the outrage against international law was too provocative. the turn over the atlantic became a symbol of things to come. change. in the fires caused by military air raids, the west's dream of eternal dominance burned out under
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the roar of bombs. in their flames was born the one who walked towards her replaced by a future multipolar world. pavel krasno inside the wolves, yulia zagranichny mountain shimprag and maxim kulifeev. channel one, serbia. today there is mourning in russia. the rescue operation at the site of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk has been completed, and the search continues. four killers were quickly taken alive in the bryansk region near the president expressed condolences to those who lost loved ones. the whole country is mourning: candles,
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flowers, soft toys, children died, at spontaneous memorials in all corners of our homeland, services in churches of all faiths, prayers for the wounded, who are now being nursed by doctors, from people who have lost loved ones, 133 people died as a result of the terrorist attack. our pain is our memory forever. the next news release will be released at noon, now on channel one there is a film of officers. for labor consciousness. peasant discipline and devotion to the world revolution,
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as well as for prize shooting, understanding of the current moment, award cadet alexei trofimov with red revolutionary trousers.
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lord, is it really from moscow, the captain, the damn crack, hit the horses!
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to the machine gun tower, yes, let's go here, please don't worry. thank you very much, everything will work out. are you a good shooter? awarded red revolutionary trousers, comrade commander. how about courses straight from the factory? so the komsomol ordered. and the komsomol also ordered you to get married? well, well, this is your personal
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business, you should choose a profession not by order, but by vocation. what kind of profession is this? defend the homeland. there is such a profession as platoon leader.
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we were prevented from meeting, ivan, lyuba, oh,
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thank you, this is my husband, i already understood that, commander of the first platoon varava, noticeably, vanya, alexey, once you live here, you won’t know much. keep in mind, magabit khan. if the basmochi try to free you, you will be
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shot immediately. immediately. translate. he understands. what's the important bird? seasoned bandit kurbashi. comrade red army soldiers, for the capture of a notorious bandit and an ardent enemy of soviet power, magabit khan, i declare to you. gratitude, we serve the people, alyosha, maybe
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i’m really better off going home, just put me on the train, i won’t go all the way to moscow i will, and we have nowhere to live, but oh well. okay, i’ll go, talk, demand, tomorrow, and don’t put it off until tomorrow, you go now and demand, well, i’ll go now, well, go, and i’ll go, well, go, and i’ll go. comrade commander, allow me to address you, the soldiers are resting, it’s my fault, i ’m a questioner, i’m listening to what kind of zod you order
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to accept, for now there is none at the disposal of the varava horse platoon. why are you sitting? go and rest, they have fenced off a corner for you in the barracks. well, you see, i went and talked orderly. hello hello! comrade, commander, go to
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end of the barracks to the right. it's clear, with this. that’s wonderful, alyosha, but, it’s okay, you can live, oh, what, holes! heaps are shooting,
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the first law of military service is platoon discipline, and you violated it today, took the squadron away without orders, without reconnaissance, georgy petrovich, well, the kurbashi would have fled abroad again, and you could have been left without a head. it’s okay, before the wedding it will heal, it will heal , they have a thousand sabers, and we have 300, 300, but what kind of thinking, the commander is obliged to think, you know, and not just wave a saber, that the platoon commander can’t sleep in a new place, well it’s okay, you still have your whole life ahead of you.
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get used to going to the commander only when he calls you, stay happily, sit down, cool, the commander is obliged to think, think, and not just wave a saber. “i ’ve just heard this, i’ll say one thing, our situation is bad, they won’t forgive us for magabedhan , i don’t know what i should do, maybe i’ll still send my wife, you decide.” what's left?
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how did you allow a woman to be kidnapped, fell asleep a little, guilty, arrest, eat.
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alty, kirima come to me. i'm listening. the boss called. why did you call? where is the woman? what woman? and the woman? quiet, quiet , shoot, wait, don’t shoot, wait, don’t kill, boss, i’ll tell you everything, don’t shoot, i’ll tell you everything, the woman is hidden in the mazar of the holy hadji.
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stop, guys, it's an ambush, quickly go back, quickly, don't shoot, we'll take you alive. jump up to the rocks, jump up, jump up, i’ll hold them back, alyosha!
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eleteshing - if you speak, i will translate.
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the station is far away, the station, i say, is far away in 3 hours, we won’t make it late, we urgently need a doctor, a paramedic lives at the seventeenth crossing, stop me, i have no right, oh, what's happened? show me the shoemaker, let’s poke around, poke around, what’s the matter, what’s the matter,
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i ask, but the devil knows, grisha, he’s running again? 129 military, well, go, go, strange, ahead of schedule, oops! why would i give it, well, go away,
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medicine, decide which one to take, eat, quickly, quickly, cap, cap, don’t forget, you’ll catch a cold, we’ll skip this one, this one, what’s that about! quiet, quiet, quiet, and if he gets offended, he gets offended, you can’t do anything with him, and who will you be, who?
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if you want, let me know how it’s going, yeah, okay, i’ll let you know, a son is born, i’ll give a signal, dear, ranoya, oh you are good...
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well alyokha, you will soon become a real man , the soldiers will call you daddy, yes, yes , you feel good, that’s where you’re going, and we’re a fool, you have a family, lyubasha, that’s happiness, but you understand what it’s all about the thing is, we don’t have money, but what would we do without women?
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great! it's cold, terrible
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freezing! you left hungry again, the bread was untouched, i was late, you’re sinning, well, igor alekseevich, are you sleeping? it’s right that you not only grow up, you got up to kill your hat, what is this, alyosha, naval, the commissioner ordered to cook real naval borscht for the wives of the train, there is it’s still warm, there’s no coal, so you’ll have to endure it for a day. they'll give you a ride, my dear, where's my trash, under the chest, ivan said hello, he won't come again, he's sitting in the red corner,
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cramming until he's gone, there's meat here. lyosha, so what, meat? wives are not supposed to have meat, it’s supposed to be for those who are supposed to be fed, eat, i won’t, eat, lyubashenko, for god’s sake i ate, well, honestly, vanka’s portion was divided between the sexes, eat, i can’t. “can you, you have to feed the guy,
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uh, uncle, be quiet, you’ll be scared.” listen, come on!
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mom, i'm going. you're walking along our street again, groom,
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come on here, hold it, boy, come on, come on, groom, groom, well, groom, groom, i'll get you now. yes, comrade commander, that’s right, the japanese artillery continues to shell,
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the chinese came to be treated in crack, they would have broken through long ago, if they hadn’t been wounded, it’s clear , there is, there is, comrade commander, goodbye, the decision has been made to help the chinese comrades, good, this is very ok, well... arnold ansovich, who will we entrust, provocations are not excluded, so we agreed, comrade trafim, commander, experienced, decisive, and most importantly, a seasoned, very self-possessed comrade, yes, you’re right, an experienced guy, i agree.
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