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tv   Zhizn drugikh  1TV  March 24, 2024 11:05am-12:01pm MSK

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he sent me the locks, i understand, i found out, old than, i found out, i was wondering whether it was you or not , you, hello, mommy! “i’m hungry , it’s hard, i was late for the operation, but you know what kind of day i’m having today , i assisted professor arkhangelsky for the first time, you should have seen how he works, a complex operation in 20 minutes, after the operation he came up to thank me, he couldn’t believe it, that i’m in my third year, why this time?” "i
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ask, for what? you need to fight only for a just cause, for what is right, well then go wash yourself, how did you end up there, ivan, appointed i’m an adviser, i’m helping my chinese comrades, it’s hard, we’ll make our way, we’re both embarrassed by children. wounded, let's fight our way, you're like, i'm studying at the academy, uh-huh, here on an internship, i haven't seen my family for a year, doesn't give me leave, it's blooming.
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mom, i'm going.
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egor, where are you going, we agreed to repeat literature, listen, in the image of platon karataev, the great russian writer, stop. don't you like fat people? i love the fat one, i love them all, but i confuse them. i just don’t understand how you can not admire andrey, but don’t you like it, natasha? i like it, but why did she marry pierre ? if you grab another one, then you’ll immediately understand everything. so, yes. platon karataev carries
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a huge ideological load and evangelical tendencies. what? well, christian, you know? this is not in the textbook. so what? if you're not interested, then you can go for a walk, please. well, okay, what other trends are there, evangelical trends, everything , crews in cars, well, at least something, you know, no, but don’t be upset, okay, head to the board, be more serious, if i blink my left eye, that means everything you answer correctly, well, if you’re right, oh, come in , hello, hello, mom, meet me, this is masha, ah, masha, well , we’ve finally met, excuse me, yes, yes, i’m off to the airfield, why such urgency?
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okay, okay, i’m on my way, i’m very sorry , but i have to leave for a while, why are you standing there, come in, see the guest off, something with dad, no, that’s just business, go away, i’m not saying goodbye, comrade kambrick, soon, now , but i can’t, comrade kambrik, you see, well, you know, it will burn me, comrade kambrik, and this is a combat
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tracked vehicle, i made it myself, yeah, now i i understand why you have neod, a new model, the thickness of the armor so that it doesn’t take a shell, but a machine gun for cannon armament, here’s a cannon and two machine guns. immediately on a business trip , but most importantly, it can move on tracks on wheels, on tracks it will give about 70 km/h, on wheels as much as 110, can you imagine, it will have such power that if it develops it to its fullest, then there’s a pit in 3 m, he will jump over the simple jump, nothing will happen to him, and who is this, this is mom, and she will come soon, she probably went for an operation, so... this is it tank, well, the distance from the bottom point to the ground, well, approximately, i’ll go home, but aren’t you interested? yes no, why? will you just tell me another time? mash, do you want me to take a photo? do you have a camera?
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paternal, from the commander of the troops of the coastal district, do you have a mirror? well is it small? over there in the wardrobe, we lost 47 minutes, well, a little more, well, i can’t, comrade kambrik, i can’t, you know, not even a single minute, so i saddle, i saddle. what's wrong with alexey? what about him? i don’t know, i thought, oh, what are you doing, lyubushka, what are you doing? well calm down lyubushka, calm down, lyubushka, don’t do this.
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sorry, vanya, i was thinking, alyoshka. i seemed to be flying by, persuaded the pilot to stop by for half an hour and talk to you, yes, i almost forgot. i brought yegora, you are from there , comrade kambrik, i can’t do it anymore, goodbye, lyubochka, goodbye, take care of yourself, goodbye, lyubochka, i have no one but you, you hear, no one, and i want you to know about it. we knew there was no one except you and alyosha,
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well, maybe not yet, but soon, you’ll have to wait. now you can, sit here, look here, smile.
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hang in there, bro, now. wait a minute, brother.
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but the oral cavity of the diaphragm consists of four muscles músculus, don’t peek
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alyoshka alyoshka alyoshka, egor, our dad has arrived, alyoshka, dad, they’re giving up, they ’re giving up, i’m tired, alexey, you know, i’m tired, i’ve only been tired all my life. i did what i waited, i waited when you fought with the bosmochai in turkistan, i waited when you were chasing kudresh’s gang in the pavlograd steppes, i waited when you were lying in hospitals, when you studied, when you went on business trips, all i did was wait, and i waited, you arrive in the evening, and in the morning you say, get ready, where are you going,
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alexey, that’s enough. “i’m tired of government-issued furniture with inventory numbers, i want to go to moscow, you know, to moscow, i was born there, why can’t you knock your fist at least once in your life and demand something, i’m not even talking about myself, think about your son, i don’t i’ll let it be torn down in the middle of the school year!” he’s already changing schools for the sixth time, can you really blame him for his failures after that? and i’m also a person, alexey, a person, you know, i need to finally finish college, if you can’t take us into account, please, in the end, we are already used to living alone, and when we go, alyosha, the day after tomorrow. get ready, gave him the order
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to the west, her in the other direction, the komsomol members were leaving for the civil war , the komsomol members were leaving for the civil war, they left, separated
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, for a period of 5 days, do you hear, mother, 5 days, 5 whole days, oh, an extract from the order for excellent success in political combat, lord, i still have cookies, the mainland figured out what to bring, little fellow, where are you going? mom, i’m sorry, i completely forgot, this is for you, thank you, well, it will be, mother, it will be, there’s money for what did you save, on ice cream, how are the tanks?
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you’re mastering it, dad, yeah, i need 20 rubles, why am i leaving with a beret, where are you going, it’s necessary, what do you mean it’s necessary, mother, you know , can’t get enough of him, but he didn’t have time to arrive, he’s already leaving, that’s necessary, boy, you’re not going anywhere, i’ll go, but i said no, i gave my word. “don’t be afraid of the float, i was carrying mashi, it’s good, at least i thought of giving my mother where my money is, 20
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rubles is enough, enough when you go, tonight, thank you, thank you, mother.” moscow speaks. today at 12:00 day on the radio
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an important government announcement will be conveyed. i arrived, i was waiting for the floor. but i could not have given a word, just think, but i was waiting for you, for the exemplary fulfillment of the combat mission of the command on the front of the fight against the nazi invaders. and the valor and courage demonstrated at the same time, award the order of the patriotic war, first degree, to the guard captain georgy
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alekseevich trofimov. i can’t, no, i can’t now , come if you can, nadyusha, alexander nikonorovich, i didn’t see him, he left the checkpoint, how are you? nothing, we'll manage it soon, eighth load, alesan nikonovich. lyubov andreevna, there is some girl asking you and her child what to say to her, i’m on my way now, you asked me, girl, i’m sorry
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for bothering you, lyubo andreevna, you don’t recognize me, i’m masha, masha belkina, lord, mashenka, well, come to me, let me help you, come in, mashenka, come in. why are you dragging your child around at night? take off your clothes. girl, son, you are a brave man, marsh, what’s your name? ivan, there’s something i don’t understand, you’re in the army,
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i’m finishing maternity school, tomorrow our people are being sent to the front, but i’m being left behind because child, why don't you leave him with his mother? mom died, you don’t smoke, but i smoke, lyubov andreevna, and i was looking for you, writing, and today i saw that i was not happy, except for you, there was no one close person left, yaku. the last time we saw each other was in may '42, lyubov andreevna, keep it with you!
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bye, vanya, i have to go to the front, you have to raise your son, my mother was hanged by the germans, lyubov andreevna, go to your grandson, he might fall, but... come on, well done, oh my good girl, eat for your mother, well , come on, for dad, for dad.
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“stop, everyone stay in their places, officers and communists come to me, everyone who can hold a weapon, take a defensive position, hold back the tanks,
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and now it sounded again in the forest near the front, everyone listened and dreamed about something dear, everyone i thought about my own, remembering that spring, everyone knew the road to go through the war, let the light and joy of previous meetings shine on us in difficult times, since we have to lie down in the ground, it’s only once, but let death out of anger, not a fighter frighten, and what is the right thing
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for whom? the heart will not freeze, the hand will not tremble, it has come let the steel be strong, let it be time for us to move forward, friends lead us, for everything,
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lyubov andrevna, yes, yes, all the wounded were loaded, but there are twice as many of them as required , we will have to make room to vacate all the office premises. to write home? and what remained alive? did you get the injection? i did anything specifically, thank you, doctor, thank you, but i couldn’t get up, i wanted to, but i couldn’t, but the root got up a little, was wounded, but got up
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, now they are against, against tanks, and they’re taking me to the rear, to numb me, nothing, nothing , calm down and you will rise, no.
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tsykharku, it’s my fault, comrade military doctor, there’s only one guy here, well, that means i looked at it, it’s okay, go get a bandage, don’t be angry, daughter, i gave him sugar, thank you.
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he’s not sleeping, thank you, go rest, what are you doing, vanka? yes, allow me, lyubov andreevna, soon the station near the dead must be removed from the train. oh, don’t walk him around, katyusha, colonel fedorov, field wound to the head, come on. sergeant musatov, multiple abdominal wounds. private kravchenko, severe skull wound, senior lieutenant krovtsov, gangrene of the lower extremities, tank driver, third degree azhok, lyubov andreevna, no documents.
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these lions, van, are also lions to me, they don’t have fangs, don’t tell me, brother, these are not just
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lions, these are famous lions, you know, i know everything, and how you grandmothers dragged logs from the very washbasin, and about red pants i know, i'm a grandmother. i’ve told you about this thousands of times, so grandpa, well, let’s go to the zoo, you have leave until 14, and so exactly, what kind of zoo can there be? here's 40 kopecks, stop suovorovsky school, there is, that's another matter, alush, he's still a child, he can get lost, he's not a child, a soldier, besides already knows everything. hello. but he really doesn’t have fangs, uh-huh, don’t put your teeth on me, madam, and
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stop spoiling the boy, why did you decide that i’m spoiling him in a taxi from these years on, my god, alyoshenka, not even 30 years have passed since you learned understand french, well , you have to be a very big idiot not to understand the words of a taxi, after all, alyosha, i’m very worried about how the boy will get to school, he’ll get there like everyone else, dear, the guy is excellent... understands what military discipline is? well, i'm a glutton.
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no newspapers yet, damn, no glasses either, here you go, yes, here's another one, hello, vanechka, hello, little one, bah, i can't come, what happened, vanechka? they don’t let me in, valerka, the man on duty let me call for two compotes , what valerka, hello, hello, vanechka , hello, what else is there, there’s some kind of compote, not ours, you wring out the rag in time, trophimov is stronger, stronger than three, discipline you are all masters at breaking things, so scrub the floor. “comrade
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general, a group of violators of military disobedience are violators, which means these are also scumbags, that ’s right, can i talk to him, suvorovits trofimov, i’m here for the general, comrade general, let me go, it’s a shame, he’s killing trofimov”? well, why are you silent like an owl,
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answer, he looked at the hippopotamus, in the zoo, that’s right, i wonder where you got the money for the zoo, i wonder, go, vanchika, work, go, go, raise qualified, excellent student, sloppy, all this alyoshenka, i already heard yesterday, it’s even more surprising, but haven’t you realized yet, granny, that with your tenderness you are spoiling the future officer, don’t be bitter, i’m glad that vanya will not grow up to be a martinet , and a person capable of appreciating beautifully, a hippopotamus, for example, imagine, and the hippopotamus too, no, will not be harmed. it won’t, since you’re invading
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the formation process, well, enough about your excellent students, as far as i understand, you won’t go to the head of the school, you understand correctly, excuse me, where are my glasses? yes, go to the hairdresser, it will be, goodbye. cool, mayor gavrilov, that's right, tomorrow at 11, general trofimov, congratulations, general, i have an appointment at 12, i have been warned, the general is waiting for you, please come in, let me go, go ahead,
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i found out. old devil, i didn’t expect it, i found out, well, i just didn’t expect it, sit down, you can smoke here, general, smoke, smoke, smoke. saved , well done, he was a real man, how do you live, alyosha, like lyuba, yegor,
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then he’s already a colonel, yegor is... sorry, alexey, sorry, i didn’t know, there is such a profession, ivan, to defend your homeland, let’s drink, lesh, blessed memory to yegor, blessed memory to all who died for their homeland.
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aren't you tired of running around with the troops as an old man, you have enormous experience, it's time to pass it on to the youth, but what i'm doing is not on the same scale, yes, hmm, it's tempting. moscow, academy, come on, just you see, vanya, this division is dear to me, in egor fought with her, i understand, alexey, that’s why
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i’m not in a hurry to answer, go back to the division, consult with lyuba, well, then why put it off, he? lyuba is sitting on a bench, as it should be for an officer’s wife. where, why didn’t you tell me before, you old bastard? hello, hello, lyuba trofimova, vanya, vanya, lord, vanechka.
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thank you, but you haven’t changed at all, lyuba, remember turkestan, the frightened girl in the sands, you really have changed, the forelock is the same, only gray, the darden fell into your chest, thank you, but you also have enough, half of it. what’s wrong, what’s wrong, this is how our best friend, commander varava, wore it, how are you living, family, children? seriously, haven't you gotten married yet? i didn’t meet someone like your wife , so i didn’t get married, well, before
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i had to fight off turkestan, you’ll beat off this one, the red pants alone were worth it, well, i have to go , so what about alexey, maybe you can consult, and in the evening we’ll decide, so what? in the evening, my dear, he suggests that we go to moscow, to moscow, to moscow. no, vanechka, we’d better go home to the division, so we decided, comrade colonel general, decide to contact to the major general, this is a statement, let it go, grandson, here she is. what is your name, yegorych? colonel ivonom tova!
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well hello, teska! hello and i wish you, let's say colonel! completely stunned! why are you screaming? he develops a commanding voice, come on , colonel! why shabby? i'm leaving for another vacation! the colonel took it, oh, you’re leaving, so, they were pitying me for my grandson, they were fussing, vanchik, go buy your grandfather a military bulletin, the military bulletin is not for sale in stalls, i’d better leave like that, swear, i don’t want ivan to grow up as the general’s grandchildren, i don’t want to, it’s clear, vanya is coming with us, i told him to come here with a suitcase, no, he’s not coming, but immediately goes back to school, on foot, with a suitcase, put aside, i ’m like... our title, comrade general, i cancel yours decision and i order you to take this wonderful grandson with you, but you’re not having much fun, you’ll be
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scrubbing my floors every day, there are floors to scrub, keep it, grandson, as a souvenir, thank you, well, i’ll wait for you in the evening and...
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comrade general, the twelfth guards tank regiment, entrusted to your division, is heading for live firing. commander of the first guard battalion, captain sergeev. well, follow along. i hear you, comrade general, only the soldiers’ rumor claims that he is transferring you to moscow, is this true or not? clear the way, captain. i'm listening, just tell me, comrade general, have you come back to us at all or just to get your things? yes, i’ll put you under arrest, absolutely, yura, absolutely. absolutely, arrest him, comrade general, with pleasure, which means with pleasure,
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bah, he’ll have to scrub the floors.
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by order of the ussr minister of defense for exemplary performance of official duties and the courage and heroism shown, skillful education and training of the personal unit.
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knowing their valor, settled in the hearts of the living , we keep this eternal flame, bequeathed to us alone, in our chests, look at my soldiers, the whole world remembers their faces, here... the battalion froze in the ranks, i recognize old friends again, even though and i am twenty-five, we had to go through a difficult path, these are those who rose with hostility as one, those who took berlin are not
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in russia. such a family, where its hero would not be remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, with they look at photographs of the faded, this look is like the highest court, for the children who are growing up now, and the boys are not allowed, no lie. do not deceive, nor turn aside from the path.
12:00 pm
hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov. today there is national mourning for those killed in the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. according to the latest data from the investigative committee , 133 people were killed, but this number may increase, because the removal of the rubble at the site of the tragedy has not yet been completed. doctors are fighting for
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the lives of the wounded in numbers.


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