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tv   Povara na kolesakh  1TV  March 24, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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all missiles hit the target exactly, covering an area of ​​14 hectares. 606 target hit, hit. the guys try very hard, every time they improve something, if you compare even the beginning of a special military operation, but now, well, now they can really be called gods of war. the backbone of the 123rd brigade consists of fighters who fought under the command of the legendary kambrig tashkent, a hero of russia who died last summer.
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conversations, use closed military communications, son, hello, how are you, honey, everything is fine, how do you feel there, no you’re sick, everything’s fine , he says something sternly, and he always says that, he grew up when they started shelling our neighborhood back in 1914, he grew up quickly, he has a younger brother, he’s 8 years old now, he carried him out in his arms, under fire, and the fighter with the call sign... daker had his own personal scores with the enemy, he used to work as a driver in a civil service, then a friend was killed , he came to serve, not just like a brotherhood, but like a family, it’s already like that, well, so let’s say we all understand each other, we all help each other out in everything, than we can. the gun crew receives the coordinates from the enemy's fortress, two minutes is enough to aim the gun, fire! a blinding flash illuminates the entire space around for a split second, and with three precise shots the enemy dugout is destroyed.
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bombs. the americans then even bombed an albanian village; i think there were serbian troops stationed there. in belgrade , the television center was hit and the missile hit the chinese embassy building; various estimates indicate that between 3 and a half and 4,000 people died as a result of the operation. but there are still those who will die later. alliance used ammunition with combined uranium. after that aggression, serbia came out on top in europe in terms of mortality from cancer.
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the next news release is at 15:00 sharp, now on the first channel is the big history of the maidan program.
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great history, hello, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. history is not only what happened a thousand or 100 years ago, what happened yesterday is already history, what happened a minute ago is already history with the event on the kiev maidan and the crimean spring for 10 years already, an action-packed film has just aired on the first channel, transfer it through the maidan, dedicated to the drama that was... the strategy of the united states, aimed at maintaining its global hegemony, preventing the rise of independent centers of power in the modern world, a large place belonged and belongs to efforts to weaken and destroy russia. in the united states
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, it is considered an axiom that without an alliance with ukraine , russia will never be able to revive as a great power. well, what about russia itself? the role is presented in this film and in general, what was the idea of ​​this film , well, for all this now only pavel viktorovich, who was the main scientific consultant, can answer us, well, naturally, he followed the whole outline of what was happening, that’s how you generally find the work on this film, how interesting, intense it was, what it was ? well , the film itself is a fairly long project, that is, it takes about 2 years of work. and i got involved only at the final stage, when i made the documentary series anatomy of the maidan, the producers of this feature the series saw it and saw that many of my positions actually coincided with them and they invited me to become a consultant
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for this film, to check the actual content for historicity, for certain possible inaccuracies. in the film, and of course , to evaluate the events that are presented in this thriller from a political point of view, of course, i was very interested in having a hand in ensuring that this script had minimal flaws, let’s listen , viktor fedorovich, now the most important thing is to prevent bloodshed , give the order, not to open fire under any circumstances, no one will deny the enormous influence that anna german had on yanukovych, no one will deny the presence of
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eleonora frolova in the secretariat, and a number of other women, monofort there was, although he was not a woman, no, there were women advisors around yanukovych. kolomoisky, together with pinchuk, was of course interesting, yes, that is. forced president yanukovych to leave the country, but
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now i need your support, i need protect my capital from anglo-saxon persecution. my capital and me, but we will provide you with legal protection, thank you, in exchange for a service, what? europe needs joint management by the new president of ukraine, at the mercy of the americans; everything cannot be left, otherwise this ukrainian abscess will drag everyone here. to europe? yes, there are figures who absolutely have their real prototypes, such as
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lyovochkin, well, actually yanukovych and tymoshenko. yes, some artistic allowances were made, because it’s interesting to watch when it’s interesting prodonzotaphtology, but a dry chronicle, it is good for documentary films, again i repeat, just at that time i was making a documentary series anatomy of the maidan, everything there is purely documentary from start to finish, but here of course.
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aspect, now it’s historical , as you rightly said, everything that happened 10 years ago is already history, and we can’t get away from it, unfortunately, it’s impossible to rewrite history, but history can be checked to see if this history corresponds to reality or no, and i can definitely with confidence to say that this series corresponds to a sufficient number of percentages of historicity to be considered historically and reliable. well, vitaly yuryevich, probably, even knows better, he saw this whole process from the inside, so really the decision-making process at
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that moment, what did it look like? you know , unfortunately, it’s not for nothing that lately they have often mentioned that ukraine is a sub-state or a failed state, this is a fact, that is, if it were a strong state, similar to the scenario that played out in ukraine, their it simply couldn’t have happened, from the first day, that’s when... yes, i got on russian television for the first time, they asked me these questions, so i, strictly speaking, did not change my point of view, was it possible to oppose something and how -prevent these events that happened? this point of view has not changed for me personally; the special services approached the implementation of the maidan systematically and the forces within the ukrainian state did not exist.
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well, it’s simple and gives us a reason to talk more about events, remember them and really try to learn from them the lessons that could not be learned then. the role of russia, indeed, in fact, only in the fifth episode, somehow russia begins to declare itself in the fifth episode of the film, it begins with the fact that...
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no, someone else is not in sight, but now she is clearly playing on the side of the cia, yeah, the finances and media of the maidan are behind the oligarchs, here’s the data, foreign embassies are already openly supported, lithuania, the poles, transfer the cash
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here, carry money in the trunks of diplomatic cars, or through boryspil, where is the mail on the plane? information was also collected on the work of religious organizations, social networks and social activists supporting the maidan. by the way, nuland met with tegnebok, klyachko and yatsenyuk. everything is accurate. well , i’ll first start with the fact that here we are talking about russian political strategists, too. there were a lot of them there. these are not political strategists, these are employees of the right special services. there were political strategists and employees there, meaning all sorts of different services that seemed to be working. including, by the way, on the side of the maidan. there were our consultants, our advisors, so to speak, yes, and experts who were also associated with ukraine for many years, but there were also those who worked for money directly for the maidan, directly for those who organized this coup, who worked in the media, so to speak, structures who gave advice, consultations and so on, and now to
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the question of the role of russia, in my opinion, one of the common problems was that after the ninety-first... such goal setting for the entire post-soviet space, including russia, was the movement to west searching for a certain model of existence with the west , in the nineties we generally simply measured what is called numbers on the hand, who will be the first to come to this european integration, who will be the first, so to speak, to receive from them a pie or a certificate stating that you are civilized enough and so on and so forth. by the way, during this decade, even more, well, at least 15 years, the formation of anti-russian russophobic political regimes in many states , including ukraine, happened. then, when, so to speak, yes, we came to our senses and began something to do, many things were unfortunately lost. ah, but this duality of goal -setting, foreign policy, whether we still defend our own projects, or whether we really need to build some kind of very deep constructive integration with the west, it influenced everything that russia did , because constantly on
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the one hand, on the other hand, plus one of the main problems, in my opinion, also, which was also connected with this in foreign policy. this is the support and revaluation of the economic factor, if we, so to speak, conclude such and such agreements with such and such oligarchs, or these are such projects, if we give money to this, this, this, if we have common interests, everything will be fine, i must say that the russian post-soviet elite, like many other post-soviet ones, they simply radically underestimated the role of the ideological moment, the role of the information moment and overestimated the role of money, because many also believed in this themselves, well, where is the money, there actually speaking, it will also... russia has already more consciously begun to become involved in the restoration of its , so to speak, interests in the post-soviet space, but this was mainly expressed, again, through economic integration projects, it seems to me that this is
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partly even the weakness and indecisiveness of yanukovych in what - to a certain extent correlates with this dual goal-setting of russia itself at that moment, which was not yet completely ready, for example, to renounce, relatively speaking, these illusions regarding the west and choose that the course that today we call the struggle for sovereignty, this is really so - oleg tsarev, a deputy of as many as four convocations of the verkhovna rada, one of the most famous eloquent deputies, oleg anatolyevich, i am glad to see you in good health, despite everything, not all attempts , which you have already experienced more than once, as i think it can be argued, today we are clearly remembering something that , well, it’s unpleasant for you to remember, but... what, of course, was an integral part of your life, here is the verkhovna rada in the film, well, they pass dotted line, it’s practically non-existent, but for you
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, of course, the maidan is, well, the party of regions , the verkhovna rada, and the maidan itself, here are your thoughts that were then, and how do you now assess whether you and your colleagues are all then they did it so that... with the rest of the attempts it would be more favorable for me, as for the verkhovna rada, the situation was complicated,
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the parliament in ukraine is a real place of power, a place of power. please note, now, now few people are talking about this, but there is a parliamentary crisis in ukraine right now, right now they cannot assemble the verkhovna rada and can only assemble. on certain issues, and parliament is the place that gives power to the president, there are funny deputies who have now been deprived of their immunity in the verkhovna rada, many are now locked in prisons, they are released abroad, but nevertheless, even now the parliament is a place of power, no matter what the president is, if he does not have support in parliament, it is...
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interesting that if not for the votes of the regionals, parliament is not authorized to decide such questions, the parliament did a lot of things, and the most violations are the constitution, because the opposition would not have had votes, that’s all that sergei mikeev said now, he is smart, he said absolutely rightly about the fact that the role of the elites is not enough... the attention that ideologists paid, they are constantly trying to negotiate with individuals, and not with the people , the people - this is much more important when the parliament
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betrayed, betrayed the country, this is what we now get - this is a consequence, among other things, of this betrayal, many deputies considered , what if they go over and sort of accept this coup, vote, show that they... have changed their point of view, they will not be persecuted, in my opinion, well, three of my friends were definitely killed by people’s deputies, it seems that the total number of deaths is four, that is , after the maidan, despite the fact that many betrayed, murder still continued, and deputies suffered for their position, was there an opportunity? it was possible to hold the country, and until the moment when the weapons rooms in the police in the sbu were seized, literally until the last days it was still possible
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fight. to fight and the opposition leaders were afraid, very much afraid, vitaliy klitschko until the last day kept the plane with an open departure date, they, they were always afraid that yanukovych would fulfill his constitutional powers, what he was obliged to do, he was obliged to restore order to the country, and the most interesting thing is that the leader of the opposition. they were afraid that he would arrest them, lead to a state of emergency in the country, turn off tv channels that call for the overthrow of the government, it would all end there, maybe even the maidan would not it would be necessary to disperse the forces, we could not turn it off, but due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top, we could not turn off
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the captured buildings from the heat. it was a cold winter that was unique for ukraine, there was just terrible frost, nothing like this had happened in ukraine either before or since, and the maidan stood, it froze, and it captured the buildings that were next to the maidan, they had to be turned off from the heat, and we they sent guys who tried to turn it off, we tried to turn it off from the heat, from the light, we were not allowed to do this when we had already they realized that it was useless to write, they sent...
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then bulanov’s ear was allegedly torn off, then lutsenko was beaten, then tanya chernovil was allegedly treated like a beast, a brutal beating, that is , every time they came up with some kind of show in order to gather people, it got worse and they did it worse, we had the opportunity to prevent this situation, we had to fight, there was an opportunity, unfortunately, it was not realized, thank you very much for taking part. in our program, and really, take care of yourself, health and strength to you, now we are forced to solve problems, special military operations, for the sake of which denazification, but nazism, it grew in ukraine before our eyes, and - if you believe the film, the authorities made sure that the nazi
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formations received... its place in the ukrainian political spectrum, flirting with stegnebok, feeding certain nazi structures, activating the maidan, well, in any case, the film even in the second episode there this topic is raised about how to activate the maidan, that’s what alena says nikulin, talking with activists of oleg tegnebok. i would like to ask you to become more active, to strengthen your presence on the maidan. come with people, or what?
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he’s a kurd, i know, well, stepan, maybe we can have dinner, the cuisine is ukrainian, my wife cooked, so you know each other, yes, we met at the market, and
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you have a common business, well, just business, nothing personal, what’s against the kurds, i i have nothing. the race is ancient, but i can’t interbreed with the daughter of a kurd, the racial theory is not bullshit, white is white, and black, in short, there are no families will be, get out of here, nikolayevich, this is the phenomenon of ukrainian nazism, well, of course, there are historical roots and... there are modern roots and there are foreign roots, well , one of the prerequisites for what happened is, perhaps, a little bit of our naivety, which was based on such a fairly large, i would say, even positive experience
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of the cold war period, when everyone, i think, in russia in ukraine, i just remember, for example, i was once in kiev on may 9, it was in my opinion . kievans went to all the demonstrations associated with this holiday, but the feeling was that this long -standing idea of ​​victory, inherited from the soviet union, of what nazism was, what price was paid, including in ukraine, for the victory over nazism, it would be such a constant for russia and ukraine, and for the west, and these are, in fact , the same red lines that will not... not there, not there, not there, but - it turned out that our faith, strengthened in the nineties, that we are dealing with a civilized the world where we aspired and wanted to get to, she played quite a cruel joke, because
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the civilized world, as it turned out, itself establishes the rules of civilization, civilization in quotes, and these rules quite allow themselves - asking for help from those characters whom we just saw, and since... this corresponds at some point, to one or another political task, this tree, it seems to me, began in the late eighties, back in soviet ukraine, when it came to the collapse of the soviet union, a huge mass of literature, propagandists, veterans of the ukrainian nationalist movements poured into the territory of this country, and this is still a certain political resource that was pumped up by the west, and then you need... you involved, yes, and this really became an important factor, and then it was simply a decisive factor in ukraine, and now we have to solve problems that, i think, no one thought that we would have to solve in the 20th century,
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the denomination of ukraine, but fortunately, in ukraine there were and remain healthy forces that were forces of resistance, unfortunately, they were not able to win then . in at some point, president yanukovych himself realized that his fate was hanging by a thread, the levers of power were still in his hands, but everyone was already hanging on these hands, the united states, the european union, and of course, the ukrainian oppositionists, oligarchs , and the western intelligence services, which already controlled the ukrainian intelligence services, were preparing a monstrous provocation, mass murder on the maidan, but there were also resistance forces, which... are shown in the film, the crimeans with russian tricolors were already declaring themselves too. let's see. crimeans from with st. george ribbons on their clothes, with russian tricolors, as well as red-blue-white flags of autonomy in their hands,
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they are picketing the parliament building for the second day. they protect deputies from possible right-wing provocations and are waiting for a fundamental decision to call a referendum on the independence of crimea in a democratic way. but the resistance forces were not only in crimea, they were also in kiev , also in the ranks of the anti-maidan, in these ranks was one of... the heroes of our special military operation, a participant in the defense of slavyansk in 2014, the author of the book, the war in 16, andrey savelyev, call sign vandal, you were perhaps the youngest participant in the anti-maidan, i think that, of course, there were also young guys at the anti-maidan. but i, as a student
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of the cadet class of the organization faithful cossacks, which in kiev, one might say , was engaged, well, in principle throughout ukraine, with such, one might say, more enthusiasm, cultivating in us teenagers a love for russia and explaining that we are one people , at that moment when the maidan was just emerging, this was our organization. and its participants were already it is clear that something bad is brewing, in principle, even then they were talking about the possibility of a coup d’etat, when in principle there was no smell of them yet, at that time i was 15-16 years old there, but i already realized that something serious was happening and i began to actively monitor the political situation in the country and participate - well, i had participated in some civic events before that. at that time, every year they were heating up and heating up, that is
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, before that they were just some kind of peaceful events, including, for example, the ukrainian orthodox church held religious processions against those bills that were bad, for example for ukraine, including there, this can even be said about 2008, when they tried to drag ukraine into nato and so on, well, i took part in such events , by the time, probably, in 2014, they were heating up more and more, there were clashes.
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and yanukovych was holding negotiations at that time, and nikolai ivanovich azarov, the prime minister at that time, said that yanukovych was conducting some kind of business every day from morning to evening negotiations, now with one or the other, that’s what azarov wrote in his memoirs about that period, let’s listen. people in the country were perplexed about the inaction of the authorities and
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their lack of determination to ensure constitutional order. at this time, my contacts with the president were reduced to a minimum. he was completely immersed in the negotiation process, which, in my opinion, was a screen for the accumulation of forces by militants, the corruption of law enforcement agencies and the implementation of a coup d’etat. analyzing what i have facts, i can say that coordination of the actions of the position and the militants was undertaken by a group of senior officials at the us embassy in ukraine. it is to them every day. how the oppositionists went to work, it was from them that they went to negotiate with yanukovych and it was to them that they reported on these negotiations, so it was, yes, so it was, but i would like to clarify some points, in general this is the history of signing or not signing the european association it started in 2007, that is, in general in 2011, in my opinion, if i’m not cheating on me. memory she was initialed, here
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somewhere around the fall, probably closer, uh, in fact, i support sergei mikheev, ukraine was moving by leaps and bounds straight to europe, this european integration with the idea of ​​monofort, i think, was adopted by the party of regions and viktor fedorovich yanukovych and he began to actively promote european integration in western ukraine. in the east , he talked less about this topic, he talked more about friendly relations with the russian federation, about the customs union, but there he started everything right on the rails of european integration. this topic, it, of course, was certainly fueled by the same opposition in ukraine, they understood that yanukovych had intercepted their vector of aspirations politically and at the same time they took such a wait-and-see attitude,
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waited , how will his integration end there, well, it’s clear how it ended, the next question is very important, so i... the thesis i said was that the government was weak, and i want to confirm this with some statements, look, over time of the maidan, the verkhovna rada received the consent of yanukovych, who participated in these negotiations, three times the so-called amnesty, the law there was called a little differently, it had such a long name, well, conditionally for understanding, the amnesty and released everyone whom the law enforcement officers. they detained and released in this way from criminal liability for serious, especially serious crimes, simple crimes, administrative offenses, and so on and so forth, more than 2,500 people who were detained, who were already sitting with us, they were released, in addition, the most important fact, here
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in the month of january - 2014, to be precise, january 9, the ministry of internal affairs of the city. kiev initiated , well, we didn’t have the word “initiated”, registered in the unified register the fact of the crime of a coup d’etat, although one must understand that this is not a police article at all, this is an article of the security service, they deal with the protection of the constitution, the constitutional system in the state and so on, but the police opened a case before this, a month before the fact of the initiation , they conducted searches in the batkivshchyna party office and seized the servers. on which it was stored in electronic form all the information about the preparation of the coup d’etat and a month later , having finalized the materials, collecting the necessary facts, they opened a criminal case and transferred it for investigation to the security service of ukraine. and this case was closed, they investigated it, maybe a week, maybe a little
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less. what am i talking about, why am i talking about weakness? in order for something to happen in the state, it is necessary for this not to become the maidan. at least change the regime in the state, not by protecting public order the police should be engaged , and some kind of regulation should be introduced, well, for example, extremely, in order to restore constitutional order in the country, because when on the nineteenth of february there was information that the sbu had declared an anti-terrorist operation on the maidan, then all subsequent years, now 10 years, from this fact all representatives. in the film, the character katya trubnikova
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ends up in the water, this is not always successful, but in an employee of the right special services, she is also an assistant to yulia tymoshenko, who headed the batkivshchyna party and... expects to defeat them separately. yatsenyuk is what we need, he has economic management experience. he's a decent guy, you know, he needs both klitschko and tegnebok, he needs to talk to them four times a week. he agrees, but the eu does not support kiev’s idea of ​​including
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yatsenyuk in the country’s government. well, i must say that this is an absolutely reliable historical fact. this leak was then made quite impressively and effectively, then the white house press secretary was jay carney, well, he was clearly smarter than karine jeanpierre, the current press secretary of the white house, he was naturally also asked what he thought about such diplomacy of the united states, that 's what he answered then, let's listen, i saw reports about this, i think that the state. the department obviously knows this, we don't have honest diplomatic conversations. of course, it is no secret that our ambassador and assistant secretary of state worked with the government of ukraine, with the opposition, with leaders of business and civil society. to support them efforts to find a peaceful solution through dialogue and political and economic reforms. well, of course,
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there were simply no limits to the cynicism of the united states, right? yes, but in fact this conversation was very significant, because the beginning of the euromaidan and the process of euro-association, after all, the key word here is euro, it really reflected reality, it was a european project at the initial stage. when we hear the conversation, that’s it, the european period is completely in the past, everything is under the control of the americans, of course, it was either something or another that after these words, everything became under the control of the americans, the americans had entered even earlier, but still the first flashes of the euromaidan are just like, by the way, in the first episode it is shown there, when this adviser says, let’s take out the nazis, the first who came out... at euromaidan these were by no means scumbags from westernism, they were ordinary students, like the liberal-minded
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intelligentsia of kiev, in general there weren’t so many of them, but then later these people disappeared and there really more, probably 90% were either connected or co-opted in one way or another, but that was later, at the initial stage everything was like this, everyone thought that yanukovych would now put pressure on yanukovych, yes, the europeans, and he would agree with everything , in fact, they had every reason for this, when you spoke about the ukrainian elite, yes, you just need to understand what the ukrainian elite is, there is, you know, such a ukrainian word, zigzag, yes, that is, what are you talking about with them - agreed today, tomorrow, not even tomorrow, you left, that’s it, in 15 minutes they and they have already negotiated with you, and they have negotiated against
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you, her actions, we must make a clear and unambiguous reference to the fact that it was these people, firstly, who were brought up, secondly, promoted, thirdly, well, excuse me, there is almost sexual partners were given to them, like yushchenko, but in order for them... in fact, it still has roots in the distant past, they copied the worst, this is the selection of the worst, the soviet union, when the best were taken to moscow, well, because it’s clear, khrushchev from ukraine, brezhnev from ukraine, yes, locally there remained those whom shelest moved along the line , as kuk moved, kuk - you know, a banderaite, a pure banderaite, a leader in his time after bandera's un, that's who this cook was, after he was released from prison. it was people like this who promoted him like a rustle along the intellectual line, he sat in the central state archive, these are the banderaites who were raised specially, and
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then the current generation of the ukrainian elite was actually raised on them, there is nothing surprising here that they grew up like this, this there was a special selection of the worst, yes, the ukrainian elite was really something, it’s curious that on the day when the speaker of the white house did... europe was reset, on this very day, the european parliament adopted a resolution calling on the european union and member countries to start preparation of targeted sanctions. and the film, by the way, shows this. today the european parliament adopted a resolution calling on the european union to begin preparing targeted sanctions against ukrainian officials, parliamentarians and oligarchs. responsible for harsh measures death on the maidan. vladimir nikolaevich, this is the role of europe in all these matters. we remember
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that europeans really played an active role there. poles. the same radek sikorski, and the current minister of foreign affairs, then, because he put his signatures, well , the germans were there, and the french, and the european parliament. their role. for europe, of course, ukraine was and remains. a powerful resource , which european countries, primarily germany, and poland, of course, looked at as a place where you can, so to speak, get a lot of different things, and how we thought natural resources, but as we now understand, during a special military operation of human resources to solve their problems, i would probably agree with pavel that of course... if i understood him correctly, that the party of europe is in this crisis was much more moderate than the party of the united states, because i don’t know
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, it seems to me that with some kind of hindsight the european leaders felt that... in the field they were resolving the ukrainian crisis, subordinating to the course that washington was developing. i think this is the outcome maidan is so radical, absolutely, yes, this is the result of such dual efforts of european officials of the american administration. yes, it was a backup dance, probably more american than some kind of independent political line. the olympics, the 2014 olympics
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, really began to be remembered. that russia held a wonderful olympics and even pinched america a little in the opening, perhaps even without meaning to, in any case, when the olympics opened, you remember, one of the rings did not open, this after all, there was a ring of america, and the cia resident noticed it, let’s remember, the russians washed everyone away
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with this olympics. america’s ring was not opened, and then , of course, this is the cia’s decision to fortify events by linking it with the olympics, another week at most and the maidan will win, they won’t even let yanukovych save his face, yes, it’s a good country, but they have a big problem, corruption, i
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i’ve never seen such a scale anywhere, they pull everything that doesn’t lie well. they are developing such schemes, you can write textbooks, they will be written later, surprisingly, in no other developed in the state, the authorities would never allow such a rampant crowd, but this is provided that they are the authorities, and if mannayak is at the helm, then there is nothing to be surprised about, we must manage to get everything done here before the olympics in russia are over, while the russians... are before us , no , well, the americans know how to plan, we need to give them a position, what can i say, yes, especially when i would remind you that in addition to the olympics , there was also a g8 meeting coming up there quite soon after the olympics, which was also supposed to take place in sochi, then there is a seven plus russia, and of course such an event, it seemed to take russia legitimately to another level, including the level.


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