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tv   Bolshaya istoriya  1TV  March 24, 2024 7:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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during the second world war, someone would have carried out a terrorist attack on the united states in washington, and so that in washington in the american administration it would not occur to them that either hitler’s germany or militaristic japan could have done this, this is direct common sense, but at the same time it is now absolutely clear that all possible investigations are being considered by the investigative authorities. why are the leaders of the united states so confident that it was isis, well, because. everyone is fussing about when
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the united states was struck, 11 september 2001, the bush administration really wanted, despite all the evidence, it really wanted iraqi president saddam hussein to answer for this crime, and the united states took advantage of this. to strike iraq, capture hussein and execute him, in fact simply kill him, carry out a cynical reprisal against him, but this is how the united states acted, by the way, mr. biden was already a senator and chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, and he supported the american ones. ..
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on the consequences of american interventions, i just mentioned saddam hussein, but there was also a massacre of libyan president gaddafi, yugoslav president milosevic died in prison, he died of a heart attack, and one reason for the heart attack was that he did not eat or take medicine, and was treated with his own means, and why was he like that...
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and the impression that they tried to poison him, and this is because he had a strong impression that this had already happened to other prisoners of the hague tribunal, which in my opinion is just a kind of monkey court, the comrades of the tribunal, with such a past, it’s a little strange to me when in the united states the biden administration is for...
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and that ukraine has nothing to do with this, so i have to say that the day before yesterday, this all happened the day before yesterday, which means he’s live said approximately what you just said, from where
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kirby and the white house know, there is still no security investigation, which is from the white house.
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who did what, i want to understand how the united states could have it, even when the russian investigation is just beginning, so?
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political figures of the presidents of the united states, and they apparently do not have enough strength,
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resources, attention, enthusiasm in order to truly investigate who is behind the terrorist attacks against the russian-european energy infrastructure nord stream, but within 15 minutes they have an accurate information about who exactly is behind the terrorist attacks in moscow, and i am convinced that our government has no intention of shielding isis there, if this organization is really behind it. but we see now the speech of our president, senior officials, that the russian position is based strictly on facts, and the facts indicate that these terrorists were moving towards the russian-ukrainian border, where there were, well, special opportunities for them to cross it, does this mean, if we continue the american line, how will the ukrainian government coordinate its actions?
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to divert suspicion from those who they need now, a cover operation, a complete cover operation, and uh, when the american management is caught by surprise by some events, and such episodes happen, their intelligence chiefs, they often speak directly about this at congressional hearings: this happened, we did not foresee this, it happened suddenly, but in this situation they suddenly have in 15 minutes there is a very harmonious version, as during the defeat of hillary clinton. during the elections, within 24 hours they had a version that the russians were behind the election of trump, yes, this is even quite funny, and
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sober people in the united states themselves see this states, as for the version about isis, i specifically asked russian officials what they thought about this version, and i was told that, of course , immediately when people move in the direction of... ukraine in their flight, when there is data , that they pulled out a special window for this, it would be strange if the first thing that comes to mind was not ukraine, but all possible versions are definitely being considered, and versions regarding isis are definitely being considered, and are being considered version that these could be performers from the same organization.
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i want to ask a question about your view on this whole situation, konstantin zatulin, first deputy chairman of the state committee.
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outwardly, well, somehow little corresponds to the terrorist attacks that are usually associated with isis, we saw no suicide bombers, no belts, no shouts to allahu akbar, none of this happened, on the contrary, those who carried out this atrocity, they were in a hurry to leave the crime scene , that is, to save your life, that is, the first, it is obvious that these are not some fanatics, judging apparently, these are mercenaries.
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a terrorist attack is possible in your country , it is not expensive, as if this is the situation in which we live all the time, if we are talking about warnings, when they specifically talk about what kind of possibilities, then this is a different matter, but in my opinion, as far as i know , nothing happened, so it seems to me that we are really dealing with a situation where they want to take us to the mikin, i would
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say one more thing, well, there was a wave of condolences immediately after these... events, including from western leaders countries, i really don’t want to doubt the sincerity, i think that many people in the west sincerely share the pain of the loss of our people, but this in this case does not apply, as it seems to me, fully to those who are today making a decision on the supply of long-range missiles that kill women and children, say, in the belgorod region, how can one simultaneously advocate for this and at the same time shed tears over the victims.
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of course, russia has enemies, and in general , those who are worthless have no enemies. russia has enemies because russia is a country that has its own interests. and
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they may be in the muslim, islamic world, they exist and so on, but this does not mean that today there is just an obvious, prevailing, propagandized version, but in the west it is a propagandized, defended point of view that russia - this is an evil empire, we must inflict it. on september 11, naturally, president putin, it is widely known, was one of the first who called, expressed his condolences,
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promised support to president bush jr., and no critical versions about american behavior was not given, and yet president putin, when he was still putin’s prime minister, warned the united states, we are now...
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prominent experts, whom, as it seemed to me, you and i together considered competent, reasonable and worthy people, but i look at the american media and the american export community, something is happening to them, either they have lost their minds, or they have lost their sense of professional dignity, help me understand, this is basically a highway. the road that leads america to unanimity , to the dominance of one party, and this is not what they want, democratic dominance and the dominance
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of one direction of the media, this is the main line, they are moving towards this, they are very close to this achievement, because dissent is not allowed who should i tell, i ’ve been interested in america all my life, it seemed to me that this is the country.
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so, as you just told me, after the boston marathon event, when these tsornayev brothers carried out a terrorist attack, suddenly the chairman of the subcommittee invites me, foreign affairs committee, you remember him, we met several times, former reagan speechwriter, rora baker.
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he was hounded, and he invites me, speaks and says, already then, he says, i want to specifically thank him, there is a russian representative working here in new york, at our request, he came to parliamentary hearings, and this obama administration didn’t even itch send someone here. and what’s more, he’s this worthy man who says: yes, we were wrong, the russian special services warned us, but we didn’t taken seriously. andonnik, thank you, i ’m just andronik , i kind of emphasized the internal roots of this attitude in the united states towards everything that happened in russia, but i want to draw attention to the fact that this is
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the reason why... let’s say, in some cases when the matter concerned iraq , after some time, as it were, the american media , as they say, changed their anger mildly, began to analyze some shortcomings, imperfections or outright lies of the administration when it talked about weapons of mass destruction there in iraq, but when it came to iraq, which in principle cannot challenge the united states, then here it is still possible to show such, you know, amnesty , as it were... on this topic, but they have not achieved that, today, i hope they will never achieve it, but for today day, they definitely haven’t achieved at all to ensure that russia moderates its dignity, that it integrates into the culture of the western world and the united states, that it listens to those who are broadcasting from the capital’s hill or from the administration in the white house, so at this moment they are not going to
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allow objectivity in relation to russia if... threats to the united states, and as for russia, it continues to pose a threat, the second nuclear or first nuclear power in the world, of course, at this moment one cannot afford to doubt that russia is still in everyone is to blame, no matter what happens, and i want to ask you, andrey, here you are looking at this terrible terrorist act, on the one hand, on the other hand, you are looking at...
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the protagonist of this situation is a convenient tool for the united states, herself myself offers them as this tool, through the mouths of its main characters, without hiding in large-scale interviews, it describes itself as the best investment in the field of security for the united states, as if adopting this investment language of american leaders, the current ones, who themselves, trying to congress convince of the need to continue supporting ukraine, describe this. successful investment, successful investment of funds, we spend little, get a lot, and ukraine realizes that its own field space for maneuver is reduced, her own resources are depleted, she is essentially waging this fight on a drip, and if the flow of resources
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dries up, this fight will stop at lightning speed, all that remains for her is such a gradual radicalization, dehumanization, not only in relation to her opponents, but to us , but also... the attitude of its own population, is the behavior of the government in kiev in mobilizing the population different from, can it be called humane, can it be called the attitude towards russian-speaking people who continue to value their identity and say that we ukrainians are the same as you, but we simply profess orthodoxy and we speak russian, which makes us worse, this is the line to dehumanize the opponent, the ideological opponent, the opponent. in different planes it essentially leads to the fact that thinking becomes more and more radical, and from here it is one step to justifying terrorist acts. you, we have had footage on the air here about how
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the leading, active figures of the ukrainian government rejoice, rejoice at the death civilians savor publicly, publicly, a public dish in the ofenziva bar in kiev called crocus. it’s not a secret at all, they publicly declare that terrorism is a weapon, as we know, of the weak, those who lose, they lose, for example, deputy goncharenko, quite famous among us for his russophobia, is the enemy of his own father, by the way,
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this deputy a month ago he said that, despite even the wishes of the west, we will start making atomic bombs, because there is no other way to defeat russia. okay, tell us in the remaining time, and you probably know ukraine. they are taking more and more defiant actions, not only, but i mean attacks deep into russian territory, attacks, an attempt to use some mercenaries
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to carry out terrorist raids on the territory, which, strictly speaking, has always been part of the russian federation in soviet times, not only on the territory of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. as subjects of the russian federation now on the territory of the belgorod or kursk region, tonight there was, so to speak, a very large-scale attack on sevastopol. with using all possible types of weapons, weapons, everything else, that is , it is necessary to lose for a long time, losing in reality the fight, ukraine is trying, not in this case, i mean, of course, the ukrainian authorities, they are trying to switch attention to their, so to speak, imaginary success on his achievements, in order to fill the information, information space, in the end, in what he can... consider himself a specialist only in pr, so he
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is engaged in this pr, the more stories about how we hit some targets far from the line front caused damage to russia, the more , so to speak, this in the eyes of those who agree with this obscures what is really happening at the front in the rear, because i have the impression that ukrainian society, ukrainians , are tired of all this, they are already tired, they don't want to continue.
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which bears the main responsibility for the tragedy that occurred, how would you imagine this inevitable retribution? this is a sheet, a sheet of names of people who took direct or indirect part in what was done before our eyes in the crocus, and these people, as if they were a legitimate target , and a timeless target, not only today or tomorrow, but until the end of my days, when
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i would call it a cover-up operation just because the american embassy posted this announcement that some kind of... then the terrorist attacks there and so on and so forth, then the cover operation, this is when the american intelligence services, apparently, passed this on to our intelligence services and even, according to some information that i read,
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edward nalbandzian, who was the youngest order bearer, in the eighty-second year in beirut received the award for 24 years, the first soviet diplomat to receive...
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the scheme, that's what it was, we all know very well that the cro had extensive contacts with al-qaeda, with isis, with all these structures in this region, i think how is it all it was, this is my guess, but i hope that i am within the framework of logic, argument, i think that they hired a certain group of people from this...
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an escape route, a window, you didn’t even have to show business cards, there’s such a chain, well, yes, yes, well, this is what vladimir vladimirovich said, and this means, this already, as they say, i don’t want to say a rude word, that it’s clear to the goat, that it really turns out that these were, here ’s meat for slaughter, these are these tajiks whom the americans hired. prepared and handed over, at the same time they agreed with the ukrainians with their agents in moscow, with their agents in moscow, so that they would take care of them, and secondly, to help them, so that they would go to ukraine, because the ukrainian special services were also fully involved in this at least, so
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at least in my head the full picture finally emerges, because i the day before yesterday yesterday i couldn’t... the countries are well aware of the problems we face internally , they certainly know about the sometimes heated debate that we have around migration, because they have a good idea of ​​the reality of the migration flow and so on, thoughtless people have already appeared in our country , who are almost one deputy of the state duma, i don’t want to mention his name in mine...
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are conducting an investigation, fighting, and as our western opponents are now trying to present us with some kind of pseudo-reality, i am convinced that the line. which we lead, she will inevitably lead us, firstly, to complete clarity in how, who is behind this
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crime, and the goals that his customers had, they certainly will not be achieved, one of them, i have no doubt, is konstantin fedorovich is absolutely fair here, to hit the painful points of our, our society, but notice how society itself reacted to this crime, to this terrorist attack, and how many involved in the liquidation of its consequences, and even those people who became actors, saving people who they were here of different nationalities , a young guy, yes a young guy, 15 years old, 15 years old, he took responsibility, saved several hundred people, and it seems to me that our country should be proud of such people, and like that man we are not now we know by name, but who disarmed one of... these terrorists, a courageous act that could have cost him his life, and this, of course, inspires, gives strength, shows that our
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spirit is absolutely impossible to break. thank you, but i nevertheless asked a question about the meaning the concept of retribution in this case. i 'll give you my point of view. we, of course, do not know now exactly what happened. you are always considered one of the toughest people in russian politics, i mean this as a compliment, sometimes you went
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very seriously against the tide, but i will offer, however, a more radical version, my version, retribution, you are even more against the tide , so my version of revenge is very simple, this mode should disappear, well, yes, nothing else. nothing else from the point of view of the dignity of russia's national interests unacceptable. now i want to make it clear that i am not suggesting a reckless attack on kiev and the polish border. i don't mean that at all. i mean understanding russia’s strategic objectives, what methods, what time frames. how to do this so that russia can do it, how to do it so that it has minimal impact on normal life, this is all, of course,
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the decision of the government, first of all the decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, but i believe that we must be honest with ourselves, this the regime must disappear, brzezinski, how you know, for many years he said that without ukraine... russia cannot be an empire, so he wanted to take ukraine away from russia, but even he, at the end of his life, publicly said that ukraine, hostile to russia, becomes an existential threat to the russian state , so he did not recommend, and this caused fury in kiev, he did not recommend ukraine joining nato, so we... must understand that ukraine, built and united on a russophobic platform, poses a real,
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deadly, long-term threat to russia, and this threat, one way or another, should be at the center of russian foreign policy, and one way or another this process, the process of eliminating this threat, will have to be completed, i agree with you... i agree, but i think that without our verdict on zelensky, the century itself will die measured, and even inside ukraine it is obvious that the end of hostilities now or in the future is at the same time the death knell for zelensky for his entire team, this is obviously a question of a different nature, is ukraine possible without zelensky, this is the question we have for ourselves your answer, my answer, is that yes, i believe that ukraine will remain in some of its composition.
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me, when the special military operation began, i said, i think that the operation will end with the following result: putin will correct lenin’s mistake, and then stalin’s mistake. novarossiya will become part of russia, kiev and a couple of regions will unite and become part of it.
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how real is it , how much should russia, especially, if you want, voice it as your goals, this is a complex question, andrey, i can afford it, you you can, but the russian government is not necessary, but we are coming to the very end of the program, andrey, your last 2 minutes. russia must achieve all the stated goals of the special military operation.
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predict, but it is obvious that ukraine plays the role of a destructive actor , a player in the entire eurasian space, it does not have its own constructive goals, it does not want to prosper, it does not want to survive in order to develop, its only task in its current format is to cause we are defeated, and if this does not work out, then cause as much trouble as possible, from my point of view, history will show and...
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the prospect of agreeing to the existence of a russophobic hostile ukraine. we talked about a terrible tragedy. and this terrible tragedy does not and cannot have a positive country. but we have a duty to draw appropriate conclusions and do everything possible to ensure that such tragedies do not happen again. and do everything possible to ensure that the country is ready. face the reality of ukrainian hostility, hostility encouraged and fueled collective west. and now the floor to vyacheslav nikonov. pain is sadness. russia is in mourning for the victims of the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall.
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at the site of the tragedy there are candles and a sea of ​​flowers. i lit a candle for the repose of the dead. the chronicle of the crime, bursts of fire on unarmed people, what was happening in the terrorist’s concert hall was filmed, and a few hours later they gave detailed testimony. go through concrete and metal, clearing the rubble under which there were people during a terrible fire, work did not stop for a minute, rescue teams replaced each other, the same blood, huge queues at donor centers, in the capital's hospitals , the best doctors are fighting for the lives of victims of the terrorist attack, among whom there are children, one child is between life and death, who did it, the world reaction to the tragedy in the moscow region and justification? as evidence of why washington is shielding the kiev regime by turning the arrows on other terrorists. under cross artillery fire, daily shelling by the ukrainian armed forces of the russian border areas, in the sights of western
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missile systems, residential buildings with schools, kindergartens and hospitals. from afar and precisely our retaliatory strikes on ukrainian military targets from lvov to kharkov. after the dnieper-hpp was put out of commission, a fifth of the electricity generation was lost. unmerciful angel, a quarter of a century since the beginning of the nato bombing of yugoslavia and the turn over the atlantic, what role did the famous pryamakov loop play in these and subsequent events?
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the big game is live and i am vyacheslav nikonov. hello. today. in russia, a day of mourning, the flags of the russian federation are flown at half-mast on all official buildings and mourning ribbons are on all flags. flowers about they started bringing crocus city yesterday, and today there is a huge line lined up just to come up and lay flowers to remember all those who died to pray for those who are now... and we, too, can only wish that the souls of the departed rest in
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peace. so that those who are now trying to cope with the consequences of injuries, strangulations, burns, so that they get back on their feet,
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illuminate the buildings in the colors of the russian flag, including the tallest skyscraper in the world, the burj khalifa in dubai, dubai, this is really a manifestation of solidarity with our country, the united arab emirates, well, they symbolize the islamic world, which is also now certainly with us in spirit. a difficult moment, but russia has always become stronger in such difficult moments, and we will certainly respond to these terrorist attacks, but our
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armed forces, they continue to conduct a special military operation according to their program, inflict very noticeable blows on the ukrainian armed forces. yuri ivanovich podalyaka is in direct contact with us now. yuri ivanovich, good evening or hello. happened, here’s your version of the incident, we know the perpetrators, but who is behind this executive, who is the final beneficiary? well, it’s clear that the final beneficiaries are the enemies of russia, that is, we are still talking about the enemies of russia in general, that is, they are, as it were, the customers of all this, they are trying to become the main beneficiaries of this terrorist attack, they are trying their best to do everything. to pull out from under the attack
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their protégés, who, well, my opinion, well, how would i put it aside in my blog, i believe that the traces of the ukrainian special services are behind this terrorist attack are obvious, although let's wait for the official statement of the investigative authorities to tell us what they will tell us, but nevertheless, where the criminals went, as well as the diagram, the handwriting, you know, the west is now doing their best to tell us that this is supposedly the idea of ​​isis, although they cannot answer a few basic questions. question one: why is this, why did egili suddenly decide to attack russia, what is russia doing wrong with islam? nothing, on the contrary, it protects islam, all traditional values, like orthodoxy, like others traditional religions from demons who are trying to destroy all this, because if they had declared that they were some kind of warriors of islam, then they should not have hit us, but should have hit others, but this is official. supposedly a reason, yes, again the handwriting
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, they are islamists, they have their own clear handwriting, which has never failed them, they always use conventionally komikaza people, suicide bombers, who, well, according to their beliefs, supposedly go to heaven, accordingly, usually this handwriting has always been emphasized precisely by islamists from isis, a banned organization in the russian federation, but here we see something completely different, some incomprehensible basotas who promised money.
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the sponsors of the kiev regime did not yet know anything particularly well, they began to charge that it was not them, but it is very similar to the fact that in this way, knowing that who is behind this terrorist attack, they are naturally trying to get their party members out of the attack, because what is the problem, and be that as it may, in the west some people still don’t try to observe the red lines, but here is open assistance to terrorists, and in such terrible conditions atrocities for... a western politician is a very bad story, and accordingly, if it is proven that the kiev regime is behind this crime, then western politicians will have to cross this line, but what will they explain to their population in this case? so the kiev regime may be left without the help of the west, naturally they will lose the military campaign much faster, that’s what they are now very afraid of, but what they wanted is also understandable, they wanted, in addition, to inflict quite a lot on russia understandable... and the reputational damage also
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takes into account who they recruited to carry out the terrorist attack, and these are ordinary four tajiks who were recruited, i don’t know in what way, there are signs that they were under some kind of intoxication when they committed these crimes , but this is not so important, what is important is that they were already trying, i watched tsypsa very carefully, their work, they quickly began to drive a wedge between the muslims of russia and the other population of russia, they tried to drive between... national discord, that is, they were planning it's like, well at least a two-step attack, that is, a terrorist attack, and then a continuation of this, that is, the task was not just to carry out a terrorist attack, but for russia to burn inside as a result of this terrorist attack, and you know, i’m now looking at the fact that now there is a unification of the inhabitants of russia , absolutely everyone national formations, republics, we received, or rather they had approximately the same effect when they remember, belgorod was shelled just recently. they
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tried in this way to undermine trust in the russian authorities, this terrorist attack, i see today, in many ways, there has been some kind of effect of unity of all the inhabitants of russia, who saw the truth with horror, because many did not believe that they were like this, but now they saw how terrible it all was, and that in the end it must be ended , i absolutely agree with the ex-president of the russian federation, dmitry medvedev, who posted today that all criminals will be punished, found and... certainly punished, regardless of what position they hold in what country. yuri ivanovich, there was a powerful blow tonight according to the military infrastructure, it is on fire. stry, in my opinion, is still in western ukraine, powerful strikes on other energy facilities, ukrainian energy services stated that with the strike on the dneprogess we disabled as much as 20% of the generation in ukraine, it is indeed a very powerful blow, and
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at the same time ours are conducting quite a offensive operations are currently active, well , first of all, in the area of ​​​​the hour yar, in deevka, what is the latest information you have about how effective ours were... and how our guys are progressing there, i’ll tell you a little let me correct you, 20% of the shunting capacity, not all the capacity, but 20% of the shunting capacity, because there is base power in the energy sector, and there is shunting power, when the peaks need to be smoothed out in the evening and morning, but usually the peaks are smoothed out first of all by hydroelectric power plants, and since the dneproges - this is the most powerful power plant, a hydroelectric power station in ukraine, which covers approximately half of the hydroelectric power capacity in ukraine, there are also pumped storage stations there, nevertheless, this is not the press, this is the main... the number was a blow, the second turbine room was essentially destroyed, and the machine-free hall, well, it’s just a dam that maintains the pressure of water on which cars drive, let me remind you that the first turbine hall was hit by our missiles back in the twenty-second year, so far, according to the indirect
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signs that we have, i have, and they were unable to start it up or repair it, so it can be stated that the dneproges, most likely until the end of the war... was put out of action as a power plant, at the same time strikes were carried out, and it is truly known to posmiya skoyts by tets number five kharkov, yesterday or even today the mayor of kharkov terikov stated that this station cannot work, a significant part of the substations was destroyed, not only in kharkov, well, let ’s return to today’s attack on the system, in addition to all other military facilities, there is also a soviet airfield with very serious, as if closed... by these platforms for aircraft, it may very well be that it was there that the enemy tried and was going to deploy - f16, which they are going to transmit, i don’t know, but the blow was very concentrated, such i probably don’t remember the strike in the entire northern military district, but more than twenty cruise missiles alone
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hit there and seven suicide bombers, the locals counted 21 explosions, that is, powerful explosions, it burned so that right there there was a white flame burning, what we hit there, i don’t know , but again after a few hours. our thirty-first migs also hit the same place with several more daggers and hit, finishing off, apparently having decided to finish off what was not destroyed during the first strike, and i also want to remind you that it is in the stryi area that the largest substation in europe, which connects the energy system of the european union with the main capacities of the rivne and khmelnytsky nuclear power plants, thus allowing capacity to be maneuvered in case... someone there does not have enough electricity and for the first time, well, not for the first time, here is 22- on the 1st day, this substation was hit and there is information that today it was also hit, if it is completely out of order, this will noticeably unbalance the energy system of ukraine, there was also an attack from the polodyzhenskaya tez, in principle
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the main points are that all that was hit, many substations were hit, because of this, kharkov still can’t even send electricity there from all over ukraine, that is... very big interruptions, transport doesn’t work, doesn’t work industry, about half of the housing stock is just operating hospitals, all this is standing still, there is not even an indication of when they will definitely not be able to fix it, and there are still interruptions in odessa, after this 22nd, the rest of the problems seemed to have been basically solved, but again the population was connected, industrial production is still under big question, well , at the front you were absolutely right, chasyar - yesterday our guys achieved very significant success, that is, after... the assault , a hill was taken, a strategically important hill between bogdanovka and ivanovsky, accordingly the last positions in the area immediately fell ivanovsk, the enemy has, in principle, retreated into the city limits of the hour ravine, as far as i know, today the assault operations here continue, and in this
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microdistrict, the so-called new microdistrict or the kanal microdistrict, and this eastern microdistrict of chasoy yar , the most powerful fire damage is being carried out by artillery and our aviation, we keep our fingers crossed for the guys, if we take... this microdistrict for the enemy, well, they will begin approximately the same plan of action as they were during the avdeevka offensive operation, when we made a breakthrough through the dacha village, essentially to the center of the city, they started a fire, if we can take this microdistrict, we will essentially immediately break through, this smaller city, avdeevki, to the center of chavayar, these are essentially several hills, cut by ravines and with each, every the hill goes into the center of the city, we essentially go straight to the center of the city, the rest of the microdistricts immediately become cut off, this is the main main events, well, in navdeevka , too, we are well going south of the thin one, we have taken the thin part completely under control.
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this happened, so, of course, it’s pointless
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to waste missiles, waste drones, and generally use the military machine, of course, in this again, well, forgive the tautology , it’s really pointless, indeed , the targets were clearly chosen, the moment was chosen well, look, at this once, of course, visible the role of human intelligence, after all. previously, we worked like this, we knew something, somewhere space reconnaissance helps, satellite reconnaissance, collected data, acted, here, it is obvious from the fact that now, as monanosimdars, the americans and the british have to admit, we are in full possession of the data on any territory, and occupied by the armed forces of ukraine by the nazis from kiev, this is what we show them, and accordingly we deliver similar blows. i would also like to add a short point about, i agree with yuri ivanovich. by about the ukrainian traces in this situation , but there is also indirect confirmation,
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let’s say, isis, isis is a group banned in our country, at one time, you remember, when they were defeated in syria, the americans took them to afghanistan, and it was this organization that took take responsibility, kharasan afghanistan, naturally, how could this happen, the americans still maintain contacts with them, here we are now. here the question is not so much for war correspondents, but for intelligence service experts, and of course, when in our studio general of the fsb, at least use this in retirement.
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i still always proceeded from what ivanovich correctly said, the enemies of russia, who is the enemy of russia, what is ukraine, or what, the enemy of russia, ukraine is not the enemy of russia, the enemy of russia , the united states of america, there, regardless of the president, and so on, there the west, nato, these are the enemies of russia, well, yes, eton blinkinche yesterday expressed solidarity with the people of russia, well, he expressed, yes, in the end, routine words, nothing there. there was no feeling, squeezed out of himself or forced out of him squeeze out, because the whole world seems to sympathize, the united states, well
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, by the evening he squeezed out something like that, but at the same time from the very beginning, the terrorist attack had just happened, 2 minutes later, we remember already john kirby said that ukraine nothing to do with it, it’s isis, then the statement of the official representative of the national security council, adrin watson, that’s what he said, egel bears full responsibility for this attack, no. there was no involvement of ukraine, but maria zakharova immediately reacted, of course, to these words, but not maybe she missed it, let's listen to the official representative of mit russia. official representative of the us national security council edrin utson. ukraine is not involved in the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk; the banned isis is to blame for everything. if only they could sort out the assassination of their own president kennedy so quickly. so. no, for more than 60 years they cannot find out who killed him, or maybe it was isis, or for another 60
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years they will delay with specifics, playing with any constructive uncertainty. all this suggests that... that political elites over the decades, the united states has become adept at skillfully diverting attention from high-profile crimes through all sorts of staging. jack posabets, a famous american blogger, a millionaire, also spoke, well , he spoke at length on this subject, but let’s still briefly listen to what he said. have you ever seen isis jihadists escape? after the attack on ukraine. alexander georgievich. churchel said, do not rush to believe rumors until they are refuted. that’s when they began to so quickly refute ukraine’s participation in terrorist attack, it immediately became clear where the ears were sticking out. therefore, for us, probably for the mass of people, it is completely obvious who
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committed, who prepared this crime. but it will still be confirmed, i think, in the results, as a result of investigative actions. and naturally there is no alternative for us, because in principle , where is isis, where are we, that we are very oppressive, our local ethnic population who came here, of course, no, on the contrary, they are in very comfortable conditions, i know where graves, now we are oppressing burkina fasso, well, yes, so, of course, today we can say with complete confidence who prepared this crime, we were warned for a long time, we were threatened for a long time, we...
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and the previous terrorist attacks, starting there from the times of budenovsk, kokizlyar, koshirka, guryanov , i looked, for the first time, probably in recent history, such a terrorist attack, a terrible terrorist attack, was committed by a small group of people who were directly involved, always somewhere around 29, 30, 50 people, this was the norm, yes, now here they are carried out a targeted strike with very heavy losses for us, i must say that these losses, of course, we are not... achievable, but thank god, the special services quickly worked quickly, i honestly admit, in our time they did not work so quickly, because, well , there are no such opportunities, as they say it was, today everything will fall into place after the investigation of this crime, but why did i say about the viciousness of this crime itself, they skillfully created the conditions for the formation of a certain
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tension in interethnic relations in russia, even today.
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very indicative of those forms implementation of crimes that took place in afghanistan, in chechnya, yeah, yes, shooting at unarmed people practically from the stomach, yes, there are many people there, some of these were even without balaclavas, which is not typical, for example, for ukraine it would be mandatory with they were maloklavs, they were even their own , their own, well, the isis people would probably have had suicide belts, put forward some demands, would have died heroically in order to ascend to heaven, then... this could also happen if they acted according to the rules, according to the instructions, then maybe could have been avoided, their actions would have been
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more predictable for those who could have interfered with them, but you are absolutely right. they said that one of the goals, the main goal, perhaps, was to sow national discord in our country, religious discord in our country, and - well, judging by the mood of the people, well, it feels like - the very helicopter that was hijacked by this student became a contract soldier and the navigator of that kuzminov. kuzminov killed him, and he died like
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a hero, and kuzminov died like a dog. therefore, in fact, these are the things that they do not have nationality. there are heroes like him, there are traitors, traitors. this is a hero. and the traitor , to our common shame, is russian, so we also need to pay serious attention to this one, but as for the americans with the isis trace, well, we really shouldn’t forget that who actually created alkaida, who actually created isis, this and that this is isis - it’s not like it was there in some limited space. syria there, iraq, isis - this is a network organization, global, in which you can sign up, you can sign up in general, being
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anywhere in the world, this is really such a big umbrella, but on the other hand , there are valuable recognitions from the one who actually created these organizations, we have always said that the united states of america, don’t believe me, well, let’s listen to hillary clinton, her speech ... islam to defeat the ussr. and it worked. the ussr retreated, lost billions of dollars, and this led to its collapse. so, yeah, that's
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a good argument, it was a good investment. but let's be careful what we sow, because the harvest is coming. we left pakistan, we said: deal with the stingers yourself, which we have scattered throughout your country, with mines along the border. it’s just that everything that we are discussing now on the program, i used almost these words today to a bbc radio correspondent who said, but isis has already been recognized, i
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say, do you agree with this, he says, yes, i say, well then i will quote that the bbc believes that the united states stood behind isis and arranged this container, how how, i say, well, what do you, in my opinion, is known to the whole world, clearly, as clear as daylight, i say that who stood at the base, it is clear that...
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i say, at least one official voice said about any connection, no, i say, because the investigation is just beginning, i repeated that here we are all one way or another, we repeat that any investigation has the first question, who benefits from it, quibono, so far this is not there, no one will be, about interethnic relations, then you can, of course, say, in general, i agree, but this needs to be dealt with. well, i must say that this version of isis, it somehow became completely dominant in the american media, but not in the european ones, which is surprising, in the european ones the main version has become that this is russia, and this is me, i had to deal with this yesterday, it turns out that here is a lawyer for political figures, de costelnow is french, he watches french television and is
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horrified, let's listen. to putin, every day reality spits in our faces and reminds us of the level of degradation to which a group of elites have lowered our unfortunate country. after the childish rantings of an irresponsible the person who should rule the country, we saw the reaction of the entire media system to the tragedy in moscow. the sight on the news channels was absolutely disgusting. bad generals selling themselves on news platforms, gleeful fake experts, gleeful journalists, toads and jellyfish constantly bringing up their ex. kgb agent, everyone rushed, without hiding their joy, to demonstrate their painful hatred of the russian people and, of course, to blame putin for organizing the massacre, as was the case with the attack on nord stream 2. contrary to the evidence, they chanted: it’s all russians, it’s all russians, knowing that this is a lie, it will be so this time, and there will be no corrections, no refutations, or even apologies. i don't know if we will be able to free ourselves from this disgusting system, but on that day we will have to take stock. and...
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and they work in several directions at once, of course they tie it to the elections, and there, well, on cnn on the first page there is material with the thesis: well, you chose stability, well, now you get terrorist attacks, but now it’s tied to the elections, further, from my point of view, preparations are underway to really work this out from the point of view of internal russian issues, an attempt to sow...
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on this score he made a statement that let’s take attention away from ukraine, that’s all - we’ll all allegedly attack isis there , and then let’s freeze everything, but from my point of view, this is an absolutely dead-end line, but they will probably try to play it out, in fact, this terrorist attack and the way the west is handling it shows only one thing: indeed, maybe the geneva conference is needed , but it is needed by... the kiev regime, because the kiev regime and this, from my point of view , is now fully realized by the world majority , this is not just some american vassal, this ki... regime is absolutely dangerous for everyone, because that trying to undermine us with the help of all sorts of isis games, they can just as well play it against india and against china, and
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against middle eastern republics, monarchies, the kiev regime is simply dangerous for everyone, so there are very few options , their only two, or russia will restore order there on its own... order will protect both europe and the rest of the world from the garbage dump that the american and british intelligence services created there, or, perhaps, this can still be done not entirely by military means by involving the world community, therefore, if we talk about something in geneva, it is not about the peace plan of the kiev regime, but about the terrorist plan of kiev, so to speak, washington. and maybe it can somehow be prevented by diplomatic means, so parents, no small sharp objects should be left with children, i was told that you are a very good doctor, well
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, for some i’m not very good, but you’re a magician, you communicate directly with the soul, and maybe you still know the meaning of life , we are surprised and don’t understand at all, because she has everything, and you love your daughter, you can talk to your parents politely, understand them, no one loves them, don’t touch me, and we give them pills and special boarding schools, why are they suffering? wait, i need to see my mom, well, i want to be real, no lies, doctor, so i’m writing down the prescription , after every heart-to-heart conversation, the soul becomes lighter, lighter,
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the kan embassy warned everyone that there would be a terrorist attack, he was there in crocus city, there is information, well, it’s obvious that they were all under psychotropic substances , this is absolutely understandable, because they were not shaking there from fear, they were shaking because of how they shot, how they shot, that is , their very behavior, this is also understandable, they made a video report, they have weapons, they themselves said, received from the combat zone, that is this is clearly a weapon that...
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people there prepare for murder very quickly,
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by and large they just demonstrated that at first glance they are plain, poor, wretched, illiterate, suddenly they commit such a crime, well, excuse me, who intellectuals will commit such crimes, so for me, for example, everything was immediately clear, and the most important thing is that i will return to where i started, this sharp defense of ukraine against the background of what is in the west...
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.like everyone else, like terrorists, like the performers are in the same state, clearly under the influence of drugs, but that’s what he said, let’s listen, all this happened, and this is nothingness, putin, instead of
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dealing with his citizens of russia, addressing them, was silent for a day, thinking about how to attract it to ukraine, everything is absolutely predictable, those hundreds of thousands of russians who are now being killed on ukrainian soil would definitely be enough to stop any terrorists, if the russians are ready to die silently in crocuses and not ask any questions to their special services, putin has not yet will try to return this situation in favor of his personal authorities, that is, well, they already know... in advance too, well, 10 years, after all, we are already shelling donetsk, so it is clear that our bloody trails lead, they lead further, if someone fell into the field hail, that means putin is to blame, i was especially pleased, in quotes , of course, by mikhail podalyak, adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, you know what he said, he said that putin had committed a mean thing , because why, well, now let’s listen, podalyak, russian federation. the russian federation is actively conducting terrorist
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actions against a large state, against ukraine, and such critical energy infrastructure by striking eight missiles at the dnieper gs. after this, in the evening there is a terrorist attack that completely changes the information agenda in a large number of countries from what russia did in ukraine to what happened in crocus city. that is, we dared to overshadow the topic of ukraine in the world media. called all the participants in these ukrainian
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talk shows, nightly inglorious bastards, but this is actually a mild expression, you you know, there is such a cafe in the center of kiev, very fashionable, and so, since yesterday, a set called crocus city appeared there, cynicism, which is included, well, look at its contents there.
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and dubrovka, and beslan, everything, well, really, the goals were different, there were political, so to speak , radicals, but here there were pure, pure terrorists who were well trained, by the way, terrorists who knew how to handle weapons, so to speak, on the go, reloading, everything indicates that this is well prepared, for sure we yesterday
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... there are much more of them there, there are training camps, everything, and the fact that the americans, especially the british, are very actively working on preparations there, now all these macron incantations that first send in troops, and then not, let’s prepare for territory of ukraine - so to speak, according to nato
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standards, all this is from the same story, and in general now i see two main directions of development. conflict: the first is the implementation of terrorist acts by ukrainian, so to speak, forces, and, starting with the shelling of our cities, air assault groups, and what is most unpleasant is the organization of terrorist acts on the territory of the russian federation, the second main direction is purely nato, it is the supply of weapons, long-range weapons to destroy targets on the territory of the russian federation. and if so to speak, the deployment of nato contingents on the territory of ukraine will already come to this, of course, all this talk about deploying along the russian-belarusian border, along the belarusian-ukrainian border, so that to say, to release a hundred-thousand-strong group there or along the dnieper coast, all
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this is nonsense, it has absolutely no military meaning, and then at the disposal of the same macron, this is... a strange region, this is 8-10 thousand people, so go to odessa - this is quite realistic, but so to speak, if we carry out an amphibious operation, so that we have the forces to counteract them, well, second, so to speak, if it comes to that, to conduct, so to speak, battles in dense urban areas , this is real, so you need to be there ready, even the last thing, that's when... nato carried out the bombing operation of yugoslavia, they actually declared a no-fly zone over the adriatic sea, but why don't we declare a no-fly zone over the neutral waters of the black sea, there is no need to enter turkish, bulgarian, romanian territorial water, i’m sure we’ll shoot down this
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ripper there or even some kind of reconnaissance plane, but they won’t, the americans won’t go to the start of the third world war, but this can serve as a lesson, i don’t think so...
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there may be a lot, but behind these traces there are always american traces, but they tried to convince us that this is all a tajik trace, that this is for...
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russia and tajikistan are carrying out intensive work in the field of countering terrorism, and this work will be activated. well, i think that now the services really work together harmoniously, and god forbid they don’t work there either. to the tenth generation, because they will probably be looking there now in tajikistan in this situation, of course they will help us a lot, although we should just understand that you probably still need to keep in mind the level of qualifications, i don’t know the level of qualifications of tajik colleagues, yes, but of course i know ours well, especially since so quickly not only was essentially this crime solved, but they were detained criminals, this is an absolutely very good base and...
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hundreds have been found in our country, in fact, so our intelligence services really work very , very effectively, what happened in crocus city, it demonstrated the unity
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of our people, and how always like this difficult moments, time gives birth to heroes , now there are so many stories about how heroically people behaved on the spot, the story of a young man who we still don’t know his name, but he neutralized one of the terrorists on his own . saving his wife himself, too, and how many people he saved, well, it’s clear that dozens, if not a hundred, and the wardrobe boy, here’s the wardrobe boy, wardrobe boy, tashbart tursunov, oh, sorry, islam khalilov, islam khalilov, here he is concludes, indeed, i acted according to instructions there, he had instructions on how to act in a fire, so let's listen to how he gets people out of crocus city.
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i saw one bearded guy in green camouflage, he was carrying a machine gun, he was walking around like that , there was a crush and everyone was in shock, at first no one understood what to do, where to go, but i tried to help everyone and almost everyone followed the instructions, but i just did my own thing work,
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honestly i just don’t consider myself a hero, it was part of my job. he covered the grenade with himself so that these recruits who were scared wouldn’t die, that’s his name, the sun, yes, that’s it, now, if there are such people, that’s it, we are invincible, for every crime there are a thousand deeds, that’s my conviction, otherwise, it’s just evil, it screams in your face. a tidy room doesn’t produce anything at all, it should be like that, put a bunch of things in the middle, oh my god, what a mess, that’s why sometimes, when some kind of nasty thing is being circulated too often, especially in the media, people get the impression that everything around is just one sin , crime, stabbing, immorality, no, no, and no, i still know, i don’t know if it will be confirmed, there was a couple, moreover
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the young man was in a wheelchair, and the girl said.
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it means there, well, it clearly led to the fact that then five people spoke the truth , like five people, a thousand russian people were intimidated, well, what are these russians about and it was promoted very strongly, apparently, this was also supposed to be a springboard in order to further promote something, but as soon as eyewitnesses began to speak, yesterday you had gusev, for example, who was there telling what happened there, these and he was also saved by the woman who worked there.
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tests like this make us stronger and more vigilant , we really understand what is happening, we know perfectly well that this is just another episode of the hybrid war that is being waged against our country, waged by forces led by the united states of america, its allies, ukraine in in this case it is simple. role of the performer, unfortunately, completely thoughtless, but extremely cynical, this game is played with absolutely no rules, this is a game in which deceived drug dealers, arms dealers, anyone, participate, the reason why
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a terrorist attack was carried out, for me, it is extremely clear, this is a defeat for ukraine on the battlefield, a defeat that they cannot compensate for with anything. the goal is to split our society, undermine us psychologically, and sow ethnic and religious discord. in order for the enemy not to achieve his goal, we must definitely prevent this. we must become stronger, we must... become one, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. the big game says goodbye to you, watch the program time.
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hello, the broadcast time is sunday. in russia. mourning for the victims of the horrific terrorist attack in crocus city hall. already 137 people, including three children, the death toll grew today as rescue workers advanced in clearing the rubble. but it's work.


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