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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 25, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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already in this form, yes, we had already put out the fire, everything was burned, we were alive and safe. alexander managed to run out of the car as soon as the siren sounded, at that moment a fragment was flying into his car, he was warming up the car, the alarm went off on his phone that there was a missile danger, he jumped out of the car, everything started arriving, fortunately he managed to jump away, he immediately said with a car or what, of course, directly.
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and now the moment of arrival next to the belgorod arena sports complex. we will restore everything. the governor supported us, said that we will succeed repair. our athletes will train in the best complex, the best sports facility. everything will be fine. they beat morals, they beat people, so that people would rise up, probably that they would start to be indignant, but here the russian people understand, people have been putting up with it since 1914, that’s how long we ’ve been putting up here, right? how about us, and how many years did they endure? despite the shelling, there was half an hour ago, and you set up the entrance, no, no, we can’t be defeated, we’ll go hand-to-hand, well , here are the consequences of the arrival of one of the shells, the door was cut by shrapnel, this is the entrance of a residential building, here, as local residents say, the doors were also damaged by shrapnel, but they were promptly replaced, and now we see new ones.
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no, we are sure of this, we are sure of this , that russia will win, the closer we get to the ukrainian border, the more shots like this, they shot from a tank into the house of this elderly woman, here i had a bedside table, now we are entering the grayvoronsky urban district, we are traveling together with activists of the popular front, bringing humanitarian aid to the residents of grayvoron, who, despite regular shelling. refused to leave their homes, the funnel is possible, and this is when there was shelling , this is the day before yesterday, this is today, here is one, there is a second one, this chair in the middle of the road means a ukrainian shell under it, somewhere such areas are marked with tires or trash cans, no military units, you don’t have anything like that here, you have there is no one of us at all, don’t be afraid, this is ours, this is ours, they answer, right? we rejoice at these sounds, when
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this happens, it’s usually joy, because it’s not for us, ours are working, it’s good, please come in, let’s go to the shelter, many who are here now were just taken from border village of kazinka, now it looks like this, families with small children left their native village under shelling, how do you explain the shots to the children, we say, this is my uncle playing, and my son, this is their grandfather, he says, yes, it’s thunder, you see the sky it’s so dark, it’s going to rain , i took out, i don’t know how many, but definitely more than a hundred people in my car, how do you look at this situation, that they’re hitting peaceful houses , well, you know, this is, well, fascism, in other words you can’t say why they’re hitting civilians houses, they don’t care, they hit anywhere , they don’t know where to hit, they don’t care if a person, excuse the expression,
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guys, thank you very much, god bless them, this is how we heat, you see, my husband says i brought this, i was born here, this is my land, we are not going anywhere, here we have no way back, our president and i will do everything for victory, we will not abandon people, we will help, under daily shelling everyone has rallied in ranks terrorist defense, even girls are joining, my homeland is in danger, i don’t know... “i am a patriot of my country, i am not indifferent to the fact that such things happen in my homeland. and where do you get your strength, energy, you, it comes from somewhere, probably due to the gratitude of people, we take one of the local residents with us to belgorod, there lilia denisovna is waiting for her daughter, we heard yesterday, but
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we didn’t we heard a boom, i thought that was it, i was walking the dog in the yard and a shell was right above us, above our street, it..." they were shooting at our spassky street, with what feelings are you leaving now, leaving your native grivor? i not local, we are from the north ourselves, my homeland is ukraine, well, you see what she is doing, valentina solovyova, alexey bokhvalov, grigory emelyanov, maria mortanova, kristina neznanova, channel one, belgorod region, the terrorist attacks of the kiev regime do not go unanswered, our high-precision strikes are aimed at military and related them objects. last night there were twenty explosions in the lvov region, a few hours later everything happened again, the city reports about burning fuel depots, weapons production centers, a local airfield and a militant training center. there were explosions in ivano-frankivsk region. earlier this week
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, the russian armed forces carried out 49 retaliatory strikes, the defense ministry reported. among those out of action is the largest hydroelectric power station in ukraine, dneproges. key node. the missiles are presumably the kha-101 strategic cruise missiles. during the approach to the object , the missile shoots false thermal targets, all so that the enemy air defense misses, but as it turned out, there was not even a hint of air defense on dneprogesti. one of the largest energy facilities in ukraine, as well as
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many others are in no way protected from air strikes, while current is supplied from the dnieper hydroelectric power station to many enterprises, including defense ones, we can already say for sure that after a series of... they were destroyed by targeted missile strikes, from these photographs one can estimate the scale of destruction on the dneprogess, so the cranes that are used to control the locks will definitely not be able to move across the entire dam, which means that it will not yet be possible to control the flow of water at the station and, accordingly, resume power generation,
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for its intended purpose, the dnieper station will not be able to function in the coming months. today, today we are losing the station, there is a threat that we do not know to what extent. she is in critical condition. gas-1 is also not working, so we are doing everything to raise the valves, because, unfortunately, we will not be able to process this water through the station. on the night from thursday to friday, dneproges became one of more than 150 targets on the territory of ukraine for the russian army. most affected facilities associated with the generation and transmission of electricity. for the first time during the special operation , missile strikes were carried out on networks of over 750.
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energy in three regions at once: kharkov, sumy and poltava. in western ukraine , burshtynska tes in the ivano-frankivsk region was damaged. this is the largest thermal power plant in the country. power lines from it also go to the neighboring one. countries, romania, hungary, slovakia. explosions also occurred at the lodyzhinskaya power station in the vinnytsia region, and at power facilities in the odessa, lviv and khmelnytsky regions. on emergency schedules blackouts occurred in the kirovograd, sumy, poltava and dnepropetrovsk regions. according to naftogaz, the gas transportation system was also destroyed in several regions. our ministry of defense clarified in its friday report: in addition to energy facilities, a massive strike was inflicted on railway junctions, and places where ukrainian military gathered
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were targeted for a massive strike. explosions at enterprises of the ukrainian military-industrial complex were heard in kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, zaporozhye. uavs were assembled at the motorsich aircraft engine plant. they were produced at the factory yuzhmash. at the electrotyazh enterprise, instead of electrical equipment, combat vehicles were produced. and at the kharkov transport engineering plant named after malyshev, they repaired and restored armored vehicles for the armed forces of ukraine. all the light has died everywhere. i came to see why there was no light. here it is, why there is no color , that is, military logistics is being cut down
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, consumption is being cut down, energy for military factories, in the same kharkov, which was partially de-energized, there are workers working for strikes at the kharkov armored plant, a number facilities where they are trying to quietly assemble drones, that is, they are destroying them , they are trying to attack these workshops, which are shelling the belgorod region and... with the help of local residents who direct missile attacks on such workshops, it is carried out constantly. this is the third such retaliatory strike. for the first time, our country reacted in this way to the terrorist attacks on the crimean bridge in october 2022, when militants flying naval drones tried to damage the bridge. for the second time, in response, the port infrastructure in odessa, from where they were launched, was destroyed naval drones, nato weapons were delivered there along the grain corridor, the current strike is a reaction to terrorist attacks. kiev on civilians in the belgorod and kursk regions. the kiev neo-nazi
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regime is planning to carry out a number of criminal, demonstrative armed actions. this is, first of all, striking civilian settlements on russian territory. these enemy attacks do not and will not remain unpunished. in ukraine , the large-scale arrival of russian missiles has already been called the night of daggers. not one of them shoot down hypersonic missiles, as well as... the top from checking air defense systems in kiev. friday's attack on the ukrainian facility was combined.
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first, our military used geranium drones, and then there was the release of air- based ground-based missiles, and most of them did not approach targets along straight trajectories, from a direction the ukrainian air defense did not expect. the targets, figuratively speaking, were taken in pincers and the daggers put an end to this blow. their passage could be guessed by the characteristic sound. enemy.
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our attacks on otols in the ukrainian armed forces are no longer only extremely accurate, but systematic and will certainly be continued, this reduces, firstly, the combat potential of your time, secondly, it reduces the ability of the defense-industrial complex to restore destroyed damaged military equipment, two thirds - it deprives the enemy of opportunities, reduces the enemy’s ability to produce unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft, which means it reduces the enemy’s capabilities and the number of unmanned aerial vehicles capable of striking our territory. and for similar measures
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the sobering of the kiev authorities, our army has enough combat arsenal, alexey. ivanov, irina bliznyuk, alexander gusev, channel one. russia will fight harshly not only with the terrorists of the zelensky regime, but with those who went over to the side of the enemy and punish without statute of limitations. vladimir putin demanded this when holding a meeting of the fsb on tuesday. and even earlier, on the night from sunday to monday, when the first preliminary election results appeared, we’ll return to them, the president, talking to journalists, drew a historical parallel. even during the...
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i do not exclude that, bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we will be forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in today's territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means creating a security zone to overcome , which will be quite difficult. using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreign-made, what depth such a zone could have is a separate question. news about the progress of the special operation: after clearing the village of krasnoe, the western trap of artyomovsko, our troops continue to advance towards the yar clock and took up
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new positions at this important defense center of the ukrainian formations. the clock is the bright key to liberation. other larger cities of the dpr, kramatorsk and slavyansk. the kiev regime understands this and is pulling more and more reserves there, but they are not unlimited. in the avdeevsky direction, our troops hit four enemy strongholds in the area of ​​berdachi and semyonovka with flamethrower systems. up to 350 militants were killed there alone. and those who liberate village after village. report by gusein guseinov from the front line. alner, i'm barnau. “go to the athlete to the athlete, tell him, guests are coming to him, as i understand, let him meet, there is no time to meet guests at observation posts, and the situation does not allow, but for the sake of the press they make an exception, we go to the positions of the shooters of the first battalion of the 200th brigade, the car dropped us off a few kilometers from here, we are walking through an open
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field, into the identification number. the drones began to chirp, let's go across an open field, but there is simply no other road, the drone detector did not stop all the way, sending signals that there was a drone in the air, whether it was ours or the enemy’s and you couldn’t tell, the military said, because the enemy was not that far away, however, in this case, the guys have an electronic warfare device, you visually observe the bird, point it at it, it loses control with the remote control, and thus you can... plant it, you can act, for example, in an evacuation group, for example, carry out the wounded, put it on it and cover, 200th brigade the northern fleet is fighting in the artyomovsk direction in... having pushed out the ukrainian armed forces to the west of the city , they continue the offensive, liberating village after village. this is one of the positions of the first battalion, here is a firing point,
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then there is an open field and literally less than a kilometer away is a settlement, which is still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy does not dare to take active offensive actions, but still makes forays in small groups. saw a red lantern, possible enemy, but nothing yet. position 505 - to the right 200 to 507 target long fire, this is harassing fire on the enemy, well, of course, we use it, we don’t let the enemy sit too long to get bored, the commander of the first company, major pavel semenko, shows us the positions of his fighters, his name is call sign... barnaul the country recognized in december 2022, when the president awarded him the star of the hero of russia, remaining in battle with the enemy, the only one
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of the officers and being a platoon commander, took control of an entire company, forced the enemy to retreat with heavy losses, and gained a foothold in populated area, the wounded personnel did not leave their position personally, then continued to command the company until... he received a second wound, and only then did he go for evacuation. this is just one of the heroic episodes of service in barnaul, for which he was awarded a high rank. he was recently transferred to another position, higher, but he does not leave his company. one of the functions, properties of observation is constant, not once every 5 minutes, not every 3 minutes, damn it, you stand in one position, damn it, you bring the device to your eyes and you observe. glorious past and the same present, only during the time spent in the first brigade, the same one where barnaul serves, five heroes of russia, one of them mikhail popov.
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i didn’t know about this at first, i found out when you took us out, we went out, at night we went out to regroup, my wife wrote me a text message, so i asked how things were, i said, everything is fine, everything is fine, that ’s all , i say, i don’t know, that’s all, that is, as if no one told me anything about it... as befits a real officer, he doesn’t think that he did anything heroic, he was just doing his job military duty. for several days, an officer with two dozen soldiers held back the enemy's onslaught. 300 ukrainian armed forces militants, including fighters from the nationalist krakin battalion, with the support of tanks and artillery, tried to occupy a strategically important point and dislodge popov’s unit from there. they took me several times and it turns out that i was surrounded.
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front section on the northern outskirts of artyomovsk. severomorets also exert fire on enemy forces with the help of its artillery. the howitzer d-30 battery is located in close proximity to the line of fire. the artillery of the 200th brigade of the northern fleet is working on planned targets. this is the enemy's hidden infantry. we have now fired the first shot and will wait for adjustments. the fighters say they are ready to work around the clock, as long as they have goals. in one.
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fab-3000 aerial bombs are now mass-produced, which means they have specific tasks. in support of the kiev regime, the west is eyeing the boys who are not yet subject
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to capture. according to the law, they themselves do not want to die for donbass. ivan kanavalov took a broader look at the situation. strategic operation of the russian army to the liberation of avdeevka ended in victory thanks to many factors, but one of the key ones was the massive use of our fabov aviation, high-explosive bombs, which are now equipped with a universal planning and correction module. retaining enormous destructive power, they become practically high-precision...
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the volume of components for these ammunition has been increased almost 22 times, which means that the tasks that we set have been completed, new workshops have been built, the workshops have started working, they are working at full capacity, therefore more than 75% components are being restored, which allows us to maintain a sufficient level of supplied ammunition to the special military operation zone. the line of high-explosive bombs includes five hundred kilogram fab-500, their production has been increased. multiple one-and-a-half-ton fap 1500, the company already produces twice as many of them, and the most powerful fap-300, weighing 3 tons, their mass production has been launched since february. it is very important to break down defenses with long-range powerful weapons from afar, and we see that glide bombs have become so the key to breaking this defense is that we have launched the production of 3-ton caliber ammunition, that is, this is an aerial bomb, which will be three tons and will be able to crush
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completely different fortifications. at the same time, us secretary of defense lloyd austin, at the last forum of arms suppliers to ukraine in ramstein, sang the usual mantra about support, but gave only
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$300 million in money. our position is clear: the united states will not allow ukraine to lose, the coalition will not allow ukraine to lose, the free world will not allow ukraine to lose. and at the same time he admitted success of the russian offensive. in terms of a potential russian breakthrough, what we see on the battlefield is a series of gradual advances by the russians. the losses in the ssu are colossal, their morale is falling, and they surrender in platoons. here is a platoon commander from the fifty-ninth motorized infantry brigade. lieutenant tkach made a statement about the surrender of his unit near georgievka, and neither he nor his soldiers began to cover their faces. we received orders from our commanders to march to georgievka to reinforce those who stayed there? while we were moving towards the village itself, we were covered by a russian mob, as
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a result of which we... my whole entire platoon, i do not consider myself a traitor to the motherland, however , i am responsible for my unit, for my people, and i don’t want them all to die because of my wrong decision, we made a collective decision so that we would not be included in the lists for exchange, because we can’t expect anything good in ukraine. we
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will either be imprisoned or sent to slaughter again, we have no reason to fight for this power, the kiev nazi authorities have a different opinion, for it, for the collective west. ukrainians must fight en masse, but it is best to die en masse. the famous russophist, american senator lynch graham, who came to kiev, was outraged that the mobilization price in ukraine was so high: 27 years. all young people must be brought to the front. his words are quoted by the washington post. i hope that those who are eligible to serve in the ukrainian army will join. i can't believe this at 27 years old. you are fighting for your life, so you should serve, not at 25 or 27 years old. we need more people at the front. quirky senator graham for the war to the last ukrainian, but not to the last us dollar. he, together with trump, proposes to lend money to kiev. we are not asking for a refund with interest, we are simply trying to protect the interests of the american people. they
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sit in the richest deposits of mineral resources, and if they get back on their feet, let them pay us back. that is, ukrainian soldiers must also work out their inevitable death. new law of ukraine on mobilization before still not accepted. it sets the draft age at 25 years old, but according to the innovations, if a man between 18 and 24 years old has completed basic military training, he automatically becomes liable for military service and can be mobilized. and now ukrainian telegram channels report that the odessa trade center, that is, the military registration and enlistment office, is already obliging young men born in 2007 to register for military service. save! call the police, police, call the police, call the police, people, the activities of the ukrainian military commissars to catch fresh cannon fodder are turning into police
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operations with mauling, twisting those caught, rowing everyone, the washington post newspaper published a report from the village of makov, khmelnitsky region, where, due to mobilization, there were almost no men left. those who remained in the village are afraid that they will be drafted into the army at any moment, their neighbors are hundreds of kilometers to the east, in the trenches on the front line, some were killed and wounded, some went missing, some from this village terrain. a couple of tens of kilometers from the border of romania and moldova, they fled abroad or found another way to avoid mobilization. residents of makov say that military commissars are seizing everyone they can. against the backdrop of dwindling human resources of the armed forces of ukraine, nato once again started talking about
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sending western troops to ukraine. french president macron took the initiative, and ukrainian nazis from the azov regiment have already released a video calling on the french to fight in ukraine. the russian foreign intelligence service has released data on the initial strength of the french contingent. according to data received by the russian foreign intelligence service , a contingent is already being prepared to be sent to ukraine. at the initial stage he will be about 2.0 people. the french military fears that such a significant military unit will not be able to be transferred and stationed in ukraine unnoticed. thus, it... will become a priority legitimate target for attacks by the russian armed forces, which means that it will suffer the fate of all the french who have ever come to the territory of the russian world with a sword. according to the svr, only as a result of the destruction by our army of a temporary deployment point for foreigners in january near
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kharkov, dozens of french citizens died. in currently, on the territory of ukraine and even more precisely on the territory of russia, which was captured by the ukrainian armed forces, it is in the kherson, zaporozhye regions in donetsk that the so-called... and the thirteenth corps of parachute dragoons is working - this is the elite force of special operations of france, the same with ours vimpil with our alpha, approximately 870 people, their location is constantly based in, this is a department in the pereneev area, french pereneev, people are hyper-trained, saboteurs, terrorists, there is a lot of evidence of their work right in form, with a weapon in his hands on the territory near kharkov, hungarian prime minister viktor orban.
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that germany will provide ukraine with missiles that can reach moscow or deep into russia, so what now looks absurd and impossible may become a reality in 2-3 months. what orbán said. obviously in the minds of many europeans, a direct clash with a nuclear power, a suicidal prospect, a leak from the bundeswehr when the german military discussed the possibility of attacking with taurus missiles across the crimean bridge, apparently frightened the bundestag. deputies did not approve the supply of taurus in ukraine. the german defense minister has to put on a cheerful face. can ukraine count on taurus cruise missiles? for what? to taurus? no, no news on this matter. and now he’s bloodthirsty.
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will not dare to attack the country of the alliance. now
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we hear the completely opposite: we cannot allow kiev to lose, because russia will not stop in ukraine and will attack nato countries. where is there any consistency in your statements? do you realize that with your irresponsible rhetoric, you are raising the stakes and risk moving the conflict into a new, acute and unpredictable phase. to other topics. in the main election campaign of recent years. a point has been made. the central election commission this week approved the results of the presidential elections. vladimir putin received record support - 87.28% with a historic maximum voter turnout. as the head of state stated in his address to citizens, such a result will require even greater dedication. in general, the company was held at a high level ensured complete reliability of the vote count. results were not overturned at any of the more than 94,000 sites.
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mobile phone; for this, before voting, it was enough to submit an application
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through the state services website. during the entire election campaign , more than 12 million cyberattacks were carried out on the resources of the central election commission. the protection system against them worked perfectly. remote electronic voting will be used on a single voting day, scheduled for september 8. heads of 19 subjects will be elected federation. based on the experience of voting with paper ballots at polling stations, the central election commission will take action. regarding the additional protection of ballot boxes, during the last elections the election commissions faced a new type of provocation, in general, so that no one would see the results, but this action was unsuccessful, a failure. either pour green paint or set it on fire, that is , such an action to disavow the will of the citizens who came, voted, spoiled the ballots, they planned to do this on a very large scale, that is, on a large scale, militants and extremists who share
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the ideology of the ukrainian maidan came up with the idea of ​​using green paint for purposes other than its intended purpose. 10 years ago , in exactly this way, attacking and throwing green paint, they bullied politicians they didn’t like and... even here they missed, even here they didn’t succeed, nothing happened for those who intended to disrupt the elections by intimidating
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voters and members election committees in new russian regions, we went and voted, naturally, we had only one choice, for putin, we are for russia, yes. intimidate people wanted, people waited, people waited for elections. in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, where voting was early for security reasons, members of election commissions regularly received threats from telephone terrorists. the same thing happened in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. on the night after the final voting day, vladimir putin commented on the high turnout in the new regions. this means that we are doing everything right. people are grateful to us for the decisions we have made. to protect them, and this is the main motivating motive of all our actions. in the kursk and belgorod regions bordering ukraine, all 3 days of voting did not stop, shelling did not intimidate, words of gratitude for the courage and unity of the residents of our border regions from
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vladimir putin. this required a special character, courage, well, i was not afraid of this word of personal heroism. big. thank you for your work, first of all, i want to express my gratitude and admiration for the residents of the belgorod region and other border regions, i want to say, i want to express my gratitude for your courage, and of course we we will do everything to support people, no one will intimidate the russian people, the russians are the most powerful people, there is no need to scare them. the flood of phone calls about false bombing of polling stations across the country could also intimidate. the central election commission made preparations and organized 62,000 reserve polling stations in case the evacuation of the commission and voters was required. in the end, there was no need to resort to this. international observers observed the intense, often unsafe work of members of election commissions.
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a total of 1,115 observers from 129 countries were recruited. many of them came to russia, despite a direct ban and even threats from their governments. showing courage and integrity. they testified that the elections were legitimate with a record turnout, and this despite all the provocations, threats and attacks. western countries were determined not to recognize the election results, but in the end this did not happen. there were other black swans, that is, misfortunes that, in principle, could change the course, but almost all of these misfortunes, on the contrary, consolidated russian civil society has turned from a disadvantage into an advantage. immediately after the vote. putin met with volunteers who shared all the risks and difficulties of their work with election commission employees. he called them comrades. companion. who is a warrior? in ancient russia, this is a warrior, and not just a warrior, but a militia. these are people who
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stood up to defend their fatherland. people who thought about their homeland today. calculated, the country’s large-scale development program, designed until 2030, involves the coordinated work of all parliamentary parties, he said on
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monday at a meeting with other election participants, you met with a lot of people, heard people, they told you what they expect from the government, and it doesn’t matter now what level this government is, no matter what party, what ideas he promotes, it is important that we achieve the goals that we have for ourselves...
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very sincerely, the current level of trust of the president is associated with one simple thing, well, with many things, but one thing that no one
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seemed to want to name before, now they all say we live in another country, we have highways, we have new airports, new train stations, absolutely everything seems to be updated, so let them look at what we are doing, translate our magazine, like in soviet times, the courage of the people who voted for strikes by the armed forces of ukraine are highly valued by our military, many of whom have military awards. for courage, trust in the president, trust in the supreme commander-in-chief, that’s why the numbers are so large, that not only is there trust in the army, trust, unity in society, but trusted persons who have traveled a lot around the country, describe the mood of the russians , residents of the front-line areas can be called heroic people, because despite the threats of the west, their attempts to disrupt the elections, carry out sabotage, we know that the adjacent territories were repeatedly shelled, people are everything.
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of course, after such a result, which testifies to the great confidence of the country’s citizens in what we are doing, and most importantly , in what we are talking about as our plans, this requires, of course, imposes, firstly, a really great responsibility, you even know, somehow there’s a little feeling, well, not anxiety, but a sense of responsibility, of course, it’s multifold... responsibility involves responding to people’s requests, solving their problems of the most varied scale, this is
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feedback from people, this is very important the process of creative work, because only by having a sensitive sense of what is happening in society, you can make timely necessary adjustments to the large-scale plans that were set out in the message, only in this way can you achieve the final result, i very much... hope that together with you we will follow this path of creation and construction of the new russia, in all its components, in the economy, in defense capabilities, in art, in internal politics in the construction of our state and its state institutions, well, in general, in all directions, so that to make our country, our homeland, russia even stronger, even more attractive and more effective. all this together, i'm sure. and is the goal of our entire life. during the 3 months of the election campaign, vladimir putin received more than 80 thousand requests from
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voters. the popular front will now take care of them. once again, i thank everyone who took part in the vote, regardless of who you gave your vote to, the main thing is that you proved that you respect your civic duty, value freedom of choice and your voice,
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each of your votes, i repeat, had a huge impact meaning. dear friends, i thank you all for your trust, i will do everything that depends on me to justify it, the elections showed that russia today is one big, friendly family, we are walking together along the historical path we have chosen paths, confident in themselves, in their abilities and their future. the all-russian center for the study of public opinion conducted a survey regarding the past elections. 83% of survey participants consider the voting results to correspond to the will of voters. 65 of them are complete, another 18 with minor reservations. usually, the more votes the winner has, the more there are those who doubt the reliability of the results, but this is not the case now. yuri lepatov, anton vernitsky, natalya litovka, arseny baibulov, channel one. and the choice of crimea. on monday
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it's been 10 years since the historic referendum. in which the inhabitants of the peninsula voted for reunification with russia. since then , hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and a lot of new housing along the tavrida highway have been built in crimea and sevastopol. the peninsula is fully supplied with electricity and pressed water; crimea is connected with the rest of russia by the crimean bridge and a land transport corridor through our new liberated territories. the railway from rostov to donetsk, mariupol and berdyansk has already been restored, and soon trains will go straight to sevastopol. that's all this was the result. the choice that crimeans made 10 years ago. exactly 10 years ago, on red square here, moving to this same stage, i remembered that crimea is often called an unsinkable aircraft carrier. this is what prompted the idea to say that crimea has returned to its native harbor. but crimea is
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not only a strategically important territory, it is not only ours. four terrorists detained in the bryansk region are now awaiting the election of preventive measures in the basmanny court of moscow. the investigative committee insists on arrest, two have already been charged presented. terrorist attack by a group of persons, article 205, part 3, paragraph b of the criminal code of russia, up to life imprisonment. in the evening, data on the wounded was updated - 182 people. the first compensations were paid in
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the capital and moscow region. coordinators for these issues work in hospitals. there are a total of 101 people, thousands responded to the call to donate blood for the victims, people stood in hours-long queues all weekend, doctors say that there is now enough donor blood, and that everything needed is available in clinics for those being treated outpatient, the situation is being monitored by the deputy prime minister and the minister of health, there was an explosion in the hall, there didn’t seem to be an explosion, there was only a fire, something was spilled, it just caught fire. fires, yes, and when i opened my eyes, i saw that my clothes were on fire, i began to throw myself off, the house fell, this woman had to pretend to be dead in order to survive, a resident of odintsovo tells how everything is now before her eyes, but they saw us, one of them ran back and started shooting at people, i fell completely and did all that
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does, and the girl probably then the flame flared up, i ran from the door, breathing air, because it was there, after some time the exit crawled. during the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, she received severe burns. the minister of health said that she would be transferred from the khimki hospital to the vishnevsky hospital. a total of 110 people remain in hospitals in moscow and the region. right now , doctors and nurses in moscow and the moscow region are fighting for the lives of people who are in serious and extremely critical condition, there are 45 of them . this is complete stabilization. first operations they began to do it to the victims. even when the evacuation from the concert hall continued, patients were transported to hospitals not only by ambulances, but also by helicopters. we want to thank the doctors for their speed, for the speed
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of decision-making for the provision of medical care, a total of 19 medical organizations were involved, all ambulance teams worked, the professional work allowed us to actually provide. patients in extremely serious condition, delivery to medical organizations and timely initiation of resuscitation and surgical measures, the situation of many is improving, doctors are fighting for every person. the krasnogorsk hospital began to admit one of the first victims; seven operating rooms were deployed there, and all teams of doctors were working. most of the victims came to us with gunshot wounds of the upper and lower extremities, chest, as well as thermocontact injuries. 32 victims of the terrorist attack are today in sklif, 11 of them are in intensive care, one patient cannot breathe on her own, she needs artificial ventilation of the lungs, but there is an improvement, they say here,
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psychologists are working with all the victims without exception around the clock, people continue to arrive in severe shock. yesterday patients arrived, came on their own, or were brought by ambulance, which, naturally, at the time of everything that was happening. in a state of shock, then at home they felt some difficulty breathing, there was a patient who also discovered at home that she had a gunshot wound, so she came to us, we performed surgical treatment, thank god, this is not a penetrating wound, everything is fine, and the patient feels stable and good, here is the botkin hospital, this woman has a gunshot wound, with the leg where the bullet hit, the doctors say, everything should be fine. the patient was operated on, her condition is stable, the day before she, like other victims, was visited by the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin. now the condition is normal, have you moved away?
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no, of course, i think everything will be fine. the best moscow doctors are fighting for their lives and health, i wanted to express my gratitude to them gratitude, the terrorists tried to intimidate. fear, in fact, in such situations we become even more courageous and united. today , a help center has opened in krasnogorsk for the relatives of victims of the terrorist attack; representatives of the governments of moscow and the region work there. we have posted information on the website of the ministry of health of the moscow region in order to make it clear who is where, in which medical institution in moscow or the moscow region, and accordingly we have a direct line. 122:00 all necessary comments, explanations, and we will continue to give around the clock, and accordingly, today doctors are fighting for the lives of patients, and in many cities
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of the country there are huge queues at donor centers for 2 days in a row, for me this is a pain in the heart, it’s hard to sit at home when you understand that you could do something, help somehow, unfortunately, there were still children there, and since i am a kindergarten teacher, i could not stay away. just yesterday , in moscow and the moscow region alone , 5,000 people came to donate blood for the victims of crocus. this is not even the end of the line, but all the way to the center. we are now in tsaritsina, at the gavrilov blood center, moscow department of health. so, to the very center where you can donate blood, it’s probably still about 100 meters away. in general, the center was going to open at 8 in the morning, but people started coming already at 7:20, already at 7:20 you could draw blood here. there are a huge number of people here because each of them believes that it is.
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yes, he was on the balcony and was evacuating, this blood center was open until midnight yesterday, today there are queues here again from the very morning after all, this is despite the fact that the ministry of health immediately told everyone...
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and i think it’s our duty to help, we don’t know these people, we can’t go directly and offer help, but at least this way. yesterday , players and members of the coaching staff of the russian national football team also donated blood to the federal medical and biological agency. now the donor is taking blood and working with his fist. the other day our guys beat the serbian team, and tomorrow a friendly match with paraguay was also supposed to take place in moscow, but due to the terrorist attack it was decided to cancel the meeting. at all. there were so many people who wanted to donate blood at the fmba that an additional mobile point was deployed there. everyone is in unison, and we see that the flow of people wanting to donate blood and plasma continues. of course, this is a reflection of the unanimity and unanimous support of our people, the desire, well, to convey some piece of ourselves, our support in this terrible tragic situation. we simply see that...
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the whole society stood up to do everything possible, sometimes we had to stand in line for 3-4 hours, and this was in the rain in the cold, it feels like this happened with your closest people, my mother and i have a brother in belgorod, and for me this is very acute now. many centers had a field kitchen set up, people were given sweet hot tea, i just got up, saw the message and immediately went here, so we are trying to somehow help the people who are waiting for cookies. ordinary passers-by sometimes helped keep us warm in the queues. there are guys here who are not indifferent, they buy buns, hand out water, pour tea, salespeople in stores also participate in all this, that is, every person, as best he can, is now goes to help others. but many donor centers have also decided today that they will work until the last person who wants to donate blood. the support is colossal, standing here, you understand.
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an anti-russian plan is being carried out, like our activists tried to put their paw on our elections, ivan blagoy about what didn’t work out, let’s visit yulia, here she is, where she works, they wrote the most terrible things, well, there about the family, about her son, yulia faced real persecution , all because before going to the polling station at the russian embassy in london, a girl living in the british capital shared her thoughts on social networks, when western media thinks that we are citizens of russia, we don’t vote for putin, we actually vote, well, then the nightmare began, threats from some ukrainian activists, not only to her, but and the head of the company with which she collaborated, he was already there too, they wanted to burn down the office, they wrote that we would now come for your family, she got into a situation, the cooperation was terminated by mutual agreement, and then a statement from the company appeared, yulia more not related to our company, we want to make it very clear that as a company we do not approve, support or...
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notably, this weekend, many russians made it clear that they do not agree with this russian president, this is about the action of the russian non-systemic the opposition, with the support of western media and politicians, tried to register as protesters against putin, people who stood in line at the polling station at noon, on
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a day off, that is, when obviously many people go to vote. the west no longer hides that he brazenly and openly interferes in russian domestic politics, does not hide the fact that... how did putin do it in the past? i don't remember that we've added any designation recently. judging by an article in the italian newspaper republica, a text condemning the russian elections was already prepared and even sent out to the office of the heads of state, the so
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-called g7. where did the italian newspapermen get this information? now italy presides over the seven; at the last moment, the exploding allies were abruptly pulled out of washington. official statement groups only the consent of the united states is possible. this is nothing new. this time america has chosen the path of realpolitik. the reality is that president putin is the president of russia and we have to deal with this reality. according to the publication's sources, the white house fears russian interference in the american elections. of course, a very convenient explanation. the risks of escalation are greatest given that the kiev regime is apparently close to complete military defeat. the biden administration wants to maintain an emergency channel with russia, in including the diplomatic channel. the election results were hardly a surprise in the west. sociology is known. putin enjoys the support of the overwhelming majority of the population of our country. a week before the vote, we
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published our forecast. how does it compare to the results? well, almost everything was predicted with one, but significant exception. me: it turned out to be 5% higher; in berlin, in order to vote, you had to stand in a giant line for several hours, and this is a bonus. a journalist from the vdr television company was so surprised by the conversation with people that who came to the polling station, that she posted one of the interviews on the internet, providing the text in the frame with a lady who came to germany as a child. i love him, putin is the best, he is the best president, we would like someone like him in germany, why do you love him? because he is the best, he does everything for his people, not like now in germany. how do you know what he does for his people? i have family in russia, acquaintances, friends, he does everything for his people, scholz does nothing for us, it’s only getting worse, and it shows. that’s why i’m here, i cast my vote for putin, and i’m proud of it, and this is milan, italy , kokoshniks, masha and the bear, the queue at
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the polling station. later, the same publication published an article with a question in the title: should those who voted for putin in estonia be punished? i voted for putin, for putin? yes.
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tried to play the same card. is there any danger in a person being in power for so long? i’ll give my group as an example: i’ve been the leader of the group for 25 years, so what? do we need to change the leader? the group is very successfully. cyriil gaucher, an observer of the presidential elections from france, talks about his impressions of visiting polling stations, including those chosen at random. we saw the same relaxed people who voted absolutely calmly and did not feel any pressure.
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i didn’t even vote, but everything changed, but here i just wanted to be honest, after the start of the military operation, here such spread of rot began, against the russians.
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no, but in general, it’s none of your business, it’s really difficult to add anything to this. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, pavel krasnov, yulia zagranichny, yulia razendorn, anastasia berestenko, channel one. in 2013, when yanukovych was still sitting in kiev, there was a plan to associate with the european union, a book was published in russia in translation: america’s deadly export, democracy, wrote former state department employee william bloom, with mocking sarcasm. what's the salt? american-style democracy, promoted throughout the world, becomes washington's power over the people
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of this country. 25 years ago, on this day, nato bombers took a deadly democratic course towards what was then yugoslavia. pavel krasnov went there now. welcome, this is a small museum, the museum is really small in area, but the event to which it is dedicated has gone down in history. the last war of the 20th century for europe, this f-117, this is titanium, this is all titanium. a burnt piece of skin from a downed nato plane. 25 years ago, colonel zolton dani commanded the very air defense battery that protected the skies over belgrade. it was his crew that was able to destroy the american stelt bomber, which was considered invulnerable, by a soviet anti-aircraft missile, he was on our screens radar 17, as...
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the community made every effort to achieve a negotiated settlement in kosovo, but this turned out to be impossible,
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now the time has come to act, the aggression against belgrade in nato was explained by the protection of kosovo. for the sake of attacks on yugoslavia, washington assembled a coalition of nineteen countries of the north atlantic bloc. for 11 weeks, more than a thousand aircraft bombed the country, raining down on it more than a thousand cruise missiles and tens of thousands of air bombs, including ammunition with combined uranium. there are 15 houses on this street
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completely destroyed. there are 14 houses on the next street. these buildings you see were built after the war. on april 5, nato planes dropped cluster bombs on it; the names of people who became the first civilian victims in this war , but far from the last, are carved on the monument. on april 12 , a passenger train was destroyed by a missile, 2 days later.
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we are victims, but there are also those who die from the consequences of radioactive strikes. every year, according to the serbian ministry of health, up to 30 people get cancer and die on average half, a crime for which to this day no one has been punished. beyond these hills already lies the breakaway serbia and kosovo. the cause and effect of nato bombings, but this is only at first glance. for the west, the kosovo issue was
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only an excuse to demonstrate power. the war against yugoslavia finally revealed to the world what seemed omnipotent at the time. hegemon, but she also became the beginning of his end. the west will repeatedly trample on international law by invading iraq, libya, syria, but it was then that the unipolar world first began to crack, and the famous turn over the atlantic became a symbol of the coming changes. by the way, the americans then specifically announced the start of the operation when the plane of russian prime minister yevgeny primakov was already in the air. they hoped that he would arrive and thereby legitimize them. actions of the united states and the north atlantic alliance, but that was not the case, that was not the case, and of course, that reversal in the summer of march 1999, it preceded many events that, in essence, in symbols, changed the foreign policy of our country. in fires caused by raids
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military aviation burned down the west's dream of eternal dominance under the roar of the bomb.
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to work together in the very near future, throughout this year, and in the longer term, almost 6 years. in the presidential elections, people voted, including for the changes that are taking place in the country, mikhail mishustin announced this last monday at a meeting with his deputies. new roads, schools, hospitals, the opportunity for self-realization and quality education, everything that concerns everyone and which is united by the concept of quality of life. the results are obvious, but there is no reason to slow down, the head of government noted, there is no less work. people trust our president, because he does everything to
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improve the lives of citizens and to develop our country. this voting result is a logical, obvious result of systematic work in which the government took an active part, as the president’s team, giving priority to the initiatives that the president voiced in his address to the federal assembly. this is a national family project, preparation for the launch of national projects youth of russia, personnel, data economics, the creation and development of a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, solutions that will help strengthen technological sovereignty. and again about the main thing today: there is mourning in russia. 134 adults three children. the list of those killed in the terrible terrorist attack in crocus cityhole is as follows. the rescuers have not yet gone through all the rubble and no one knows what news will come from there tomorrow. a minute of silence and cranes on the wall of the dilapidated concert hall this
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evening. over 10 thousand people came to people's memorial. the whole country shares the grief and pain for the innocent people killed. but this grief was still paid for, and this is precisely what the composition requiem, which was recorded by the singer shaman, is about. i don’t believe that this can happen, just take and brutally kill, someone’s life is like extinguishing a candle, i don’t believe, this pain in my soul cannot be relieved, but i know that we cannot be broken, we can no longer retreat, from now on , forever in every heart of russia. 22 03 24 god, help
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us sinners, we can’t do it without you, our faith and prayer will help us, we will never forget, in our heart forever. yes, we will remember this day to the end, i don’t know who you have to become to shoot at point-blank range, to take the lives of innocents, i don’t know, this painful soul cannot be appeased, but i know that we cannot be broken and.. we can no longer retreat, from now on, forever in every heart of russia, 22, 03, 24, god,
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help us, if we can’t do it without you, our faith and prayer will help us. we will never forget, in our hearts forever, we will remember this day to the end, i don’t believe that this can happen, just take it and brutally kill, someone's life is like putting out a candle. i don’t believe, forever in every heart of russia, 22, 03:24.
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hello, dear tv viewers, this morning you are celebrating together with timur solovyov, yulia zemina, today is march 25, monday. we were all shocked by the tragedy that happened in krasnogorsk near moscow, the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. we express our deep condolences to all the relatives of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to everyone who suffered in this terrorist attack. of course, this event shook us all up; for many it added anxiety for ourselves for our loved ones, this is understandable, but sometimes these anxieties, they are too big, they begin to interfere with our lives, we can and should fight with anxieties, breathing fails under severe stress, to stabilize, you can blow out candles, real or imaginary, gradually increasing the distance to the flame, you need to take
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an ordinary straw that we use for cocktails and try to blow through it, this is very, very helpful, you can have it on your desktop, there is also a familiar and many may be familiar pattern when we breathe square: inhale, hold your breath, exhale, hold your breath. at times of stress , it is important to switch attention to your own body when cortisol and adrenaline rise in it. tapping reactions: very good for relieving anxiety, right from the whole, uh, stomach. we tap our legs, head, face , because you know, how to shake off those excessive reactions, some emotions that we are not ready to control now, and if we need to concentrate, we draw figure eights, horizontal with one hand, vertical with the other , then we change hands, by the way, that’s it you can do the same with your fingers on your knees, you can sit in a chair - press down on the chair with your whole body, as if pressing it to the floor, and
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with your hands... try to lift yourself, and this is also very effective, so you simultaneously press down with your body and with your hands you lift yourself up, this can be done anywhere, in the workplace, and you won’t attract anyone’s attention; meetings or at least calls to loved ones for the purpose of support, and not discussion of news , will raise the level of happiness hormones when you write down in a loving, supportive voice messages even at this moment, because your loved ones, they know your smell, they know the sensations of your hands. your voice, like an anchor , will pull up all these components and you will literally create the feeling that you are nearby, and for a person under stress, the most important thing is to know that he is not alone, because then stress is experienced much easier. routine activities and a familiar routine can give a feeling of stability and security; herbal teas and favorite foods are also support. when you brew your usual coffee, drink it from your usual cup, when you clean your table and... cook
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breakfast, then the brain at that moment begins to think, well, when everything was good, we did the same thing, now something has changed, but we continue to do it, which means that everything is probably not so bad, and there is still good, for spring window, walk, exercise in the fresh air, banal, but they help, anna soldierova, ksenia, ionkina, alena, astrakhantseva, alena krylova, channel one. our program continues: my legs hurt, something is wrong with my veins, such complaints can often be heard or read on the internet. if you feel any bad symptoms, you should of course, immediately contact the doctors, and listen to doctor denis lobkov, he knows how to help our legs. when we are waiting for the train, we move more, we can walk or mark time, but i like to rotate
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one or the other in turns. and roll from heel to toe. we're getting the blood flowing now. i also wear compression socks. medical knitwear prevents congestion in the veins and prevents swelling. on the train, like... of course, it’s more pleasant to sit, but we remember that a sedentary lifestyle is just leads to varicose veins, so let's learn to sit correctly, cross-legged is not our option, in this position the vessels of the legs are pinched, it is better to do a simple exercise, raise and lower your heels, as if springing your legs, this accelerates the lymph and prevents blood stagnation, what else needed for prevention.
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liquid at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight, this includes broth and tea, and of course, we often add onions or garlic to the diet, they prevent the formation of blood clots, and beets, dried apricots, cranberries, cabbage, citrus bell peppers will help strengthen blood vessels, take your pick, what you like best or... and alternate these foods in your diet. self-massage will also help improve blood flow; we rub each leg from the ankle to the knee in a circular motion. and, of course, we hang out more in good company. yuki, come to me! on march 25 , the calendar is getting warmer, the ice on
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many bodies of water is still standing, and it even seems to be durable. yes, this is not always the case. spring ice is very treacherous, so dear winter fishing enthusiasts, be extremely careful, and best of all, don’t go out on the ice at all. rock bottom and you're done ice, ivan rvachev remembers, he once came for a fishing trip, visually the ice seemed solid, i walked and walked and realized that the ice was starting to move like waves under my feet, right away, oops, that’s it, i was already down to my chest, fortunately , there were other fishermen nearby, they pulled him out , now ivan doesn’t go fishing alone, only with friends, they take this trough with them, if suddenly someone falls in, they can grab on, however, sometimes it’s useless , we went fishing, we come back. and the ice from our shore had already thawed, we had to undress to the waist and get off the ice in this way, this is why spring ice is dangerous , the sun has warmed it up so it is no longer so dense, in spring the thickness of the ice does not matter , the structure is more important, under the influence of solar
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activity, it becomes needle-like, loose, so you can even fall through under thirty-centimeter ice, this winter 100 people died under the ice, now in the spring it’s even more dangerous on reservoirs, holes are everywhere, so maybe ice fishing should be postponed? until next winter, everyone decides for themselves, but if you are already going to the ice, prepare, they say experienced fishermen, what is needed , the first thing is a stick with a metal tip, dmitry got this from his grandfather, in this way we check if you are going safely, no, that means you are not going back, the second is the correct equipment, vyacheslav puts on a float suit, it contains special layers floating, even if it gets you wet, you will still remain on the surface of the water, on a suit of life preservers, so that... for ice, you can make them yourself, ivan made a life preserver from two nails, and to stay on the water he puts on a backpack with bottles , here are the usual ones one and a half soda bottles, and if there are already a lot of them in a bag, like a vest saved, the third is everything that
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will help save a life, a whistle to attract attention, a self-rescuer rope, a loop can be hooked onto your hand so that it holds on and doesn’t jump off, you’ll be floundering , the second part can be loaded with a load in the form of a carabiner; we won’t fold it with an awkward movement; we throw the rope. because of it, it saves you, a friend is already pulling on the bere, or you will pull someone out, finally, the most important thing is the ability not to panic, in cold water strength quickly disappears, if you fail, act, you need to quickly turn around to where you came from, spread your arms to the sides, lean on the edge of the ice, and so slowly get out, lying down, rolling, until you find yourself at a safe distance. nazir nagumanov, victoria dinova, channel one. i think that we will not be mistaken if we say that most of you meet the morning with a toothbrush in your hands, yes, but we still live in the 21st century, today there is also an alternative to a toothbrush, for example, an irrigator, a good thing,
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to whom this very irrigator is indicated, to whom it is not, but can it replace a toothbrush, anna popova found out, the irrigator is almost a charcot douche for the oral cavity, a stream of water under pressure cleans out leftover food. with all its power , a floss does not replace a brush; it is an additional step in care. most often i prescribe an irrigator first, why? because it loosens plaque, removes large food debris, and the brush cleans it from other surfaces. dental floss, which is the base, cleans the contacts between the teeth. not everyone needs an irrigator, but there are indications. these are implants, these are crowns, these are braces - this is crowding of teeth, when the teeth are not in their proper position, very close to each other. another irrigator is training for the capillary network of the gums; due to hydromassage, the mucous membrane becomes more elastic, so that our periodontium, in which our teeth actually are held, is healthy, especially with age; patients often experience such a thing as poor
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circulation , in case of inflammation, an arrigator cannot be used, and sometimes local cleaning is needed, so it is better for it to be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account several criteria: first - type - stationary or portable, difference in power, portable. this is 100-300 kilopascals, stationary is 300,000 kilopascals, this means that we use the portable one for an average of 1-2 weeks , depending on business trips, being away from home, when we talk about stationary - this means constantly using the irrigator at home , turning it on at full power at once is a bad idea, it’s better to increase it gradually, the volume of the tank is also important, in portable models the average is 250 ml, it may not be enough for one cleaning, you’ll have to update it. v stationary models hold half a liter, when you use a stationary 500 ml, you have part of the volume left, be sure to drain it, periodically rinse the tank itself and refill it. you can use regular water, there are also solutions for irrigators, it’s better not
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to overdo it with antibacterial, use a maximum of 1-2 weeks, otherwise the flora will get used to it , stomatitis, cracks, jams, all sorts of things that bring discomfort and pain will occur. the set, as a rule, contains several attachments for bracket systems, gum pockets, tongue, but most importantly - classic, for the family, so as not to get confused, pencil cases are sold in different colors. anna popova, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, vladimir popov, channel one. from the big city to the village , now, by the way, this trend is gaining momentum, yes, more and more young professionals are choosing the countryside as their place of work, and there are reasons for this, back to school, only now as a teacher, zakhar markov studied at a school in the village the dawn of the kemerovo region, then he left for the city, received a higher education and returned to his native walls. on that at the moment there was no physics, mathematics and computer science teacher at school. and our director invited me to work at this school.
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there was no need to persuade, zakhar initially wanted to return to the village, he sees only advantages in this. firstly, young teachers are supported by the state, benefits when paying for utilities, help in buying housing, and secondly, zakhara’s family, everyone here knows that he is a hereditary teacher. people are already confident that children will be taught, trained, that it is easier to trust a local person, city teachers, children do not always open up as much as in village. thirdly, there is room for the family to grow and develop here. large farm , cows, pigs, rabbits , after work he takes care of them and thinks about a plan for the development of agrotourism, invite people to the village, get acquainted with everyday life, just relax, it’s interesting for the city people, it ’s beneficial for the village, it’s these young specialists who are raising up the village today, andrey tripyatko from the village of tazovsky, naimali dreams of opening her own pharmacy; now she is a pharmacist in a pharmacy at a hospital. i was born in tazovsky, then went to tyumen to study. by this i graduated from the profession last year,
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in twenty-three, i immediately thought that i would go north and work here, i was right, the team is friendly, the salary suits me, and if someone thinks that it’s boring in the village, it’s here it all depends on the person, andrei is sure, he has a busy life, after work there is a gym, english courses, studies and programming, there is no time to be bored, pharmacist andrei and teacher zakhar have not yet acquired their own families, here is sergei and... again just the appearance of his wife and the child was prompted to return to his native village grigorievko near chelyabinsk. it’s calm here, there’s fresh air and there’s work to do. sergey, head of an engineering team at an agricultural enterprise. i’ve been working for a little over a year, working as a doctor, getting a job at an agricultural enterprise, and i got a chance to participate in a state program to improve living conditions. according to the program for the integrated development of rural areas at the enterprise , the family of agronomist olga osintseva has already received a house; they admit that not everything in the village is going smoothly. there are difficulties, we plan to stay in
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the village and continue to work, the only thing is that what’s annoying is the lack of any infrastructure, no roads are constantly being swept away, no gas, no running water, no school, but in the future this is a fixable matter, young specialists believe, the main thing is that there is a determination to bring life in the village to a decent level. elena savina, channel one. on the calendar on march 25, summer residents are already thinking about the future harvest and not only thinking, many are buying seeds with might and main. now we will find out what role packaging plays in purchasing the right seeds, why seeds need to be checked for germination, and what do growth stimulants have to do with it? no marketing ploys, overpay for elegant packaging, slogans, half a kilo of fruits, super-yielding for excellent students is definitely not worth it, economy packages contain the same seeds, but five times cheaper, here is the driver’s information, address and phone number on the package, be sure to look for it, also
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gost and batch number, it’s risky for us to buy seeds, this means the producers are unscrupulous, most likely it will be a different variety, they won’t sprout, we check whether the seeds have been registered with the state registry or not, open the website of the state variety commission, there tab register of selection achievements , in the description the whole plant, we immediately see whether it is suitable for our climate zone, if it is not zoned, then there is a high probability that the harvest will not be... some manufacturers indicate the packaging date, it is convenient, you can evaluate the freshness, here expiration date, most companies often underestimate. if this is the poking family, then the shelf life can be safely increased by two or even three times. another trick of sellers is to indicate the quantity in grams or pieces. for example, cucumbers: seven seeds in one package versus 4 hundredths of a gram in the other, the second is more profitable. there are on average about 40 seeds in one gram, 0.4 g would be approximately 18 seeds. and very. it’s important that f1 on the package is a hybrid, it’s such a supersinet variety.
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a hybrid is the result of crossing several varieties; it contains the best from each and is easier to grow. we know that we will reap a lot of harvest from this plant. the pine will be strong, it will not hurt, that is, these are such disposable seeds, one can say that one year we planted everything with a harvest, the seeds are disposable, unfortunately, that’s all the variety has the characteristics are repeated from generation to generation, so you can collect them in the fall and sow your seeds in the spring, gardener lyudmila kudasova does just that, a neighbor brought me this variety last year, she doesn’t even know the name, but the taste is amazing, i collected the seeds and this year i will sow them, and your purchased ones, especially varietal ones, must be treated before sowing... varieties can very quickly catch some diseases, the easiest option is to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate strong enough so that it is richly pink and leave the seeds for 10 minutes. so that they sprout faster, before sowing we water the ground with hot water, scatter the seeds on the hot soil, hot water gives us
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a quick awakening of the seeds, here are very small ones, strawberries or onions, it is better to sow the snow directly on the ground in a layer of steam... never any results they installed it, we just want our nature to be clean, the forest to be beautiful, no one pays them , they do it just because they can, these guys also often do cleaning for free, they help elderly people in the krasnodar region, they are now tidying up raisa grigorievna’s plot, i want to do it,
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i don’t have the strength, i can’t straighten my back, and there’s a lot of work on the plot, we dug up the garden and trimmed it. or figs, we repair faucets, we poisoned cockroaches here and there, we recently repaired the roof, we are doing various things, how we find those who need help, mostly word of mouth, today they have 103 wards, sometimes someone needs to set up a computer, with someone... then just to talk, egor from nizhny is familiar with such requests, he is also a volunteer, during covid he decided to help people, deliver food and medicine to cars, they began to appear helpers, the need to help people is growing, society understands that without his participation, positive changes are impossible, for this reason they personally participate in helping people. today it is a whole group. automotive volunteers help with arrivals and deliver large loads. now, for example, egor brought food for animals to the shelter, but sometimes in order to help, serious preparation is needed. these volunteers are looking for people. we train all
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search engines how to use this or that equipment, but to be a senior, you need a certain amount. bypass searches constantly practice with you a compass, satellite navigator, radio station, you need to be able to navigate the terrain, know how to provide first aid, how to provide psychological support while you wait for rescuers and doctors, everyone who came here has their own motives, what everyone has in common is absolutely a disinterested and absolutely honest urge - to see as quickly as possible our cherished one is found alive. the search call is not paid in any way, here. everyone simply because it’s the right thing to do, they help each other to be useful, volunteering is not about fashion, it’s about simple and human goodness. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, channel one. the dangerous additive -234 or nisin is added to all
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sweets, condensed milk, sausages, frankfurters, everywhere. what is the problem and why this supplement? we doctors began to take it so seriously about this about many other things in the program to live healthy, today at the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i’m clear, come here, and you ’ll catch , i was in the studio, dozens saw me man, you’re lying all the time, why are you lumping everything into one pile, but let’s get used to it? live separately, we will still separate, well, understand , it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, this is the nichaev spouses known to you, a statement has been received, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i am yuri nikolaevich nichaev, i want to live together in the next world with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva, well, what
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love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving, after all she’s not the first, she’ll cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her. hello, lian, not a serious conversation. are you sure? they themselves, that they truly love each other, that you are ready for anything. life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon, on the first. our program continues right now , we invite everyone to the urals. land of craftsmen, land of scientists, robot welder, unmanned bulldozer, marker for determining the expiration date products. all this was developed by our scientists. who live and work in the urals. imagine, you open the refrigerator, and the packaging communicates with its entire appearance that the product
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is about to spoil, a film marker, developed by scientists from the south ural state university, the longer it sits, the lighter it becomes. the film contains special substances that, under the influence of market biochemical processes, begin to change color. and this is safe for the body. this film is safe, it is made from honeysuckle, and the ural packaging quickly decomposes. the achievements of researchers from the ural federal university cannot be seen just like that. arseny kiryakov and colleagues from several institutes across the country managed to embed an artificial atom into a solid transparent medium. nobody has done this. optical nanoceramics - a revolution in leds. only, for example, as the basis of a pixel for your phone, right now one pixel is three different materials
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that provide us with blue, green and red colors, it turns out that one material will be able to emit all three colors, this will allow reduce the pixel size, improve the quality of the image, to get into the laboratory next door, you need to give a high five to the palm vein scanner, another know-how, they won’t let you through because your image is not listed. fake the shape of a finger , the veins in the palm of each person are located differently, and if you cut yourself, burn yourself, the scanner will select the largest one from the signet, for example, you can’t use silicone to recognize the area with matches anyway, an incredibly snowy winter in chelyabinsk, snowdrifts taller than human height, but ... in winter unmanned vehicles came to the rescue of utility workers. an unmanned bulldozer is a new product from a manufacturing company from chelyabinsk.
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we took an ordinary loader, added brains, cameras, antennas to break into the snowdrifts. well, in fact, you can do this without leaving your apartment. chelyabinsk engineers equipped the robotic arm with technical vision, connected it to a neural network, and now the robot cooks itself and evaluates the seam itself. the idea was in the air, because technical vision systems are already widely used, it’s time to put it into welding, it’s time to do it, and this is only part of the developments, ural scientists never cease to amaze, the supporting region of the country, after all. dmitry kuzmin, nikolay krysanov, ivan smolyanov, first channel ural. the fast payment system, what can i say, is very convenient, we are already accustomed to this system, we often use it to pay for something in the store. but still, some especially meticulous citizens have a question about how safe it is, whether someone can
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intercept this payment, or, for example, payment using a qr code, how to make sure that this qr code correct? now we'll tell you everything. payment via qr code is one of the fastest and most popular ways to pay for a purchase or service. either through your phone's camera or through the sbpay app, there is also the option to... enter the camera, you have the payment automatically made, you just need to confirm it in terms of the amount, but before you point it, you need to make sure that it is valid sbp qr code. you can recognize it by our sbp logo, as well as by the name, pay contactless. fraudsters can re-paste or replace the paper code at the checkout menu or posters, the staff will not know that now the code that the buyer sees leads to a fake resource, and the money goes to the criminals. it is very easy to replace it, you can end up on a completely wrong banking application or on a website that is very similar to the original. all of these are already discussing cases where scammers
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pretend to be managers of online stores and send victims an electronic qr code, supposedly for payment through sbp, but in reality to steal money. attention, in official payment systems you can see where you are transferring money, check. sewn up, store name, amount, everything. from a safety formulation point of view. there is another method of contactless payment, this is an nfc sign. true, your smartphone must support such technology. turn on the nfc module and open the application. sbpay and just hold your phone up to the special sign at the checkout, the payment has gone through, and this, by the way, is one of the safest methods. in order to intercept a signal, say, from a terminal post, you will need a physical the presence of fraudsters, this makes it very difficult for fraudsters to, let's say, introduce this interceptor. the module in the phone and a special tag in the plate exchange information using a radio signal at
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a distance of a maximum of 10 cm, which also complicates hacking the pen. or substitution. payment should be not only convenient, but also safe. to do this , use the official applications of banks or well-known payment systems, and also update them regularly. yuri nesterov, sergei morin, dmitry gordienko, channel one. every day in our program the most various useful tips. today alexey b will tell you how to drill a hole for hooks in the bathroom. not now, okay, let the neighbors sleep. challenge: we need to add extra towel hooks in the bathroom. we choose a place for drilling away from sockets, wires or water pipes may pass there and no closer than 15 mm from the edge of the tile, otherwise cracks may occur. first, we tap the tile, if the sound is booming, it means there is a void inside that is not filled
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with glue, and if the sound is dull, as it is now, we can drill. we apply hooks to the tiles , make markings so that there is no distortion , check them with a square, if necessary , adjust them, as a rule, the walls in the bathroom are lined with porcelain tiles or tiles, porcelain tiles are stronger, so a drill like this with four edges is suitable for it, and for tiles you need a feather drill with two edges, for a hook they usually use a dowel from... so the drill must be of a suitable diameter, we seal the drilling site with masking tape or, if there is none, with a medical plaster, this is in order to the drill did not slip and did not damage the surface of the tile, we place a sheet of paper folded in half like this under the edge, now dust will not fall on the floor, take the drill, place it strictly perpendicular, start
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working at the lowest speed, increase it, from time to time cool the drill to water, we drill until we hit the wall, yes, here it is, then i’ll take a feather drill , insert a pobedit one, attach a dowel to it and use electrical tape to mark the depth of the hole we need, we work. that's all, insert the dowels, now you can attach the plate with hooks and screw in the screws. donor blood. now many people are interested in how you can become a donor, how to donate blood, where to go? now we will tell you everything in detail, we remind you that not only these days, but on any other day, your
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help can save someone’s life. human blood cannot be replaced with medicines, which means donors are always needed, first-come, first-served people are accepted only in emergency situations, because while people are standing on the street, they are cold, nervous, some have high blood pressure, some have a fever, often already in the doctor's office, doctors have to refuse donations, so they recommend making an appointment in advance through government services, choosing a convenient address, a convenient time, taking your passport with you ... there are contraindications , operations undergone during the year, taking medications on an ongoing basis, after an acute respiratory infection or the flu donating blood will also have to be delayed, at least a month. the standard donation volume is 450 ml of blood, which is about 7% of the blood volume of an adult. the body makes up for such a loss in 2 days, and red blood cells are completely restored in 8
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weeks the body reacts best to blood loss in... the morning, if you previously prepared for a transfusion for a week, for example, followed a diet, now it is not recommended to donate blood on an empty stomach, dinner the day before, breakfast on the day of donation without milk, dairy products, or any fatty foods , you should give up bananas at least 24 hours before, the high potassium content in them affects the plasma, a strict ban on alcohol and cigarettes 2 days before donating blood. there are enough blood supplies to help now, but then... reserves need to be replenished, each blood component has its own shelf life, the longest for frozen plasma is up to 3 years; for comparison, platelets are stored for only 5-7 days. let's repeat until
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hello, the news is on air in the studio of sergei tugushev. in the crocus city hall near moscow, which was subject to a terrorist attack on friday , clearing out the rubble continues and heavy equipment is at work. as reported. 68 dead have already been identified; in total, according to the investigative committee, the list of victims currently includes 137 people. victims by information from the moscow region ministry of health 182. people have already begun to receive the first compensation
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payments, the capital’s social protection department said. earlier, in one of the premises adjacent to rock city hall, they began to give out personal items left in the wardrobe on the day of the terrorist attack. cars abandoned in underground parking are also returned to car owners. in the evening, a rally was held near the concert hall in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack. several hundred people gathered near the spontaneous memorial, strewn with flowers and filled with candles. a minute of silence was declared at full height walls, launched a video projection, with an endless wedge of white cranes rushing upward. similar memorial events took place in other russian regions, in particular in the lugansk people's republic, rostov, bryansk, samara regions, dagestan and karelia. four terrorists who shot people at point-blank range in the sitiholi crocus and then started a fire there are now under arrest. on the eve of the evening, the moscow ombasman court determined a preventive measure for them; during the investigation until may 22, the criminals were sent to
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a pre-trial detention center; they face life imprisonment. let me remind you that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack were detained several hours after the attack. belo was intercepted near the border with ukraine in the bryansk region. from the side of the neighboring state , a corridor was being prepared for the murder. our security forces did their best. our snipers inflict significant damage on enemy forces; they usually carry out combat missions in pairs together with spotters, who take into account the direction and strength of the wind, the distance to the target and give the target instructions to the shooters. one of these
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pairs to the north near artyomovsky was disrupted rotation of an entire platoon in the ukrainian armed forces. this is the sixtieth ukrainian brigade that came out to us, they said they would fight with us, in fact they...
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had high hopes, failed, which undermined the faith in the ability to achieve success on the battlefield and, as a result, discouraged ukrainians from joining the army. and here is new evidence of this: video footage made when military registration and enlistment office employees attempted to pick up another resident of ukraine as part of forced mobilization, this time in poltava, is being circulated on the internet. and from the comments it follows that this man stood up for the young man who was about to be given a summons, after which the people in uniform grabbed hold of him. numerous passersby came to his aid, they demanded to let him go, a scuffle ensued, it is not reported how this attempt ended, the video ends when the police intervened in what was happening. the growing
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dissatisfaction of ukrainians is increasingly spilling over into the staff of military registration and enlistment offices, leading to their persecution of direct support for draft dodgers. the commander of the ground forces complained about this. to representatives the recruiting of territorial centers is treated as enemies, they are called ludolov - the military leader complained. about 400 children and their parents came from the belgorod region to the moscow region. they were met at the station by doctors, social service employees, and volunteers. immediate.
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regions, cloudy weather will change to sunny on wednesday it will be up to +14, and already on the weekend in moscow and the region in some places it will be up to 20 ° above zero, as forecasters say, there is a possibility of repeating or exceeding the record warm weather values ​​​​for the end of march, which has been going strong for the last 17 years. channel one will continue to broadcast the program, good morning. thank you, dear friends, for welcoming us this morning in our company. today with you are yulia zemina and timur solovyov. hello everybody. on the calendar. march 25, the morning continues, right now, let me introduce you to people who are doing a very important, bright thing. they are reviving temples that were once destroyed and building new ones; this has become the work of their lives for our heroes. for almost 100 years, since 1931, the temple stood behind an abandoned st. nicholas, in the village of kudley, nizhny novgorod region. two openings, they were almost completely destroyed. tyerey
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alexei vesnin has already restored seven churches , but this one, he says, was the most difficult , the destruction was so great, they raised the walls, strengthened the masonry, installed windows, in the summer , for the holiday of trinity , a cross appeared on the dome in the village of kudley for the first time in a long time, a religious procession was held, everyone had such a spiritual upsurge that the temple, which had been abandoned, which had stood in disrepair for many years , now began to be reborn, the temple attracts... this was an incredible grief for me when my mother became very ill, before the operation my mother had a dream of hope that in her native village of novye kleny in the kaluga region it was necessary to revive a spring in honor of the icon of the vladimir mother of god and erect a cross at the site of the death of soviet soldiers. nadezhda took this as a sign and moved to the village. it was difficult to overcome myself, or, one might
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say, to reconfigure my body to such a wave that i would then never say that why do i need this, they found someone for the task funds, a temple appeared next to the source, it is not yet permanently operating, but people are already drawn here. for alexander ryazanov from chita, the construction of the temple is also connected with family history, six generations of men in his family were priests, he himself... works in the ministry of emergency situations, but always dreamed of building a church. i looked at a lot of places, but here is a special clean, bright, quiet place, not far from the city. alexander collected money for the foundation together with his wife and son, registered the land, and received a blessing. i had to acquire knowledge such as, understand starting with design and estimate documentation. what is it and ending with yes,
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how to make a truss system, at what angles and how it all is so that it can withstand the wind load, he builds one, but there are many who want to help. after raising the dome and installing the bell, the temple in the name of the great martyr and healer pantileimon became visible from the federal highway, and people flocked to it. in the area there are 200-300 people who come here and gather and just relax and just relax. praying and just, you know, resting with your soul. one of the parishioners donated money to iconostasis, for the bright week, the temple will be with icons. sergey fondikov, leonid krokhalev, maryana storonevskaya, channel one. march 25 on the calendar. the sun is getting hotter, the snow is melting, you go home in the evening, it’s there, you got up in the morning, it’s already disappeared, only in a surprising way, sometimes the asphalt also becomes smaller. it probably
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disappears somewhere along with the snow, and by the way, what to do with a hole that has formed on the road and is preventing you from driving, we’ll figure it out, leaving at the end of winter... the snow can really take the asphalt with you, it’s cold at night, and during the day everything melts, there are the slightest cracks where water has entered, the road surface is under threat. at night, negative temperatures set in, the base of the road freezes again, the water freezes, increases in volume and tears the asphalt concrete into blocks and pieces. car owners are closely watching the road workers who have begun to patch up potholes. the whole thing is better, of course, well, i did the whole thing once , everything will be fine. it’s logical, but when completely replacing the sheets, they only lay tons of very hot asphalt, above 100°. a huge amount of asphalt that must be kept outside at positive temperatures without cooling down, that is , it is impossible to carry out such work now, if we are working with a small volume of asphalt, then this is , well, permissible, the mixture that
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is used now was prepared an hour ago for asphalt- concrete plant in a huge mixer. they delivered it promptly and put it in immediately. therefore , work until it gets warm is spot-on, for example, using a cast asphalt concrete mixture. it comes in bags, buckets, enough clean the pothole from water and dirt. pour cold asphalt concrete there and compact it a little, it may be in working condition for several months, but still it is crumbling and it would be correct to do it as it should in good weather, that is, when
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the street is above +5, you need to evenly cut out a place for the patch, clean the hole well, dry the hole if possible, apply bitumen glue if we have any moisture. on the coating, yes, there is dirt, then this does not happen with us, there will be delamination during operation, this defect will then fall out and will break. it is important that the old and new asphalt are of the same class and laid at the same level, otherwise, as here, the edges will collapse. this ledge here can first crumble and then turn into the next hole. what about those pits that have been completely forgotten? there is hope for citizens here, it’s worth writing. to the electronic reception of either the administration or the traffic police, indicate the address, attach a photo and, for credibility, take measurements of the depth and width of the pothole. maxim petrenko, sergey folendysh, yulia kubabina, channel one. hello, dear tv viewers, it’s great that you are celebrating this morning with us, with
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you timur solovyov and yulia zemina, on the calendar march 25, monday. we were all shocked by the tragedy that happened in krasnogorsk near moscow. the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. this tragedy left no one indifferent. a variety of people, of different professions, nationalities, of different ages, rushed to help, and this very clearly shows how many kind people we have. queues throughout the capital, thousands of people at blood donation points, of different professions nationalities. ivan russky, individual entrepreneur, guzel tatarka, massage master. we saw an advertisement in the navigator that we needed to come, donate blood, and help. have you ever donated blood before? he yes, i no, this is my first time. this is the only thing i can do now, have you been to the dacha? yes, i looked it up on the internet at the dacha, everything, okay , excuse me, only in moscow, the moscow region , in 2 days there was more than 2 tons of blood, hundreds of those who help donors, just like human rights activist niman, he is azerbaijani, and nurudiy are handing out umbrellas, where are you from
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, from kyrgyzstan, i work here as a janitor, we help people so that they don’t stand in the rain, yesterday my colleagues and i screamed blood, it started to rain, we realized that it’s very cold, it’s very... difficult to stand behind 4 hours in the rain in line today we decided to bring umbrellas and raincoats so that the guys, well, they would be a little more comfortable. hussein is from iraq, yana is half syrian, both are medical students, and they advise those who come to donate blood. i was looking all day yesterday for where, where to go, where i need help, i arrived right at seven in the morning and i also plan to be here until the end of the evening, first we are a medical profession, but our profession is to help people, that’s why. cookies have arrived, too, for those who passed the business analyst daniil at the distribution of sweets, blood, we are trying to support everyone who came
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to replenish their strength, at the entrance to krasnogorsk there are hour-long traffic jams on training roads, flowers, toys again flowers, the city of nizhnekamsk and could not don’t miss visiting this place, i’m from beslan myself and i, probably like no one else, understand what this is situation, all this pain, and i also want to somehow do something useful, all the psychologists united, created a help group, among the specialists is krasnogorsk resident ilina petukhova, this of course just pulled the rug out from under my feet, as a psychologist, of course, i i can cope with this, but i’m the first one right away... my thought as a professional, as an expert in psychology in general, was that you need to help those who are nearby, your close people, your
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relatives, and of course those who are faced with reactions, well at least stress. a how many of those who helped on the day of the tragedy in a cafe not far from crocus, that evening administrator asif worked, he is from azerbaijan, and cashier zarina from uzbekistan, fed tea to frightened frozen people. when they left, we had all sorts of clothes, a blouse, a blouse, our girls there also gave them theirs, yes. i gave my jacket to the girl, well, from the guys, she was sitting here crying, for the third day in the rain, thousands of people, different professions and different nationalities, were carrying flowers, just to be together. yulia molostova, sergei morin, igor kostyukov and angelina ivanova, channel one. manmencher whiskey is a product of stellar group. сnop gin,
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a product of the stellar group. cognac, monte shococa, product of stellar group. rom castro is a product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. cabbage cutlets. cabbage is a universal product, i even make cutlets from it, fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil, add shredded cabbage, add a little water, salt, pepper, simmer the mixture over medium heat for 10 minutes so that... the cutlets turn out hearty, add three tablespoons dry rolled oatmeal, add water, cook for another 10
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minutes, when the cabbage has cooled, add three tablespoons of semolina, it is needed as a thickener, add chopped herbs, mix thoroughly, the minced meat is ready, make cutlets, place on parchment. i bake for half an hour at 180°. the cabbage cutlets turned out juicy, tender, nutritious and very tasty. bon appetit! where to buy a used car? the most popular answer on the internet, of course, there are many suggestions. yes, very many of them with such beautiful photographs from different angles, but a photo with such a purchase is not the most important thing, it is a must.
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it turns out that this car is pledged and needs to be returned. according to statistics, courts in such cases are not easy to win. from the documents,
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what should we have? so, i need your passport, i need to see if the car is really the owner? sts, ipts. the car's passport contains the vin code, 17 digits, we look for it in the car, in three places, it must match everywhere. if at least one of the digits does not match or part of the digit, then inspector gai. will send the car for examination, then inspect the car, often just visually, but our expert was prepared, took a thickness gauge with him and you can check the thickness of the metal and paintwork . here you have the same meaning, this means the hood has not been repaired, ideally before purchasing, go to a car service center so that there are no surprises later. the chassis, yes, that is, well, for example, let’s note that everything here is already covered in rust, everything is covered with corrosion, in this place you can even see holes, that is, the threshold has rotted, that is, to
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restore this car, but for example, with such problems, it’s half the cost. then the entire cost of this car, what else is checked at the service center, should the engine number also match what is on the title? most of the numbers are eaten up by corrosion, but they need to be restored, if the inspector notices that the engine number is missing or cut off, then it’s already problematic to register it at all, it wouldn’t hurt to ask the seller for diagnostics of the car, it will show where there is a problem in electronics and really. mileage, and a test drive is required, before drawing up a purchase and sale agreement, karina makaryan, channel one, please sign now in order to sign, well, you don’t have to take out a pen, sign and send the paper document somewhere , yes, there is an electronic signature, it’s convenient, but not everyone knows how to use it, what it is like, and how
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you can get it, so we’ll tell you about that now, but you knew technically. the password to the public services portal is an electronic signature, the simplest, or in other words, unqualified for ordinary requests, but serious documents need a more secure autograph, this is a highly qualified, highly unqualified electronic signature, their distinctive feature is that when they are used, a document that is signed with such signatures is protected from making changes to it, let's take it in order and make it easier for selling, buying real estate, cars, ordering specific certificates through the same government services portal.
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business. gleb is a real estate lawyer, switched to electronic document management completely. i, as an individual entrepreneur, firstly, also sign my accounting statements, as well as a contract for the provision of services with a client, i was able to expand my professional geography throughout russia. his signature is on the flash drive; company directors and accountants have the same signature.
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issued in accredited centers, there are 46 of them, tax, for all heads of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. for civil servants, central bank for all supervised credit institutions, the remaining 43 are banks, it companies, electronic document management operators, on flash drives there is no physical signature, a program. when this media is inserted into a connector on your laptop or computer, when signing, special software accesses the private key located on the media, along with this document that you need to sign, an electronic signature is generated. in electronic form, all the data about where, when and by whom the signature was put, whether changes were made to the document, most importantly - not lose a flash drive, they are used by all ips and legal entities, in numbers this is 18 million such signatures. elizaveta nikishova, denis panomariov, lona martynova, channel one. i think we won’t be wrong if we say that most of you greet us in the morning with a toothbrush in your hands.
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yes, but we still live in the 20th century, today there is also an alternative to a toothbrush, for example, who is recommended for this irrigator, who is not, and whether it can replace a toothbrush, anna popova found out. the irrigator is almost a shower-charcot for the oral cavity; a stream of water under pressure cleans out leftover food. with all the thread does not replace the power of a brush, it is an additional step in care. most often i prescribe an irrigator first, why? because it loosens the ice, removes large food debris, and the brush cleans it from other surfaces. dental floss, which... are not in their proper position, very close to each other, also an irrigator - training for the capillary network of the gums, because of the hydromassage , the mucous membrane becomes more elastic, so that we
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have a periodontium, in which our teeth actually hold, it was healthy, especially with age, patients often experience such a thing as poor circulation, in case of inflammation, an arrigator cannot be used, and sometimes local cleaning is needed, so it is better for it to be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account several criteria, the first type. this suggests that we use a portable one for an average of 1-2 weeks , depending on business trips, being away from home, when we talk about a stationary one, this means constant use of the irrigator at home, turn it on at full power at once, it’s a bad idea, it’s better to increase it gradually, the volume of the tank is also important, in portable models average 200... may not be enough for one cleaning, you will have to update, stationary models fit half a liter. when you use a stationary 500 ml , you have part of the volume left, be sure
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to drain it, periodically rinse the tank itself, you can fill it with ordinary water, there are also solutions for irrigators, it is better not to overdo it with antibacterial, use a maximum of 1-2 weeks, otherwise the flora will get used to it, stomatitis, cracks, jams, all sorts of things that cause discomfort, pain in the set, as a rule, there are several attachments for bracket systems, gum pockets, tongue, but the main thing is a classic one for families, so as not to get confused, pencil cases are sold in different colors. anna popova, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, vladimir popov, channel one. today a multi-part detective series starts on channel one. undercover taxi. police lieutenant alexey turbin becomes a participant in a unique police experiment. as an ordinary taxi driver, he patrols the city and is the first to arrive on the spot. don't miss the crime first series already today on channel one. how do you understand anything here? if you love, you understand. you won't envy police lieutenant
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alexei turbin. my wife left, my colleagues turned away. i refuse to wear a turban outfit. ready for a reprimand. comrade major, i won’t go on duty either. before his eyes , his partner committed a malfeasance. alexey refused to cover up for his comrade and during interrogation he revealed the whole truth. nobody wants to work with him. there are no reprimands, there is a reward. an honest, decent policeman's turbine is decided by his superiors put behind the wheel of a taxi. you can work alone without a partner. taxi? an ordinary taxi turns into a police car at the touch of a button. under the guise of a taxi driver, turbin will patrol the city. our experiment is called undercover taxi. but you won’t go far with the new boss, major shabarkin. if it weren't for the order, you would have been here for me. i didn’t resist, so i’m warning you, turbin, one shot and you’ll fly out of here like a champagne cork, with whistles and splashes. the route has been built,
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a difficult path awaits lieutenant turbin, he travels around day and night city, notices important details, talk to people, any information can help in the investigation. i arrived here first, i was literally a kilometer away, excuse me, but who are you? this is a taxi driver, the turbine’s task, without attracting special attention to itself, is to maintain order and prevent. the car is moving along prazhskaya street towards the center, the first episode of the undercover taxi detective is already on the first channel tz,
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sp, i don’t understand anything, are you serious or something, well, let’s go get more, asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, the first channel, we’ll see you you literally. in a few minutes, now let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. to date, 68 people killed in the terrorist attack at crocus city hall have been identified. the list was published by the ministry of emergency situations. in total, according to the latest data from the investigative committee , 137 people are listed as dead. according to information from the moscow health district, there are 182 victims. people have already begun to receive the first compensation
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payments. reported the capital's department of social protection. earlier, in one of the premises adjacent to rocus city hall, they began to give out personal items left in the wardrobes on the day of the terrorist attack. cars abandoned in underground parking are also returned to car owners. debris clearing at the site of the tragedy continues. the night before , a rally in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack was held near the concert hall , several hundred people gathered near a spontaneous memorial strewn with flowers and lined with candles. a minute of silence was announced. to the full height. the walls have launched video projection with an endless wedge of white cranes rushing upward. similar memorial events took place in other russian regions, in particular in the lugansk people's republic, rostov, bryansk, samara regions, dagestan and karelia. the culprits of this terrible tragedy: four terrorists who shot people in the sitikholi crocus are now under arrest. the moscow basma court sent them to the season for 2 months until may 22. these are measures of suppression during the investigation.
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everyone. four face life imprisonment, let me remind you, detain the perpetrators the terrorist attack was successful a few hours after the attack, the white rno was intercepted near the border with ukraine in the bryansk region, and a corridor was being prepared from the neighboring state for the killings. our security forces acted as professionally as possible, there was an order to take the criminals alive, so they fired at the wheels. when the car stopped, two terrorists first managed to escape into the forest, but they were quickly captured. now the latest data on the progress of the special operation, russian marines have captured a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. first by our artillery struck the ukrainian formation, and then the attack aircraft went on the attack. our drones tracked the enemy's movements and their firing points. air assistance was required in close combat. the fpv drone hit a cluster of militants when our attack aircraft were a couple of tens of meters away from them. finding themselves in a hopeless situation and having suffered heavy losses, members of the ukrainian
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armed forces. formation were forced to surrender, they managed to take four prisoners, everything was worked out to the smallest detail, every minute was worked out as planned, everything they did it instantly, they immediately raised their hands there, that’s it, they surrendered, where they have everything , it’s standing, our orta worked, that’s it, just a perfect storm, a powerful blow to the fortifications of the bsu was delivered in the ovdeevsky direction, the crew of the mstaba howitzer worked there effectively, the artillery hit from a distance of more than 10 km, high-explosive fragmentation shells were fired, the enemy suffered heavy losses, and defensive structures were destroyed. and more about the courage and heroism of our soldiers, guard lieutenant alexander moshkin, together with his platoon, mined a number of directions, according to which the enemy was about to attack. during the installation of the barrier, our military encountered enemy saboteurs, but thanks to alexander’s competent command they were able to destroy the enemy. guard sergeant
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aleksandgaev. that assault group was able to quietly get to the militants’ stronghold and attack them. as a result , the defensive line was taken. alexander's subordinates repulsed all enemy attempts to counterattack. the armed forces of ukraine , pretty battered by the russian army , are faced with a shortage of personnel. on this is indicated by the wall street journal. she notes that politics, demography and the growing reluctance of ukrainians to take up arms prevent them from joining the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. because of this, they are writing the publication of the bill.
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it follows that this man stood up for the young man who was about to be served with a summons, after which the people in uniform grabbed hold of him. numerous passersby came to the rescue, they demanded to let him go, and a fight broke out. it is not reported how this attempt ended; the video ends when the police intervened in what was happening. the growing dissatisfaction of ukrainians is increasingly spilling over into the staff of military registration and enlistment offices, reaching the point of persecuting them for direct support of the draft dodger. the ground commander complained about this. among europeans, there are more and more of those who do not support the desire of the collective west to pump ukraine with weapons. so the residents of greece blocked the passage of a train that was transporting american tanks from the port of alexandroupolis to bulgaria. the action was attended mainly by representatives of the local
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communist party. dozens of people with they blocked the roads with flags and banners, demanding that their country stop participating in us and nato military operations. several demonstrators climbed onto platforms with equipment and left it on it. on it there is a message to the senders: murderers, go home, as a result the train was forced to return back to the port. that's all for now, stay with us. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. hello, dear tv viewers, this morning you are meeting with timur solovyov and yulia zemina. today is march 25, monday. shocked us all tragedy that happened in krasnogorskektit near moscow. we express the deep.
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they begin to interfere with our lives; anxiety can and should be fought. breathing fails under extreme stress. to stabilize, you can blow out candles, real or imaginary. gradually increasing the distance to the flame , you need to take an ordinary straw that we use for cocktails and try to blow through it, this is very, very helpful, you can have it on your desktop, there is also a familiar and may be familiar to many pattern when we breathe in a square: inhale, hold breathing, exhalation, holding your breath. at times of stress , it is important to switch attention to your own body when cortisol and adrenaline rise in it.
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push down on a chair, as if pressing it to the floor, and try to lift yourself up with your hands, and this is also very effective, so you simultaneously push down with your body, lift yourself up with your hands, this can be done anywhere, in the workplace, and you are nobody’s will not attract attention, meetings or at least calls to loved ones for the purpose of support, and not discussion of news, will raise the level of happiness hormones, when you write down messages in a loving, supportive voice, even... this moment, because your loved ones, they know your smell, they know the sensations of your hands, your voice, like an anchor, will pull up all these components and you will literally create the feeling that you are nearby, and for a person under stress, the most important thing
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is to know that he is not alone, because then stress is experienced much easier. routine activities, a familiar routine, can give a feeling of stability and security, herbal teas and favorite foods are also support when you are brewing. your usual coffee, you drink it from your usual cups, when you clean your table and prepare breakfast, your brain at that moment begins to think: so, when everything was fine, we did the same thing, now something has changed, but we continue to do it, which means that everything is probably wrong it’s so bad, and there’s still good , it’s spring outside, a walk, exercise in the fresh air, it’s banal, but it helps, march 25 is on the calendar, it’s time to take light things out of the closet and put away winter, heavy ones, yes, well, here, dear tv viewers, life hacks from a space organizer can help many people
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maria belkanova, so that a long coat does not take up much space in the closet and the hem does not wrinkle, i store outerwear folded on a hanger. removing the hanger, i spread the item on the table, fold the sleeves like this, crosswise, fold the edges of the hem to the middle, thread it through the crossbar of the hanger, lift both hangers, look, the coat has become half as long in length, now the item will easily fit in the short section closet or on a low counter, i’ll show you another way to store it, i attach a hanger with clothespins to the hem so as not to spoil it cloth, put soft napkins under the clips, fold the coat in half, hook one hook to the other, hang the coat on the rod.
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another way for compact storage: i fold the sleeves on top of each other, turn the edges from the bottom to the middle, and thread the hem through the second hanger. i turn up the bottom of the coat, attach the hook to the crossbar of another hanger, look, now outerwear takes up very little space, at the bottom there’s even... additional storage space is freed up, you can put a suitcase, boxes of shoes or a drawer here with towels. people who help other people, not for money, but just like that, are volunteers. today, it can be said that being a volunteer is fashionable, and this is the case when one can only rejoice at such a fashion. primroses have begun to emerge in the coniferous forests of yalta, only there is garbage nearby. elvira and her husband have been going to... such cleanup days for many years, they are eco-volunteers, and we probably
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always have been, we have never achieved any results, we just want our nature to be clean, the forest to be beautiful, no one pays them , they do it just like that, because they can, these guys also often do cleaning for free, they help elderly people in the krasnodar region, now they are putting raisa grigorievna’s site in order , i want to do it, i don’t have the strength, i can’t straighten my back, and there is a lot of work on the site, they have dug up. we recently repaired the roof , we are doing different things, how we find those who need help, mostly word of mouth, today they have 103 wards, sometimes someone needs to fix a computer, or just talk to someone. egor from nizhny is familiar with such requests, he is also a volunteer, during covid decided to help people, deliver food and medicine to cars, helpers began to appear, the need to help people grows, society understands that without his participation. no positive changes are possible, for
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this reason they personally participate in helping people. today it is a whole group. automotive volunteers help with relocations and deliver large loads. now, for example, egor brought food for animals to the shelter, but sometimes in order to help, serious preparation is needed, these volunteers are looking for people. we train all search engines how to use this or that equipment, but to be a senior, you need a certain amount.
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human blood cannot be replaced with medicines, which means donors are always needed, first-come, first-served people are accepted only in emergency situations, because while people are standing on the street, freezing, nervous, some have high blood pressure, some have a fever, often doctors have to refuse to donate, so it is recommended to sign up in advance through government services, choose a convenient address, and a convenient time with you. taking
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medications on a regular basis basically, after an illness or flu, donating blood will also have to wait at least a month. the standard donation volume is 450 ml of blood, which is about 7% of the blood volume of an adult. the body makes up for this loss in 2 days, and red blood cells are completely restored in 8 weeks. it is best for blood loss... nezm reacts in the morning hours. if you previously prepared for a transfusion for a week, for example, followed a diet, now it is not recommended to donate blood on an empty stomach. and dinner the day before and breakfast on the day of donation without milk, dairy products, any fatty foods. you should give up bananas at least a day before. their high potassium content affects the plasma. a strict ban on alcohol and cigarettes 2 days before donating blood. there are enough blood supplies to provide assistance. an hour, but then the reserves need to be replenished, each
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blood component has its own shelf life, the longest for frozen plasma is up to 3 years; for comparison, platelets are stored for only 5-7 days. let us repeat, donors are always needed on a regular basis, every week or two. doctors and patients say thank you to everyone, who decided for the first time and especially those who come to the transfusion station again. you can consult on donation issues by calling the hotline. blood services 8 800 333 33 30. our program continues. my legs hurt. something is wrong, such complaints can often be heard or read on the internet, if you feel bad symptoms, you should, of course, immediately contact a doctor, and listen to doctor denis lobkov, he knows how to help our legs. when we are waiting for the train, we move more, we can walk or mark time, but i like
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to alternately rotate one or the other foot and roll from heel to toe. we're getting the blood flowing now. i also wear compression socks. medical knitwear prevents congestion in the veins and prevents swelling. it is, of course, more pleasant to sit on the train. but we remember, a sedentary lifestyle is precisely what leads to. to varicose veins, so let's learn to sit correctly. cross- legged is not our option. in this position i squeeze the legs from the vessel. it’s better to do a simple exercise: raise and lower your heels. as if we spring our legs. this disperses lymph and prevents blood stagnation. what else is needed to
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prevent varicose veins? liquid at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight. this includes broth and tea, and of course, we often add onions or garlic to the diet, they prevent the formation of blood clots, and beets, dried apricots, cranberries, cabbage, citrus fruits and sweet peppers will help strengthen blood vessels, choose what you like best or alternate these products in your diet, self-massage can also improve blood flow, we rub each leg in a circular motion from ankles to knees, and of course, we walk more in good company, yuki, come to me, from the big
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city to the village, now, by the way, this trend is gaining momentum, yes, more and more young professionals choose the countryside as their place of work, and this has its own causes. back to school, only now as a teacher. zakhar markov studied at school in the village of rassvet, kemerovo region, then went to the city, received a higher education and returned to his native walls. at that time, the school did not have a physics, mathematics, or computer science teacher. and ours invited me the director works for this school. there was no need to persuade, zakhar initially wanted to return to the village, he sees only advantages in this. firstly, young teachers are supported by the state. benefits when paying for utilities, help in buying a home, and secondly, everyone here knows zakhara’s family, he is a hereditary teacher. people are already confident that children will be taught, trained, that it is easier for a local person to trust city teachers, children do not always open up as much as in the village. thirdly, there is room for growth and development here. zahara's family has a large farming. cows, pigs, rabbits, after
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work he takes care of them and considers a plan for the development of agritourism. invite people to the village, get acquainted with everyday life, just relax, city interests. i was born in tazovsky, then went to tyumen, i graduated from this profession last year, in twenty-third, i immediately thought that i would go north and work here, it was right, the team is friendly, the salary. and if someone thinks that it’s boring in the village, then everything depends on the person, andrey is sure, his life is busy, after work there is a gym, english courses, studies and programming, there is no time to be bored, pharmacist andrei and teacher zakhar have not yet started their own families, but sergei ivanov was prompted by the appearance of his wife and child to return to
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his native village of grigorievko near chelyabinsk, it is calm here, fresh air and work, sergey, head of an engineering team at an agricultural enterprise. i worked in medicine for a little over a year, got a job at an agricultural enterprise, i got a chance to participate in the state program for improvement housing exemptions. according to the program for the integrated development of rural areas at the enterprise, the family of agronomist olga osintseva has already received a house; they admit that not everything in the village is smooth, there are difficulties. we plan to stay in the village and continue to work. the only thing that bothers me is the lack of any infrastructure; there is no road at all times. it’s sweeping, there’s no gas, no running water, no school, but in the long run this is a fixable matter, young specialists believe, the main thing is that there is a determination to bring life in the village to a decent level. elena savina, first channel. on the calendar on march 25, summer residents
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are already thinking about the future harvest and not only thinking, many are buying seeds with might and main. now we will find out what role packaging plays in purchasing the right seeds, why seeds should be checked for similarity, and what growth stimulants have to do with it. no marketing ploys. overpay for elegant packaging slogans rafts of half a kilo, super-yielding for excellent students. it’s not worth it, the economy packages contain the same seeds, but are five times cheaper, be sure to look for information about the producers, address and phone number on the package, also the state standard and batch number, for seeds, it is risky to buy, this means the producer is unscrupulous, it is highly likely that it will all be a different variety, they will not sprout, we check whether the seeds have been registered with the state registry or not, open the website of the state variety commission, there is a tab for the register of selection achievements , in the description the whole plant, we immediately see it is suitable: for our climate zone, if it is not zoned, then there is a high probability that the harvest will be low or there will be no harvest at all. some manufacturers indicate
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the date of packaging is convenient, you can assess the freshness, but most companies often underestimate the expiration date. here is a family of poked ones, here the shelf life can be safely increased there by two or even three times. another trick of sellers is to indicate the quantity in grams or pieces. here, for example, cucumbers: seven seeds in one package versus 4 g in another (the second is more profitable). in one gram there are on average about 40 seeds, 0.4 g will be about 18 seeds, very important, f1 on the package is a hybrid, there is no such inscription - variety, hybrid - result crossing several varieties , it contains the best from each, it is easier to grow, we know that we will reap a lot of harvest from this plant, our plant will be strong, it will not get sick, that is, these are such disposable seeds, we can say that we will enjoy one year the harvest is all, the seeds are disposable, unfortunately, all the characteristics of the variety are repeated from generation to generation. a neighbor brought me this variety last year, she doesn’t even
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know the name, but the taste is amazing, i collected the seeds and this year i will sow them, and my own purchased ones, especially varietal ones, before sowing they need to be treated and sterilized, varieties can very quickly catch some diseases, the easiest option is to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate strong enough so that it is richly pink and leave for 10 minutes so that they germinate faster, before sowing, water the soil with hot water we scatter the seeds with water on the hot soil, hot water gives us a quick awakening of the seeds, but it is better to sow the snow on very small strawberries or onions, directly on the ground with a layer of a couple of centimeters on top of the seeds. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. every day our program contains a variety of useful tips. bzhi will tell you how to drill holes for hooks in the bathroom. not now, okay, let the neighbors sleep. challenge: we
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need to add extra towel hooks in the bathroom. we choose a place for drilling away from sockets, wires or water pipes may pass there and no closer than 15 mm from the edge of the tile, otherwise cracks may occur. first, tap the tiles. if the sound is booming, it means the emptiness inside is not filled glue, and if the sound is dull, as now, we can drill, put hooks on the tiles , make markings so that there is no distortion, check them with a square, if necessary, correct them, as a rule, the walls in the bathroom are faced with porcelain stoneware or tiles. porcelain tile is stronger, so a drill like this with four edges is suitable for it. and for tiles you need a twin-edged drill bit. for the hook
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, a dowel of 4 to 6 mm is usually used, so the drill must be of a suitable diameter. cover the drilling area with masking tape, or if there is none, medical plaster. this is to prevent the drill from slipping and damaging the surface of the tile. we place a sheet of paper folded in half like this under the edge. now there will be no dust. under the price. we take a drill and place it strictly perpendicular. and we start working at the lowest speed. we gradually increase it. cool the drill in water from time to time. we drill until we hit the wall. yes, here she is. next i’ll take the feather drill . we insert the victorious one. we attach a dowel to it. and use tape to make markings. the hole depth we need, we work. that
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's all, insert the dowels, now you can attach the plate with hooks and screw in the screws. our program continues right now, we invite everyone to the urals. the land of masters, the land of scientists. robot welder, unmanned bulldozer, marker for determining the expiration date of products. all this was developed by our scientists who live and work in the urals. imagine opening the refrigerator. with all its appearance it communicates that the product is about to deteriorate, a film marker, developed by scientists from the south ural state university, the longer lies, the lighter. the film contains special substances that, under the influence of, well, various biochemical processes, begin to change color, and this is safe for the body, this film is safe, it is made from honeysuckle, and the ural packaging is quickly degradable, and how long will it take for it to disappear in nature? this
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film will be laid in a month, the plastic will last. hundreds of years, so eco-ware made from agricultural waste naturally suggests itself. the achievement of researchers from the ural federal university is not easy you'll see. arseny kiryakov and colleagues from several institutes across the country managed to embed an artificial atom into a solid transparent medium. nobody has done this. optical nanoceramics - a revolution in leds and more. for example, as a pixel basis for your phone, right now one pixel. these are three different materials that provide us with blue, green and red colors, it turns out that one material will be able to emit all three colors, this will reduce the pixel size and improve quality pictures, to get into the laboratory next door, you need to give a high five to the palm vein scanner, another know-how, they don’t let you through, because your image is not stored in the device’s memory,
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no veins are visible here, what’s the point, unlike a fingerprint, for example, you cannot fake the shape of a finger with silicone, the veins in the palm of each person are located differently, and if you cut yourself, burn yourself, the scanner will select the largest area of ​​coincidences, it will still find out, it’s an incredibly snowy winter in chelyabinsk, snowdrifts are taller than human height, but this in winter on unmanned vehicles, an unmanned bulldozer, a new production product came to the aid of utility workers...
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and this is only part of the developments, ural scientists never cease to amaze, the backbone of the country after all. dmitry kuzmin, nikolay krysanov, ivan smolyanov, first channel ural. we will see you in just a few minutes, now let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. in city hall, near moscow, which was subjected to a terrorist attack on friday, clearing the rubble continues. heavy equipment is working, according to the ministry of emergency situations, 68 dead have already been identified. in total, the list of victims, according to the investigative committee, currently includes 137 people.
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according to information from the moscow region ministry of health, 182 people have already begun to receive the first compensation payments, the capital’s social protection department said. earlier, in one of the premises adjacent to the setihol krok, they began to give out personal items left in the wardrobes on the day of the terrorist attack. also to car owners return cars abandoned in underground parking. the night before , a rally was held near the concert hall in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack , several hundred people gathered near a spontaneous memorial strewn with flowers and lined with candles. a minute of silence was announced. a video projection was launched across the entire height of the wall with an endless wedge of white cranes rushing upward; similar memorial events took place in other russian regions, in particular in the lugansk people's republic, rostov, bryansk, samara regions, dagestan and karelia. four the terrorists who shot people point-blank in krokuhol and then started a fire there are now under arrest. the night before
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, the moscow basmanny court determined a preventive measure for them during the investigation. may the criminals were sent to pre-trial detention, they face life imprisonment. let me remind you that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack were detained several hours after the attack. the whites intercepted it near the border with ukraine. on the side of the neighboring state, a corridor was being prepared for the killers. our security forces acted as professionally as possible, there was an order from the criminals take them alive, so they fired at the wheels. when the car stopped, the two terrorists initially managed to escape into the forest, but were quickly captured. among those who did not allow the terrorists to escape to ukraine, the military from the group from the group covering the state border, they protected our borders from ukrainian militants that day... they conscientiously fulfilled their duty and helped detain the criminals who carried out the massacre in crocus. medals of the russian ministry of defense for military distinctions and state awards, medals for courage, the fighters were awarded by the deputy commander
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of the leningrad military district, isidula abachev. from all over the world, receiving condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, people bring flowers and toys, where the representation of our country on social networks condemns this attack and expresses. support for the victims and relatives of the victims, only in the ukrainian segment of the internet a wave of mockery of the victims of the terrorist attack arose, some openly rejoicing at the death of unarmed people shot at point-blank range by terrorists. once again the kiev plucker distinguished himself, one of the local bars included a set menu with the name croco city on the menu, accompanied by a photograph of a burning concert hall. however, not all ukrainians approve of such attacks. a resident of odessa even wrote it down.
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was bullied. russian artillery destroyed a concentration of militants and equipment in the area bordering the kursk region on ukrainian territory. the enemy was hit by gun crews. they work in conjunction with drone operators. now they give the coordinates of the target, and also report on the results of the shooting. significant damage to forces our snipers attack the enemy. they usually carry out combat missions in pairs together with spotters who take into account the direction. the distance to the target is given to the target by instructions to the shooters; one of these pairs to the north near artyomovsk managed to disrupt the rotation of an entire platoon in the ssu. this sixtieth ukrainian brigade came at us, they
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said they would fight with us, in fact they made a big mistake, they came at us in full force and we just buried the platoon there right away, they had a rotation, they just didn’t know what they were snipers come out straight. 24/7. that is , our crews of orlan 10 drones conduct reconnaissance of the area to the target . it takes operators no more than 15 minutes to prepare for the flight. this is assembly, refueling and launch. to recognize enemy objects, our devices are equipped with various optical devices and thermal imagers. about 400 children and their parents came from the belgorod region to the moscow region. they were met at the station by doctors, social service workers, and volunteers. the guys will spend the coming weeks in health camps.
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native in moscow and the region in some places it will be up to 20° above zero, as forecasters say, there is a possibility of repeating or exceeding the record warm weather for the end of march, which has lasted for the last 17 years. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. thank you, dear friends, for welcoming us this morning in our company. today with you are yulia zemina and timur solovyov, hello everyone. march 25th on the calendar. the morning continues, right now let me introduce you to the people who are engaged in very big important. a bright matter. they are reviving temples that were once destroyed and building new ones. this case became the work of their lives for our heroes. for almost 100 years, since 1931, the church
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of st. nicholas stood abandoned, in the village of kudley, nizhny novgorod region. two openings, they were almost completely destroyed. archpriest alexei vesnin has already restored seven churches, but this one, he says, was the most difficult. the destruction was so great, they raised the walls, strengthened the masonry, and installed windows. in the summer, for the holiday of trinity, a cross appeared on the dome in village of kudley, for the first time in a long time a religious procession took place. and everyone was...
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it is necessary to revive the source in honor of the icon of the vladimir mother of god and install a cross at the site of the death of soviet soldiers. nadezhda took this as a sign and moved to the village. it was very difficult for me to overcome myself, one might say, to reconfigure my body to such a wave that i would never say why i needed this. funds were found for the task, and a temple appeared next to the source. it is not permanently active yet, but people are here... already stretch. for alexander ryazanov from chita, the construction of the temple is also connected with family history. six generations of men in his family were priests. he himself works for the ministry of emergency situations, but he always dreamed of building a church. i looked at a lot of places, but here is a special clean, bright, quiet place, not far from the city. alexander raised money for the foundation together with his wife and son. registered the land,
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received a blessing, i had to acquire knowledge such as, starting with design estimates, to understand what it is such, finishing, yes, how, how to make a truss system, at what angles and how it all, so that it can withstand the wind load, builds one, but there are many who want to help, after raising the dome, installing the bell, a temple in the name of the great martyr and healer...
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in world investment corporation black rock, the black rock company is placing its people and spreading its tentacles throughout the office of government, its leader, a certain mr. fink, maybe it’s time for larry to become president, no, what are you saying, i’m still too young for that, he’s bigger, than the president the united states, the shadow ruler of not only the financial world, 9.4 trillion under management today, they have shares in military companies, they are swallowing up entire countries, ukraine has already...
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stellar group product bourbon stirsman stellar group product whiskey mancacher stellar group product gin сnop product. march 25 on the calendar, the sun is getting hotter, the snow is melting, you go home in the evening, it is there, you got up in the morning, it has already disappeared, only in a surprising way, sometimes the asphalt also becomes smaller, it is probably somehow together with the snow disappears somewhere, yes, by the way, what to do with a hole that has formed on the road and is preventing you from driving, let’s figure it out, at the end of winter, the melting snow can really take the asphalt with it at night.
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they delivered it promptly and immediately laid it down, so the work was done until it got warm, for example, using a cast asphalt concrete mixture. it has the consistency of porridge, yes, with frost-resistant additives that we
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use in winter. down to -10 and even with light precipitation, some of the moisture from the pit will evaporate, it’s 200° here, but in open puddles it is unacceptable to place material. cold asphalt concrete is a cheaper option and is suitable for emergency repairs. it comes in bags and buckets; all you have to do is clean the pothole from water and dirt, pour cold asphalt concrete into it and compact it a little. it may be in working condition for several months, but it still gets damaged and would be correct in good weather.
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this ledge may first crumble and then turn into the next pit, but what about those pits that have been completely forgotten about, there is hope for citizens, it’s worth writing in an e-mail reception or administration or traffic police, indicate the address, attach a photo and, for credibility, take measurements of the depth and width of the pothole. maxim petrenko, sergey folendysh, yulia kubabina, channel one. fast payment system. to say, it’s very convenient, we are already accustomed to this system, we often use it to pay for something in a store, or, for example, pay for utilities, but still, some especially meticulous citizens have a question about how safe it is, can anyone somehow intercept this payment or, for example, payment by qr code, how to make sure that this qr code
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is correct? now we’ll tell you everything: payment via qr code is one of the fastest popular ways to pay for a purchase or service, or through your camera. phone, or through the sbpay application, there is also the ability to point the camera, your payment is automatically made, you just need to confirm it in terms of the amount. but before pointing, you need to make sure that this is really an sbp qr code. you can recognize it by our sbp logo, as well as by the name of pay contactless. fraudsters may re-paste or replace the paper code at the checkout for menus or posters. the staff won't know that. now the code that the buyer sees leads to a fake resource, and the money goes to the criminals. it is very easy to replace it; you can end up on a completely wrong banking application or on a website that is very similar to the original. there are already discussions online about cases where scammers pretend to be managers of online stores and
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send victims an electronic qr code, supposedly for payment through sbp, but in reality, to steal money. attention, in official payment systems you can see where you are transferring money, check. the name of the store, the amount, everything from the point of view of security wording is sewn in. there is another method of contactless payment, this is an nfc sign. true, your smartphone must support this technology: turn on the nfc module, open the sbpay application and simply bring your phone to a special sign at the checkout, the payment is completed. and this, by the way, is one of the safest ways. in order to intercept a signal, let's say. terminal post and physical presence will be required scammers, this makes it very difficult for scammers to, let's say, implement this interceptor. the module in the phone and a special tag in the plate exchange information using a radio signal at a distance of a maximum of 10 cm, which also complicates hacking, interception or
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substitution. payment should be not only convenient, but also safe; for this , use the official applications of banks or well-known payment systems and also update regularly. where to buy a used car? the most popular answer on the internet, of course, is suggestions there are many, yes very many of them with such beautiful photographs, from different angles, but the photo with such a purchase is not the most important thing, you must definitely check something else. choosing a used car based on beautiful photos and an attractive price is half the battle. what are you buying or not? well, i need to look at your car first. even before meeting the seller, it makes sense to ask him for the vin code and check the car in the traffic police database, i assure you. auto expert alexey rvachev. here we see whether the car is wanted,
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is it stolen? are there any restrictions on the car? have enforcement proceedings been initiated? there we also find information about road accidents, and separately check information about liens on the website of the federal tax chamber. more than 50% of cars are on loan, and the bank has the same amount as collateral for a mortgaged apartment. the new owner may become a hostage to the situation by purchasing a car, registering it, and after some time it may turn out that this car is pledged and needs to be returned. by according to statistics, courts in such cases are not easy to win, from the documents that we should have? so, i need your passport, i need to see if the car is really the owner? sts and pts. the car's passport contains the vin code, 17 digits, we look for it in the car. further inspection of the car, often
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just visual, but our expert was prepared, took a thickness gauge with him, and you can check the thickness of the metal and paintwork, here the values ​​​​are the same for you, this means the hood has not been repaired, ideally, go to a car service center before purchasing. so that it doesn't happen later surprises, the chassis, yes, that is, we , for example, draw attention to the fact that everything here is already rusty, everything is covered with corrosion, in this place you can even see holes, that is, the threshold has rotted, that is, to restore this car, yes , for example, with such problems, it’s half the price, otherwise the entire cost of this car, which is also checked at the service center, the engine number must also match what is on the title, most of the numbers. well, it’s eaten away from corrosion, but it needs to be restored if the inspector notices that
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since the engine number is missing or cut off , then it is already problematic to register it at all, it would not be superfluous to ask the seller for diagnostics of the car, it will show where there is a problem in the electronics and the real mileage, and a test drive is required before drawing up a purchase agreement - sales. karina makaryan, channel one. today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i ’m clear, come here, and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re all you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway , well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev
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yuri nikolaevich, want to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he loves only his wife and not... life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, please sign now in order to put signature, well, you don’t have to take out a pen, sign and send a paper document somewhere, but there is an electronic one.
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written with such signatures is protected from amendments to it. let's take it in order and more simply: for selling, buying real estate, cars, ordering specific certificates through the same government services portal, you need a serious signature, protected and profiled; it can be obtained, for example, in the state key application. it is downloaded by a smartphone, where, if you are already identified in government services, you simply confirm that you will use this application, they will release it there - through government services, then the application itself
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will tell you everything, we will make unique finger movements that form a unique quantity. numbers that will be entered into your electronic digital key. now, when making a transaction, signature or otherwise the key will automatically be pulled to the document. it is important that the state becomes the guarantor of the security of this signature, and you can refuse it. write a statement so that without his actual presence, neither by powers of attorney nor by electronic digital signatures, transactions will take place. this can be done at the mfc or online. there is another type of electronic signature for business.
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central bank for all supervised credit institutions. the remaining 43 are banks, it companies, and electronic document management operators. on flash drives, not physical signature, program. when this media is inserted into a connector on your laptop or computer, when signing , special software accesses the private key located on the media, along with this document that you need to sign, an electronic signature is generated. always in electronic form. about where, when and by whom the signature was placed, whether changes were made to the document, the most important thing is not to lose the flash drive, they are used by all ips and legal entities, in figures this is 18 million such signatures. elizaveta nekishova, denis panomariov, luna martynova, channel one. i think we won’t be wrong if we say that most of you greet us in the morning with a toothbrush in your hands.
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yes, but we still live in the 20th century, today there is also an alternative to a toothbrush, for example, who is recommended for this irrigator, who is not, and can it replace a toothbrush, anna popova found out, the irrigator is almost a charcot shower for a cavity mouth, a jet of water under pressure cleans out food debris; with all the power, the floss does not replace the brush, it is an additional step in care. most often i i prescribe the irrigator first, why? because it loosens plaque, removes large food debris, a brush cleans other surfaces, and flosses. which is the basis, it trains contacts between teeth, not everyone needs an irrigator, there are indications, these are implants, these are crowns, these are braces, this is crowding of teeth, when the teeth are not in their position, very close to each other, also an irrigator is training for capillary network of the gums, due to hydromassage, the mucous membrane becomes more elastic, so that we have periodontal
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which actually holds our teeth, he was healthy, especially with age, often in patients... there is such a thing as poor circulation, in case of inflammation, an irrigator cannot be used, and sometimes local cleaning is needed, so it is better to have it prescribed by a doctor, takes into account several criteria: the first - type - stationary or portable, the difference in power, portable is 100-300 kilopascals, stationary is 300,000 kilopascals, this suggests that we use portable for an average of 1-2 weeks depending on business trips and being away from home, we are talking about stationary - this is the constant use of a rerigator at home. turning on full power at once is a bad idea. it is better to increase it gradually. the volume of the tank is also important. in portable models the average is 250 ml. it may not be enough for one cleaning, you will have to renew it. stationary models hold half a liter. when you use a stationary 500 ml, you have some of the volume left, be sure
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to drain it and periodically rinse the tank itself. you can fill it with regular water. there are also solutions for irrigators; it is better not to overdo it with antibacterial ones, use a maximum of one or two weeks, otherwise the flora will get used to it. and there are stomatitis, cracks, jams, all sorts of things that bring discomfort and pain. the set, as a rule, contains several attachments for bracket systems, gum pockets, tongue, but the main thing is the classic one. for families, so as not to get confused, pencil cases with different colors are sold. anna popova, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, vladimir popov, channel one. starts today on channel one serial detective, undercover taxi, police lieutenant alexei turbin becomes a participant in a unique police experiment. as an ordinary taxi driver, he patrols the city and is the first to arrive at the crime scene. don't miss the first episodes today on channel one. but how do you understand something here? if you love, you understand. you won't envy police lieutenant
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alexei turbin. my wife left, my colleagues turned away. i refuse to go out dressed with turbin. i’m ready for a reprimand, comrade major, i won’t go on duty either. before his eyes partner committed a malfeasance. alexey refused to cover up for his comrade and during interrogation he revealed the whole truth. nobody wants to work with him. there are no reprimands, there is a reward, the authorities decide to put an honest decent policeman behind the wheel of a taxi, you can work alone without a partner, a taxi, an ordinary taxi with one click of a button turns into a police car, under the guise of a taxi driver, turbines will patrol the city, our experiment is called an undercover taxi , but with the new boss, major shabarkin, far from if you left, if it weren’t for the order, you wouldn’t be here. i didn’t strictly resist, so i’m warning you, turbin, one mistake and you’ll fly out of here like a champagne cork, with whistles and splashes. the route has been built,
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a difficult path awaits lieutenant turbin, he travels around the city day and night, notices important details, talks with people, any information can help in the investigation. i arrived here first, i was literally a kilometer away. sorry, but who are you? is this a taxi driver? the turbine’s task, without attracting special attention to itself, is to maintain order and prevent. crime, a signal was received from the taxi company, a suspicious call for a taxi to the gunpowder district, the number is not determined, one of the investigations is related to attacks on taxi drivers, they turn to the turbine for help. i received an order for malinovka park, well, i drove up to the park , a client almost immediately sat down with me, i somehow felt uneasy, i felt something wrong in my back. i was just now making an orientation, i discovered something interesting, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in the same area. the car moves along prague street towards the center, the first episode of the undercover taxi detective is already on the first channel tz, sp,
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i don’t understand anything, are you serious or something, well, let’s go get more, asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, channel. we'll get back to you soon. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. to date, 68 victims of the terrorist attack in kroku sithol have been identified. list. published by the ministry of emergency situations. in total, according to the latest data from the investigative committee, 137 people are listed as dead. according to the information of the moscow region ministry of health, there are 182 victims. people have already started
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to receive the first compensation payments, the capital's social protection department reported. earlier, in one of the premises adjacent to the rock city hall, they began to give out personal items left in the wardrobes on the day of the terrorist attack. cars abandoned in underground parking are also returned to car owners. debris clearance at the site of the tragedy continues. the night before , a vigil in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack was held near the concert hall. several hundred people gathered near the spontaneous memorial, strewn with flowers and filled with candles. a minute of silence was announced. full height the walls launched a video projection with an endless wedge of white cranes rushing upward. similar actions took place in other russian regions, in particular in the lugansk people's republic, rostov, bryansk, sama.
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of the neighboring state, a corridor was being prepared for the killers. our security forces acted as professionally as possible; there was an order to take the criminals alive, so they fired at the wheels. when the car stopped, the two terrorists initially managed to escape into the forest, but were quickly captured. now the latest data on the progress of the special operation, russian marines captured a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the south donetsk direction. first, our artillery hit the ukrainian formations, and then the attack aircraft went on the attack. our drones tracked the enemy's movements and their firing points; air assistance was required in close combat. and the beer drone hit a cluster of militants when our
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attack aircraft were a couple of tens of meters away from them. finding themselves in a hopeless situation and suffering heavy losses, members of the ukrainian armed forces were forced to surrender. four were captured. all it was worked out to the smallest detail, every minute, that’s how it was worked out, as planned, to do everything. instantly, they immediately raised their hands there, that’s it, they surrendered, where they have everything, it’s worth it, rap, our art worked, that’s it, just a perfect storm, a powerful blow to the fortifications. shells, the enemy suffered heavy losses, defensive structures were destroyed. and more about the courage and heroism of our soldiers, guard lieutenant alexander moshkin , together with his platoon, mined a number of directions along which the enemy was planning to advance. while installing the barrier our military faced enemy
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saboteurs. but thanks to alexander’s competent command, they were able to destroy the enemy. guard sergeant alexander sargaev, commanding the assault group, was able to quietly get to the militants' stronghold and attack them. as a result , the defensive line was taken. alexander's subordinates repulsed all enemy attempts to counterattack. the ukrainian armed forces are faced with a shortage of personnel due to the battered russian army. the all street journal points this out. she notes to join the ranks. politics, demography and the growing reluctance of ukrainians to take up arms are hampering things. because of this, the publication of a bill on expanding mobilization after several months has not been adopted by the verkhovna rada. in addition, the counteroffensive, on which the kiev regime had high hopes, failed, which undermined faith in the possibility of achieving success on the battlefield and, as a result, discouraged ukrainians from joining the army. and now
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there is new evidence of this on the internet. video footage taken when military registration and enlistment office employees try to pick up another resident of ukraine as part of forced mobilization. this time in poltava. from the comments it follows that this man stood up for the young man who was about to be served with a summons. after which the people in uniform grabbed hold of him. numerous passers-by came to his aid and demanded his release. a fight ensued. the outcome of this attempt is not reported. the video ends when the police intervene. the commander of the ground forces complained about this, representatives of the territorial recruitment centers are treated as enemies, they are called ludolov, the military leader complained. among europeans, there are more and more of those who do not support the desire of the collective west to pump ukraine into weapons. so the residents
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of greece blocked the passage of the railway. road train that transported american tanks from the port of alexandroupolis to bulgaria. the action was attended mainly by representatives of the local communist party. dozens of people with flags and banners blocked paths, demanding an end to their country’s participation in us and nato military operations. several demonstrators gathered on platforms with equipment and left a message from the ruler on it. murderers, go home. as a result, the train was forced to return back to the port. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. hello, dear tv viewers. it's great that you are celebrating this morning with us. timur solovyov and yulia zemina are with you on the calendar on march 25, monday. we were all shocked by the tragedy, which happened in krasnogorsk near moscow terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. this tragedy left no one indifferent. a variety of people of different professions, nationalities and ages rushed to help. and this is very...
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but it shows how many kind people we have, queues all over the capital, thousands of people at the blood donation point, of different professions and nationalities. ivan russky, individual entrepreneur, guzel tatarka, massage master. we saw an advertisement in the navigator that we needed to come, donate blood, and help. have you ever donated blood before? he yes, i no, this is my first time, this is the only thing i can do now. have you been to the dacha? yes, i looked it up on the internet at the dacha, everything. okay, sorry. in moscow alone, the moscow region , there is more than 2 tons of blood in 2 days. hundreds of those who help donors, just like human rights activist neman, he is azerbaijani, and nurudi hand out umbrellas. i work here as a janitor, we help people so they don’t have to stand in the rain. yesterday my colleagues and i bled here , it started to rain, we realized that this was very it’s cold, it’s very difficult to stand here for 4 hours in the rain. today we decided to bring
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umbrellas and raincoats to make the guys... a little, a little more comfortable. hussein is from iraq, yana is half syrian, and both are medical students. those who came to donate blood are advised. i was looking all day yesterday for where to go, where i needed help. i arrived right at seven in the morning, and you also plan to be here until the end of the evening. first, we are a medical profession, but our profession is to help people, so we must come and help people when we cannot at all. we already have it there is time. why not help? actor sergei and business analyst daniil at the distribution of sweets. cookies have also arrived for those who donated blood, we are trying to support everyone who came to remember. forces at the entrance to krasnogorsk, hour-long traffic jams on the roadsides , flowers, toys, flowers again. there were queues in flower shops, galina came from arkhangelsk, because it was very sad,
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the child here works in a neighboring country, to support people, so it all turned out that we ended up in moscow, we ourselves are the cities of nizhnekamsk, and could not help but visit it place, i'm from beslana myself. and i, probably like no one else, understand what this situation is, this whole pain, and i want to somehow do something useful, all the psychologists united, created a help group, among the specialists is krasnogorsk resident ilina petukhova. this, of course, just cut the ground from under our feet. as a psychologist, of course, i can cope with this, but immediately my first thought, as a professional, as an expert in psychology in general, was that i need to help those around me, my loved ones.
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for the third day in the rain, thousands carry flowers people, different professions and different nationalities, just to be together. yulia molostova, sergey morin, igor kostyukov and angelina ivanova, channel one. our program continues. your legs hurt, something is wrong with your veins, such complaints can often be heard or read on the internet. if you felt it. good symptoms, of course, we should immediately contact the doctors, and listen to doctor denis lobkov, he knows how to help our legs when we are waiting for the train, we move more, we can walk or mark time, but i like to rotate it one by one
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one then the other foot and roll from heel to toe, we are now accelerating. blood, and i also wear compression socks, medical knitwear prevents congestion in the veins and prevents swelling. it’s, of course, more pleasant to sit on the train, but we remember that a sedentary lifestyle is what leads to varicose veins, so let’s learn to sit correctly. foot to foot. not our option, in this position the vessels of the legs are pinched, it is better to do a simple exercise: raise and lower the heels, as if springing with your legs, this disperses the lymph and prevents blood stagnation. what else is needed to prevent
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varicose veins? liquid at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight. this includes broth and... tea and, of course, we often add onions or garlic to the diet; they prevent the formation of blood clots, and beets, dried apricots, cranberries, cabbage, citrus fruits and sweet peppers will help strengthen blood vessels. choose what you like best or alternate these foods in your diet. self-massage will also help improve blood flow. we rub each leg from the shin in a circular motion. up to the knee and of course we walk more in good yuki's company to me is people who help
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other people, not for money, but just like that, these are volunteers. today, being a volunteer can be said to be fashionable, and this is the case when one can only rejoice at such a fashion. yaltas began to make their way into the coniferous forests. it was clean, the forest was beautiful , no one pays them, they never gave any results , we just want our nature to be there, they do it just because they can, these guys also often clean for free, they help elderly people in the krasnodar region, now puts things in order raisa grigorievna’s plot, i want to do it, but i don’t have the strength. you can’t straighten your back, but there’s a lot of work on the site, we dug up the garden , trimmed the figs, we’re fixing the taps, some where they poisoned cockroaches, we recently repaired the roof, we’re doing different things, how we find... those who need help, mostly word of mouth
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, today they have 103 wards, sometimes someone needs to fix a computer, or just talk to someone. egor from nizhny is familiar with such requests, he is also a volunteer, during covid he decided to help people, deliver food and medicine to cars, helpers, the need to help people is growing, society understands that without its participation no positive changes are possible, for this reason they personally participate in helping. we train all search engines how to use this or that equipment, but to be a senior you need to go through a certain number of searches, constantly practice with you a compass, satellite navigator, and a radio station. be able to navigate the terrain, know how to provide first aid, how
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to provide psychological support while waiting for rescuers and doctors, for everyone who came here have their own motives, united by the fact that everyone has an absolutely disinterested and absolutely honest urge - to see as quickly as possible our cherished one is found alive, the search call is not paid in any way, here everyone simply because it’s the right thing to do, they help each other to be useful, a volunteer is it’s not fashionable, it’s... about simple and human goodness. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, channel one. a dangerous additive - e234 or nisin is added to all sweets, condensed milk, sausages, frankfurters, everywhere. what is the problem and why are we doctors for this supplement? started to be taken so seriously. about this about many other things. it's great to live in the program. today is the first one. a symphony
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of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and prosperity, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion. after the death of total darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement. i, along with the whole country , rejoiced. finally, ours have gone, we are breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet. in the blood, in the smoke, in the fires, among bullets whistle, russia attacks, reclaiming its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession, first today. from the big city to the village, now, by the way, this trend is gaining momentum. yes, more and more young professionals are choosing rural work.
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i was born in tazovsky, then i went to tyumen to study this profession, i graduated last year, in twenty-three, i immediately thought that i would go north and work here. i wondered, the team is friendly, the salary suits me, and if someone thinks that in the village is boring, so it all depends on the person, andrey is sure, he has a busy life, after work there is a gym, english courses, studies and programming, there is no time to be bored. pharmacist andrei and teacher zakhar have not yet started their own families, but it was the appearance of his wife and child that prompted sergei ivanov to return to his native village of grigorievko near chelyabinsk, where it is calm, there is fresh air and there is work. sergey, head engineer. crews at an agricultural enterprise, i’ve been working for a little over a year,
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i like working here, having settled agricultural enterprise, i had a chance to participate in a state program to improve housing conditions under the program. comprehensive development of rural areas at the enterprise , the family of agronomist olga osintseva has already received a house, admits that not everything in the village is smooth, there are difficulties. we plan to stay in the village and continue to work. the only thing that bothers me is the lack of any infrastructure. there are no roads that are constantly being swept away, no gas, no running water, no schools. but in the future, this matter can be corrected, young specialists believe. the main thing is that there is a mood.
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representatives of one nationality are to blame for this monstrous crime, but you and i understand that this is not so, now it is very important to prevent interethnic hatred, they are trying in every possible way to sow it among our peoples, we have 194 people and the strength of our country lies in , that for many centuries we
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have lived in a world of harmony, we help each other, everything that happened in krasnogorsk also indicates that... that people of different nationalities came to each other’s aid, and those who helped each other, thereby, in fact, many people survived , so now it is important for us to act as our grandparents acted, as our parents acted, to live in peace, harmony and friendship, because this is the strength of our country, ask your parents, grandfathers and grandmothers, they probably have stories about friendship and mutual assistance between different peoples, do not hesitate to share these... stories, please do not forget about this, because our strength is in unity. a feat, just like terrorism, it has no nationalities. i want to remind you how people who found themselves in this terrible situation acted, they helped each other. the young
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man, who was in a wheelchair, covered the girl with his body, he himself died, and she remained alive, another young man. mikhail, he is simply unarmed, with his bare hands he disarmed an armed terrorist and also saved dozens of people, a boy of 15 years old and he worked part-time in the wardrobe, he brought out more than 100 people, he saved their lives, there, there, there, there, everyone go to that aside, i shouted at the whole crowd at cityhall, at all the people, go to the expo, they shoot, they shoot , they started sending everyone to the expo, pushing everyone there, there, there, there, to the expo in... i remember the people, those who just stood for some reason and didn’t move, just stood, they looked, they were, well, i understood that they were in a state of shock, i was also in a state of shock, but i understood that if i didn’t do something now, i could lose my life and the lives of people today, well, honestly speaking, i don’t consider myself a hero, i was just
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doing part of my job, it was my duty, it’s not just me, i saw my one friend, he... sent people there , his name is artyom, he studies with me, in the eighth, in the nineteenth school, i ’ve been friends with him for 4 years, we got through it together, everyone was at a dead end, the guys and i they saw this and decided to take everything into their own hands, turned them around and led them in the right direction, just there they opened an emergency exit, there was bakha, there was also oscar, there was another girl, vika, there was also, well, from the elders sveta, katya, alesya , yana and andrey, they also helped as much as they could, did everything, i would like them too, so that they too recognized as heroes, that they also helped people, thanks to them, there are also hundreds of people, in total 6,200 people came to the concert,
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let’s say i saved hundreds, the rest of the hundreds were helped by others, i would of course like them to be paid attention too, so... so that they could also be interviewed. donor blood. now many are interested in how it is possible. become a donor, how to donate blood, where to go? now we’ll tell you everything in detail, we remind you that not only these days, but on any other day, your help can save someone’s life. human blood is impossible be replaced with medicines , which means that donors are always needed, first-come, first-served people are accepted only in emergency situations, because while people are standing on the street, freezing, nervous, some have high blood pressure, some have a fever, often in the doctor’s office they have to refuse ... donations, so it is recommended to sign up in advance through government services, choose
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a convenient address, a convenient time, and take your passport with you. there are contraindications, surgeries undergone within a year, taking medications on a constant basis. basically, after an illness or flu, donating blood will also have to wait a month, no less. the standard donation volume is 450 ml of blood, which is about seven. blood volume of an adult, the body makes up for this loss in 2 days, and red blood cells are completely restored in 8 weeks. the body reacts best to blood loss in the morning. if you previously prepared for a transfusion for a week, for example, followed a diet, now it is not recommended to donate blood on an empty stomach. and dinner the day before and breakfast on the day of donation without milk, dairy products, any fatty foods. you should give up bananas at least a day before. the high potassium content in them affects the plasma, a strict ban on alcohol and cigarettes 2 days before donating blood.
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there are enough blood reserves to provide assistance now, but then the reserves need to be replenished. each blood component has its own expiration date. frozen plasma lasts the longest – up to 3 years. in comparison, platelets are stored for only 5-7 days. let us repeat, donors are always needed on a regular basis, every week or two. doctors and patients. say thank you to everyone who decided for the first time and especially those who come to the transfusion station again. you can consult on donation issues by calling the blood service hotline, 8800, 33330. every day in our program there is a variety of useful advice. today alexey beydzhi will tell you how to drill a hole for hooks in the bathroom. just not now, okay, give it. let's go to sleep. challenge: we need to add extra towel hooks in the bathroom.
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we choose a place for drilling away from sockets, there may pass through wires or water pipes. and no closer than 15 mm from the edge of the tile, otherwise cracks may occur. first, tap the tiles. if the sound is booming, it means that there is a void inside that is not filled with glue, and if... the sound is dull, like now, we can drill, apply hooks to the tile, make markings so that there is no distortion, check it with a square, if necessary, correct it, as a rule , the walls in the bathroom are lined with porcelain stoneware or tiles, porcelain stoneware is stronger, so a drill like this with four edges is suitable for it, and for tiles you need a twin- edged drill bit. for a hook, a dowel of 4 to 6 mm is usually used, so the drill must be of a suitable diameter. we seal the
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drilling site with masking tape or, if there is none, with a medical plaster. this is to prevent the drill from slipping and damaging the surface of the tile. under the edge we place a sheet of paper folded in half like this. now dust will not fall on the floor. we take a drill, place it strictly perpendicular and begin to work. lowest speed, gradually increase it, cool it from time to time drill in the water, drill until we hit the wall, yes, here it is, further to the feather drill along the coast, insert a pobedit one, attach a dowel to it with tape , mark the depth of the hole we need, work: that's it, insert the dowels, now
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you can attach the plate with hooks and screw in screws, it’s monday morning, timur soloviev and yulia zemina met you , thank you very much, you are a wonderful company, this is where our broadcast ends, your day is just beginning, goodbye, bye. hello, news time is on first, oh we will tell you the most important events right now. candles, tears, flocks of white cranes in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, actions in different cities. the clearing of the rubble in cityhole, a moscow region , continues, and the relatives of the dead victims are being provided with psychological assistance. those who cannot be called people, the four
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terrorists who organized. the monstrous attack was sent to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months, according to the decision of the basmanny court of moscow. they are pushing the enemy further and further, our military is knocking out militants in the vicinity of the liberated village of tonenkoe and new day, new successes, another american abrams tank destroyed on the front line. almost four hundred children who arrived from the belgorod region were placed in health camps in the moscow region to study and relax. meanwhile, the capital of the region. during the shelling from the ukrainian armed forces, four people were injured. march is setting a record in central russia ; warming, atypical for this time of year, is expected. by the weekend , may-like weather is expected in the capital region. at the scene of the tragedy in krasnogorsk near moscow, not for a minute the clearing of the rubble stops. a rescuer and technicians work around the clock. crocus cityhall is not.


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