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tv   Anti Feik  1TV  March 25, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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first channel. so, watch the first episode of undercover taxi on channel one today, right after the program time. and at the end of the issue about the weather, which, according to forecasts, will pleasantly surprise the residents of the capital, today weather forecasters promise up to +9, the sun will come out, and it will become even warmer by the weekend. despite possible precipitation, the air will warm up to 17°, and in some places even up to 20. this temperature is more typical for may. it is possible that the 2007 record will be broken . then, on the last day of march , meteorologists recorded almost 17.5°. on with this our episode is over, the broadcast will continue with the anti-fake program, stay with us and keep abreast of events. according to kiev propaganda, why do they become cadets ? is it possible to buy vegetables and fruits at the market without a passport? and a new trend in italy, a film about
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donbass, why ukrainian viewers didn’t like it so much, details in the program today. this is an anti-fake program, here we are waging our fight against fakes and disinformation, let's talk about children. once again, these are the accusations against russia that some social networks, but this is exactly what andryushchinkoem writes. that russia allegedly kidnaps ukrainian children and forces them to become students in cadet corps. i'll read it out. here’s something relevant for you, writes andryushchenko. regarding our kidnapped children. a new batch of schoolchildren were forced into cadets under oath. now they have only one choice: go to war or enter the gulag structures. what do they do in cadet corps in cadet schools in general? what is andryushchenko doing in ward number six? i have a different question. what else isn't being done so far?
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in the name of the first head of the dpr, alexander zakharchenko, 28 students received a cadet certificate and swore to faithfully serve the fatherland. the guys were looking forward to this day; taking the oath was a great honor for them. student danil razhko spoke about the careful preparation for initiation into cadets. this includes drill training and rehearsals for the concert program. the young man has a responsible mission, he was appointed commander of the crew. it's a huge excitement. i can’t even put it into words, there’s some kind of excitement even for... so that everything
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goes at the highest level, so that our koetsky the corps showed how organized we are; for the first 4 years of training, the guys have a regular general education program, but already from the fifth grade they can put on a uniform and begin cadet life. for polina, without lepkina , the status of cadet is not only an honor, but a great responsibility, now she herself will become an example for the kids. emotions, excitement, and joy. but most of all i worry, this is something special after all, because not every school allows you to become a cadet, faithfully and selflessly prepare yourself for service to your homeland, i swear, to be an honest and faithful comrade, i swear, donetsk children are like little adults who have walked this path, here is the donetsk city of b...
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oksana sergeevna, probably the first question for you, most likely you are familiar with this fake, yes, how children are kidnapped in order to arrange for them to the cadet corps? well , you said correctly, ward number six, i didn’t seem to be very interested in the work of this author, well, i had to get acquainted, in fact, the cadet corps has already existed for 7 years, after the death of alexander vladimirovich, it bears his name, and no one, of course, no children are kidnapped
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, i’ll tell you even more, the desire to get here, well , causes such a fairly large competitive selection, we have about six people per place, there are no free places in some classes, even with... we, of course, have exams , we have physical training, children must have certain skills, yes, that is , be athletic, we have an exam, like in any admissions committee on a subject for a certain level of knowledge, of course we don’t have any polygraph, because well, i don’t i see even this makes some sense, that is... well , what can you find out with this polygraph? katya, please tell me how difficult it was for you to become a cadet? well, becoming a cadet is quite difficult, upon admission there are exams and we also take physical training, but it’s quite easy for me. vanya, you are the
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eldest, as i understand it, among everyone, yes, the most responsible, tell your story, how did you get into the cadets? well, my father advised me to go to the cadet corps. since i have had him since i was fourteen, he volunteered, i i looked up to my older brothers, to him, and for me it was an honor to go at such an early age, and to repay my debt to my homeland, by and large it is small, but still, with all my efforts, i repay it, first of all, for me, a cadet is the future of our country, somehow, which you will have to build, that ’s the most important thing, probably the most interesting thing in this life, but do you have all your friends in the cadet corps or did someone fail? get in, for example, because of competitions, yes, my friend couldn’t get in, he and i used to live together, well we were walking, well, maybe he hasn’t passed the physical yet, you will need to improve him , so is it possible to re-enter, tell oksana sergeevna, if a person has improved his form and wants to try again,
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yes, we, we have the opportunity to enroll not only in fifth and tenth grades, we have the opportunity to enroll in free places, that is, if places become available, then we can. get the children, but in fact no one wants to leave here, even on good terms, when we have a group, in our group we have a very there are many different events, we are now going to launch copters and choreography , preparation for various lessons of courage, educational, we have almost our guests every day, guys come from the front line, we are doing some kind of volunteer work, sewing something endlessly, we collect something. we load, we overload, that is, here we are very close to the front line, so we have a lot of such daily, routine work, so the children here are so active in such activities that when the holidays,
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of course, they are bored, although during the holidays they also do something here, they come looking and seem to find some kind of activity for themselves, so places are rarely vacated. but now there are a few places , we have a couple of places in the tenth grade, well, maybe we’ll find one, vanya, we need to recruit a friend, definitely, while there is a place, let’s guys find out which of you wants to become what, katya, please tell me who you are you will become, i entered the kayaz corps, so that later i could go on to military specialties, maybe go to the reconnaissance group, katya, don’t you want to become a pilot? we are recruiting girls for combat aviation, you can think about this, depending on how it turns out. circumstances matvey, who do you want to become when you finally become an adult, i want to go to the special forces, why are you all so serious, yes the special forces, ryazan is waiting for you, yes, and vanya, how do you see your future, what is the federal security service ,
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thank you very much, it was nice to meet you today, good service to you, and so that everything in life turns out the way you want it, i’m sure you have absolutely the right wishes, all the best to you, thank you, goodbye. it’s very difficult to get in, indeed, i have a classmate of mine, a naval military pilot, who teaches in st. petersburg and teaches cadets like these, but you know, the most important thing is not that they will go there in some military specialty, it’s it’s just not absolutely unnecessary, they can go along civil lines and again bring great benefits to the people of the state, the fact is that the main difference between a simple school, let’s say, is precisely from such organizations as cadet corps for children.
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at the first, if during the passage before the film there had not been such a crowd around the stairs, the horse festival would not have happened either, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, come here, and you'll catch me, i was in the studio. dozens of people have seen me , you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, and
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we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but then come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the spouses you know non-tips received statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i am nichaev yuri nikolaevich, i want to live in the next world together with my wife nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, well, what kind of love can there be, what... eternity, i’ll say it right now linka, that i am leaving her, in the end, she is not the first to cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, frivolous conversation, are they sure that truly love each other, what are you ready for, what is life like... after life , the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, this is an anti-fake program, we
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continue, before the advertisement we analyzed andryushchenko’s post, we will have to do this after the advertisement, because a prolific character, andryushchenko is disseminating information that the mariupol port allegedly began to be cut into scrap metal for the second month. without shipping, the weather is not the same, but the weather does not prevent us from taking it apart into its components. the answer to the question: has it been restored? are the russians fully operational at the port? does it make sense to cut the port? well, in general, it definitely makes sense, because i’m just guessing, i don’t know, they’re cutting there, they’re not cutting it, but this is a very old port, but with the possibility of increasing its throughput, it seems to me that we have been working on a construction program for a long time new ports, precisely due to the fact that we must... seem to be becoming more and more modern, because well, a port is the core of a transport artery, that is
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, an important point where the overload itself occurs, roughly speaking, it’s a land sea, so i think that the mariupol port of course needs to be restored, it’s been exploited for 30 years, but it’s clear that it’s in this state, so the old one needs to be cut down, new ones built, plus a huge part of the port was damaged in military operations, military operations were nearby, remember how many videos we analyzed regarding the old infrastructure. which is now being restored, even the infrastructure that was in no way damaged as a result of hostilities, they do not understand that some work in the port can only be done so that it becomes more powerful, it grows. capacity, i propose to find out what is happening now with the port of mariupol, alexander grigoryevich soldatov, director of the seaport of mariupol, is in touch with us, we are glad to welcome you, hello, andryushchenko laments that the port is supposedly being cut into scrap metal and there is no shipping, tell us what it is like now situation, yes, i
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listened carefully, but as of today, starting from january 1, that is, already this year by our company. for more than 21,000 tons of cargo, that is, this is a fact, there have been 2 months of no traffic, i don’t seem to know where this data comes from, this is not true, this is a fake, in relation to this post, where an order for auction is posted, let’s just say that in the process of operation of any modern enterprise, not some surpluses are formed in the process of cleaning up territories and so on, especially since we had military operations, this is about this, that is, yes, it’s a fact, we sort of collected garbage and want it implement, and naturally, all the sweat infrastructure that is used for cargo operations is only being maintained, modernized and expanded. i understand correctly that some metal structures that have already outlived their usefulness, yes, are now simply outdated, they were dismantled, and not only did someone throw them away somewhere or take them to their dacha, they
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also made a profit from them, which will go for the restoration of the port, the subsequent restoration, it’s absolutely true what the state was in general... the port of mariupol was after the liberation of mariupol. most valuable and the main thing for us, for the employees , is, let’s say, that part of the sport that is involved in daily cargo operations, it was practically not damaged, this is crane equipment, the base of intra-port mechanization, that is, we show very good standards compared to neighboring regions, i mean loading standards, that is, charterers and customers. they are satisfied with the pace that we are showing as regards the infrastructure itself, these are buildings, administrative and amenity complexes, but it really requires restoration, therefore the federal center has extended an active helping hand; at the moment, all these processes have been launched, we have been given a new ambitious task - to increase cargo flow in relation to last year at least four
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times, and we see that through a series of updates, let’s say, we must achieve this goal, i see this, we are sure that this will happen, you will do great, a huge hello to mariupol, thank you very much for taking the time to contact us today, all the best to you, thank you, goodbye, i had to be in the port of mariupol and in general mariupol? yes, i have been to mariupol three or four times, every time i come to this city, i see how it improves every day. melitopol, supposedly residents of melitopol will no longer be allowed into markets without a russian passport, i’ll read, melitopol residents without passports of the russian federation will not be allowed even in the market, this practice
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operates in the territory of the kherson region, if you want to buy food, give me a passport of a russian citizen, no, that means you’re not really hungry . go home, it is expected in melitopol soon, let's see - the video is just from the markets, let's start with melitopol, please tell me, is it true that products at the market can only be bought with a passport of the russian federation? no, the sale is free and both in cash and by bank transfer, and no passports are required, no identification documents are required, have you heard about such a fake, tell the truth, any purchase and both can easily suit you. no problem at all, this is not true, well, no, there is no such thing, in general, this is the first time i’ve heard this from you, the deputy director of the municipal enterprise melitopol markets is in touch with us now, we are glad to welcome you, sergey vladimirovich kostyrya, please tell me, is it true that soon russian passports will be required when going to the market, no, this is an absolute lie, this has not happened and
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cannot be, we have free access for both buyers and and for entrepreneurs to the market, from work time. that is, from 7:00 in the morning , anyone can freely enter the market, as you can see for yourself, and we encourage people to contact the administration directly with any questions, we will always explain everything. why do you think they are distributing it? similar? these fakes are spread primarily to people who are outside the territory of our liberated territories, so that they do not see a true picture of life, but see the negative. thank you very much. all the best, but by the way, i noticed that the man there said both for cash and for non-cash payments, however, i’m trying, look, grenades are 200 rubles , 150, 200 rubles, that we still have all the greens there . .. 50 rubles yes shrimps sell 200 rubles for how much interesting it is fresh fresh shrimps yes, live shrimp too, and 400
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well, it’s probably cheaper, definitely when i lived and visit lugansk, i often go to the market because you can find practically everything there, in general it’s not expensive and i really like the market in lugansk by the way, is it cheaper in comparison with italy ? is everything all right in the kherson region and are people allowed into the market there without passports? i suggest you look at the special material on this topic.
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ukrainian propaganda disseminates information that in our country people are not allowed into the market without documents. tell that's right, that's not true. we entered freely. that i'm nowhere to be found. okay, thank you, tamerlan ruslanovich talikov, deputy of the kherson
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regional duma, is in touch with us, we are glad to welcome you, good afternoon, good afternoon, thank you, well, they are just scaring everyone with the kherson region, that supposedly they have long ago introduced passports to enter the market, what can you say, you know, well, the information is absolutely untrue, of course, about any passports at the entrance. there is no question, the markets are alive, the shops are working, the systems are already contactless, cashless payment too , well, it’s still a rare case in the market, but nevertheless, well, you often hear from the other side about how they scare the residents of ukraine, that look, you can’t buy anything there in russia and there are no products, and there is an absolute total shortage, here in the genetics there are some food products, maybe with some super rare difficulties, in the 2 years that we have been working in the region, it has never become...
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owns enterprises, de facto power , he gives management of investment assets to artificial intelligence , artificial intelligence considers the population of ukraine
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to be 17 million people, there are 11 million pensioners in ukraine, people are indifferent to it, we are not interested in ending this conflict, the longer this goes on, the more russia will weaken, the ultimate goal is to take control russia and its resources, america and its next dirty fim. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, there is a reward, but he drives like a duck to water, this is the same one who ratted out his partner, or something, that’s right, in any department of the city your fame will precede you, we are launching an experiment, we have decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi. can you work alone without a partner, taxi? why does covering a taxi driver give such excellent results, and why
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? no lawbreakers ever pay attention to a taxi driver or a taxi, and if necessary, a taxi with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator turns into a police car at the touch of a button, not a car, but an animal, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find gunner, we are covering the gang, our people among yours will do everything for him. we are working , undercover taxi, premiere , watch the time after the program, a symphony of five russian empires was revealed to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and blossom, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion , after death and... we, we again we are resurrected and
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moving along the paths of improvement, i, along with the whole country, rejoiced, finally, ours have gone, we are breaking, it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that, turned a prose writer into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, among whistling bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession. today. on the first, well, i’m different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, due to a family circumstance, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i was doing there did, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how did
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the relationship develop in the family with i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life, why was he unable to avoid tragedy, all this is in god’s providence, like god will manage, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premieres on saturday on the first. you didn’t have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something. this is an anti-fake program and we continue. the film witness was shown in italy - this is a feature film dedicated to the events of a special military operation, despite ukrainian
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protests. mom, i'm misha, son, son, come to me, don't come to me, come here, why doesn't he speak ukrainian, you'll forgive me, that is. tell me,
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his native language is russian, remember, remember, every child in ukraine should speak ukrainian, children don’t know how to drink with my dear ones, don’t know what to call you, well , again, what’s your name?
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turns out to be an unwitting witness to the crimes committed by the azov battalion, of course, this is not a documentary film, but... the historical context is real, and we know it, we know that many of the facts told in this film, in general, refer us to those who really had place of events, which is why incredible censorship erupted in italy around this film, in general it erupted scandal in bolonia.
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who was born in donbass , but we met in italy, in 2014 she was very worried, and i asked what was wrong, she said that i couldn’t contact my mother, well, try calling my neighbor, she said that it was impossible to call because that there is no electricity, no gas, no water, no internet, i can’t.
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i was looking for news in the newspapers on television, but such news should have been published on the front pages and... be at the beginning of television news, instead there was nothing, then the nwo began, and we, well, we, i i say because i already feel like residents of donbass and a little russian, you see, and we found ourselves in the position of forgotten victims, i could not accept this, i moved approximately.
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“this music is bad, but this is a great tartini, sir, we don’t need this kind of music.”
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what is happening with russian films in italy, in other european countries, this is a very big problem, this is culture, or rather anti-culture, the cancellation of everything, yes, any information, any cultural layer, any film, any music, everything that comes from russia , it’s already ingrained quite firmly into the brains of the european and young middle generation, look. this is a feature film, brought to a country, to a part
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of the european union, which, in words, always declares that freedom of information, freedom of art, freedom of expression is a sacred right, but as soon as freedom touches russians and russia it immediately stops, this is one of small illustrative examples of the real true cost of freedom in europe, returning to the film, this is the first time in italy when... the film was censored in post-fascist period, and not the ukrainian ambassador, the ambassador of a foreign state that is not an ally of italy and is not part of the european union, it is not for him to decide whether italians can or cannot watch this film, just as they have already decided whether they can listen to the speeches of some russian artists.
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it was forbidden in the lights. good luck to the film, thank you very much for coming to us today, to all our viewers, as always, i remind you if you have any doubts about news or information, that you come across, send it to us, we ’ll figure it out together, be sure to send us reasons to be proud too. all the best to you. hello country, new
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voronezh greets you, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through. i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai, by car across the country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma. you knew, i am from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i am from the incredible city of chelyabensk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river, i really love my country and am proud of it, channel one presents.
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the dangerous additive e 234 or nisin is added to all sweets, condensed milk, sausages, sausages, everywhere, what is the problem and why we doctors began to take this additive so seriously, about this and much more in the program live healthy! so, friends, my pressure , my responsibility, we have a school of responsible people in our program, here they are our heroes, sitting in t-shirts, stand up, my pressure, my pressure, and now turn your back, my, comrades, responsibility, these are the two most we invite those responsible here, take your phones. because my pressure is my responsibility, we
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have been calling you to responsibility all the time, now finally...


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