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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  March 25, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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the dangerous additive e 234 or nisin is added to all sweets, condensed milk, sausages, frankfurters, everywhere. what is the problem and why do we, doctors, begin to take this supplement so seriously? about this and much more in the program “live healthy”. so, friends, my pressure is my responsibility. in our program. there is a school of responsible people, here they are our heroes, sitting in t-shirts, stand up, my pressure, my pressure, and now turn your back, my responsibility, comrades, we invite the two most responsible ones here, take yours phones, because my blood pressure, my responsibility, we called you to responsibility all the time, finally...
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a phone and i want to tell you that how to measure blood pressure correctly, no matter how much you teach, people don’t know, but there is such a wonderful application that everything tells you, this picture appears, so, seven mistakes when measuring pressure, let's start with the first one, while our heroes measure the pressure, so, the first mistake is german sheich. this means the first mistake we often make at an appointment is we talk to the patient and measure the blood pressure, when measuring pressure, a person should be silent, if you speak, this can increase your blood pressure by 10 mm of arterial column, which means first, don’t talk, you will chat, the pressure will be too high, that is, the tanometer will be... look higher than yours
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in fact, when talking, even when listening, the pressure can rise to 10 mmhg. second mistake: the cuff, the cuff must be the correct size for your shoulder. if the cuff is small, then this will help increase your pressure to 10 mm khturny column. if you put a cuff on clothes that you are lifting, or it is very thick, this may disrupt the measurements; increase the numbers from 5 to 50 mm hg, you cannot measure on clothes, up to 50 mm hg will be a plus, well, in the meantime, one person we measured that you... are also elevated, yes, no one
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believes us, everyone is elevated, no one believes that it is elevated, 146.85, now sit for a few minutes, then measure again, german shaich, third mistake, next hand should be relaxed and placed on a support; if this does not happen, then this pressure will increase by 10 mm per piece, and sometimes higher. you strain your hand, here everything seems to be fine with us so far, everyone is silent, the hand is on a support , and so on. the fourth mistake, when you measure blood pressure, you should be relaxed, that is, you should not be tense, your back should be supported, if this does not happen, but the pressure increases by 5-6 mm of the mulberry column. the most important point for everyone, especially for those who measure
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blood pressure in the morning, this is me, for example, here we currently have a noble 142 to 104, this is generally my favorite patient, he is the most organized, the nicest, but this is just some kind of thing. tragedy, so turn it off, now the cuff will deflate, let's measure it again, okay, so , keep your back straight, and if you measured it, this is mistake number five, you must go to the toilet before measuring, if, if you did not go to the toilet, the pressure is being measured + 10, i can tell you that when we see that we are performing cattarization on a patient. suddenly he starts pressure increases, we ask: do you want to urinate? he says: yes, we allow him to urinate and the pressure instantly decreases. do you want to pee? no joke, so what? well, we need
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to go to the toilet, we need to, then run , come back, lightning fast, because these are all serious things, woman, you want to urinate, we need to run! the sixth mistake, i will show it, herman shavic, announce it, this is to cross your legs, legs over legs, like this, like this, it doesn’t matter, the body must be absolutely relaxed, if we cross our legs, we we also increase blood pressure by about 8 mm of the mulberry column, this is the sixth mistake and... the seventh mistake, legs in weight, this is natural, we strain, for example, you see, i’m not leaning, this is the correct position, trouser presses - this increases blood pressure by 6 mm of mulberry column, sometimes
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more, if we add everything up, then we can increase our pressure to 50-70 mm of mercury by incorrect measurement. a lot of people measure like this, so sit down and let’s measure, this is wrong, talking on the phone with a friend, yes, it’s just +10 up to +50, so measuring the pressure correctly is very, very important, well, we are waiting for our heroes from the toilet, let me remind you, last time we started our project, my pressure, my responsibility, and if you want to become a participant in this project, you need sign up on the website... grams of health, but for now, german shaich, i won’t be able to measure it correctly, because i’ll stay in my shirt, but then we’ll subtract 10, yes, now i’ll measure it, look, now i’ll make all the mistakes that i can ok, german shaich, click, i will talk with
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german shaich, conversations with him i’ll talk, i’ll sit like this, i’ll sit on the canopy like this, i won’t lean on you, wave your arms. so here’s german shaich , i’ll put it on the scale for you on purpose, but i have a tonometer at home, which, if you don’t follow the rules, it stops measuring and asks you to follow the rules, which is good for people like me, i remind you that elena vasilievna , this is a disciplined patient, whose pressure is usually 115 to 70 mm of the mulberry column, well, now it’s 121 to 92, yes, and since you strained your arm, the diostolic range has generally increased. but it doesn't matter, eh in general, i’ll show you now, i have my blood pressure in this app, everything is recorded , that is, you sing, i have two tablets, so after all, pharmacology keeps the pressure, but it doesn’t allow it to rise, now i ’ll just show you that with my blood pressure
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, i sometimes have high blood pressure, but it’s orange, for me it’s between 120-130 and between 80 and... yes, yes, this is generally also 120x80, 126, that is, the lower one has risen, then there is already high blood pressure, this is not the norm anymore, but nevertheless, since we are on the correct treatment they measured it on clothes, i was actually standing, yes,
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pharmacology still holds the pressure, the last measurement, because i really want the pressure to go down, gennady evgenievich, in general, my love, when he came to our project, and i explained to everyone... , what pressure is normal, everyone entered their pressure into this application, it was necessary to enter the examination data, but gennady evgenievich, well , no one has it, i say, well, you need to be examined, then enter gennady evgenevich. the only thing she says is: i have everything, elena vasilievna, i’ve already said everything, how? he says, and i have it with him. once again, normal blood pressure, here it is, lower than 120.80, lower for those with 100 to 70, 110 to 65 - this is the ideal pressure. blood pressure between 120 and 130 is high blood pressure. pressure above 130 and 80 is dead.
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everyone has it, and this has changed our lives for the better, really, sit down, we won’t
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pause for long, and then we’ll continue, checkered baking, international waffle day, i ate this waffle, went to the field to work, and you and i took a lot more to the sofa , and lay down on the sofa, let’s figure out what’s more in them, fried...
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tomorrow on the first. what are canes? this is
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an opportunity to show your film to the whole world. in general, this is truly a holiday. it doesn't matter, as long as kan is the host of the festival. do you swear in your testimony to tell the truth, the whole truth, the whole truth. underneath it all, a strong and faithful love for cinema. when the actor enters the hall and the lights go out, the star disappears. he wasn't afraid to experiment, shooting a love scene is similar to shooting a fight, shooting action or shooting a chase, it's very difficult to show passion, people will say i would didn't do that. matador on friday at the first, if there had not been such a crowd around the stairs during the passage before the film, the cannes festival would not have happened either.
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today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i will see the light, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you ’re lying, why are you throwing everything into one a bunch, but we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but... my wife nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, live together in the next world, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving her, in the end she won’t be the first to cry , she’ll calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon,
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a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for? yes, that's it, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. so, dear friends, mikhail egorovich, open up what you are doing here, mikhail egorovich is frying waffles. today is our holiday, wafe day. by the way, the holiday has such a religious connotation, because it is believed that it was on this day that the archangel gabriel appeared to the holy virgin mary to tell her the good news that she was pregnant, on this occasion festive treats are supposedly being prepared, so mikhail egorovich is with us, wait, don’t
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open it, he’s baking waffles, but we already have one baked by andrei petrovich, he baked it to spite michal yegorovich. the fact is that there is such a german word, waffle, uh, this is a honeycomb, a honeycomb, and we see that the shape of these waffles resembles a honeycomb, and in general, waffles have been known since ancient times since the 14th century, and you noticed, how masterly i am, i bake waffles with my grandchildren, these are our favorites, this waffle can’t even be called a waffle,
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why, well, it’s already like that because there’s no social. the popularity of waffles began around the 14th century, when the waffle iron was invented, but it was, waffles, the thing is that boom, so to speak, naturally, not electric, but it was warmed itself on the coals, yes, and accordingly, so to speak, these waffles began to be baked, and the swedish women, when they baked these waffles for the holiday, they said that they ate this waffle. i went to the field to work, this is the humor, and what did you and i do, we took another strong one and lay down on the sofa, okay, we like crispy, so waffles are flour, sugar, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, this quite a high-calorie product,
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50036 kilocalories per 100 g, with a high glycemic value. 70 what does a high index mean , it means you will constantly want to eat if talk about the beneficial properties of flour; it contains selenium; 100 g of flour contains 48% of the daily value of selenium; go to our models; selenium is really responsible for immunity. helps lymphocytes to be toothy, look, these are bacteria, these are cancer cells, just selenium helps to eat all the bad ones and secrete special cytokins that educate other lymphocytes, eggs contain haline, choline, what is
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haline , this is a precursor to a neurotransmitter, that is, substances that help... increased blood sugar destroys our blood vessels, including the vessels of the retina, because they are very small here, and the retina is very sensitive.
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girls, why are they so joyful, because glucose is food for our brain, our brain doesn’t eat anything else, well, dear friends, i want to say that i cook waffles with my grandchildren, well, right when i’m with them in the summer or on winter holidays, i cook every morning, it’s such a family tradition that my eldest grandson, he’s 9 years old, even when he changes, he cooks waffles for the whole family, he...
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a kilogram of cottage cheese, i add one egg here, i add a little flour, just to thicken it a little, i actually don’t get waffles, cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole in the form of waffles, i don’t add a single gram of sugar, it turns out to be a waffel, because then the children still have something there, either honey or chocolate, we have some kind of olive. syrup, in general, in short, i advise everyone to use my recipe, firstly, children are pleased because it’s a waffle, ready, not yet, no need to fry
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stronger, and secondly, you give it like cottage cheese, a healthy product, in an ideal norm, in the morning it’s just what you need, you agree, and the children are active, they will burn everything, and children do everything when you do almost everything pure cottage cheese, there is no need to worry and burn too much. no, what are you talking about, i’m still too young for this, he is more than the president of the united states, the shadow ruler of not only the financial world,
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9.4 trillion under management today, they have shares in military companies, they are swallowing up entire countries, ukraine is already sold, the one who owns the enterprises, de facto power, management of investment assets, he gives to artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence. considers the population of ukraine to be 17 million people, there are 11 million pensioners in ukraine, people are indifferent to him, we are not interested in ending this conflict, the longer this continues, the more russia will weaken. the ultimate goal is to take control of russia and its resources? america and its next dirty fink. dolls, heir to tutti. today is the first one. lyosha, you do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember , i told you about secret work, attention to gorikovskoye 158, penetration into the apartment,
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this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague, no matter what, you can always count on me, even despite our divorce, i can’t stay away , you don't love him.
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darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement. i, along with the whole country , rejoiced. finally, ours have gone, we are breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into poet. in blood, in smoke, in fires, among whistling bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. today. on the first, well, i ’m different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was glorified by roles where he looked confused and unhappy, light, you love me, i’m walking around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened there is truly nationwide sympathy for my heroes, but for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and
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they will beat you. premieres on saturday on the first. did you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something? so, friends, lymphocytes, this is the word written on our screen. and andrei petrovich and i are wandering to our medical site, why? yes, because lymphocytes are our immunity,
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they are the ones. and here we have... young girls taking a blood test. tell me please, do you know what lymphocytes are? yes, lymphocytes are blood cells that participate in the formation of the immune system, and they are included under the group, but leukocytes, that is, white blood cells. and their task is to recognize and destroy a foreign agent, for example, infections or damaged cells of the body. do you even understand why you came here? there is a person here of the highest literacy, it’s simple, i have no words, by the way , i know this girl, she comes very often, she came to see me for her health, and also to answer some question, i don’t remember, how she started , directly i want to use this word to scald some scientific information, i tell her, you doctor, i’ll ask again, are you a doctor, but no, the fact is that i translate a lot of medical and foreign literature, and
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besides, i’ve been a fan of you since childhood... my mother and i enjoy watching your programs, and besides, i want to say that it is precisely in the topic of the immune system and oncology that i delved deeper in connection with my dad’s illness, so there is so much knowledge, it’s even a pity to leave you, but now they will take a blood test from you, because well, we really love such people people, however, everything was said correctly, which means lymphocytes. this is part leukocytes , the leukocyte formula will now appear on the screen, these are all leukocytes, white blood cells, divided into subgroups, and today our heroes are lymphocytes, first it is written how many of them should be as a percentage of leukocytes, and then how many in thousands of cells, but this is our standardized analysis, i just want to say that
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the lymphocyte...
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essentially the officers of the immune system, these are the cells that recognize, as our guest said, enemies, infections and cancer, and give commands to other cells. what should they do, look, this cell is an immune officer system lymphocyte t-cell, she sees the enemy , she tells the b-cell that is here, also a lymphocyte, lymphocyte, there is a b, but a lymphocyte that can produce antibodies, shoot, here you go, the command has been received, antibodies have been produced, why are antibodies needed . surround the virus, immobilize it and flash a beacon so that they come and eat it, and there is a third group of these lymphocytes, the so-called natural killers, they are directly called killers, because their task is to kill the enemy,
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kill cancer cells, affected cells virus, let’s give our young man , what’s your name, sergey, let’s show natural filming, this is... now happening in your body in a way independent of you, you understand, so, you see, this is a healthy cell, this is a cancer cell, this is it , you see, they are attacking small cells , trying to take a bite, these are natural killers, lymphocytes, a special subgroup of them, natural killers, you will see now, now the helpers will come, now she has finally begun to die, you see, andrei petrovich, she is deformed, you see how much they are comrade. everyone called her they kill, they kill, she died , finally, this happens to us every second, now our sergei, who are you by profession, well , a slinger, a slinger, and what do
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slingers do, mm, large loads, we lift them with slings , it turns out, we hook them, kra, we hook it onto a crane, and transfer it to certain places where this is just such a profession, yes, well, yes, strobe.
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the first problem, the most common with viral infections, with viral infections, either when there is an enemy, when there is a problem, and acute, or activation of chronic infections, lymphocytes increase, just to fight the way we showed you, because the body says, we need it, we have an enemy here, it multiplies, we need more, more, more, the bone marrow must produce them, this is the bone marrow, and it, when some kind of infection comes to you. begins to produce these cells, lymphocytes, these are white, the bone marrow is here, this is the sternum, this is the sternum, this is how they are thrown into the bloodstream in order to get to where this
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fight needs to be carried out, it’s clear, yes, that means a promotion may not be scary, but to say that the guy is in pain, his lymphocytes were released to protect him, right? absolutely true, but unfortunately , high numbers of lymphocytes sometimes indicate that bone marrow disease occurs, this means there is blood cancer, that is, when let’s not scare our slinger, come to me and scare us, we are talking about high numbers, this we are already talking, when you look, we showed you the standards are somewhere from 100 to 600 cells per microliter, in case of infection this will be
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800. well, he’s still young, so we need to check for infection, in short, our guy, his life is free, free, and there’s not far from infection, you know, all mothers, mom is alive, yes, well, mommies, hello, we’re examining, sit down, seryozha, if the lymphocytes are decreasing, andrey petro, here are the lymphocytes, if they are low, this is the situation for us as doctors, they often worry us more than high lymphocytes, who can guess why? so, there is little immunity from protective cells, why is this? bad, here is our pressure group, tell me off now because of
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the lymphocytes, gennady evgenievich, i hope for your logic, immunity has decreased, you are developing immunodeficiency, immunodeficiency, immunodeficiency, well done, respectively, if such situations, if small children have them, we try to identify them directly in newborns and treat them immediately, and if in an adult. lymphocytes decrease, then this is a reason for us to examine it, because this is a danger of cancer and oncology, by the way, specifically tumors of the non-hematopoietic system, because the tumor suppresses the action of the immune system and does not allow it to produce sufficient the number of lymphocytes, low lymphocytes - this is dangerous, of course, because every second lymphocytes eat our enemies, cancer cells , agents, they eat them every second
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the way we showed you, but now i want to show one more thing, because low lymphocytes , this disease is called immunodeficiency, here is our comrade, our colleague , our friend, professor prodeus, one of the authors of the test, which since the twenty-third year has been carried out to all russian children right in the maternity hospital for free, this is the so-called heel test, when a newborn... take they put it on a table in the treatment room, and on the second day or the second day they take it , make a tiny puncture in the heel , wipe the heel, make a puncture, now you see, he is lying happy , now they will make a puncture for him, he will cry, now they lubricate everything this is to clean the skin, they will make a small bell, until a trick is waiting for our little one, once and... with a lancet, a puncture, and then
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five or six, five prints are made on a special blotter, so he is crying, children, when they cry, it means they are healthy , in intensive care there is silence and as soon as he started to cry, the doctors say, well, thank god, one is sobbing, now he is sobbing sincerely, they took a blotter and do tests, for how many, for about 400 immunodeficiencies. various conditions, why? because the reasons for the decrease in lymphocytes can be different, it is necessary to determine everything, because because of all of them he will get sick and may die. if the child is not treated immediately, he will die before the age of 5 from severe pneumonia. and thanks to the fact that these tests have been introduced in russia, today children are being treated immediately, and we see these children who live, go to school, play sports, everything is fine with them. honestly, over the past year
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, more than 780 children were rescued in this way. like this. that's why we need lymphocytes. let's take a short break and then continue. dangerous additive. products with the preservative e-234 can harm your intestines. but he kills nizin. these are the good microbes that are bad because they are antibiotics, what is an antibiotic, they are against life, the results of new studies have alerted doctors in order to live. enjoy in life you need to do what you like.
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why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts. i work on a crane in the iron and steel industry. i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer. and you won't regret it. one day i became an artist. well, for example, we can voice someone with such a beautiful voice. i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain. at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like a mother. you can move towards your goal with small steps. nothing is impossible, it’s impossible, new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns , darkness, something flies, something whistles, someone shouts something in some language, shoot down a rocket in the dark, but how do they did you see her? tsypso got to the point of rewriting the history
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of architecture, the ukrainian empire style is hot ice, soft stone, this is something that cannot exist, brosovsky. and also, it turns out, anti-tank missiles also need clothes, what an anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow at the first one, what is the kans, is it an opportunity to demonstrate your film to the whole world, in general, this is really a holiday, anyway, as long as the kans is the leading festival, do you swear in your testimony to tell the truth, the whole truth, the whole truth?
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at the first, if during the passage before the film there had not been such a crowd around the stairs, the horse festival would not have happened either, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but for fun, go here and you you'll catch me, i was in the studio. dozens of people have seen me, you’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but then come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the spouses you know the nichaevs received a statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i,
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nichaev yuri nikolaevich, want, together with my wife nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live in the next world together, well, what kind of love can there be, what... eternity, that’s i’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving , after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, she’ll calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello , lyon, not a serious conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, anything, life according to... tears of life , the premiere of a multi-part film will soon be on the first. this program is to live well, friends, i am holding this sign with the inscription e 234 or lowlands. it is an additive, a preservative, an antibiotic,
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which is allowed, it is added to a variety of products, marshmallows, and cookies. rolls, buns, where else, mikhail egorovich , in sausage, in frankfurters, in cheese casings, in candies, in condensed milk, in culinary mastic, in general, wherever they add it, it is allowed, but we are always the first to ring the bells and we tell you about what this can lead to, so, once again, where they write, what is called what to read on the label, preservatively. called e234 nezin, it is added to various products, including now let's see whether it is written either e324 or nezin is added anywhere, but just to be a preservative in order to preserve these products for transportation,
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by the way, milk is added for transportation, added to wine during the cooking process at the first stage and , so to speak, in meat products , let me repeat, are an approved preservative, but for the first time scientific data has appeared, why they are added to the product, it is an antibiotic, so that microbes do not develop here, that is, a preservative is always a product that does not allow microbes to develop, everything is very simple, they are preserved, so that there are no germs, now it’s science, herman schaich. please tell us the month and year this study was published so you can understand how quickly you receive information from us. january 2024, yes. the results are on the screen. nisin has an antimicrobial effect against pathogenic and
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healthy intestinal microbes, look, this is an antibiotic, this is an antibiotic, in our intestines there are healthy microbes that protect us from heart problems, from obesity, from diabetes, nesin defeats these. and good microbes are bad, because it is an antibiotic, what is an antibiotic, it is against life, show me what it says on your jar: nisin or e234. so, it kills bad microbes and beats good ones mercilessly. but he doesn’t understand why andrei petrovich, we decided to ring the bells, this is a permitted additive, not prohibited. unfortunately, first of all. previously, there was no such information that good microbes, our microbiota suffers, our microbiota is good, provides us with life,
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provides immunity, provides protection from bad ones, and if microbiota helps us in digestion of food in metabolism , imagine if we kill our own good bacteria with this additive, the consequences for the body can be extremely unpleasant, here we use antibiotics a lot in medicine, that’s right, but there is a principle, we have a dose, that’s right , we have a dose, a dose is a tested and proven amount of a medicine that heals but does not harm, in general all medicine is -
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because if in medicines the doses are written in this is how you can understand the correct dose or not, instructions and they cannot be exceeded, then food products say nezin or e234, go and know, it turns out that we have introduced, well , one might say, a quality mark, let ’s show it, these are three letters e, ac, this is the so -called eurasian standard. and if the product says nezin, but there is this icon, eac, look, there is me, and
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there is, there is this icon, eac, which means the dose of preservative e234 is safe, or there is an icon “eac” that says “nisin”, this means that once again the dose of preservatives is safe, so we take this condensed milk, here is the “e” icon. here we have there is this preservative, there is an “eac” icon, this is a eurasian standard, which means you can take it, there is no “eac” icon, which means you don’t need to take it, in my opinion, this is voluntary certification, yes, but this is a standard that is a standard of quality and safety, for everyone who is part of our eurasian community. friendship, i see, here ’s the answer, i like you so much, you write everything down,


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