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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 25, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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look, there is me, and there is, there is this icon, yaas, which means the dose of preservative e234 is safe, or there is an icon “ias” it says “nisin”, which means, once again, the dose of preservatives is safe, so we take this condensed milk here is the "eac" icon, here we have this preservative, there is the "eac" icon - this is the euro.
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the information channel starts broadcasting on the first, time will tell the program, we are working live, in the studio of oles losev, ruslan astashko. while all of russia is mourning and worrying about the monstrous terrorist attack in kroku city hole, kiev regime inspired by blood and hatred. oba is doing everything to
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harm our civilians even more painfully. all weekend without stopping they hit our border areas. the belgorod region is constantly on the line of fire, and the presenter of the project, myzhieva maryana naumova , together with her team, went there, and here are her first impressions. now i am on a work trip in belgorod, we came here straight from donetsk due to the current situation, right now i am at the epicenter, here in the city center. there was a shelling recently, look how much damage the high-rise building received, and i would like to note that literally in a very short period of time all the utility services, the ministry of emergency situations, arrived, and the ambulance, firefighters, work was being carried out, in general belgorod met us with bad and alarming news , and first we learned about the terrorist attack in moscow, then when we moved in, it started working. alarm, we were asked to go down
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to shelter, thank god, the air defense worked, thank our air defense officers, but the situation remains very tense, you know, they are shelling as if on schedule, in the morning you wake up to a siren , in the evening, well, you see , it was just before dawn and there was shelling, and you can feel these anxious moods, it’s scary, it’s hard, but you know, i noticed that the people here are very kind, they are real, they will always... come to the rescue, some go to the military defense, some volunteer, some are just trying to help, but what can they do to shelter people, for example, from the border, who are now evacuated, where it is very difficult, but they stay here, this is their home, they will not go anywhere, they will stand until the end, and what i would like to note is the warning system, you immediately receive a message on your phone that there is a missile danger, everyone take shelter, then the siren turns on, and the most important thing is that there are a lot of places around the city , there are modular concrete blocks where you can
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take shelter, where there are first aid kits, we can handle it , we can handle it, just all together, everything will be fine, the most important thing is, take care of yourself, be healthy, and we can handle it, absolutely soon there will be a report on channel one as part of special project we are alive, be sure to watch, and we continue to work. the latest news about the terrorist attack in krokuseholi immediately after a short advertisement, the largest. in the world, the investment corporation black rock, the black rock company places its people and extends its tentacles throughout the office of government, its leader, a certain mr. fink, maybe it’s time for larry to become president, no, what are you saying, i’m still too young for that, he more than the president of the united states, the shadow ruler of not only the financial world, 9.4 trillion under management today, they have shares in military companies, they are swallowing up entire countries, ukraine is already...
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people in ukraine are 11 million pensioners, people are indifferent to him, we are not interested in ending this conflict, the longer this continues, the more russia will weaken. the ultimate goal is to take control of russia and its resources. america and its next dirty fink. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. this is the one who ratted out his... partner, what have you done, no one wants to work with him, behind the wheel, he's like a duck to water, we're launching an experiment, a taxi, an undercover taxi, even a colonel, but is this even legal, i had my own plans for this car, but
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they forced one on you, and you'll fly out of here like a traffic jam -under champagne, an interception plan has been introduced, an armed attack at the address north 27, it looks like we have a new one. another corpse, and what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform, a bomber in law, an unfinished cowboy, who decided to start the actual investigation, persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here, why are you helping me, you won’t calm down until you catch them, and what’s your name, for you i’m just a taxi driver, an undercover taxi , the premiere, watch the time after the program. then you fell, then something else , well, this is how to live with you, but you don’t live , the symphony of five russian empires was revealed to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion, after
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death and total darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement, i , along with the whole country, rejoiced, finally, ours have gone, we are breaking, it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, among whistling bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, today on the first. what are canes? this?
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different. evgeny steblov is one of the most unusual artists in russia. he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow for family reasons. in these films he awakened to the truth of his characters national sympathy. and for a very long time i didn’t
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understand what i did there. and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i didn’t love anyone before tanya, i was on her arm. i was shocked by our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk at the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end? why couldn't tragedy be avoided? all this is in god’s providence; as god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? the terrorist attack in crocos city hall, one of the largest in the history of our country, yesterday throughout russia, on the day
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of national mourning, people created memorials and expressed their most sincere condolences to relatives who lost loved ones in this tragedy. tens of thousands of people came to the concert hall to to show that our country cannot be broken by all those who want it, this wall of flowers stretched for 20 meters.
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according to the latest official data, 137 people became victims of the terrorist attack, 182 were injured, the procedure for identifying the dead has already begun, unfortunately, it is still many relatives cannot find their loved ones, they are not on the list of dead victims, work continued all night to clear the rubble of the kroku city khola building, more than 400 cubic meters of collapsed structures have already been dismantled by a rescuer, now they are contacting us directly channel one correspondent dmitry kulko, he is located right next to the city hall building. dmitry, hello, is the clearance of the rubble still ongoing and what plans do the rescuers have, is there any information about this, how long will the clearance continue. yes, colleague. hello, but initially it was announced that it would take about a week, a little less
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time, to clear the rubble, this work is now going on around the clock, you can see this, the ministry of emergency situations employees broke through the western wall of the crocus, made the so-called technological opening, let's come closer so that through this opening special equipment can drive directly to the rubble, you can actually see the car is already standing and we see many tons of tons of collapsed structures, roofs, the crocus hall, which collapsed after terrorists started a fire here inside the building, a rescuer is now dismantling them, dismantling them manually for now, small equipment can still drive up, go inside, because the foundation in this fire also burned through, first it needs to be strengthened, they are strengthened like this with sand, here you see mountains of sand here, then they put concrete on top, and these big machines, like this hundred-ton crane, will be able to drive inside and lift large metal ones. structures now, rescuers are still dismantling them manually and did a huge
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job during this search operation, as you already said, almost 500 - 500 tons of rubble were cleared, the rescuer has been working around the clock all this time, as we now know, at the moment it is known that that 137 people died during the terrorist attack, and probably... this figure will grow as the rubble is cleared. the authorities of moscow and the moscow region have already announced financial assistance. we are talking about the following payments: 3 million rubles. the relatives of those killed during the terrorist attack will receive 1 million rubles; the wounded who are now in the hospital will receive 500,000 rubles. will be received by victims who are undergoing treatment at home. here today, in the destroyed crocus building, we also saw investigators. committee, they are also carrying out work here today, as the day before they will meet with people,
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visitors to the crocus who were here on friday during the terrorist attack, of course, people will meet with them , including in order to convey and return things that people left here, and of course it is very difficult for people to return here after this tragedy, after what they experienced here, people were saved by a miracle, they ran out of here when shots and explosions were heard in the building, when the fire was raging, of course, many ran away. just without outerwear and people themselves say that they recognized each other in the subway, namely those who came out of this hell, because that they were without coats without jackets, someone still had numbers from the wardrobe, including using these numbers today they will return clothes to people and also someone today will pick up their cars, here they are in the parking lot near the crocus dozens of cars, well, colleagues, this is the situation near the destroyed building. dmitry, you probably also visited the memorial of flowers, soft
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toys, candles, now, how crowded it is, when you look at this memorial, you know, you don’t want to cry, but you just want to howl, your impression, here visiting this memorial, what is happening there now, yes, even in the early hours.
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everyone now perceives this as a personal loss, yes, they go to this memorial. thank you very much, dmitry kulko, pervokanal correspondent, was in direct contact with us. the investigative committee stated that the inspection of the crime scene is still ongoing. according to the latest information, two kalashnikov assault rifles, four sets of military ammunition and more than 500 rounds of ammunition were seized from crocus city. and the details of the investigation into the tragedy were told by the official representative of the investigative committee svetlana petrenko. during the inspection of the crime scene, no mined bodies or other traces of mining were found. four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, and two kalashnikov assault rifles with which the attackers were armed were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. while the suspects were being detained in the bryansk region
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, a makarov pistol and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle were found and seized in a renault car. at the moment, at the scene of the terrorist attack... the four perpetrators were caught at the very first the day when they tried to escape through the territory of the bryansk region to ukraine, they were already taken to moscow for questioning by the investigative committee, yesterday in the basmanny court all four accused were sent into custody until may 28, they face life imprisonment for the article on committing...
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a trick , one of them even got caught on camera, most likely he came to see the layout, the location of security posts and naturally calculate the escape routes, and after the video of the terrorists went online, one of the girls was able to identify one from the militants, natalya was in the concert hall on the same day when he was photographed, three of them were in a group, one bearded in some kind of green jacket, he called and... laughed and spoke not in russian, and the fourth stood near the window in sand form, i didn’t see it - initially, mm, because then he would meet me on the second floor, they were looking around, and i thought that these were employees, most likely, well, at least in the one that was in sand
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form, i saw him more than once on the second floor.
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they want to move the theater of military operations, which today is theirs, they want to move it deep into our country, unfortunately, through terrorist attacks that are taking place today in the belgorod region, including here, so at the same time , i say again, why the escape routes, it means they weren’t fully worked out, i was laying flowers at 9:00 pm on saturday, i also went, there was an incredible traffic jam, this is mkat, it was not only connected with the decomposition of flowers, it was just objectively a traffic jam, well, mkat. dear, i’m not a muscovite, but it’s about the same here there was a time and a terrorist attack was committed, so they calculated everything in terms of time, yes, but for me the question is, why didn’t they dump the car? that is, these are elementary things and so on, some accuse, if i take this opportunity i will also say, to the cathedrals, i am the commander of the cathedral and she was the commander, and of course, here in the krasnoyarsk territory we carried out
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special operations from 5 to 10 per day, per day, our cathedral was held, so it is in no way possible to say that inaction, without force, guys, i know many people i know there the guys who work in sobre vomon, they were all aimed at understanding the importance of not just their presence, but their actions directly there. and what they could , they did everything and did it absolutely professionally, someone says they walked there slowly, someone says they moved out slowly, listen, post, well, the operational combat department of solimon is not 5 m from this crocus , this also needs to be reached, but special signals were used somewhere and so on, but nevertheless, this is the first, the second point, of course, means for the sake of objectivity it is necessary to say that if this happened, it was certainly in some link. there was a failure in this chain of some kind, this is before all this, professionals use all these , if this became possible, now what do you mean, a failure, well, somewhere, roughly speaking,
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the security service somewhere there did not work, for example , somewhere there are access roads there and so on, that is, there are many factors that could have played a negative role, which could have contributed to the commission of this terrorist attack, i i’ll tell you frankly, maybe you shouldn’t have told me this, yes, but i’ll tell you honestly, now we need to turn everything inside out, everything inside out just like...
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the population to this, not just psychological, medical first aid kits, there are some kind of shelters there and so on, that is, the entire system must be created to work. vitali nikolaevich, you have extensive experience working in law enforcement agencies, you went through both the nordost and beslan, if i’m not mistaken, now that there is information about how many cartridges were not used by the terrorists in crocus, it means the plans were larger and more ambitious, in general, your comments about what was happening, what plans they might have had? how could this even happen now in just 15 minutes and 15 minutes they had already left there, so the law enforcement agencies, well, maybe they reacted very well, that is
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, professionally, but 15 minutes of this time is very little, it is clear that those curators who trained this group, calculated, well, i don’t know, probably by the second, how much they should work, how much they should throw and set the hall on fire then how to leave, and the ammunition that was left, well, for some reason they threw it away, for some reason they threw it away. but they left them for retreat, why? because they had to move in the direction that was assigned to them, and if they were detained, then there would be a city battle, that is, there could be much more losses, that is, it is clear that they left in order to mix with the crowd , to mix with the crowd and to retreat, let’s say, the plans that they might have had were implemented, then they left, or they left, because that time was running out, but somehow they calmly, excuse me, left. judging by the footage that is now being distributed, when they are leaving, they somehow, you know, so casually, leisurely, just like that, it means they are walking here, there, well, filming,
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commenting on something else, well, it’s clear that 15 minutes for law enforcement agencies to carry out reconsideration, well, the time is very, very short, let’s just say, they clearly knew the timing, they clearly knew the time, yes, that’s why they still had some time left , so they calmly, maybe be, us it seemed like they left calmly, but when we saw them all shaking... they were all so scared, well, we see that they were n’t professionals, they were filming this for what, for reporting, well, for reporting, of course, it’s definitely required reporting, they were required to report so that they had to remove and prove the commission, but on the one hand, on the other hand, it is clear that perhaps they were under some kind of drugs, under some kind of drugs, so maybe this also had an impact on their body the fact that it seems to us that they were calm
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, they are human, especially with these animals, well, they were shaking and shuddering, being in the basmanny court already behind the glass in the dock, so everyone who dares to do anything else will shake similar, a short advertisement and let's return, the world's largest investment corporation black rock, the black rock company places its people and extends its tentacles throughout the offices of government, its leader...
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lyosha, do you work part-time in a taxi? remember what i told you about the secret work? attention on gurkovskaya 158, entry into the apartment. this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague. no matter what, you can always count on me. even despite our divorce? couldn't stay away. you don't love him. my parents were killed,
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i can’t even find out how they are trying to kill them, hold on, you got divorced recently and, as i understand it, you haven’t been on a date for a long time, yes, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, from now on no contact with this simplest from teaching staff, є vluchannya, new. ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns, darkness, something is flying, something is whistling, someone is shouting something in some language, in the dark they can shoot down a rocket, but how did they see it? tsypso got to the point of rewriting the history of architecture. ukrainian empire is hot ice, soft stone is something that cannot exist. the brosovsky palace in odessa , the red building, is simply solid russian classicism. and it also turns out that anti-tank missiles also need clothing,
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what kind? anti-fairy? premiere, tomorrow on the first. what are canes? this is an opportunity to show your film to the whole world. in in general, this is really a holiday, no matter as long as the kan is leading the festival. do you swear in your testimony to tell the truth, the whole truth and the whole truth? underneath it all, a strong and faithful love for cinema. when the actor enters the hall and the lights go out, the star disappears. i loved making love with him, he was not afraid to experiment, filming a love scene is similar to filming a fight, filming action or filming a chase, it is very difficult to show passion, they will say, i wouldn’t do that, matodore on friday on the first, if in passage time before the film there would not have been
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such a tolstoy festival around the stairs. no matter what, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i received my sight, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re still lying, why are you you’ll lump everything into one pile, but we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, we decide, and then , come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live in the next world together with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry and calm down.
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where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other. what are you on ready? for all. life after life. premiere of a serial film. coming soon on the first one. in the west, everyone is trying with all their might to prove that ukraine was not involved in this terrorist attack, many western headlines. flee to the territory of ukraine, where
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a corridor was specially prepared for them, but in the west they hear only what they want to hear, then they use it for their own such correct democratic purposes, in the united states, but they definitely found the culprits, this is a terrorist organization. no, there is no evidence and we know that isis is responsible for what happened. well, kamala haris, of course, enjoys such a high level of trust around the world. then a video appeared of her joyfully
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clapping her hands in puerto rico, amid shouts of insult from local residents, and they insulted her right in her face, throwing all these words, and with surprise, her face began to change as soon as the words of the opposition were translated to her. ago, a candidate for president of the united states , but it’s interesting, by the way, that another 7 years of the united states, he was then a candidate for president,
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donald trump announced that barack obama and hillary clinton are co-founders of isis. isis reveres president obama, he is the founder of islam. they are fighting on the side of the united states, well, western journalists , together with experts, have already found a lot of evidence of involvement, as it were, of isis in this terrorist attack, and most importantly, they explain why ukraine
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could not possibly be behind this terrorist attack. a terrible terrorist attack took place in moscow, did vladimir putin really ignore the warning? what do we know and what can we trust about these events? i have no doubt that isis is responsible; cells of their kharasan division exist not only in afghanistan, turkmenistan, tajikistan and iran. central asia has long-standing grievances against russia. the isis group, the possible participation of which we are talking about, is called the islamic state of kharasan, it is located in afghanistan and we know that in russia there are many people from central asia, a muslim population, some of which...
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that the attackers who carried out the deadly shooting were heading to ukraine when they were detained by russian authorities, despite to the islamic state's repeated claims that they are behind this attack, the russian... i don't think the ukrainians would attack such a target, rather they would target oil refineries, radar installations, military installations, this is a clear war crime, they would they did not do this, despite all the anger they feel towards russia and the desire to bring war into the homes of muscovites who support putin. i think the ukrainian government would not do this. do you think that the president
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putin will use this attack as additional incentive to change his strategy in ukraine. well, it looks like he 's really laying the groundwork to somehow blame kiev in some form or another, and that would be in line with his plan that he continues to push. he needs to strengthen the public's desire to continue this war, no matter what happens, in fact, he is going to use the situation to do this. the west imposes its own well-thought-out legend, but such obsessive beliefs are capable of a king make naked, pay attention, by imposing this story so that everyone believes in igel’s involvement in this terrorist attack, they are thereby pursuing their beliefs, as for kamala haris, who does not have any kind of...
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also emphasize an important point, we everyone must understand that terrorism has neither religion nor nationality. look, the americans and the western media have been unable to find out or tell us who blew up the nord stream for 2 years. until now they do not see the genocide of the palestinian people and believe that that an investigation is required. and in general, 60 years later, they still cannot tell anyone who killed their president, kennedy, but in half an hour they immediately realized that isis.
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look at the statement that the amak news agency issued, even this elementary moment, i won’t show you now, but the fingers of one hand were raised, the left, in theory they should, if it was, well, a person who understands what he is doing, raised would be the finger of the right hand, a lot, of course, well, that’s it and what other nuances are there, if disassemble, you are an expert in this industry, you analyzed the action in detail. in syria and afghanistan, there is a clear understanding of where
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isis operates, simply by external signs, because that’s how they do it, and where they are trying to pass themselves off as isis, this terrorist attack is isis or an attempt to pass itself off as isis. look, this terrorist attack, maybe isis is connected somewhere as a perpetrator, as a plot, yes, but uh, any jihadist organizations when they carry out a terrorist attack, they go as suicide bombers. searches for martyrs, fight to the last and maximum casualties, they never even consider escape routes anywhere. this is where you started the program, what you came for, four bastards, worked for 15 minutes, threw everything away, started talking, started leaving, in theory, if isis had worked, they would have taken hostages, killed until the end and in the end blew themselves up , because isis. the main task of a suicide bomber is to die and go
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to the so-called heaven, this is the main basis of their recruitment, the basis of the philosophy of theology of extremism, that is, they are ideological, not for money, but here when, excuse me, but fees are provided in cases of terrorist attacks and gilova, fees in the next world, guri there and so on, in the next world in this, that's what, when here's a big thank you to those fighters who detained? but in syria and iraq egil is no longer the same, and the link was to khurasan, in order to later link it to the post-soviet citizens who don’t like russia’s policy towards muslims, let’s go, let’s go, here
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’s the chain, let’s ask who is active in central asia from western intelligence services? mostly americans and british and khurasans a khurasan was created for them, as well as a cell , because those who fled from syria, which the americans, by the way, and the french took in helicopters, all this was thrown there in the future so that they could play in central asia, we end up with ukraine, but here begins, well, central asia, independence from the country, they just clearly understood this yayat, who they are, how you look. attention is also such a moment when isis published a video, faces are blurred, there is no clear voice, it was written in arabic, well, a certain religious message was written there subject, but you can write whatever you want , you can’t see a face, you can’t hear a voice, but write, sculpt whatever you want, like it’s in the name of jihad, in the name of and so on and so on and so
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on, upside down, people it was swallowed up because the western media began to circulate this fake message on telegram.
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they imposed fear on russian society, they imposed on our society, too, here is a split, in fact, an attempt to split, we have a multinational country, here we are with the guys, when we work at the front, everyone there is muslims, christians, jews, buddhists, yes everything in a row, then we have volunteers from central asia, a huge number who are now fighting for us together, what is this, this is
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an attempt to split society, impose fear, try to divert, now again there will be resets, the russians... look, like , we are ready to cooperate on international terrorism, just let’s finish it with ukraine, the ukrainians there are good, again, now it’s a very important question to ask, if they had reached the border, they would have passed or they would have been shot, like what the ukrainian army is so humane they shoot, well, they don’t allow the terrorists to pass, or they would be detained, like handed over to the russian side, because they are so good, well, this is consumable material, people are again with egil. al-qaeda, all these organizations have well-spoken russian-speaking militants, were thrown in with illiterate, non-understanding people who were holding a machine gun for the first time in their lives, this is a consumable item, this is a tool, because they were thrown in to cut the ends, alexey
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alekseevich, how far they were able to disguise this whole thing is under isis, as far as the western audience will believe that it was, because what seems to me, in detail... is the kind of brand that is thrown in when it is necessary to carry out an information cover operation, in this case this is the very moment, the features of the information, information work carried out by the western media are precisely to convince that this is not the ukrainian side, so... the task set is very specific, very simple, in the case of the northern streams, which a colleague mentioned, there was the opposite task: to convince everyone that these are ukrainians, ukrainian patriots, but i... andrameda, such interesting little things and details that, in principle, should have hidden the main thing that was happening and
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what actually happened. of course , we are talking about the fact that elements have introduced people who are supposedly not professionals, and who behave like non-professionals in order to evoke pity; please note, at this stage the western media are trying with all their might to evoke pity. that the russians themselves organized this, i actually have a rather strange statement about i think that at the end of this information they will insist on this directly to the company in order to discredit the ukrainian leadership, while they are throwing it in as a version, and then they will say that most likely it will fade away and that’s it. using, taking advantage of, and the fact that - there were - the information series
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is built in exactly this way, in the end it already emerges, what to do in this situation? yes, it is necessary to quickly solve this crime, and, as the president said, from top to bottom, that is, to get to the customers, because this is the isis brand, banned in russian organizations belongs to the british and american intelligence services, well , no one else can use it only... this is their brand, that’s why i’m afraid that these ears need to be dragged by these ears, no matter how these words sound now, by these ears it is necessary to drag and drag into the white light, the sun, everything that was hidden, and i am sure that to this monstrous terrorist attack it is necessary to link other smaller terrorist attacks that took place, but which were not in the prism of the world media, but which are part, parts of the common the picture that we are now seeing, and ukraine is being tortured... and to excuse it and justify its terrorist actions with the help of these monstrous terrorist attacks, they want to make
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sure that ukraine falls into a comparative analysis as a whiter fluffy, although in fact the deletive essence of the kiev regime , it is almost impossible to hide it, the whole world is shocked by the massacres that took place in moscow, condolences are strangely received from many leaders, many personally called vladimir putin, morals have formed in different countries, in the united states in the states, in bulgaria, turkey, serbia, azerbaijan, belarus, and in latvia, despite the ban on laying flowers at the russian embassy, ​​people still came with flowers, with toys, with candles, leaving them on the other side of the street. in ukraine , at this time, they are trying with all their might to prove that they are absolutely not involved in this terrorist attack, vladimir zelensky, in some kind of delirium , began to blame our country for what happened. well , having gotten himself in over his head, zelensky still manages to hope to somehow get out of it, in general, the level of cynicism of the ukrainian
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vileness knows no bounds at all, one of the kiev bars has introduced the crocus city set into its menu, it is illustrated with photographs of a hot concert hall, for 249 hryvnia under a mocking name, they offer fried mozzarella, french fries, chicken wings and onion skins... with terrorists full program, but at the official level they say: no, no, no, not us, russia is to blame, does this make them accomplices? zelensky is in a hopeless
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situation, which means he’s saying such nonsense, of course, it just doesn’t fit in his head, by their actions, it is no coincidence that i named the belgorod region, bryansk region there, and so on, which means that by their actions they confirm their involvement in committing terrorist acts on the territory of the russian federation. in my opinion, not only on the territory of russia, they create other moments, but in our country it is obvious, this is the most evil, while it is not profitable for zelensky now, well, really take the blame, realizing that it is not by chance that we are saying, yes ukrainian people are different, it must be frankly admitted, but for the most part people they understand that we are slavs of the same blood, in principle, and people understand that in the end this is also there, or maybe a relative died from those who are in ukraine, do you understand? and he understands that here he will incite his own population even more against this top of the government, not the nazi elite, so he is now forced, not
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to mention the world community. we would never say that, we said, we will express our condolences to our family, this is a huge difference, you know, which emphasizes the unity of our people, i also since i want to step back a little, if you allow, we understand that zelensky, that he is a scoundrel, that he makes such statements, it is obvious that there is a ukrainian trace, there is no need to prove too much here, but we also want to draw attention to something else, so i would like to draw your attention to attention, more than 500
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people donated blood, you know, but no one... set any quotas for state employees, someone speculated there, as in the election campaign, they said such nonsense, no one forced them, people themselves went to donate blood, taxi drivers , that means, or by private transportation, who was working or on personal transport, i was an eyewitness of this, they came, it means they needed help, they brought something to their destination, this is also the solidarity of our people, so when we say unity, cohesion, support for each other - these are not just words, this is not an empty phrase.
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i think so, yes, there was information in the press and it was prepared for them, i think so, that those settlements that run along the border, there are some corridors between them, unfortunately, that is, we have missed it so far, so just in one of corridors and wanted to carry out, and the terrorist attacks in belgorod, when they attacked the belgorod region, the kursk region, these are neighboring regions, it was an attempt to possibly divert our forces to these areas so that there would be fewer of our forces there, so that... so to pull together, yes, to pull together the forces that we have, as it were, in reserve, to those places where the bombing is going on, and somewhere nearby to lead the group that they wanted to meet on their own, there is also a nuance that they took them on the road where there was an intersection on the border of belarus to ukraine, they were already taken where they passed the turn towards belarus and were clearly heading towards ukraine, if you pay
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attention to the map, this is completely noticeable, that is, our specialists can definitely... guarantee that they were heading towards ukraine, but it was not in vain that i asked a question about belgorod , because the shelling of civilian infrastructure continues, our border areas were under shelling all weekend, yesterday over the belgorod region 22 vampire rszo shells of czech production were destroyed, residential buildings, shops, cars and hostels were again damaged, unfortunately there are dead and wounded, simultaneously with the attacks on belgorod, british stormshadow missiles flew towards... they say that this was the most powerful attack on the hero city during the entire period of the special military operation, dozens of missiles were shot down on approach, the preliminary target was the main communications center of the russian black sea fleet, yuri ivanovich podalyaka is now contacting us directly, yuri ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, over to you, i know that you also followed the attacks on sevastopol on belgorod, but
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now sevastopol, was this really the largest attack? what was the goal and most importantly, did the enemy achieve results, or did we manage to shoot down most of the missiles? well, in fact, i don’t know what the results were not planned, i can only guess, yes, but the fact that it was really... the most powerful attack on sevastopol of all time, and unprecedentedly powerful, is true, in my opinion data, they may be erroneous, because i am still not part of the official media, then according to my data there were more than twenty missiles, 24 missiles that were launched from twelve aircraft, these were not only stormy, they were neptune anti-ships and special missiles to hit our radio stations, so... most of them were actually shot down, but unfortunately, some went through our air defense system, they simply overloaded it, and in this way they were able to achieve certain results, the attack was really on the control center, and also one missile fell,
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but it is not clear whether it was a fragment or fell on the territory of the 810th marine brigade , for something there and some missiles, either shot down or not, hit and damaged several ships, this is what was achieved, it is clear that they... most likely wanted what - something on a larger scale, but if all the missiles, if most of the missiles were not shot down, i think the consequences would be much more severe, but the ukrainian side is already saying on some telegram channels that the ships were one of the targets, including from radzhno, happily report that the ships they are amazed, but as far as i know, they are on the move, that is, if they hit the ships with shrapnel, they literally missed in the literal sense of the word, are there any details, because as far as i know. again from my sources from sevastopol, everyone knows that i have certain connections there, all our ships, they are in service, yes there is some damage, but they are not critical, well , unfortunately, there is damage, but
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let me remind you that the enemy will immediately stated that they allegedly sank them, well, it’s clear that it was for them would be a balm, but in fact they are really on the move, and i really hope that they will be repaired in the near future and they will return to service, but there is a feeling that they had other expectations - a large-scale blow, because they put everything into this blow , it was the most powerful blow, but where did these missiles come from ? does it mean that they supplied some new supplies? no, no, in fact, these are all the same missiles, the planes launched all the su-24, mik-29, su-27, that is , they were launched on the suspension of these planes, somewhere or from an anu , as if on the territory, the launch was odessa, nikolaev regions, from there they came, in my opinion, even from khersonsk. regions, some plane also launched anti-relocation missiles, that is, it was as if the plan was good, powerful, as i understand it, one of the goals was to hit the barracks of the 810th brigade, because there were a lot of things shot down in this area, and i will even
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repeat one missile where -it fell, thank god , without damaging that barracks, but nevertheless , the area there is very large, so thank god, i wrote on my blog, thank god that everything worked out, because the enemy had planned something very serious with a large number of casualties, i’m like...
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i watched the latest news, including on the enemy’s channels, he admits, every day now he admits about a retreat at one point or another, today, well, in the morning he admitted a serious advance of our troops in the novomikhailovka area, most of the settlement is strong under us, it holds only in its western outskirts, also in the victory area a little to the north, georgievka, ours have tactical successes, ours are working well in the chachovo yar area, they finally took the eastern part of the strategic hill. somewhere up to the hour ravine is about 1 km , the battle is going on very intensely, we are trying to squeeze out the enemy and cling to the residential area, well, there is essentially an industrial building there, if we do this, the enemy’s defense here may
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crumble in approximately the same scenario as in the village , the enemy simply understands that all this can develop like this, for him chasara is a key point, it is akin to the dangerous one, when we liberated the dangerous one in the twenty-second year, the battle was hardest, after this is developing... a key point, so chasov yar is approximately the same key point for the entire northern donbass, the loss of chasov yar will have a catastrophic effect on all its groups, both northern, western, and eastern of this populated area, hence such bitterness , well, near avdeevka , after taking the thin one, we develop success, clear the fields between the thin one, to the south of the thin one and pervomaisky and move forward here, but the main battle is in the north , our troops are trying to cross the river bad or bad, i don’t know which is right , she is there -
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i said that ukraine is moving into a new phase of war, and i said that we will see terrorist attacks, militant attacks using false flag provocations, blaming someone else for them, saying, that it wasn't us. zelensky said a couple of days ago that the russian people should feel the full brunt of this. victoria said that this is additional funding. will provide
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putin with some unpleasant surprises, when she promises unpleasant surprises, you get similar things just a couple of weeks later. what struck me was that usually isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack, they usually want to become martyrs. in the united states, meanwhile, they decided to play such conscientious fighters against terrorism, american congress senator tim kaine argues that the states always warn even unfriendly countries about serious threats, but russia, according to him, for sure... the united states warned russia. vladimir putin gave a speech, discounted our warnings, said that we tried interfere with causing confusion. we also warned iran a couple of months ago about an isis terrorist attack. if you want to know the difference between democracies and authoritarian regimes, we will warn other countries if we are concerned about their citizens. russia or iran would never have told us if they had the data. vladimir putin warned
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that a terrorist attack was being prepared in boston, but then no one wanted to listen to russia. american political scientist stefan ebert is in touch with us now. stefan, hello. hello. stefan, please tell me, where did american politicians come from such concrete conclusions that the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole was the work of isis. and why are they trying.
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in response to - your question, yes, at first, when i just saw - in our media that this happened, they immediately said that this was the work of isis, they said that this is how, well, very often, if, if not always, uh, if some uh terrorist group... commits an act like this, most often they immediately, which means the culprits immediately say that it’s us, and so i think that this is too much, in my opinion, quickly, and good, they have this recording of me, someone posted the recording there, good, they still think what they are telling us.
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and well, in general, from the very beginning they say that, well, we kind of know that this is isis, but the most important thing is that this is not ukraine, yeah.
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in ukraine, in fact, is already making ukraine complicit in this terrorist attack, something is heard about this in america, no, not at all, they, of course, are focusing on this, this is more often the case, as after plinkin says that we offer our condolences to the russian to the people, yeah, definitely, this is it, these are the words. to the russian people, not putin and the russian people , namely the people, yes, and that means our dear talking heads there are experts in all such matters,
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and they draw attention to the fact that this, this, this is very bad for putin, and that means , it shows that he's kind of a weakling, yeah. to use the services of, let's say, islamic terrorists, as i remember, this is in afghanistan, where we helped the taliban and , by the way, alkaid, and oddly enough, after
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20 years, in my opinion, we received an award for this, yes stefan, thank you great, unfortunately this is not the case with us. a lot of time, thank you for sharing our grief with us these days, in fact events are developing, we will monitor what is happening, investigative actions are now underway, various information appears, we are following, we will tell you live, stay with us, now the news is on the front page. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. 97 people remain in hospitals and hospitals after the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, authorities near moscow reported this about an hour ago.


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