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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 26, 2024 12:50am-1:36am MSK

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this novel is called "the father looks to the west." and he was on the long list for the big book prize and on the short list for the yasnaya polyana prize. katya, hello. both a laureate of the lyceum and a laureate of the lyceum prize. by the way, i didn’t say this about asya volodina, who is a finalist for the lyceum prize. but it's up to you to decide whether you're a finalist or a finalist, it's your choice. the main thing is not this, but the main thing is that we are talking today about modernity. i promised to surprise you with a question, but i didn’t say what, and i will surprise you with it, the answer is yes, no, asya, are you a millennial or not a millennial, millennial, millennial, yes, zhenya, you’re a millennial, no, no, you’re older than millennials, yes, by feeling or by your passport , but by feeling, by feeling, well, finally, katya, are you a millennial or not, i thought at first you’d just be a millionaire, well, this almost the same thing, i’m a millennial, a millennial, well, that is, 2:1.
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i no, two or two, maybe i can say yes, that’s how it is with us, i even think it’s worth coming up with a program on how to become a millennial, it will be, i think, such an absolutely stunning story, that is, how to become younger, in fact, because millennial is synonymous with fashion, youth, well, millennials are those who are either the same age as the new millennium, or a little older than the beginning of the new millennium, but felt like an adult, an activist at the moment when the twenty-first began. well, this is what we are talking about, we mean this meaning when we say this long word: the millennium of the millennium, a millennial is a person who is related to the turn of the millennium, this is what i wanted to ask my guests, and today it is possible to have a unified history of literature, well here are some pushkin, gogol lermantov or no, again a quick answer, yes or no, or everyone has their own literature, asya, no, it’s impossible, everyone has their own. everyone
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has their own wife, everyone has their own modern literature , yes, modern, of course, pushkin, i think , well, it can hardly be brought under consciousness, everyone has their own, katya, yes, i’ll ask asya, what actually prompted you to in order to become a writer, i even put this phrase in quotation marks, yes, well , imagine, your daughter or son comes to you and says, mom or dad, i will be a writer, what will we answer him, wait, but what do you have to live on? strictly speaking, who will you study for, and where will you work? what does it mean to be a writer? so what was the main thing for you? when did this all start? well, actually, it started for me just after i finished my studies, found a job, and what’s more, defended my phd thesis, and apparently after that i allowed myself to live the way i wanted, in fact i already had a piece of bread, i know, that you teach german and estonian, this is my main so and so usually yes, that is, you are a linguist and i am literature.
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but it so happened that i rather taught language than literature, but literature has always been my great love, in fact, i studied in graduate school, wrote a dissertation on folklore for 3 years, and i got so burned out, in fact, doing science that after writing a dissertation on folklore , a year later i started writing a novel, because it’s a great excuse, yes, that is, having burned out in philology, a person becomes a writer himself, and i ’m just ready here, i don’t know, not to tear him apart, not to criticize him, but very... to argue harshly , because, well, how can you burn out on faulkner. well, of course, you, dear friends , know that william faulkner, billy faulkner, is the man to whom sherwood anderson, another prose writer, author of short stories, sent a famous letter and said: “billy, you are a country boy, you write only what you know, about that piece of land that can be covered on a map with a postage stamp, and faulkner began to write his magnificent, brilliant novels, how you can burn out on this, well, it’s not a bad reason to become a writer.” how was it for you? i
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came to literature as a poet, and in order to so that you have books, two, two collections of poetry, in the eleventh year it was published, a book of guides, a book of poems was published, this year in the twenty-third a book of a cloud of all was published. for me, literature is a way of knowing, and if poetry was a way of knowing oneself, then prose became a way of knowing reality, so... he says: i don’t like painting, but i’ll look at it from a geological point of view, well, of course you can look at the picture from from the point of view of geology, how the layers and rocks go there, but to understand the world, is it really necessary to write literature, maybe it’s better to read some other books, or maybe there are different methods of knowledge, i’m not saying that it’s the only one, unique or the best, but...
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one of them, and it’s probably closest to me, it’s clear, well katya, as it happened with you, but for me it so happened that love appeared as soon as i learned to read and write. love of literature, love of literature, yes, that is, when you open a book, start reading it and fall into this other universe, and you feel like a different person, a different moment, that at some point moment and i may not like the story, and i don’t want to rewrite it, yes, i was so busy finishing the finished book as a child, i also wanted anegin not to kill lensky, but suddenly he doesn’t, i thought, well , why not not to write, well, it’s being done now. now this is a separate direction , by the way, it seems to be even profitable, that is, no, remember, friends, yes, well, it’s clear , it’s clear, dostoevsky said that in order to write a novel, you need to stock up
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on one or more strong impressions, this is very important, my question is this: to what extent does your life fit into it in a transformed form or in a direct form, well, we involuntarily compare the facts of the biography and the novel, sometimes very directly, sometimes not so directly, that’s still to what extent personal experience is included in the prose, or it is not there, and if it is included, then what kind of experience is it, personally intimate, private or, well, public, generalized after all, that is, the thrill of time or the thrill of the heart, what? most importantly, i remember here, in fact, the story that happened to me in the twentieth year, when i left final of the lyceum prize, and there was such a practice that they laid out part of the author’s biography and an excerpt from his work, and i don’t know what is needed there literally a paragraph, i described my life a little
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, quite interestingly, and the first comment was approximately what the person the biography seems more interesting than his text, probably, it’s more interesting to read about the biography. and so i realized that perhaps it’s not worth dealing all the cards at once and it’s better to still let the text be read, and not yourself, but at the same time , really, well, my personal experience is one way or another differently reflected in all my texts, the point is that of course i give my characters a lot of myself or what i see around me, because this is my way of getting used to it, that is , for me writing is in many ways acting, great, maybe to create a novel without yourself, just using technology, experience?
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for example, if a tenth-grader vasya left a ninth-grader valya, and he thinks that now he really, well, doesn’t know how to live, this is interesting only to him, and valya, if she still loves him, to his mother, who will say, vasenka, well just don’t worry, but this is not art
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, yes, that is, in order to become art, you need to cut something off, something, like pushing aside the diaries, i liked it, zhenya, like you, i think it’s impossible to write a novel and some...
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moment when the experience returns, that is, if the world that you wrote is a real living one,
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then what happens there comes back to you, like your personal experience, and it is somehow different, yes, you don’t recognize him anymore, it’s wonderful, there is a reward, but he drives like he’s behind the wheel, he’s like a fish in water, this is the one, who ratted out his partner, or something like that, in any department in the city. your fame will precede you. we are launching an experiment. we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi. you can work alone without a partner. taxi? why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results. yes, because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to taxi drivers and taxis. in this case, the need for a taxi with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator and with one press of a button turns
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into a police car, not a car, but an animal, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find the gunner, we cover the gang, our people are among yours, they will do everything for him, we work, cover the taxi.
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so, i remind you that today we are talking about modern literature, we are talking about the literature of millennials, that is, those people who became adults, became creators on the verge of the millennium, our guests today are representatives. new russian prose, this is asya volodina, this is evgeny kremchukov and ekaterina
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manoila. well, at this point we will open the spoiler a little. well, actually, mine interlocutors and authors of many works, but each of them probably has the main novel at the moment, this is the protagonist asya volodina, the magical choir evgeniy kremchukov, the father looks to the west, ekaterina manoila. and, of course, we will not retell and tell. about what, but in one phrase i’ll still say, well, we tried to retell annegin, it would have turned out vulgar, well , he comes, he kills there in the village, well, my god, and then he falls in love too late, well, or it’s a bummer that he can’t retell it at all, he lies on his couch the person is everything, well, but nevertheless, asya volodya’s novel, to my taste, is in the english spirit, but such an oxford academic get-together, in which various interesting events take place, a university get-together...
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islam and christianity, where people seem to be divided between these worlds, interesting books, by the way, i think, but what did you feel or what event? for you an indicator of what happened? for me , such an indicator was the moment when i suddenly discovered that the world that i am still writing is not yet... over, it begins to live partly its own life, it acquires a certain autonomy from my plan , pushkin writes removed the thing, tatyana, yes, of course, well, this is christian, and tolstoy writes, if you don’t understand, but to the koryanin, read it again, i’ve already said everything, she lives on her own, yes, when this world and
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the heroes there begin does not mean dictating their terms to you, no, of course, but you suddenly discover that it... it came out more than a year ago, but since then every day i receive some feedback from readers on social networks, and for me, probably, this is the most important indicator: yes, response, yes, yes, yes, of course, asya, you, i probably have a more formal approach in this regard, because by the time the protagonist finished, i already had a finished novel, part of... a painting and well , they are at the same time practically yes, well, conventionally for the reader so yes therefore well, that is, i had the feeling that i knew how to create texts, worlds, and yes, that is, before the protagonist, i knew that i could create a text that was worth something, and the protagonist simply helped, well, set the bar higher actually, and but i had such a
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rather formal approach that there is an author, and there is a writer, a writer needs publications, while i had no publications. well, yes, the one who brilliantly plays hamlet in front of the mirror, in the hallway, is still him, even if he has the feeling that it turns out very cool, but still it’s not quite the same, yes, zhenya, katya, after all a response is needed, a response is needed, it is needed , but it must come later, now it’s time for the presenter’s column, as you may remember, in the middle of our issue, i’m reading... someone, three options: either this is an old book, or this is a quote from classics, or this is a poem, but today there will be an old book, but very unusually young for an old book, because this book was published in 1982, this is the debut book of the wonderful poet ivan fedorovich zhdanov, now dissertations are being written about the so
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-called poets, metametaphorists, about poets , who then suggested reading... a possible neural network? katya asked me, quoting the poems of the neural network, why is this not poetry? yes, because it has already been written, what ivan zhdanov did has not yet been resumed. well, he has such poems, for example, the bumblebee heat swayed in the candles, blacker than the blood in the heartbeat, but the color and essence coincide in the nights, pain, like
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a bumblebee yearns for flight. the point is that this is reality. not the one that you and i see in everyday life, not the one that is already all written down, as we talk about icons and paintings, everything is described in classical poetry, this is a completely new reality, which is realized as if for the second time, i’ll also read a poem from here, which for so many has become such a test of perception, not a test of the pen, perception, i’ll tell you right away secret, it's about how the saxophone plays. this is about music, master, occupy the grooves of open voices, puppy throats, gill slits, before silent projections of forests stick to your wall, he fell silent, and looked around the dusk, like a herder, getting rid of the influx , like a glassblower, he probed the ceiling and the temple
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stood, and the chalk blossomed, he left not... and weightlessly, but harder than stone, warmer than a creature, and the pistrot of the viviparous gloom covered him with a map of chromosomes, so the flying shell enveloped his immortal exhalation that it seemed inside him that the starry no longer began and did not end the crowd around him, the lanterns were swelling, the music was flying in glass balls, the trombone was blowing, colored bubbles... it was given somewhere every now and then, i’m suffocating, stuffy, open the heavens, hot breath, you raised the fumes like nickel, yesterday the fog will roll. ..
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but the fact is that the path to peace lies through the battlefield. he was such a patron who was included in patronage, he studied in the states. the globalists install their own political functionaries who will pursue their interests. and he is a big hypocrite, the finnish economy is broken, he is actually burying her well-being, organized and supervised the gay pride parade in helsinki. so there is no need to be mistaken about his wife and children. his preference is unknown, to eat well, drink, and then go to the salon with him. he talks about security, he talks about what , about the security of nato, his children do not speak finnish, finland is just a stepping stone for him, there is no talk of any national interests, finland is being prepared for a big war,
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we agreed to become part nato nuclear planning systems, against whom, against russia, alexander stup, full european stupa, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first, will of zhenya belous. the battle for the inheritance of a star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30. roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning and prepared everything for myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. dad's handwriting you know, to be honest, no. and you got divorced in prices, it turned out that the court. divorced, you can imagine it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you
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entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died. well, i’ll ask you this.
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i continue to teach my estonian language and more as a teacher, because i not only in fact, and a writer, well, this is my conditionally subpersonality, that is, i even divide some of my names a little, i have asya for the writer, yes, yes, you are actually anastasia, yes, i have anastasia vsevolodovna for teachers , i have nastya for friends, these people are usually.
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i once said a couple of times that , well, this is literature, no one comes here for the money, on the other hand, i thought that it’s probably not very correct to say that either, because there are literary prizes that i i received it too, yes or there like a bonus, they can’t support it for a long time after all, i’m saying, it depends on how you live, but depending on how you live, yes, but there is royalty from books, but there are different ones, there are magazines, and you don’t want to push them away and says: no, don’t come here, there’s no money here, but there is. no, well, there is. so, i remind you that today we are talking about modern literature. our guests today are representatives of new russian prose, this is asya volodina, this is evgenia kremchukov and ekaterina manoila. if we are talking about great, real russian literature, then what is this? secondly, who your hero? what kind of person is this? he is a man from
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the present. from the past, to what extent does it take into account the past and in particular the soviet past, well, the third question, i’ll hide it here so that we already have such a nine three times three, but we can get by, well, how can i say this, well, i wanted the perestroika word without the rubbish to say, yes, i don’t love him, dostoevsky’s complete nonsense, his father’s murder, a crime, but is it possible to do without the fact that, well, they don’t meet every day, without murders, without some terrible things...
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in general, not like a long-range floor system, where there is great literature, here is fiction and genre literature, but how to a certain field, that is, you take your basket, walk along this field , collect those berries that are interesting to you, need, does not deny fury, but well, there are tiers, there are fly agarics, toadstools and white, yes, but maybe a pinch of fly agaric will come in handy for your soup, it will make it unexpectedly interesting, don’t try to repeat it without... yeah,
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but to make them edible, that is , you can also use some elements of genre literature, like i did, for example, i do in in both of my novels, and not only in them, part of the picture and the protagonist, we remind you, yes, one way or another i am referring to detective stories there, or moreover, in the protagonist there is such an obvious homage to the lovingly crime novel of the nineties in paperback, where there he squeezes the girl... like a bandit, which i do quite consciously, he touched her with his hand, this is my favorite phrase in the translated raman, something like that, moreover, i even imitate this stylistically, and i it seems that due to the fact that, probably, we grew up in the nineties, when all the boundaries were shifting a lot, that is, there were even a lot of cultural misalliances, i would say, when, in principle, the previous hierarchy
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was demolished. that is, it seems to me that we grew up in some chaos, and from this chaos we are accustomed to collecting different elements to put in our texts, so our literature is such a borderland, but chaos is in this case a productive concept, yes, this is diversity, this is that forest , in which you don’t need to collect fly agarics, but know that you need to avoid them, but there are toadstools, there are also something, marry, what do you say to these three terrible questions, what is great literature, and what else without black stuff, and is it possible to do without black stuff? asya, here is my brother, the teacher immediately puts everything into order. i would distinguish great literature not technically, as it seems to me, not by the use of certain techniques, but based on the task, and if the main task of the genre of literature is to entertain the reader, then the great, so-called, it seems to me that work, no, difficulty?
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try the soup, and then you can do it later i’ll like it, i’d better have some candy right away , how to work for those who are used to looking for easy ways, like a great author, does he have the right to make some kind of compromises, can we accept it - this is please, it’s possible on the first page, kill the hero with an ax there, yes, the first phrase is the main one in the novel in general, without it it is impossible, it is impossible to take the reader, what first phrases do we remember, well, except for my uncle the most honest rules, everything was mixed up in the oblonskys’ house? bravo, i really like the phrase from one english novel: be the first to the place of execution the boys came running, great, i like that one day they were playing cards with the horse guard narumov, the queen of spades, what else is there, mom died at a stranger’s place in albert kamen, yes
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, remember the first phrase of your novels, of course, which ones, this will be another spoiler asya , well, asya doesn’t remember, but it’s all the more interesting, you could pretend that... it resembled a funeral home, well, right away it’s darkness, uh-huh, immediately darkness, a marat died, a small child died, as we later find out, this is already the case, yes , second novel, the wind carries dead leaves, it’s still there worse, the bell drilled by louise skull announced the end of the lesson, that’s where everything begins at school, of course. bavrin learned about protasov’s arrest in izu , shizuka prefecture while visiting local sights, well, yes, yes, but the arrest is still not murder, but there is also murder there, as we said in the protagonist,
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well, that is, it’s still difficult without such things , we deprived katya of the answer to what great literature is, but i have nothing to add, well , after all, you have your own opinion or not, there ’s more. who is your hero, third asya, without black, but it’s impossible without blackness, it’s impossible , it seems to me, well, that would be a lie, a terrible thing, please, this is personal experience, yaroslav, the nineties, naturally, there was something in my background, it ’s smoothed out gradually, sometimes i also find myself in some... somewhere in the corners of moscow, and i see that the life that i have already forgotten a little is alive, well, i haven’t seen murders for a long time, thank you. lord, yes, or scenes were raped, except for the screen, uh-huh, except for books, including catherine manuela, yes, sorry about that, no, why sorry, i can’t tear myself away, this this is the case, i’ll give you a personal compliment when you just swallow,
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because i have to tell you, dear interlocutors, that i’m very strict, i’m an editor , when i read, something doesn’t look right, my face like an astronaut who is rotated in three planes, it immediately begins to turn into... mass - who is your hero? my hero, a product of his time, so far here are my two books, they are probably in time, these are - both here and there there are sisters, there are real ones, here it’s like heroin who have found each other, which is the heroes, who is more or less my same age, yes, that is, this is in time, and more or less for everyone, zhenya, it’s like that for you too, this is important, this is probably the most important answer. that evgeny kremchukov , asya volodina, ekaterina manoila write about those who are close in age to them in their worldview, that’s why they are millennials, yes, how to become a millennial, you need to become young, beautiful, self-confident, feeling
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strong, then, then you will succeed, the very last question for today, what book you would like to write, let's start with katya, now, now i'm writing. the third book, and my goal and dream to write it is to write it the way i intended it, it’s called golden boy, it’s about a child growing up in a family of gold miners, here i do, as if i’m challenging myself, firstly i have different layers there time, this is a different geography , unusual, a boy and not a girl, but this is magadan, they are the steppes and moscow that i know there, so... i have great ambitions and a dream to make it very good, so that later we can say, oh, this is big literature? asya, for me, form and some challenges are probably very important, which are specifically related to
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form, to genre, to work, to genre, because i, well, in terms of painting, one way or another, i probably worked with a novel of ideas, roughly speaking, in the protagonist, of course, this is a reworking of ancient tragedy in many ways. as the title shows, the protagonists are the main character of the tragedy, now i know that there is a certain set of genres that i would like to work with to find their core. and maybe break these genres, for example, for me, this is a very mysterious and incomprehensible genre - this is a love story, we have no such thing as a russian love story, our russian authors write under pseudonyms, they write under foreign pseudonyms, because russian will not be read, because our love, it is suffering and blackness, these are all knights , ladies and so on, they are all there, so i’m interested in understanding what kind of specificity, let’s say, russian...
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so that it would be air and a stone flying in this in this air, yeah, and well, that window that he, well, essentially, yes, because poetry is generally excluded from royalties, from circulation, yes, this question simply does not arise there, if the poems, as my students and actors say , hit you, then some other mechanisms are at work here, and well, we can only express the general confidence that the novel, which breaks... the usual genres, a novel that
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moves from the borders of steppes and forests and moscow to the extreme southeast, where gold is mined, and a novel that is also necessary, like poetry, will definitely be written by our guests today, assey volodina, evgeniy kremchukov and ekaterina manuela, it is with great pleasure that i thank you for this meeting, asya, all the best, see you again, zhenya, goodbye. see you, katya , we’ll talk again and again, well, our dear interlocutors, i, as always, say my sacred mantra, read with pleasure, dear friends, well, in the great... among the emperors we have two
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people, peter and catherine, and petri you and i have already spoken, today catherine, of course, both figures are very contradictory and there is enough criticism of both, nevertheless, at the time itself the memory was confirmed as would be their significance as great characters, well, the topic is definitely ours, because everything... a german woman on the russian throne is such an autocratic manager of the west, and vasily iosipovich klyuchevsky, our great historian, wrote that catherine was the last accident on the russian throne after the era of the palace revolutions, that means the last coup, the last accident, that’s how it happened, how catherine became great, let’s try to figure it out today. hello, this is a history podcast. russia west on the swing of history, peter is with you
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romanov and sergei solovyov, today our topic is catherine ii. summing up the reign of catherine the great, karamzin, a classic of our national history, wrote that peter surprised europe with his victories, and catherine taught europe to these victories. in general, there are many such solemn ceremonies. regarding the reign, there was also the fact that peter was just the dawn, so catherine brought light to russia, there was a statement of this kind that peter created people in russia, it was catherine who put her soul into them, well, a little pompously, so to speak, pretentious, but in principle, the russian pre-revolutionary dictionary is still the same, but more so...
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it will be very interesting, this is like the end of the reign, and let’s try to understand where it all started, well , we need to remember where did you take it?
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was a second cousin. catherine, this is not the first and not the last woman on the russian throne. but of course she was radically different from everyone else. if we talk about the number of favorites in the era of catherine the great, then she probably had more
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than all the other empresses combined. we must remember how it all began. catherine was married off to peter fedo at a very young age. the heir to the russian throne, since elizabeth was bezet, he was discharged, accordingly, from galstein, they tried to raise a russian heir from him, but i must say, it did not work, he was a german, a german and remained. the relationship between the spouses did not work out, at the beginning there seemed to be a warm period at the very beginning, but then everything went to hell, i must say that catherine dreamed of a crown from the very beginning, she was still in germany in her... in the duchy and principality of analzerb, she dreamed of being lucky, she tried on herself, including the russian crown, and as klyuchevsky wrote, catherine liked the russian crown much more than her fiancé. it must be said that at the court of elizabeth, life was frankly bad for catherine, and she was oppressed by elizabeth, that is
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, she was treated as such an appendage, an heir to the throne, which led her, firstly, to participate in palace intrigues, she became a master of palace intrigues, with the other side to search for lovers on the side, not even the birth of her son pavel was accidental, and many associated it with the special kind of activity of sergei soltykov. the husband was generally indifferent to her, consulted with her, by the way, even about favorites, but they were completely alienated from each other, they didn’t even hate each other, they lived separately. elizabeth, dear aunt, yes, she oppressed catherine in every possible way, just for her sake. some even lackeys who showed some kind of warmth towards her, that is, they were immediately
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kicked out of the palace, forbidden to go to the bathhouse without asking, to go for walks, letters to parents she sent only according to what was drawn up... to the collegium of foreign affairs, all the rumors, everything she said, was reported to the empress, and she was specially manipulated and elizabeth believed much of it. in general, the atmosphere in which she lived was very difficult, she writes about this in detail with such pain in her notes and memoirs, and at the same time it raised her, brought up duplicity in her, of course, that is, the ability to pretend, the ability to intrigue and the ability to see one’s own... benefit, and it steadily, despite this carry out, the attitude really changed a little after it changed not even a little, but quite a lot, freedom became greater, when she gave birth to the heir paul, in russia some considered catherine to be frederick’s creature, well, such an exile to russia, so to speak, prussian, she was at the court in berlin.


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