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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 26, 2024 1:35am-2:21am MSK

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they were immediately kicked out of the palace, uh, they were forbidden to go to the bathhouse or go for walks without asking, and she sent letters to their parents only according to the list drawn up at the college of foreign affairs, uh , all the rumors, everything that she said, came from the empress, and her they deliberately spun it up, and elizabeth believed a lot of it, in general, the atmosphere in which she lived was very difficult, she writes about this in detail with such pain in her notes and memoirs, and at the same time it raised her, brought up duplicity in her, of course, that is, the ability to pretend, the ability to intrigue, the ability to see one’s own benefit, and to pursue it steadily, despite this, the attitude really changed a little after it changed not even a little, but quite a lot, freedom became greater, when she gave birth to the heir paul, in russia some considered catherine to be frederick’s creation , well, she was sent to russia, so to speak, prussian, at the court in berlin. yes, yes, yes, being german, she, she
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wanted to be not a german on the russian throne, she wanted to be a russian empress, russian, one might even say, in essence, in essence of his policy, in essence of his attitude towards russia, when she ascended the throne , it turned out that frederick’s mood, in general, deteriorated quite badly, because instead of... promoting some prussian interests, the only thing what catherine offered friedrich was such a very, very cool, icy neutrality, and he was already happy by that moment with this, but of course, catherine tried very hard to be, well , attractive to both the court and the russian people in general, she didn’t ...
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surrounding my family trees, secondly, she i was terribly afraid that someone might assume that she was protecting her family or actually promoting some kind of prussian interests. catherine, in fact, wrote: i wanted to be russian, so that the russians would love me, and she learned this ability to please even before she ascended the throne. she realized that in russia you need to give gifts, and if someone liked something, including... from her
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household items, she gave it, she, as she herself wrote, plunged headlong into all the squabbles of the courtyard, delved into court gossip, intrigues, became in front of elizabeth, well, how can it be, how can one not take care of outfits, she began to take care of outfits, gave gifts, scattered money from left to right in order to get supporters, she succeeded, however, the money that was allocated to her for maintenance was 30,000 rubles , in general, this is a substantial amount , she began to miss it, she got into debt, she took on debts, took on debts and... for this she received reprimands from empress elizabeth, she, of course, learned during this time such resourcefulness and patience, patience is probably one of her main qualities, and of course, secrecy, she, as klyuchevsky wrote, comprehended the great art of politics, the ability to manage herself, restraining feelings, she was strong, of course, very much a player, and even at a time when she was not crowned. attention was already paid to her as
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a strong potential political player , many foreign powers, so to speak, were betting on her, but the envoy to great britain, hanbury williams, succeeded, who very clearly, so correctly, competently assessed catherine’s potential, and gave her characteristics are quite apt; foreign influence in russia is nothing new. in principle, the participation of foreigners then , mainly the french , in the coup that elizaveta petrovna carried out is well known, but here catherine, the british, helped a lot with the funds that she spent on bribing the guards, let’s say, yes, and with some kind of advice , and so she wrote to april. 1756, just
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to the english envoy, i owe more than anything for the conduct that sent you here, like a guardian angel, and connected me. the third is interested, on the one hand, the man seems to be, well, the traditional point of view, yes , that he seems to be empty, in general, a rather pathetic ruler, and this is largely true, on the other hand, he was a very active ruler, he tried delve into state affairs, even tried to imitate peter i, but immediately aroused hostility to himself
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because of this mania of his to imitate prussia, because of the shameful end of the seven-year war for russia, although, by the way, catherine had already withdrawn the troops from prussia. yes, peter ii wanted to fight with denmark for the holstein lands, and for this he tried to withdraw the guard from russia on this danish campaign. the guard did not want to leave st. petersburg at all , much less on some kind of campaign for some holstein, and then there was this gottorp issue, yes, connected with the disputed territories, and between, so to speak, the homeland of peter, peter fedorovich and denmark. accordingly, he wanted to fight with denmark in an alliance with prussia. the decrees that were prepared under peter were in many cases prepared under erizovet, one of laid down commissions under elizabeth. there were also settled commissions under elizaveta petrovna. in particular, uh, in such a way that, perhaps fortunately, by accident, on the initiative of former close associates
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of elizabeth, the famous manifesto on the freedom of the nobility was adopted, according to which the nobles received the right not to serve. the most important, by the way, the most important document, which catherine would later develop into... a charter granted to the nobility, the coup was planned, planned almost immediately with his accession to the throne, catherine had it in her head, that a revolution was possible, even under elizabeth , chancellor bestuzhev, so to speak, probed the waters, but he was a little hasty, nevertheless, catherine did not abandon her plans, especially after peter insulted her at a dinner in honor of the conclusion of peace with prussia, she there she refused to drink his toast while standing, so he told her right across the table in front of... in front of foreigners, the courtiers , the fool shouted, and even wanted to arrest her, but he was dissuaded from this at the last moment. in general, peter ii was informed about the danger of a coup, he simply did not take it seriously, he didn’t take a lot of things seriously, including this, when the coup began, then, firstly, it was supported by a significant part
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of the residents of the capital, not only the nobility, not only as in the case of elizabeth, these leipkumpans, yes, including and the ordinary population of st. petersburg, and this distinguishes the palace. catherine and so on, he signed a renunciation and plaintively wrote to her while he was already under arrest in robsha: your majesty, i also ask me, who has fulfilled your will in everything, to let me go to foreign lands, with those that i am yours... with with the death of peter, too, in general, not everything is clear , there is a discussion, three letters are known from alexei orlov, the brother of catherine’s favorite, grigory
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orlov, who wrote, verbatim: “our freak is very ill, an unexpected colic has seized him, and i am dangerous that he does not die tonight , i’m more afraid that he won’t come to life.” as for the third letter, the second letter is in a similar spirit, the third letter, the famous one, with the message about the death of peter, mother, he is no longer in the world, but no one thought of this, and how could we think of raising our hands against the sovereign, but the sovereign was in trouble, we were drunk, and he too got into an argument with prince fyodor, boryatinsky, and before we had time to separate him, he was already gone. there is a version that he died naturally , but this is only one of the versions. e delivery, new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns, darkness, something is flying , something is whistling, someone is shouting something in some language, in the dark, shoot down a rocket, but how did they see it? tsypso got to the point of rewriting the history of architecture. ukrainian empire is hot ice, soft
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stone, this is something that cannot exist. brotsovsky palace in odessa and just this just good russian classicism. and it turns out that anti-tank missiles also need clothes. what kind of anti-fake premiere is tomorrow on the first. lyosha, do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember what i told you about the secret work? attention, on gorrikovskaya 158, entry into the apartment, this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague, no matter what, you can always count on me, even despite our divorce, i can’t stay away from him, you don’t love him, with my parents were killed, i can’t even find out how they are trying to kill them. hold on, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it,
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you haven’t been on a date for a long time, right? undercover taxi , premiere, tomorrow after the program , from now on no contact with this simpleton from the teaching staff. war has been declared on russian sports. the results of our team at the beijing olympics have been revised. the team ended up in third place. but... the united states came first; the russians will not be allowed in until they show that they are a pure nation. what is vada’s position, we decided to find out from vitold banka himself, that he thinks that in normal countries there are no politicians who say: no, no, she ’s not guilty at all, why did they get to the bottom of valiev and keep up? we don't give away one of the most watchable sports to anyone, they don't like it. the usa basketball team at the olympics does not touch vada. they are not passing doping tests, the russians are suspended, they definitely want to organize these
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friendship games to try to undermine the position of the olympic games, that is why we are calling on countries not to participate, the olympic movement, like the organization, has been turned into a political one club. premiere, show of vavan and lexus. on wednesday, on the first. and we continue our historical podcast, today our topic is catherine ii. there is an interesting point here, she didn’t just learn russian well, she spoke it brilliantly, spoke this language brilliantly, and became one of the leading writers at that time. and she wrote that she just didn’t write, plays, and articles and fairy tales, parables and so on. and it’s interesting that even in these fairy tales and parables. there is an element of this catherine’s philosophy, in this regard, it
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was, well, in my opinion, it was a continuer, in this case , of the views of peter the great, because on the one hand she believed that yes, from foreigners, from the west, we need to adopt what is needed, but exactly what is needed, speaking about philosophy, yes, it must be said that ekaterina, she is at the end of her life...
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many of her projects, ideas, she threw this idea into the world into society like a pebble into water, and then watched what circles were going on in the water and quite often abandoned...
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like foreign friends, she said that i just dressed like the raven in the fable, dressed in wings falling. in terms of content, this order , of course, by western standards, was the most advanced document, because there were many political scientific developments that had not even been used in the west, people who were assembled, and there were 564 deputies from all over the country, well, not counting... the serfs , of course, they received guarantees of immunity in order to be able to freely express their opinions, and for life, the only thought that still underlay this document is this autocracy, the defeat of the autocrat , the inviolability of the autocracy, but perhaps the work on this code did not bring real results, catherine received
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that real picture of russia. nicholas i write the title like this: the history of the pugachev rebellion, because a rebel cannot have his own history, why
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pushkin is important here, because pushkin considered this event as one of the key events in the history of the 16th century. first the pugachevites drowned in blood, so to speak, many landowners, and then the landowners drowned in blood many rebels, this is a fact, this is a terrible story, but it is also curious that, in fact, what goals did pugachev pursue and well, yes, at first, strictly speaking, the idea was simple,
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to loot more and then go to turkey with this loot, let’s say... then another one appeared geography and other intentions, this is very interesting, because the idea has already arisen to go to the capital against st. petersburg, so if we summarize some individual manifestos, because there is no separate general document, but there were a lot manifestos that he distributed , so there was an idea:
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it made degrees - for example, provincial reform after pugachev’s uprising, the country was divided, that is, in fact , there was chaos in local government, on the one hand there were remnants from before peter’s times,
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peter’s decrees, systems were not it was, she created a system that lasted until the fall of the russian empire, in some elements it even passed into soviet times, the country was divided into 50 governorates, well then there were 48 governorates, two provinces of moscow and petersburg then paul i will rename, simply rename the governorship back to the province, as under peter. at the head of the administration in moscow and st. petersburg are chief police officers, respectively , each province is headed by a governor, viceroyalty is a viceroy or governor-general, the provinces are divided into districts, at the head of the districts are captains of police officers, at the head of city mayors, a number of more than 165 settlements have received status.
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99% of these new cities took advantage of their, so to speak, new benefits and they have truly grown into large cities. yes, it was thanks, among other things, so to speak, or first of all, perhaps, as an initial impulse, thanks to catherine the great. finnish president alexander stoop, now at the head of a state that has just joined nato. i agree with the secretary general. that the path to peace lies through the battlefield. he was such a patron who was included in patronage, he studied in the states. the globalists install their own political functionaries who will pursue their
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interests. and he's a big hypocrite, economics finland is broken, he is actually burying its well-being, he organized and supervised the gay pride parade in helsinki, so there is no need to be mistaken about his wife and children. his preference is unknown, to eat well, drink, and then go to the salon with him. when he talks about... security, he talks about what, about the security of nato, his children do not speak finnish, finland is just a stepping stone for him, there is no talk of any national interests, finland is being prepared for a big war, we agreed to become part of the nato nuclear planning system, against whom against russia, alexander stup, a complete european stupa, dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. testament of zhenya belousov, battle. inheritance stars of the nineties are reaching the finish line, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at 30 years old. roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once
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unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and could the document be forged? i want to know the truth. you know your dad’s handwriting, jerome, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the trial was over. just imagine , 26 years later it was such a blow for me. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. probably the only love in life. this is a history podcast russia west on the swing of history. today we are talking about catherine the great, we have already mentioned that she corresponded with many french thinkers and so on , and diderot, let’s say, yes, here we
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remembered diderot, i must say that she demonstrated a very sober approach to everything , she listened to all this attentively, sometimes she even rewarded these various french figures for some advice and thoughts. but at the same time she was very careful diderot complained that many of his advice were wasted, so to speak, she listens, but does not act, although he gave her detailed advice on a number of not only political issues, he recommended to her how to raise foundlings, how to teach anatomy to young girls, and so on. catherine reacted to this very sensibly, in my opinion she told count sigur that... then she said that yes, i listened to all this with interest, but the point is that dedro only deals with paper, and i have to
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to deal with a person, so...
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under the name of others, their every move is visible from the side of the kuban, and so on, navigation on the black sea, free, otherwise , if you please, argue that it is difficult for your ships to leave, it is even more difficult to enter, he also gives economic arguments , he talks about a lot of things, including saying that, in fact, the entire policy of the west , she is the same, she they, so to speak, pursue their own interests. well, ekaterina, regarding possible protests from other european powers, primarily france, because france was then russia’s main rival, she said about this, not without irony: how little i think there is ally, that is, i am counting on an ally , i have so little respect for the french thunder, or better to say, the dawn, i must say that the plans ...
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of catherine to establish a foothold in the black sea, as it were , blossomed after the victorious for russia kuchu of the karnage peace treaty, according to which russia actually received the black sea, access to the black sea, azov, the long-suffering azov , which changed hands many times, and the first lands in the crimea, just yenikale and kerch, and well, also the lands between the bug and the dnieper and so on, this one treaty of 1774, namely then rumyantsev shone in this war, it was then that the star of alexander vasily rose. this agreement showed that catherine was rightfully on the throne, this foreign policy success, of course, greatly strengthened her and to a large extent, i think, saved her from the danger of a palace coup, because there would have been attempts at the beginning of catherine’s reign, there was a khitrov conspiracy, for example, against the orlovs, but which hurt catherine, and there was an attempt by the foreman mirovich to put ivan on the throne, as a result of which he was killed, so
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danger was ian antonovich. the destruction of the ottoman empire, then the ottoman empire, as the russian wars with it showed, is not the same as it used to be at the end of the 17th century under peter the great. and it was no coincidence that she named her grandson constantine , directly wrote that constantine should be on the throne, and taught him greek, taught him greek, in general there was a project for the transformation of the balkans, the actual remnants of the ottoman empire, which was supposed to collapse and so on, but the main driver of this project was to be potemkin tauride, tauride
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region proper. catherine had the only region, not a province, it was precisely the region that was organized thanks to him, but he died in 1791, and this project was pushed aside, of course, we remember potemkin. also about the potemkin villages in crimea, yes, which, well, this is a very muddy story, in fact, the story is really muddy, very muddy, i’m not at all sure that there is truth there, because there are well-known sources where it all came from, rumors and things like that, so this is one of the elements information war of that time was against catherine, of course , we can’t cover the entire catherine era, we can’t do it here, it’s not the right format, but besides, we sometimes forget that catherine’s era is different stages, it was a brilliant beginning, absolutely excellent continuation of catherine's maturity, unfortunately, is a rather sad, so to speak,
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end of catherine's era, because here we have to remember such a corrupt , depraved court, then, well, the era of the famous. ekaterinsky orlov is also a thing of the past, the army, especially the guard, so to speak, became completely different, and many experts, military men and so on believed that the guard , instead of being in the vanguard or something, had become such the weakest part of the russian army, so all sorts of it was, however, indisputably catherine's era - this is such a golden age,
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with russia with its potential, because without this potential there would simply not have been catherine the great. you are absolutely right that not everything was rosy in catherine’s reign, intolerance of criticism manifested itself in her, especially towards the end. you can watch the historical podcast of russia-west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel,
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driving the men into tears, he suffered a bullet in his stomach, fell to the ground like a faithful dog, and next to him a viburnum bush grew, viburnum, when we go through the review, i give the kids films to watch, well, what else, what else to write reviews for, they don’t read books, so we’ll watch the film, and the children watch kalina red, naturally, this is a long-standing practice, and i’ve been giving kalina red for a long time, it’s clear that
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in recent years, this is absolute for them revelation, but a few years ago i really remembered one review, the girl is an excellent student, winner of the all-russian olympiads, such a good review, but at the end she writes i generally... grew up outside of soviet cinema, so i watch, try to empathize with the tragic ending, i want to empathize with the heroes, but i can’t, by the way, let’s watch the final episode, my dear , my dear, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, i’m eager to drink, mother carry a handkerchief, now, yegorushka, now dear, don’t die, don’t die.
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and so she writes that she wants to empathize, but it doesn’t work, it’s not my aesthetic, i won’t invent anything, that’s how it was written. we talked during class, but i sighed there, but my pre-question is this: is it possible to do something, maybe some conversations before watching the film, to help a person who is 20 today, 1, 2, 3, it seems to me that you can empathize when watching kalina krasnaya, of course, to do this you just need to talk seriously about the film. about what is happening with this hero, but i, in fact,
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you and i discussed kalina krasnaya, and i i spoke about this with my students in ovgik, and i rediscovered this picture for myself, because i watched it a long time ago, back in my student years, the seventy-third year, by the way, it turns 50, yes this year, but i discovered the hero for myself , and something that you can really really empathize with, after all. this is not a midlife crisis when the hero says: i’m 40 years old, there’s nothing to say, yeah, this is an anthological crisis, this is a crisis of being, this is a crisis of self-understanding, and there is such a very interesting film in the television and radio fund preserved, where shukshin talks about his hero, in particular, he says that the hero left himself, this is, in principle, a very un- soviet formula, to be honest, because of the relationship with himself. this is such a clever
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language, if we say existential matter, and yet very understandable, because a person is trying to find something in life, to understand who he is, this is the most important thing when we begin to follow prokudin in this movement, it seems to me that empathy arises, because he is moving away from something, we sometimes don’t really... as if he had acquired a certain social status
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, albeit negative, but nevertheless, but he doesn’t want social status, he wants to talk to himself, talk, we ’ll talk about this too, seryozha, here’s how to help a person, well , firstly, in my experience, since i often lead film clubs with students, also young ones, in principle, at that age there is , in my opinion, a limited set of film techniques that people empathize with. that is, after all, the subtlety of what is happening on the screen, in my opinion, it is better perceived when you yourself have some experience you get it, in general you begin to think about it, but still - if the first part of this film is just pubic, and clearly intentionally, perhaps pubic, then the more subtle here - everything becomes, the harder it seems to me for a young person to perceive it, but help, can i agree with olv aratovich here. when uh - you uh explain,
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perhaps a little more than is necessary with an older viewer, but do you explain what it’s about? so let's stop here about what this is about, because - look what a thing, uh i found somewhere on the internet what is this movie about? recidivist criminal yegor prokudin , nicknamed grief, who has seven walkers, is trying to put his past behind him, start living in the village in the house of lyuba, whom he meets by correspondence, but has a criminal past in the person of a former accomplice... and invents it, and lev marich, when... then
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we were talking about different things, we mentioned kalina krasnaya, i said, this is soviet cinema, you say, well, let's start with the fact that kolino krasnoye is not a soviet cinema at all, please explain why it is so not soviet, because he goes away from standards and collectivism in general with soviet cinema, of course it dominated in general in the sixties, shukshin is a non-standard sixties, he’s the main one... remember, there was a fundamental conversation with his father who died in the war, such a metaphorical scene, and the hero asked, well what , what should i do, what should i do, the father said a simple thing, live, hmm, then the hero asked the second question, how to live, this question turned out to be very difficult to answer, in general
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, the sixties did not really answer this question, because they lived, they surrendered to life, this is the beauty of this generation, as it were, but shukshin began to gradually move away from this, because life did not give the return that he wanted, this is the first time, by the way, in his story he stalled in a wonderful one of his best stories in the seventy-first year , a topic arose when the hero, it ’s not that he suddenly realized that the bird troika was carrying chichikov, the swindler was carrying, how could it be, he went to the hero’s literature teacher, he said, don’t do everything in...
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about three lives he says, yes, what if i had there were three lives, you remember, three lives , what would he have done with them, if i had three lives, i would have spent one in prison, that is, i would have given it to society, i would have given the second to you, and to this driver, that is other people who surround their lives, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky is already somewhere here, yes, but he could live the third life himself, but he just can’t live this third life himself, that’s the problem, so... when i was preparing, i thought, and i came across some conversation by andrei sergevich konchalovsky, where he simply speaks soviet, not soviet, he says: a soviet person in the cinema could not be unhappy, isn’t this the sovietness of this film, he is deeply unhappy, and this is also very deep, in my opinion,
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because he does not achieve, soviet cinema, after all, has always been guided by the fact that the hero must come to some result - even if it is a tragedy, but an optimistic one, it should not be otherwise, and he came to tragedy in the full sense of the word, because he did not find the way to himself, why he dies in the end, he has a lot options, and if you remember, at the beginning of the film , this option was suggested to the hero by a joke of a film, he comes to this non-non with his ex-girlfriend, and her father does not let the prokudin in, some kind of torezi also came. the same can be done about kudin, and lyuba, who played fedosieva shokshina wonderfully, the wife of vasily mokarch, she tells him: we’ll leave, but he doesn’t want to leave.


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