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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 26, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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heat shock proteins improve the functioning of t-cell lymphocytes, officers of the immune system, that is, the bathhouse improves immunity, and the most important thing is that they go to the bathhouse together. and there they press against each other, and what is produced is oxidation, that’s right , this is the hormone of attachment, but i want to go into more detail during the bath, in general, these are these heat shock proteins, they are called stress proteins, they have a lot of functions, here’s andrey petrovich said that they increase immunity, this is true, there is another function, the fact is that during the life of every cell of our the body produces unnecessary substances, so the protein hits the shock. heat shock proteins
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, they are also called shepherone proteins, they take away these bad substances, absolutely right, they cleanse the cell of all the waste that has accumulated there, so when we go to the bathhouse, we don’t have to sit in the bathhouse until we lose consciousness, because you can lose consciousness, this is due to lack of water, but short hikes are very, very justified. are good, so we don’t like kiphor a day because people go fishing, men relax, because women fall and wash, also switches off, this is also an anti-stress effect and because then everyone goes to the bathhouse in unison, a whole day of fighting stress, we sincerely wish you to spend this day exactly like this, this is very important, the bear comes out of the den, hibernation. is ending
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, spring is finally coming into its own, well , it’s time for us to finish, before we say our favorite sentence, i want to remind everyone that you can watch all our programs on the first channel website at any time convenient for you, but if you home, then we we are glad to meet you right now, and if you are not at home, you can watch us in the evening, in the morning, whenever. on the website of the first channel, we will be simply happy, because we feel very good with you, may you live, great! hello! the information channel on the first
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starts working live, the program time will tell, in the studio ruslan astashko, olesya losva. yesterday evening, vladimir putin held a meeting with the government and security forces on the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall. according to the head of the investigative committee alexander bastrykina , 139 people are currently listed as dead, 85 have so far been identified, of which 40 people died from gunshots, wounds and 45 from burns and... heat, 93 people now remain in hospitals, including five children, the condition of eight adults and one child is assessed as seriously ill, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova announced this. also, the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, said that the terrorist attack was carefully planned, the massacre itself took only 13 minutes, after which the terrorists managed to escape, but at this time at the moment, all four perpetrators were detained, moreover, three accomplices were arrested, and the terrorists have already admitted their guilt.
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before the meeting, vladimir putin gave his assessment of what happened, what exactly the president said and what retaliatory strikes we have already dealt, we will discuss immediately after a short advertisement, there is a reward, but he drives like a duck to water, this is the same one who ratted out his partner , is that right, in any department of the city your... will beat you up, we are launching an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to the taxi driver and taxi, in this case.
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if necessary, a taxi with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator, with one press of a button , turns into a police car, not a car, but a beast. let me mind my own business. and you are ours, we find a gunner , we cover the gang, our people are among yours, they will do everything for him, we work, a taxi under the cover of the prime minister, watch after the program time, the president of finland, alexander stoop, is now at the head of a state that has just joined nato, i agree. with the nato secretary general that the path to peace lies through the battlefield. he was such a patron who was included in patronage, he studied in the states. the globalists install their own political functionaries who will pursue their interests. and he is a big hypocrite, the finnish economy is broken, he
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is actually burying its well-being, he organized and supervised the gay pride parade in helsinki, so don’t be mistaken about about his wife and children. his preference is unknown. have a good meal, drink, and then with...
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i want to know the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, i’ll be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, 26 years later , such a blow for me, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love of my life. lyosha, do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember, i told you about the secret work. attention, on gorikovskaya 158, entry into the apartment.
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this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague. no matter what, you can always count on me. even despite our divorce, i couldn’t hold on. away, you don’t love him, my parents were killed, i can’t even find out how they are trying to kill them, hold on, you got divorced recently, and as i understand it, you haven’t been on a date for a long time, and the taxi is undercover, premiere, watch the time after the program, from now on no contact with this simpleton from the teaching staff. the information channel on the first continues its work live. the consequences of the fire in crocus after the terrorist attack have been eliminated, but the work of specialists at the scene of the tragedy continues. we’ll find out what’s happening there right now from channel one correspondent anna
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kurbatova, she gets in touch with us directly. anna, hello, what is the current situation around the crocus, is the debris removal ongoing and what are our forecasts? specialists. yes, colleagues, ruslan olesya, hello, the city hall crocus is right behind me , it’s impossible to get closer now, the rubble here is being cleared around the clock, they are clearing it right now in these minutes to save it. moscow region andrey vorobyov 90% of the rubble has already been dismantled, dismantled, the stalls, stage, balcony were inspected, today we also met andrey yuryevich vorobyov here, and he confirms that the search operation will continue until 17 o'clock, we saw how a heavy technology, but of course it hasn’t arrived yet, because that... before 17 o'clock you need to make sure that there are no people under the rubble, there are no dead bodies either,
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you need to make sure of this, for sure, you need to know for sure, well , that's what's happening around, now we'll show you, with that the sides of the moscow ring road, from here you probably can’t see very well, but the whole side of the road is in flowers, in living flowers, people continue to come here to the memorial from the very morning , day and night. new flowers appear here, probably hundreds of new fresh flowers, candles, children's toys, so we see people leaving photographs of their loved ones, there are a lot of children ’s drawings here, people are just walking in a continuous, never-ending stream, of course, because it’s impossible to stay away, look, now let’s ask the camera to turn around a little, look how many people are here even now on a working day, someone goes after work and stops, someone before work. manages to come here, well, because everyone, of course, believes that this is our common
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pain, our common tragedy, otherwise, well, it’s simply impossible to do, and especially here i also feel, and, of course, you know, how united our country is now, here i feel that no one is alone, we are together, yes, i saw a clergyman behind your back, as far as i know, in the morning there was a memorial service on the site of the tragedy. everyone is praying, praying for the repose of the dead and praying, of course, for the health of those who are now in hospitals. thank you very much, anna kurbatova, special correspondent for channel one, was in direct contact with us. so, vladimir putin held meetings last night on measures to be taken after the terrorist attack creepy in crocus city hall. before the reports of ministers and security officials, the president gave his assessment of the tragedy. let's listen. first of all. i would like to once again express my deep condolences to the families of those killed as a result of the bloody
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barbaric terrorist attack on march 22, wish a speedy recovery to the wounded, thank you to everyone who saved people in difficult conditions and helped the victims. our society, in these difficult times, has shown an example of true solidarity, cohesion, and mutual support. i know that among those who are now sends words of sympathy to the families of the victims, people of different nationalities, from all regions of our country, of all ages, including children, schoolchildren and students, those who planned this terrorist attack hoped to sow panic and discord in our society, but were met with unity and. ..
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the terrorist attack, its customers and organizers. work to identify everyone involved in despite our universal pain and sorrow, compassion and a legitimate desire to punish all the perpetrators of this brutal crime. the investigation must... be carried out at the highest level degree professionally, objectively, without any political bias. we know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical islamists, whose ideology the islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries. we also see that the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that according to their intelligence. there is allegedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody
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terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. us i wonder who the customer is. in the course of joint work of our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, we need to obtain. answers to a number of questions, for example, are radical, even terrorist , islamic organizations really interested in striking russia, as... which today stands for a fair solution to the aggravated middle east conflict, and as radical islamists, who, by the way, position themselves as devout muslims, professing the so-called pure islam, commit grave atrocities and
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crimes during the holy month of ramadan for all muslims, these, as well as... other more specific, professional questions for an objective investigation of the crime committed in moscow must be answered. one thing is absolutely clear: the terrible crime committed on march 22 in the capital of russia is an act of intimidation. as i have already said, the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this bitterness may be just a link in a whole series. attempts of those who have been fighting our country since 2014 with the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime, the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals, especially today, when their advertised counter-offensive has completely
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failed, this is already recognized by everyone, it is not disputed, the russian armed... forces hold the initiative the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the enemy to stabilize the front do not bring success, hence the attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems for peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including energy infrastructure, attempted missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the peninsula itself. bloody acts of intimidation, such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow, quite logically fit into this series. the goal, as i already said, is to sow panic in our society. and at the same time, show your own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime. you just need
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to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, carry out team. from washington and adopt a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler jugand in his new edition, of course, get new weapons and additional money for this, a significant part of which can be stolen and put into your pocket, as is usual in ukraine today . by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had such an association as the union of ukrainian nationalists. youth, who then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course you need to answer the question is why did the terrorists try to go to ukraine after committing the crime, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices and sponsors of terrorism,
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but there are indeed a lot of questions. i ask you to regularly report on the progress of the investigation; i also ask you to inform about what measures are being taken at the federal and regional levels to support the families of the dead and wounded, and how the work of medical and social services is organized. my colleagues and i have already i have discussed all these issues many times, but today, as agreed, we will talk about this in more detail. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova reported.
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why, because they have such a reputation. moreover, we can observe today on the networks, ukraine practically continues this operation, because today on the networks there are
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calls for young people, they are called upon to commit terrorist acts, to imitate what happened in crocus city, and we see calls to in order to destabilize situations, we remember how in the same way, ukraine recruited its agents so that they... act in the same spirit and this, of course, gives us grounds for serious suspicions, but i would like to say that vladimir vladimirovich very subtly said that they they are fighting us with the hands of the ukrainian neo-nazi regime, that is, the ukrainian neo-nazi regime is hands, but there is a head, and maybe me. will be suspected of paranoia, but i will say again, the head is very similar to british intelligence, very similar in style, in method and in goals, you know, right now, when the first pain
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from a terrorist act passes, you begin to realize its meaning, a very calculated blow was struck, its purpose was, it has many purposes, in addition to distracting, say, from the failures of ukraine at the front, the purpose would be... long before our elections a round table of american political scientists was held, they said that it was necessary to rely on swaying on the interethnic issue, on the economy it was not
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possible, the russian economy remained stable, on the social issue it was not possible, it is necessary to put pressure on interethnic relations, and one more an important point, this is a powerful factor, our society was focused on one enemy, ukrainian nazism, now they are palming it off: they are diverting attention to another enemy, saying: no, not ukrainian nazism , isis, radical islamism, let’s go there, turn your natural human rage there arises, turn your indignation there and the like, this is a very calculated operation in this sense, so you said, yes, the brain, which means that the head is britain there , washington, and the hands are ukrainian, but the hands are also trying.
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we knew that they might not wake up there , we would cut throats and so on, we know a lot of things, but pay attention, when on march 7 the american embassy, ​​followed by several
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other western embassies, issued this statement, here are american citizens, avoid concerts and so on, here they are now, by the way, all the american newspapers rushed to prove, look, we warned russia, and despite the fact that they didn’t...
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meet anything else, accordingly, we assume, we assume that there were people who participated in the organization are interested in this, we assume what ukraine is ready to do now, for any further terrorist attacks, do they have any kind of stop, well, firstly, there can be no stop, not even only because that ukraine itself, the current nazi one, is so organized that there seem to be no restrictions for them, in fact, the key question,
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everyone has said about this now, is that... in this case, terror is one of the foundations, it was even said in those documents american ones, which we then quoted, about that it is necessary to move completely, as it were, to turn crimea into a front-line zone, this was said, to strike at those objects where we can reach, accordingly, ukraine in this case is really an executive mechanism, because, well, at least that information , which has already been officially confirmed, it is obvious that the type of work itself was very,
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i would say ukrainian. that mi-6, the americans, were behind this, no one doubts, but we must understand that it was not officer sis who was recruiting there directly, but for there are just those wonderful guys from ukraine who can be entrusted with this, they recruited like this according to the classics, it would be absolutely correct to say how they recruit idiots through the internet for 500 rubles to set fire to some cabinets, electrical on the road, here they are exactly the same, these are not some real jihadists, we know how real jihadists behave, how long they work with them, you know, but here they just found some kind of half-animals, i -i can’t name them any other way, they are simply they decided to make money for money, they were promised cover, if you go there , we will make a corridor for you, we will receive you and everything will be fine, so of course, of course, the connection between ukraine, terror, this terrorist attack, it is not just hypothetically traced there .
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she is absolutely straightforward, this is obvious to everyone , i have no doubt that now during the investigation we will learn a lot of new things, and where the calls came from, who spoke to them and what it was , in general, support in this case of readiness, by the way, i must say here, again we really have four scoundrels who are now telling everything, in this case, of course, huge gratitude to our specialists who were able to withstand enough to carry out the operation just perfectly, to take them all alive, because... there are also others who too, i think that there will be not only four, there will be many more, well, i wanted to say that support, in this case, is ukraine’s readiness to host these terrorists, as i don’t know, relatives, it’s just one of the forms complicity, you know what the times newspaper wrote today, a british newspaper, vladimir putin said yesterday that they were moving towards ukraine, but did not provide any evidence of this, but they are talking about evidence,
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of course. we will also talk about their evidence today, but from the first minutes after the terrorist attack the west began to insist that it was isis, this is what vladimir putin said yesterday about this version. in the course of joint work between our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to obtain answers to a number of questions. for example, are islamic organizations really radical, even terrorist-type? interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict, and how radical islamists, who position themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing the so-called pure islam, commit grave atrocities and crimes on what
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is sacred to all muslims month of ramadan. the president paid special attention to these inconsistencies, andrei konstantinovich, let's we will also list them and add, perhaps also our own, because there is a clear feeling that this is going on... not isis, an imitation of isis. the month of ramadan, and the terrorist attack was carried out during the holy month for muslims. friday, a holy day for muslims. in addition, this friday also marked the ancient traditional holiday of navruz, which personifies tolerance and harmony, and, by the way, it is especially revered in tajikistan and a number of other facts that isis are usually suicide bombers who shout islamist slogans everywhere, death is coming for this to ascend to heaven, they didn’t
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... said, this is an atrocity in crocus city , they don’t, they use slogans as a cover, this is already objectively visible to everyone, and the president said about it, now as for isis, well, let’s wait for the results of the investigation, in principle, in -firstly, there are several circumstances: isis was largely defeated by our army in syria, it lost statehood, lost a single centralized structure, and individual isis units now function quite autonomously. isis , because... because of this, firstly, willingly takes itself responsibility even for what he didn't do. secondly, isis acts as a contractor in the market for terrorist services.
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you know, there is such an organization greenpece , which fights for the protection of nature, where they paid, where they paid money, yes, here it is in this place, competitors paid, it saw an environmental violation, it runs there and fights supposedly for pure islam, where it asked to do this, so completely more and more into the organization, which excludes the fact that some divisions, associated with isis, were built into this chain, or isis recruiters, we are not, yes, we will not, we will not, but the fact that this does not make any sense for really even pseudo-islamic, pseudo-islamic , i emphasize, this has nothing to do with islam radically. organizations, this is quite obvious, for them it would make sense to have terrorist attacks in the united states of america, in europe, one way or another directed against israel in the current situation, therefore, in this case, we, of course, are to a greater extent dealing with
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an imitation, an imitation of what, imitation is always exists in order to hide deception , right, if you imitate something, it means there is a real essence that is different from this... something different, this real essence, now the investigation will look for, gil, a terrorist organization banned in russia organization, of course excuse me, i was thinking, and it seems to me that this organization in general should have been ashamed, passing this off as such a crime of its own, well, i don’t know, its own organization, because when these supposed isis militants were detained, their behavior, well to put it mildly, not...
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absolutely obvious to any person who was involved in the history of the war in syria, in general everything that was connected with isis, looking at them, you understand perfectly well that this is an absolute deception, they worked differently with their people , they have always strived for absolute
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fanaticism, well, it has been said many times how real isis militants would behave in quotes if it were them, before us are people who, sorry, have nothing to do with islam, when now there is information that two. who are coming that is, they are not islamists of any kind, even at a remote approach, that is , in fact, i say again, this is the use of just stupid militants, whom they are now trying to wrap in this shell, i repeat, isis is absolutely no direct relation as an organization, which would actually do exactly this, no, but we must remember that two of them visited turkey, and turkey specifically gave us all the data on them, which again speaks of our level.
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from iraqi prisons, then not confirm, not nobody refuted this information, he took militants from prisons so that they would fight on the side of the armed forces of ukraine, that’s what american publications wrote about it. according to leaked documents, ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky is trying to recruit isis fighters from iraqi prisons to join ukraine's armed forces and fight against russia. according to the documents, the decision to recruit is fully supported by the united states. details of the current
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ukrainian-iraqi discussions have appeared in the middle eastern media. vladimirovich, how do you like it? such a version is that the guilds in ukraine are blurred out, and photographs of militants appear there periodically in the uniform of the ukrainian armed forces. in fact , the armed forces of ukraine used radical islamists from the very beginning of their ato, and they did not hide it, they had corresponding units that were involved in recruitment, which again was especially involved...
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10 years have passed, but here it’s not right away, of course isis, well, it’s obvious, yes, not only that, there are angry headlines in many western newspapers, and even the telegraph, for example, despite the fact that isis took over itself responsibility, putin, russia, they blatantly point to ukraine, how this is so, yes, well, they took responsibility, really, listen, how many accidental cases have there been when islamists, some kind of structures there, took responsibility. for terrorist attacks to which they had nothing to do, the mass
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, in fact, sometimes, you know, different structures completely opposite terrorist, took responsibility for this, i remember how in the same britain, they carried out, remember, a massacre with knives, these radical islamists, and even everyone understood, who they were, they shouted appropriate slogans, well, it was obvious, anyway, western newspapers wrote very carefully at first, yes, there is an assumption that they have something to do with this. attitude, so they, well, shouted such slogans, probably they have an attitude, but here in no case is it possible, the libération newspaper, french, even yesterday came out with a corresponding cartoon, so vile. in fact, such radical islamists, they shout with knives, they have islamic slogans, they shout, can’t you see, it says zelensky, yes, well, that is, they are from this, well, even macron, vladimir vladimirovich says here, it turns out that isis also threatened him there a few weeks ago, he is also trying, you know, to play and manipulate, but as for the west and this whole version,
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it’s so easy for them to convince others and so difficult for themselves , a short ad and we'll be back. is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done? nobody wants to work with him. we are launching an experiment. taxi, undercover taxi. is this legal? i had my own plans for this car, but i they forced one joint on you, and you'll fly out of here like a champagne cork. it’s very likely that we have a new maniac, another corpse, and what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform, a bomber in law, an unfinished cobboy, who himself decided to start the investigation, persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here,
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why are you helping me, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, but what’s your name, for you, i’m just a taxi driver, an undercover taxi ? premiere, watch the time after the program, then you fell, or something else, that’s how it is with to live with you, but you don’t live, the president of finland, alexander stoop, is now at the head of a state that has just joined nato. i agree with the nato secretary general that the path to peace lies through the battlefield. he was such a patron who was included in patronage, he studied in the states. the globalists install their own. x helsinki , so don’t be mistaken about his wife and children, his preference is known, to eat well, drink, and then go
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to the salon with him, when he talks about security, he talks about what, about nato security, his the children don’t speak finnish, finland is just a stepping stone for him, not about any national interests. olympics in beijing, the team was in third place, but the united states was in first place,
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participants in the conflict in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i wanna know
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the truth. do you recognize your dad's handwriting, jerome? honestly , no. have you officially divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us. can you imagine, it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably my only love life, died. i work undercover, combining the duties of a police officer and an opera. show me your id. abandoned building in the area. four people , you broke one of them, this was when it happened, but you don’t remember everyone, yes turbin,
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the consequences for you will be as severe as possible, tell me, do you know this person, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program . the kiev regime is ready to do anything so that the west does not write it off, but the day before vladimir putin said that the zelensky regime is creating something other than hitler jugent. you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, carry out team from washington and pass a new mobilization law. to create something like hitler jugand in his new edition, of course, to knock out new weapons and additional money for this,
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a significant part of which can be stolen and put into one’s pocket, as is usual in ukraine today. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had such an association as the union of ukrainian nationalist youth, which then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. they will introduce people gradually, and what now this norm will be introduced into the new law , which indicates that they are on this path, the essence
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of this norm is the following: well , according to the current rules, up to 27 years of age for young people of conscription age who have not served in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and the conscription of such people is meager, well , in fact, in ukraine there was no such conscription for many years and, accordingly , literally only a few people were recruited there, and most of them were already in the army there. yes, then there is no way to attract them, but this norm states that if young people have passed any preparatory courses, even five months , even three months, regarding the handling of weapons there, well, essentially a course for a young fighter, if you look at it like this, and who served, then in fact they can be done immediately without any delays on the same day, as soon as they complete the courses , they receive a summons to join the army, that is, in this way they bypass this situation, formally it seems not, but tomorrow if on...
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these are large contingents, and from here they are gradually preparing that all residents of ukraine will have to die for zelensky for
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western interests that zelensky defends in ukraine, well, in general, they hope that prison is the way out, but who doesn’t want to go to the front, it turns out that this is going straight to the front to the front line, but this is what everything is leading to: yesterday was sbu day, i’m so i understand, our guys congratulated us, but is there any understanding, because there are a lot of rumors about who we destroyed in... having hit the sbu building, not the main one, they haven’t been sitting in the main building for a long time, but in one of the centers? you know, such data usually does not appear immediately, because any intelligence services, any countries that fall into well, we even take the americans, there are the europeans, whom we destroy in ukraine , who fight against us, usually their obituaries appear there after some time, days, weeks, allegedly they died there in some kind of disaster and so on, i think that those whom we covered, they will...
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still, it was unlikely that it was connected with this, because they did not want to shine, so it’s unlikely that they connected this in any way. how is the situation at the front, what’s new over the past 24 hours? and you know, now the main thing is the event that i'm in i’m reading the news, this is our offensive near avdievka, on two key points, which we constantly talk about, that for the enemy they are key and fundamentally dangerous, these are the northern, north-western villages of... the administration of kacheretina has two settlements: semyonovka and berdychi . yesterday our assault groups broke through the northern berdychi front and advanced more than a kilometer. and this morning there is information that attack aircraft have entered semyonovka and an assault on a populated area is underway, that is, powerful pressure in this area, if we break through this line, for the enemy will begin to have very serious consequences, which means he will have to further noticeably retreat already in the donetsk sector, but
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the worst thing for the enemy is that with the loss of... cheretin they expose the flank, the southern flank of the toretsk enemy group, if at the same time we can take control of the clock, to which we have about a kilometer left, our attack aircraft have entered the hill, then this will be the coverage of the toretsk group from the north, and in the most key place, and thus it will be possible to say that we are preparing another a most powerful offensive operation, much more significant in scale than avdeevskaya, but it sounds interesting and does it mean it? that the ukrainian troops failed to create that line of defense after the withdrawal from avdiivka, which they tried to create, for which large funds were allocated and for which they talked so much, and not only they failed to create this, even those reserves that they burned in counterattacks under berdych, let me remind you, this was the forty-seventh elite brigade, which was at least tattered, nevertheless, after replenishment, it was again thrown here into
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battle, we burned abrams there and repeatedly, so all these losses... turned out to be useless, meaningless, anyway it was enough for several weeks, after which this line again burst at the seams. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich fadalyaka was in direct contact with us. yuri ivanovich just mentioned that the organizers of this terrorist attack in crocus city hall had their own specific goals, their own tasks, and ukrainian telegram channels are writing about them, suggesting that in fact all this was done in order to to deliver.
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into the past, now the kremlin will demand a new crimean conference, macron’s activity, by the way, is due precisely to the fact that the french president wanted to enter this process and be one of the main authors who will create the future format of the world structure. and, by the way, here i immediately remember the story that the british have already interfered in our negotiations with the ukrainians in istanbul. when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson arrived in kiev and said that we...
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military assistance to kiev was the main topic meeting of european heads of state and government held in brussels on thursday 21 march. the next day there was a terrorist attack in moscow. russian authorities said they were behind the attack. ukraine, while the main force behind keiv is obviously washington. biden's gang organized this terrorist attack to aggravate the russian-ukrainian conflict and to unite europe, in this way they will egg each other on, turning the public against moscow, to prepare the ground for their attacks. but washington continues to insist that there was no participation of ukraine in this terrorist attack. listen to what us state department spokesman matthew miller said. there was no participation of ukraine in the terrorist attack in crocus, period. the ukrainian government has made this clear. moreover, the russians did not provide any evidence that this was ukraine, because there is none.
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there was no new level of evidence. in general, it means that in the united states they have now ordered to believe only the white house and ukraine. and period. to negotiations, he is not allowed to do this, channels for a long time that zelensky, in principle , was ready for this terrorist attack in order to stop any talk about peace negotiations, how plausible is it, well, you understand, zelensky in this regard is not an independent figure in any case, both before and after the terrorist attack. well, again, according to various data from the western media, it was said that zelensky seemed to be inclined towards negotiations, but they made it clear to him from the united states of america that
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there would be no assistance, and, moreover, many loans, for which ukraine must pay now, he also demands, you understand, ukraine has absolutely no money for this, that is, they are completely bankrupt, they are entirely and completely dependent on... the united states of america on the collective west. and if they want to change zelensky in the west or someone else who tries to show independence there, they will do it without terrorist attacks. so i don’t think that the west has set this as an end in itself. but let’s, in order to put zelensky on the line or on ukraine for something, we’ll organize terrorist attacks there. it is unlikely that this is an end in itself. that is, we understand perfectly well that for the west the main enemy is russia, they will do everything to achieve this.
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it will be extremely difficult to officially come to this conclusion, because they shot, i partially agree with yuriy badalyak, but i will add to it, they put up a three-layer defense, i want to remind you that the first version that was
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planted by ukraine by our fleeing state traitors is that we organized all this ourselves, just as we shelled ourselves in the donbass, and so on and so forth, which means that the next one comes next layer. this is isis, behind isis, if the situation with isis suddenly collapses, there is a layer of ukraine , well, the guys went too far, unfortunately, this is how it turned out and the like, they, in fact, many of us watched films about the american mafia, yes, here you are you know that it was very difficult to imprison the leader of the mafia in the united states of america, why, but because, in fact, he did not do anything himself, he simply spoke into the ear of the person who... then conveyed the order to the executor that the mother asks you to remove this, that's all, and if you don't have testimony of the intermediary and the executor , in no way will it be very difficult for you
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to prove that this old man sitting here, polite, affectionate in the face, that it was he who gave the order to kill, so they built exactly such a mafia defense, the first echelon, you yourself are everything organized, but it’s purely ideological. bukha, then further a firmer position is isis, islamic radicals, if the isis fortress falls, there is a last line of defense -
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there are hesitations: we need to negotiate something with the russians, no need, the only country, which over all these years has consistently said no negotiations, and the defeat of russia, at all costs, it is great britain, so it is interested in disrupting any negotiations, so its ears can pop out here, you know, it’s interesting that they never - they don’t look for any evidence, they just always assign the culprit, that’s all.
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specialists of indirect actions, and simply many years of such gentleman’s agreements, which were in force even in soviet times, about not crossing the line and not crossing as to the issue of political murders , terror, work on another territory , relatively speaking, do not return to general sudoplatov, they have been destroyed by the west today, and we already have enough sudoplatovs, will this be an answer from the houthis or will this be an answer from someone else? then and through what gaskets will it fly? as for once again, i say to us, of course we need to be like this and prepare further, but for example, now we need to very urgently solve the problem of staffing our internal fsb units here in russia, because a lot of people have left for new territories , they work there, as i understand it, they have been working since peacetime, they have been working and working during peacetime, so it is absolutely necessary to invite professionals who... quit not so long ago,
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and even those who quit a long time ago, they are ready to come back to work even tomorrow, as they say, we need to make a decision, create staff, and again we need to act quickly, we must be ready for all these things, first of all organizationally, because that this is what allows us to react quickly and accurately, an interesting question is what our steps will be from the point of view of the security forces, there is an understanding that we need to rebuild, this restructuring is now underway and... if, as vlad correctly noted, now our specialists are many are working in large numbers in new territories, then we need to raise protection in our rear, because today, as i understand it, no one can feel completely safe, because terrorism, unfortunately, does not have borders, has no fronts, has no directions, for example, khmau, you understand, not so long ago a gas pipeline was blown up there, you understand, again, the largest number of uniad churches work there on our territory, our orthodox churches are banned in... ukraine, and
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uniad churches are opening throughout the country, in my opinion, there are only two of them, in khmau alone, there are four of them openly, you know, in principle everyone calmly looks at this, you know, the priest who died there, a uniad one, excuse me, was buried in ukraine under the state flag, question, is he burying priests under state flags or was he not a priest after all, that’s the question of what needs to be done in all territories, as they say, to be in the wind and to be, well, to put it mildly, in a state of mobilization. they live according to the principle, we are far in the north and nothing will happen to us, this is necessary, well, yes, the mobilization of civil society, well, this kind of mobilization is more psychological, you need to be careful and not live in some kind of illusions, i don’t know, but to understand the reality of what is happening, and to know to remember what it is concerns everyone, our military yesterday delivered crushing blows to rear facilities in the ssubi or targeting decision-making centers, several sources report ... a series of explosions in the pechersky, solomensky and
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dnieper districts of kiev, according to some data we are talking about the objects of the sbu and the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, telegram channels clarify that the latest russian zircon hypersonic missiles were used, which fly so fast that enemy air defense systems simply have no chance, but let me emphasize that this is still being reported by ukrainian and not only ukrainian telegram channels, there is no official data from our ministry of defense, well, after the clearing of the populated area. our troops continue to advance towards chas yar, and what is happening now on this front line, we will find out from the adviser to the head of the donetsk people's republic , yan dmitrievich gagin, he comes to us ... i can’t say much now, because we are in the offensive stage , active offensive, effective offensive, in view of this i cannot give
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some special details, but i can say one thing that our aviation is working very actively, artillery is actively working in collaboration with our... our flight deck works very well and is effective, our guns are heavy flamethrower systems, burning out fortified enemy every day almost to the ground , the enemy is snapping at the artillery , which, by the way, has now reduced the intensity of its shelling, due to the fact that it may be experiencing some, let’s say, lack of shells, perhaps the artillery itself has become smaller than the guns themselves, because that they lost part of the guns in the battles just an hour later, something was uh. transferred to the avdeevka direction, avdeevka has not yet been taken, and naturally, the enemy is still experiencing, i think this problem will worsen, this is a shortage of personnel, the front line itself, the line of contact itself, we see mostly mobilized, yes there are mercenaries, sometimes
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foreign speech is heard on the air, this is most often english or polish, the enemy also actively uses drones, fpv drones very often. with thermal imagers, often they use them at night, but in response our rap works quite well, this is also according to the hours of the yar, first of all, how important is the liberation of the hours of the yar, in any case , you said an important thing, that we have already essentially begun an attack on the hours of the yar, or rather even the operation to liberate the hours of yar, which is fundamentally important, then slavic, yes, that’s right,
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connections, but we are following the development of events, of course, and the terrorist attack in sitikholi is the most important topic for now, but we will definitely tell you about the events happening at the fronts, because well, in my subjective opinion, i hope many will agree, these are related things, now there’s news and we’ll come back. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. urgent news comes from the basmanny court. the investigative committee is asked to take him into custody.


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