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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  March 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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terror has been a method of western politics for many, not even centuries, already centuries and millennia, and rome and greece are , in general, a history of a significant degree of terror, blood, conquests, so in fact there is nothing new, and we really must now understand that we are not like that, we have our civilizational foundations, they are still different, that our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be... ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00 , don't miss it, hello, the evening news is on air in studio ekaterina berizovskaya, here are the main topics where they would prepare...
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days and nights of continuous work of rescuers, all the latest information about the victims. in the affected area are decision-making centers, sbu facilities and more. everything after the high-precision strike carried out by the russian military, and for the first time at our disposal, the german marder infantry fighting vehicle was studied inside and out. despite all the difficulties and sanctions, the development of the russian court.
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everything that happened is a challenge for the entire law enforcement system, as noted by prosecutor general igor krasnov. and the most important details of the investigation were announced after the meeting. fsb head alexander bortnikov answered journalists' questions. according to him, the united states, great britain and ukraine are behind the terrorist attack. the latter is trying to prove its worth in such a terrible way against the backdrop of total failures at the front. it is already known that the kiev regime carried out training and...
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as you know, they were arrested. investigators carefully establish the circumstances of this barbaric crime, find out its details, determine the role and degree of guilt of each participant, study the conclusions of criminologists and experts. the federal security service bodies work out their questions in other special services under the coordination of the national anti-terrorism committee. i hope that the prosecutor is within the limits. of their
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powers, including when bringing state charges during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that criminals receive fair punishment, as required by russian law. there is no doubt about it. these atrocities have a common goal - to intimidate people and destroy the unity of our people. their performers, customers and curators will inevitably face punishment. the annual meeting of the board is extended. format in the hall , not only the prosecutor’s office employees as such, but also representatives of all branches of power, as well as the leadership of the special services, are present in the hall to ask a question to the director of the fsb, alexander, a rare opportunity for bortnikov. what is kiev’s role in what happened? in general terms, we believe that they were involved in this. now i can only say that we have previously received information indicating that the other side is biased in the preparations this promotion. that is, they literally met terrorists.
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and the leadership of the ukrainian intelligence services, the british intelligence services, oddly enough, they spoke about this, the americans spoke about this more than once, you named the usa, britain, ukraine, these are the three countries that are behind the terrorist attack, right? well , i think so. in any case, we are now talking about the fact that we have, this is general, so to speak, information, but if there are already certain developments, the president spoke about this, it means that not so long ago, we see, that means, what is happening in essence , according to investigation, what happened. in the meantime, security issues are a priority for all government departments. our country, as you know, is fighting to protect its vital interests, for the right to independent, sovereign development. and,
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unfortunately, our ill-wishers, our competitors, opponents forced us to defend these interests by force. to fight those whom they armed, trained to fight russia on the territory of a neighboring state, in today's conditions, everything we do in all spheres of our lives activities should be dedicated to russia’s success in this direction, especially since the enemy will not remain inactive, the terrorist threat remains, yes, unfortunately, for the most part this is true, but you see. what is happening on the territory of the belgorod region, bryansk, kursk, if on the border, yes, you see what happened and is happening on the territory of our other regions when we uncovered and prevented terrorist acts that
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were organized by the military intelligence department of the security service ukraine, this happened last year, unfortunately, everything that is possible is happening now. we, of course, for our part are doing this, taking into account the obvious increase in the level of terrorist threats in the country as a whole, it is necessary to use supervisory means to oblige executive authorities to update their safety passports. when assessing vulnerability, a formal statement of compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security of such facilities using security means and licensing conditions is unacceptable. within the limits of your authority, take comprehensive measures to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy. well and customers.
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respond to complaints and appeals, to facts of red tape, bureaucratic replies or direct violations of the law. i also ask military prosecutors to place special emphasis on protecting the rights of military personnel. for more than two years now, protecting the interests of svo participants and their families has been a priority of the prosecutor general’s office. the mechanism for assigning the status of a combat veteran has been optimized ; more than 300 thousand military personnel have received it; the payment of bonuses to monetary pleasure for special participation has been simplified. operations, the range of measures has been expanded support, a procedure for their non-declaration provision was introduced, the rights of over 140 thousand citizens who did not receive due compensation and insurance compensation in a timely manner were restored. an individual approach will be provided to the families of fallen defenders
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of the fatherland. it is important to ensure that personal patronage is established over them, which fully corresponds to the spirit and letter of the presidential decrees and instructions contained in the message... another instruction from vladimir putin regarding the fight against the rise in crime, law enforcement agencies this situation i ask you, together with colleagues from the ministry of internal affairs, to carefully analyze others. the topic of additional, preventive, prophylactic and other anti-criminal measures, including supervision of compliance with the rule of law in the migration sphere, is a very important topic of concern to millions of people; the situation in this area must be under control. much has been said today about the protection of children, large families, pensioners, and the disabled. the prosecutor's office must ensure the implementation of all social guarantees related to the fight against corruption. we must be very strict about to no one. in his speech, vladimir putin
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touched upon the supervision of entrepreneurs in the light of the return to the state balance of a number of enterprises illegally privatized in the early nineties, the president once again clarified the position of the authorities. we are not talking about any deprivatization or nationalization of the economy, and there is no way to do so. the work of prosecutors is justified in cases where assets were acquired in circumvention of the law and , moreover, are used to the detriment of the state, while emphasizing that in each such case it is necessary to act strictly according to the law, within the framework clear legal procedures. i ask you to firmly suppress attempts to use the powers of the prosecutor’s office and other law enforcement agencies for selfish purposes to put pressure on business and participate in economic conflicts.
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no laxity in anything, people should feel that the prosecutor’s office is guarding their interests, what is most important in our country and is valued very highly depends on this, this is justice, on how effectively we ensure this social justice, depends on the internal political state of the russian society, this is the preservation of our state and...
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for the past hour we have seen kamaz trucks and bulldozers arriving one after another, there is another crane working on the other side, the area of ​​the collapsed structure is 700 square meters, it’s like a whole football field, well, until today, until 17:00, a search operation was going on, well, now, as i understand it, we have a comment from the ministry of emergency situations, let's hear how everything about... during the implementation of measures to eliminate the consequences of a terrorist act,
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specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations actively used robotic equipment, and more than 900 cubic meters of building structures and debris were identified. more than a thousand people and 300 pieces of equipment took part in eliminating the consequences of the terrorist attack. well, the rescuers really worked around the clock, without breaks, it was necessary. to make sure that there were no people left under the rubble, no bodies of the dead, so the rescuers manually very carefully sorted out these rubbles, now we can absolutely say that there are no people... under them, well, this is what it looks like a spontaneous memorial, people continue to come here and come, look at the huge number of people who came here today, there are thousands of fresh fresh flowers brought here just today, unfortunately, as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, children also died, there are a lot of children’s toys here, people come with
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families, light candles, let 's listen to what those who came here today say, we talked to them b... a few minutes before our broadcast, it just doesn't fit in my head, it just doesn't fit, horror, horror, just horror , there was neither my loved ones, nor my acquaintances, nor friends , but it’s just pain, they want to intimidate us, break us, i know that they won’t be able to do this with our country, with our people, we are strong, we will stand, this is a disaster, these non-humans must be somehow punished. punished correctly , inhumanely, this cannot happen, peaceful people who came to just relax, listen to music after working with children, families cannot die, and we can only be with them, give them our support, so that they know that they not alone, because we are russians, we are always together,
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well, on the other side of the mcat, as i understand it, we now have the opportunity to show you a video from a different angle. so , there along the side of the road opposite crocus there are also flowers, flowers , flowers, well, this is how our country has united, and it must be said that here today not only muscovites came to honor the memory of the victims , people from different regions of our huge country, no one considered it possible for themselves stand aside, because of course this is our common tragedy, our common pain, which well, somehow we need to try to get through it together, colleague. yes, thank you, our correspondent, anna kurbatova, was in direct contact with the studio. 63 victims of the terrorist attack in kroku sitikholi have been discharged from hospitals. currently , almost 100 patients remain under treatment. health minister mikhail murashka spoke about this. 22 people are in serious condition, including two children; eight adults and one child are in critical condition. now doctors
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are doing everything possible to help the victims. multidisciplinary teams work, this is when god. to a healthy person, we have an amazing people , they are so empathetic, they are so ready to rush to help, they are so sensitive, so kind, thanks to everyone, over 24 thousand people, from almost all russian
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regions, came to transfusion centers and donated blood for the victims in a circle sitikhol, as they said in the federal medical and biological... blood and 279 liters of plasma, hundreds of people continue to come, the transfusion centers still have a lot of people willing. in days when the whole country is experiencing the crocus tragedy, the importance of culture increases. after what is especially important to experience is to build on the fundamental values ​​that unite people. vladimir putin stated this. the president presented awards in the field of literature today.
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humanism and mercy, they unite us in supporting all victims, in our determination to be strong and united, and here a clear, unambiguous position of those who serve culture plays a colossal role. your word today, your opinion and creativity itself directly influence the mood of people and strengthen their patriotic feelings. you save and add knowledge traditions of national culture, its continuity, contribute to the highest standard of education and formation of the younger generations, in fact... shape the future of russia. and today, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the chairman of the national council for the defense of the motherland of the republic of niger. abdorakhman chiani expressed
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a sense of solidarity with the russian people and deep condolences in connection with the numerous victims of the barbaric terrorist attack in crocusihole. the parties exchanged views on the situation in the sahara-sahel region. except in addition, at the initiative of the vietnamese side , a telephone conversation took place between vladimir putin. central committee of the communist party of vietnam by naguyen phu chong. he also expressed deep condolences over the terrorist attack. it was especially noted that the countries take similar positions on major international issues. the russian armed forces launched a group strike with high-precision long-range weapons, sea-based ground-based drones against the decision-making center, sbu facilities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as locations of deployment. the armed forces of ukraine are foreign mercenaries, the ministry of defense announced this today. and this is footage of soldiers destroying
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a nato howitzer using krasnopol high-precision guided ammunition. the installation was hit from the very first shot; the foreign equipment that the enemy abandons intact is taken by our fighters for themselves. among the latest trophies is the german marder infantry vehicle. she got caught for the first time. our specialists have already studied the thirty-ton infantry fighting vehicle from the outside inside. on the footage. in our country the largest modern icebreaker fleet, very soon it will be replenished with five more nuclear-powered ships, including the icebreaker russia, mikhail mishustin announced this at a strategic session on the development of the united shipbuilding corporation. despite all the challenges and numerous sanctions, the industry continues to work dynamically; it is important to develop its own competencies. and achieve technological sovereignty in production. pavel pchelkin with details. shipbuilding in russia is progressing every year. a serious basis for this has begun to be created.
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back in 2000, when the united shipbuilding corporation was established by presidential decree. the industry accepted the challenge it faced under sanctions. all foreign ships that were involved in the transportation of russian goods left our market for transport services, which simply required urgent action. renewal of the build-up of the domestic fleet, established cooperation ties between enterprises were broken, western partners, in violation of all agreements, refused to continue cooperation with ours companies, well, now it is very important to continue developing the creation of a whole range of modern high-tech components and products, in order to compensate for the sanctions in russia , the necessary ship equipment is being actively developed, civilian ships and warships are being built. for a variety of purposes , the goal is to achieve that same technological sovereignty in the industry, one of the most important goals of the country today. it is important that despite all the difficulties, the industry continues
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its dynamic work. enterprise, including using all support measures state, both specialized and system-wide, including preferential programs through the industrial development fund. last year more than 100 units of all kinds were built. in 2023 , two afromax tankers were launched at the zvezda shipbuilding complex in the primorsky territory, the road-rail ferry alexander deev at the shipyard in komsomolsk-on-amur, an offshore platform with liquefied gas storage for the arctic lng-2 project at the site in the murmansk region, as well as fishing boats at factories in different parts of the country. this is not only a replenishment of the russian fleet, but also thousands of new jobs on land and at sea. now from the manufacturer.
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the site is organized in sirius. on the second day of the forum, many cooperation agreements were signed between russia and friendly countries. report by anatoly lazarev. nuclear energy has a great future, including in small reactors. they are compact, they are easier to build and can be built almost anywhere, even near a metropolis, with dense buildings, or in a hard-to-reach place. about this was discussed a lot today at atomexpo. the room where the topic was discussed was almost entirely foreigners. around the world, 733 million people live without electricity. and for them, the so-called small energy solutions of rosatom are the way out. the advantage of small solutions in nuclear energy, both land-based and floating, is obvious; floating ones are especially interesting from the point of view of mobility, because in those conditions when it is impossible to build a large station, when there are no networks, when remote areas, which can be sparsely populated, but at the same
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time economically potentially very... interesting, we have already done this, our chinese colleagues are just doing something in this direction, so russia is definitely ahead, china is nearby, but we are much more advanced not only in land-based, but in floating execution. another small area of ​​activity of rosatom with great prospects is batteries for public and commercial transport, our own development. similar batteries will be used in the first russian production electric vehicles created in russia for russia. they take into account national characteristics. naturally, we are developing our own temperature control system, which will allow us to operate our electric vehicle in conditions of -40-30°. and this makes us very different from other electric vehicle manufacturers because our environments are harsher and more difficult than those in which electric vehicles are used today. our electric car will go into serial production in 2025. so far we are talking only about the russian
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market, but then, who knows? possibilities of using nuclear energy, we also saw what was opening up for us and we understood what rosatom, a leader in this area , can offer to our country. for example, in turkey, rosatom is completing the construction of the akuyu nuclear power plant, it is about to be put into operation, and istanbul is already discussing plans for the construction of new power plants with russia. as for those
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nuclear power plants that... we plan to build in the near future these are the sinop nuclear power plant and the trakia nuclear power plant. in terms of sinop, we have made quite serious progress; we are discussing this project with rosatom, since we already have a certain dialogue has been formed, work has been organized. but not only business negotiations took place, as they say in the margins, there was also room for other energy, creative energy. a fugue for a centrifuge, written specifically for atomexpo, sounds. anatoly lazarev. ivan pokhomov, dmitry baranov, nina khoreva, anna lepatova, sirius channel one. that 's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, the program is live on channel one.


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