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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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totalitarianism, a real dictatorship, where for that, maria butina, the doll of tuti’s heir, was with you now. ekaterina andreeva, briefly about the main thing.
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emptiness, demolition of the rubble in the burnt concert hall has been completed, stories of people who were there at the time of the attack, the number of calls to teenagers with offers for money has increased sharply, the ministry of defense about the progress of the special operation. strikes on sbu facilities, bases of ukrainian militants and military factories and most importantly about the situation in various cultures and arts for works for children awards to young people cultural figures. let's do the development of the united shipbuilding corporation ourselves under western sanctions. the focus is on
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the government, details of the strategic session: developments have turned out like cards, what is the reason for the emergency? similar tragedies, all this was discussed today at an extended meeting of colleagues, the director of the fsb told reporters. read more about everything in konstantin's report.
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on march 22, as a result of a bloody terrorist attack in the moscow region , details determined the role of the degree. each participant is studied by the findings of criminologists and experts, my questions, special services in coordination with the national anti-terrorism committee, i hope that prosecutors, within the framework of their powers, including when bringing state charges during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that criminals receive fair punishments. as required by
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russian law. the prosecutor's office will do everything in their power in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus and another episode of the murder of russian civilians. every day our fellow citizens and the common goal is to intimidate. people, destroy the unity of our people, their executors , customers and curators will inevitably be punished, the annual meeting of the board has all branches of power, as well as the leadership of the intelligence services, a rare opportunity to ask, well, you know, in general terms we...
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that they are not met, absolutely so, yes , this is true, indeed, what they collected, the gur, the sbu, well, we believe that the action was prepared by both the radicals themselves, the islamists, and, naturally, the western intelligence services contributed to it. and the capture was revealed today by the president of belarus, minsk was instantly informed
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this moment was something that concerned a high level.
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these are the three countries that are behind the terrorist attack, right? well, i think so. anyway.
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past events, but there is still too much work to be done, but for now, issues of interests, for the right of independent, independent, sovereign development, unfortunately, are our ill-wishers, our competitors. armed means, to fight those to fight russia on the territory of a neighboring state, in today's conditions, everything we do in
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in this direction, especially since the enemy will not remain inactive. persists , yes, unfortunately, for the most part this is true, on the border, yes, you see what happened and is happening in the territory of other uh, our regions, when -
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the security of such objects by means of protecting the licensing conditions within the framework.
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so that the money
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does not go into anyone or anyone’s pockets and is used for the purposes vladimir putin touched upon in his speech. in addition, against the background of the return to the balance of the state of a number of enterprises. the position of the authorities about any deprivatization about the state to the detriment of
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state, while emphasizing that in each such case it is necessary to act strictly according to the law, within the clear powers of the prosecutor’s office and others. financing of terrorist activities
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on the part of ukraine, based on the prosecutor’s office, and other structures too. we must be collected and effective, no laxity in anything, people must feel that the prosecutor's office. to guard their interests, justice depends on the internal political state to ensure
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the achievement of those goals. kasimov, it is known that it was he who passed let me remind you that only one of the attackers was detained; today they are closed; the rescuer today completed clearing the rubble at the site of the concert hall. more than a thousand specialists took part in the complex operation, including dog handlers, a detachment, and there was a risk of further
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collapse of the structure before it was possible to use it. what remains is the stage and auditorium. in total , almost a thousand cubic meters of debris were removed from the scene of the tragedy. the results of the work were summed up by the governor of the moscow region, andrei porobiev. the search operation, its official, so to speak, the documentary and practical parts are completed. the authorized bodies will do their scrupulous, complex work, they are in the hospital, doctors are fighting for their lives, today
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there are still many who have an extremely difficult life. to put our citizens back on their feet, to share the pain, to pay tribute to the memory of those who will never return home, those who seem to have stepped into the sky. things left behind during the evacuation can already be taken away, psychologists consider this worse than
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an emotional reaction, which means everything remains, therefore. we decided to sit down and sit for now, when on the left side of the stage i went backstage, ran, didn’t go, ran, under the tickets, they were dancing there, great, but the woman i took as bail, she said, let’s go faster, there’s fire, fire, but... i didn’t i saw, she said: no, no, i said, i looked down, it was already on fire, what does it mean to come back for you, well, it was just a pity that we ran away with the children, who are somewhere, someone, on the contrary, is emotional for their clothes and a husband
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. looked away, then the woman was lying, and there was another woman, behind this phrase: heavy meaning, which means for now only to those who could to get out of the abyss, we are on the other side of the cordon, there are people behind us, here behind the cars, here there is still the smell of burning and a terrible emptiness, packages that relatives will come for, for those who are looking for loved ones and cannot find things anywhere. the very thread, the connection that will give details, or simply allow us to touch upon, at least once again, a story that was followed with hope, with a tragic ending, arseny, 15 years old. he and his mother never came out again, irina was immediately on the list of dead, friends from the diving club tried to find her son. we communicate very closely with each other, now our entire large
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group, we have about 100 active divers, so we are all engaged. eleven-year-old zlata, together with her mother and father, they went to a concert, the whole family died. yes, there’s no point in staying anymore, we’ll either suffocate , or the surname speaks dobryansky, maria and victor went to help the crocus, in the krasnogorsk hospital, they also had to go on a picnic, only the next day, i was in such a shock, something just .
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they underestimate and don’t know, and we don’t teach history these days. and here there was not even any doubt that you have to do, yes, hundreds more people, the eldest son is at home, made tea, cut a banana, now he relentlessly follows her, afraid of losing. i was happy that i could get up in the morning to feed my child; some people cannot do this. when ksenia was getting out of kroku city, it seemed that the terrorists would overtake her, the bodies of the dead and the shots were very close, but she and
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the people around were not in a panic; there was one thought that i wouldn’t wish anyone to go through this, it’s clear that i should call in this... situation this is unreal, i recorded a voicemail for her and this is what happens in life, the flow of people crocus city does not excise, instead of a gaping emptiness there are flowers, like a life that cannot be returned, soft toys that were given for the last time. yana podzyuban, pavel volkonsky, eight-year-old ilya was hit by a car with terrorists when they were trying to escape from the crime scene. today the boy underwent a second operation on his leg. the capital's doctors
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are doing everything to help. two children, the children were admitted in serious condition, in a state of shock, today one child is in therapy with the involvement of all the main specialists in moscow, the other the child was operated on twice. sinka, so you can call? yes, sister, one of the important problems we are now solving
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is the orphanhood of children, because today we visited children in the hospital, but we have children who were left orphans after the terrorist attack, and we identified them at home as well. the speaker of the lower house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin, announced the minute. at croc network.
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all russians, in the morning, the heads of the diplomatic mission came to smolensk square, to the victims, we together in this grief emphasized representatives of various states egypt shows great solidarity with russia; it is a very friendly country for us.
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have already been given to over 24 thousand people, only in the capital region for liters of plasma. in the samara region, fsb operatives neutralized a supporter of a banned organ and intended to blow up one of the...
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crocus, i offer you 600, the man komtsev will take it with similar offers, we heard about it and we will go abroad, there we will pay for your apartment and you will be there. at the same time, they know the teenager’s personal information and offer to allegedly carry out an attack at his school, shopping center or concert hall of his city. your actions are simple: go to a shopping center in your city and plant a bomb there, thousands of rubles. and thousands of russian schoolchildren have already received such offers, they say.
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carefully planned and prepared. the main task of the organizers of the terrorist attack was to sow fear in society among those who were behind the mass mailing after the bloody massacre in crocus, someone wants to commit another terrorist attack,
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look already. to the support service of the social network, and block the user and under no circumstances enter into dialogue with him. public
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connections the fsb of russia calls on citizens to react vigilantly to '. worship of terrorism is a particularly serious crime, punishable by 7 to 15 years in prison. lawyers strongly advise not to enter into correspondence with criminals and not even to accept their offers as a joke. according to the law, this can be considered the teenager’s preparation to impose such conditions. you have a chance, let’s say these crimes begin to demand money, or non-disclosure, with very
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unpleasant consequences, it has long been known that they are engaged in such information. from the reviews of our mobile operators themselves, it’s a huge, constantly ongoing operation , what changes there from time to time, oh, now let’s interfere with the elections, let’s set fire to ballot boxes or fill them with green paint, or now let’s work out a terrorist attack, it’s just the authorities sending another manual . dangerous internet and they spoke about their work on condition of anonymity, they have a certain standard for this mailing per day, how many specific messages they should send to russian numbers, their work
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were offered last week as a certain part-time job, it became known that from the accounts. dmitry kulko, larisa nikitina, elena shtokolova and sergei romanov, mercenaries, as for the front, the russian army has improved the situation in the kupinsky, avdeevsky and kherson directions. during the day... almost 900 militants also have a large amount of equipment, including western equipment, and this is the avdeevsky marder on the move with ammunition, the enemy abandoned a heavy vehicle, in
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the artyomovsk direction our fighters are hunting for baba yaga, as well as combat drones. average this one can lift 10 kg of explosives into the air, so their destruction is a priority. alexey ivanov saw how everything was happening, she had a screw here. the pilot was destroyed in flight, leaving only a couple of burnt parts. due to its impressive size, it has a menacing appearance , similar to a character from russian fairy tales. the artillery crew in the artyomovsk direction was able to knock out the grandmother with targeted shots.
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reset, then a person, well, naturally, can suffer very badly, can die, so i think this is very much needed courage, dedication, also, because an artilleryman without a gun is no longer an artilleryman, a commander. the medal for bravery, relatively new, appeared on time,
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they received another encouragement, one of these days they will go to an extraordinary de. from a few tens of meters before the position, mainly with guns and yagas, that is, they seem to be flying at night, that is, they are worried, this is right behind them.
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day at night, regardless, as they say, of the clock, or tronka kaze, combat work, the constant buzzing of drones, like our brave guys prove that it doesn’t interfere.
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occupied by the head of ukrainian foreign intelligence , alexander letvinenko. and culture in the field of literature and art for works for children was commissioned by the kremlin. the state pays great attention to youth development. vladimir putin, speaking about this, and... especially highlighted the service to humanism and mercy traditions, and should have the full support of the state, and the white steamship festivals, projects in the bolshoi theater and much more, which are also those who have already realized themselves and are now working on pedagogical field. in the hall there are cultural figures from all over the country, as proof,
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russia noted that culture is more important today than ever. in difficult, tragic periods , creativity increases even more. humanism and mercy, in our determination to be strong and special attention to the younger generation, your word today, your opinion and creativity itself directly affects the mood of people, strengthening their... patriotic feelings, you maintain and complement the pressure
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of the younger generations, in essence form , this is huge. every summer we gather the gifted children with a difficult fate on one beautiful ship - this is the white steamship project. experienced mentors teach children vocal and choral art, and for them this is not just leisure time during the holidays, but primarily rehabilitation. there are 124 lucky people on the list, the geography is the whole
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country. today i received a message that a boy from zaporozhye, whom we selected for the festival, he is literally gathered there by the entire village, because they live in extreme poverty, and for such children, of course, for many years she herself shone on the stage of the big theater
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alexey alexandrovich kryukov, iconographer, portrait painter, landscape painter, he created a whole gallery of polutina frescoes that draw the viewer to our spiritual duty and defense of the fatherland. he often visits donbass and depicts on his canvases the life and everyday life of our soldiers on the front line. but there is one special picture in a moment of silence. i saw in lugansk, when i arrived in the sixteenth year , children’s drawings on the asphalt riddled with holes, that is, i was so amazed, inspired, on the asphalt by my parents, who
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may already be there. handed over when the picture will you tell vladimir vladimirovich? i handed it over, but i wanted to do it, that is, as a sign that vladimir vladimirovich is actively supporting the children of donbass. a people is alive as long as its culture and language are alive, andar mingi believes. she collects, studies and actively popularizes the original folklore of her small homeland, tuva. velacherist alexandrist st. petersburg
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gives due credit to unique education, passing on knowledge to the next generation of aspiring musicians. the long-awaited river of creativity, the endless river of talents, it fills the soul. it is thanks to you, because art is reflected.
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a large modern icebreaker fleet, in the very near future five more nuclear-powered ships will be launched and the icebreaker russia, including the strategic one, continues to work dynamically, most importantly, to develop its own technology. the industry accepted the challenge it faced under sanctions;
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established cooperative ties between enterprises were broken. western partners in violation of all agreements and modern high-tech components and products. to to compensate for the consequences of sanctions, russia is actively developing the necessary ship equipment, building civilian ships and warships for a variety of purposes. the goal is to achieve that same technological sovereignty in the industry, one of the most important tasks of the country. today it is important that despite all the difficulties, the industry continues its dynamic work, the enterprise, among other things, enjoys all support measures. preferential programs under the industrial development fund for a variety of purposes. in
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launched in 2023, region. road-rail ferry alexander deev, in different parts of the country. this is not only a replenishment of the russian fleet, but also thousands of new workers. now manufacturers currently have more than 300 sea and river vessels. the long-term plan until 2037 provides for the construction of over 1,700 units in the civil segment. well, in the area of ​​special attention, we are systematically expanding year-round navigation. icebreaker fleet
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the russian icebreaker is the main leader in the project. they gathered here. industry programs that will form the basis of his instructions. pavel pchulkin, pavel rudakov, stanislav opletin, channel one. a high-profile case against officials from the ministry of economic development and trade and entrepreneurs of the stavropol territory. stay with us on channel one. behind the wheel , he's like a fish out of water
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as a taxi driver. gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator, with one press of a button it turns into a police car, not a car, but an animal, we find the gunner, we cover the gang. our people, among yours, will do everything for him, we work, undercover taxi, premiere,
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watch the time after the program, evening. product of stellor group. cognac monte shock. product. product of steller group. vodka. war has been declared on russian sports. the result
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of furniture types has been revised. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch.
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vozvezdy is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you know dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were scamming him. when you entered into an inheritance, you they told the notary, the person i loved has died, probably
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the residents and people in the border regions already have authorities, self-defense units, volunteers and simply caring people, everyone has their own group, report by anna prokofieva. the village of golovchino was hit by shells, the car was still smoking, it was completely burned out, the building of the car was damaged, two emergency situations ministry employees and a local resident were injured during the shelling, all were hospitalized with shrapnel wounds,
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one hole, small ones everywhere. these are cluster munition explosions, here, too , here they are everywhere throughout the entire territory, there may also still be bells, as they are called, cascading, in no case should you come close, if you accidentally touch one with your foot, then traumatic amputation is guaranteed, we are driving into graivern, sty, in the city there is a lot of destruction, we are driving very quickly, because we are within reach, we went to a local temporary accommodation center, here, the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, is personally touring
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the areas affected by the shelling. everything is fine? why don’t you leave, well, how to leave , we have dogs on our farm, how to leave them, but it’s scary, well... no, we’re already used to it, we already know what, how, what it shoots, how it shoots, where it shoots, if we’re still falling on the floor, well, you’re just talking about it so calmly, of course, but we’re already used to it, we’re moving further from the edge,
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you have a lot of people here, well, about 10 people . they rarely go there one at a time, only to get water or feed the livestock left at home, so it’s dangerous for groups to move around the village, even if a car passes by. she follows him and throws, shelling of the border areas of the belgorod region continues, every shell, residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, absolutely, aimlessly. well, we are belgorodians, we don’t give up,
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but the border, what do you say, is locked? yes, definitely. anna prokofieva, dmitry popkov, svetlana vidyashkina, alexey kozlov. vision in malfeasance. in moscow , he was detained in his office. footage of the arrest in the report by pyotr deryagin.
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despite the polite greeting to the floor of the moscow city tower, there are still a few hours left for the withdrawal. luxury mobile phones, all such searches carried out 17, including in the stavropol territory, a large-scale operation of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs. and entrepreneurs of the stavropol territory. it was previously established that one of the detainees, in collusion with entrepreneurs, in violation of the law , contributed to the early termination of
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the license of one of the enterprises in the city of mineral waters. the goal was to illegally seize the production capacity of an organization that was involved in the extraction of mineral water on the territory of a deposit in the stavropol territory. also. shares of this enterprises worth 70 million rubles. under threat of violence against the deputy director of the company. the stavropol court revealed the position of the detained official of the ministry of economic development. it turned out to be the director of the district, igor khranovsky. using his position, he essentially deprived the legal right to mine and produce. the mineral water plant kavmin water helped formalize the transfer of the entire business to his associates. kaishev, former chairman of the government of the karachay-cherkess republic and former
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deputy of the regional duma. a few years ago everything began when the kaishev family privatized the only road leading to the plant. they installed barriers and blocked all entrances with trucks. ryder's takeover, it really pains me to see how the property was transferred free of charge to the new owners, the takeover took place. provides all necessary assistance to the investigation, several have been initiated.


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