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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 27, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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went to other brothers, so now that’s it, and if, then this child has a mother, father, there is a father’s wife, for support when he needs it, according to role models, that is, father and mother are conditionally, to some extent obliged help him, but viola, for example, is not obliged. help him, or maybe help him, so it’s not a fact that the child is injured, but you need your spouse to sort out your ex, but not at all.
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in the end, well, how can i say, she will make him weaker for one simple thing, right now i’m speaking so harshly in this sense, but it’s so, well step over the child's mother if. there is no way to step over it, to live within the limits adequately and you need to find the words, you need to find the time, you need to find the situation. so, you know, andryukh,
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i still have two boys, the more time he lives in his more conscious, i told you the truth, trauma. you know, you’ll have to blame, well , i mean no, of course i understand, but if we need to do this, and moreover, you know, you convey i just don’t know, maybe she’ll watch this program in the end and hear us, or maybe you tell her. yes, after 25 years, he is already 32
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, believe me, in a normal situation, that everything is in order with you, andrei and his brothers will feel much better than andrei, they beat each other, communicated with each other, supported each other there, they really considered themselves brothers, yes, stepbrothers, but... thousands of examples, millions of examples when it was wonderful - it allowed people to build relationships with each other, eh, but just like that.
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no peace of an adult is worth the psyche of a child, this is the first, second, well, yes, there was a divorce, of course, she thinks that you did something bad, that you acted wrongly, and you probably somewhere also think that it could have been done differently, that it should have been earlier. what is called marriage, but you have two, the child just has to understand it, realize it, he will understand, well, 7 years is like the age when you, in my opinion, minimally traumatize him, well , for sure, but the longer you... what if you
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suddenly expose this truth, even though it will most likely be the main one. the obstacle is probably the first one, just imagine yourself the situation, you say, at stake, if she is ready to deprive andrei, but i
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hope that this is not the case, all you can do now is just invest your attention. they correctly ask you the question, what is the legend for andrei, why are you not there, it turns out that you feel very guilty before your ex-wife. these are not ex-spouses, just in front of the child, why, because i am spending and, probably,
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with andrei, with his ex-wife, that this will raise this whole layer, that’s the point, that’s your fault, and the same, yes, with your new ones plans, how it will be possible for them... as a result, as if you are thinking that you cannot know that he will go, he
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may be there, well, he is walking through territory that is unknown to him, he understands that on this territory he can... yes, yes, but there is no guarantee, but there is no guarantee, there is no certainty, yes, there are no guarantees, then, you know, it is not the amount of time spent with the child that matters. going to bed together, getting up together, i don’t know,
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brushing your teeth and so on, well, of course this is good in an ideal picture, but we really often feel this way. this conflict will simply tear you apart, of course, you will always be in this meat grinder, and as soon as you accept the very fact that this has already happened, because the feeling is that you will always invent some kind of reality, in which this event seems to not exist, but it does exist, there is already this boy, there are these two boys.
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it will be bad, it’s like, unfortunately, this lie will have to go so deep that you can unravel it one way or another with the responsibility of certain consequences, well you are either a child or an ex-wife, i will make too bold an assumption that would...
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of course, to clean up this relationship, talk everything through, we go through arguments, pressure, and well, no matter what, just here, in your relationship. but only when he clearly understands what is, what, and not, will not be
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andrei’s quality of life, then this, this is right there, not buying toys, there is medical care, insurance, there, i don’t know, schools, education, it’s this purity, why yes, i have this, i have it, because my parents, they... even they no communication at all, i understand that it was very bad, because it would have been better, i didn’t want to repeat what i had with my parents. in childhood, to the question of your
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trauma, even though you said that there are none, with your first wife you put it higher than the mental health of your child, because you are trying to preserve it. this can be done in different ways, you can first show him two-year-old children, and then say that they are his brothers, or you can first tell him that we will now go to your brothers and after that show him, i think that it doesn't matter very much.
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maybe that he will still have the idea that there is always. if the three of us sat down and talked, you and his mother. and andrey and, as it were, only when you two adults can say this, if your mother is categorically no, do you feel what is happening to you now,
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what are you thinking about, what are your yeses? after you introduce them, you will also need to spend time with him, he must understand that the world has not changed for him, he also has a dad, there is time where you two are together, ex will your spouse agree to go to a psychologist with you? i think no, will she say no? i don’t need to, this is a very stubborn person, just try to convey to her the fact that you and her need to sort of clear this relationship, the two of you should just go to a psychologist, which is just right for you, each of
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you, you now we’ve agreed to pretend, and you’re pretending... that you ’re trying to reconcile mom and dad in this way, but in your own way you’re maintaining this status quo, i really don’t know how to come to an agreement? it was useful not only for you and me , because with this, people, well, it’s true now, because of
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the popularization of psychology, everyone is so afraid of inflicting some kind of wrong trauma on their children , but... in fact, it only aggravates this situation, so thank you for we opened this topic, i think it will be very useful to many people. or its presenter tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan. we talked with leonid about how to integrate. easy money, i’m its host, mikhail khanov, and today we’re going to figure it out. school
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of economics alexander chulok, hello, alexander, what do you think, so much attention is paid to shering economics that such serious people, the director of the center, doctor of economics, pays so much attention to this in his work, and this is a global trend, we cannot bypass it. there were the foundations for the sharing economy or sharing economy, how its consumption, as we see it, has developed over the last few decades, goods, services, that is, someone
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must produce them, someone can. these may be those who inform about the availability of relevant goods or services or inform about the relevant buyers, that is, in classical economics, when we have quite a lot of, as we economists say, different economic agents, who also look at transaction costs, costs, a little differently, to producers, to relevant agencies, to intermediaries, and so on further. zeros,
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there were no it platforms, what was there for collective consumption? first of all , it... could be housing, it could be a worker sharing a crust of bread, for example, or a greek salad, if you're lucky, and widely consider, then always when we have shared a benefit with you, an important point arises in economics, and the usefulness comes from the fact that... that i gave you a jacket to take a photo for your passport, remember the rental actually for a passport
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to take a photo, but the usefulness of the fact that it’s mine what decreased is that i gave it to you, did a good job, a friend helped, and maybe even earned something, so... that we shared food, this crust of bread, then i can think about it, that is, the sharing economy is based on several fundamental - bases, on several fundamental points, consumer behavior, models for our audience.
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a fur coat and it’s a nice thing to do, you and i understand that, but now it turns out like this. generation from , but nevertheless, now for many guys, it’s important for you to have these markers of social success that your parents, your grandparents had, some say: no, use it, that is, today alone, tomorrow another one. the day after tomorrow the third car in favor of constantly using it, that is, moving from a point
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and to point b, that is, for them this is no longer a marker of success, a well-known generally known postulate was applied at one time in the fifties, which brought together all of... the definition of an ideal object, an ideal object is an object that does not exist, and its function is fulfilled , you know, yes, what is it, let’s say, there is movement in space, but you don’t have any cars, or spaceships, nothing, you just decomposed into molecules here, gathered there, then if you extrapolate, then in fact it turns out that... what is it at all there may not be, but the function is performed,
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because you don’t have to stand in line for a rental piano, and for a piano, you don’t have to go to the rental office, you pressed the button on the utility of the fur coat, the utility of the fur coat went away, the sensor, the apartment, that’s when young people i’m telling you, they say it’s like making it from real fur, they suffered, but it’s necessary, you have to buy it from artificial fur, and so on, by the way, a very important point. now you 're talking to you, that's why we're studying the economy of collaborative local consumption, then her place would be very interesting, she finds with climate change because we understand that pressure. trolleybuses and electric buses will run without
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traffic jams. they will be as comfortable as they are now, well, we’re talking about moscow now, then using a trolleybus doesn’t bother me at all, and i, for example, gave up cars a long time ago, but i really use taxis, i haven’t gotten around to sharing with someone , the metro and taxi are still excellent options, in this sense, really from the point of view of reducing the burden on the environment - this is a strong trend, but it is just pushing out this sharing economy to its new level, first assess its volume. then the volume of the sharing economy was revised, according to recent estimates, this is relatively tomorrow, consider
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the sharing economy. i can tell you that now in foresight forecasting - this is once again. foresight is a method, a science, years in this serious scientific discipline they began to use big data analytics, and so we have a system in our country, but now it includes about 750 million. bases
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data and reports on scientific and experimental developments of castrus are not in order to better understand the trends that influenced, but is it possible to understand which stiffening ribs. of course, i would like to say, okay fora, show me the entire map of global trends, but this is not our method, we don’t have voice control yet, so i.
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the designers also worked on it, because of course, the map itself, globally, look, it probably looks like an impressionist painting, yes, that is, there are a lot of different points, a whole cluster global trends, selected according to a special methodology and font boldness, you are absolutely right, here for convenience we have highlighted those in bold... there are quite a lot of them, this is the history of population and new industries of tourism, and smart cities, and the world of virtual reality and climate change, to the left of, if you look at this map, on the left we see a very large cluster related specifically to the economy, digital models, new business models, digital transformation, we
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know now. a lot of russian companies are moving towards this digitalization, yes, they all say: we are now digital, we have the eightieth level of digitalization there, but nevertheless, the sharing economy may also turn out to be quite an interesting business model for them, because let’s get more into the business of that same sharing economy, but if we say everything -about business, i think. go to the other side goes to the side of those company organizations that actually provide this service. what you
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need, tilling the land or harvesting the crop, but at the same time you pay exclusively for. in principle, a taxi is a typical prototype of carsharing. the company does not need to have a huge fleet of machines, well , i mean computers, in this case machines, in their companies, expensive ones,
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data in the cloud, in principle, companies that rent out these same cloud spaces with computing power, they are also an example of sharing economy, if we look again at this map of global... with financial stories, this is the sharing economy, including for... ordinary citizens, well, for example, you can not only engage in k-sharing or sharing, as they now say coliving, sharing premises, when, well, a very important
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moment, which for an ordinary person, it seems to me, may be decisive not... they had a good life in this sense, everyone dreamed, those who lived in a dormitory, everyone dreamed of owning an apartment, everyone dreamed of owning it, that is, we are returning to the fact that owning this or that asset of this or that thing became the ultimate goal, then it was the key, now people’s voluntary choice of the old formation, who treat this as something, well, any new yes... that invades their lives, how flexible these changes are now, this is the moment, you know, it is important, our consumer economy, sharing economy, then of course , this is
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not exactly youth and not depending on the behavior model in very different ways, but for the older generation. this sharing economy, if we look at asian countries, for example, south korea or japan, for them, as we know, due to limited space, the opportunity to adopt a wonderful dog or... and the elderly don’t feel so
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lonely, that is, they can take a walk, this is an easy money podcast, and today we are dealing with... replacing the fact that we get all these products, goods at a lower price, we need to give up ownership , which country is closest now mentally, well, and technologically, i definitely wouldn’t write it off here, because for example... students are traveling and you don’t walk around the floors
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and try to somehow exchange it with you here it is this platform here you are, absolutely such a seemingly local local but a very correct and good solution one of the very famous they are like this is, on the contrary, a joy getting rid
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of this burden, what is necessary, necessary , farewell to a dream, this kind of research was, is, and you know, there is a strong polarization of society not only in the countries that have been listed, but in the whole world, so yes. how is this expressed, you know, i always say that if this is important to you, it should not be the same attitude towards this ecology, as something important, sacred, there people stop flying on planes, they stop, they walk more, or is it all just... audiences, mostly youth, i
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ask them, raise your hands, usually a forest of hands, then i will lead , this is not representative, but very visual, i am conducting a very simple story, an experiment, i say, okay, now imagine that there will be erosion, that is, everything. great, but 10% more expensive, less, then i say, okay, 30, there are usually very few hands, then i ask the last question, i say, but for who pays for training?
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economic laws, the consumer votes with rubles and this is just the question of the sharing economy, it ideally makes it possible to be, use, and share, not at a very high cost from the budget, not at a very high cost and in an environmentally responsible manner. take some kind of conventional units, some kind of points or call them like in money itself, that’s how money appeared, you and i know economists, yes, well, we’ll exchange skins or coins, what’s the difference, yes, if we are this equivalent universal, it’s convenient to share, we admit it, so you have money. but, for which
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previously it was necessary to save for decades to ensure mobility. you convey everything, where you are, how you live, what data you have, it’s interesting, but i may not have any particular doubts about you , and those who read the user agreement before clicking the “i
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agree” button. number of platforms, this is a very small number of ecosystems, platforms that provide access, the question is who owns this question, who owns it, how does it loading, where did you hand over the car, where are you staying, what are you eating, with whom did you share? how did you do it, everything is laid out, shocks, when it was this factor of cybersecurity that acted as a stop limiting factor for... the development of sharing, where people are already, when it is sometimes too late to do this, so the sharing economy , according to a number of researchers,
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volume the sharing economy exceeded a trillion rubles a couple of years ago; you must agree, this is quite a lot for the world. alexander, here he is very close to these - stop factors, this is two hundred thousand years old. civilization has disappeared like dust, and the workers there and so on, right there, literally less than a month has passed, that’s how much the sharing economy itself is, well, in simple terms, it’s a kind of
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blur. think about the environment, yes, when you have enough time and money, in 10 years you will already go to work, will already graduate from universities, will. in big data, this also suggests one’s
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position in this landscape. when so many people said, i'm afraid to get into this car, no, disinfection, and if it is carried out , then excuse me, these are completely different costs, but the good thing about the economy is that it quickly adapts, yes, that is, i hope that we have at least said goodbye to the pandemic, but the fact that in certain...
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we economists came up with the idea of ​​calling it that, if we look, there are 15 trillion dollars, very nice, by the way, but... age is rising, which is why these elderly, this wonderful group, are becoming more and more interesting, banks are starting to look at them.


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