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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  March 27, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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maybe , well, it’s hard to blame generals on them, but here, completely unexpectedly, they have a general, a brigade general , seemingly healthy, but one day, as they write, from natural reasons, well, because the city doesn’t have hours is in poland and there is no need to conduct any exercises there, no other events related to the participation of polish military personnel, as they say, they will be more lively, we are not angry and polite people,
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versant in 2016, as part of an armed group, he tried to penetrate into crimea on an inflatable motor boat. budanov and company planned to blow up russian energy facilities. they were discovered and waited on the shore. then agent budanov jumped into the water and swam to ukrainian territory. this is what journalists from the american newspaper new york times write. apparently they found out from the internet that budanov was involved in swimming as a child. after being dropped during the fighting in the donbass , he received treatment in the united states. then he disappeared for several years, resurfaced during... but not zelensky’s presidency, and his career took off. at the age of 34 , budanov received the position of head of the military intelligence. at 36, he was given the rank of major general, and a year later , lieutenant general. rejection of the soviet school of intelligence cooperation with the intelligence services of the united states and europe became his calling card, and the western media described the situation before the interview with him as follows: the light is dim, the windows are covered with sandbags, classical music is playing somewhere from an invisible speaker. a man sitting behind a large wooden one.
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after all, due to riddles on the territory of russia, budanov was included in the list of extremists and terrorists, and he was also accused in absentia of 104 terrorist acts, department officials consider him involved in shelling, vehicle bombings, as well as attacks using drones that have been carried out since the beginning of the war in moscow, sevastopol and a number of other russian territories. when asked by journalists to confirm or refute this, tudanov only grinned. but the washington post newspaper, in its investigation, disclosed information that it was in ukrainian. nothing happened to the service
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without the permission of the cia, because it was the agency that trained ukrainian saboteurs. i won't reveal our plans for 2024, but new surprises await our enemies. after a terrorist attack in moscow, which killed hundreds of civilians, budanov suddenly disappeared. maybe the curators took it away once again?
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commandos unit known as unit 2245 , which captured russian drone communications so that cia experts could reverse engineer them to break moscow's encryption systems, one of the officers of this unit was kirill budanov, now a general in charge of military intelligence ukraine. budanov was the rising star of unit 2245. he was known for his daring operations behind enemy lines and had deep ties to the cia. the agency trained him and also took the extraordinary step of sending him to walter reed national military medical center in maryland for rehabilitation after he was wounded in the right arm during fighting in the donbass. where did budanov even come from?
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afghanistan, told how his son served, now, how my comrade, with whom i served at a moment that needs to be known, i remember studied at the odessa school with budanov, a small example, officers sit here when his studies end, he did not celebrate graduation with them, well, because he was ignored by the team, being an extremely dishonest person, hidden and... today , analyzing many events, i understand that he was led already then, he was prepared even then. the second moment i look at, he is unpleasant to me, he is disgusting, he is unreliable, he is not a strong person, i don’t understand how he hid for a year in some special things, with
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some secret moments related to his activities have been closed for at least nineteen years from the point of view of the public. ukrainian, but there is a nuance: he extremely seriously introduces the internet, information and psychological operations through modern networks, disinformation, fakes and provocations, this is part of his work, it seems to me, this once again indicates that mi6 worked closely with him, which extremely seriously specialized and now specializes in information and psychological operations, raised for...
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they said about march 25 and 22, especially about belarus, about khatyn, about khatyn, when 218 this battalion, staffed 100% by ukrainian banderaites, where the officers there were amazed at their german cruelty and let’s just say, just atrocity, just atrocity, today these people are strie. such an important, serious organization, which the central intelligence agency has turned into a branch of a terrorist organization, which is the focus of others, among others. yes, thank you, you know, his main goal is to achieve some kind of recognition, he wants recognition, craves
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recognition, he wants to be noticed the importance of being noticed that he has really achieved something, in addition to what you said, he is vindictive and vindictive, i am sure that... in his circle there are no those who studied with him, he just will not allow it, because there must be people next to him whom he can push around, who do not know his weaknesses, and also his problems. the fact that in addition to the fact that he is not independent, he is also obsequious, because he is obsequious, he can screw up, go overboard, they tell him, you weren’t asked, where are you ? hands, he has one long arm, the other, he is getting closer, he is afraid, he is shy , he is scared, he performs, he is scared, you know, he is not confident in himself, such people cannot work , cannot do anything. without a pointer from above, he is an absolute puppet, he is the one he
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controls, there is nothing more to say here, listen, well, the western press reacted to a terrible terrorist act is completely different, they say that ukraine has nothing to do with it, and strangely, they said this even before any details appeared, no one has yet named the perpetrators, the americans are already saying, but ukraine a priori, is not here in business, let's see. month , the state department did warn about a possible threat of a terrorist attack, now we do not know how much this warning and this attack are related, but we had some concerns about a possible terrorist attack in moscow and moscow region earlier this month. at this time there is no indication that ukraine or ukrainians were in any way connected to the shooting, but again, this has just come to light and we are looking into it. even though so little time had passed, i wanted to. would dissuade you from ties with ukraine. the first thing i would like to draw your attention to is the fact that there is no
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regret. let's remember, yes, when there were the terrible terrorist attacks of september 11, when russia, the russians, our leadership rushed to helping americans, understanding that global terrorism is a threat to everyone. we remained not indifferent in this situation, but even the first person does not speak here, and kirby actually smiles in the video. well look. you haven’t yet mentioned the most, probably, such a vile, but vile part of this speech by john kirby, and i’ll remind you that he is the speaker of the white house national security council, where i was just commenting on what was happening, he said that, well, see, we know that in russia there are a lot of people who don’t like the government, maybe they do too involved, that is, in general, the point is that he tried to immediately shift the responsibility onto russia, well, it is clear that no matter how this of course led to nothing, but later they had a completely different agenda, and they blame the islamists for everything. you correctly noted that in 2001 , the september 11 terrorist attacks, the russian president was the first to call bush
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jr. and offered him all kinds of help, including helping him with the start of the operation in afghanistan. now we see certain routine, absolutely routine condolences. on the part of some western countries, and even then not all of them, for example, the jokers are still keeping silent, and of course , there were no calls, there were no speeches by joe biden, well, grandpa is old, apparently they didn’t send him anywhere anymore, so kamala haris performed.
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performers, at the same time, referring to isis, initially, when no one had yet... said anything and so on, they accuse the terrorist organization of the orthodox in
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the month of ramadan on the friday prayer of the maghrib, where it is extremely incredible that this would happen for some muslims, well, then i understand that the operation itself, which was prepared, requires a thorough analysis there, i would like to say so that our viewers understand that colossal, serious work is going on and that... not everyone is talking today , this does not mean that it is not being done, today colossal work is being done and the fact that in the coming hours after the terrorist attack, these perpetrators were caught, because the fsb foiled for...
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why is budanov the perpetrator a few minutes after a short advertisement, stay with us, reward there is, but he drives like a duck to water, this is the same one who ratted out his partner, or something, that’s right, in any department in the city your... “glory will pass you on, we ’re launching an experiment, we’ve decided to put you in prison behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to
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the taxi driver and taxi, and in case of need, taxi using built-in flashing lights in the radiator and one at the touch of a button turns into a police car, not a car, but a beast. let me mind my own business, and you do yours. we find the gunner and cover the gang. his people among yours will do everything for him. we are working. undercover taxi. premiere! watch the time after the program! veda vodka, a product of steller group. oldbarr cognac is a product of the stellar group. bourboon stirsman is a product of the stellar
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group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. war was declared on russian sports, the results of our team at the beijing olympics were revised, the team found itself at in third place, but in first place were the united states , the russians will not be allowed in until they show that they are a pure nation, what is wada’s position really, we decided to find out from witold banka himself what he thinks, in normal countries there are no politicians who they say: no, no, she is not guilty at all. why did n’t they get to valieva and not lag behind? we're not giving away one of the most watchable sports to anyone, don't like that? the usa basketball team at the olympics does not touch vada, they do not take doping tests. the russians were removed and they definitely want to organize these friendship games to try to undermine
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the olympic games, which is why we urge countries not to participate. there are people who don’t need to be told whether there is nazism in ukraine or not nazism in ukraine, they saw it all with their own eyes, we hear from people, this is fascism 2:0, but ukraine doesn’t care about that, the world has been bullied. the cross is painted over with a yellow circle, this is a symbol of nazi germany. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties comes to
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the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will? at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, jerome, to be honest, no, but you were divorced on purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine for me it was after 26 years, such a blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere. on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved had died.
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an interception plan has been introduced, an armed attack at the address north 27, it’s very likely that we have a new maniac, another corpse, and what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform, a bomber in law, an unfinished cobboy, you yourself decided to start the actual investigation , persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here, why are you helping me, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, and what’s your name, for you i’m just... taxi driver. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. then you fell, then what? well, this is how to live with you? well, you don't
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live. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of the heir to tuti. kirill budanov. syrian killer, we analyze his role in the mass terrorist attack in moscow. here. look, for example, an italian journalist, there are also some the voices of truth are somewhere in the west, they sometimes break through into the blogosphere, he believes that the specific executor of this case is budanov. do you want to know who is behind the moscow terrorist attacks, in my opinion budanov, excerpt from an interview in 2023. i am very happy about it. do you think there will be more of them? yes, there will be more blows, everything is getting deeper inside russia. did ukraine strike a russian
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air base? i can't answer this question for you right now. and after the war can you answer this question? i think yes. what is your reaction to this, even if you don't take it? take responsibility. i'm very happy to see this. here's my reaction. on which different intelligence services and different states are fighting, the first front is operational work, this is the ground, but the more important front
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is, of course, the information one, how a certain information cushion was prepared, you say the americans warned their citizens that something could happen , but this warning is primarily an attempt to get out of the situation. many people know, just like anyone. a technician who could act as a coordinator, he loves money very much, very loves power, really wants to be noticeable , he’s an animal at his core, now
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look how it’s happening, i decided to immediately track it, see how the information went, and which countries participated and spoke first, this, of course, was done by isis , i specifically released it for myself, first, it was the usa, then great britain, then france, germany, belgium, the netherlands, these are those countries. which first declared, including the netherlands, of course, this is isis. guys, i have one question: did you carry out investigative measures, are you sure do you know, or did you have some information, specifically from these countries, did you have something, did you hide something? or do you think that 2001, when we signed common documents with the united states of america on the exchange of the threats that come from global terrorism. have you forgotten these agreements? well, yes, though. the americans tore up any agreements and forgot, but we did not forget. the united states of america, by organizing this terrorist attack, greatly showed its ears to the ears of ukraine.
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is there some more. but opinion from abroad, actually speaking from the uk, when the us, uk and others quickly tried to rush to assure me that it was only isis that carried out this massacre in moscow, i automatically knew that they were lying, that's what i discovered. first of all , i discovered that no one explained the unannounced visit of former us president barack obama to meet british politicians and security officials in downing street 3 days before the attack. exploring. even further, i discovered that victoria nuland is a harbinger of death, which, if it approaches you, be sure that civil war is coming in your country. so, i saw with my own eyes how she promised the russians several unpleasant surprises in the coming weeks and months. i investigate further and discover that white house press secretary, john kirby announced that american citizens have been warned to stay away from crowded places, including shopping malls and theaters in
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great moscow, the greatest city. and now they make me believe that the united states, my allies, have four pieces of evidence that according to nato, their puppet servant , the stump state of ukraine, is actually responsible for this mass murder, since budanov, there is no need to idealize him, he is essentially a facade of foreign intelligence services, and this is tough analytics and tough work, this is the result of the work of all intelligence services, and he is, shall we say, a talking head. regarding the terrorist attack, my opinion is that budanov and zelensky are being led to slaughter, because the traces were clearly left, in fact, they caught the terrorists, today there is a terrorist attack, the world community, sooner or later no one will support this, everyone understands perfectly well that budanov did this, there is no doubt about it, he is a saboteur by profession, essentially in order to replace this top, now the usa can simply declare
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that... that we do not support terrorists, so i believe that this act, of course, was organized by the states , of course, the british also took part in it, but in the way it was carried out, i think that they left some paths that, let’s say, paths retreat for ourselves, first of all, because zelensky, we saw this in general programs, he is already playing and snuland, they are essentially becoming.
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islam, this is a very obvious signature of the americans, they wanted to shake up the situation in russia, as they previously did in the north caucasus, this is not the first time, but how will they get out? i would like to draw attention to isis, why it is not isis. in the intelligence services there is such a term, such terms, they are called recruitment under a false flag or under a false flag and conducting an operation under a false or alien one. flag, well, to make it clear, relatively speaking, there is a specialist in cambodia, they come to him and say: we know that you love cambodia very much, but you work in such an institution, please, in the interests of cambodia, let you supply us with this or that information, well, where is russia, where is cambodia, the interests do not coincide , no damage to security will be caused, the person substitutes information, but he does not know that in fact he is being used under a false flag in the dark, in fact, the information comes, say, to mi6
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or the cia, the same thing with regard to the operation under a false flag, here what was the flag for? isis, in order to carry out this operation under the isis flag and then declare: “well, what do you want, what kind of ukraine? this was done by completely different people, but the fact that our russian special services were able to intercept this terrorist group at the border, in fact, after that, the main message of this operation: that ’s it, it failed, yes, unfortunately , a huge number of people died, but the task that the organizers of this false flag operation pursued, it did not take place, so our society is the opposite rallied around a common disaster, they expected it to blaze and people would start destroying each other, and now everyone sees that this is not isis, that’s what it’s all about, and the main thing is that the world community sees that this is not isis, the british and american intelligence services forgot . what is
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the attitude towards islam in russia? let me remind you that russia is a large part of the collective south, and almost all muslim countries treat... us with a degree of great positivity, they see that russia is a multinational and multi-religious country, multi-ethnic, they did the wrong thing bet, they believed that now a very important religious and ethnic factor would come to light here. why did they initially throw it at isis? why is it not isis? the fact is that the united states of america plays the information card very well when you already have preparations for the media. they don't need to explain anything, when you say the ripper, he's a bad person, you don't need to look up who jack the ripper is, when they say isis - it 's hearsay, it should sound like a red rag, yes, no new organization is pops up, there are hundreds
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of terrorist organizations, hundreds of terrorist attacks are happening, but they don’t talk about these small organizations , they talk about those they know, they instantly spin this trail, this suggests that the information front, it was prepared in advance by the british. .. by the americans, they worked synchronously in a second, look how the news came out, the americans, the british, synchronized each other, it happens, it happens, and indeed, look at the footage, this is barack obama 3 days before the terrorist attack, he suddenly arrives in the uk , obama in great britain, meets with representatives of the intelligence services, why would it be, don’t you think that in this story... there are many coincidences and some of them are pointed out by the american press, and not just a journalist, but a former cia analyst, here he is questions: we still don’t know how many
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attackers there were, we still don’t know what weapons were used, yet the us state department said that ukraine didn’t do it, all because they knew that ukraine did it, so how do we know this? on march 7, the us embassy and great britain in moscow issues a warning advising all americans and britons to stay away from crowded places for 48 hours because a terrorist attack will occur. this means that the united states knew that ukraine was preparing something. obama arrives and talks with rishisunok, although initially he does not like him, he said that he is a so-so candidate, but he comes to him at 10 downing street, and does not sit in a cafe, and they come there too.
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us institutions in iraq, almost all the first leaders, actually egil, they stayed there for some time and by analogy, how with al-qaeda, with other international terrorist organizations, appropriate work was carried out with them, they... came out, after some time an armed insurgent movement appears, changes its name several times and begins to spread to turkey and iraq, by the current moment that we see in the person of isis, this is
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a certain organization that essentially performs a certain function, not so much as a terrorist organization, but as a private military company, that is , where necessary in the interests of the united states. or their allies, a certain development of events with the use of violence, especially where isis arises in those regions populated by muslims. i agree here, it works very well as a universal one, as in the americans, it’s a boogeyman when you have a bright one, because if you write about some kind of organization, it won’t get into the top news, but if something specifically, if i ’m a newbie, if...
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this whole thing, i can’t call it a company, but a customer in the person of ukraine, in
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the person of the usa, britain, the managers of ukraine and budanov, to what extent they are tied to dates, because, well, it’s an incredible coincidence, why this can be assumed quite boldly, only here and now there is another connection, and now instead of, let’s say, the organizers of all this are the usa, great britain, well, in particular great britain , and the performers are still the same ukraine, let me remind you. that in khatyn who was led by the unknown grigory vasyura, who was in the 115th battalion, yes, they were commanded, and there were german representatives of derlivanger, but it was all done by ukrainian collaborators, the so-called banderaites, as they say now, therefore the perpetrators, the perpetrators are still the same, and the dirtiest things are done with ukrainian hands, and we raised a very important topic here, because in...
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the situation is the same gang of brothers, as they say, these guys now completely control the entire situation of the black market, when weapons are sold to third countries, including the weapons that are supplied, when there are registrations, when prices are inflated for purchased weapons, it’s all there, and kirill budanov, the most important thing is his in this case, the role is that he is the person through whom huge funds are laundered that are stolen in ukraine, from the sale of weapons, for theft. budget , well-known names of these people
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who are doing this, money is withdrawn to european countries, and transferred to the arab emirates, even well-known names of people, yes, who are doing this, these are ukrainians mishchenko, mr. mishchenko, and a citizen of ukraine and a citizen of the united arab emirates, according to named after bakhtere - this is the former head of alparibank, such a bank was, he has already ordered a long life, in 2018 year. but he was a member of the supervisory board of this bank, the head of the supervisory board of this bank was the ex-president of ukraine viktor yushchenko, there are also american hands in this matter. yuri, thank you very much, thank you. colleague, i have a question for you, you know, there is an expression: the less you know, well, someone says: you sleep more soundly, but the less you know, you will live longer. but i wonder how long budanov will live with so much information, won’t the curators themselves remove him? because there’s a thread there, oh my god, there
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and hunter biden for you, and the kagan case - this is nuland’s husband there and illegal arms deliveries, then suddenly once and that’s all, well , look, i think that, of course, kiril budanov, like many other representatives of this kiev regime, is expendable , but while he seems to be fulfilling a certain role, he is the face of all these sabotages, terrorism and everything else, so i think that he will live, then in the future, of course, as he fulfills his role... he will be abandoned, and his curators themselves are liquidating him, yes, because the cia and misha after all, they don’t want their hands to be directly covered in blood, they use this kind of performers, you know, the capitalist principle, as long as something sells, sell, and agur now, in fact, with the help of zelensky, has become some kind of incubator , look, zelensky fires danilov, since a person from the gur takes his place. but today this is a nest where the cia can
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grow the personnel they need. the question is why, the most important thing is how these shots will end up. in fact, with so much information on slaughter we'll continue after the ad. there is a reward, it drives like a fish. is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? that ’s right, in any department of the city your fame will precede you. let's start an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to
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a taxi driver and a taxi, and if necessary, a taxi with with the help of building. flashing lights in the radiator , with one press of a button, it turns into a police car, not a car, but an animal, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find the gunner , we cover the gang, our people are among yours, they will do everything for him, we work, undercover taxi , premiere , look, after the program time cognac monte chococa product stellar group rom castro product stellar group vodka veda product stellar group cognac
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old barrel product stellar group bourbon сtirsman product. stellar group war has been declared on russian sports, revised the results of our team at the beijing olympics, the team ended up in third place, but the usa came in first. the russians will not be allowed in until they show that they are a pure nation. what is vada's position really? we decided to find out from witold banka himself what he thinks; in normal countries there are no politicians who say: no, no, she is not guilty at all. why did they get to the bottom of valieva? we are not giving away one of the most watchable sports to anyone, it is not pleasant. usa basketball team, at the wada olympics does not touch, they do not pass doping tests. the russians are suspended and they definitely want to organize these friendship games to try to undermine the olympic games.
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this is why we urge countries not to participate. the olympic movement, like the organization, has been turned into a political cudgel. premiere, show of vavan and lexus , today at the first, four years old, today is your birthday, remember how you were driving a car to zavdeevka, we were passengers, there are people who don’t need to be told whether there is nazism in ukraine or not nazism in ukraine , they saw all this with their own eyes, we hear from people, this is fascism 2:0, and ukraine does not care whether you are a peaceful resident or not, when they first received the copters.
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you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, magas, city of the sun, wait for us, every ingush clan had to have its own ancestral fortress, the irzi tower complex,
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arose back in the 14th century, how do you have fun, but the most important entertainment is, of course, going to relatives, friends, visiting, and of course, eating delicious food. the dessert is considered traditional in ingushetia, it is fingle with pumpkin, the dough is rolled out thinly and begins with sweet pumpkin. well, now let’s get down to the very skull-riddled pride of this region. i ’ll have it in two versions: i’m in charge of the lamb, you’re in charge of the fish, let’s get started. premiere, chefs on wheels. on sunday, on the first. with you again. butina, this is the transfer of the doll to the heir of atuti, the serial killer, the head gur, kirill budanov, that’s what, in fact, he thinks about it in his own words. what they call terrorism, we call liberation, and it didn’t start because
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i went crazy and started killing people in moscow, it happened because they invaded our country back in 2014, i won’t continue this topic, all i will comment on is that we killed russians and will continue to kill russians anywhere in this world until the complete victory of ukraine. where does such hatred of russia and everything russian come from? where is this open from? hatred? budanov immediately began working in the service, well, in fact, in the special service , which was already controlled by foreigners, so he was raised as a foreign agent, he had no love for his homeland, already at that time everything was saturated with foreign agents, that is, he was originally raised western an agent who is not being treated , of course, he is his mother and father - these are western intelligence services, look for something in him, let's say... there is a russian, well, this is not necessary, he probably only has his surname left from the russian , nothing else, so think that he
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somehow he’s even lying, he’s not lying, this is clearly their agent who works for them, roughly speaking, he has a dad and a mom, this is the usa and london, that’s all, he communicates between them, a fanatic, a fanatic, yes, a kind of fanatic, only he looks like a more civilized person, that’s all outwardly, although i, too, what he says out loud is... it’s hard to call him civilized, well, yes, yes, please, you just asked a question, why yes, on the one hand, the americans say one thing, this is isis, yes, budanov says, we will kill, in what the reason for this is very simple, budanov is a former russian, and we understand perfectly well that the war is ideological in nature, on one side there are a lot of ethnic ukrainians fighting on our side, on the other hand, on the other side there are former russians like buddanov. in his hatred he simply overwhelms him so much that he simply cannot stop, he is carried away,
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and what is in the americans’ minds is on budanov’s tongue, that’s all. the americans have this concept of martin, this is a game of constantly raising the stakes, in fact, the americans practice constantly, they increase the degree of statements, but it seems budanov went even further, he increases the degree of actions, and as soon as... this degree begins to subside, it will simply become unnecessary in itself, which means that what they tried to do is terrible terrorist attack, they wanted to highlight the information, but the ears stuck out, too brightly , now they are visible, now openly, even western experts say, wait, there are specific inconsistencies here, because let 's watch another speech, a novel, i ask your attention, of the united states kamala
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kharis, who is also running in front of the locomotive, says that okay, ukraine has nothing to do with it, after everything that you have just seen, this seems at least stupid, do they really think anyone will believe it, but let’s see. vladimir putin is already trying to connect this with ukraine and says that... ukraine is responsible for the terrorist attack, does america have evidence of this? no, and first of all, let me start by saying that what happened as a result of the terrorist attack and the number of people who died is obviously tragedy and we should all express our condolences to these families. no, there is no evidence and we know that isis is responsible for what happened. kamala haris stubbornly insists that ukraine has nothing to do with it, it’s just an inconsistency.
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usa, cia, some say mi-6, britain. who , strictly speaking, is the customer, well, you are like analysts, when you look at this situation, where are they leading? the united states of america, you must understand that starting from the ninety-first year, they entered there, throughout this period they accompanied with in the fourteenth year, 3,500 sbu officers entered, occupied two floors and began to manage this...
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and they compete, they can’t find it, but for the main role in this whole proxy war that the americans are waging against us, together with the collective west, the main role of the americans, the americans control this process, and this order and event was made and prepared by the americans, moreover , it is impossible to carry out many things, starting from financing, without the special services and embassies located in russia. wait, this is interesting, but barack obama is flying in 3 days before the terrorist attack in great britain, so yes , there is another, there should have been information support, and there the british are the main thing in this, after all, the british are in charge, the americans are information, no, on the contrary, the british provide information, the british provide information, so your version, and i will support
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fransamych for one simple reason, a very important visit to... who is going to whom, why couldn’t they meet on neutral territory, it’s logical, one came to the emirates, the other there or somewhere else, it doesn’t matter where they are we met by chance, but look here it is very clear that the united states of america, they have money, they have been grazing this cow for 30 years, they know the inner workings, chathamhouse will come there a little later, soros will come first, the americans, they are primary and say: listen, guys, this is my chicken and...
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in 2015 from the un rostrum, do you even understand what you have done, you have to start from this, who ordered the war, who ordered the terrorist attacks, the collective west, listen to macron, listen, the collective west, wait, specifically, which countries entered to ukraine, when you were there, i say again, if you take the intelligence services, everything, yes, if you take the intelligence services, all of which countries, of course, the first to enter were those who rule the world today, these are the cia intelligence services, misha.
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affairs, but the states play the first violin, what is on the surface in the special services is, this is the state , yes, well, as for, look, here you have already mentioned various american sayings, let’s remember another one, follow them. follow the money, that is, who, who actually has money, yes, follow the money, americans pour in annually at the same afghanistan for 3 billion dollars, yes, where these very same organizations are active, the americans have, again, based on the information published in the new york times, 12 cia intelligence agencies on the territory of ukraine, if, for example, such a large number of intelligence agencies, well, i seriously doubt it, well, of course, the budgets there are much smaller, this whole intelligence community system, five eyes, it is an opponent of russia. its task is set, of course, by the most, most destructive for us, who exactly was the customer, well, i hope that within the framework investigation we will come to this, it’s also interesting about the performers, because look , you mentioned that this is another interesting date,
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yes, this is the day of the sbu, and well, butanov is photographed with malyuk, they are standing there hand in hand, let’s see photograph together, yes, then suddenly the little guy comes out with a statement, where he actually drains from... a weapon with a caliber of 9 by 19, short, rifled, went off in the chest area, then a control shot in the head and he died at his place of residence in the moscow region. tatarsky is a scoundrel, that figurine for him
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they handed it in the form of his bust, such a golden color, he took it. yes, there was 400 g of thermal bar, it worked like a razor in relation to it. prilepin, one of the ideologists of the russian world, was driving to his dacha along the road that happened.
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if a sign is introduced, then we understand what kind of people will end up there, they are afraid, of course, and no one from the international group will support them, because terrorism is terrorism, this is not finance, this is not conversion, this is not some kind of political persecution, he directly admits to them, what is it then, comrades it’s definitely time to do this, you know , the fact is that you can’t talk about the state, there is no state, there is a territory and a regime, so today you know, in a classical state all services, intelligence agencies have competence and contact the president, but there they do not contact the president , they formally go out, but go to that special service,
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the united anglo-saxons, which resolves issues, and so budanov has the competence to carry out these terrorist acts outside the country, he has external intelligence for this, which is connected, he has special operations forces and other mechanisms and he... already understands how it will end for him personally, the fact is that these people cannot hide, just as hitler could not hide, yes, he can run, but there really is no place in the world, where can people who are criminals hide, then the key question arises: is this kirill budanov a tenant or not a tenant, because alexander bortnikov, the head of the fsb of russia, literally says so, is a legitimate target
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of the leadership of the ukrainian special services, everyone who commits crimes against russia and russian citizens, it is legal, that they live, everything is ahead, what future do you think awaits budano? well, look, i’ll remind you that back in the fall of twenty-three , the british analytical agency, this think, that same think tank, chathamhouse , already announced all this when it announced that the ukrainian army, ukrainian militants were gradually... are turning from a conventional army into an irregular rebel one, that is , they will focus on terrorist attacks on terrorism on everything else, but well, it’s like we see, because on the battlefield they are getting worse and worse, so there are more and more sabotage terrorist attacks, unfortunately, it’s worth waiting for on their part, and here i think that of course kiril budanov feels like a fish in water at the moment , because this is his field of activity, he receives commands from customers and he is happy with everything, in my opinion, he may have ambitions to rise somewhere further, higher, especially... against the backdrop
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of this political crisis and in kiev there with zelensky, who is losing his remnants legitimacy after may 21 by confrontation with the zaluzhny and so on, but again, he already has so much blood on his hands that i’m not sure that he will have any kind of political future, what awaits budanov, well , firstly, as a person, as a person, he died a long time ago, because his soul died , so now we see a certain derivative, and as for budanov’s physical body, well , pay attention,
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we have seen stories in life, fate knows a lot of them, but how much such a string is neritsa, the end is always alone, maria butina was with you, heir doll tutti, now is the program time. hello, the program is on air, in the studio of ikterin andreev. briefly about the main thing. development of small towns and villages in russia, special attention to culture and lively communication with people. vladimir putin.


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