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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 28, 2024 12:40am-1:26am MSK

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we broadcast it to people, i’ll try to formulate it differently, cinema in greek is movement, the way i move determines the reaction of society to me, i will share the situation directly, and the person is engaged in consulting, 3 days of consulting have already been sold, he goes out, consults the company, he is not taken into account , not subordinate , at 3:00 in the morning they bring him a presentation, he looks, says, everything needs to be redone, at 9 in the morning there should be another presentation, he says you have to do it, he tells me directly this situation, i turn down the sound, i hear this, this by in essence, well...
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to appreciate, you need to look not at the presentation, at how this presentation was brought in, if it was brought in like this, then nothing but desire will happen like that, but how the presentation should be brought in, well, for example, if now i like this , i’m serving her, if i’m bringing it now, you can see what i’m doing, this shoulder goes back, this one goes a little forward, i’m not serving anything, but i’m not arrogant, yes, yes, yes, don’t try to be arrogantly, only three below, equally on top, he was below, in some places he was on top, but he did not have the main one on level.
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wait, did you teach him how to show it externally, or did you change what ’s inside him? when you work externally, the inside instantly changes, look at the example again, i’m sitting too much like this, yes, i ’ve changed internally or not , well, it seems to me that you are so relaxed, not very respectful, you understand, but if i regularly find myself in such positions, how will my psyche begin to change? of course, of course, this approach, the transition from form to content, it is very fast, for example, a person is used to sitting like this, well he’s clumsy, yes, why, by the way , what does he mean, why is this a question of the past, this is for psychologists, yes, yes, i’m a kineticist, i work with the question of how, how does it help or hinder positioning, obviously not it helps a lot, but i make perfect adjustments from below, now i place my legs like this, take up a little more space, sit down.
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inappropriate, if inappropriate, but it needs to be removed, and we are looking together with him, not why this happened, once again, this is for psychologists and you can delve into this, show me the ideal doctor, oh, this doesn’t quite work like that, what kind of doctor, let 's take the therapist whom we come to see at the clinic, we came with a warning, we all learn from search engines so that it is generally very bad, that is , we come for a certificate, i always start not with the ideal doctor with what needs to be done, systems, we don’t trust anyone, we know everything ourselves , a person comes and says: i need to be perceived as a professional, but now a typical example, valentin, i need to be perceived as a professional, he moves from the center, not from the center, but from the head , his hands are tucked up like this move from the head, look, now i'm moving from the head, now i'm moving from the chest, now i'm moving from my center, yeah? so once again now, how much i weigh
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, i’m standing, i’m perceived by someone like a bird so intimidated , and so all my weight of my some kind of knowledge disappears, now i start moving not from the head, but from the center, i start from the chest, i start to prove something, it’s not a fact that i’ll prove it, but it’s a fact that i’ll do something there, yes, and now i move it to the center and say this and that, moreover, if i say the right thing things, but i’m moving from my head, look, twice two, four, i believe it, no, well, it’s not like that, although, but it’s obvious. now i start to move from the center and don’t perceive anyone like oh, it’s worried, it’s worried and i’m worried, i start to say, you know, two is 17, sometimes 28, who you want to believe, this, well, i suddenly start to doubt your knowledge, listen, it’s like something out of a movie classic, blurt it out confidently, yes, you know, in addition to blurting it out confidently, you still need to understand that the words will be heard, and if this is nonsense, then this is obvious nonsense, still, let's go back, show me how you should behave... doesn't know what he's doing,
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yes, okay, that's how he should be or not, well, maybe to some kind of grandmother... something, hello, maryavanna, i’m listening to you, this is how he should be, definitely not, so we took three behavior patterns and cut them off, they don’t fit, now i do the following, i sit down more comfortably, and i don’t stretch, but i i accept, yeah, my nose is lowered a little lower, the back of my head is raised a little, i’m also clearly interested in what’s happening, oh, now, when you turned my head a little, i saw, you know , such disobedience, but such sincere, very kind, equal interest, warm, with this interest i risk getting into an hour of a story about how ships will form space, you need to stop the flow, so i stand upright , again, hello , come on, it hurts, yeah, i listened for 2 minutes, switched off, recorded,
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okay, apparently, now i want to talk, or am i becoming tougher, more domineering, well, yes, i need to wind down already, but i believe you , again, i'm pulling, again i'm i stop, and now i speak. so now we are moving on to some kind of actions , procedures, because she becomes vertical, and my gestures are not here , not here, not here, here, i say, come in, sit down, yes, open your mouth, we are now let's look at the tonsils, i want to open my mouth, let's give another example, a young teacher is appointed as a class teacher in a class with difficult teenagers, she enters the class, we understand that the first seconds are very important for the entire further history of the relationship. recently there was a series that was quite famous, there was a heroine who wore shoulder straps, she had shoulder straps, but she was like this, she had a clamp pulled out here, she was genetic, as if she was wearing someone else’s jacket and was afraid that they would expose her, magnificent image, because
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there must be strength, femininity and fragility in strength, i looked specifically at the actress’s profile, she constantly has a tension here, she is beautiful genetically, she is attractive to many, but if nekala could help her. legs, don't hold the shields, don't look with your nose, here i am now i’ll show you this thing, look with the back of my head , it looks abstract, yes, look, now i’m looking with my nose, as if i’m moving from my nose, you can see, now i’m moving with my nose to the back of my head, i’m balanced, now i’m looking with the back of my head, if i i look only with the back of my head and move like this, a slight arrogance will also appear, apparently, uh-huh, and this transformation occurs from the outside, not psychologically, kinetically. for example, if i want to be a powerful person, but all my movements are like this, then i will not be perceived as powerful, or vice versa, i i’m listening to you, and my hand says to sit, this is a podcast with the psyche, today we are talking about kenetics, but not from the point of view of physics, from
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the point of view of psychology, show me how you enter a class with difficult teenagers, firstly, i will enter like this, it’s like i’ve been there for 100 years already, yeah. and they are guests there, but my guests , if i need to come in without preparation, i will open the door and walk slowly, slowly , without fussing, without carrying, i will walk, examining everyone, i appreciated the appraising look, yeah, then, i will not serve objects and process, i will turn my chair around, sit down and remain silent until until one of them says something, because i decide. if i start talking, i start losing, if they start talking, let them talk, why can i say, hello, you can, or you can make them obey, my goal is to become mine, but a little higher to make them want listen to me, my grandfather
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taught geography for 45 years, 45 years, his name was count, geographer, so he explained such simple things to me, he says, look, a bad teacher tells, a story is words. the good one shows images, and the best one lights up, if difficult, tough teenagers, i worked in orphanages on performances, i worked in colleges, universities, where drug addiction flourished in the really tough, nineties, we went with anti-drug performances, i came in and said, guys, at night all the cats are gray, something interesting happens, here’s how to distinguish those who yes from those who don’t, we ’re going to talk to you now, it becomes...
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so i’m working, but i don’t do it like this or like this, and even when i go to the notebook, you can see i move with a downward impulse, so i come up, take something, do something, but my pose is the pose of a begging, great, now let's switch roles, you are a student who came not ready for the exam, to the most fierce teacher, how interesting, not i know, i wouldn’t do anything special, i would come and say, you know, i’m not ready for everything, but how would you show yourself, show me, this is how you are, this is what i’m doing now, this is sincerity, i won’t say that it’s open specifically like that, i would come and say, you know, i learned four tickets. if not, no, if yes, i’m ready to tell you, he’s a good teacher, he understands that he needs to not
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threaten information, teach a person to want to get details from there, honesty is always captivating, and what kind of pose should be, what kind of plasticity should be, let’s start with what it shouldn’t be if i start begging, especially you know what girls do, they turn on their grace, sexual signals, try like this, you can’t, you know, this will lead to a completely different result if a girl starts to seduce. teacher, then teacher, but he’s multi-op, you mean kinetically, of course, of course, this smile, that’s all, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, he says, hello, it’s brilliant, by the way, they just showed it right here, yes, if if i were a teacher, i’m copying you , well, that’s not true, in general, if we talk about signals, allow me, i’ll tell you what actually works, first, conflictogens work, conflict generating a state, that is, if a person is tough, if he is... looks under his forehead. the other one is of course tense, for example, now i'm doing cold face, predatory
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, you can feel it, you immediately want what to do with me, you have become kind of funny now, of course, funny, a threat is felt, so, secondly, these are adapters, pursing the lips, blinking, that’s the behavior, so i’m adjusting my clothes , these are adapters that say that i am uncomfortable, i am nervous, and my status immediately drops, and the third is sexual signals, why these particular types of behavior.
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for whom video or voice, by the way, is not part of the profession, they can’t stand watching themselves, the first thing they can’t show me all this, the first thing you can do is look at it and accept it in yourself, this is a very important moment, if i stopped not accepting myself, started accepting it, yes, i’m not completely like that, but it’s me, i have a different program turned on , don’t trample yourself, but help him open up, place your foot differently, lower your hand, turn your head, stand so that you are not serving something. the video in which
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you are recorded, you have good taste, you distinguish good from bad, that’s what you can do, first, we always strengthen what is bad, what does it give? firstly , a person begins to accept himself and understand that even in this form - it’s him, it’s okay, no one will throw a hammer at him, secondly, the program that is sewn into him is sewn in, did he get it from somewhere?
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love, with her gentle hands, she will throw a noose around your neck, how a loving or in love person changes from the point of view of kenetics, firstly, he opens, a certain bridge is built, you know, even in messages, they say hello, or while they are constantly on uh-huh, now it’s what you feel is love, really, well,
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there are different kinds of love, for life, for yourself, for your homeland, yes, for men, for women, right? now we are talking about some kind of love, well, i would like you to just comment on the love between a man and a woman, that is, ordinary romantic love, let’s say, yes, because of course, people, very often, especially young and inexperienced people, very often this is the question he likes, doesn’t like, yes, this is that same daisy, yes, yes it bothers them, this is how to look at a girl and understand that she loves me or she is not indifferent to me, in any case, this is playing with me, this is me being used there, i need a video recording of how it works, i’ll tell you. just like we’re working with a couple, yeah, men, women come , we’re filming, just doing a simple exercise, i say, you’re only on the right, you’re only on the left, take a chair and move it, but you can only move together, you can’t move a chair alone, but if a couple comes, you can clearly see who commands whom, who performs, then bears the main load, chair it is vertical, you can immediately see the distortions , you can immediately see who is in front, who is behind, you can immediately see at
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the end of the pre-process who is commanding the process, who is carrying, of course, and the post-process you can see who is coming out of the post-process how. asks for confirmation: yes or no? love, it’s immediate, it’s a flow of energy, instantly visible, look, for example, now i ’m detached, and i’m accepting your attention, now i’m clearly reaching out, it’s clear that i’m exaggerating a little, but the essence is clear, this flow of attention is what it is manifestation, and there are many types love, even more ancient greeks, ludus, agape, yes , a, mania, you can look on the internet, read the features, but the video clearly shows whether a person is open to his own or... open, in most cases i see an imbalanced state when alone loves , the second allows you to love, you can see this from the plasticity of movement, from some kind of gestures, and what, for example, can give away a person that he does not love allows himself to love, i will tell you an example, and we are filming an online course and we we imitate how a girl comes in, a man
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is waiting for her, her husband is at home, yes, here she is for them, well, just such a smack, i pecked on the cheek, and the camera was holding mine. face and her face, when she imitated, well, she kisses the cheek, and then she removes her head in just a second , an expression of contempt is written on her face, we catch this frame, we bring it out, she says: this is how i act, she says : valentin, i don’t have that feeling for you, i say, it means it’s a habit, she says, it’s a disaster, in my life i would never think that when i touch a man, even if, well... you, yes, well here's a kiss on the cheek, i feel contempt, this happens, i feel for everyone, and i don’t realize it, it’s written on my face, this is a podcast of the psyche, and today , together with valentin shishkin, an expert in kinetics and nonverbal communications, we are talking about the kinetics of our psychology, there was
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an experiment, conducted by john gottman, 650 families were called into the house one at a time, installed holter monitors, face cameras, and examined. this is where we are currently conducting this research in my laboratory , let’s explain the holter monitor, which measures blood pressure, heartbeat, and so from all communications found 18 effects , profilers teach us to see aggression, joy, sadness, we communicate with these things, we communicate with effects, four of them are the so-called horsemen of the apocalypse, explain what facial expression is, that is, some kind of instantaneous, it is not constantly, it hangs here once flash once.
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this is the so-called criticism, and criticism is not of a process, but of a person, for example, you don’t clean up after yourself - this is a criticism of the process, and you always don’t clean up because you are so defective, this is criticism, if criticism is present in communication, the relationship will soon collapse, well, verbal psychology is a well-known story, but i am the position of this position and so on, from the point of view it’s just a non-verbal gesture, look, for example, now i’m saying this, what i’m doing, i’ll point my finger, but now i don’t even point my finger, you can see what i’m doing, well, they poked your nose with the same thing, yes, a movement of the head, but how can i say it. tell your teenager that he needs to clean his room, you 've already told him 100,000 times, so that you don't cause him aggression, he finally went to make my bed. the first thing i do is call him over to take a look. how i make my bed, second, i go to him and say: help me, help me, i’m doing it together, well, that’s how you do it with your plastic, how you show that i open the door, i walk in, i say, can i, i knock
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you are open, yes , you are disposed, you are tense without aggression, why yes, it is very important to actually watch yourself at this moment, take a video of yourself, watch how you go somewhere, if you go to a teenager who has annoyed you, most likely there is aggression on the face, most likely contempt, most likely screaming. well, of course, and what, what will the teenager feel when looking at you, yes, what will he transmit and feel, the third sensation that is transmitted through the face is protection, well, how could you do this, they say, i don’t know , it happened, it happened, as soon as my shoulders tighten , i become like this, the other person has nothing but, well, in the sense of how things happen, and this is the third behavior that will soon destroy the relationship, the fourth, it is the most interesting, and the most dangerous
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for... deals with personnel policy, i communicate , i ask, how come i don’t delve into the details, yes, they say, that’s not true, let’s look at some other cases that may bother us, you’re talking about
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that a lot can be said about a person, for example , the furnishings of his home, and even the way the food is displayed in the refrigerator, well, you know how, for me it’s more, probably the story is not about whether he’s lying or whether he’s not lying or whether he’s organized or not, and how his perandi modes work, for example, in disordered ones. says what a person is talking about does not attach importance to it, does something quickly, and he is immersed in his processes, strict orderliness indicates that the person is beginning to change everything around him, he is in control, he is quite tough and clear, and most likely it is important for him to build everything this way , as he wants, and other people around him will be uncomfortable, well , because he builds everything, not just milk for refrigerators, but no, probably there is no such thing as a good, proper person organizing everything. you can’t draw such direct conclusions, but he took it off himself, i can say he hung it, for example, because there is a jacket that he just threw on, threw or threw off, it’s the same
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difference, i’ll tell you an example, of course, a serious person, i say how much you’re worth, he says, well, i’m moving billions, i say, you want to know what you are you really standing, he says, interesting, come on, i take off my jacket, put it on the floor, stand on it straight with my shoes on, i say, repeat, i, well, i say, well , stand on... straighten, because the energy will stop moving in the clamp and will become your basic one, you can use it. second, squeezed a person, he causes either a reluctance to communicate or a desire to regret. and people who
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constantly say: i didn’t succeed, i’m a victim. of course, this is your life scenario, modus operandi, only through this can you receive food, attention and support, you don’t want to become normal or you don’t know how. and the third option, when we start working with video analysis, first a person, this is not me, then he understands that... to another place, and what you must not be, not be, in order to come there, like this, show, showed, we looked, it’s not dangerous, but it doesn’t fit, but what you need to be, i don’t choose, the person chooses himself, he doesn’t follow this scenario, he already follows this scenario, at this moment a transformation occurs.
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what he does to me, he responds to me in the same way, and valentin also thought that in each of us there lives a whole set, probably, yes, a whole deck of these manifestations, and anton pavlovich chekhov very often turned to this image, uh, man, who transforms, well, here is the famous little man, yes, who behaves in front of the boss in one way it’s different for the family, it’s very interesting to hold the tablet, this is how children are usually held throughout the entire program, i don’t know why, i feel this way about my work, i see yes. there will be something to think about after today’s program, why am i holding the tablet like that, i’m actually afraid to drop it , continuing the theme of the classics, more than once it was noticed that there are people who come to some kind of society, some kind of space, he didn’t say anything, in general, yes, he just said hello, but he seemed to immediately fill the whole space with himself, and sometimes a person comes in like this large, seemingly weighty, well, i mean physical and corpulent and...
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clearly shows what your body is really saying, you firstly understand that when you start to see the body language that is being broadcast, secondly, you understand what not to do in order to achieve the desired result, no direct cognitive logic can be traced here, we simply begin to follow the path that
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will lead us to the goal, here it is good, the brain is described, yes, the upper cortex, it thinks, here is the subcortical zone, cerebellum, 2/3 of it neurons, when we move, the neurons are connected by axons in a chain , a current flows along this chain, you go a different way, a different result comes, because the current goes a different way, we change our movements, 2/3 of the number of neurons change their configuration, that’s how the change happens , if you take things that really work, forget about this lie, film yourself for... 30 seconds while you are doing something, see whether you would like to see this person next to you or not, whether he is suitable for that role, which he wants to occupy, and if no, you can leave it as it is, or you can start changing, which is what i wish for everyone. well, friends, today we discovered a whole new world, today we talked about the psyche, about physics, about the kinetics of our body and our consciousness. valentin shishkin, an expert in kenetics and nonverbal communications, opened
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for us, well, a whole new page, and maybe... a new world, the main thing is not to get carried away and not to play around, but to continue to look for new and new dimensions of our conscious, unconscious physical psyche. this is a psychic podcast, all episodes you can watch in the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel dear friends, the creative industry podcast is live on channel one, with you as always, host elena kiper, video producer, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. and our guests are the president of the computer sports federation, dmitry smith, and e-sportsman, dota 2 player, evgeniy pogrebeshny. hello. hello.
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so, regarding e-sports, firstly. the audience that is watching us now, i i think, most likely, he treats this as something generally quite distant, e-sports, or or thinks that this is a person who sits... at the computer, plays all day, this, in principle, is already an e-sports athlete, in principle, well, from a layman’s point of view, this is a person who spends a lot of time doing who knows what, well, i follow this logic, a person who once went out to play football in the yard, he has already become a football player, this is not so, this is approximately, well this is what it looks like, it’s very similar to me to become an e-sportsman, what is an e-sportsman, so i would say an e-sportsman is a person who is involved in e-sports. and here the question is, what is e-sports, and how does it differ from gaming, because when a person just plays, he has fun, well , at best, without harm to health, sport arises at the moment when a system appears, a training system, there is a team, there is
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coach, there is a sleep and wakefulness regime, there is a training regime, there is a nutrition regime, there is physical psychological preparation, then there is naturally, strong teams have sports...
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no, there was no money in e-sports for a very long time, but e-sports, yes, arose from the desire to compete, and i want to compete according to the rules fairly, so then the rules appeared, the judges appeared, that’s when it started esports emerged, for the first time esports was recognized as a sport in russia in 2001, mr. roshkov signed an order, so our sport appeared, as we managed to convince that this is a sport, and it’s better to see it once. than to hear 100 times when a person is told he always perceives something of its own, some analogies, when a person comes and sees what it looks like, we actually used this, showed a demonstration, that is, how athletes compete, that these are
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really guys, young and healthy, and not some kind of then there were fat people who were heavier than a mouse and didn’t hold anything in their hands, that is, it was necessary to break the stereotype. it turns out that dmitry and i are the same year, generally speaking, it turns out that he promoted sports and developed it, and evgeniy, he already appeared when this there was already a sport, and for evgeniy this is a sport and a given, so it turns out, it turns out that now there are quite a large number of young people, they believe that getting into e-sports is the same achievement as professional football. hockey and so on , and where did the desire to get into e-sports come from, was it what you were going towards, or also from gaming, at first for me it was just leisure, that is, when i was still
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little there, right there in class in i studied sixth, just like other children, it was something new at that time, i wanted play games, that is, i hung out there with friends, returned home, computer games, like for everyone... children, it was very interesting, over time - interests changed, but at one moment i realized that i was better at it than others, that is, i played there with friends, with other people, and i beat them, because of this i wanted to somehow become better, then the first quarrels with my parents began there, when they said: you spend too much time at the computer, i was limited in this, at one point already it’s enough that when i was an adult, that is, i was in the eleventh grade, there were exams coming up, i decided for myself that i could try myself in this path, because - all sorts of tournaments that took place, they were covered, i saw that you can make money from this and i decided to try myself, how much money can i make
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from esports? well, for comparison, here are the players who play at the highest level, they recently won, like recently, two years ago they won the largest tournament, they received 44 million dollars for the team, well now. became it’s more interesting and much more interesting to talk, but these are the highest players who have reached the highest heights, yeah, uh, this is a team, yes, this is a team game, this is also very important, because in order to understand. scale and teams are somehow formed, correctly in e-sports , well, naturally, here we are no different from other sports, there are scouts who are looking, there are people who are coaches, they train, there are sports psychologists who are responsible for the coherence of the team, because what if you recruit five people there with psychology leader and good performance there apma, this is the number of actions per minute, a term that is used in e-sports. and not the fact that they will make a team, and the guys must be
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coherent, you understand, in esports the speed of reaction is very important in almost all disciplines, split seconds count, it is very important that the whole team, as a single organism, can react to changes in the situation, and here it is not enough to do homework, to play out, so to speak, the beginning of the game, the further from the beginning of the game, the more it's more unpredictable, you have to make decisions as you go. that is, you have already named several qualities of an esports athlete, i want you to continue
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this list, please name also what kind of quality this is, psychological resistance to stress, yes, that is , then endurance, apparently temporary, yes, discipline, discipline, endurance is first of all, because sometimes when you play a tournament you have to sit there for 7 or 8 hours, practically without getting up, the point here is not that you sit without getting up, you know, here we are conducted the research. during the final game, athletes were hung with sensors and telemetry of their body was taken, so the level of mobilization of the body is comparable to that experienced by a formula 1 racer, that is, this is a very high voltage, imagine being in such tension for several hours, several days, that is the competition goes on for more than one day, you have 40 minutes of relatively intense play, then you have 15-20 minutes to get in shape. rest a little, decompress, and then go back into battle,
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this, naturally, requires very high endurance, evgeniy said that there were problems with parents, a negative attitude towards the fact that a child sits at a computer, it is more common than if a child goes to play hockey, football, and so on, you somehow fight this, work with it, we are not fighting, we are trying to educate , we have, for example, a website, on it there is, and firstly, a brochure on safety precautions, that is, how to protect your posture how to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, how preserve vision, and this would actually be useful not only for children and their parents, but in general for all office workers who sit at computers, and therefore the first thing we say, and this can be safe if you follow the rules, second, i repeat once again , if a child sits at the computer at night, plays... something and says: mom, i will be an e-sportsman, this is not so, you need
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to sleep at night, from this point of view, once again, as i said, sport is a system, which includes everything, and naturally, not everyone becomes athletes, but esports as a whole is structured in such a way that it is quite easy to enter into it, to try yourself, then the whole question is whether a person has enough endurance, desire, some kind of... willpower in order to achieve success, or he will try and say: no, i i’d rather go there just for the soul and play there. here everyone makes their own choice, but the parent’s task is to figure it out, and for this the parent must understand the basics, that is, when the parent looks at what the child is doing, he must immediately identify whether this is some kind of systemic activity, or is it just entertainment, in any case, no matter what it is, it is not harmful to health. this is important, well, this is an interesting question, by the way, because in
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ordinary sports, as we understand it, there are professionals, professional sports are sports of high achievements, and there are amateur athletes, so-called, in that other case we understand that they are, in principle, kind of the first, they, of course, must comply with everything you say, an amateur athlete, in any case, he brings himself health and joy, here is an amateur athlete in esports, what is he different from a gamer, what's his name? how to distinguish them? - everything really depends on him, because if his goal is to get some income and go to a higher level. then he should, just like all e-sportsmen there, stick to training, well, there must be discipline, and if he just wants to play some tournament there just with friends to go for fun, so to speak, then there’s nothing stopping him from doing it, it’s done there for registration in
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the tournament in 5 minutes, look, now only with our support, but it takes seven online tournaments a day, and... besides us, there are other tournament operators who hold their own competitions, so at almost any moment, no matter where a person is, in kaliningrad, vladivostok, he always has the opportunity to go online to take part in competitions, this is exactly the same mass amateur level, then, if a person understands that he is generally interested in this, he already then begins to participate in the championship of his region in student competitions there, a high school student, we have a school league in which you can take part, that is, in this way a person can already try to move forward, but everyone has their own motivator, for some it’s fame, for some it’s money, for others it’s , well, in general, everyone here has their own, there is an award, but he drives like
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a duck to water, this is the same one who ratted out his partner, or something, so what? in any department of the city your fame will precede you, we are launching an experiment, we have decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to the taxi driver and taxi. at the same time, if necessary , with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator, with one press of a button , it turns into a police car, not a car, but an animal, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find a gunner, we cover the gang, our people among yours are everything
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for him they'll do it, we're working. undercover taxi. premiere. tomorrow after the program time. magas, city of the sun, wait for us! each ingush clan had to have its own ancestral fortress like this. the erzi tower complex dates back to the 14th century. how do you have fun? but the most important entertainment is, of course, going to relatives, friends, visiting, and of course, eating delicious food. the dessert is traditional, considered in ingushetia, it is fingle stikla. the dough is rolled out thinly , it is filled with sweet pumpkin, and now let’s take care of that very skull-riddled pride of this region, i will have it in two versions, i am responsible for lamb, you, i am responsible for fish, let's start, premiere, cooks on wheels, sunday on the first, we continue the conversation
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about e-sports, our guests today are dmitry smith and evgeniy pogrebeshny, acting. a trainer, i would say, an e-sportsman , a nurturing one, but i can’t help but ask about this , there are a lot of discussions about what to do so as not to lose young people, e-sports, it has an impact on distracting a young person from the street, from under the so-called bad influence, to keep him on the threshold of, so to speak, rash decisions and so on, yes, this of course, in fact, esports and, in general , the world of gaming, the computer, it...


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