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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 28, 2024 1:25am-2:11am MSK

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sunday on the first, we continue the conversation about e-sports, our guests today are dmitry smith and evgeniy pogrebeshny, an active trainer, i would say cybersport, nurturing, but i can’t help but ask about it, there are a lot of discussions about what to do in order not to lose young people, esports has an impact on distracting a young person from the street. and from under his so-called bad influence, keep him on the threshold, so to speak, of rash decisions and so on, yes, yes, of course, in fact, esports and, well, in general, the world of gaming, the computer, it can completely pull a person out of reality, that is , a person may simply not take care of himself , in the same way he can become dependent on the computer, so how to deal with this, well, that is what's good about that then? that is
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, he, well, this is what i imagine, a young man wanted to become an e-sportsman, he started training and disappeared, so to speak, in the abyss, well, here’s a question for this e-sportsman , because he must approach training carefully and he must track progress, if he just comes in and spends time when it’s time, that is, he came in there, played, laughed and went about his business, then that’s one thing, but if he has a built-in training program, he somehow monitors his results and analyzes them. your games , somehow communicates with people from this area, then this will certainly be beneficial, and you are involved in some other sport besides e-sports, yes i do sports, and you have a girlfriend who is an e-sports athlete, the girl is not an e-sports athlete, here we are we've been living together for 3 years, that's true it’s because of victoria, that’s her name, that she pushed me into esports, i would say so, yeah. because when
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we started our relationship, i was a full-time student at the institute, and you could also say, i hadn’t decided, i kind of played in tournaments, as you said, i was a fan of playing in tournaments, and i was thinking about going to work in my specialty or so to become an esports player, uh, and accordingly the girl pushed me to the fact that since this is my hobby and it can bring in some income, then why not, how to combine work with a hobby - this you can say a person’s dream, well, yes.
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i also managed to win certain tournaments, and my parents come to your tournaments because they have participated at least once, all tournaments can be watched online, i tell them that i’m going somewhere there, they cheer for me, they watch the broadcasts, but i the tournament doesn’t come to the final part there, i just went to a tournament in moscow, probably five years ago, quite big, i was shocked by the fact that the level of patriotism of the guys who participated there was just uplifting.
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you are talking about what attracts people from the street there esports and so on , and that you can get lost, you really can, in general there are no less dangers on the internet now than on the street, the same darknet and other horror stories, they exist, you don’t have to think about them, close yourself, but my personal position that the more a person understands the world around him, the better e -sports. unique, then,
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let's look again, if we're talking about e-sports, it's not just athletes, it's not just coaches, judges, it's a huge industry around, it's people who actually, there are scouts, managers , of course, sports psychologists, but besides this, this is a huge piece that deals with coverage, that is, these are broadcast directors, and these are... commentators, these are analysts, these are the people who are there, relatively speaking, in the virtual in the world they operate cameras and so on, that is, this is a huge number of people, well, for example, here we are again, about 100 people went to saransk, and people at this stadium were served by this
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tournament, and a bunch of people worked online, that is, esports is an industry, an industry that at one time was in a poor state, now... it is actively developing, it has not yet reached its peak, and nevertheless, now this is a huge number of jobs, but for me what is much more important is that what e-sports makes people think, this is really important in our time, well, i’ll also go back a little step back, uh, after all, martial arts, as we know, everyone has their own code, when uh a guy from the street involved, relatively speaking, how should it be? yes, how when he gets involved there, as we know, this code influences the benefit of the skills he receives, do e-sportsmen have such a code, are you proactively searching for these same guys, athletes, well i understand that scouts, we already understand that these are the people who are looking, but the question is where are they looking?
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there is no code as such, but esports teaches discipline, and there is also this very interesting term: sports aggression, sports aggression, it exists in all sports, even in chess, yeah, and the task a competent coach is to teach an athlete to dose this very aggression, because if a person is completely non-aggressive, he will not have normal motivation for the will to win, if he is excessive, he can succumb to emotions and make mistakes, it is very important to dose this story, if we are talking ... and where scouts look for e-sportsmen, they look for them in the actual competitions, there are many competitions, as i already said, amateur ones, and you can look at the results, secondly, in the game itself there are usually some statistics, and there are some indicators there,
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parameters by which, again, you can track those who have already achieved a certain level, and a competent scout can see a taking off, rising star, that is, people who have... very good potential that can be revealed, something like this, and you sign contract, yes with this player , we are a federation, we do not sign, clubs, sports clubs, just like in football, basketball, hotkey, at what age did you first sign a contract as an esports player, for the first time at 19 years old, actually with me , i have a deeper question, in what age, you actually sat down at the computer and played your first game, at what age, probably at 10, i sat at my father’s computer, played, then my godfather gave me a computer. actually, what is the question: the earlier a person starts playing sports, the better, as you know, and yes, now we know, well, now we know, well, if you take a child at the age of 5 to the skating rink, you’re doing great, but if you if you take
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a 5-year-old child to play a computer game, or it doesn’t work like that, it doesn’t work like that, which means, naturally, we have a ministry. healthcare, which sets age limits for each sport, in our country people from 14 years old are allowed to compete, and for classes in the section 12 years are enough, well, of course, with the permission of parents, for the country what is the benefit of the fact that we have the strongest players and e-sports in general develops, and pragmatically, if it’s good, then what’s the benefit?
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for any sport, this is not about setting a world record, this is the task of nurturing a harmoniously developed personality who will have those behavioral patterns that will allow him, this person, to become successful in our world, this is where e-sports is now, it does not oppose itself to traditional sports, on the contrary, it says we must go hand in hand. there is traditional sport, there is computer sport, and it is when a person does both that and the other that he
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becomes harmoniously developed. and there are already coaches in esports who say: now i will teach you, you will earn millions from this, well, there are coaches who do not work in this way, they are kind of illusory the sixth player, that is, in the team where i play, there are five players, and accordingly, most often there is a coach in the organization. which, after you have played the games, he begins to look at all your games, all your repetitions, every action and then with the team analyzes where you made a mistake, where you didn’t make a mistake, where you played well, that is, he performs a debriefing, dear friends, we we continue the conversation about e-sports, our guests are dmitry smith and evgeniy pogrebeshny, what a life cycle -
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they become coaches, many become judges, and what if a charismatic person, he goes into
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commenting and becomes a famous streamer, someone hosts a block, well, that is, there is huge potential here, yeah, that’s what the esports player plays and about? mostly shooting games, well, look, let’s do it then , what kind of scenarios, what kind of discipline is in computer sports, it’s tied to a certain scenario, but that’s what you call it? we call shooting games tactical three-dimensional combat, but there are strategies, there are sports simulators, there are technical simulators, for example, one of our disciplines - this is the control of drones in the virtual space, that is, there is a whole program when a person undergoes training, control of a drone, and the trick is that when controlling it in the virtual world, a person uses the same manipulator, he develops... . mechanical control skills, after a person has been actively engaged there, for example, for six months or a year, he actually
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acquires the profession of a drone operator, so people compete in what they like, what their soul is for, of course, to the majority, yes, well, i don’t know, there are statistics, such action games are close, yes, these are team games, they are quite dynamic, but here, once again you understand, it’s like, well, i don’t know, here’s a person watching a football match, yes, he sees there , well, athletes are running, and if a person starts to understand, he understands that there are certain mechanics, certain construction schemes, certain tasks for each of the players, each has its own function and so on, just like that, when a person dives into esports, he understands that this the surroundings are, by and large, not important , a certain mechanics are important, and the social level of interaction, well, you somewhere... mentioned our legionnaires, who are very much valued all over the world, we, of course, cannot help but
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have a question, how do we keep our guys, and you know, this is a very good question, how to keep a person, you know, initially, the soviet union, it raised specialists, it trained them, it was the best training school in the world, and the guys from the usa came to understand , which... is easier to buy ready-made ones, rather than growing your own, are cheaper, and this happens not only in sports, and especially not only in e-sports, it’s everywhere, so this is a question. global, how to retain a person whom our state has prepared, here there are several fundamentally important points, that’s when i was brought up, yes, i was brought up in the soviet union, and for me we were more than me, and for me here in mine time, there was also a question, should i leave or stay here,
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i was from school, but i was in something like this very strong physical and mathematical... to solve this issue exclusively with money, in my understanding, no, and not because we are not saudi arabia or something else, but because this is fundamentally wrong, a monetary motivator, it is important, but far away not the only one, so here, first of all, it’s a question of goal setting, motivation, and subsequent education, so
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let’s break the question into two parts, how to keep who is now, an adult from...
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with whom i will play, then the next question there , will i play there from home or will we will they provide a bootcamp or is there a salary provided, but often the players, if there are four strong players, those are some rising stars or they have a fairly high rating, then most often the players agree to play even without a salary , and what is the average income now, can we call it something or something? it’s all very strong , the stage is divided into 3-4 levels - this is called shooting gallery 1 shooting gallery 2 shooting gallery 3 shooting gallery 4 shooting gallery one stage - these are just the highest tournaments where there are 44 million dollars for first place, shooting gallery 2 is here are the upcoming tournaments, the prize money there is also big, but not so huge
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, tier 3 is where i’m playing now, i ’m trying to get into tier 2, well... for salaries in tier 2 teams, somewhere around 2.0 dollars, plus, plus or minus a thousand depending on the player’s media status, this is for one participation, well , in the sense of one victory or something, that is , when you are on a contract with a team, you are paid a certain amount per month for just playing in the team and you can say you give yourself completely to the team, in addition to this you play tournaments and... if you win a tournament, then the team takes a certain percentage of the winnings, it’s small, but it still takes it, respectively, you have a salary in the team, and you also have money from tournaments, that you earn by taking certain prizes, there is some fundamental difference where your body is physically located when you play, well, i mean in our country, somewhere in australia, i don’t
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know, it depends on the tournament, that’s when there was a coronavirus, tournaments were played online and... and after that there was a trend that there are tournaments that are played from home online, and there are tournaments that are held in person, this is called a lan tournament, respectively, here are the russian tournaments that are held, they come, well, you need to come, the tournament lasts several days, continuous play, there is preparation for opponents, this all happens in person, that is, we pick up our keyboards and mice there to make it more convenient for us to play, computers are provided there. this is basically how the tournament goes, and there is a tournament, where you can just play online from home , a computer game, it’s a very complex design, it’s...
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it costs, but it’s not cheap, then the question arises, how will he actually earn this money, return the investment, then it becomes it is clear that if we say, let us make a game that will pay for itself and at the same time be of high quality, but only at the russian level, this is technically impossible, the game must be world famous and in demand, and here it is both good and bad, bad, because that you compete with... the whole world and naturally, for your product to be competitive, it must be very , very interesting, attractive, profitable and so on, the good thing is that it becomes
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an excellent tool for soft power, conveying our ideology, our culture , our values ​​throughout peaceful history, there are quite a large number of russian games that are popular, oh my god, take the same tetris, it’s also russian. uh created what game should i start with, become an e-sportsman, and you better come to us to the competition as a spectator , and pass the test, they will tell you , this is where you are better off, whether to compete in puzzles or maybe there your talent for a sports simulator will open in tetris, i think, dear friends, unfortunately, we are forced to end our broadcast about esports, there are still a lot of questions left, but we will meet again more than once on the podcast. creative industry together with presenter elena kiper, producer and video maker, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, in
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our guests were esports athletes, dmitry smith, president of the computer sports federation, and evgeniy pogrebeshny, a current esports player. let's fast with a pleasant fast, this phrase sounds in one of the hymns of the first day of lent, many like to repeat it, not always understanding that the slavic word pleasant, in this case from the verb to accept, that is, pleasant means accepted, pleasing, to god, and not to us . hello, we have gathered our thoughts today. about lent. bishop of pereslavl uglich fiaktist, vladyka, good afternoon, victoria bogatyreva, actress, i’m vladimir ligoido, we’re starting. great lent.
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vladyka, actually, i want to return with this, to this phrase, we fast with a pleasant fast, which, as you know, is used all the time and often for some reason even in relation to the dishes and variety of lenten cuisine. but speaking seriously, we are talking... about a fast that pleases god, what kind of fast is pleasing to god? well, you quoted the beginning of the stichera, i would ask you to quote it in full, but i won’t do this, and i’ll say it myself, further in this verse it talks about what kind of fasting is pleasing to god, but i won’t use all the slavic phrases now either, well, the idea is that this is abstinence from any kind of evil, evil, from condemnation, from slander, that’s all it seems , well, that is, the idea is to avoid sins, and we often say fasting, fasting, fasting, but it seems to me that
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talking about fasting as an independent phenomenon, yes, well, there is no point, it is generally contrary to the spirit, the meaning of the holy scriptures to our worship too, and therefore what i apologize for, you mean outside of easter, as it were, writing and the new testament in most cases says prayer fasting, there are places that initially there ancient gospel manuscripts say simply prayer, then for synchronization say, so to speak, with other gospels parallel texts, at some point there was fasting added, yes, that is, prayer, prayer still comes first, peak, so you have some kind of personal feeling of fasting, here fasting begins, that’s what it is for you, very responsible, that is... it it’s a big deal that needs to be endured, if you stand it, do you feel exhausted or, on the contrary, full of strength? i met it very differently, yes, it happened to me...
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it happened differently, not every time differently, i can’t say that it’s always the same according to the same scenario, no, of course, but fasting is such a thing, somehow how, if you enter correctly, and sometimes you don’t even want to go out, you don’t want to, but how can you say so, well, easter after all , you know, fasting is not a diet, if we are talking about food, but prayer, vladyka, but you here i am, in general, as they say, i don’t celebrate, i’m interested, because... after all , lent, great lent, just like christmas lent, by the way, is a memory of those days that the savior spent in the desert, in the sense of in some sense, but this is still a later, so to speak, reading, because it often happens with us that a certain tradition appears, and then we adapt some content to it, and then tell me, because i actually read that somewhere by the 5th century and lent was already established in the ancient church, all this was connected with the institution of catechumens, that is, those people who were preparing to receive
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baptism, and accordingly. so consciously and ready, and then gradually it spread to the entire church, like some kind of sign of solidarity, or rather, like some kind of sign of solidarity with these people, and then it became mandatory, and then they protected it with canons, i would like everything - some things, maybe formal, but important to say, so we’re talking about... 9 days, yes , it’s actually a post - that turns out to be 6 weeks and holy week, which seems to have ended the fast, but not in the sense that we are starting to break our fast, yes, in the sense that holy week is a special period of preparation, and i even think, dear friends, maybe we are separate let's talk about this period, because there is, there is something to talk about, but there are some liturgical features, and lent, well, before.
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probably the only thing that is known and important is the prayer of ephraim the syrian. here it must be said that not in all local orthodox churches, it is read aloud, it really appears in our services, as an integral part of lent, but out loud, just so solemnly , with the entire service stopping, with such an emphasis on it, it is not read in all churches, but in russian, yes, it is really read, ephraim the sirin, well , here too, i don’t want to go into these historical ones now...
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startsev said that in general this prayer contains the entire gospel, all orthodoxy, just in case, let me remember it, yes, it is in church slavonic, we read it , but in general, it seems to me that everything is clear, yes, lord, lord of my life, that is, of my life , yes, do not allow the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk, yes, that is, save me, yes, from these peculiarities, but the spirit of chastity. grant me the wisdom of patience and love, grant me to your servant, that is , grant me to your servant her lord the king, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for he is blessed forever and ever, amen, in general, everything seems clear to me, but why here and you said that it is not only for lent, why is seraphim vyredsky, in my opinion, said this, he was such an ascetic, yes, that all orthodoxy is in her
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, all the gospel, eh? i am inclined to agree , but why do i say that it is always important, and these words seem to coincide with the opinion of the mentioned venerable seraphim, but because these are the conditions from which we ask to be delivered and those virtues that we ask to be given, they are actually essential for us, not only during great lent, these 7 weeks, well, 6 7 weeks, well, and in general always in our life, that’s... what would i somehow do without them? i think it’s hard for a christian to exist in this world, vladyka said, by the way, i didn’t know this fact, unfortunately, not all local churches read this prayer out loud, but it seems to me that in our church , when they read it, it’s so special, you really experience the experience with bows, this is how it resonates with you, you have some kind of experience of your own, maybe
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something connected with this... christ has a similar prayer, and we have this saying at home, in the family it stands right at the entrance, and rarely do any of the guests pay attention, but there are such ascetics, one might say, attentive, just yes, and practically everything is said there, i can even read, the court is righteous, judge, and show mercy and generosity to everyone, to their brother, eudavits . and the sir, and the stranger, wretched , do not force, and the malice of every brother, let him not remember in his hearts, listen, why do you have this at home? my husband, when he started his business,
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bandits came in the nineties and wanted to take this away business, and he asked them for time until the morning, he left for optina, he had his spiritual mentor there, but he didn’t find him; he accidentally met some monk, well, in the dark. written on the baby christ scroll, and even there were the words of the prophet zechariah, since then he printed it out and put it in a frame and he still has it. vladyka, how to perceive this story as we need it, we need interpretation, so to speak, this
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is what is called miracles, yes, god is my refuge and strength, listen, a wonderful story, thank you, that’s because, well, indeed, the era of miracles is some distant era from us, yes it never ended.
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let’s return to the prayer of ephraim the syrian , because there are absolutely wonderful words about chastity, chastity, so in our philistine understanding it is understood as such a non-violation of the seventh commandment, that is, do not commit adultery, well, do not violate its abstinence from unauthorized
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physical intimacy, well you said it wonderfully, but chastity is still much broader, it is understandably important, it implies integrity in relation to god, that is, when... god for me comes first place, he is the center, yes, christ , our lord, he is the center of my life, not i myself, not anyone else, but christ, in fact, all our ascetic efforts, they are aimed at this, that’s when christ becomes the center of life, then we , like the apostle paul, yes, who was a man, of course, was a man with inherent sins, but at the same time he was absolutely chaste in the sense that he devoted his life to serving christ. and here his conscience did not denounce him at all, he never shied away of this ministry, he did everything that christ commanded him, therefore, at his death, not long before his death, when he understood that he would be killed, he
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wrote quite confidently in his letters to timothy that i know that the crown of righteousness is destined for me, so this made him convinced that he, well, that god would accept him, he would be given the kingdom of heaven, in general the church confirms that this is so, but it all starts with... chastity is understood in a very narrow sense, it too this meaning is assumed, yes, but what is important, it seems to me, today is for modern people, here we are in 2024, yes, chastity as integrity in a situation where modern man, he is dismantled, here he is completely, it’s not that he has no integrity in relation to christ, we don’t have it at all, yes, we have we get one thing in the morning, then another, the fifth, the tenth, then we scroll the feed, and this puts us in some kind of state, but that’s it. i wanted to ask you, does the post we are talking about, from this point of view,
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help you, well, gain some kind of integrity, or is it rather some kind of struggle? well, i i don’t know, i don’t want to offer any answers here, but somehow you can correlate what we just talked about with your different experiences, as you already said, and going through lent, well, of course it helps to gather yourself, concentration, because this is a very busy time for me. a special prayer for me and a special relationship, i somehow try to trace the path of christ within myself - to trace and empathize with him, well, i don’t know, again the prophet zechariah said when the rich jews who were building in jerusalem turned to him the temple, and not having completed it yet, they wrote to him, what should we do next, fast or not fast, because we had almost completed the temple, we were already tired of waiting, and he answered them: do you eat for yourself or for god? so, if
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you fast or don’t fast, decide for yourself for whom you are doing this, so this is an important moment, why are you doing this, well, everyone can’t even decide for themselves, dmitry yarosh raised a generation of nazis on american orders, this is a centuries-old enemy ukraine, he is a participant in the first chechen formation, was recruiting.
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what does it have to do with him? listen, when i saw it for the first time in the cinema, i saw it in the right one without translation with subtitles, yes, but i honestly burst into tears and couldn’t get there for a long time, but this is the truth, of course, then after some time i i watched it again, and somehow i started to see some of my own there, maybe yes already, but somehow i wasn’t ready to cry, but i like the honesty of director mel gibson, because i think everyone knows yes ...well , anyway, i'm sure you know
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that he also starred in an amazing role there, you know what, the hands hammering in a nail are the hands of melagibson, yes, and with this he, well, expressed the christian truth that any of our sins, especially a conscious sin, is nailing the cross, christ to the cross, that’s very pleasing , what’s so... i have directors who understand this, feel it and talk about it, there’s another question, that in general the orthodox tradition, it is very cautious about attempts to depict christ, although well there are , of course, wonderful wonderful paintings and so on, but still, so carefully, why, because sometimes these images are so strong that then, thinking about christ, you see and imagine this ... image created by some person,
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yes, even a genius, very talented, and who created a wonderful, but still man-made image, it’s like presenting his portrait instead of the real vladimir romanovich, i completely understand what you ’re talking about, it’s like you read there the three musketeers, and you have, you’re there you fantasize your d'artagnan, and you looked a wonderful, magnificent soviet film, your dartanyan is always boyar, and in general you have nothing to do with it. reasoning , although this is very interesting, but you know what shocked me at the time , there’s a wonderful polish director in my head, he told me, i can’t, that’s about his impression, he said, i can’t, four hours, in my opinion, yes he walks or sits in a chair for 3 hours, 3 hours to watch christ being crucified, i can’t do this, not in the sense that i’m sobbing there, yes,
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well, he’s some kind of fake, a fake situation, yes, he says, how am i christian, for me it’s alive, here i’m sitting... yes, well, well, what’s next, yes, this is a very interesting experience, it seems to me, such a personal one - precisely the experience of a christian, yes , because this is not not not an assessment of a person’s arts , of course, it’s panksishtov’s, but you know, dear friends, soon we started talking about art and about the prayer of ephraim osirin, i cannot ignore the topic of the wonderful poem by alexander sergenvich pushkin. who apparently experienced all this very deeply, and apparently knew, i mean our liturgical tradition, and his magnificent poem, the desert fathers and the immaculate wives, it is actually dedicated, and this is an arrangement of this prayer, but can i ask you to read it, the desert fathers and
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the immaculate wives, in order to fly with one’s heart in the field of correspondence, to strengthen it in the midst of the valley’s struggles and battles, added up. there are many divine prayers, but not one of them touches me, like the one that the priest repeats during the sad days of lent; more often than not it comes to my lips, and the fallen one is strengthened by an unknown strength, the lord of my days, the spirit of idleness sad, lustful serpent, this hidden one, and do not give my soul blasphemy, but let me see my sins, o god, so that my brother will not accept condemnation from me, and the spirit of humility, patience, love, and chastity is in my heart live, how sweetly these lines of aleksan sergeevich resonate with you, it is felt that our everything, he was quite a secular person, and accordingly, i begin
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to be offended for pushkin, yes, he perceived fun in precisely this way, apparently carnal, yes. for christians - an opportunity and a specially allotted time there and somehow to carry out such in-depth work on your soul, to repent, change and draw closer to god, this is a period of spiritual joy, in fact, all our liturgical hymns of great lent, they just say: about the coming of spring for souls, there we will rejoice and so on, and there there is no hint of any sadness, well, of course, sadness comes... in the days of elder week, they are not connected with us, they are connected with christ, with his last days and hours, and of course, we cannot help but empathize, not we can, well, that is, we are called by the church, we are called to the church in order to be present in general, trying to understand why this happened and what my place personally is in this
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whole story, but the other days of lent, from the point of view of the church, are permeated with joy, that’s why. i can’t agree with this line, but still there are sad days there, i don’t agree, yes, but look, you even change your clothes, yes, the clergy and clergy who help you in the dark, yes, and this is a relatively recent tradition and only one of our local churches, perhaps, but somehow the georgian church, which has been affiliated with it for a long time, may also do something similar, but this is not an expert, but in general there is such a variety. flowers - well, in general, nowhere in the world except here, let’s say, the russian orthodox church abroad, it has preserved the tradition, so to speak, and in vestments, it serves in burgundy vestments, such red ones, not not black, but black - this is something, you know, almost soviet, this is
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some kind of nonsense, so in this case i focus on color...


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