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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 28, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

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from the point of view of the church, they are permeated with joy, which is why i cannot agree with this line, but still there are sad days there, i don’t agree, yes, but look, you even change your clothes, yes, clergy and clergy , which help you on black, right? and this is a relatively recent tradition and only of one of our local churches, perhaps for some time.
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i think it’s not entirely correct, that is, you seem to fundamentally believe that this should not, you know, from the point of view of the flesh, which we we infringe upon it, we force it to eat less and not as tasty as usual, the flesh naturally resists and grieves, the flesh loves when everything is arranged differently, but still for christians it seems as if primacy should be spiritual joy, joy soul , benefits for the soul, the body is harmed , i repeat, yes, what is it like to grieve ? well, the services are long after all, yes, yes, but again, all this tires the flesh, well, yes, but on the contrary, the soul should be joyful, because it helps her get closer to that perfect state that god brings us all to calls, maybe there really is some kind of emotional tension, and also aesthetic, but of a kind, but to what extent is it traditional and consistent with the spirit and meaning? this is another question, well, yes, or in
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the gospel it says, when you fast, yes, wash your face there, and in general remain in joy, and just show that for you the benefit of the soul comes first, but the body is disadvantaged , yes, again about chastity, again yes, some kind of integrity and some kind of correct hierarchy, maybe really, but then it turns out that this may even be for the modern church consciousness, in which this theme is present, but sadness will begin now, maybe this... really just shows that we do not deeply understand all this, yet, well, apparently, too carnal, you know, also , by the way, it’s interesting, this is also a question about the understanding of joy, yes, it’s like you know, i got another analogy from another topic, i recently talked with a person who helps addicts, and he said, what does it say to me, there is a dream in our minds society to dissociate the theme of the holiday with alcohol, because he says, well, we have some kind of ironclad history, not only here, of course, but in general, right?
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humanity has a table, which means there are glasses and so on , but he says, you can find joy in others, it’s like if you take it as a metaphor, yes, indeed, maybe, if i heard you correctly, how to dissociate joy, well, with with some kind of usually thoughtless fun, yes, associated with some kind of unbridledness, and certainly, bodily joy, you know, we would of course, we can engage in the ceremonies themselves, so you said that today we are like this , well, how did it sound like that, i don’t understand now. i won’t quote exactly, well , it’s supposedly the problem of modern man that we are too much, but i also nod, and i also nodded somehow, here’s to your thoughts, but in fact , st. basil oh athanasius the great has in one of his messages there, yes, he says that the pagans celebrate this way and that, for them this joy brings what brings joy to the flesh, well, we are christians, he says, for us, a holiday should be something that is useful for the soul not for the flesh, that is... but what does the very appearance
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of these words and this message indicate, that then christians, this is what the fourth century is like here, it seems or the fifth, i could be mistaken here now, but then the christians were also somehow similar to us today , and for them, too, eating delicious food was a great joy, so - but i absolutely agree with you that this method must be disidentified dead-end worldly-pagan celebrations and joys and with ours christian holidays. and today we gathered our thoughts about lent, bishop vyarislavsky uglich fiaktist, actress victoria bogatyreva, i am vladimir ligoyd, we continue, then you know, i would still like to have time, so, since we went to the side of art, here is the wonderful ivan nikolaevich kromskoy , and christ in the desert, yes, a painting that he spent 5 years painting in 1872.
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finished, here it is in front of us, yes, this is the same christ in the desert, yes, that is , fasting, this forty-day fast, yes, which, as we found out today, later, we put together, yes... a post, and i was shocked by the words of the artist himself, yes, it’s clear that you wanted to say something, here is your painting, yes, what else is there to explain, but it seems to me, this is important , look what he says in a letter somewhere, someone asked him about this picture, and he says, in the morning, tired, exhausted, tormented, he sits alone between the stones, sad, cold stones , hands are convulsive, tightly clenched, legs are wounded, head is bowed, deep in thought, for a long time has been silent for so long that his lips are parched , his eyes don’t notice objects, he doesn’t feel anything, that it’s a little cold, that he’s all numb from the prolonged and motionless sitting, nothing moves anywhere around him, only black
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clouds float from the east at the horizon , what after this , is it possible to write it, and you ask yourself rightly asking, can i paint christ, no, i can’t, and i couldn’t write, i still wrote, i wrote everything until i put it in the frame , wrote until others saw him, in a word, i may have committed a profanation, but i could n’t help but write, i had to write, whatever you want, i couldn’t do without it, i can say that i wrote it with tears of blood. well, in my opinion, this is an amazing human recognition, while i was listening to you, i thought that this is what needs to be said, it seems to me that kramskoy managed to express this, maybe, against his will, i don’t know, but we somehow so accustomed to fragmenting the earthly life
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of christ, well, there is baptism, this sojourn in the desert, there is his ministry, there is then the journey to jerusalem and there to be taken into custody and so on until the ascension. but the fact is that his life, it was holistic, it was its ultimate goal, and starting from the moment he entered public service, even baptism itself, the lord, in general, was moving towards this goal, and i won’t go into detail now, yes , what we are talking about, but the most important thing in this path was obedience to the will of god the father and fulfilling it, in fact, here we... see not fatigue, not exhaustion from lenten deeds or barbarism devil, we see here the same feeling that was fully revealed in the savior’s gepsimanian prayer, when he
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asked that the cup be carried past him, past him, but not my will, but yours be done, there the evangelists testify, that bloody tears are sweat, so i see in this , in fact, the beginning of that prayer, for centuries you, that’s who you see here in this picture, not really, but you have a spectator’s impression, right here there are no right answers, but i don’t know, this is who, who who is in front of you, this is christ in the desert, and christ and not christ, each of us, it seems to me, oh, how interesting, i think every person in life has such moments when he wants.. ... just like that, sit down, fold your hands, and what next, and how next, to fulfill, not to fulfill, what he needs, christ, he is a god-man, everything that is human is not alien to him, and, well,
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my heart aches, looking at christ, if it was him who was depicted, there is another question, to what extent can he be depicted if we... who loves two women there, everything ends very badly, and what a positive person there is, and roman, excuse me, about a positive person is perfectly called an idiot, and so is kromsky here, but you know, it’s amazing, i’m looking at her now this is not about preparation, this may be,
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listening to you, dear friends, i thought , but for some reason, right now in the moment i have the impression that this landscape is somehow outside this landscape, but in front of it with my eyes everything is from... the big bang, yes from the birth of the universe to golgotha, this grief, what are you people doing, it ’s probably scary too, probably, but i don’t feel it now, i feel what i... gave you life, i’m ready for you, that is, i gave you everything, and you ask for some little things, and i, um, this is what i want to ask you about - at the end of our conversation, it turned out - thanks to you, not sad, and, probably, this is correct, nevertheless , here is the experience of fasting, it still presupposes some kind of asceticism, yes, that is, exercise, not necessarily physical, yes, i’ve often come across the fact that people who are trying to live a church life, they go to fast, well, they take something personal for themselves, yes,
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knowing themselves, well, someone, i don’t know, some child there refuses to watch tv series, yes, someone there , well, for example, yes, i don’t mean a specific child now, well, something like that for me, but someone there, well, i don’t know, something else, yes, understanding what it is these are his attachments, these are the ropes that hold him, yes, do you have some kind of, i’ll say with... with a slight, almost pathos, some kind of personal feat, big or small, personal, not connected with - mandatory - some rules that you have defined for yourself for this post, well, for me it’s not exactly a feat, so i try - it’s mandatory for every monk to read, the monastic rule, which in ordinary life somehow slips away, that is, to clean up.
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it is very difficult for me at the moment, and i understand that i am no longer satisfied with the framework in which they existed, and i need to get out of this, from this shell or not a shell from the framework, not limits, i don’t know, when i get out, i ’ll tell you what it was, and well, jesus said, know the truth and the truth will make you free, are you on the path to freedom? i want, in my opinion, this is wonderful, what do you think, vladyka, i’m sitting, worrying a little, so, that
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’s why, because, here, the following phrase was heard: get out of the shell, ah, but this, that is, get out of the zone comfort, where it’s good, well, not comfort, these are the relationships that i’ve already built, i’m happy with it, that is , transformation is necessary, that’s great, that’s it for now faith is not... i'm afraid that this may be painful, i feel it, with pain and grievances, let's even say so, yes, this is such, on the one hand, the goal is noble and of course wonderful, on the other hand, you need to understand that it’s simply not it will happen, so i’m worried about the extent to which you can withstand it, i hope that you can stand it and i’ll pray about it, great, well - since i asked you, i’ll answer it myself, everything is simple for me, i always try to re-read it during great lent , one of the main books of my life is the confession of st. augustine, that
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in fact, i’m doing it now , thank you very much, dear friends, for this conversation, actress victoria bogatyreva, bishop, pereslavl uglich fiaktist, i’m vladimir ligoida, let’s fast with a pleasant fast, dear friends. hello, this is a podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda and with me is the famous endocrinologist suhra pavlova. and today we’ll talk about fat, our favorite topic is fat , yes, but before we go directly to fat, let’s talk a little about cholesterol, because these are all things between. inextricably, yes, come on, cholesterol, in short, is an organic compound belonging to
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the class of alcohols. in the 17th century, for the first time in gallstones, stones from the gallbladder, a substance was discovered that was called cholesterol, from greek solid bile, well , it’s really not a flowing substance, it’s so hard, pebbles, yes, from that period such a mythological story began around cholesterol, it is then... discriminated against, then justified, then elevated to elixir states, then it is directly our most important, they’re being distant, but in general it’s vital .
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mean in general the importance of this topic , i must say why we need it, this cholesterol, well, in most heads of modern humanity, cholesterol is atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis is plaques, but this is something terrible, terrible, we must fight it and even a large number of means have been invented to lower cholesterol, i have never heard anyone say how to increase cholesterol, everyone wants to reduce it, that’s why we need it in general, our the whole... the body consists of cells, all tissues and all systems, everything is made of cells, this is such a unit, the beginning of measurement, so this is a cell, and a cell is a structure, each of which also has its own substructures inside an organ, i know even this is a complex word, namely, in order to separate this structural part from
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the environment there is a membrane, like a fortress moat, such a wall, such a fence, this... the fence largely consists of parts of cholesterol, of its fractions, of fats, a lipid layer so-called, and it gives there is some kind of structure to all of this. one important point, imagine how many cells there are in our body, there is some cholesterol everywhere. the second important point is that we know that many hormones consist of cholesterol, that is, the basis is cholesterol, so without cholesterol we understand that life is impossible even in this aspect. further, when we talked to you about vitamin d, we said that the basis for the synthesis of vitamin d is sebum, but the basis for the synthesis of sebum is cholesterol, what a useful thing, not this words, moreover, when we don’t have enough sebum, the skin becomes dry, cracks, the barrier function of the skin is disrupted, because the skin is the largest
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organ of our body, and it is, first of all, such a borderline one. sensations, and the nerve trunk is protected by a myilin sheath, consisting of cholesterol, it is very reminiscent of a copper wire with such a rubber sheath, this rubber sheath, myelin layer, is cholesterol, well, the basis, in addition, bile acids, in one of the programs we talked about how important are gallstones? acids, which is an integral component
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for the proper functioning of the intestines, for the health of blood vessels, because the bubbles... this is also the basis of cholesterol, so if the bile acids in the gallbladder are not in order, then the blood vessels will also be adversely affected by cholesterol , and again, who hasn’t heard about vitamin d, yes, it’s a fat-soluble vitamin, and also e, vitamin a and vitamin k. cholesterol plays a huge role in the metabolism of these vital vitamins. by the way, he not water-soluble, we have it fat-soluble , so there won’t be that same cholesterol, there won’t be all these wonderful substances , not only hormones, but also vitamins, so based on this alone you can already understand how vitally important cholesterol plays, but like everything in our body,
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when there is little cholesterol, it is bad, when there is a lot of cholesterol, it is even worse. therefore, the most important thing is balance, you probably also know, you already talked about this division of good, bad, evil cholesterol, there are all sorts of scary masks drawn around cholesterol, this is the division, it is conditional in our body in general there is nothing unambiguously bad, it’s the same with cholesterol fractions, on the one hand , those same fractions in general are such transport components of cholesterol in order to... carry it to different systems, a fraction is a compound of cholesterol, yes fractions are such compounds, these are low- density lipoproteins, which are called evil, bad, harmful, harmful cholesterol. he has the ability to fall out, he actively falls out of these structures and thus atherosclerotic plaques form, it also falls out for a reason
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, as they say, there are appropriate conditions for this, in our country, let’s say, the risk of developing atherosclerosis progressively increases with age, and under certain circumstances, for example, when smoking, when drinking alcohol, with poor nutrition, with insufficient physical... well, in general, when a person does not take care of himself, yes, when a person does not take care of himself, this is correct, and with obesity, of course, certain conditions, systemic inflammation, and let's say this inflammation does not affect only adipose tissue, it develops in the vascular wall, the inner wall, and this fraction begins to be deposited there, forming atherosclerotic plaques, there are also high-density lipoproteins, this is good . cholesterol, we are trying in every possible way to increase it in reasonable ways, so it prevents the formation of these same plaques, so the
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higher it is, the better, the lower the low- density lipoproteins, which, by the way, are formed from lipoproteins, very low density, oh my god, there is an abyss there, there really is space, there are also triglycerides, which we also evaluate when we look at the cholesterol profile, this is a form of storage. fats and m, if they are very high, this is also an unfavorable moment, it can also be influenced, but why do our cholesterol levels generally increase, that’s what you think, some of the main points are, well, food, of course, of course, of course , poor nutrition, yes poor nutrition, but there is we have acquired factors, and there are congenital characteristics, there is such... hereditary hypercholesterolemia, to make it clear, hypercholesterolemia, hyper is a lot, cholesterol is understandable, aemia is blood, that is, a high level, high level of cholesterol in the blood, so if it’s hereditary
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hypercholesterolemia, then this is what a person was born with, in the family of most people there will be such a problem, unfortunately, such people used to live quite short, from about 30 onwards, they could have had a heart attack or stroke, they died and the second important , so to say, an important division is acquired, but acquired is , of course, well, first of all, unhealthy diet, abuse of civilization, a disease of civilization, and fast food, namely, in addition to the fact that the balance of macronutrients is disrupted, that is, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, yes, a lot of carbohydrates, a lot of fatty foods, or some such thoughtless, possession of one component, but we remember that if we are on a high-carbohydrate diet, it seems like we don’t eat fat . a high-carbohydrate diet is when we we eat
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a lot of bread, sweets, and this is not only an unbalanced diet, it is also alcohol abuse, nicotine abuse, with age we - our risks increase, this is not just because age itself, but because what happens with this age a number of changes, our body composition changes, we have less muscle mass , more fat mass, this increases the risk of developing subclinical inflammation, the amount of hormones decreases, yes, the sex glands stop working, all this also contributes to the fact that we move less, a indeed, as we age, most of us begin to move less, we have less strength to do so. there is less interest in everything about this , well, that is, these are the factors, and the amount of adipose tissue and cholesterol is growing, there are a lot of myths around cholesterol, for example,
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you can often hear, i don’t eat yolk because i have high cholesterol, i have this always causes regret, because the yolk is generally the most valuable thing in an egg, now i’ll say it’s completely sedition, once upon a time it was surprising to me, the yolk has more protein. i repeat once again, if you even abuse vegetable oil, then there will be more cholesterol in your own body , because the largest amount, almost 70% of cholesterol is formed in your own body, only from those products that a person provides to him, yes, yes, in pure form form of this cholesterol intake. now there is still such a myth that all cholesterol is formed in the liver, but in fact it
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is most formed there. only about 50% of all 100, but there is another 20-25 to 30% for other organs, this is the skin, yes, that same skin lard, this is the intestines, these are the gonads, and the adrenal glands, where, in fact, we produce, for example, most of the thyroid hormones, the same testosterone is produced not only in the gonads, yes, in the ovaries or testicles, but also in the adrenal glands . that’s why there is also a small factory there for the production of cholesterol, so the liver is liver, but everything else also functions. 4 years old, today is your birthday, remember how you drove the car to zavdeevka? we were passengers. there are people who don't need to tell whether there is nazism in ukraine or not nazism in ukraine, they saw it all with their own eyes. we hear from people, this is fascism 2.0, and
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ukraine doesn’t care whether you are a citizen of the world or... it’s not true, when they first received the copters, they trained on local ones , there are supposedly no nazis among the ukrainian pilots, their stripes represent doves of peace, the cross is painted over with a yellow circle , this is a symbol of nazi germany, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, undercover taxi, premiere, turbin, can you hear me, i need to ask you a few questions, question.
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if you stop smoking, the risk of developing such catastrophic cardiovascular events is reduced by 56%. what do you even need to say after this? well, yes, but now the problem is not only in cigarettes, now there is also a problem in vapes, vaping turns out to be even worse, yes, even
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worse. yes, but we do not have compulsory medicine, so the doctor cannot force the patient; unfortunately, there is not always enough time to explain to the person how important it is, if he is indicated to take the articles, that they really need to be taken. recent data on one of the representatives of the statin class in a study has proven a neuroprotective effect, that is, people who take statins are at risk of developing. such a terrible disease as alzheimer's, they have less than those who have other dementias, probably, yes, i was horrified to learn that alzheimer's is only one of forty possible dementias, dementia is senile dementia, yes, it makes you think about it, because it’s good that the heart will work well there, and it’s great, let’s say the body is strong in general, but if the head fails, then it seems to me that such longevity is, well
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, yes. activity is vital, and at the same time, here we really want our listeners not to rush to extremes, if you have never exercised in your life, then you decided to go for a half marathon, but this is absolutely critical, in no case start small, start with walking, this is the most wonderful thing that you can start doing, there is another very good physiological load option - this is swimming, when you and i start moving
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our... muscle mass is actively involved in this process, it absorbs excess resources that would have accumulated, this is where oxidation occurs and those same excess fats begin. that’s right , it’s not wise to completely reject the instructions, it’s not always animal fats, but if you divide all the fats into proportions, then there should be about 30 animal fats, and 70 vegetable fats, and
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this includes avocado, let’s say, yes, and some kind of oil that you used in the salad, and there is sour cream, it is also full of fat, if there is lard, a piece of lard, right? no matter what it is, pork, lamb, goose, it’s pure fat, but in the traditions of many peoples , eating lard is literally our everything. and what should you say in such a situation? a piece is like candy, please, but if lard becomes the basis of the diet, or if they start frying lard, then this is very bad, yes, but in general there is such a thing. interesting thing , it turns out, again returning to the topic of fat, it turns out that a huge number of people have a very bad feeling for fat in food, well , it would seem that there is a certain dish, i don’t know, it ’s fried beef, so one person eats it and
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he is fat, the second one is normal for him, that is , he has reduced sensitivity to fatty foods, and this is a big problem from a nutritional point of view. because he can overeat fat without wanting it, this is also a good example, because many people believe that doctor’s sausage, well, first of all, it’s healthy, because it’s doctor’s sausage, but it brings only benefits, it heals a lot of things, but secondly secondly, she’s pink, she has no fat, let’s say amateur, she has fat, but in fact there is practically a difference between them no, it’s just that the fat is hidden, ground up, that’s why you need to take into account this story that... you don’t always have to trust your taste buds, if you eat something and it seems to you that it’s not fatty, still read the label , look how much fat there is, again this all comes back to the topic of cholesterol, 30% of cholesterol comes from food, therefore, if you eat less
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healthy doctor’s sausage, then accordingly you will deliver less cholesterol into your body. you mentioned fatty foods, that's how you feel about low fat? an interesting question , at the dawn of foggy youth, as they say , it seemed that this was some kind of salvation, yeah, but you can eat and, as it were, now, to be honest, it seems to me that this is something not right, firstly , the quality of the product seems to me to be much lower than normal cottage cheese, and secondly, probably, when it is produced , it does more harm than good, because well, the way they extract fat from there is apparently with the help of some kind of chemical. .. reactions or or what? well, most likely yes, i’m not a technologist, but i assume that this is some kind of extraction, but let’s say it’s useful, let’s say there’s no harm there, but we will eat more of such a product than than, and it won’t be achieved,
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so yes, and i’m also not inclined to recommend use low-fat cottage cheese, and 5-9%, in my opinion, is a completely normal percentage of fat content of this. product, and what’s more, you and i talked about the fact that many vitamins, yes, we’ve listed them, and they are fat-soluble, it turns out that what’s useful should be in this very fermented milk product, not it will be simply absorbed, because there is no fat, so a thoughtless fight against fat is not very reasonable, well , it’s hard to eat foods without fat, but to get enough, saturation will be weak, you just. eat more banally and you will feel less full, that is, in essence , in terms of calories you will get about the same, but in terms of volume, and much more in terms of volume, you will stretch your stomach, which, by the way, is absolutely no joke, this is a real problem - stretched stomachs, yes, it is,
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by the way, i saw a scary picture on the internet, the stomach of a world champion in speed eating, either hot dogs or something else, well, it’s just a nightmare, that’s what it is . regarding saturation, we have such a vagus nerve, we already talked about it once, it not only reflects the volume of the stomach, well, when we overeat, it signals to the saturation center, stop too much, it also records this that's the level of free fatty acids, meaning it won't react much longer.
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and not a minus, but fats are just as important to us as proteins and carbohydrates, the only thing is that of course, when we say, we ate a piece of meat and greens with you, but this is a wonderful diet, but if you imagine that there is not a drop of fat in this meat, yeah. then part of the protein from this meat will be spent on the synthesis of fats, because this is a vital component for our body, that is, it is not worth excluding them completely, just as elevating them to the rank of priority and placing emphasis on fats there in the keto diet, and also on in my opinion it is not entirely reasonable that this form of nutrition takes place, because this is a diet, this is a therapeutic event, a time-limited event, right?
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remission, for example, with drug-resistant epilepsy, that is, that form of epilepsy that does not respond to drugs, and when remission is achieved, as a rule, from this option it helps to achieve a certain improvement in nutrition, you need to leave, because it is not physiological, it is just it’s simply harmful, well, it has its consequences, but that’s it. we have certain, say, places, regions in the world where there is more fat in the diet, well, for example, the far north, yes, there are seals, salmon, these are the options - products, they are usually oversaturated with fats, but as for seafood - it’s still more - the so-called polyunsaturated fats. acids, that is, more beneficial
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to our body, yeah, that’s why the balance there is shifted precisely towards these polyunsaturated fatty acids, useful, it is important to say that omega-3 fatty acids are something that our body does not produce in what quantity, under any circumstances, it is only incoming with food there is a fraction of fatty acids, and it is very useful and necessary, we simply cannot do without it. has such an effect, because when we have a lot of omega-3 acids, they suppress the reuptake of serotonin, a person has a better mood, not only the inflammatory component is suppressed, but also the reuptake of serotonin, so the substance is useful from all sides, but and there is no
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need to abuse it, because these are also calories, they are still fats, that is, everything has a certain proper amount, all this is previously redistributed according to the amount for a person, an important point in this aspect, it is important for both children and adults, here’s something else that is important to say, and you can often read that there is a lot of omega-3... in plant components there are flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil and so on. there is one biochemical trick here, in order for this option - omegas from plant components to reach the desired and such a working version in our body, we need enzymes, which in the human body either do not have one of the enzymes, or there is another version of the enzyme of this five delta desturase, so few, what he almost all of it is spent on omega-6. and omega-6 fatty acids are an inflammatory
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component, it would seem, why do we need inflammation , and also synthesize this substance in our own body, but we cannot live without inflammation at all, inflammation fights various viruses every second, minute, bacteria that surround us, which inflammation is essentially a cleansing, it is a protective reaction, a protective reaction, it is not only directed against some external agents. to support it you need omega 6, so we produce omega-6, but omega-3 is not produced, so the inhabitants of the far north are in such a more favorable position in this regard, they have a lot of omega-3 in their diet, we have very little, so we usually we supplement this with some kind
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of medication or supplements, and we continue our conversation in the podcast about... there in a day, in a week, well, i mean, how much fat can he gain, or not, or can he gain indefinitely , well, relatively speaking, in a week you can gain the maximum kilogram of fat, everything else is water , edema and so on, no, it’s difficult to say so
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, i can’t count it, i can’t say so, not only that, it all depends, we can gain it, maybe we’ve been actively skiing this week, for sure. yes, we actively went to restaurants, yes, well, anything can happen, here - in winter, ski resorts are open where snow has fallen, and there is very high physical activity, and despite the fact that people actually eat more there, they move there, but - then it will be difficult to say what he scored if you don’t bioimpedance, yes, this is a method for determining body composition, and if it was hypodynamic, lie down and watch movies. ate, then naturally he was actively gaining fat tissue, because everything that we eat will not disappear anywhere, it is not air, it cannot be exhaled, it will fit into fat tissue if there is no active physical activity, if there is any, if a person has a normal balance of hormones, then
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muscle mass is formed, of course, when a person has gained a kilogram in a day, but this is mainly of course, water and maybe some kind of food that left the body at the wrong time, in some conditions when intestinal motility is not working well, in general, most likely it’s more of a set of fluids, but we all do that we talk about fat, that fat is stored there and so on, but this is the most important mechanism in general, which helps a person to save himself, but if there were no fat in our body, we would live very poorly, but this is generally the main energy source. such deppo, reserve, gold reserve, gold, currency, in addition, it is also thermal insulation, when my patients lose weight, lose weight, they often say: doctor, i started to freeze, i have never been cold before, this is true, because
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there is less adipose tissue and subcutaneous, intra-abdominal, this thermal insulation, its decrease makes itself felt... but this is temporary, then everything is restored, i don’t mean subcutaneous fatty tissue, this is the feeling of heat and cold, and thermoregulation, but in general a person is of course more dress slim it will be necessary - well, warmer, let's say so, because this fat layer will no longer protect as it did when there was an abundance of it, so fat is both an energy reserve and thermal insulation and shock-absorbing.
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from hunger, so such evolutionary mechanisms have developed, to store everything that comes, because today there is food, but tomorrow it may not be there, and spend it sparingly, and store as much as possible, yes, well, probably maybe - someday these our mechanisms will change and maybe people of the future they will be able to eat and not store, well, yes, well, why not, why not dream, well, yes, i agree, although it is also dangerous. but in general, is there any reliable way to get rid of not only subcutaneous fat? fiber, but from internal fat, because internal fat is the most dangerous, yes, we have
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it clearly, we generally have five types of adipose tissue, this is white fat - this is the so-called abdominal fat, and beige fat is subcutaneous, there is yellow fat is in the tubular bones, there is pink fat - this is in in the mammary glands of lactating women, that is, only for a certain period of time, and there is also brown fat, this is the fat that babies, athletes, professional athletes have, it is mainly located on the back of the chest, between the shoulder blades and a little on the lower back, well, it leaves a person with age. the most favorable, the most, well, from access , well, most people, the available beats and borax, yes, this is subcutaneous fat, beige, because it synthesizes more anti-inflammatory substances. overwhelming inflammation, in the abdominal , which is in the abdomen, more substances are synthesized in it that stimulate inflammation, so
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the abdominal form of obesity, and this is when the waist in men is more than 94 cm, and in women more than 80, this is the abdominal form of obesity, this, it is much more evil, harmful and harmful, because it is against the background of abdominal obesity that metabolic syndrome and diabetes are formed. partonic disease, other options, cardiovascular diseases, the risks of cancer, musculolithiasis and so on increase, but i i understand that you don’t want to reassure us that there is some way or some kind of food or some kind of nutritional supplement, that by taking it our internal white fat will disappear, but beige, beige will remain, beige is healthy, that’s when people they go with abdominal ... forms of obesity for liposuction, they remove subcutaneous fat , the most useful, this always causes me regret, because this fat is precisely
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designed to fight inflammation, so you definitely don’t need to start with it, in the best way, unfortunately not as fast as the effect of the desired pill is threefold: reduce the amount of food eaten and the calorie content of your diet, increase... without this, you still can’t get out of obesity without consequences, when a person loses weight correctly, goes from here to here, yes, but here the subcutaneous fat part, it usually goes away later , most often a woman comes with this complaint and says: that’s it, i’ve already lost everything, everything is fine, there’s still some left here, this subcutaneous part on the stomach, it will go away. my last turn when caloric content will really get closer to the required one so that there is no excess reserve
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, it’s harder to deal with this, and there is no need, as they say, to very actively try to get rid of this particular fat, especially since it’s definitely not necessary in the first place, this needs to be completed, and in order to really achieve the ideal result, nutrition should be at such a level of calories that you spend more and consume less, this is very... difficult today, because people almost have no time to move all the time at work, and then they come tired home, you can’t force anyone to move, well, at the same time, all this is still possible, you just need to think a little bit more about your food, don’t eat mindlessly and under no circumstances completely exclude fats from your diet, because that this is a mistake that many are undermined by, unfortunately it is so, thank you, i had a podcast with you. substance deception, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, and a famous endocrinologist was with me.


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