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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 28, 2024 5:00am-7:55am MSK

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there are four suspects, dressed in blue overalls, masks on their faces, armed, and fled the scene of the crime in a checkered taxi car, sera skoda brand. the number has not
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been established, where we are going, please look, uh, man, are you crazy, police, show me the cops, stay in the car, open the trunk.
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central t812, please provide me with a list of alerts if one of the crews detects the suspects’ car. 812 received, are you okay? do you need help? i don't know, the patient has a severe concussion. intracranial hematoma, this injury , apparently, was the cause of dissociative amnesia, what kind of amnesia, excuse me, dissociative, is a disorder in which the victim loses the memory of personal events, that is, a person can write, read, communicate, but at the same time he does absolutely nothing does not remember about himself, about his personality, so to speak. 8:12. 8:12,
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8:12, but how long will i call you? 8:20 communications, in square 37 we spotted a gray skoda, without registration numbers. and why these clowns have been here for a long time and not even minutes 10 in total, they got to the bottom of the car, maybe they want to steal it; they don’t want to steal it in this car; the bandits didn’t come, but oh well. i heard it on the radio
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, i have an int wave in a taxi, sometimes i listen to it as a hobby, only you’re no one, okay, they say bandits arrived, killed four people, left the car in your yard, go nuts, it looked like an ordinary one, and that’s why i came, damn, that’s interesting, the police said, the driver is some kind of dagestani, a huge, beefy wrestler, i wouldn’t want to meet him on the street. yes, they are all lying, just ordinary, short hair, fashionable hairstyle like this, on the sides, in my opinion, here, yes, everything has been chosen, it doesn’t look like dagestancia at all , i understand, hello, hello, there is news, take a taxi, the driver is most likely dead, why? well, because there have already been two such
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cases, a taxi is stolen, the driver is killed, it is somehow connected with a gang, it is unknown, a night attack on mishinov. there was a taxi outside the house, remember? yes, i remember, catch it, what is it? signs of the driver, where? well, i have my own methods, my friend, i’m home! baton.
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why did you scatter all your clothes, buddy. it smells like dad, you can feel it too, yes, you do
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are you looking for something? i miss them too. let’s go and eat, get some treatment, you can finish it yourself, or should i bring it here for you, okay, let’s go, the stolen amount is 11 million rubles. normally, a private security group arrived at... the first crime scene just 3 minutes after the shooting started and didn’t find anyone, yeah, they did a clean job, it’s even enviable, which means that it turns out that they knew the exact day and even the exact time when the money would be brought , so, they also
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knew the territory perfectly well, the escape routes, and it only took them a minute and a half to come, take the money, hide, what does this mean, they had a gunner, they had a gunner, so that means we’re working?
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and you are suardes, right? yes. turn on the music? can. radom, then love flows.
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he's calling an ambulance. call for an ambulance? yes, they will now. it's too late
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to catch it, shorik. so, how's it going? we are working, vyacheslav mikhailovich, listening, suslov. what do we have for the gunner? 2 months ago the director fired his deputy, there’s a murky story, it seems he was a son-in-law, yeah, but what’s an interesting option, after all, is the second person in the company, he knew everything, what, where, where, from, work him out to the fullest, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich, he is alive, who, a taxi driver in a silver skoda, had his head broken, lost a lot of blood, but alive, you can interrogate him, he is unconscious, it was necessary to get out like that. or maybe she has epilepsy, shut up, genius , what epilepsy, she’s already drowned in the trash, you
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are wolves from ugrodovsk, and who are you, excuse me, a lieutenant of turbines, a special regiment, whatever they wanted, you can see her in the face, i see, she’s drunk and drowned in trash working masses, since when do they return from work drunk? why did you decide that she was on her way home from work, that she was in the form still doesn’t say anything, you never know where she stopped on the road, the taxi driver’s navigator, check the route: airport, center, barshaltai, listen, peps, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, so we agreed. the attack was carried out in
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a silver skoda car, stolen the day before the crime. this morning, the driver was found on the outskirts of the city with a head injury. the driver is now in the hospital, unconscious . our colleagues from ugrozovsk suspect that the gang is attacking taxi drivers uses stolen taxis for raids, so carry out. explanatory work with taxi drivers working on your routes, responding to every signal from them. so, let's move on, yesterday on institutsky prospekt two bus stops were dismantled and stolen, this is funny to you, and by the way, this is two stops in two days and they are stolen in broad daylight, and they asked me from above a completely fair question: why do we need pps if don't they catch mice? funny, where? central 3693 entered the area
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of ​​​​the bus station, took a successful duty 3693, neurosurgical, i’m listening, good afternoon , i’m worried, yesterday i brought you a man with ... memory, i wanted to find out how he was, and this is the one with amnesia, so we had to discharge him, in the sense of discharge, where, even journalists came to us, they were filming him for something, so where is he, right behind you, why is he in handcuffs, are you crazy or something, uh, psst, you need to turn it down, smart guy, damn it, my monkey bar is all full, but there are no comfortable rooms here, and in general all the questions are for the operators. he's coming kharitonov, go bark at him, if he’s so brave, i apologize,
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lieutenant turbin, i’m a pps regiment, yesterday i picked up this man with amnesia on the street, well done, congratulations, why is he in handcuffs, they kicked him out of the hospital because he has no documents, no social security you can’t identify him, because he doesn’t have documents, you can’t hand him over to a shelter, because, because he doesn’t have documents, well done, he guessed it. we ran through the prints, ran through the database, there are no matches, we sent out photographers, we got journalists and activists involved, we’re waiting for the result, but for now there’s no answer, what to do with it, do you understand? i can put him up at my place, i mean, i can put him up at my place, let him sleep , wash himself like a human being, well, i don’t care, take it, just leave your contacts , you never know who will come for him, give him the keys to the handcuffs thank you very much for
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your health. it’s you, yes, it’s me, i’m sorry that this happened to you, come with me, i’ll explain everything to you on the way, suslov, he’s woken up. but we can question you, we'll be there soon, the taxi driver woke up, meet me, this is a loaf, a very smart and kind dog, and you want something to eat,
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no, thank you, not yet, okay, well, if anything, the refrigerator is at your complete disposal. there’s a tv here, you’ll sleep, i’m upstairs here, and would you like to take a shower? yes, if it’s possible, fine, well then, let’s go and pick out some clothes for you, it’s very cozy here. “thank you, this should be fine, you didn’t remember anything, no , sometimes something, you know, seems to be flickering in your head, you’re trying, but
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it seems like you’re about to grab something, just a little more, and i i remember everything. everything disappears here, and someone’s things? and my father, where is he? he died, i’m very sorry, me too, where was it? rzhevka gunpowder, on drummers avenue, tell me about... he says we’re going to irinovsky prospekt, well, i say, let’s go, he sat behind me for some reason, although everyone usually sits on the right, only then i didn’t see him, he slowed me down, i realized that he deliberately sat down so that i couldn’t see his face, we drove along the street
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of the leading workers, after turning onto kuzmina. he asked me to slow down, like he needed to take a leak, but i stopped, at that moment he hit me on the head with something heavy, i don’t remember anything else, i woke up here in the hospital, lesh, what did you even come up with, you brought some stranger into the house, and if he robs you, he won’t rob you, purely, well, yes, of course, you’ll come, and by the way, everything that was valuable , too, is not left with me nothing valuable, lesh, well, you can’t do that either, this is your house, you have to protect it, and you bring all sorts of trash there, aunt tanya, i beg you, lesh,
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forgive me, i’m a sinful fool, my heart just hurts for you, that’s it i'm annoying, well, but don't be afraid, i'll look after him. “i don’t care if i have to give an injection in an hour, so i’ll do it at the same time i’ll look in, then i’ll look again, okay , thanks, if you call, i don’t remember at all what your passenger looked like, his face, no, i’m telling you , it was dark, i didn’t really get a good look at him, although, if only his build, tall, quite strong , i think, about 35 years old, am i anything else? any special features, well, at least something else, but no, well, the voice, the voice is quite hoarse. well, like smoky or something? lebedeva street 27, the bus stop is half dismantled, 2 hours ago everything
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was fine, i wonder why only half? someone scared everyone, probably at the same time, a message was received on the control panel 02 - apartment burglary, telman street 60, third entrance, central 812, i’m two blocks away, moving out. cops.
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why are you hanging here? went.
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oh, sorry, well, i found something interesting, but not yet, but what are you forgetting here? the same as you, but what should we call you now, taxi driver in uniform, bombed in law and why do you come in without knocking, you love to knock so much here, maybe that’s enough, excuse me, please, it’s good that we arrived so quickly, this you called, i called, yes, thank god that we’ll talk more here, i was so scared, you can’t imagine, so what happened, you know, i heard. noise, i approached the door , i looked through the peephole, and nothing was visible there , they taped something over the outside, well, i listened and heard that it was as if someone was tinkering in the castle next door,
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can you imagine who lives here, the owner, you can call, yes, i already called them, but they didn’t answer the phone, they moved to moscow 2 years ago, they are renting out an apartment, i can’t call the apartment, why, she died yesterday, imagine, she crashed in the car, she’s freaking out worked. so beautiful, young , there was no one in the apartment anymore, no, and how did you miss each other, 4 minutes have passed since the call, maybe they went along the roof, okay, free, sorry, oh, sorry, pecs, you’re just a magnet for trouble, where you won’t necessarily show up , what’s going on, maybe i missed them, uh-huh, when i drove up from the entrance, a bald man about thirty-five came out, got into a black cherokee, someone else was sitting there, i should have check the number,
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i didn’t see it, so i’ll check for you, genius, all the black cherokees of st. petersburg, what? we have poses director of a construction company. the version that he was stealing was confirmed. not in a big way, but once a month, he at least doubled his salary. for this he was fired. and what? after his dismissal, he immediately flew away with his mistress at the ball and has not returned yet. my god, how wonderful this is. so is it him or not? i think this is a false trail vyacheslav mikhailovich. there are too many things that don't add up. it's clear. in any case, as long as you don't abandon him. lead on. maybe something else will come up, but for now let’s sum it up, so to speak. let's sum up the results, as of today we
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know that there are a quarter of them. what got rid of the car was not an inconspicuous little guy with a fashionable hairstyle, yeah, what should we call him, maybe then based on his hairstyle we’ll call him underkat, what’s undercat , what underkat, yura, semibox, or whatever we know about him, average height, age from 30 to 40 , perhaps a gang driver, or perhaps just a six. who was tasked with getting rid of the car, perhaps further, now we have a fairly characteristic description of another gang member, a big guy with a very hoarse, in a smoky voice, who will he be, maybe dzhigurda, and what, yur, okay, zhagurda,
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good, really, right? there will be a dzhigurda, what is known about the dzhigurda? a car or one of the shooters is helping to steal, yeah, okay, good, that means we know two, we don’t know anything about these at all, that’s bad, very bad. well, that's it, that's it, it's good, loaf, what are you talking about, buddy, it's still a strange name for a dog, his mother called him that, i found him as a puppy on the side of the road, i wanted to give him one, but the owners didn't
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allow me to rent an apartment. . i had to go to my parents' house give him away, but i wanted to name him arnold, but when i brought him to the house here, the first thing he did was find a loaf of bread in the kitchen , ate it whole, mom laughed, said that we should call him a loaf, he misses his father, dad really loved this car, tinkered with it all the time in the evenings, wanted to go hunting in it. are you okay? excuse me, something doesn’t feel right on the table, i’ll go and get some rest, excuse me.
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yes, hello, where are you? i just arrived at the house. come to me immediately. and it can’t wait until morning. i want to sleep, i'm tired as a dog. yes, if he finds out on our doorstep, you and i will both fall asleep forever. i mean, what other joint? our last client is alive. i'll be there now. ok. your mother. turbin, you have a special program today, you check lebedev street every hour.
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where yesterday the stop was half dismantled , what if you get lucky and these idiots come back to finish what they started, and then they became interested , or what, this is their task, a classic ambush, firstly, i don’t remember anyone asking your opinion, you after all, you serve in the police and are obliged to orders obey, and secondly, carefully look at your id, your position is detective. do you have a question? no way, comrade mayor, so do it, come on, let’s go, but we are closed today, there is no one, come back
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tomorrow. well, i told you, there is no one, we are closed today. yes, that’s it, you can come in, i understand, i’m coming, time is running out, death is immortal, here in a gust of wind, i’m storming to...
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central 8:12, the situation at the stop is calm, the object is 70%, still with us, welcome, leave ! and the taxi driver, you’re rubbing yourself again, somehow you i’m suspiciously partial to this shit , i was at the scene of the accident, in the apartment, you’d be better off patrolling the area with your colleagues if you want to help, instead of shining a light here, the flight attendants rang the phone, immediately after the accident she
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received an sms saying that some zhorik was her looking worried, listen, peps, but it seems to me, or i already told you, the flight attendant died an hour after she arrived with symptoms of severe poisoning. after all, drugs, during the autopsy they found almost a kilogram of cocaine packaged in a condom, she swallowed them while driving
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in the car, one of them burst, she had no chance of survival, and the drug dealers thought that the autopsy had not yet been done, apparently yes, they hoped that the cargo was still inside, do you remember where she was going from marshall airport? that’s where we ’ll go now, we’ll try to identify these two in the black cherokee, you can identify them, i can identify one, then you’ll come with us, i’m shocked.
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sorry, but i don't remember all our clients by name. oh, bro, listen, where is the humpty bar, do you know what time it is? oh, thanks, otherwise i have a call across the street from humpty, and i'm something i'm slowing down and can't find it. well, good luck, good luck. you saw this girl , she suddenly came to see you, she’s beautiful, no, i didn’t see her, i’m sure, yes, i would definitely remember this one, thank you very much
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, there’s something in the cameras, nothing, empty, but where is our taxi driver, found, found, you know how to get a daddy, i don’t understand, did you crash into him, genius, no, well, now you’ll bump into him, let’s go. oh you creature,
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listen, you moron, where were you looking at your mother, he was there, he was at her house. let's take our time, hands, put on shoes, police, hands behind the head on the ground, fast!
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yes, listen, this is kharitonov, i’m talking about your man with amnesia, his identity has been established. chelkin, alexander vasilyevich, born in 1946, has already been on the wanted list for 2 weeks as a missing person, but not here, in moscow. in general, the story is like this, ours lived. alexander vasilyevich lived, not bothering, alone, in a large, good apartment in the center of moscow. and then one day he stopped answering his son’s calls. and since our grandfather didn’t have much of a character, his son, who has been living in yekaterinburg for many years, i didn’t really care. this has already happened, my grandfather was offended by all sorts of nonsense, and then he didn’t pick up the phone for several weeks. well, after some time had passed, i still became worried and decided to visit my father in moscow. well , it turned out that there were already new tenants in their apartment. moreover, the new residents swear. what's happened?
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the moscow criminal investigation department got involved, but so far it was silent, no one saw anything, no one heard anything, only one granny, who always sits at the front door, saw how our pchelkin with some two men got into a dark red car niva, that is, they forced him to sell his apartment, received money for it, and decided to get rid of the old man. yeah, but our old man somehow miraculously managed to survive, 15-20 minutes, no more, yes, hello, i’m talking about a man who... memory, but a second, wait, hello, can you tell me where i can find him? find, this is my uncle, we haven’t been able to find a place for ourselves for several weeks, when we saw this ad on the internet, we immediately jumped into the car from moscow to you, i so want to finally see him and hug him.
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and i understood, well, let him sit with you then, okay, by the way, my relatives also found this unknown man, they’ll take him away tomorrow, they found him, well, thank god, and i see you fixed the car, well done! what about your father's? no, no , when would i have had time, well, why not, there she is standing by the fence, i can see her through the window, i’m telling you, it’s not ours, and that means it’s not yours, she’s completely blind, yours isn’t red , no, it’s not red, well, that means it’s definitely not yours, it’s red, tanya, sit, don’t open it for anyone, okay, i
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’ll be there soon, don’t open it for anyone, aunt tanya. say what you told them, what you told them, but i don’t remember anything.
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listen, you old nit, i’ll kill you now, last time we didn’t finish you off because we thought you were already dead, so i ’ll kill you now, understand? you won't get out of any ditch again, police, knife on the ground, drop the barrel, knife on the ground, barrel, drop it, i 'll kill him, now, drop it, i'll knock it down, now , drop it, barrel, i said, calmly, put it down has the gun moved away? ok, knife, knife, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, it worked, yes, it worked, well done! please, alexander
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vasilyevich, sit down, sit down, thank you for everything. take care of yourself,
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lesh, look, i told you that not everything is so smooth with this. thank you for calling, let's go later, good night, goodbye, lesh.
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i greet you, our dear tv viewers, i am with you in the studio today, ekaterina strizhenova on the calendar march 28th thursday. thank you for celebrating a new day with the first channel. today, as always, our program contains a lot of important, relevant and necessary things. we will talk about the benefits of walking, go on a trip to siberia, let's make sure it's with the neighbors. we definitely need to be friends, we’ll choose the most delicious lenten dumplings, well, let’s start, according to tradition, with morning exercises, and it won’t be easy exercises,
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but neurogymnastics. good morning, it is useful to develop fine motor skills of the hands at any age, you will not only maintain joint mobility, but strengthen your memory, so join our training, let's take a small one. throw a ball or any light object with one hand and catch it, repeat several times to get used to it, throw it low, work effortlessly voltage. well done, milana, ksyusha, you are doing great too. now let’s complicate the exercise by simply holding the ball with one hand. the second we show the figures: first a fence, palm straightened, fingers together , then a goat
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, put the index middle finger forward, and a cow, make horns, straighten the index and little fingers, perform the exercise slowly: fence, goat, cow, remember the combination: add tossing the sword, throw, fence, throw, throw, cow. if the ball falls, it's not a big deal. let's raise it let's continue training. now we change the position of our hands and continue to practice. it's not only useful, but also fun. we move on with you at a good pace. be sure to plan a short walk for yourself today. the weather is whispering, doctors recommend walking for at least 30 minutes every day, not necessarily quickly, walking strengthens
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the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, and in general walking is pleasant and healthy. we go for a walk with physical and mental health experts, they say that people who walk walking, they are less likely to suffer from depression, is this true? yes, absolutely. but it’s true that walking first of all saturates our brain with oxygen; the level of adrenaline decreases significantly, if a person is constantly nervous, he calms down accordingly. plus walking - the so-called bilateral stimulation, bilateral, when we alternately activate the left and then the right side of the body, moving our legs, the brain processes information faster, so we don’t just walk, studying the history of the city. this building on kitay-gorod is curved, but do you know why? because initially this... courtyard stood inside the kitai-gorod wall, the architect was sure that the wall would survive, now, this small moment, hello to us from the 19th century
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, tells us how the kitai-gorod curved here, here is the remnant of that same kitai-gorod wall below in the passage , the miraculously surviving lower foundation of the barbarian or varsky tower, the wall was laid in 1534, by this time prince ivan vasilyovich then... the future ivan the terrible is 3 and a half years old, they say that if you touch these white ones with your left hand stones that will soon turn exactly 500 years old, make a wish, your wish will certainly come true. in the fresh air, memory works 20% better, which means all historical dates are easier to remember. but the important point is, what rhythm should you go at? is it better to walk briskly or slowly? but it’s still better to walk at a measured pace, right? slowly, because this step promotes deeper and more measured breathing, when we run to work, we are in a hurry, we do not
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have time to inhale enough oxygen or what... happens, we are so confused breathing, it is all running and running and the body does not have time to absorb the oxygen that enters our body and tissues. walking at a slow pace also promotes the production of endorphins, natural analgesics and antidepressants, and stimulates creative thinking. today the weather is great, i wanted to go out into the city to combine business with pleasure. and also a good strengthening of the immune system, 2 hours in the fresh air, a tour guide. your mood even changes, you smile, you want to make your listeners fall in love with this city, so it seems we do too fell in love, and were also filled with vitamin d, look how the sun is shining, spring has finally come, it's time to go for a walk, maria kuskova, dmitry roshkov, rostislav
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kolesnikov, alexandra kiseleva, channel one. travel is such a thing, once you set out on it, you won’t stop, so we won’t stop. yulia molostova invites us to siberia, and this is the case when one can only regret that television has not learned to convey tastes and smells. what does siberia smell like? we are at a master class with local historian and director alena shaffer, the smells of the old cities. this is something very sharp , that’s right, it’s tar, it used to be a remedy for everything, first, mosquitoes and midges, there’s no way without tar, so the aroma of tar in the city is always in the summer, second, we are a fishing region, so all the boats were oiled with tar, we inhale further, they smell like pekht, pekht, so, why do you say pekht, and not fir, this is such
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a local dialect, well, in general, probably. he needs a coachman to get to the european part of russia, he needs 2 months there and 2 months back, they rubbed his body with a kipedarchik, a fur coat on top, and so they drove, they caught a cold, yes, so when they took off their fur coats at the inns, the smell was of the turpentine of siberian dumplings in... tea distinguishes siberian dumplings from ural dumplings, because tea leaves were added to the dough of siberian dumplings as an antiseptic. what about meat in dumplings? they are taken out into the cold, and then into the oven, the process of sublimation is used to dry them, and after 2 months the eater had something to eat. fills these same perbags, closes the lid, does it remind you of anything?
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instant noodles, who invented sibi? it smells like dumplings here now, siberian ear-shaped, rounded edges, often with game or fish. kusbas smells of coal, all over siberia there is forest, just imagine, 30% of the country's reserves are here, and how much cedar? i wonder if cafe visitors will guess what is in this cake? yes, tomsk has a gastronomic brand. 3 years ago it was invented by pastry chef anastasia cherkova, using local ingredients, which is most difficult for foreigners.
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and a berry that is not even afraid of siberian frosts, honeysuckle, we definitely recommend that all guests come to us in the summer, because in the summer it grows in every garden, so siberia still smells of berries and a little bathhouse. yulia molostova, denis panmarev and anton rmyonny, channel one. dmitry yarosh raised a generation of nazis on american orders.
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who knows perfectly well when to remove the muzzle and say face. their interest is simple: to tear russia apart. dmitry yarosh, bandyrenysh. dolls, heir. tutte is on first today. for those who have just joined us, i would like to remind you that march 28 is on the calendar, and today ilya malanin's film, abnormal, is being released, a film about overcoming the magical power of art, that goodness can create real miracles. this is a touching and poignant movie. soon you'll be playing like on the radio. we also studied music. to study with him, this is a movie that inspires, take off, take off, the doctors abandoned eight-year-old kolya, they insist that his mother and grandmother send him to a special boarding school, of course,
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the most difficult scene is where the actual fate of my boy is decided, to let go you can’t leave, the family will try everything, please don’t come in during the show, yeah, what kind of movie are we showing, huh? that’s when yuri, a simple engineer, a techie, will burst into their lives. it's simple: eight octaves of seven keys, that's seven notes of different heights, right? a very talented person, and his talent is momentary, that is, ideas come to him , he uses them immediately, he starts working with them, i would like to be like yuri, and i will become normal.
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a very complex work, a work not my age, so to speak, part of the filming took place in shanghai, the chinese woman xu shiue, who played the translator anna, learned russian right on the set, i’m very glad, glad, glad, i’m very glad, very...
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channel, now there’s a news release on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin visited the 344th center for combat use and retraining of army aviation personnel of the ministry of defense. it is located in the tver region. the head of state visited there with a worker. trips. this institution has mastered all types of helicopters used by army aviation. russia. the president examined samples of military flight equipment, weapons and simulators. in addition, the head of state
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spoke with military pilots undergoing training at the center. vladimir putin noted the enormous contribution that aviation makes to the success of the special operation. during the conversation, we also talked about the fact that nato countries are intimidating their population with an imaginary russian threat, which. in reality does not exist more than 10 times, we do not have any aggressive intentions towards these states, yes we i would never have done anything in ukraine if they had not carried out a coup there, and then started military operations in the donbass, they are starting a war, 14, in the end they simply forced us to switch to another form of protecting our interests or our people, that’s all, so this is complete nonsense, the possibility is an attack on some other countries, on poland, the baltic states, and also, they’re already killing all the czechs there, it’s just nonsense, another way to deceive their population, to extract
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additional expenses from people, to force them to bear this is a bonus on one’s predecessors, that’s all. earlier , vladimir putin met with the governor of the tver region igor rudeni. the head of the region, in particular, told the president about measures to reduce the outflow of population. you our residents go to work in the cereals. you know the regions of the central federal district, especially the north , north-west, north-east - this is when
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, after a few minutes, a strike followed, they hit the militants from a distance of about 20 km, a series of explosions occurred in ukraine, strikes are reported in the kharkov, odessa and dnepropetrovsk regions, and also on kiev-controlled territory of the zaporozhye region. the ukrainian authorities have not yet commented on the incident. the united nations drew attention to the oppression to which priests and canonical parishioners are subjected by the kiev regime. ukrainian orthodox church, some facts are set out in a new un report on the human rights situation in ukraine. it was established that from december to the end of february, representatives of the uoc and believers continued to intimidate and attack them. office of the un high commissioner for human rights recorded at least six cases in five regions when groups of people broke into canonical churches, justifying their actions by decisions of local authorities to register new ones there... moscow intends
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to respond to riga’s decision to expel a russian diplomat from latvia. earlier, the ministry of foreign affairs of this state announced the person as nongrat, one of the employees of our diplomatic mission. he was ordered to leave the country by april 10. the reasons stated are that the russian embassy allegedly discredits state institutions and authorities of latvia. and examples there are more and more such russophobic policies in the baltic countries. journalist svetlana was arrested in estonia. burtseva, she wrote articles and took photographs for a russian-language online publication that is under eu sanctions. burtseva was taken into custody at the beginning of march, but this became known only now. and the latter discovered and destroyed the conditional saboteurs. russian missilemen, as part of the exercises that are currently taking place in the irkutsk region, are mastering new regional combat patrols and at the same time practicing tasks delivered taking into account the experience of the svo. elevated.
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attention is paid to the protection of the yars column complexes, so on the way to one of them our soldiers discovered a group of a fictitious enemy who was trying to mine the road. the military entered the battle and eliminated the danger. also, when searching for saboteurs, a group in helicopters and drone crews were used. the program will continue to air on channel one. good morning. i greet everyone who woke up and joined us, on the calendar march 28, thursday, in the studio today i’m with you, ekaterina strizhenova, let me ask you one question early in the morning: do you know your neighbors next door? well, okay, but at least be friends with them in the stairwell? if not, i think it’s worth getting to know each other and making friends. in difficult life situations, such acquaintances are very helpful. this is my house, 14 entrances, 504
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apartments, in the general house chat there are 251 people, 50%, but even this is enough to feel comfortable and calm, if something happens, help will always come. yes, it seems like they’re just neighbors, to whom we often don’t pay attention, but if we start communicating with them, then it can pleasantly surprise, for example, someone’s pipe has burst, the neighbors are not at home, we urgently call an emergency, all services are immediately connected. for discussing organizational issues, collecting signatures or funds, i didn’t even think that it would be so useful. in our entrance a man fell ill, he had to be taken from the eighth floor to the ambulance, because two people arrived
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... someone was standing, they were either voting or not voting, you understand that you probably need help, i stopped, i’m always there there is a spare wheel, there is always a wheel, there is a jack, i drove tire fitting once, went home to get a wheel, the person didn’t even have a wheel. 4 years ago, ksenia rozhdestvenskaya moved to korolev near moscow to make friends, organized a community of young mothers, now there are more than 500 people there, there was one moment of such severe depression, i just realized that i needed a specialist right now. i can’t get it right, it doesn’t work, i wrote: girls, there is a psychologist among you in our microdistrict, we need it right now, and the girl wrote to me , she happened to be right in the next house, but nadezhda ivanova’s blood pressure dropped sharply, she also asked for help, and came from the next building, the girl measured my blood pressure,
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made me some hot sweet tea, put me to bed, sat with me for a while , saw what was improving me, collected her blood pressure monitor, and left. i wouldn’t know the name of this person, i honestly don’t know, no matter how face-to-face, maybe i won’t recognize it either, but... the very fact that something suddenly happens to you, you always have someone to turn to, but it works it always goes both ways, it’s good not only for the one who was helped, but also for the one who helped, supported or simply smiled. ruslan yunyaev, elnur valeakhmetov, anatoly brikalov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. spring has come, its signs are visible everywhere: the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, and electric scooters have also appeared on the streets. this is also a sign of spring, so here you go. dear by the way, all lovers of so-called personal mobility devices, remember, you are pedestrians and drivers, be careful, and now drivers too must follow the rules, all over the country they are on the streets again, electric scooters, the season has started, services
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kicksharing services are working again, all safety is monitored through the application, they show broken scooters, show discharged scooters, the service team, when they arrive at the place, checks the brakes. trust the stand to become loose. now every rental scooter has license plates, which means it will become easier to track them using cameras. we remind you that from march 1 last year, electric scooters, unicycles, and hoverboards were equated to transport, designated as a means of individual mobility (sim), and traffic rules were prescribed. 25 km/h speed limit, movement is allowed only on bicycle paths, or, if there are none, along the edge of the roadway, on the right, or on sidewalks, but if the sim driver moves on the sidewalk, then he must give way to all pedestrians if he is crossing a pedestrian crossing , then the driver must dismount, in general, become a pedestrian, and if on a personal scooter you have to regulate the speed yourself, you
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simply won’t be able to accelerate on a rental scooter, there are limiters, parks, squares, some places, where there are a lot of pedestrians, so in such places we introduce additional speed limit zones; they also work automatically, when you... enter such a zone, the scooter itself slows down to the permitted speed, most often this is 10 or 15 km/h. what is also important is that one vehicle has one passenger. for the second year now, we have been testing technology that allows the scooter to understand that it has more than one passenger; already this season we hope to bring this accuracy to 95-100%. the scooter will tell you you are breaking the rule, continue the trip with one passenger on the scooter if suddenly the user does not hear.
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it’s best to take a video or photo, remember the address where the violation occurred, the time when it happened, and transfer this information to the service, we receive this information, check it, if the violation is confirmed, then we issue a fine or block the violator. the plans include mandatory testing for knowledge of traffic rules before the first trip, all right in the application. anna grebenshchikova, andrey ivanov, dmitry roshkov, channel one. all your favorite programs that channel one shows you every day. you can watch your favorite tv series and in general everything, everything, that is on the first one on our website, smartphone, tablet, laptop, on tv, if it supports the corresponding function, in general, on any device, anywhere in any time, watch the programs of the first
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channel. internet scammers come up with everything they can to steal our money. their main task is to force us to click on some malicious link. and here they can be very inventive. they may for example, pretend to be our loved ones and acquaintances. i received a message in messenger: please vote for my daughter. she will have the opportunity to win the olympics. who writes? my old friend. below is a link to vote. i do not advise you to activate the support participants button. imagine that my friend’s account was hacked and now scammers are writing on his behalf. what could happen in this case? as soon as you click the link, a virus or program will be downloaded to your mobile phone. this means scammers will have the opportunity to steal your login and password to your personal bank account
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, and then they will steal your money, so if you receive such a message, first check whether your friend is really writing to you, for this you just need to call him, and now let’s imagine ourselves in the place of a person who has scammers they stole the account and send out text messages from it, what should he do, we warn his friends about the hacking, this can be done on a social network or any work messenger. if the account contained personal data, for example, a photo of a plastic card, then we call the bank and block it. if your phone has an antivirus, activate it and scan your mobile phone. we need to make sure that there is no remote access program in it. if we want to restore our account, we write to the messenger support service. and when the account is restored, you need to check
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whether third-party gadgets are connected to it. go to settings, select device, see if there are active sessions other than yours? other people's sessions are connected, be sure to disconnect them or click the end all button other sessions. now you can use this account again. by the way, check from time to time which devices are connected. the will of zhenya belausov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at 30 years old. roman is sure that once upon a time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything for myself, why is the singer’s son. that the star's widow is deceiving him, and the document could be forged, i want to find out the truth
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, you will recognize my dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were divorced on purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us, imagine such a blow for me after 26 years, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on first, when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, i died, i understand very well, dumplings are so i don’t know who these eniki and beniki are, but i find them delicious, this is how lenten dumplings are made, why it shouldn’t be in their composition, and yulia kozlova will tell you what’s wrong with the dumpling tuck. dumplings help out during lent: there are a lot of vegetable, fruit and berry fillings, even though
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you eat different ones every day, but the lenten dough is not inferior to the usual one. to prepare lean dough , high-grade flour, water and sunflower oil are used. meanwhile, the dough turns out tender, elastic, and does not become soggy when cooked. there are only three ingredients as it should be in a natural product. but what if the dough contains emulsifiers, thickeners, antioxidants and preservatives? it is added to disguise the addition of low-grade flour to the dough, to give the most vivid color, for example, the pronounced yellow color of the product indicates that dye has clearly been added to the product. not only low-grade flour can be masked, but also the filling. the abundance of food additives in potatoes with mushrooms means that the manufacturer clearly saved on basic products. if you take selected potatoes, onions and porcini mushrooms, you won’t need any food. ideally with the shortest possible composition and the correct test. into the fillings and 40% of the dough. forms. the ideal shape for dumplings is
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a crescent shape, since this shape maintains the ideal ratio of filling to plus the tuck is important: the braid looks beautiful, but the layer of dough around the edge is too thick. the flat version is thinner and more delicate. many people think that it is less reliable, and the filling may escape during cooking. this is wrong. dumplings are placed in boiling water and do not allow boron to boil after boiling. on average, dumplings take 5-6 minutes to cook. the shelf life of frozen semi-finished products is from 3 to 6 months, but the closer the day of purchase is to the date. production is all the better, during storage temperature conditions may be violated, you must shake them, no matter what packaging they are in, in a bag or box, they must, well, let’s say, rattle, sticky broken dumplings are unacceptable, just like snow or droplets of moisture in the packaging, this is important; violation of storage conditions affects not only the taste, but
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the safety of the product. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, sergey myakin, tatyana yus, channel one. we recently talked about the fact that you definitely need to be friends with your neighbors, or at least have good relations with them, but sometimes the neighborhood can be extremely unpleasant, well , imagine, you have a warehouse or store right under your windows, and there is something buzzing there from morning to night, the noise really disturbs you. residents of this house in sevastopol have been experiencing noise from refrigeration compressors for 2 years now.
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the residents also did not know that an online delivery store would open on the ground floor, please look, when cars drive up, they even damage the trees, the noise from moving carts is disturbing, even the electrical voltage drops due to the operation of the refrigerator, what lawyers advise is that the first thing is to try to resolve the issue peacefully, directly contact the management of the legal entity, there must be a written appeal. secondly, if you can’t reach an agreement, collect evidence of the bad neighborhood, all written appeals, record violations in photos and videos, in the latter state the date, the address of the house in rospotrebnadzor. as part of the consideration of the appeal, an instruction will be given to an expert organization to conduct laboratory and instrumental research in the applicant's apartment. specialists will arrive at
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the time when the applicants are most concerned about the source of noise. measurements will be taken, and based on the measurement results, measures will be taken in the event.
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hectare - a special program for russians, by participating in which you can get 1 hectare of land absolutely free, similar to the far eastern hectare. the heroes of our next report took advantage of this program and did not regret it at all. ilya denisov dreamed of his own tourist base for a long time, 3 years ago everything came true, the man even remembers the date: august 1, twenty-one, then the arctic program started in kareli.
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of course, there are enough attractions: 12 months of fishing , in the cold snowmobiles, skis, sleds, in the summer boats, swimming, picnics, and how many berries there are, each house has its own clearing, the lingonberry house, it is located in a forest, so there would be more lingonberries here , anna brusnitsina has so many decorations on a hectare that she opened a workshop for the production of sweets from them, as a filling, today we use pedro nut kernels, lingonberries hook. did it with ate blueberries, they turn out delicious. do 2 kg per day. these gastronomic souvenirs from the yamalo-nets autonomous okrug
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are scattered throughout the country. soon tourists will be able to try them, so to speak, in the heat of the moment. i would like to create an ecological park in an ethnic style in this place, in which such authentic objects can be accommodated; i would like to combine there the comfort of the traditions of the northern khanty, komizyryans. on the polish peninsula, friends ekaterina and maria organized something similar, it looked like an ordinary plague, but inside the comfort was five stars. camp sites and ethnoparks are perhaps the most popular type of business among modern explorers of the arctic. next to us, the village of lovozero is the center of sam culture, so we chose this type of accommodation in order to support this story. there is also substance on their territory. yes, this sport has taken root on the northern lakes, it’s time to check how the boards have survived the winter. the ice will melt and people will come, even our grandfather skated there when he was 70 years old, it seems that we’ll go on vacation to the north this summer, nikita kulakov, alena astrakhantseva, alexey gubanov,
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yulia kuvabina, channel one. well, now i invite all football fans to the screen. my colleague, viktor gusev, has prepared for us a hit parade of the most spectacular goals. efe. which remain in the memory of football fans for a long time, sometimes also scored by representatives of teams that usually do not grab stars from the sky. monza, which is in the middle of the italian championship table, this month delighted its fans not only with victories, but also with extraordinary goals. white-red striker dani mota created a real masterpiece in the match against genoa, with a cool falling shot, hitting the opponent's goal. another player. monza daniel maldini scored in the meeting with calgheri. the successor of the world famous football dynasty of maldini, he masterfully executed the free kick. a powerful shot and the ball
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bounces off the crossbar over the goal line. the best goal of the month in the portuguese championship, also from a player from a rather modest club. twenty-one-year-old mohamed bellume, who plays for forense, scored the goal of the leader of the premera lisbon.
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gradually, he checks what speed he can afford, how powerful the engine seems to be an ordinary car, it is capable of doing powerful things on the roads, but what was the problem? it was difficult to speed up, because usually there were three cameras somewhere on all sides, the car was loaded like this on the right, on the left in front, i had to drive along the st. petersburg street, play, something else pretend to be serious, that means some kind of policeman, a car exclusive, the bosses are blowing away specks of dust, not from the turbine, from the car, but what’s wrong with the face, but i hit the steering wheel, that steering wheel, it’s
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definitely a washer too, i’ll see at least one. scratch on i'll hit the car. the scratches on alexei’s face are of concern only to his ex-wife, who just called him to the cafe. for what? then you fell, then what? so, this is how to live with you? alexei solves a crime almost every day, his superiors are indignant and demand that special attention be paid to bus stops. in 7 days , 12 have already been kidnapped. 12. the population is outraged because they think there are stops. with the authorities, the authorities are outraged because they are forced to listen to indignant citizens , install new stops, who needed the stops, lieutenant turbin will find out this evening, patrolling the streets of st. petersburg. i decided that st. petersburg was somehow treated unfairly, and that it was a grey, oppressive, rainy, dull city in which it was hard. we immediately decided that our st. petersburg would be different, it would be
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sunny and incredibly beautiful. speed, attentiveness, they solve complicated cases, there will be love, and also undercover, a new episode is already tonight on channel one, an undercover taxi, that’s all, everyone is free. maria bronzova, victoria balenskaya, channel one. hello, at on-air news, in the studio.
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but, of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are, and the f-16s are also carriers of nuclear weapons, and we will also have to take this into account when organizing work. carried out
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taking into account the fact that these pilots work in the air defense zone, their faces were not shown. during the conversation, we talked about the fact that, like our entire country, the army is also multinational. as the president noted, representatives are now showing their best side on the battlefield of all religions of the peoples of russia. and he said that we need to be very careful about our interethnic and interfaith world. 72 and when i listen to our people, there are such people everywhere.
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and as soon as we begin to implement these destructive thoughts about the fact that everyone else is strangers here, we will ruin the country, and the main victims will be the russian people. the latest information is about a special operation, fierce fighting is taking place in the novomikhailovka area, this is a strategically important settlement in the ugledarsky section of the southern donetsk direction. enemy turned it into a real fortified area and is leading intensively.
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troops, the fact that they are thrown to the front line like meat says, well, they don’t have rotation, they don’t take them out, they don’t change them, they don’t rest. in the severodonetsk direction, enemy units were attacked by crews of mi-28 helicopters and fired with unguided missiles. according to the air controller, all targets, camouflaged equipment and enemy infantry were eliminated. the belgorod region again found itself under fire from ukrainian militants. our air defense systems managed. intercept over the region and destroy 16 rockets of the rszzo vampire, this is given by the ministry of defense, so preventive washing is mandatory with special products that clean from the inside. contain zealites, and it helps to sorb various
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elements that cause scale and remove them along with water, respectively , the acids that are contained in its composition help remove microorganisms that can cause an unpleasant odor, in cheaper powders it is a complexing agent... substances according to true, not all manufacturers add the same essence; you don’t have to overpay for acids, you need to pay attention to the composition. this also applies to gels for caring for washing machines, although it is better for the gel to dissolve in water, because part of the powder may not dissolve or something else may, let’s say, go wrong, it will come out with water. according to the method of use, carefully read the instructions. when we pour it into the tray, it goes along with the clothes, we wash it with the clothes, but this is daily care, but this way the consumption of the product is greater, this is one option, the second flood. once every couple of months. ruslan gunyaev, denis panomariov, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. travel is such
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a thing, once you set out on it, you won’t stop. so we won’t stop. yulia molostova invites us to siberia, this is the case when one can only regret that television has not learned to transmit. tastes and smells. what does siberia smell like? we are at a master class with local historian and director alena shaffer. the smells of the old city. what it is? something very sharp. that's right, it's tar. previously there were remedies for everything. first - mosquitoes and midges. and there’s no way without tar. therefore, the aroma in the city is always dictary in the summer. secondly, we are a fishing region. that’s why all the boats were oiled with tar , we continue to inhale, they smell of fir, of fir, so, why do you say fir, and not fir, this is such a local dialect, well, in general, probably yes, that is, that is , siberianism, yes, siberianism, so, this is turpentine,
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this is what the coachmen in tomsk smelled like, the coachman, in order to get to the european part of russia, he needs 2 months there and 2 months back, they rubbed their body with that same turpentine. coat on top and so we drove, they caught a cold, yes, so when they took off their fur coats at the inns, the smell was from the kipedarchik, siberian dumplings, with tea in the dough, tea distinguishes siberian dumplings from ural dumplings, because tea leaves were added to the dough of siberian dumplings, as an antiseptic, but what to do with meat in dumplings , they are taken out into the cold, and then into the oven, the process of sublimation is used to dry them, so these... after 2 months the eater had something to eat, pours these same perbags, closes it with a lid , something reminiscent of instant noodles , who invented siberians, here now it smells like dumplings, siberian
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ear-shaped, with rounded edges, often with game or fish, in kusbas it smells like coal, all over siberia there is forest, just imagine 30% of the country's reserves here, and how much cedar is there, i wonder. can cafe visitors guess what is in this cake? yes, tomsk has a gastronomic brand. 3 years ago it was invented by pastry chef anastasia cherkova, using local ingredients, which is most difficult for foreigners. dzelya from turkey, gabriel from venezuela, students of tomsk state university. cedar, honey, probably sausage, sausage - it's meat. and a berry that is not
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afraid of even siberian frosts, honeysuckle, we definitely recommend that all guests come to us in the summer, because in the summer it grows in every garden, so siberia still smells of berries and a little bathhouse. yulia molostova, denis panmarev and anton rmyonny, channel one. eniki, beniki, barely dumplings. i don’t know who these enniks and beniks are, but i understand them very well. dumplings are so delicious, this is how lenten dumplings are made, what are you saying? it shouldn’t be in the composition, and what’s with the dumpling tuck, yulia kozlova will tell you. dumplings help out during lent: there are a lot of vegetable, fruit and berry fillings, even though you eat different ones every day, but the lenten dough is not inferior to the usual one. to prepare lean dough , premium flour, water and sunflower oil are used, meanwhile the dough turns out tender, elastic, and does not become soft when cooked. just three ingredients, that's how it should be. be in a natural product, but what if the dough
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contains emulsifiers, thickeners, antioxidants and preservatives? are added to disguise the addition of low flour to the dough varieties, to give the most vibrant color, for example, the pronounced yellow color of the product indicates that a dye has clearly been added to the product. not only low-grade flour can be masked, but also the filling. the abundance of food additives in potatoes with mushrooms means that the manufacturer is clearly focusing on the main products. if you take selected potatoes, onions and porcini mushrooms, you won’t need any food. a semi-finished product ideally has the shortest possible composition and the correct shape. the ideal shape for dumplings is a crescent shape, since in this shape the ideal ratio of filling and dough is maintained. 60% filling and 40% dough. plus the tuck matters. the braid looks beautiful, but the layer of dough around the edge is too thick. the flat version is thinner and more delicate. many people think that it is less reliable and that the filling
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may escape during cooking, but this is not true. dumplings are placed in boiling water and do not allow boron to boil after boiling. an average dumpling takes 5-6 minutes to cook. the shelf life of frozen semi-finished products is from 3 to 6 months, but the closer the day of purchase is to the production date, the better. during storage temperature conditions may be disrupted. you definitely need to shake them, no matter what packaging they are in, in a bag or in a box, they... definitely must, well, let’s say, rattle. sticky broken dumplings are unacceptable, as well as snow or droplets of moisture in the packaging. this is important; violation of storage conditions affects not only the taste, but also the safety of the product. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, sergey myakin, tatyana yus, channel one. arctic hectare - a special program for russians, by participating in which you can get 1 hectare land absolutely free. taxes with the far eastern hectare. the heroes of our
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next report took advantage of this program and did not regret it at all. ilya denisov dreamed of his own tourist base for a long time. 3 years ago everything came true. the man even remembers the exact date: august 1, twenty-one. then the arctic hectare program started in kareli. before august 1st, i quickly drove through all these sections and looked at where everything was beautiful. and that’s it, and august 1st. at 0:00 i immediately quickly submitted an application on the internet. forest a lake tens of kilometers away, a busy highway. tourists come even out of season. i had a dacha here, 3 km away, so these places are a draw. i’m from bashkiria, where the climate is harsher than here. i wouldn't say it's north. maybe because they are receiving heat, the firewood is chopped, the house and bathhouse are heated. another time, some will take it, go around there in a circle, collect there, well, there are enough drying racks in such dry old trees. they’ll kick themselves, i tell you what to do, there’s firewood, no,
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we like it, although of course there’s plenty of entertainment, 12 months of fishing, in the cold, snowmobiles, skis, sleds, boats in the summer, swimming , picnics, and how many berries there are, each house has its own clearing, the lingonberry house, it’s located in a forest, there are just as many lingonberries here, anna brusnitsina has so many decorative flowers on a hectare, that she opened a workshop for the production of sweets from them, today we use pedera nut kernels, lingonberries, cranberries as fillings, we also made them with dried blueberries, they turn out delicious. do 2 kg per day. these gastronomic souvenirs from the yamal-nets autonomous okrug scattered throughout the country. soon tourists will be able to try them, so to speak, in the heat of the moment. i would like to create an ecological park in an ethnic style in this place, where such authentic objects can be accommodated. i would like to combine the comfort and traditions of the northern khanty and
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komiser people there. on the kola peninsula, friends ekaterina and maria organized something similar, it looked like an ordinary plague, but inside there was five-star comfort. turba. and ethnoparks are perhaps the most popular type of business among modern explorers of the arctic. next to us the village of lovozero is the center of sam culture, so we chose this type of location to support this story. there is also substance on their territory. yes, this sport has taken root on the northern lakes, it’s time to check how the boards have survived the winter, the ice will melt and people will start coming. even our grandfather rode there when he was 70 years old. looks like i'm going to have a rest this summer. let's go north. nikita kulakov, alena astrakhantseva, alexey gubanov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the star's inheritance the nineties are entering the home stretch. all participants in conflicts are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30
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years old? roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why son. the singer is sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged , i want to find out the truth, you recognize my dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, and you were getting divorced in the price, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine for me it was 26 years old blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov , premiered on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, i... the person i loved died i loved, probably the only love in my life. internet scammers come up with everything they can to steal our money. their main task is to force us to click on some malicious link, here they can be very inventive, they can, for example, pretend to be our close friends. i got it
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message in the messenger: please vote for my daughter, she... will have the opportunity to win the olympics. who writes? my old friend. below is a link to vote. i do not advise you to activate the support participants button. imagine that my friend’s account was hacked and now scammers are writing on his behalf. what could happen in this case? as soon as you click the link. a virus or remote access program will be downloaded to your mobile phone. this. this means scammers will have the opportunity to steal your login and password to the bank’s personal account , and then they steal money, so if you receive a similar message, first check whether your friend is really writing to you, to do this, just call him, and
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now let’s imagine ourselves in the place of the person from whom the scammers stole account and send text messages like this from it, what should he do? we warn your friends about hacking; you can do this on a social network or any work messenger. if the account contained personal data, for example, a photo of a plastic card, then we call the bank and block it. if your phone has an antivirus, activate it and scan your mobile phone. we need to make sure that there is no remote access program in it. if we want to restore our account, we write to the messenger support service. and when the account is restored, you need to check whether third-party gadgets are connected to it. go to settings, select device, see if there are active sessions other than yours? other people's sessions are connected, be sure to disconnect them or click the end all button
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other sessions. now you can use this account again. by the way, should you check from time to time which devices are connected to your messenger? i advise everyone, today internet security is an important part of our lives, i greet everyone who woke up and joined us, on the calendar march 28, thursday, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova, allow me one question early in the morning: do you know your neighbors next door? well, okay, but at least be friends with them in the stairwell? if not, i think it’s worth getting to know each other and making friends. in difficult life situations , such acquaintances are very helpful. this is my house, 14 entrances, 504 apartments, there are 251 people (50%) in the general house chat, but even this is enough to feel comfortable and calm, if anything happens, help will always come.
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yes, it seems like they’re just neighbors, to whom we often don’t pay attention, but if you start communicating with them, it can pleasantly surprise you. for example, someone’s pipe burst. the neighbors are not at home, we urgently call the emergency lights, all services are urgently connected, maria senitsina created a chat to discuss organizational issues, collect signatures or funds, i didn’t even think that she was... also a psychologist, took courses, but helping out on the road is not discussed at all, i myself have found myself on the side of the road more than once, you always see if on the road someone is standing, or they vote or
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don’t vote, you understand that you probably need help, i stopped, i always have a spare wheel, i always have a wheel, i have a jack, i went to a tire service once, i went home to get a wheel, i didn’t even have wheel man. 4 years ago, ksenia rozhdestvenskaya moved to podmoskovny korolev, in order to make friends , organized a community of young mothers, now... there are more than 500 people there, there was one moment of such severe depression, i immediately understood that i needed a specialist right now, i just can’t bring it up, it doesn’t work, i wrote: girls, there is a psychologist among you in our microdistrict, we need it right now, and a girl wrote to me, she turned out to be right in the next house, and nadezhda ivanova’s blood pressure dropped sharply, she also asked for help, and a girl came from the next building and measured it for me pressure, did it to me hot sweet tea, put me to bed, sat with me for a while , saw that i... not only the one who was helped, but also the one who
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helped, supported or simply , and it always works in both directions, smiled well. ruslan yunyaev, elnur valeakhmetov, anatoly brikalov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. spring has come, its signs are visible everywhere, the sun is warming up. the snow is melting, and electric scooters have also appeared on the streets, this is also a sign of spring, so dear pedestrians and drivers, be careful, and by the way, all lovers of so-called personal mobility devices, remember, you are now drivers too and must follow the rules, all over the country they are on the streets again, electric scooters, the season has started, kick-sharing services are working again, all safety is monitored through... just make a video or photo, remember the address where the violation occurred, the time when it happened, and transfer this information to the service, we receive
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this information, check it, if the violation is confirmed, then we issue a fine, or we block the intruder. the plans include mandatory testing for knowledge of traffic rules before the first trip, all right in the application. anna grebenshchikova, andrey ivanov, dmitry roshkov, channel one. don't miss, today on channel one the continuation of the serial detective taxi under cover. lieutenant alexei turbin has a new task, he needs to find out who is stealing bus stops, in this case everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. why take a taxi? yes, what would you ask? no, it’s interesting, isn’t it? we answer, alexey turbin, a lieutenant working undercover, patrols the city day and night, seemingly an ordinary taxi driver. the director of the film, stas shmilev, immediately understood that he wanted to see dmitry vlaskin in this role. to me. i really like how he smiles good-naturedly, as it turned out , dima doesn’t play all this, so when you see on the screen how he breaks into this
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wide smile, how kind he is, you will see the absolutely real dima vlaskin. the main question during the auditions is: does he drive a car well? i said, immediately, i said, very much, and he’s like, everything’s great. the turbine has no partners, perhaps a car? their relationship begins gradually, he checks. what speed can he afford, how powerful is the engine , it seems like an ordinary car, on the roads it is capable of doing powerful things, but what was the problem, it was difficult to accelerate, because usually there were three cameras somewhere on all sides, there was a car so loaded from the right to the left in front, and i had to drive along the st. petersburg street, play, or pretend to be serious, that is, some kind of policeman, the car is exclusive, the bosses are blowing away a speck of dust. not from the turbine from the car, but what’s wrong with the face? did you hit the steering wheel? about this steering wheel? that
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’s right, if i see at least one scratch on the car, i’ll kill it, the scratch on alexei’s face is of concern, except perhaps for his ex-wife, she called her to the cafe, why? then you fell, or something else, this is how to live with you? alexey solves a crime almost every day, his superiors have no idea... this is already this evening, while patrolling the streets of st. petersburg. i decided that st. petersburg was being treated somewhat unfairly. and this is a grey, oppressive, rainy, dull city in which it is hard. we immediately decided that our st. petersburg would be different. it will be
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sunny and incredibly beautiful. speed, attentiveness. this is how complicated cases are revealed, there will be love and also undercover, a new episode is already tonight on channel one, an undercover taxi, that’s all, everyone is free, maria bronzova, victoria bolenskaya, channel one, now there’s a news release on channel one, hello, news is on air. in the studio of sergei tugushev. vladimir putin visited the 344 combat use center and retraining of army aviation personnel of the ministry of defense. it is located in the tver region. the head of state visited there on a working trip. this institution has mastered all types of helicopters in service with the russian army aviation. the president examined samples of military flight equipment, weapons and simulators. in addition, the head of state
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spoke with military pilots undergoing training at the center. vladimir putin noted the enormous contribution that aviation makes to achieving the success of a special operation. during the conversation the conversation also turned to the fact that nato countries intimidate their populations with an imaginary russian threat, which in reality does not exist. we have no aggressive intentions towards these states, and we would never have done anything in ukraine if they had not carried out a coup there, and then started military operations in the donbass, they started the war. attacks on some other countries, on poland, the baltic states, etc., already there they scare all the czechs, just nonsense, another way to deceive their population to drink from people
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additional expenses, force them to bear this time on their own. and earlier vladimir putin met with the governor of the tver region igor rudeni. the head of the region, in particular , told the president about measures to reduce population outflow. i think the problem you know in the regions of the central federal district, especially the north, north-west, north-east is when our residents go to work in large cities. therefore, today the creation of new high-tech jobs makes it possible. it’s not just for us to retain the youth, the working population, but to engage demography, demography , a reduction in the permanent population, yes it is, but our decline has slowed down, because we have formed, created a ministry of family demographic policy, we have increased the number of large families, and sincere residents, we have our own
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regional support measures, to special operations news on... this allowed our fighters to improve their positions and install a new camera to track and move the enemy. accordingly, we saw in the early hours there from 6 to 7 am at evening time and saw the enemy rotation through the thermal imager. accordingly, today we will conduct additional reconnaissance, and after that we will hit the enemy stronghold in real time. in the kherson region, our artillery destroyed temporary deployment points in the ssu on the right bank of the dnieper. the crews of the towed gaubis giotsinb worked with the support of the zal drone operators. they were able to detect the enemy and immediately transmit his coordinates to the firing point. a few minutes later
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there was a blow. they hit the militants from a distance about 20 km. the united nations pointed out the kiev regime's discrimination against the russian-speaking population through the law on national minorities. this is stated in a new un report on the human rights situation in ukraine. it covers the period from december to the end of february. they also drew attention to the harassment faced by priests and parishioners of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church. specific facts of intimidation and attacks on representatives of the uoc and the faith have been established.
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journalist svetlana arrested in estonia burtseva. she wrote articles and took photographs for a russian-language online publication that is under eu sanctions. burtseva was taken into custody at the beginning of march, but this became known only now. and the last thing: the conditional saboteurs were discovered and destroyed. as part of an exercise currently taking place in the irkutsk region, russian missilemen are mastering new combat patrol areas. at the same time, he works out the tasks set taking into account the experience of the svo. increased attention is paid to the protection of complex columns yars. so, on the way of one of them, our fighters discovered a group of a fictitious enemy who was trying to mine the road. the military entered
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the battle and eliminated the danger. also, when searching for saboteurs, a group in helicopters and drone crews were used. in total , more than 3,000 military personnel and about 300 pieces of equipment are involved in the maneuvers. that's all for now. with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program. dogs need active games; with their help, our pets better adapt to unfamiliar situations and relieve stress fatigue and learn not to be afraid of strangers. asya titova and her faithful assistant cinnamon will now show us everything. cinnamon is not the most obedient dog. if she sees something interesting on the street, it is very, very difficult to switch her attention. it turns out that there are special games that can help in such cases, and they also relieve unnecessary anxiety in dogs.
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i propose to learn how to play them today. let's go burn. and we will play with dog handler valeria popova. good morning. hello. she says the right games help the dog quickly relieve stress and return to reality. these are repetitive. which bring pleasure to the dog, such actions are also used for people , for example, eating a chocolate bar, scrolling through a feed on social networks, that is, this is such a quick dopamine, and so it is, dopamine is a hormone of pleasure, the dog itself can also get it if chews on sticks or a leash, runs after the tail or eats snow, but games are healthier, i show her two pieces and offer to try to get them, she can try to gnaw, she can try to scratch with her paws, she can lick, but i’ll give her these pieces only when she looks at me, where the dog is looking, and that’s what she’s thinking, so it’s very important to teach her to look at you, eyes, yes, cinnamon quickly
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mastered the rules, let’s complicate it, now we’ll put the piece on the floor , looked into the eyes , we give the command: look, you can eat the treat, eyes, yes, look, in this exercise attention... can be held much longer, if something that worries the dog happens next to it, it is much more pleasant for it again look at me, eat food again and have no time to be distracted. and the third most fun game, it can be used when the dog does not follow the command to me. i show cinnamon a piece, ask him to walk a little behind it, and speed up the piece. the dog chases the piece with pleasure; you need to give the treat at the peak of fun. cinnamon played and ate, to other stimuli. does not pay any attention, which is why these games are also called anti-anxiety: the dog can be switched to them in almost any situation. it turns out that you are the most
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interesting object for a dog on the street, who will give him a treat, play, of course, all her attention will be directed to you. yes cinnamon, come on, come on, come on, come on! we look at the calendar, just a few days into april, spring is in full swing. turnover, which means that the topic of losing weight by summer is becoming more and more relevant for many, they say that bran helps well, they say that now sports nutritionist alina lychagina will enlighten us on this, and at the same time she will tell us how else they can be useful. offal is a crushed shell of grains, wheat, rye, oats, the principle of action is similar to activated coal, they absorb toxic substances. there are also a lot of vitamins and microelements in the grain shell, it would seem that everyone should eat this healthy product, but that’s not the case, bran is contraindicated. diseases of the stomach and
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intestines and not only, so before you start taking it, consult your doctor. also remember, bran can reduce the effect of medications, so take them at least 2 hours after the tablets. which bran to choose? granular. this is convenient, they do not crumble, but flavor enhancers are added to them . i prefer absolutely natural, so-called loose bran. when purchasing, look at the production date on the packaging. it is good if the product is made during the grain harvest season. the bran should not be bitter. they have almost no taste. also, in order for the grain shell to work fully, we need to drink a lot, because bran is like any cleaning agent, it must be washed off. we take it half an hour before. before meals, drink
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a glass of water; by the way, once in the stomach, bran swells and leads to faster saturation. for those who dream of resetting excess weight, this is a great way to reduce portions. bran can also be added to dough or prepared food. we season vegetable salads with dry bran, and if you want to put it in porridge,... then it’s better to soak it: pour a teaspoon of powder with half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, drain off the excess liquid, put the mixture into the porridge, bon appetit and good health to you. i greet everyone who woke up and decided to greet a new spring day with the first channel. on the calendar march 28, thursday. i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina. spring -
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wedding time. i studied wedding statistics and discovered an interesting fact. it turns out that russians have begun to officially register marriages more often. let's find out why. meet the bride and groom. top five reasons to register your marriage officially. first of all, it's beautiful. is your desire to become spouses mutually sincere? your answer: probably every bride since childhood imagines herself in a wedding dress and veil. the dream came true, the white dress, the sweat, the groom, so everything came together for us, all our wishes, thoughts and dreams, of course, i dreamed and dreamed for all 4 years, but still decided to live together first, test feelings, so to speak, at first girls just dream, when they grow up they enter into a relationship, a stamp, a pledge.
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we have this strain in our passport, i love you, you yes, you can say as much as you want, why do you love me, we love each other and everything is so wonderful and wonderful, but it will be easier for a woman to trust a man if they are in an official marriage, she understands that she is married, to be even more honest, we think he won’t go anywhere else, but men, she too, so for the stronger sex, going to the store is a plus, men also benefit from it, pleasure from the fact that a man knows: this woman will not leave, that’s it, here’s the ring, look , she is mine. reason number three: official relations secure the property rights of husband and wife; everything acquired during marriage is joint property. right to inheritance, spouses-heirs of the first priority by default. even find out about the health status of your other half if she was hospitalized, this is only possible if you have a stamp in your passport. only close relatives have access to the intensive care unit and access to information about his health. spouse, children and parents.
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the cohabitant may be refused to provide such information. fourth, it’s beneficial for an official marriage, consider it yourself. the tax deduction for an apartment can be applied for twice. it can be issued by both husband and wife. also, if one of the spouses gives the other some kind of real estate, apartment, car, dacha or, for example, shares, then personal income tax in the amount of 13% of the value will not have to be paid. another a reason to confess your feelings or repeat your first dance to your song, like chelysheva, when we danced this song again, we looked at each other with such love, like show me, we look at each other, so the spouses danced to the golden anniversary, this is it ring 50. years old, he lost it three times
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at the dacha, twice twice at the dacha, he immortalized it in cement once, they joke, that’s why love is so strong. let me remind you that the calendar says thursday march 28th, and let’s find out the astrological forecast for today. march 28, eighteenth the lunar day meets the nineteenth, the ninth day of the sun, like yesterday 's good-natured, understanding, and at the same time responsive, one might say, prone to patronage if you need to establish contact with your superiors or some important people, become part of an unfamiliar company or get... help is your day. he also has good intuition and a sharp mind. he knows how to solve complex problems, as long as no one distracts him. this is a very good day to put something in order and bring it into system. on the downsides: he is picky, boring at times, promises more than he delivers. on days like these, we love to teach everyone.
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for aries, this may end in some kind of grievances, so do not rush to give advice unless you are asked to do so. remember that your opinion is not necessarily the only correct one, but aries is the boss. the stars advise you to let go a little, otherwise the day is successful and quite profitable. today taurus are active, energetic, very charming, and the fact that irritation and fatigue are hidden under all this will be noticed only by those closest to you, but the evening will lift your spirits, only let's go without alcohol. for gemini, this day will help improve their personal life. gemini men, if you can’t decide to propose, seize the moment. about the risks, you can lose something or be late somewhere. so take a closer look, a productive day for crayfish, your skills will be very useful to calmly, without rushing to weigh everything, some old debt or forgotten promise may come up, so what to do, and in the evening, expect guests? leo is having a great day, one of those days when even difficult things are done quickly without extra
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effort, an urgent trip is possible after lunch, be careful while driving and take care of your personal data and on a good day, the main thing is not to put too much pressure on yourself. leave something to others, among other things , you can try to beg something from your superiors, the evening is clearly preparing something like a date for you. something romantic can happen to libra, however, they may have no need for it, but here the stars are powerless, see for yourself, after dinner you may have to resolve someone else’s conflict, be careful with this, otherwise you will find yourself to blame, it will be evening just cozy and homely, scorpios just have a good day when everything works out and not even... a little bit of luck, just be careful with money, count it carefully and don’t get caught in any tempting offers to quickly earn extra money, calmness and patience will not interfere with sagittarius, a day from those when not everything goes according to plan and not everyone is ready to meet you halfway, the advice illuminated that if something
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doesn’t want to work out, just put it off until tomorrow, and some secret may be revealed to you today. capricorn's day it may start out somewhat nervously, someone did not understand something, failed, or was late. and the equipment may become capricious, but by lunchtime the situation will improve, and the evening will be completely pleasant. capricorn ladies are simply charming today, and men will certainly notice this. for aquarius, this day will help you improve something, establish something, benefit from something, and you may also fall in love completely unexpectedly, but that’s another story, and the stars are not ready to talk about it yet. something unplanned may happen to pisces, a trip, for example, or some news may appear. a person whom you have not seen for a long time and whom you will be glad to see. in general, something interesting and new. good luck to you. today is the birthday of the washing machine. it was on march 28, exactly 227 years ago, that inventor nathaniel brix patented
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a washing machine. it was a wooden box with a frame, not at all like the gadget we use to do laundry today. our correspondent ruslan yunyaev could not ignore such a date and decided to find out. how to properly care for washing machines of the 21st century? to the washing machine did not reach a repairman; it needs to be looked after regularly more than once a year. we start with a powder tray; over time, a coating forms on its surfaces. when we clean the tray, we must not forget, you can take an old toothbrush and clean the nozzles here, the water flows from here and takes away the sweet detergent. don’t forget about the cuff, clean it and ... ideally after every wash, otherwise mold develops and eats into the elastic, hence the characteristic smell, then the problems become more serious. the most expensive repair from hard water means replacing the bearing assembly; the seal loses its tightness due to hard water, water gets
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into the bearing, washes out the lubricant, and accordingly it fails. the repair is half the price of the car, a sign of such a problem: the noise is like coming from an airplane turbine. also , the shade suffers from hard water, becomes covered with a limescale deposit, it can... accordingly, the acids contained in them can cause an unpleasant odor. it contains complexing agents that help remove microorganisms; cheaper powders substances are essentially the same thing, you don’t have to overpay, however, not all manufacturers add acids, you need to pay attention to the composition. this also applies to gels for caring for washing machines, although the gel will dissolve better in water, because part of the powder may not dissolve or something else may, let’s say, go wrong, it will come out with water. according to the method of use, we carefully read the instructions: when we pour it into the tray, it goes along with the clothes, we wash it with
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the clothes, but this is daily care, but so is the consumption more funds, this is one option, the second is to pour or pour into the drum and idling for 30 minutes at a temperature of 60°, once every couple of months. ruslan gunyaev, denis panomariov, anatoly brikalov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. bandyrenysh, dmitry yarosh, raised a generation.
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gin сnop a product of the stellar group, cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. the will of zhenya belousov, the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all parties to the conflict our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why, man? writes a will at age 30. roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted
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to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. you know, to be honest, no. have you ever gotten divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us; just imagine, 26 years later it was such a blow for me. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first, when you were entering inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, a journey, such a thing, it’s worth going on it, already if you don’t stop, we won’t stop either, yulia molostova invites us to siberia, and this is the case when one can only regret that television
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has not learned to convey tastes and smells. what does siberia smell like? we are at a master class with local historian and director alena shaffer. smells of the old cities. what it is? something very sharp. that's right, it's money. previously there were remedies for everything. first, mosquitoes. to get to the european part of russia , he needed 2 months there and 2 months back,
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they rubbed the body with that skiped bag, a fur coat on top, and so they rode without catching a cold, and that’s why when they took off their fur coats at the inns, the smell was like a stick of siberian dumplings with tea in the dough, tea distinguishes siberian dumplings from ural dumplings, because tea leaves were added to the dough of siberian dumplings. as an antiseptic, but what about meat in dumplings, they are taken out into the cold, and then into the oven, the process of sublimation is used to dry them, and after 2 months the person who eats had something to eat, pours these in. the dumplings are covered with a lid, does it remind you of anything? instant noodles , who invented siberians? here now it smells like dumplings, siberian in the shape of an ear, with rounded edges, often with game or fish. kusbas smells of coal, all over siberia there is forest, just imagine, 30% of the country’s reserves
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are here, and how much cedar? i wonder if the cafe visitors will guess what is in this cake? yes? tomsk has a gastronomic brand. 3 years ago it was invented by pastry chef anastasia cherkova, from local ingredients - the most difficult for a foreigner. dilya from turkey gabriel from venezuela, students of tomsk state university. khedrovo and re, honey, probably sausage? sausage is meat. tamyachi, help me out. ivan, tea, perhaps some kind of caramel, is probably present.
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after this, lower the load and perform the unraveling. in addition to open simulators, there are closed ones, for example, a cabin equipped with three monitors so that students can see the working the site from all sides, everything is like in reality. separately, a cluster for digital metalworking was opened at the technical school. here we have a laser cutting machine, a metal cutting machine, a lathe, for
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students this is an opportunity to gain additional professional skills. such clusters are opened thanks to the federal government. professionalism to the project, now there are 220 of them in 68 regions of the country, here students receive in-demand specialties in a short time, turn on the machine, sew the upper seam-sleeve, in ivanovo polytechnic college trains tailor operators of the sewing department and visual sewing equipment, there are embroidery machines, there are regular machines, there are semi-automatic machines, all the equipment is new, the fact that our enterprise in our region of ivanovo and...
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opened six clusters at once, our most popular clusters are mechanical engineering technology and the production of aircraft and space technology. upon completion of our technical school, students receive a diploma of secondary vocational education and law work on machines. all equipment is new; for training, 12 zones were created for different types of work, milling, metalworking, turning. workshops in colleges across the country are equipped, in part, thanks to. national education project, this is a lathe, on it we process parts that we cannot simply take, put on the table and process with a tool, this is a milling machine, on it we already process flat parts, students come to enterprises as ready-made specialists, april 20 in all professional clusters a single open day will be held in 79 regions
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. marina vakhrusheva, elena savina, channel one. and now there is a news broadcast on channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin, during a working trip to the tver region, visited the 344th center for combat use and retraining of army aviation personnel of the ministry of defense. this institution has mastered all types. in the center. one of the questions concerned nato’s plans to supply american f-16 fighter jets to ukraine. if they deliver the f-16, they are talking about it, pilots
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preparing. i think you understand this better than anyone else, better than anyone else. you will not change the situation on the field. and we will destroy their aircraft the same way we destroy them today. when organizing combat work, video recording of communication was carried out taking into account the fact that these pilots are working in the home zone, so we do not show their faces. during the conversation, we talked
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about the fact that like our entire country, the army is also multinational. as the president noted, representatives of all faiths are now showing their best on the battlefield peoples of russia. and he said that we need to be very careful about our interethnic and interfaith world. 72 and 801. i listen to our people, there are such people everywhere, in any society, when i listen to such urapatriots, including those who say that russia is only for russians, you know, i have a feeling of trio, why, because, if you keep in mind that we have 190 ethnic groups living on the territory of the country, and some...
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resistance almost to the last soldier, all because the ukrainian command began to intimidate its own subordinates with reprisals against their relatives, according to our fighters, the enemy would punish them if they surrendered. on the air we heard the work of the commanders, they were saying that... their families will be slaughtered, that is, they know where their relatives live, they should not leave their positions under any circumstances, so the enemy is forced to remain in their positions, although they are morally ready to surrender,
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their prisoners say , that they have a bad attitude towards them in their troops, that they are thrown to the front line like meat, he says, well, they don’t have rotation, they don’t take them out, don’t change them, they don’t rest, in severodonetsk direction of the blow to obrazhsky. the unit attacked the crew and mi-28 helicopters and hit them with unguided missiles. according to air controllers, all targets , camouflaged enemy equipment and infantry, have been eliminated. the belgorod region again found itself under fire from ukrainian militants; our air defense systems managed to intercept 16 vampire rocket launchers over the region. according to the ministry of defense, there were no casualties. however, several buildings were damaged and their windows were broken. these are several apartment buildings houses, schools, kindergartens, clinics. in addition, eight cars were damaged, two of them were completely burned out.
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the conditional saboteurs were discovered and destroyed. as part of the exercises currently taking place in the irkutsk region, russian missile specialists are mastering new combat patrol areas. and at the same time they work out the tasks set taking into account the experience of the svo. increased attention is paid to the protection of the yars column complexes. so, on the way of one of them, our fighters. a group of a fictitious enemy who was trying to mine the road. military entered the battle and eliminated the danger. also, when searching for saboteurs , a group in helicopters and drone crews were used. in total, more than 3.00 military personnel and about 300 pieces of equipment are involved in the maneuvers. and lastly, in the greek province of magnisia, farmers began to find rockets in the fields with the arrival of spring. boxes with ammunition, probably aircraft or anti-tank, as local media write. discovered a military base in the vicinity, in the fall after a powerful hurricane, it was flooded, first agricultural work, the surfaced shells began to represent danger for farmers, the situation outraged
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the greek parliamentarians, vote for my daughter, she will have the opportunity to win the olympics, who writes? my old friend, below is a link to voting, i do not advise you to activate the support participants button, imagine that my friend’s account was hacked and now scammers are writing on his behalf, what could
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happen? in this case, as soon as you click the link, a virus or remote access program will be downloaded to your mobile phone. this means scammers will have the opportunity to steal your login and password to your bank account, and then they will steal your money, so if you receive such a message, first check whether your friend is really writing to you. to do this, you just need to call him. now come on. let's imagine ourselves in the place of a person whose account has been stolen by scammers and they are sending the following text messages from it: what should he do? we warn his friends about the hacking; this can be done on a social network or any work messenger. if the account contained personal data, for example, a photo of a plastic card, then we call the bank and block it. if your phone has an antivirus, activate it and scan
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your mobile phone. we need to make sure. does it have a remote access program? if we want to restore our account, we write to the messenger support service. when the account is restored, you need to check whether third-party gadgets are connected to it. go to settings, select device, see if there are active sessions other than yours? other people's sessions are connected, be sure to disconnect them or click the end all button other sessions. now you can use this account again, by the way, check from time to time which devices are connected to your messenger, i advise everyone, today internet security is an important part of our lives, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, vegetable horn, a universal dish suitable for breakfast, lunch, as a side dish and as a meal on its own, but if you
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suddenly don’t like the stew, maybe you just don’t know how to cook stew, chef igor molotkin has an excellent recipe, let’s let's see: breakfast or lunch, with guests or in the family circle, vegetable stew is always appropriate, i will tell you how to make the dish even tastier, i have already chopped the vegetables, sauté the onions until transparent, add potatoes and carrots, lastly i add zucchini, it cooks faster in total, i cover the frying pan with a lid, simmer the vegetables for another 20 minutes, and in the meantime i prepare a fragrant dressing, chop the garlic, herbs, what is the aroma, season
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the stew. vegetables, salt and pepper the dish, but that ’s not all, mix the roga, let it brew for another 5 minutes, sprinkle with chopped cilantro, vegetable the stew with melted cheese turned out tender, juicy with a pleasant creamy taste, fresh herbs and garlic dressing made the taste of the dish even brighter, i welcome... everyone who woke up and joined us, on the calendar march 28, thursday, in the studio today with you i, ekaterina strizhinova, and let me ask you one question early in the morning: do you know your neighbors next door? well, okay , at least be friends with them on the staircase, if not, i think it’s worth getting acquainted and making friends. in difficult life situations, such acquaintances are very helpful. this is my home,
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14 entrances to 504 apartments, there are 251 people (50%) in the general building chat, but even this is enough to feel comfortable and calm, what happens? help will always come, yes, it seems like they’re just neighbors, to whom we often don’t pay attention, but if you start communicating with them, it can pleasantly surprise you, for example, someone’s pipe has burst, the neighbors are not at home, we urgently call an emergency, urgently all services are connected, maria senitsina created a chat to discuss organizational issues, collect signatures or funds, not even i thought that it would be so useful, a man fell ill in our entrance, he had to be taken out from the eighth floor to the ambulance, because two young girls arrived asking the men to help, by the way, you need to take out an adult and an old man, we contacted the response the first to respond to this request, the elderly man was taken downstairs, loaded into an ambulance, and perhaps saved his life, sometimes,
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who were physically unable to support even a random person nearby, just ask how you are, says taxi driver artyom volasovich, he is still psychologist, took courses, but helping out on the road is not discussed at all, i myself have found myself on the side of the road more than once, you always see if there is someone on the road... they either vote or don’t vote, you understand that you probably need help, i i stopped, i always have a spare wheel, i always have a wheel, i have a jack, i went to a tire shop once, i went home to get a wheel, the person didn’t even have a wheel. 4 years ago, ksenia rozhdestvenskaya moved to korolev near moscow to make friends, organized a community of young mothers, now there are more than 500 people there, there was such a strong depression at one point, i just realized that i needed a specialist right now. i can’t get it out, it doesn’t work, and i wrote: girls, there is a psychologist among you in our neighborhood, we need it right now, and the girl wrote to me, she ended up right in the next house, and nadezhda ivanova’s blood pressure dropped sharply, she also asked for help , and she came from the next
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building, the girl took my blood pressure, made me some hot sweet tea, put me to bed and sat with me for a while, i looked at what was improving me, collected my tonometer and left, as if i didn’t know the name of this person, i honestly don’t know, as if by sight, maybe i won’t recognize it either, but the very fact... that something suddenly happens to you , you always have someone to turn to, and it always works in both directions, it’s good not only for the one who was helped, but also for the one who helped, supported or simply smiled. ruslan yunyaev, elnur valiakhmetov, anatoly brikalov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. spring has come, its signs are visible everywhere, the sun is warming up, the snow is melting, and they appeared on the streets, electric scooters. this is also a sign of spring. so, dear. pedestrians and drivers, be careful, and by the way, all lovers of so-called personal mobility devices, remember, you are now drivers too and must follow the rules. all over the country they are back on the streets,
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electric scooters, the season has started, kick-sharing services are working again. all safety is monitored through the application, they show broken scooters, they show discharged scooters, the service team, when they arrive at the place, checks the brakes, checks. v stand for looseness. now every rental scooter has license plates, which means it will become easier to track them using cameras. we remind you that from march 1 last year, we equated electric scooters with wheels, hoverboards to transport, designated them as a means of individual mobility, and also prescribed traffic rules. 25 km/h speed limit, driving is allowed only on bicycle paths, or if there are none, on the edge of the roadway on the right. or on sidewalks, but if the sim driver moves on the sidewalk, then he must give way to all pedestrians, if he crosses a pedestrian crossing, then the driver must dismount, in general, become a pedestrian, and if on a personal scooter
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you have to regulate the speed yourself, you simply won’t be able to accelerate on a rental scooter, there are limiters, parks, squares, etc. those places where there are a lot of pedestrians, so in such places we introduce additional speed limit zones, they also work automatically when you enter such a zone... the scooter itself slows down to the permitted speed, more often in total it is 10 or 15 km/h. what else is important: one vehicle, one passenger. for the second year now, we have been testing technology that allows the scooter to understand that it is traveling with more than one passenger; already this season we hope to bring this accuracy to 95-100%. the scooter will tell you: you are breaking the rules, continue the ride with one passenger on the scooter, if suddenly the user does not hear it. then the scooter will simply stop and not go further, there is a fine for riding together, traffic police officers have every right to stop violators, the fine is for all types of violations 800 rubles. with the exception of driving a sim while intoxicated, in
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the amount of 1. to 1500 rubles. if there is a victim, it all depends on the harm caused to the victim and the degree of guilt of the driver of this sim. operators of kick-sharing companies ask that if you see a violation, please report it. it is best to take a video or photo, remember the address where the violation occurred, the time when it happened, and transfer this information to the service. we receive this information, check it, if the violation is confirmed, then we write it out.
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dogs need active games; with their help, our pets better adapt to unfamiliar situations, relieve stress and fatigue, and learn not to be afraid of strangers. asya titova and her faithful assistant cinnamon will now show us everything. cinnamon is not the most obedient dog if she sees something interesting on the street.
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it turns out that there are special games that can switch her attention in a very, very difficult way, to help in such cases, and they also relieve unnecessary anxiety in dogs, i suggest today we learn how to play them, let’s go, fight, we’ll play with dog handler valeria popova, good morning, hello, she says, the right games help the dog quickly relieve stress and return to reality, these are repeated actions that bring pleasure to the dog for... such actions are also used, for example, eating a chocolate bar, scrolling through the feed on social networks, that is, this is such a fast dopamine, yes , it is, dopamine is a hormone of pleasure, the dog itself can also get it if it chews on sticks or a leash, runs after its tail or eats snow, but games are healthier, i show it two pieces and offer to try get them she can try to gnaw, she can try to scratch with her paws, she can lick, but i will give her these pieces only... when she looks at me. where your dog
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looks is what he thinks about, so it is very important to teach him to look at you. eyes. yes. cinnamon quickly learned the rule. let's complicate it. now we will place the piece on the floor. she looked him in the eyes and gave the command: look, you can eat the treat. eyes. yes, look for it. in this exercise, attention can be maintained much longer if something that passes the dog without... happens next to it, it it’s much nicer to look at me again, eat food again and have no time to be distracted. and the third is the most fun game, it can be used when the dog does not follow the command to me. i show cinnamon a piece, ask him to walk a little behind it, and speed up the piece. the dog chases the piece with pleasure, the treat must be given away at the peak of fun, the cinnamon played and ate, and does not pay any attention to other stimuli. that's why these games are also called
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anti-anxiety games. the dog can be switched to them in almost any situation. it turns out that you are the most interesting object for a dog on the street, who will treat him and play with him. of course, all her attention will be directed to you. yes cinnamon, come on, come on, come on, come on. eniki, beniki, barely dumplings. i don’t know who these eniki and beniki are, but i understand them very well. it’s so delicious, this is how lenten dumplings are made, what shouldn’t be in them and what’s wrong with the dumpling tuck, yulia kozlova will tell you. dumplings help out during lent: there are a lot of vegetable, fruit and berry fillings, even though you eat different ones every day, but the lenten dough is not inferior to the usual one. for to prepare lean dough , high-grade flour, water and sunflower oil are used, meanwhile the dough turns out tender and...
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there are only three ingredients as they should be in a natural product, but what if the dough contains emulsifiers, thickeners, antioxidants and preservatives. they are added to disguise the addition of low -grade flour to the dough, to give the brightest color, for example, the pronounced yellow color of the product indicates that dye has clearly been added to the product. not only low-grade flour can be masked, but also the filling, in abundance. additives in potatoes with mushrooms means that the manufacturer clearly saved on basic products. if you take selected potatoes, onions and porcini mushrooms, you won’t need any food. semi-finished product ideally with maximum. short composition and correct shape. the ideal shape for dumplings is a crescent shape, as this shape maintains the ideal ratio of filling to dough. 60% filling and 40% dough. plus the tuck matters. the braid looks beautiful, but the layer of dough around the edge is too thick. the flat version is thinner and
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tenderer. many people think that it is less reliable and that the filling may escape during cooking, but this is not true. dumplings are put into boiling water and... do not allow boron to boil after boiling; on average, the dumplings are cooked for 5-6 minutes. the shelf life of frozen semi-finished products is from 3 to 6 months, but the closer the day of purchase is to the production date, the better. during storage , temperature conditions may be disrupted. you definitely need to shake them, no matter what packaging they are in, in a bag or in a box, they must, well, let’s say, rattle. stuck together broken dumplings are unacceptable, as well as snow or droplets of moisture in the packaging. this is important; violation of storage conditions affects not only the taste, but the safety of the product. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, sergey myakin, tatyana yus, channel one. arctic hectare is a special program for russians, by participating in which you can get 1 hectare of land absolutely free,
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similar to the far eastern hectare. the heroes of our next report took advantage of this program and did not regret it at all. ilya denisov dreamed of his own tourist base for a long time, 3 years ago everything came true, the man even remembers the exact date, august 1, twenty-one, then the arctic hectare program started in kareli, i quickly drove through all these areas before august 1, looked at where everything was beautiful, that’s it, august 1 at 000 i immediately quickly submitted an application on the internet to a forest lake tens of kilometers away on a busy highway.
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water, snowmobiles, skis, sleds, boats in the summer, swimming, picnics, and how many berries there are, each house has its own clearing, the lingonberry house is located in a forest, it’s just like here there are more lingonberries, anna brusnitsina has so many decoros on a hectare that she opened a workshop for the production of sweets from them, as a filling today we use pine nut kernels, lingonberries, cranberries, we also made dried blueberries, they are delicious...
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already organized with looks like an ordinary plague, inside the comfort is five stars. camp sites and ethnoparks are perhaps the most popular type of business among modern explorers of the arctic. the village of lovozero next to us is the center of sam culture, so we chose this type of accommodation, to support this story. there is also substance on their territory. yes, this sport has taken root on the northern lakes, it’s time to check how the boards have survived the winter, the ice will melt and people will start coming. even substances. our grandfather skated there at the age of 70, it seems we’ll go on vacation to the north this summer, nikita kulakov, alena astrakhantseva, alexy gubanov, yulia kuvabina, channel one. don't miss the continuation of the multi-part undercover taxi detective series on channel one today. lieutenant alexei turbin has
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a new task, we need to find out who is stealing bus stops, in this matter everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. why by taxi? what would you ask? no, that’s interesting, isn’t it? we answer: alexey turbin, a lieutenant working undercover, he patrols the city day and night, seemingly an ordinary taxi driver. the director of the film, stas shmilev, immediately understood that he wanted to see dmitry vlaskin in this role. i really like how he smiles good-naturedly, as it turns out, dima doesn’t play all this, that’s when you see on the screen how he blurs out in this wide smile. how kind he is, you will see the absolutely real dima vlaskin. the main question during the auditions is: does he drive a car well? i said, immediately, i said, very, and he was like, everything is great. no, turbin has partners, maybe a car? their relationship is gradually born, he checks what speed he can afford, how powerful
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the engine is, it seems like an ordinary car, on the roads it is capable of doing powerful things, but what was the problem, it was difficult to accelerate, because usually there were three where- then cameras from everyone on the sides the car was loaded like this, right left front, i had to drive along the st. petersburg street, play something. to pretend to be serious, serious, it means some kind of policeman, the car, the dust is blowing away, not from the turbine with the car, but what is it with the face , but i hit the steering wheel, this steering wheel, it’s definitely a washer too, if i see even one scratch on the car, i’ll kill it , the scratches on alexei’s face are of concern only to his ex-wife, she called her to the cafe, why, did you fall, or what? so, this is how to live with you? alexey almost every day solves the crime, the authorities are indignant, demands that special attention be paid to bus
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stops, 12 have already been stolen in 7 days . stops were needed, the turbine lieutenant will find out and this is all today... somehow unfair, and this is a gray, oppressive, rainy, dull city in which it’s hard, we immediately decided that our st. petersburg will be different, it will sunny, incredibly beautiful, speed, attentiveness, they solve complicated cases, there will be love and also undercover, a new episode is already tonight on channel one, an undercover taxi, that’s all, everything is free. maria bronzova, victoria bolenskaya, channel one. this concludes our program. i am ekaterina
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strizhenova, saying goodbye to you and wishing you a successful, productive, working thursday. see you on channel one. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. the updated mi-8 - missiles capable of tearing apart tanks, and that's not all. vladimir putin visited the center for combat use and retraining of army aviation personnel in the tver region. did you talk to the pilots? what did they ask the president about? how were the camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces destroyed and the enemy drone control center destroyed? new footage of the combat work of our
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military at the forefront of the powerful malka installation. russophobia is off the charts and moscow will respond: latvia is expelling our diplomat, a journalist was arrested in estonia, wrote for a russian-language publication. and the martian landscapes and the amur region were covered by a sandstorm that came from china. what do weather forecasters warn mongols about? russian combat aviation works well in its zone and makes a huge contribution to achieving overall success. this was stated by vladimir putin, the president visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense in the tver region late the night before. i talked with military pilots who are undergoing training there, and also looked at...


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