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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 28, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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once every 3 weeks the patient came , how many times were four procedures, that is , laser peeling was done four times, but the plus was that she worked, she walked, everything was fine with her, that is, she was not turned off, as after deep peeling , when you have to sit at home for at least 10 days , because there is a crust on the face and so on, this is a gentle thing, so more procedures are needed, of course, so, this is laser peeling, but i understand correctly that at home... you can also do peelings, for example, i used to really like gloves that were as tough as a washcloth, i i directly rubbed my face with them, over the years it began to seem to me that there was nothing left to rub, the skin had become somehow different, there was no longer a fat layer there, i switched to more gentle ones, i just still love scrubs, what other types of peeling can a woman do it at home yourself, it will also be a superficial peeling, but not as professional and not with the same... and
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there are a lot of different peelings for home care , there are three-component, however , most often, for patients with thicker skin , salicylic peeling is suitable for patients with thicker skin, it is very salicylic acid, salicylic acid, and acid for various inflammatory processes on the skin , patients often choose three-component lactic-mandelic acids as part of these peels, i never use them much. i don’t do chemical peeling at home, because there’s a little , a little mistake, a little overexposure, red spots begin, i can’t stand it, that’s why i only get peelings done by professionals, my greatest achievement is hard gloves , i see, yes, it’s good that we showed you the result, this project will continue in our program, but for now many thanks to ekaterina olegovna, please return to the patient, and we are friends, we just have to tell you one thing in the end: what
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should we say, germanshaevich, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy. hello, this is the information channel on the first. we are working live, time will tell the program, in the studio ruslan astashka, alesya losyeva. on the sixth day after the terrorist attack , people continue to bring flowers to krok city hall, the ministry of emergency situations published a new, named list of the dead, there are 143 people on it. yesterday the picnic group gave a concert in st. petersburg, dedicating it to the victims. the terrorist attack began with a minute of silence, despite everything, the hall was full, more than 3,000 people came to the concert hall. well, in the west
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they are trying with all their might to deny their participation in this terrorist attack, now german chancellor olaf scholz has announced that the german intelligence services, well , knew absolutely nothing about the preparation of this terrorist attack, and the united states has made its next statements on the topic that ukraine is not at all involved, they are definitely not doing this again. but by wagging its tail, the west is obviously trying to confuse its tracks, why?
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today on the first one, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group, zhenya is probably better, better , you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maximov, all the attacks on taxi drivers. premiere, watch
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after the program time. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance once went to his sister unfairly christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged?
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the young bonder, dmitry yarosh, raised a generation of nazis on american orders. russia is the age-old enemy of ukraine. he was a member of the first chechen formation on the side, and was involved in recruitment into these battalions, primarily the techkirian one. they pricked ukraine on national history. maidan, the right sector, appears like a fighting fist. for a coup a power wing is needed. the curators invested millions to intensify the ideological struggle with russia.
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opening night of the premiere, watch after the program time. testament of zhenya belousov. the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come and decorated everything myself from the very beginning. why is the singer's son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, but i can do the document. be fakes, i want to find out the truth , you know dad’s handwriting, it’s thick, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, for me , 26 years later, such a blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere in saturday the first, when you were entering into an inheritance,
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you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only one, died. love on... one of the main scarecrows in the west now is that russia is simply sleeping and seeing how to attack nato and bring its troops into europe, well , our president vladimir putin answered all these storytellers yesterday when he met with military pilots, in order for safety reasons, the filming was carried out so that the faces of our servicemen were not included in the frame.
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no, it turns out they deceived us, delayed us for 8 years, in the end they simply forced us to move on to another form of protecting our interests and our people, that’s all, so this is a complete stranger, the possibility of an attack on some other countries, on poland, the baltic states, and even then everyone there has been cheated by chekhov, this is just nonsense, another way to deceive its population. extract additional expenses from people, force them to bear this premium on their shoulders, that’s all. but they don’t want to hear from our president yet; in the west, particularly in europe, they continue to stir up the topic of sending foreign troops to
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ukraine. let us recall that the ideological inspirer of this thesis, emmanuel macron, at the end of february, immediately after the summit on supporting ukraine in paris, allowed the scenario of the entry of french soldiers. the emphasis is on what has so far been argued only in theory, and not in practice, but by the way, manuel macron’s positions were most outraged in washington, this is what bloomberg writes about this. emmanuel macron's statement that he does not rule out sending troops to ukraine angered american officials. privately, they say such a move could even provoke a clash with moscow. macron has become the de facto head of european foreign policy. he took himself initiative to confront russia. aggression and humanitarian catastrophe in gaza, but not all of his allies are confident that he is in the best
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interests of their interests. critics of the french president say he is more talk than action. at first i thought that nothing pulls macron to the bottom more than ambitions taking over, or maybe, on the contrary, he is trying in this way, from the bottom on which he risks finding himself , together with the ukrainians and other western countries , to rise. we recall macron’s words that that nato was brain dead, he didn't say that. several years ago, well , probably, in my opinion, in the middle of 2000, but there was an assumption that macron’s brain died, but in fact, perhaps kiro lvovna macron’s brain did not die, but was working out cunning plans, maybe like this thus, he is really trying to create some kind of alternative to nato, some kind of military association directly in europe and only then take leadership positions. well, really, if you look at who spoke the most among the representatives of the european elite about... that the europeans at one time made a very big miscalculation, to bet on the united states,
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betting on the north atlantic alliance, then, of course, it will be the french leaders, because they really very often stated that it was necessary to make a pan-european army, it seems that even barel timidly supported this idea at one time, then somehow he began to move away from it a little, but macron, as i understand it, is trying to be consistent, that is, he makes statements that, well... more or less contradict his general line, his general line is very aggressive, militaristic, it must be said, and this, by the way, immediately brings to mind teliran’s quote, that war is too serious a matter to trust the military with, that is, macron is a pure politician, he is an absolutely civilian person, he doesn’t quite understand what war is, what military planning is, and so on, but nevertheless he takes it upon himself, that is, a person, in general, from such a very specific... financial economic sphere, where he actually comes from, he trying to be like this
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indeed napoleon, with whom he is now often compared as a military leader, commander-in-chief, and so on, but such things are impossible with bare rhetoric, or at least impossible for such a long period with pure rhetoric, that is , some kind of action is needed, and for there to be actions, you need to coordinate your position with your alliance comrades, this is the first, second with your own population. needs to be agreed upon, the big question here is: will the population agree to such an adventure? you know, i have a question: will the united states allow him to separate? well, the united states, they have, let’s say, a very consistent position that if you joined the alliance, then you are actually with us, if you left the alliance, then you are against us, plus they insist that it is still necessary to bring now there are up to 100% of the countries that are those same two. they pay from gdp, by the way, they have started to show positive dynamics, which the united states is very happy about, because, well, for a long time they were, in
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general, in such splendid isolation, now , in my opinion, 11 countries are already carrying out instructions and according to stoltenberg, they are going to reach 18 countries in the twenty-fourth year, that is, in general, we see that the united states is of course trying to strengthen and strengthen the alliance, in this case, if some kind of strategic communication is established between france. and america, then, well, this will be quite a serious position, and the position is not a negotiating one, that is, it could be such a completely militarized position of the alliance as a whole, another question is that there are elections in america now, they will not do anything in the next 6 -7 months, because they themselves do not they know what to say, their hearts will calm down in the electoral sense, so now we will see, for now, i think, unilateral statements by macron, a maximum of a number of european leaders, well... for example, from poland, and this is the ceiling, nothing yet, it seems to me that something more brutal and
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pronounced will not happen, so kirolno mentioned that macron, he is from a specific financial sector, and to be frank, he is a rothschild man, he grew up in a bank, at least worked in one that belonged to at the rothschild bank in leadership positions, ordinary french people, and not only the french, do not work, a person who works for an influential family, does this mean that a significant part of the western elites in general? act as such promoters of the idea of ​​war because it helps them earn money, and is it necessary to coordinate this with the americans, with someone else, if it can be coordinated with those who finance the americans, but why? this needs to be coordinated with the americans; let’s take a broad look at washington’s true goals in the current ukrainian crisis. americans are interested in having a force that plays the role of toran against russia. ukraine is no longer able to cope with this role. the armed forces of ukraine are being defeated, the armed forces of ukraine require more and more support from
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european and american partners. and in this regard, by the way, about a month ago, when macron first announced european countries to ukraine, there was information that it was possible to form some kind of possibility of sending armed forces to a coalition of european states, which will enter the territory of ukraine. then, however, it was said that these would not be nuclear powers, then we named such countries as estonia, lithuania, latvia, poland and germany, but since the germans have moved a little away from this story, macron is still trying to hold on.
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the united states accounts for 39% of global spending, and russia accounts for 3.5% of global defense spending. and are we, keeping this ratio in mind, going to fight with nato, or what? well, this is just nonsense. besides what we
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are doing now during the special military operations, we protect our people living on ours and...
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the fact that we are going to attack europe after ukraine is complete nonsense, intimidation, intimidation of our population, solely in order to extort money from them. well, vladimir putin also, in communicating with our military pilots, touched upon the topic of f-16 deliveries and made it clear to the west that not only aircraft could become targets. if they deliver f-16s, they are talking about it,
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it will be if f-16s fly, take off armed with bombs, missiles from certain countries, what are we going to do with them? then
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there was a diplomatic answer, we will act according to the circumstances, there is no diplomacy in the bargain anymore, that’s what putin said, that these are our legitimate goals, translating from diplomatic into military language, it sounds like we, we will hit. “we will shoot these planes not only in the skies of ukraine, we will shoot these planes at podskok airfields, and this already means that, in general, a very serious signal for the west, such things, you understand, are not something to joke about, and poland, and romania, which is going to, has already warmed up some b-16, and some neighboring baltic countries that are preparing airfields there, well." naturally, naturally, if you, if these b-16 planes are deployed on the territory of ukraine, this , of course, is our super goal, but what we
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the other day, supposedly there is no official data yet, they hit kiev with zircons, destroyed at least two petriot air defense systems there, was it, was it a demonstration to the west that their air defenses are powerless against our hypersonic weapons, our missiles can hit targets in any territory. look, what is the range of our missiles, yes, be it ship-based, be it air-based, we, i can tell you, in europe
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today there is no place for our missiles where we cannot reach, the enemy must be aware of this, should know, including, of course, we understand perfectly well what kind of weapons we have, the enemy is not crazy, i think, even before poland, already before romania. i'm sorry, it 's like stretching your hand over a fence, because well, range, range, i want to tell you, sometimes we say there, our missiles have 500 km, but we also have 2,500 km, besides the range, there is also the approach time, which, so that it doesn’t reach europe, the main thing is that something gets to macron, ukrainian telegram channels meanwhile, they write that our armed forces are developing an offensive in the avdeevsky direction near berdychi, semyonovka, orlovka and tonenkovna. the
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russian army does not give up attempts to storm wherever possible, it is simply looking for a weak point. assault operations have been taking place in the artyomovsk direction for a long time, and there are hours they have a main goal on this sector of the front. konstantinovka, we can now say little by little, is also in danger. very much. is aggravated by very pessimistic sentiments in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, this is what sources write: rumors have spread that the sabotage of the critic of commander-in-chief syrsky, who is considered ermak’s dog, is growing in the army, who does everything that the head of the president’s office tells him. the mood in the army is bad; if the negativity intensifies, it could collapse the front. we have war correspondent vladimir on direct line razin. let's find out what's happening in the direction of the clock of yar. vladimir, hello! the floor to you, good afternoon, yes , the artyomovsk direction and the immediate approach to the city of chasovyar remain quite active on our part, there is constant progress, now the main
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battles are taking place for the heights already west of ivanovo , which we recently liberated, there are battles for the heights in the bogdanovka area, then there are, in principle, approaches to the chasvyar, now the main task is to level the front, because now, according to various estimates, right up to... somewhere kilometer, about one and a half remains, somewhere in the region of 2 km, that is, the main task is to level the front and in one large one large line approach directly to the city in order to begin the assault actions of the chasvyar, here is ivanovskaya, for which it is enough our military fought for a long time and quite seriously; the predominant height on the approaches to the chasvyar now gives our military the opportunity to control precisely all those territories. which are quite small, and there in the area of ​​a kilometer, gives our military has the opportunity to control the advance, covering our military, our attack aircraft, directly in contact in
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the guardhouse itself. there is a lot of activity on the part of the enemy, they are constantly transferring reserves there, trying in large groups to throw them there, because our side is constantly working with artillery and aviation, just at the point of accumulation of both equipment and manpower, quite serious losses the enemy carries without even reaching the direct line of combat contact in this direction. vladimir, ukrainian telegram channels write about syrsky’s new tactics, they say: he removes patriot air defense systems from kiev and transfers them to the front line, creating such mobile air defense groups. the americans at one time were very critical of this system, because air defenses are thus exposed to the greatest possible risk. what do you know about this? well, here, most likely, if you can call it such a tactic, yes, most likely this is being done in order to at least somehow prevent our aviation from working, and they are working along the entire front line
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even patriots cannot do much of this, because they are amazed by our intelligence officers, they are identified, they are amazed, and the planes continue to work as they did. thank you very much, war correspondent vladimir razin, he was in direct contact with us, well, about the installations that are being actively developed in the west, these installations, naturally against russia, immediately after a short advertisement. zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him. you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, to freeze your hands, tikhonov, maksimov, everyone attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, little bandit, dmitry yarosh,
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hello! russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine, he was a participant in the first chechen formation on the side, he was recruiting into these battalions, primarily the techkirian one, they also pricked ukraine on national history. maidan, the right sector appears like a fighting fist. for a revolution it is necessary power wing. the curators invested millions to intensify the ideological struggle with russia. they need to be hit in their own booths so that they understand that there is war.
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26 years, such a blow, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person whom i i loved, probably the only love life, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time,
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bandaryonish, russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine, he was a participant in the first chechen formation on the side, and was involved in recruitment into these battalions.
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if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you know my dad’s handwriting , i’ll be honest, no, but you were divorced in prices, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first, when you were taking over the inheritance, did you say? notary that there are still potential heirs , you see, i was in such a state, the man i loved died, yes, that’s right, the only love in my life, my wife is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you
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you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers took place in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you don’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time, the statement of german chancellor olaf scholz has just become known, he said the following, a number of countries, including ukraine , are currently being discussed at the level of security advisers. scholz did not specify what it would look like that would lead to a peace process, which countries, but added that, in his opinion, peace is possible at any time, but subject to the withdrawal of russian troops. well, i want to believe that
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germany is not ruled by a complete idiot, well i want to believe in this, although according to his statements he is doing everything to make things different, but how can one combine in one speech a conversation about what the countries are discussing...
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honestly, taking into account the fact that the negotiating position will be decided each side on the field, as they say, therefore, less words , i think, more action in this matter, greatly benefits everyone, and he is the chancellor, who in fact should speak, this is his main one, in fact, this is his main occupation , this is his main task - to reassure one’s own electorate, to lure someone else’s, to form foreign policy relations, so to speak, that is, he is actually not very good yet.
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he has been fighting there for 2 years, who may have lost not a single colleague, what can he say when we are already more than half of the donetsk people. they have already liberated 80% of luhansk, half of the zaporozhye and kherson regions, suddenly, suddenly they tell him, pack up your monads, go home, who, what kind of soldier will understand the call of the russian, this will never happen, this, you know, these are so small, petty, the russian people will not understand, because they will ask politicians, why did our fathers and children fight? they made certain sacrifices, why did the country spend so much so that
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we could take our guns, tanks, planes and go home, no, never, this situation has one logic, it is dictated by the tasks that putin set, this is demilitarization, denazification, we we will not give up on this, but what is curious is that in the same german press questions are being asked more and more often in which...
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scholz to fold his army to go home, this will never. the ministry of emergency situations published a new list of those killed in crocus cityhole, there are 143 people on it. the investigative committee said that 84 bodies of the dead have now been identified, including the bodies of five children aged 9 to 16 years. meanwhile , washington continues to insist that kiev knew nothing. about the terrorist attack , us state department press secretary matthew miller
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says that the terrorists in crocus definitely have nothing to do with ukraine. do you have any reaction to the comments of the representative of the russian meat maria zakharova. she said that the west created isis, that your initial denial of involvement in the concert bombing was too quickly suspicious, and that she had a hard time understanding how egil masterminded the attack. i saw these comments, as well as... comments by president vladimir putin and others that the leadership of some country was behind this terrorist attack. i think it is clear that these allegations are absolutely false. i believe the russian leadership knows that these statements are absolutely false. ukraine was not behind these attacks, britain was not behind these attacks. the us was not behind these attacks. in fact, the united states warned russia in advance about the possibility of these attacks in advance, because we wanted to see if they could be prevented in the long run to prevent the loss of lives, russians. well, the united states really warned, warned its citizens
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to moscow through its embassy, ​​such a violent denial, it always looks extremely suspicious from the outside. the americans are echoed by european tv channels, where lawyers of ukraine openly play and also they are vigorously spreading the story that terrorists and zagil are solely to blame for everything. russian authorities suggested that there was a ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack. ukrainian authorities strongly deny this. the us also said its intelligence suggested isis acted alone. russia immediately began pointing its finger at ukraine. the fsb report claimed that the attackers had some kind of connections with ukraine. the kremlin suggested that ukrainian authorities were opening a window at the border for terrorists to escape. the terrorists were presumably detained at the border.
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then we saw no evidence to support claims that ukraine had anything to do with it, so the only comments from vladimir putin and some other russian officials were that they were heading to ukraine, but terrorism suspects could also be heading to side of belarus, a neighboring former soviet republic, so
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there is no convincing evidence yet, russia may now take more radical actions against ukraine. twisting these facts, the west is increasingly tightening the screws on the ukrainian conflict. and so the un joined the anglo-saxon flash mob, this is what the deputy press secretary, secretary general of the organization, farhan haq, says. we do not have information to verify or confirm ukraine’s involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the famous french journalist anna niva went even further. on the air of a local tv channel , she could not hide her delight at the success of the ukrainians in crocus, this is what she expresses in their justification. i agree with the opinion on about involvement in the terrorist attack in moscow and gil. at first i was not fully convinced, but the next day their other
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statements followed. it should be noted, however, that if the ukrainians are involved in this, they have unconditionally succeeded. i’m not saying that it’s them, but if suddenly it’s so, it’s on their part. this is an exceptional move, why? if the terrorist attack was planned by ukrainians, even if we imagine that they could get so far into russian territory and carry out such a terrorist attack in moscow, this is something out of the ordinary . if it was planned by the ukrainians move, it's stunning. i would add the following fact here: ukraine took responsibility for the murder of the daughter of ideologist alexander dugin in august 2022, even then this was an extreme case. did this happen in the moscow region, so far from the border? by the way, there is an interesting nuance here, this very journalist anna nieva worked for a long time in russia for the french media, in general , this democratically humane acid, it corroded the western soul, this was clearly
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demonstrated by the young lady kira lvovna, but here this is impossible, and if possible, then this is an article, but in the west... what is this? this is barbarization, on the one hand , which is happening very quickly and in general, well, degradation is incredibly fast, as a rule, especially moral and ethical, that is, when moral and ethical standards are shaken once, then, in general, all this will fall into the abyss is endless, we are observing this, this is the first moment, the second is that it seems to me that the french journalist has this kind of white man’s curse, like... and the superiority of a white woman from france and for her everything that happens in ukraine, in russia, in general this whole theme of the conflict, this is some kind of interesting story that she simply observes from the side, it does not put people, victims, victims in on par with oneself,
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that is, this is such a sense of primordial european superiority, which gives rise to such, well, frank and... completely barbaric chauvinism and things that are absolutely unacceptable from a moral and ethical point of view, if we take our morality morality, but apparently in her paradigm , judging by the fact that the presenter does not stop her, although it is clear that he is pretty surprised, nevertheless, well, it seems to me that he was somewhat taken aback by her loud statements, but nevertheless all this is presented on screens, on television screens, nothing bothers anyone, they have forgotten tiraktlan. only that terrorist attack, we remember how their heads were actually cut off, just recently they were jumping on the paving stones, again everyone was in shock, how could this be, france, but this could have happened where anything, but not in france or when it is. this car crashed into and a huge number of people also died, but this happens to them,
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nothing bad can happen to them as some kind of higher caste, and if it happens, then this is a terrible grief, this is pan-european global news, this should be in all the media, but when something happens somewhere out there, well, in general, this is a completely different matter, that is, this is such a clear zoning of what actually takes place in the world and from... i carefully weigh my words and mean form of the cold war, we are talking about competition between great powers against the backdrop of nuclear weapons, without which this war,
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of course, would undoubtedly have taken a different form. but there is such a small nuance: it turns out that it is very scary to fight with us. british deputy chief of defense staff robert magowan said that their army would hold out against ours for just a couple of months. in the event of a conflict. are not ready to do this, the question is not even about sending troops, it’s about what ukraine is asking us now, and i believe that we should focus on these issues, and not
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come up with something else that kiev is not asking us to do now. podalia joins our conversation. hello, good afternoon. it’s impossible not to notice how europe is being screwed over, sometimes they send in troops, sometimes they don’t bring in troops, sometimes they supply equipment, sometimes they don’t supply it. what's happening? there is a feeling that there is a very strong struggle for position, for position. played, that is, we will all divide russia, 9 months have passed, well, even less time has passed, they have been confused since the fall, they realized that
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there will be no counterattack, then the second element of confusion is the fall of ovdeevka , for them this is the second most powerful blow, yes, okay, we couldn’t, they couldn’t, crush russia, but they will stand on these lines for a long time, and russia will weaken sooner or later will die economically, in the end we will get that result, but a little... later, the fall in devka, the current situation that the armed forces of ukraine is beginning to burst at the seams and from the inside, by the way, including not only at the front, in fact the problems are at their rear is very large, for they were shown another new reality , in which they understand that an indestructible regime, like the regime in afghanistan at one time, and a pro-american one, can collapse, and in the very foreseeable future, and they need to somehow look for a position on how to act in this situation, in this situation... no one will definitely send the last ammunition and the last weapons to the regime that is sentenced, as was the case in afghanistan, that is,
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it was possible to send any number of weapons to the afghan pro-american regime ammunition, they will simply be transferred eventually to the winning side, now europe and the usa are actually thinking , will the ukrainian armed forces hold out if we give them the last ammunition and won’t this become a personal disaster for us? because they must understand, they understand that if they have neither weapons nor ammunition, and the whole world sees their weakness, then their positions will begin to collapse all over the world, today there was news from the world media that in china , in inner mongolia, a complete copy was built palace of the taiwanese president, and accordingly the chinese special services are working out plans for a possible assault on this palace, this does not go unnoticed, everyone understands that everyone is waiting for the hegemon to somehow... and the body misses, and this is getting closer and closer, they are hysterical, they are just they don’t understand, against this background, yesterday vladimir putin met with our
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military pilots, there he gave a clear signal to the west, if you... where will they take off from, even if they are outside the borders of ukraine, will they hear this signal to what extent? seriously? and this seriously, moreover, this position is ours , it has been for a long time, if we look carefully at the statements of our military politicians, this position, as soon as it was voiced, as soon as it was said far, far back in the year twenty-three, that this would be...
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.a hint that gentlemen, don’t joke, well , let’s remind you that according to me, according to messages from ukrainian telegram channels, let’s refer to them, because they are pushing this topic, our missiles that were flying to the lviv region partially entered the territory of poland, the poles could not or did not want to shoot it down, but this again, according to reports from ukrainian telegram channels, we don’t know for sure, our ministry of defense did not report this, but the ukrainians are afraid, as the situation on the front was reported, the poles reported, and also, how is the situation at the front? but in fact, you know, i just got a review today, and there was interesting news, well , no matter how it naturally accelerates, nevertheless, in our expert community it is seriously discussed, that the number of bombs that we are making controllable ones, the speed of their production has increased sharply and for the armed forces of ukraine this is not brings nothing good in the medium term, because everyone already understands that this is the main weapon that breaks through the defense, it
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works effectively, even forbes wrote an article that... the fate of avdiivka was sealed in a few days, when on average the position of the armed forces of ukraine in this 125 similar bombs fell in the city, and so, according to the data that was leaked to the media, we now produce 400 bombs of these a day, that is, 400, and this , of course, is not the limit, and so the western comrades think, damn, what will happen next , again the ukrainian military, when at least a 250-kilogram factory falls nearby, they are a little shocked, and if 500, and one and a half tons fall, and... there is already a video when the minister of defense did an inspection in nizhny novgorod, they showed up there, as i understand it, not by accident, but on purpose , the production of three-ton bombs, what is a three-ton bomb , this is a terrible thing, it was at that meeting that they said that the production of our ammunition has increased by multiples, and you said this now, but nevertheless, there were simply no more or less accurate figures then , now this figure has more or less leaked to the press, but
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while today we are not dropping 400 bombs on any sector of the front, but... yes, yes, that too, well, it’s obvious that if we are accumulating them, then for some kind of operation, since we use them for the offensive, that means for offensive operation, where, as they say, this is no longer yours to say, yes, by the way, what is the name of your program, time will tell, and we will definitely show it, thank you very much, you were in direct contact with us, well, the question of the last of these dark days , who was it? under the supervision of american intelligence services, these are the arguments given. the fantasy of that the unspeakable tragedy at the moscow concert was inspired, planned and executed by isis. it is ridiculous, naive and absurd
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to believe that such a fanatical islamic organization as isis, instead of... opposing israel, unleashing an unprecedented genocide in the gaza strip, attacks assad's syria , iran, and now russia, which supports the palestinian cause, while at the same time, through the barbaric attack on a moscow concert hall, they provide favors to ukraine, the united states, nato and the european union, which openly support israel. from all available evidence , the conclusion emerges that the terrorist attack was carried out by a hired group of ruthless killers with the mark of the ukrainian nazis of the kiev regime and under supervision.
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in ukraine, the russians have their phones, records of their telephone conversations, they followed the negotiations in real time, they know that they communicated with people on the other side of the ukrainian border so that they would be allowed to cross the border, this means that they were heading back to those who recruited them and trained them for ukrainian military intelligence, which is the same as the cia and mi-6, america is one hundred percent behind it. now western intelligence agencies are using the terrorist attack for their own purposes, and the new york times is... seriously saying that the next target of the terrorists, which they have essentially already designated, will be the olympics in paris. western counterterrorism experts have expressed concern that the attacks in
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moscow and iran could prompt isis to redouble its efforts to strike europe, especially in france, belgium, britain and other countries that have been attacked over the past decade. one thing forces counterterrorism specialists to be on alert. this summer's big event: the olympic games in paris, which will take place from july 26 to august 11. un official edmund fitton brown, who runs a counter-extremism project, said: "i'm worried about the paris olympics. it will be a great target for terrorists. why is europe being warned of such an imminent capitulation to the united states. but in general the western approach to assessments terrorist attacks "krok
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" urged his fellow citizens not to travel to moscow, this is how he explains it: about a million italians will go abroad for the easter holidays, we have always said that it is better to postpone trips to moscow, especially if someone is already in moscow, to avoid places with large crowds of people, we say this... march 8. evgeniy viktorovich, well, after the statement of the italians, yes, that now there is no need to go anywhere, there is a suspicion that they know something. do they know or are they intimidating? i
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think they know everything perfectly well, just they don’t tell us about this yet, because in such coincidences that in early march they warn about possible terrorist attacks in moscow, now similar rhetoric is asked. well, to put it mildly, i don’t believe in such coincidences. let’s go further, the bitterness that the west demonstrates in denying ukraine’s involvement in the terrorist attack in moscow, well, in this regard, only one old russian expression comes to my mind, a thief’s cap burns, this whole story is so sewn with white threads that involvement ukraine, i think that without investigative actions could be considered almost proven, but unlike our neighbors and opponents, we are people. who adhere to legal actions, in connection with this , naturally, such events are held, this statement from the head of the italian foreign ministry, from my point of view, can be considered a kind of warning that if you
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continue your policy in the same spirit, or if you put more serious pressure on ukraine, for example; by the way, western politicians also managed to declare that the escalation of the ukrainian conflict initiative... in this way they are trying to convey what a great intelligence service they have, they didn’t say anything specifically because they were afraid, so in this way, i don’t know, to reveal some data about their special
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envoys there , or what , what do they mean, ask a simple philistine question, if the embassy of the united states of america warned its citizens that at some period not to attend mass events, it... it’s not just that the ambassador of the united states of america is there from ear dug out this information. this is a very serious warning. this is already a direct recognition that the americans.
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yes, hello, hello, active, very active, intense battles are taking place for the serebryansky forestry, for the kremensky forest, a very important section of the front, this forest in general, if we occupy it, the road opens for us, respectively, to the thorns, at the same time for enemy, it’s a short, short, well , short distance to kremina, the shortest is 4.5 from 4.5 to 5.5 km through the forest, if they go to... the very
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flint, there are very, very many drones noted, just a fabulous number, and yesterday we talked with our scouts, who went directly to the very front line, where active battles are taking place, 150-200 arrivals of fpv drones, kamikazes on just one sector of the front, attacking they are paradise, there are also many more repeaters here, starlink stations, starlinks, by the way, well, quite a lot, we destroy them, there’s just a lot of video confirmation. in the reports we have and the guys say that they are stuck, it’s hard to camouflage them, because they need the sky, they need open space , so therefore it’s not particularly possible to camouflage them, that’s why there’s such a war of drones, and accordingly in the most flint, in the most flint regularly, here we are for a week, a week we lived in the flint, constantly, that means, the rap stations are constantly on, once, the second moment there are bursts of machine gun fire, literally at every step the sound of a bird and they’re just simply trying to try from the machine guns. that’s what
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’s interesting, the day before yesterday a big bird fell in the lpr, not specialists from law enforcement agencies, not our military, and before this they have not seen this kind, this kind of birds, this is a huge kamikaze wing, 2 s in wingspan, a gas tank, in general, we have material, i suggest looking at it and then i will continue to talk about it, look, this a wing-type unmanned aerial vehicle, a makeshift type for the most part. not factory-made, most of it is made of polystyrene foam, plywood, like most drones now, in fact it ’s a kamikaze wing, we haven’t seen one like that yet, it’s a makeshift type, something new, she has a tank for refueling with gasoline, and the engine accordingly, they attack our territories outside of lugansk-donetsk, that is, they hit belgorod, rostov and beyond, the plane is quite a long flight, difficult to detect by pvo means, here you go, american gps. sensors, which are given the task of where
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to fly, what object to hit, is connected via the jeep, it performs its flight mission, it is quite difficult to detect such a bird, in general, how to beat it, it is at a fairly good altitude, so the enemy they have already put their terrorist methods of influencing peaceful infrastructure on stream, if they simply collect birds that were originally created to destroy peaceful infrastructure, well, you know who we are up against. vladislav, please tell me, is it handicraft - it turns out that they are being made right in the trenches or something? they are very easy to assemble, respectively, there is light plywood and... well, like foam plastic, a material similar to foam plastic, made from wings, it flies at high altitudes, here is the fuel tank, for the first time i see on birds a fuel tank of five, well, from five-liter water there or from six-liter water - small means - the fuel supply is organized due to uh,
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well, accordingly, there are several wirings, here is a small tube coming from this tank in a good way, in a good way, i’m here i was talking to said, i said: listen, this is an accident, that’s what... it fell, he answered like this, he says: it’s not an accident, in an amicable way, it shouldn’t have fallen here, that is, this type of unmanned aircraft, and immediately the commander started consult with specialists of this type use drones to attack oil refineries on our territory, if they fall earlier, these are belgorod, voronezh, kursk and so on, now this bird will go to our specialists from the study center, we will study how to deal with these birds. and accordingly, it also needs to be said that we must, must find a place to launch this bird, well, i think it will, thank you very much, war correspondent arti vladislav andritsa was in direct contact with us. the west uses not only military weapons against us, it is also dangerous
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the ideological war that was launched against us, our task now is not to let us all quarrel, vladimir putin said this yesterday during a meeting with military pilots in torshka. these destructive thoughts about the fact that everyone else is strangers here, we will ruin the country, and the main victims will be the russian people. vladimir putin didn’t just say that, he drew attention to the number of nationalities that live here, and here, of course, the situation is connected with the fact that
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the terrorist attack that took place in the city hall because we all know that there were citizens of tajikistan who were terrorists, but the navigator of the helicopter that hijacked ours. not ours anymore, a traitor who was killed in spain in ukraine, the navigator of the helicopter was a tajik by nationality, he did not commit a crime, and he was killed because he was loyal to his homeland, our great russia, further news on. hello, there is news on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. and at the beginning, details of vladimir putin’s trip to the tver region. head of state late the night before visited the combat use center and


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