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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 28, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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because the darkness has been revealed, and between me and you there are centuries, moments of play, with you in possession, i come to you, now i dare to fly, because i am you. i love you even more, i ask you, at least for a long time , at least for a short time, my pain, my pain, you leave me, leave me like a cloud, a gray cloud, you flew to your home, from here. to
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one house, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program time will tell, channel one has joined us, friends, we sincerely welcome the viewers of channel one, here’s an interesting, interesting story, we all paid attention to this, remember the warning from the british american embassy on the eve of march 8, that they would naturally appeal to their citizens, that they should be careful. somehow they will formulate an increased terrorist threat or danger, and so on. so we paid attention to today’s publication in the new york times and the new york times writes to us that in fact, the americans at least knew that the terrorist attack would be in the moscow region, as reported, but did not disclose the details this attack, it turns out, which they knew about, yes, so as not to reveal their sources of information there and so on and intelligence, we’re not talking about now...
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zhenya, it’s probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea , what is it like if you were me, tikhonov, all the attacks on taxi drivers took place in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t rest, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere. watch. after the program time.
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the will of zhenya belausov. the battle for the inheritance the stars of the nineties are entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged. i want to know the truth. do you know your dad’s handwriting? jerome, to be honest, no, were you officially divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years? exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, bandaryon, died.
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premiere, watch after the program time. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. you sued? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth, you know my dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were divorced on target, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years? exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you are here
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entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died. so we continue, yes, we returned to the first channel, to the first channel to us, let’s once again now, not just once again, but rather for the first time , just like that, read that fragment of the new york times publication that i mentioned, yes, but then we’ll discuss , please, the day before the us embassy in moscow published warning of a possible extremist attack on a russian concert venue, the cia issued a warning to russian officials, the message indicated at least one additional detail: the plot in question included an offshoot of the islamic state known as igilka. american intelligence closely monitored the group. hostile relations between washington and moscow prevented american officials from sharing any information about the plot other than what
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was necessary due to concerns that russian authorities could learn about their sources or intelligence methods. i understood correctly, i should say this in your professional language, that is, this is this. in order to say after the terrorist attack , but this informational inoculation was for us, we told you, here are the rememberers, yes, we warned, that is, again, this is all planned and planned, so to speak , competently and correctly, i want to emphasize something else, and approximately since september 11, since
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the event of september 11, the world has more or less somehow merged into the concept of terrorism, and it became clear to everyone who is a terrorist, what organizations are terrorists, for example alkaida, yes. somewhere since the arab spring, that is, from the tens and elevens, the world began to split, for some it was terrorists, for others it was an armed position, and so even inside, excuse me, even inside this there, remember in syria, yes, when the american was told, wait a minute, this is of course isis, but this is such a special wing, yes this is a special wing, he says, and these are good and everything, from that moment everything collapsed, these international associations, for example, the association of financial intelligence services, which fought. with the financing of terrorism , they began to fall apart, literally just recently russia withdrew, for example, from the egmon group, yes, this is an association, this is an association of financial intelligence services, which was precisely fighting the financing of terrorism, because each country has its own paradigm of terrorism their own and yes, some are good, some are bad, some are opposition, some
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a terrorist, so for us they are terrorists, yes, for them they are not terrorists, yes, but here they are right away, why did the americans say about isis, because for the whole world isis is terrorism, right? there is no need to explain to every country that this is terrorism, but for us it is important to understand and prove that the hand of kiev was here, and the hand of kiev - if this is proven, i am sure that it will be proven, this... .means that and why are you sure? well, because, well, if you don’t have some, no, well, it’s clear that you have a professional look, so that’s why i interesting, are you sure based on certain information, based on the information that is in the public domain, and based on the fact that during the investigative trial it will be proven that they had patrons in the kiev regime, in the west, and the west immediately will appear, so to speak, in a negative picture, but what they financed, they organized, is now extremely profitable for the americans. this version, so they immediately appeared with the gil version, that is, the explosion, the explosion of a gas pipeline has been investigated for more than one year, but
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here it immediately appeared after and after an hour, and the murder is 61 years old, here , here, here, here, yes, absolutely true, so, by the way, yes, everything is clear here right away, from the point of view, yes , of organizing the supply of information, information operations, we must not forget that they, they have a system, a system that works effectively, they have resources that spread their narratives, they are quite... an operation, there is no need to prove that this is a terrorist attack, for them it may seem like some kind of military yes, yes, yes , that’s why i say that they have a different sale, at the entrance of the court, when it will be it has been proven that this is a terrorist attack, yes, then it will become obvious to everyone around the world that... those people who organized this are terrorists, you should not negotiate with them, yes, that is, you never negotiate with terrorists, but
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what if it will be proven that this is, for example , a military operation of the west, then this is the enemy, we cannot deal with the enemy either, so the americans immediately went on air and began to say that the organizations are to blame for everything, but the operation may well be a military-terrorist one , for example, for example, liquidated in iran, yes, it was a military-terrorist operation. what is terrorism? terrorism is just a technique, it has nothing to do with who its organizer is. terrorism - the state can stand behind terrorism, then it will be called state terror, but in relation to the victims, it will be terrorism, but on the part of the state there is no contradiction, there is a military operation, it could be an operation, yes, thought out by intelligence, and this does not mean there , for example, for example, i don’t know who was behind this, let’s say it’s western, it’s not refutes that this is terrorism and this is terro, this is no one.
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daily memoir, another conversation with a british journalist, it happened even earlier, and i
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call it, so basayev in a conversation with this very british babysitter, in my opinion, was also, and i naturally call him a terrorist, he says no, we prefer the term rebel, i swear to you, they wrote in russian, we talked in russian, i say, but he’s a murderer somewhere, he says, we prefer the term insurrection, he said very clearly, like a snapper, i just want you understood, well, so that you understand the approaches, so to speak, it was. hello, hello, oh, how are you with us, for the first time i see someone actually talking to us on the phone, are you with us at all or not, an amazing person got through, how interesting, in general we would have asked for a little more responsibility before leaving to the first channel, well, let's try again, comrade, you are with us, yes, i am with you, this is good, hello, right? that they pulled me away from a telephone conversation, maybe it would be, well, i’m at work mixing somewhere, tell me, tell me,
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first, what’s your name, i remember your face , i don’t remember, my name is egor, i’m from perm, and from perm, please, well, look, based on the fact that we saw the cityhole crocus, this merciless blow, in which no demands were made, no hostages were taken, the perpetrators , after they had done everything... tried to escape, this tells us that apparently the west is not succeeding in the war directly with us in ukraine. and doesn’t it look like they switched to war using other methods, of course it looks like you know what i want right now, you’re great, well, i think you noticed very correctly, i also noticed this, we ’ll ask our experts now, just let me repeat this phrase again , your this formula, as if so they tell us that these are religious fanatics, these are isis tra-ta-tam, well, they wrote it down well,
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suppose, suppose, but what about religious fanatics, fanatics don’t have a single stupid demand. "well, look, what history teaches us, remember, before the revolution, before in the seventeenth year, and in russia there was such a party of socialist-revolutionaries , such terry, such terrorists, and you know that all these guys were funded by the english, well, we don’t
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know that, but we assume, well, as in history it is directly there, there is proof
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that..." the main thing is to split society, because i think this is an attempt to intimidate society, an attempt , i am more than sure that the terrorist attack was planned for the elections, but due to a certain situation, perhaps, based on strengthening, strengthening measures, yes , the terrorist attack did not take place because if it had taken place during the elections, it would have been much more terrible, yes, disruption of the elections, well, yes, that’s why it was postponed, this is an attempt to split society, an attempt to create dissonance and... and so to speak, hatred, yes, of society towards the authorities, towards the current , which supposedly, yes, supposedly is not capable of protecting, that is, now even we see those narratives that come from the west, from kiev, this is an attempt to blame the security forces for this, yes, that is, all this should be considered in within the framework of one single and whole information psychological war, and we see very well that this
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attempt to scare, it had a continuation in the form of those messages that came in telegram. chat of the telegram channel , yes, that’s it, please do the task, we ’ll pay you there, there’s already money, there’s a cache, you just come, you’ll get to continue, you once told us that any information operation lasts about 2 weeks , well, that is , conventionally, americans do not pay for a year there at once, yes, they pay in such blocks of 2 weeks, and here i now notice that in telegram channels in all exactly since the twenty-second of march all these tsepsohniki have become very aggravated, these are all comments, that is, they succeed. so that we are scared, so that we understand that some child, maybe, god forbid
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, can go out and do something, yes, this is exactly what was aimed at, exactly this, so that you spread this proposal, look how... it became, judging by the messages that we have, known that this is not just isis or some abstract isis, but this is concrete an afghan unit of the isis, and yes, this
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doesn’t go anywhere at all today, it doesn’t go anywhere, and the fact, the fact that people of tajik nationality were recruited, speaks in favor of this version to a greater extent than somehow denies it, afghan afghans in general, regardless of whether they belong to the abstract isis, i’m not very good at all.
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because it’s clear that russia, without migrants, is now seemingly unable to support its economy, and russia is a multinational and multi-religious country, so this too, this is also one of the factors of using , for example, these tajiks, but in order for them to commit tera, look, not only we need to notice, not only we noticed some inconsistencies, not only not only it seemed strange to us that people go to tribune, as i say, i have already quoted this there, but i will not get tired of quoting him, because this is an amazing kirby, i say, we don’t yet have... information to say something specifically, what can be said for sure is not ukraine, but if there is no information, if there is no information, john, where from what are these conclusions? well, okay, so to speak
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, they are, so to speak, above this, and logic, as you remember, is moskhal pseudoscience, so not only we drew attention to the inconsistency, but the chinese publication also drew attention to a number of inconsistencies regarding this attack , this terrorist attack in crocus, let's read, there is a lot of version about the involvement of isis in the attack in moscow. there were no inconsistencies, the terrorists did not make any political statements or demands, and they also did not take hostages. the attackers' goal was very is simple: kill as many people as possible and cause maximum damage to the concert venue. the terrorists who attacked on friday are not religious fanatics, nor suicide bombers, nor ideologically brainwashed shooters, but nevertheless, it is difficult to imagine that a few people could carry out such an operation on their own, without the support of a strong structure. well, it’s logical , because it’s really unlikely , here we look further, it’s interesting, so to speak, if you analyze the video, it’s clear that experts are analyzing it there, i don’t know, with
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with a magnifying glass in your hands, every second , there are some interesting stories here, in some videos you can see a man in a yellow jacket, and notice how strange it is, we already have this video, yes, let’s show it, how he moves, under a shot , look, how normal people react, they run in horror, where are we trying to hide , guys, let’s do this video again, but, but with sound, so that it’s clear why it’s so strange that he’s walking there, that one yellow trigger, let's put it on,
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i'll repeat the shot right here next to him, he doesn’t try to run away , nothing, he walks calmly and looks, that is, he saw him, you see the terrorist looked to the left, saw him and didn’t stand in him, in general , this is some kind of trigger for a reason, i think yes, it’s kind of amazing, interesting, that is , it seems to me that this is somehow, well , connected to what we just read in guanjo, yes, whatever the last phrase is, nevertheless, it’s difficult to imagine that several people could would be able to carry out papa-pam without support from a strong structure, why not assume, why not
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assume? let's talk to a military expert, our alexander eoryevich stepanov, alexander eoryevich, are you in touch? yes, hello, hello, alexander , thank you for being with us, please tell me, well, let’s just start from what we just saw, how do you understand this figure, maybe it just seems to us somehow mysterious, but you see something different, logical in his behavior. yes, you know, my colleagues and i analyzed several hours similar videos that are in the public domain, and indeed, the behavior of this person is strange, it can be explained by some kind of mental abnormalities, lack of reaction to shots, but in fact he behaves extremely calmly, he visually observes panic, the flight of the crowd , while remaining completely calm and preserving. yourself at
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one point, providing control in principle of the entire space, this is just a version, but it fits perfectly into the technologies that we already know, everything is classic, according to gin sharpe, the technology of color revolutions, when there are coordinators in the crowd, or when organizing a corresponding action, their distinctive feature is their bright appearance so that they can be identified, within the framework of color revolutions, these were usually red ...
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belonging to the western intelligence community, like ekaterina absolutely correctly noted that this is a combat operation in our rear, with coordination from the intelligence community, with the direct participation of the main intelligence department of ukraine, because we understand that they probably ensured the recruitment of performers and ensured their potential extraction and evacuation to the territory
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of ukraine, thank god. big words of gratitude to our specialists who were able to catch these scum and ensure that we receive the relevant information necessary to prevent the next terrorist attacks and to understand who the true customer is, yesterday we all could see the words, hear the words of the director of the fsb, the secretary of the security council that there is definitely evidence of us involvement and great britain, and this is understandable.
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i am sure that our specialists are currently unraveling this tangle, because there are already certain traces and corresponding training centers, and i am convinced that the funding channels will be hidden, it will be clear how all this was carried out, and after all , this is, by and large, a network, this is not a one-time action, there is an understanding that this methodology is spreading to other similar groups, there are coordinators and i am convinced that it is possible to reach...
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yes or no, that is, you said that this is a whole network, that is, it turns out that in our rear they practically have an army, an army that , well, with such performers, with customers who can do such military operations, sorry, there is no army, there are potentially those who can be used and so on, the army, as if already assembled, ready , is being prepared somewhere, don’t force it up, don’t force it up, there is no army, of course, but there is, as he correctly noted. there is the potential for carrying out similar terrorist attacks, because the network is operating and western intelligence agencies are operating in everything huge funding of the western intelligence alliance, these are colossal financial resources, so they have these capabilities,
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but i am convinced that our services will identify and prevent the high professionalism of our counterintelligence, our fighters who have already gained combat experience, they will simply eliminate them, eliminate them like a dog. as we have already indicated that whoever comes to us with weapons, i subscribe to these under this formula, absolutely, yes, that’s exactly how it will be, alexander, thank you, now, thank you very much, alexander stepanov was with us at direct communication, but why the creatures i don’t understand, they are developing new technologies for conducting military operations with us , remember what roman vladimirovich said at the beginning, everything that evokes emotion in you means we need a warm heart, but the head must be cold, not creatures, well, no, that is, from our coordinate point they are of course creatures, this is a lie.
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the weapons warehouse was hidden in advance inside the crocus, because at the last moment to pass in front of the guards with so many guns, then one must assume that what in crocus, their accomplices and assistants worked in crocus, the president said that
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11 people were detained, that is, we saw four, there are seven more people whom we did not see, most likely these are the same people in vests and there in yellow, that is , these are the people who prepared, coordinated, and managed the situation. in the usa, that is, we must also look at these wars between intelligence services, yes, between british intelligence and american intelligence, it is not only important what exactly they threw in, but it is also very important, again remember, yes, who is talking about the gas pipeline told us, well, this means that
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it was the information inoculation through the new york times, this means that there is no unity even within the western community; they squabble among themselves like dogs, trying to blame each other, for example, for example, the customers are the usa, but at the same time... tymes or vice versa, the customers are london there, and specifically, let’s say, the usa is leaking, yes , that is, that is, one side, having information exactly about this, they are leaking to the other, and tell me, that's all we say in in principle, yes, well, that is, we knew about them , that here, as katya puts it, what kind of creatures, but these creatures have been forgiven since 1979, or whatever, when the soviet union entered afghanistan, when they began to use them there locals against the union , it is clear that it is clear that these are local dushmans there, everyone fought with us, wait, but who, well, you give, listen, we need to do it where it is more effective, and not where it is weak, not weak, that’s well as if this is not the same thing as measuring who is more effective where, how judge do you want to win? then thank god, british proverb: in love in war, all means
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are good, so yes, weakly, we will defeat you not in a vacuum, i would so what and what who and what are you to us, but i’m talking about something else, what’s here - what’s new here -that, because as i understand it, individually each element is not new, but as a technology, i think they said this, but i would rewind time even further, the iranian revolution, the year sixty-nine, yes, the islamic revolution , ah... yes, they tried to organize an armed uprising again sponsoring the opposition and iran-contra , that is, the americans illegally supplied weapons to their own ban, and a large number of politicians paid for this, including ronald reagan, who could not be elected for the next term, that is, this is all a whole operation of the american intelligence services, they already have their hands in fact , they have been covered up for a long time. in these terrorist operations, that is, for them terrorism is
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just a tool, an instrument of influence, an instrument of pressure, can i just quickly ask a question, remember how the tail is dog, when they need a small victorious war before the elections, now before the elections a victorious war did not work out, so they do some kind of igil before the elections, that is, you know, they have another separate group before the choice, if they would take it upon themselves , then what’s the point, they push away from it, deny it, what’s the point? so, that means there are two meanings here, as i see it, right?
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they implicitly promote unification, gaining a sense of national unity, cohesion, i see how people literally, so to say, in a few days they became different, so i heard anatoly said about the queues in a long time ago he said in one of the programs not here about the queues for blood donation, yes, that’s the marker, the marker of the russian person now is not these ethnic affairs there to measure something with a compass, yes.
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news on channel one, thank you for your attention, hello, it’s time for news on channel one, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. russian combat aviation works excellently in the zone of a special military
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operation; the pilots fight fearlessly and make huge contribution to achieving overall success. vladimir putin announced this in the tver region, where he visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel. it is in torzhok that our modernized helicopters go for testing; before they go into operation, the president was shown an improved mi-8, the appearance is the same, but taking into account the experience of the special operation , the communications defense systems have been modified. this is the mi-20 simulator.
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they just used aviation, probably everyone saw these shots, when planes hit a peaceful city, shy away, yeah, a missile, completely crazy, that means more , but nevertheless, we still agreed to these minsk agreements, no, it turns out they deceived us, they delayed us for 8 years, in the end they simply forced us to move on to another form of protecting our interests or our people , that's all. therefore, this is complete nonsense, the possibility of an attack on some other countries, on poland, the baltic states, even there they are already trying to bully the czechs, it’s just nonsense, another way to deceive your population, and extract additional expenses from people, force them to bear
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this premium on their own shoulders, right there in torshka vladimir putin met with the governor of the tver region igor. denis discussed the socio-economic development of the region, industry there is growing faster than the national average, focusing on mechanical engineering, woodworking, and the production of electrical equipment for computers. in addition, they talked about the restoration of torshka’s historical monuments, the construction of a bypass road, as well as a high-speed railway. let me remind you, it will connect moscow and st. petersburg. tver will become an intermediate station, get from there to the capital can be reached in just 40 minutes. at the same time, everything is being done in the region today to prevent people from leaving for moscow.
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population, yes, it exists, hiv, but our decline has slowed down, because we have created a ministry of family policy, demographic policy, we have increased the number of large families, and uprooted residents, we have our own regional support measures, now about how the special operation is going, the kupin direction, our military destroyed the camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces, they fired from automatic grenade launchers, footage from the ministry of defense, you can only move in this area. in short dashes, otherwise enemy artillery or kamikaze drones begin to work, but one of them did not reach the target. our fighters destroyed the ukrainian armed forces’ drone control center in the avdeevka area, struck from the most powerful self-propelled gun malka, a series of salvos of high-explosive fragmentation shells to a target more than 25 km away, and the severodonetsk section of
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the militants’ position defeated the crew of mi-28 helicopters. the enemy is retreating due to... our onslaught rocket artillery grouping dnepr, crew of novorossiysk paratroopers, at their disposal a formidable hail installation. the military themselves, real universal soldiers, can be driven by a gunner or a commander. the main thing is to complete the combat mission. from an editorial report by valery kuznetsov. target 2004 infantry. payment for departure. how much time passes, that’s how you get your goals, you’re already moving there. 5 minutes, this installation. even the novossiysk paratroopers were nicknamed zeus. 40 122 mm caliber lightning bolts are already loaded. a special one is responsible for accuracy optical device. can i ask you to submit a panorama? this one? yes yes yes. thank you. a little to the right, a little to the left. this is how
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they literally grope for the enemy in their sights. yes, a car. magnituri fire inspector, enemy infantry scatters into dugouts, a couple of minutes to clarify the coordinates, full consumption, fire , two groups of the enemy with a total number of at least 15 people are destroyed, the enemy is retreating, as the work of artillery is constantly underway , barrel artillery, barrel rockets, they are in small groups now they have started to come out like this large and... the novorossiysk paratroopers unit is young, created just a couple of months ago, in the past all the artillerymen of gaobic batteries, now jet batteries, and also as they call themselves univers... a gunner can get behind the wheel, any commander can get behind the wheel, take out car to the area of ​​the firing positions, the task will be completed in
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any case, our crews are friendly, there are also fighters in the detachment whose task is to catch mice, but that’s when they grow up, now they help fight fatigue, and they just charge with positivity, i don’t know that, there's one, this one yura, these are antidepressants, yes, of course, the deputy commander of the eastern part of the military dynasty.
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over time, the residents of ukraine recognized at the un their calls to support and imitate terrorists. those who do not speak the official languages ​​of the european union countries are subject to discrimination by the kiev regime. this is stated in the report of the office of the high commissioner for human rights. there they studied the innovations adopted by the deputies of the rada in relation to national minorities. for some, in education, the media space and a number of other areas, exceptions. for others, those who speak, for example, russian or armenian.
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protecting the yars cluster complexes is one of the tasks that our missilemen worked out as part of large-scale exercises of the strategic missile forces, they are taking place in the irkutsk region, about 3.00 military personnel are participating, according to legend, during the march, a convoy of vehicles, which are also called the nuclear shield of our country, tried to attack the conditional alina sanoeva will tell you how the saboteurs fought back. the first to enter the route is foliage, a unique remote control vehicle. demining using high-frequency radiation, it creates a safe path for the entire column. one leaf
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can replace the work of a sapper platoon, which is about 20 people. within a radius of 100 m, it first detects and then neutralizes any explosive devices. according to the legend of the exercises, saboteurs operate on the approaches to field positions, try to attack, but are immediately repulsed. instant attack, saboteurs destroyed. to prevent a new threat, drones are being launched into the sky. 3, 2, 1, there is a convergence. a platoon is involved in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft. thanks to powerful optics and infrared equipment, birds can fly day and night. during the day we can sort of recognize any technique. sabotage and reconnaissance group, also at night we can calmly identify equipment
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that, for example, has just stopped, it emits a red color, a man is
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3 years old, i understand that this machine weighs 100 tons, like about a hundred passenger cars, what is it like to drive it? well, it is very maneuverable, it can go anywhere, even in a narrow pocket. tactical and technical characteristics of the complex are not disclosed for obvious reasons, but we can absolutely say that the yars has high maneuverability, it can move both over rough terrain and off-road, although some formidable installations are still known, the firing range is 1200 km. alena sanoeva, sergey burke. sakov, nina khoreva, svetlana vedyashkina, channel one, irkutsk region. and now china, where the buao asian forum is taking place, is also called the eastern dovos. representatives of business and government circles meet in the fields and sign important agreements. this year's motto is asia and the world, common challenges, common responsibility. russia is represented at the forum by deputy prime minister alexey averchuk. today he held talks with the chairman of the parliament of the people's republic of china, jau leji.
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we discussed the development of interaction between moscow and... the russian economy has reoriented itself to the market of the global south and east. in the twenty-third year, our turnover with china increased by 23.1%, reaching almost $228 billion. thus, the $200 billion target set by our heads of state has been exceeded. and this is historical. sino-russian relations maintain stable dynamics, political trust is strengthened, and interaction in the international arena is fruitful. our countries have embarked on the path of sustainable development in the spirit of good neighborliness, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation. and finally, shots from the far east, which are more reminiscent of martian landscapes.
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a sandstorm has arrived in the amur region. in blagoveshchensk, the sky is bright red due to the dust. visibility in places is almost zero, everything looks very impressive, but as the locals say, it's hard to breathe. according to forecasters, the storm came from china and mongolia, where it also caused a lot of trouble; according to forecasts , the cyclone will probably linger in the region for several more days. and that’s all for now, the program will continue to air on the first floor, time will tell. information channel on the first program continues. will show, we are working live. ukranazis fired at belgorod again yesterday, shooting chaotically at peaceful objects, residential buildings, healthcare facilities and several cars were damaged, two of them burned completely. our air defense system was shot down by 16 vampire missiles over the belgorod region last night, our ministry of defense reported this. the cowardly regime of the zelensky comedian. apparently,
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he understands that there is not much left, but he tries. the area that the dry landers are shelling every day, it is clear that we , of course, will not leave all this unanswered, we are inflicting massive strikes, but they are trying with all their might, as the authors of the cnn report put it, to transfer the war to russia. ukraine put in a lot of effort when it came to turning these border regions into an active combat zone. in coordination with the kiev intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense,
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several legions of russian volunteers fighting for ukraine, the latter. in the russian city of belgorod, with a population of more than 300 thousand people, located just 40 km from the border, air raid sirens became almost impossible. everyday phenomena, thereby the ukrainian military intensified its attempts to bring the war to russia. about how events are developing in this direction, what all this means, let's find out from the head military and civil administration of the kharkov region, vitaly konstantinovich ganchev comes to us for direct communication, vitaly konstantinovich, hello, i would like to know what the situation is now, there was recent information that our troops found a large ammunition depot near kharkov like this. is this what is known on this topic? yes, indeed, there is now a very large accumulation of equipment, western-style, of course, most of all, and ammunition, as i
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said earlier that our intelligence is still establishes these storage places and accumulations of this equipment and methodically destroys it, in addition, i also just watched a story about the sumy region, i can note that all the structures are really fortifications... and what is the main reason for the evacuation is an attempt to intimidate the local population, which is largely his part, as i understand it, is awaiting release, or is this an attempt to remove citizens.
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they actually get rid of these people, and of course, this is also a definite problem for them, then there are now civilians who can actually provide us with assistance today. let’s explain to our viewers here, because for a long time the kiev regime covered itself with civilians as a shield, here it is possible to calculate that and assume that they are showing some kind of humanity, this is not so, because civilians are waiting for us, for them they... of the ukrainian armies, they are potential saboteurs who are giving up positions, they, of course, need to get rid of them, because evacuation does not mean removal some regions, working with the special services for a minute, so you can clarify about
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the very defensive structures that they are actively building, how serious the structures are, is there an understanding of how we will overcome these structures, or is it more for show and money they are stolen, the barrier structures there are not like that. serious, as the media shout about it, of course, budget money in ukraine is constantly and regularly falling apart, this is a normal situation for them, but i want to note that, after all, on their own the structures have an engineering meaning behind them, that is, they also do this with concrete barriers, that is, quite serious forces are involved there from a technical point of view, that is, again, the same measured residents tell us that work is being carried out constantly, and.. but as for overcoming these structures, i think our military already have certain plans, experience, so to speak, yes, in the avdeevsky direction, how to destroy these structures, in addition, now
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already on the territory of the kharkov region in quite serious factories of our aviation are used in mass gatherings, the enemy has already felt this himself and understands that, in principle, what, well, what awaits them. thank you very much, the head of the military-civil administration of the kharkov region was in direct contact with us. history in the foreseeable future, on the contrary, in the coming weeks we should expect new russian offensives and significant territorial losses for ukraine. the west greatly underestimated russia's military potential and its global alliances. in the event of a freeze,
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the russian armed forces may remain in country. supplies of western weapons will cease, and negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union and nato will be suspended, as the west will do everything possible not to reignite the frozen conflict. in general, it can be assumed that the negotiating position. ukraine in the future will be worse off than it is today due to the irresponsible actions of scholz and other politicians. this is a historical tragedy, but it will pave the way for this to be frozen. nikit, what is this all about, this is like a guide to action, yes it is proposed, this what is being seriously developed in the west now and what territories can we talk about? well, they probably also mean odessa there, but they mean, that is, they want to somehow now, on what line to stop all this? regarding the territories , of course, the most important thing is to create this sanitary zone, a cordon, thanks to which those constantly... terrorist attacks
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on belgorod, bryansk, and our other front-line regions will stop, based on this, by the way, the president has spoken about this more than once, of course , these media draw certain conclusions, i , of course, do not have information about russia’s truly offensive plans, but the fact is that the military potential is now really ours, taking into account the readiness, experience of our soldiers, officers, taking into account the way the industry works, which has largely been transferred to military re. .. as for odessa, here andrei frankovich will of course say better, probably in the near future there is no need to undertake any offensive operations in the context of odessa, simply based on geography, based on the difficult situation in the water area the black sea and so on, but also, in my opinion , german publications calculated that at approximately 18 points on the front. ukraine's position is incredibly
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weak, and a breakthrough by russian armed forces is possible there. based on this, if you look at the trends as a whole, then any breakthrough at one point or another can create a domino effect when the front is completely collapsed, and it seems to me that the west is more afraid of all this, not specific plans for an attack, for example on kharkov , to odessa, to nikolaev, to zaporozhye, and the fact that in the absence military assistance and those collapsing. front, kiev will most likely be forced to really agree to absolutely all the conditions that russia will set; whether this will happen again right away is very difficult to say directly, but note that exactly a year ago they lived in anticipation of a successful ukrainian counter-offensive , they savored it, everyone was talking about it, now it seems that they are preparing the ukrainian, and most importantly, their western audience for the fact that the opposite will happen...
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or the terrorists will coincide with those narcotic substances that ukrainian militants take, because over the last, probably , six months, the number of these ukrainian zombies who go on the attack, despite the fact that they are wounded, and then they have the same side effects, and this also ends up on video, it off scale, as far as possible, and this is a very high probability, because the use of drugs, well, the hard ones that exist, a person is not just inadequate, he... generally cannot coordinate himself correctly in space, that is, lead relatively speaking, military operations, no , that is, there must be something that will dull his fear, there must be something that will create a high level of aggression for him, and the leaders in this story, of course, became the americans, when the technologies of the german wehrmacht took over weapons, everyone has heard of the substance pervitin, which was given to soldiers, the americans made it in the form of lollipops, the iraqi company became the first pharmacological company, it is still available on... it was supplied to ukraine, it
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goes like such phedrine-containing substances that cause euphoria , lightness, and insomnia seem to go away, but at high concentrations completely different effects arise, and apparently, it is possible that this will be detected in the blood, but most importantly, we understand that in the hands of our experienced interrogators, they will tell everything that they ate, what they knew and did not even know, so, of course, this will become known in the near future, if now this information... is already getting out, most likely, it is already possible that someone... then gained access to information related to blood tests that were were made immediately when they were hospitalized , which means that modern biochemistry allows us to find out
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what antibodies were formed, what antibiotics were given to them preventively for what diseases, where what experiments were carried out, and, of course, residual traces of the so-called precursors of the basic elements of narcotic substances will be identified, groups will be identified, which , of course, will be apiats there, which means or some other things, experts know this, of course which group will be reliably established, plus, i say again, since they they will talk, they will tell you what they were given and how, but...
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serious, large and rapidly changing processes, but can i have your short forecast, are these military psychotropic substances or standard drugs? no, i think that this is still something that is used in the army, i’ll explain why, because it’s a standard drug, well, a disease of the 21st century, salt or something else, we see what people who take these drugs look like, they can’t stand straight, let alone do anything there, so, of course, these are the means that change psyche, increase his performance there. they give him some opportunities for a short period, but then it arises, as olesya said, this is a very long period of recovery, that is, you actually took your strength from each other. well, we remind you once again that the united states claims that they allegedly warned russia about an impending
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terrorist attack, although they warned their own citizens that all sorts of incidents were likely, incidents in crowded places, but in any case. new york times edition today suddenly decided to convince everyone in the west that the united states is white, fluffy, they warned in advance, and let's listen to what journalists generally write, citing their sources. the day before the us embassy in moscow issued a warning about a possible extremist attack on a russian concert venue, the cia issued a warning to russian officials. the message included at least one additional detail: the conspiracy in question... the speech included an offshoot of the islamic state known like igilka. american intelligence closely monitored the group. hostile relations between washington and moscow prevented american officials from sharing any information about the plot other than what was necessary for fear that russian authorities could learn about their
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sources or intelligence methods. nikita, but they themselves sign that they are involved in this in any case. so what does this article say? american. intelligence services knew for sure that, say, isis would carry out a terrorist attack on russian territory federation and will kill our citizens, they kind of told us about this, but didn’t give any details, like figure it out for yourself, isn’t this complicity, i just want to remind you that in due time, remember, the boston terrorist attack, the boston marathon, the russian special services there was specific information on the performers, but what do we need? it’s none of your business, you really want to share information that will help avoid this tragedy, then we’ll figure it out, by the way, if you act in a simple way, open, if, i proceed from goal setting, your goal is different, to show that you have some
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information, and for the sake of appearance you say that you are sharing, warning, for what, in order to improve your image, your authority, i don’t know , were not... harmed, then you will agree that the situation is different, that’s what i think most of all , this message reminds me of the second case, when, without the desire to completely neutralize the threat, the one who shares information wants to show how good he is, without providing really useful some effective they will say, well, you are involved, he says, well, we warned you, we are good, and naturally, the most interesting thing is that, as if by note... as soon as the terrorist attack took place , there is no, even in my opinion, there were no the militants were detained, everyone started talking, including senior officials in the white house, then kamala haris joined. who hardly even understand what isis is, what isis kharasan is, which is prohibited on the territory of the russian federation, but at the same time they all
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talked about this very branch, forgetting, apparently, read the basic information that this same branch has never carried out terrorist attacks on territories in other regions, exclusively pakistan-afghanistan, then about ideology , my respected colleagues have repeatedly said that the most important factor of islamic radical terrorism is missing here, this is ideological pumping, ideological requirements, right? i won’t even advertise now, many of the extremists who are abroad come from the north caucasus, there in various social networks you can watch them, even with all the hatred, bitterness towards our country, they say that islamic militants never act like that, so in my opinion, it was a cover operation and now it continues, because if you look carefully western headlines, then notice this narrative about the fact that this is isis, that... must change the goals, that the main goal is islamic terrorists, not ukraine at all, well, in my opinion, it confirms
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the old phrase from time immemorial, navariy’s hat is on fire, yes , them it's just very profitable now to present it like this the way they do, but what's interesting here is, of course, the wording they use, andrei frantich, hostile relations between washington and moscow, did not allow american officials to share any information about the conspiracy, that is, they knew, yes, that means, but... look, we have a bad relationship, we will not share any information except what they stipulate, which was necessary for fears that the russian authorities might find out about intelligence sources or methods, about which we are talking about what methods could we find out about and what were they afraid of? look, the fact is that all these groups that exist and operate in central asia, each country there has its own intelligence officers, in fact it is not so difficult to find... a person who will go on assignment, undergo training, and join this group, will do, and we are no
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exception, and if these groups were preparing something there, and we see with you that a huge number of terrorist attacks or even preconditions are prevented even at the stage of simply preparatory measures, and here exclusively the operation that took place, it indicates the forms of methods of conducting so-called remote terrorism on the part of ukraine, that is, this is a parallel thing. and let’s be honest, the americans are now in such a tsutswang, on the one hand they say: you knew everything else, why didn’t you tell, and if you didn’t tell, then it means you didn’t know and you didn’t have the information, here they just have to do something come up with, they can’t do franich in ukraine, you can ask a direct question, as a scout to a scout, they openly they said that if we shared all the information with you, you would understand that our sources are in ukraine, and you would understand that the chain will lead there, right?
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russia and the rest of the world are against us westerners, no, now we, russian gentlemen
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, are fighting together against a big global enemy, before that we fought, most likely with something invented or grown in their laboratories, which means covid, now we will be with this newly acquired forces with terrorism, which are inflating, pumping money into it, so in this situation this is one of the options for exiting and saving face through escalation, through the emergence of a new enemy from this conflict, after all, they still say that the americans... before their elections would really like to freeze the conflict, because it is impossible to defeat us on the battlefield, all the experts say this, today we showed , that even the germans are already saying that the guys, that’s it, they are already starting to prepare their public opinion that there will be territorial losses, already in advance, so that it is not a shock, so that people are already accustomed to it, so the situation is quite difficult, but something else is important, that we don’t plan to stop, our military-industrial complex, our preparation, we will really go to the end, as nikita said today, we need a buffer, our territories will be constantly shelled, and as soon as the front gets up,
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everyone will be bordered by belgorod like this settlements that will stand on the border, that is, for now the source. the threat represented by such a metastasizing military-political leadership of ukraine has not been destroyed, this disease will continue to develop continuously. well, they wanted to destroy russia for a long time time from the inside, it didn’t work out, on the battlefield , it didn’t work out, now they are twisting and turning, how to use this terrorist attack for their own purposes, they are already using ideological moments, such a powerful ideological weapon, as they believe, is a national question in russia, so that yesterday...
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as soon as we begin to implement these destructive thoughts about the fact that everyone else here is strangers, we will ruin the country, and the main victims will be the russian people, yes, it is important to note here that the video was filmed in such a way as not to show the faces of the pilots, therefore it’s in this format, it’s clear to everyone in the context of what’s happening, it’s security, well, one of the main scares now in the west is that...
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we saw these shots when airplanes hit a peaceful city, the air is shaking, yes, the missiles have gone completely crazy, which means more , but nevertheless, we still agreed to these minsk agreements, no, it turns out they deceived us, they delayed us for eight years, in the end they simply forced us to switch to another form of protecting our the interests of our people, that’s all, so this is complete nonsense, an opportunity.
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united and indivisible for everyone, we believe that our security is under threat, you are creating these threats, what the west said, sorry, and khamsky said this, we will continue to do this, the president, answering the fighters, yes, he told the truth, we we did everything possible, unfortunately, we were forced to. andrey, a short
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comment, why should we attack nato? we definitely don’t need it, but nato will be of no use to the americans. european economy, it’s nice to take this money that they have accumulated for social programs, the general fund of the european union is 80 billion. the americans say: no, no, we don’t need you to spend yourself, we need this money to move into american wallets, and this can only be done with one thing, by exposing some terrible threat coming from the east. this is the only way, it’s convenient, a short ad and we’ll come back. the young bonder, dmitry yarosh, raised a generation of nazis on american orders. russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine, he was a participant in the first chechen formation on the side of formation, he was involved in recruitment into these battalions, primarily tichkeriy, they also stabbed ukraine on national history. maidan, the right sector, appears like a fighting fist; a power wing is needed for a coup. the curators invested millions in intensifying the ideological struggle with russia, they
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need to be hit in their own booths so that they understand that the war will come to every russian, the entire ukrainian trail. complete scum, he loves money, he loves power and he loves death, he has his masters, who they know very well, when they can take the muzzle off him and say face, their interest is simple, to tear apart russia. for part dmitry yarosh, bandyrenysh, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first one, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t like him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place.
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roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want find out the truth, you will recognize dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were divorced by the king, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine it was for me after 26 years such a blow. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still
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potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably my only life, died. dmitry yarosh, raised a generation of nazis on american orders. russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine. the curators invested millions in promoting the ideological struggle against russia; they need to be hit in their own booths so that they they understood that war would come to every russian, there is a ukrainian trace, this is complete scum, he loves money, he loves power and he loves death. he has his masters, who know perfectly well when they can take the muzzle off him and say face-off, their interest is simple: to tear russia apart. dmitry yarosh, banderyonysh, dolls
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of the heir tutti, today on the first. zhenya, it’s probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands falling asleep. all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t rest, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi , premiere, watch the time after the program, zhenya belousov’s will, the battle for the inheritance , the stars of the nineties are reaching the finish line, all participants conflict in our studio, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would
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have come from the very beginning, set everything up for myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you will recognize my dad’s handwriting, to be honest , no, but you were getting an official divorce, it turned out that the court had divorced, can you imagine such a blow for me after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry. borisov premiered on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died. the belgorod region today turned out to be at the forefront of the fight against ukrainian neo-nazism, people. they already know how to behave, when the sirens sound, where the shelters are, and they know all the telephone numbers, of course, emergency services. in the city
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of gubkin, in the belgorod region, they created an association whose members go to front-line settlements to help local residents. maryana naumova visited the training ground where the fighters of this association train, by the way, many from there volunteer for the zone of a special military operation. the threat of shelling remains, comes to message, just got up to the room , the siren went off on the street, the air defense started working , the alert went off in the hotel to go down
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to the shelter, i managed to take some water and a passport with me from... my room just in case, so the whole team is sitting, now it’s very current channels, well, in the telegram , where they provide up-to-date information about the missile danger, so it’s advisable to follow what they write, if they tell you to go down to a shelter , it’s better to go down, you know, i was a little shaken out of unaccustomment, somehow i’m in the zone i understand that i am fighting there, here i am bel sergei aleksandrovich, hello , hello, how are things here, i see people walking, somehow all this, well, people are walking, trying to live their calm, peaceful life.
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and so, of course, in general the situation is alarming, people are worried, at the moment, no matter how scary it sounds, belgrade is turning into a second donetsk, constant shelling, constantly, every day several times a day, constantly dead, constantly wounded, schools, kindergartens, houses, residential areas, everything, everything, everything comes under rocket fire, and people are driving, they are trying to find housing here, there is no evacuation, so accordingly they are looking for some kind of housing. thanks to some communities now, literally 3 days ago two families from belgorod moved in, and people didn’t take a penny, they just said to live everything. 2 years ago , before the beginning, there was no such consolidation of society , there was no such unity, now, whoever can, helps, a lot of people got to know each other, one had metal, the other had hands, they started making potbelly stoves, before each other in general didn't know each other
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when we gave separation. “anastasia , hello, hello, and i found out that you moved from belgorod to bubkom, yes, because of the shelling, you moved, the children began to be very afraid, yeah, such, well, neuroses began, a little bit of a missile danger, my daughter is 2.5 years old running, screaming, mom, save me, the rocket is flying, you know, when it started, when the number of twelve, it turns out, it was somehow right according to the regime, they hit eight people there.”
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they run to the windows because it is very, well what can i say, some adults are running, filming, yes, where do we get so many videos from? of all sorts, i would like it to be given , maybe to people with children, well, somehow at the official level they introduced that time off, at least temporarily, so that we could calmly, the mother could at least leave work and stay at home with the child, but why they chose gubkin, well, in fact , you know, there are wonderful people in gubkin, i wanted to note that everyone here is kind, smiling, helping, here’s my son. drives, this is the owner of the apartment that elena rented to us, she just brought us toys for the children, a scooter, a car like this, you know, here these talakars that kids ride, and the best thing is that when i advertised for renting an apartment, and elena wrote that i would provide it for free, just pay the utilities, and i was like, i mean, how is this possible, a three-room apartment, as it were we all have our own room, the kids and i, each in our own corner, so to speak, damn it, i can’t get
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a good look at the kids, they’re walking around. and so it ’s unusual, it seems like it’s already the third day here, anyway, distribute people and go to the point, we are in the belogorod region, the city of gubkin, but i as if i had never left a business trip, hello! hello, what kind of organization is steel anyway? organization steel is a public organization that was created more than a year ago; it was created to help the police maintain law and order. to provide assistance to our military personnel, to train with citizens of the region who are willing , who are studying with us, well, these are the people who are around, these are ordinary men, girls, i saw you there, who go to work every day, live an ordinary life, which they should be able to do, because
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that willy-nilly this concerns everyone now, but we spent the night in belgorod today, the air defense went out in the morning, the air raid alert went off, it’s scary, we asked to take shelter, there are injured people. what needs to be learned, first of all , people should know basic things in medicine, how to provide first aid and medical aid, at least apply a tourniquet, stop the bleeding, you have quite a situation in gubkin, well, it seems to me, stable, because you are located quite far from the front, i think that now the situation is tense throughout the country, because the attacks they are carried out not only along the border, but also in the deep rear, so now we are all on the front line. now we’re practicing storming a trench, we’re going in as a threesome , we’re moving carefully, but quickly , why, because speed is our main weapon , the faster we move, the more chances we have to stay alive, and they
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really need it, they’re actually civilians, well , -firstly, we all live in the border region, but there’s no need to talk about this, as if this is the main emphasis on this, especially in connection with what is happening in our country now in particular in the region, we see that the enemy periodically tries to make various provocations, well, we are the same volunteers, guys like me, must be obliged to protect our family and friends. and you are responsible for medicine here, yes, it’s very nice to see a girl here among this male team, although i saw several of you here, we have a lot of girls,
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now they’re doing well, we have a very big emphasis on educating young people, like kids from 14 years old to 19 years old - this is our contingent, we are them... we also teach like adults, our classes are quite intensive during the week, we understand that it takes a lot of time, a lot, but people do not lose heart, that is, there are no such depressive states that all people at the moment are throwing their strength into helping to the front, that is, i’ll be honest, even taking our city, the majority of our population is busy baking pies, making food, and taking them there. we don’t leave the city, even the word
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mobilization no longer scares anyone, absolutely no one, that is, everything is fine, calm they relate to this, they understand that if the homeland is in danger, then everyone will come to the rescue. listen, okay, you apply a tourniquet, yes, i know they come out well, i trained a lot , i’ve been doing it for six months now, well, i noticed that you are a young guy, how old are you, i’m 16, i study in short, while i live there, i come here on weekend. i don’t know, but now there are military sports classes in schools, yeah, they’re still trying to attract young people, that’s right, why is it so important, well, because it can come in handy and it’s not clear when, it’s better to be able to, tourniquets in
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combat position, but in this way, whoever has pouches in their pouch, so that they fall, get used to it, take it out of the pouch, no, that means put it in your pocket, left. where i already teach the guys first aid, why are you standing here? got up, well, because in 2022 i received a summons in september. month, so there was a high probability
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that i would go to the front, so there was no preparation, even though i served in the army, but one year doesn’t seem to solve anything, but it so happened that they didn’t take me, and after that i found out that we have a battalion, and i immediately signed up to get at least some minimal training, how are people here in general, the mood is generally quite calm, everyone understands what is happening, yes, of course, there is excitement among the civilian population. this is understandable, because it’s scary, dangerous, as it were, but nevertheless, everyone seems to be in a fighting mood, as if no one plans to run somewhere far away, because this is our land, we will stand here.
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you know, fear is a natural feeling, and it should not be surprising that ordinary peaceful people, who were never ready for war, begin to be afraid at first, but the strength of our people is that we know how to overcome our fear, we know how to control it , direct these feelings and emotions in the right direction, and it means we will definitely win, now it’s hard for the residents of the belgorod region, the whole country knows it, the whole country knows it. understands, but we know for sure that you can overcome your fear, we can overcome everything, this is the only way we will win, more news on the front page, hello, the news is live in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, let's start with the news of the last minutes: minister of defense sergei shaigu
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presented the medal "golden star of the hero of russia, the commander of the group of troops center", colonel general andrei mordvichev. let me remind you that the russian armed forces liberated avdeevka on february 18. the city was completely taken under control by a group of troops in the center, precisely under the command of mordvichev. the head of the military department congratulated him, thanked mordvichev for the exemplary performance of his tasks and wished him further success in the military. in the zone our pilots fight fearlessly and make a great contribution to achieving common success - these are the words of vladimir putin. the head of state visited the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense in the tver region late the night before. there was also talk about relations with the west, which will not abandon belligerent rhetoric and threatens to supply fighter jets to kiev. according to vladimir putin, this will not
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change the situation on the battlefield; winged vehicles will become a legitimate target if they are used against us airfields of third countries, wherever they are located. at the same time, russia does not have any aggressive intentions towards other states. dmitry kulko will tell you more. helicopters that have undergone modernization and completely new ones, before being put into service, are first tested in torzhok, the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel. aviation. vladimir putin is shown an improved mi-8. the appearance of the machine, which is called a kalashnikov assault rifle in aviation for its reliability, has not changed, but the systems inside are serious finalized. the new defense complex is also a communications complex, which helps communicate between crews via coded channels. the choice of modifications took into account the experience of the northern military district, says hero of russia, lieutenant colonel alexander karamyshev. during the special operation, he more than once landed a helicopter in a gray zone under enemy fire in order to... save his comrades, for which the soldiers call him their
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guardian angel, when you arrive after a mission, they usually come up to you on the shoulder and pat you, thank you brother. karamyshev, like other participants in the special operation in this center imparts unique knowledge about modern combat operations to young pilots. the supreme commander-in-chief was shown a mi-26 helicopter simulator, which allows the crew to feel the feeling of flight. and vladimir putin personally tested the aerobatic system of the updated mi-8 in the commander’s seat.
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the inserted missile is almost twice as large, chryzonthema, the flight range is 10 km, and there is a large number of videos confirming that when a missile hits a tank, the tank’s turret is directly torn off, this is not due to the fact that the ammunition explodes, it is precisely because of this powerful warhead. helicopter pilots of the vks elite, of all types of aviation, they are closest to the ground, to the front line, to our advancing units. temperamentally similar to horsemen who rush straight at the enemy in a cavalry charge. supreme. the commander-in-chief, at a meeting with the pilots, highly appreciated the results of their combat work. they fight fearlessly, but they make a huge, simply huge contribution to us in achieving the common masters. well, you know, they are always waiting for you on earth, and
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the preservation of personal compilers depends on the effectiveness of your work. it is obvious that, thank you very much, you and... spends 10 times less on the army than global defense spending, russia has been inflating its military budget all this time,
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today it already takes up almost 40% of even from this ratio it is clear that no one is going to fight with nato, says vladimir putin, while the authorities of western countries are promoting hysteria about an imaginary russian one. no, it turns out they deceived us, delayed us for 8 years, in the end they simply forced us to move on to another form of protecting our interests and our people, that’s all, so this is complete nonsense, the possibility of an attack on some other
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countries, on poland, the baltic states, etc., everyone already has chekhov, this is just nonsense, another way to deceive its population. extract additional expenses from people, force them to bear this premium on their own. that's all. today, europeans are condemned to pay for the f-16 fighters promised to ukraine. it is being discussed in the media that f-16 aircraft will be used in a special operation zone against russian troops and facilities, including from the territory of nato countries. will we be allowed to hit these targets on nato airfield? if they deliver the f-16, people like the pilots will talk about it.
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during the meeting, the pilots thanked vladimir putin for the copy of the icon of the savior made by hands, which was recently presented to the command of the aerospace forces, which is located in the main museum of the armed forces. she is considered the patron saint of russian warriors. she was depicted on banners above the fortress gates. according to the president, the tradition will be continued. copies of the relic, which has special spiritual significance for the defenders of our state, will be handed over to the units that heroically proved themselves at the front. dmitry kulko and ilya zhuravlev. first channel. well, here’s just new footage of our pilots working in the special operation zone. army aviation crews on
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mi-28 helicopters launched an unguided missile attack on camouflaged equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and manpower in the north-donetsk direction. after completing the anti-missile maneuver , they successfully returned to their place of deployment. the marines of the pacific fleet operate in the ugledar sector. they are destroying the positions of the militants who have dug in in novomikhailovka, this is the dpr. such spot-on work by operators is not leaves the enemy a chance to gain a foothold. since the beginning of this year, the federal security service, together with the ministry of internal affairs and the russian national guard , has stopped the activities of a criminal group of 134 people. they all converted civilian weapons. into combat, and then sold it. clandestine workshops were organized in 48 regions, including moscow, st. petersburg,
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transbaikal, krasnoyarsk and krasnodar territories. the national guard also carried out an operation to detain the criminals on the territory of the dpr. they figured out that the traders were covered when they tried to sell the products. searches were carried out everywhere, more than 500 firearms, domestic and foreign made, were seized from illegal circulation, including machine guns, machine guns, carbines and grenade launchers, as well as anti-tank mines, over 30 kg of explosives and 80 thousand rounds of various calibers. a major transport project that will improve the quality of life of more than 600 thousand citizens. today they opened an overpass through mcd-3 on leningradskoye shosse. the movement was launched by moscow mayor sergei sobyanin. thanks to the increase in the number of lanes, it was eliminated called the bottleneck of the convention. sheremetyevo airport, which means getting to the airport will be much faster. the bridge was built using new technologies, without stopping the movement of trains on the october
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railway, which also runs alongside cars. an important project has been completed today , this is a new modern overpass for the intersection of leningradka and mcd-3, and it is made in such a way that we have a reserve of power to lay the line. high-speed highway moscow -st. petersburg, and an interchange was made here on the highway that goes to sheremetyevo, thus we have improved traffic for residents of the moscow region, zelenograd, in total there are about 600,000 people, 90 people who required hospitalization as a result of the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus cityhole have now been discharged from hospitals. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashka, spoke about this. 74 victims remain in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. the condition of eighteen of them,
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including three children, remains serious. the best specialists are involved in the treatment. except in addition, 20 patients are now preparing for discharge. more than half were in serious condition, some in very serious condition. these are, of course, gunshots, this is a combined combined injury, this is thermal inhalation. injuries, these are burns , the resuscitation period for all patients is over, about 19 people have been discharged, i had poisoning from combustion products, because of this i seemed to lose consciousness, here they cleaned me out, let’s say, they removed all the toxins from the lungs, so they cleaned the blood through ivs, so it was as if on sunday i was already discharged from...
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better than the golden sun, hid the whiteness, at least not for long, at least not necessary, my pain, my pain, you leave me, leave me with a cloud, he you
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fly to your home, from here to your home. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the “big game” program. good afternoon, live: the big game, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. all my fellow historians. on world historian's day, which historians probably don't even suspect, but today is just such a day. the president of russia, vladimir putin, made a number of very important statements concerning both the special military operation and our relations with unfriendly states about our country,
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listen to what the president said about... in my opinion, the most important thing about our common united homeland. when i listen to our jingoistic patriots, including those who say that russia is only for russians, i get a feeling of anxiety. why? because if we keep in mind that we have 190 ethnic groups living on the territory of the country and some nationalities are represented by millions of peoples, then how as soon as we begin to implement these destructive thoughts about the fact that everyone else is strangers here, we will ruin the country.
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my connection, who was also not born on the territory of the russian federation, or was born , i don’t know, but he definitely represents our united, now common russian nation, indeed, in my opinion, very important words, you agree, the most important, you can’t even imagine , what debates i had with those whom our president called cheers patriots, with what words they branded me,
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but today i made the first post that i i just posted it on my telegram channel , it was... this is exactly the statement of our president, because this is very important, the enemy is obviously using terrorist attacks, including in crocus, he is trying to split us along national lines, along religious lines, now these words are more important than ever, and i am very glad that our president has cleared all the points on this issue and absolutely, of course , agree, because it was precisely this point of view that he defended for many years, and indeed was not born on the territory of the russian federation, on the territory ukrainian soviet socialist republic.
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was recently destroyed in zhulyana in kiev, before that a lot of things were also destroyed in kiev, that’s where they all went, but regarding the fact that this is really a very important moment, because kharkov is located more than 40 km from the border, otherwise the point where
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our planning aerial bombs were hit was approximately 50 km from the border, plus or minus, i won’t say more precisely, this means that the air defense system of ukraine, at least at this specific point, is completely collapsed and leveled, thus, our troops, the aerospace forces can carry out such strikes with impunity, this sharply reduces the cost of strikes, because an air bomb is an order of magnitude cheaper than a missile, maybe even more than an order of magnitude, and accordingly we produce them, information also appeared today, among other things, i voiced it on my channel that we are currently producing 400 such bombs per day, but i also want to remind you that yesterday information appeared on forbs that the americans believe that they are from avdeevka to the enemy. surrendering most of it without a fight city, because we used only 125 air bombs on average per day in this city, which immediately nullified all enemy defenses, and thus now, taking into account the fact that two problems overlap: a sharp increase
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in the production of these weapons in our country and the inability of ukrainian air defense to respond adequately thus, this creates huge problems for the ukrainian armed forces, because these bombs are literally carried out by the enemy’s support forces, clearing it of the enemy, if we look at ours... these are not my words, these are the words of western experts. well, briefly, what's new on the line? front? very serious battles began on the front line for semyonovka, this is the avdeevka
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direction to the avdeevka trap. our troops occupied a bridgehead on the eastern, western, i beg your pardon, bank of the durnaya river, and the enemy spent the whole day trying to knock them out from there, to no avail. ours are also developing an offensive a little further north in berdychi, while there is unconfirmed information. that we completely took berdychi, but again yesterday there was a successful attack, we took the northern part of berdychi exactly according to the scenario that i described, yes, that is, first everything was completely they took it out, and then a group just came in and occupied this settlement, this part of the settlement, for now i repeat, there is unconfirmed information on berdychi that it is completely under our control, if this is true, then for the enemy this is a colossal problem, because the capture of berdychi and semyonovka opens we are on the way to the border, the taking of which , accordingly, further reveals to us strategic prospects for a further attack on this. sector and also in the chasdear direction, that is, very serious battles, our troops slowly, but again in the same way they gnaw through the enemy’s defenses, here we also use a lot of cabos, and accordingly, having taken a hill, and we took it a few days ago, we
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, relying on it, are now trying to make our way to the outskirts of the chapel, to cling to the urban buildings in order to further defeat the enemy within the framework of an urban operation, these are two main directions. thank you, yuri ivanovich, podalyaka, our permanent military expert with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts. putin answered questions about what will happen if ukraine receives fighter jets f16, which zelensky talks so much about, which zelensky wants so much, so let’s listen to the president, if they deliver the f-16, they talk about it, like they are training pilots, i think you understand this, like no one else, better than others, this will not change the situation on the battlefield. and we will destroy the same way as we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment today, including systems, of course, if they are used
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from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, no matter where they are, and -16 are also carriers nuclear weapons, and this too we must...
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flies, he flies with a cruise missile from tomshadow, suddenly they hung a b612 bomb on him and in order, for example, to provoke, to make a provocation, that we supposedly hit somewhere with nuclear weapons, we will not to figure out what the f-16 is carrying on its wing, we will shoot it down, and we will also track the airfields from which they fly, strikes will be made on this airfield, whether the west wants it or not, the west has actually received the last warning, because these ... games, let's put some other type of weapon, let's see if russia will react to this somehow negatively, they have already ended, and we are talking seriously about the fact that this conflict, through the efforts of the west, can develop from regional to continental, therefore , it is probably due to the fact that macron’s statements , as we have seen, yes, they are turning into a kind of farce, what they were saying, saying, threatening, threatening, then representatives come out and say, yes, including...
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there was even an official statement from the united states state department yesterday that they in no case they will not send any troops to any ukraine, because they understand what all this can lead to. alexey gavrish, a military correspondent who is monitoring the situation on the avdeevsky front, is in direct contact with us now; there are really important events there, which yuri ivanovich has already begun to talk about, alexey alexandrovich, what news do you have? hello hello. in fact, now many people’s attention is focused on avdiivka, because the defeat of the armed forces of ukraine in this direction is such a significant defeat, people have been for a very long time we waited until our military personnel liberated avdiivka, in order to minimize the number of shellings of donetsk in the future, to stop them completely, in avdiivka itself the humanitarian situation is now beginning to improve, local residents are gradually clearing away the rubble on their own, taking out garbage, the authorities are supplying them with food, supplies water, generators were issued, that is, life itself
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is getting better, serious battles are taking place on the fronts. today we received information that our military personnel berdychi has already been completely liberated, but there is no need to rush into this, because in addition to going there, we also need to gain a foothold, we need to dig in, we need to clear everything, we need to thoroughly explore everything, so we won’t rush into this yet, we’ll just wish our people good luck guys, in any case, our berdychi, if not today, then tomorrow, the same information is received that an assault on semyonovka is underway. we have already gained a foothold on the outskirts of this village, we are gradually moving deeper, the enemy is very actively using banned nato cluster munitions, they are using barrel artillery, they use kamica drones, which are actually now in avdievka itself, on the line of combat contact , used very, very actively, both by the enemy side and by ours, on our side, now such a serious advantage is achieved due to the active work of our...
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aviation, both barrel artillery and rocket artillery also work , unmanned aircraft are used both for adjustments and for carrying out fire destruction of opponents, in any case , every day we advance, every day we take oporniks, so this is the situation there now, yes, thank you very much, alexey gavrish, military correspondent for the sovdeevsky direction, we just received information that defense minister sergei sheigu awarded the hero’s star to general mordachev, who was in command. congratulations on the operation to liberate avdeevka; indeed, the award is more than deserved. you know, one of the worst news for zelensky recently, not even our factories and missiles, but the results of the last public opinion question that was held the british on the territory of ukraine, you know that they found that 88%, categorically or rather, condemn zelensky's decision to cancel the presidential elections in...
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аrel product of the stellar group, janie, probably better, better, you don't like him, you have no idea you know what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov maksimova, all the attacks on
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taxi drivers took place in one area, i hope it’s not as a bait , you want to work there, you won’t rest, yes, until you catch them. undercover taxi. premiere. watch after program time. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer's son sure that the star's widow? he’s being deceived, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, you know dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court had divorced us, can you imagine it was such a blow for me after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere was on saturday on the first,
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when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs , you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. probably the only love life. the young bonder, dmitry yarosh, raised a generation of nazis on american orders. russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine. he is a participant in the first chechen side of the formation, was engaged in recruitment into these battalions, primarily in heat. they pricked ukraine based on national history. maidan, the right sector, appears like a fighting fist. fuck the coup, we need a power wing. the curators invested millions to build it up. ideological struggle with russia, they need to be beaten in their own booths so that they understand that war will come to every russian, the entire ukrainian trace is complete scum, he loves money, he loves power, and he loves death, he has his masters who know perfectly well when you can take off his muzzle and say face to face,
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their interest is simple, tear russia apart, dmitry yarosh, bonderyonysh, dolls of the heir tutti, today on... first. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is reaching the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to be honest, i would have come from the very beginning and decorated everything for myself. why is the singer's son so sure ? vdava stars is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you will recognize my dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, for me, after 26 years, such a blow, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday at the first,
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when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person who i loved, probably, the only love of my life. big game live. we have said more than once that the policy of western sanctions causes much more damage to western countries than from rossili itself. they said there was already plenty of evidence of this. the entire economy of the eurozone is in recession, already , and not for the first quarter, in germany the economic growth rates are simply negative, i must say that this is not over yet, it could be worse, but now they have finally calculated losses under such an item
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as the departure of western companies from russian market, here's the raters agency, which actually gave the figure, let's listen: the exodus of corporations from russia cost more than $107 billion in the form of write-offs of lost profits. moscow constantly requires discounts of at least 50% when selling foreign assets. tightens requirements, often agreeing to a nominal fee of only 1 ruble. this year it was announced the sale of assets owned by shell, hsbc, polymetal international for a total amount of about $10 billion with a discount of up to 90%. about a thousand companies left russia, but hundreds including the french chains ashen and beneton, continue to work, somehow the grandmother’s ears froze, froze, froze.
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releases that they are with all their hearts, with all their souls with ukraine, well, in no case with russia, where they earn money, so they began
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to leave, but they left with 107 billion dollars in losses, so why did they come to the russian economy, and so it remains unclear, what they are in general, well , indeed, they are at least to some extent commercial organizations, because they generally have an economic logic in their behavior, or it doesn’t exist at all , well, they came to bully russia, as they actually do in different... countries, well, now they’ve banned doing this, they suffered a lot, that many of these leaders of these companies had the feeling that they were in 22 are leaving in the second year, and in a few months they will return together with the west as the winner and will destroy the russian economy in full, but it turned out that this is a completely unrealistic assessment of the situation, after all , they still believe in their propaganda, they believe that they us these companies were very happy with their presence there, and that they are investing something somewhere, in fact...
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dbi began to oppose this, well, by the way, if you look at which countries now people are most dissatisfied with the way things are being done politics of their country, then western states will all be among those where people are most dissatisfied with where the country is heading. russia is not here, this is a western study, as it were, but we know that this is the first time in history that this has happened in russia. more than 70% say that we are moving in the right direction direction, that is, we would be somewhere between
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indonesia and above even india, which is also moving in a very right direction. the united states, meanwhile, decided to worsen, as mikhail sergeevich and gorbachev said, its economic strategy towards china. they are increasingly declaring that china must be limited in terms of technological supplies. from western countries, although it is no longer clear who is supplying more of what, jeanette helen, the courageous secretary of the treasury of the united states, is now preparing to go to china, with an interesting agenda, let 's listen to it, we need to clearly express our very legitimate concerns: there is not a single country in the world that subsidizes its priority industries as much as china does. clean energy, electric cars, solar panels.
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chinese manufacturers receive huge subsidies. i believe china's desire is to truly have global dominance in these industries. it is important for us that the chinese understand the undesirable effect this is having on the united states our closest allies when the market is flooded with cheap goods. i mean, it’s clear, right? china must curtail its industrial production so that there is room for expensive american goods, they don’t even produce expensive ones, what are we talking about, well, the prime minister of the netherlands was here.
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leads only to split and confrontation, the chinese people have legitimate rights to development and no force can stop the pace of scientific and technological progress in china? well, the issue of subsidies, first such private subsidies, the issue is resolved in the global the wto trade organization , which is blocked by the americans, so they say that subsidies, and you prove to the guys, secondly, now in china there is a bo forum, which brings together serious people, economists who... find out the future prospects for the economy of all of asia, well china , including, of course, for the year ahead, what they calculate: first, that all the negative factors that were in the chinese economy should now go away, all the positive ones should grow, this again is not a chinese assessment, these are their partners, investors , those people, which means putting money
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at risk, further breaking production chains. skeptical investors are discussing it, they are good, moreover, it turns out that this year asia as a whole, again asia, not only china, will develop faster than any other part, part of our planet, in the center of this asia , the chinese economy, that is, in short, there is nothing special to worry about, but to be annoyed, of course, when they say such things, it is possible,
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even necessary, yes, but of course, impudence the american one is already going through the roof, but the guys there... don’t produce a lot of cheap goods, otherwise it’s bad for us here, but what should we do? should i squeak? yes, but they really can’t do anything. by the way, if possible, such a little thing, i recently read in the blog of an american diplomat, who is 80 years old, who recalled that in the fifties we produced everything ourselves, sold everything, now we cannot help but sell, not produce, but the chinese economy is according to the latest estimates, this is the manufacturing sector.
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discovered - an interesting thing in the internal mongolia. come on, let's listen. the chinese army has set up a training ground in inner mongolia to simulate the area around the presidential palace. joseph wan, a military observer, noted that the layout of this training ground is almost the same as that of the boai area in taipei city. from the photographs it is clear that the landfill imitates the streets and buildings of a special administrative region. wen noted that the training ground. probably prepared for practicing bombing strikes, and not a ground invasion, well, yes, it’s a bit too much for bombing strikes expensive pleasure, but for carrying out an operation in a city, building models of urban infrastructure there - this is a completely normal phenomenon, the americans, too, for example, in ukraine, created such towns
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in which these ukrainian militants practiced the combat operations that they are conducting ... in cities, hiding behind a human shield , china, of course, is also forming its own assault units, train them, and the best thing, of course, is to train this on specific, let’s say, mock-ups, which may possibly involve combat operations, because in in a combat situation, if you find yourself in something similar to what you formed at the training ground, then , of course, it’s much easier to conduct combat operations. yes, this is such a message towards america and taiwan, who think that they will win the island from the mainland, in the history of such cases
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there have been two times miscalculated, well, for some circumstances, yes, but modernity says that modern types of weapons, those that can be applied, not as the americans depict, that they came from the south of taiwan, got stuck, and so on, you can go around the island from any side to carry out this combat operation. but it’s clear that china intends to pursue a different policy of peaceful annexation, but those who fight with weapons, here they show them, please look, here in the west a new anti-russian initiative with sanctions has surfaced, an interesting one, which is reported by the tas agency, let’s listen, the g7 group is discussing the possibility of lowering the price ceiling for russian oil, the us assistant secretary of state announced this at a briefing for foreign journalists. on energy resources, geoffrey paeth. the short answer is yes, he said. according to the official, the united states and its coalition partners engaged in limiting prices are committed
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to working to deprive russia of income from the sale of energy. well, something will freeze again, in my opinion. considering that the united states, with my not very competent financial policy, was able to achieve an increase in world oil prices this year and an increase in the cost of gold against the dollar. it is very difficult to imagine that they could really bring down the price of russian oil; they, of course, they are trying in every possible way to make our work difficult, putting pressure on banks in other countries, outside the west, putting pressure on not making payments to russia, not accepting payments from russia, that is, they work here, yes, that is, they are trying to slow down the acquisition of russian oil as they can, but this rather works to increase oil prices... ultimately to increase russian capabilities, finally russia will increase the refining of its own oil, it is wrong to think that if we did not supply oil to someone,
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then this immediately destroyed the russian economy, the russian economy in 2023 just showed that it will develop and is developing due to the manufacturing sector of processing its own resources in the first place, well, first of all, the amount of oil in the world is still finite, yes, so we will find a market. for these big plans of the g7 regarding price restrictions, we can also rely on, in general, large devices in fact and sell oil at the price at which it is actually traded on the market, which is now and it’s happening, so please, you just once again emphasize the powerlessness of the united states and its six members of the big seven, but nevertheless, the united states and allies do not calm down, britain has entered into... a war of words with china, but the united states, well, of course, it would be better for them to deal with their own trains and bridges, but they are doing other things. let's listen
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after the commercial. janie is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, hands falling asleep, tikhonov, maxim, eh? “all the attacks on taxi drivers took place in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t rest, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. dmitry yarosh, raised a generation the nazis were ordered by the americans, russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine, it is a participant in the first chechen war.”
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he has his owners, who know perfectly well when to take off his muzzle and say face. their interest is simple: to tear russia apart. dmitry yarosh, bonderyonysh. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is confident. that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow
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is deceiving him, and the document... could have been forged, i want find out the truth, you'll find out dad's handwriting, jerome, i’ll be honest, no, but you were officially getting divorced, it turned out that the court had divorced, can you imagine, for me, 26 years later, it was such a blow, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere, on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you they told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only one, died. sick life, zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, hands fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers took place in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, the taxi is under cover.
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russia, they need to be hit in their own booths, so that they understand that war will come to every russian, the entire ukrainian trace is millions to build up the ideological struggle against complete scum, he loves money, he loves power, and he loves death, he has there are its owners who know perfectly well when you can take off his muzzle and say face to face, their interest is simple, tear russia apart dmitry yarosh, bonderyonysh, dolls
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of the heir. tutti, today is on first. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer's son sure that the star's widow he is being deceived, and the document could have been forged. i wanna know. you know your dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but were you officially divorced? it turned out that the court divorced us; just imagine, 26 years later it was such a blow for me. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died.
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undercover taxi. watch the time after the program. david cameron, a big player in the big british game, has made a surprising announcement that china appears to be undermining british democracy. there was never any smell of democracy there, just a monarchy.
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in an attempt to interfere with british democracy is nothing more than a party move, it is also a typical example of a thief shouting "stop the thief." china has always opposed illegal unilateral sanctions and will give a justified and necessary response to this. we urge the uk to immediately stop spreading false information information about china, abandon such self-organized anti-chinese farces and refrain from further moving down the wrong path, which only leads to failure. the chinese are not the only ones undermining.
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we constantly remind you that in the usa they summed up the american infrastructure, well, about trains, we have 1190 train derailments in 2023,
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a good figure that exceeds last year’s figure, so everything is moving in the right direction, but we also read the number of bridges, which, according to the association american engineers, located in disrepair, there were more than 47 such bridges in the united states of america, which reflects the real picture, well , what happened actually paralyzed not only maritime traffic there, but also the work of the port, which is one of the largest, if not the largest in united states of america, the united states minister of transportation and gay people, pete buttigieg, made the following statement. speaking of purely economic impact, what losses does our economy suffer for each day the port is closed? the latest estimates put the economic cost of port shutdowns at $100 to $200 million every day, which doesn't count the $2 million that is paid
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to workers, which is one of the areas that worries us the most. another supply chain issue relates to the significant amount of cars, trucks, coal and lng that flow through. through the port of baltimore, how will that impact shipments to those specific industries? yes, indeed, this is one of the key ports for transporting transport funds, so this is indeed a very serious problem. that is, this is a port, and there is also a bridge, which is also an important transport hub on the east coast of the united states, through which dangerous military cargo is delivered, and the port is also the place from which weapons are displayed, including from... this should not have happened, because in 2021 joe biden announced that the 3.5 trillion dollars that the american government will spend on modernizing and developing
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the infrastructure of the united states, its expansion, these problems will be solved, as i understand, the money has already been spent a long time ago, all problems must be solved with bridges, roads, everything, all issues must be closed, this is actually a signal of the dysfunctionality of the american state system, it is capable of allocating gigantic amounts of money, with which any normal business executives or managers in another country would carry out enormous-scale work, build and improve, correct the existing infrastructure in the united states, any the amounts allocated by the white house... lead to the continuation of a catastrophic situation in transport almost everywhere, to bridges that are collapsing and that are easy to destroy, especially by the ukrainian captain of long-distance and short-distance voyages, this is a serious problem, this is the problem of an extremely
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unhealthy state that is simply dysfunctional , that is, all that the american elite, and especially the financial elite that stands behind the top management, can do is take money for themselves. they're pocketing the money, i'm sure they're the repair of this bridge will also cost a huge amount of money, and this bridge will not necessarily be restored, but why? yes, in the united states the sun is now rising... the morning is beginning, the morning newspapers are coming out, now the morning new york times has come out with a rather interesting message: american officials shared with their russian colleagues all the data about the planned terrorist attack did not share all the data about the planned terrorist attack with their russian colleagues planned terrorist attack in crocus city out of fear that moscow might reveal us intelligence agency informants and methods
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when they were shared there, not shared, prevented, not prevented, but we understand that when the americans immediately came out and said, this is egil, which means, guys, not only did you have the information, but as they say, if you know about the terrorist attack, did not report, then you are obliquely accomplices of this terrorist attack, well, our special services, they of course work independently, have a wealth of experience, and we not only know that behind the terrorists was ukraine, but also one of the western states. which i think will be called soon and what
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they say they will name who, where, why, because we understand that a terrorist attack, terrorist attacks that continue, including shelling of the belgorod region, these are attacks in the belgorod region, they began to be actively used only when ukraine became clear that will suffer defeat after defeat, there are no military successes, let's move on to terrorism , we saw this in afghanistan, we saw this in syria in others where...
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york times, but we read other newspapers too, so our cause is just , the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. at the beginning, the information about the ho, which came shortly before our release,
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was reported to the ministry of defense in our avdeevsky direction.


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