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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:55pm MSK

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hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about the most important, most current events that are related to the current agenda, on which our confrontation with the american-centric west and...
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was unleashed the war is on our borders and nato has begun to move towards our borders and so on. in fact, i think that the very difficult period in which we are now living and in which we will live for some time and discuss this period, but it has begun much earlier than the fourteenth year, and many, including me, count this from the date that just recently turned 25 years old. on march 24 , 1999, over...
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the united states of america, france , germany, the netherlands, belgium, britain , norway, canada, turkey, spain, denmark and portugal began bombing this country, completing more than a thousand sorties in 78 days , set aside a thousand planes, made 3800 sorties, as a result, well, i listed the number of countries for you, the number of aircraft involved in the bombing. this is the result
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that you see on your screens, the yugoslav authorities were forced to retreat, allow the introduction of the nato contingent under the auspices of nato, which all this time, in general, took a one-sided position in many respects, and - in general, this is the story that nato, and in general, the united states , by and large, can do what they see fit, where they see fit, with the forces they see fit, regardless of sovereignty there, resolutions and so on, then in many ways began what led to what we have now, and if russia had been different then, everything could have gone according to a different scenario, but it went the way it did, since we were still in large numbers then illusions, but we didn’t have the strength yet, and the most we could do was turn the planes around as a sign of protest, and the planes were civilian. the wrong thing
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started then and now we are busy correcting it, yesterday there was another such mini-anniversary of march 27, 1999 yugoslav the air defense shot down the american invisible, as it were, or hardly visible f117, you see it in photographs, every year the serbs, the serbs who did not surrender and who are not about... i hope nato will not surrender and will not forgive, then they organized a holiday right on the bones of this shot down monster. every year, zolton dani, a serbian air defense officer who just shot down this f-117 from the soviet neva complex, which, by the way, has now been removed from service for a long time, celebrates this with his friends, how this happens, this literally took place yesterday in in the village of szymanovci, there were
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representatives of the russian house in belgrade, they even signed a postcard, this says a lot about the mood of today’s serbia, they signed a postcard addressed to nato, and what a postcard, well... i just posted a video on my channel, and look, you will find out what the postcard is about, you will hear this mood, and you will already watch it, remembering those events , understanding when it all began, and we will discuss what’s next after the advertisement. the young bonder, dmitry yarosh, raised a generation of nazis on american orders - this is a centuries-old enemy ukraine. he was a participant in the first formation on the chechen side, and was involved in recruitment.
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love, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t
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calm down, yes, bye you can’t catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, raised a generation of nazis on american orders, russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine, he is a participant in the first chechen war on the formation side, he was recruiting for these battalions, primarily the techkerian battalion, they also pricked ukraine on national history, maidan, the right sector appears like a fighting fist. for a coup you need a power wing. the curators invested millions in stirring up the ideological struggle with russia, they need to be hit in their own booths, what didn’t you understand? they know when they can remove the muzzle from him and say face, their interest is simple, he has his masters to tear him apart, who will perfectly cut russia into pieces dmitry yarosh, little bander,
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dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first , zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, hands to sleep, tikhonov, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program.
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complete scum, he loves money, he loves power, and he loves death, he has his masters, who they know very well when with you can take off his muzzle and tell him to face him, their interest is simple, tear russia apart. part of dmitry yarosh, bonderyonysh, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, time will tell the program, we continue to work live, starting the program today, i mentioned how 25 years ago, the nato coalition began bombing yugoslavia, and... having considered, that the authorities of yugoslavia do not have the right and
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cannot themselves resolve the civil conflict on their territory and nato intervened on the side of kosovo, after 25 years we have a situation in which we ask the question why nato, most of whose countries did not even border yugoslavia, can bomb yugoslavia in order to protect kosovo? why did russia, which borders donbass, launch an operation in order to protect the russian population of donbass, and why , according to the west, does it not have the right to do this, and the west not only does not give it such a right, the very nato that bombed its time yugoslavia, is now arming the ukrainian, kiev regime, which, in fact, has been shooting donetsk for 8 years and continues to do so study. now, thanks largely and primarily to the support of military and financial
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nato, they still have the opportunity to shoot the russian city of belgorod, once again today there were shellings, as the governor of the belgorod region glotkov wrote about, today strikes were carried out on the territory of the dpr, three were killed there people in gorlovka in yesenovataya, 40. there were arrivals, that is, this kiev regime continues to resist, in general, solely thanks to the help of the very nato that at one time sorted out yugoslavia, and it is clear that we are continuing our special military operation, and on march 22, the very day when a terrible terrorist attack occurred in the evening, which well... all of us, naturally, were involved in empathy in discussing
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what happened, but in fact, on the morning of the twenty-second numbers - there were attacks on the generating infrastructure of the former ukraine, and they were quite powerful, many believe that they were the most powerful during the entire special military operation, you just saw footage of the dneproges, with which it is generally unclear what will happen in terms of restoration generating capacities. and representatives of ukroreich reported that many other generating capacities were damaged, and well , as the executive director of the ukrainian energy holding says, that on march 22 , as a result of heavy shelling, they lost 50% of the installed capacity, says that many were destroyed, either completely or very strongly, it will take months and years to restore, and i honestly don’t know...
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raises the question that air defense is ending,
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give more air defense, that is, it raises the question of an even greater degree of nato involvement in this conflict, moreover, we are talking not only about air defense, but in general about the current state of the military formations of the kiev regime, well, this is how cbs reports about it, referring to what was said by the ukrofur. take some drinks, please. vladimir zelensky said that the ukrainian armed forces are not ready to defend themselves in the event of a major russian offensive. ukrainian troops have almost no artillery left. his troops have so far managed to hold off the russians, mostly at a distance, and are unprepared to defend against another major russian offensive expected in the coming months. here you go, accordingly, how to perceive all this in the context of the situation at the front on the front line, from the point of view of our strikes, from the point of view of the state of their air defense, well,
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that means they complain, they always complain, but it probably has something to do with it to the real situation. so what do we have? at the front in the broadest sense of the word. by the way, i’ll start with the fact that just 20 5 years ago, i was in yugoslavia, yeah. and all this happened before my eyes, above my head. i remember how we sat on drino, watched, drank coffee we watched as tomahawks flew along it below us. it was one of the most vivid memories i have ever had. and one of the main such complexes, which then remained with me for the rest of my life. it was the feeling that i was looking with my head up at this whitish plane mark that was creeping very quickly across the sky, i knew perfectly well that it was a nato plane, yeah, i realized that the biggest sorrow and misfortune of that country, the sky over which no longer belongs to her, uh-huh,
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that’s when i just realized that, again , then they heard this from the serbs, then you and i would have heard it too.
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problems with shells, that is, if we speak more systematically, then we have before our eyes in relation to the armed forces of ukraine an increase in the systemic crisis, which i am talking about, there is still a lot of strength, but at the same time in the armed forces of ukraine, i’m not even talking about us, we are the one we understand this more, we understand perfectly well that with these forces they are not able to achieve any of the goals that they set for themselves a year ago, that is, they are not capable. none of those territories that they believed it would be done easily and quickly. they cannot inflict such a defeat on russia militarily that it would make russia hypersensitive and force russia, say, to negotiate. they cannot bring or defeat our economy, our military-industrial complex. that is, it turns out, i say again, that in this case there are a lot of forces, but
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with these forces they are not capable of solving those issues and those main tasks for the sake of which, strictly speaking, hostilities are being conducted. the systemic nature of the crisis lies in the fact that neither one of its parts is not capable of being resolved on its own, that is, they need more shells, more, there is nowhere to get them, they need equipment, at least at the level of last year’s supplies, there is nowhere to get them, they need a reserve for equipment, no one they have , as i understand it, he no longer talks to them, but it seems like there is some kind of czech initiative there, firstly, it hasn’t even started working at all, and secondly, now they mostly work in four shifts, as they say. repair shops, now the equipment that were evacuated over the previous six months for long repairs, but with their help they at least support them, they get light equipment, there are all sorts of armored vehicles and so on , they are still being given this, but there are no heavy armored vehicles, they need to have enough reserves to accumulate the spring-summer company, one way or another, is trying to at least
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somewhere, well, what is called being active, but the daily, monthly losses at the front exceed everything they gain. grabs their tetsekashniks and accordingly it turns out that this also works, if not to zero, then very close to zero, that is, i repeat , as if pulling out any of the drowned, what is called, legs of this big dry horse, the other three are stuck at the same time, and for them this is of course a very serious problem, so now every effort is being made to create inside ukraine, a victorious agenda , so, strictly speaking, the main ... the bet is on terror, the main bet is on propaganda, the main bet is on everything, so to speak, these are what we see yaroslavny’s cries and so on, because of course, one way or another, we need to tear it out of the union.
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she hasn’t fallen or lay down yet, but she’s slowly getting stuck , the publication in the times reflects this picture very well, i’m in the
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part where i, of course, am an incorrigible conspiracy theorist, i don’t believe that the articles in the times times appear like this just like that, and this is interesting enough to understand, what is now in the mind and in the general mood?
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then the reader, the reader of this type: fall, nightmare scenario, like, what are we talking about, and then, so to speak, british the propagandist takes the bull by the horns and outlines this scenario, we listen: it’s july, the russian army is at the gates of kiev, as the russians approach the capital, a new wave of refugees has left ukraine in search of safety from the incessant bombing. this is the nightmare scenario that western politicians are now contemplating, an event in... which requires military and civilian leaders in london, washington, paris and brussels to draw up plans for the catastrophic collapse of ukrainian forces, deprived of the weapons and ammunition they need. contrary to
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the popular belief is that this is an eternal frozen conflict in which neither side can achieve a decisive advantage. fierce fighting is taking place on the front line, and there is a real risk that ukrainian troops will be driven back. we need to think completely differently about how dangerous threats are to arm ourselves accordingly, prepare for the worst in the best.
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conditions today we are reading this thing, of course, you don’t know, this is not the stage of accepting the situation, this is just the stage, that is, the hysteria of indignation itself, that is, if
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first we read then...
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and the output, the output from this money, it in no way corresponds to what they need, because i say again, if you compare the supplies of last year and this year, then it’s something like this, you know, a big tornado over somewhere over colorado and somewhere raining in the kolahari desert somewhere in july, it’s clear, well, konstantin vasilyevich, i ’m actually talking about this same, this same form of description of the situation in the times, there are a lot of them articles, just well, in my
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opinion, this is one of the rubles. i still i’m inclined to approach this more as a matter of marketing, and marketing and pressure on the western public to give money, than as a statement of the fact that they didn’t succeed, that is, i’m still inclined to see this as more of a cunning marketing, that’s how and korine also said that it’s not that they have nothing, they give something. in your opinion, from the point of view of understanding their economic situation, the fact that there really is an opportunity to buy something with this money, in your opinion, this kind of approach, they are, as evidenced by from the point of view of the status of the ukrarek project for the west, well, it’s not for nothing that they released this yen martin with the catastrophic scenario of july twenty-july twenty-four, like everything, lyolik, everything is gone, which means the plaster is removed, the clients take it away, and so on, this is
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cunning marketing or ... is it the understanding that something is really going very wrong? well, it still seems to me that there really are some elements of such conscious alarmism here in order to persuade certain western states to give this money. well, we see that the united states actually this year transferred this wonderful responsibility to finance ukraine onto the shoulders of its colleagues, primarily the european union, japan, and great britain.
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well, i agree that the situation, on the one hand, is not so simple, of course, and money is being issued more and more complicated, because not only, by the way, money is needed for weapons, ukraine needs to pay and... therefore, after all, that i agree with lad that the situation really is, it will already go exclusively for these purposes, so different, of course, from what it was a year ago, but nevertheless, i would urge you to refrain from such bravado on the topic, look, everything is now going to collapse, burst, i think there is an element here. inside the western game related to the fact that, as you said, such alarmist marketing on the topic that if we don’t do this, then kiev will collapse, and then the russians certainly won’t stop on a straight path, no one knows where they’ll go, here, here with point of view, why am i
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talking about marketing in the broad sense of the word, the main question here is this kind articles, but there are many politicians talking about it, and well, this is such a very noticeable mood present, it’s a question of, well... everything is as it is, but they are going to actually, they really want to translate it to some other level for ukrarekh to really support them, or is it the way it is, but the horse does not fall and stands, they will write these articles, they will call on each other, but in general, the situation that exists, it they are also quite happy with it in itself, that’s what’s most interesting to me the question is, are they going to translate this somewhere further next?
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i would urge you not to describe this situation, how often do i hear that everything is literally going to crumble there a little more, the horse is still standing next to the shells , nothing is right, everything has just been raked out, the warehouses have been raked out, nothing is left in the west, not a single cartridge is left, i’m all -i still think this is a certain exaggeration, especially since ukraine is moving into a simpler, simpler state, in this regard there is also an issue, a new law is now being adopted. mobilization, as we know, that is, they have the opportunity to lower the bar while there is , it is clear that this is a cynical policy, crap politics, but this allows some holes to be plugged in some medium term, i agree, because this is what
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you are talking about, i also see and hear sometimes this, well, that’s it, they have it now, we just remember what vlad reminded us about, we just remember how a year ago they wrote about this horse. that now this horse will gallop forward, trample the russians and gallop there, which means there is kava in yalta, and since the horse is not galloped around a lot, then we were like: well , that’s it, it’s like crazy, so she’s standing there pulling out one hoof at a time, but nevertheless she’s standing , she still has hooves, and considering that one of these hooves is a uav, which are quite they are cheap and you can rivet them in hundreds of thousands, today everyone i talk to at the front says that... well, today uavs, well, tank forces are being held back very strongly, very strongly, an offensive without tanks is large-scale, that’s also the same story not very clear, as was demonstrated, so in in general, everything seems to be quite complicated
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, you wanted to add something, i just wanted to say very briefly that the main problem for them in this case is that, after all , being a macro system, they, supporting the horse in this case, perfectly understand , that macro issues... they are not being resolved, this is really a systemic problem for them. so, korene, regarding the fact that, well, let ’s finish with your remark first, you say, well, it’s not like that, they’ve already got it all, i understand that it’s not all over for them, as they pretend in articles like this, the question is how much they have left, the most important question is how much of what they really have left they are ready to give in order to transfer the ukrainian reich to another level of combat capability, and how much they are simply not ready yet or not at all ?
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well, those who use, in theory theoretically can use radiological, chemical and chemical warfare agents, that is, mass destruction, this has become more frequent and i think. chemical warfare agents is not always preparation for their use, but preparation for
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to the fact that they will be used against you. i think that there is, that is, strictly speaking, when you are taught to put on a gas mask, you are taught to put it on in case your enemy is an example, in short, whether to move from conventional to non-conventional weapons is a question they are discussing, these are the non-conventional ones, i don’t know, in this sense they are discussing based on what assessment of the situation.
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sometimes military reporters report on things that are not necessarily in the interests of vladimir zelensky, but in a democracy, which we hope and which ukraine is gradually becoming, you need to understand that coverage of the war by military reporters, even if bad news appears from time to time, is much better, in fact, this is what i’m talking about, because it’s written here under this photograph that a senior american... diplomat, he, well, associated with countering disinformation and so on, says that ukrainian president vladimir zelensky should be more open to disclosing information, providing information about the real state of affairs at the front, that is, in essence, rubin says that in general they are lying to us about the situation, but we know through military reporters, including, that their situation is not very good, that ’s the question , to what extent do they not rate her very well?
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because energy generation is falling
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, fixed assets have not been renewed, these are such fundamental problems, then they really think about whether to switch to unconventional types of weapons, but here i would like to add one more thing, you know when they said that we had launched a special military operation, and i know a very good image, i really like it among firefighters, it’s called a counter-fire, yeah, that’s it... in order to prevent a disaster, sometimes you need to chase the fire, which devours what, well, in short , it’s clear, people can look up on the internet what the oncoming fell means, our svo is the oncoming fallen, and one small note, it so happened that in 2000 i was treated in france for prison leukemia, it’s amazing, because in yugoslavia, which you mentioned, it’s me not about myself, that’s just me. uranium , there, when i was in a hematology clinic
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, people are still getting sick, and so in 2000, france, there were packs of french military men lying there, young guys, whom, it turns out, these anglo-saxons placed precisely kakaifor’s forces in those places that they they were shelling, there were french and italians there. italians, well, i just volens nolens found out about this, because they were neighbors in the wards, as they say, well, look, by the way, about, you say, evaluate the degree of cynicism, i have, you know, i have been assessing the degree of cynicism for so many years, although every time they manage to surprise me with something else with the degree of their cynicism, in particular,
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yes, in particular, here are your examples and many others, from the point of view this crystal understanding of ours. the limitlessness of their cynicism, i am interested in discussing with you and everyone this story, which also happened on march 22 and which, against the backdrop of the tragic events of the evening of march 22, it, well, let’s just say , it was blocked by these events, we are literally with you on thursday, including konstantin vasilievich discussed these attacks on oil refineries , the possible consequences, how to cover it up, not cover it up, oil prices and so on, literally the next day on friday... the following financial times article came out, which was discussed until the evening, but then it became clear what had happened no matter what, i’ll remind you of it. the united states called on ukraine to stop attacks on russia's energy infrastructure, warning that drone strikes could lead to a rise in global oil prices and provoke retaliatory measures. repeated warnings from washington
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were sent to senior officials of the state security service of ukraine, the sbu and its military intelligence department. one source said the white house is done. more frustrated by brazen ukrainian drone attacks that have struck oil refineries, terminals, warehouses and storage facilities across western russia, crippling its oil production capacity. russia remains one of the world's most important energy exporters, despite western sanctions. oil prices rose by about 15% this year to $85 a barrel, pushing up fuel prices just as u.s. president joe biden begins his campaign for... re-election, and on the 22nd when this article appeared , and the tragic messages had not yet been sent, i was just thinking about this in a telegram, i wrote that well, it ’s understandable with their degree of cynicism, that it’s like war is war, our interests are our interests, that is, it’s clear that - a scheme , in which they seem to give a crack to ukroreich,
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so as not to violate their interests, it is understandable, but still, in your opinion, they really are to such an extent... they can control ukroreik from the point of view of these attacks, because in general, since then, objectively, in these days of attacks on the mpz , well, either it wasn’t at all , or they also decreased, in your opinion, this is also a controlled history of the united states, attacks on our refineries, which were quite actively dealt just a couple of weeks ago, i think that, given or is this just such a cynical type, i i almost think that considering the terminals they have much more relationships with the kiev leadership.
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it’s clear that they are playing slightly different games , but for me it’s completely obvious, and there are signs for this, it’s just that the format of the show doesn’t allow it, in fact, it’s also obvious to me that the british americans, or rather , the american administration is playing the same game game, there is also a depipst, well, the british play a different game, and then this is one of the most important in the british, excuse me, not just one group either, who also squabble among themselves, of course, and this is one of the main ones questions, where will this whole structure go? move on, because some are pushing it towards an aggravation, others are clearly not interested now in an aggravation of this kind, that is , this is such a, you know, like a ciliate slipper, it’s not moving forward, it ’s not, an amoeba, an amoeba, a ciliate slipper , amoeba, it moves like this , some kind of these, that is, this is really an amoeba situation, the question is, which leg
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will ultimately drag this amoeba where, i’ll say, who will outweigh, i think that they are now very they argue seriously, they have their own interests. that’s clear, by the way, regarding the question of who will win - the elephant or the whales, who has what capabilities, well, firstly, about...
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there is a certain independence and he, in principle, can make some independent decisions, so indeed, this is the kind of effect that not even
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the situation in russian oil refining, but the description of this situation in the western press could influence the behavior of speculators, why? because in fact , quite serious publications began to give estimates of how much russia lost in refining were given by estimates of oil prices. including large ones, hanver gave their estimates , investment houses gave estimates, they turned out to be prohibitively high, up to a third there they said that the russians had lost a third of refining, which of course is not true, but i repeat this again, they wrote not just what -there are delusional analysts there, and serious people who are read by those guys who play on the stock exchange, they read it quite logically that the bulls began to accelerate prices they went up, yeah. accordingly, indeed, here the physicotechnical institute absolutely correctly writes that for biden, expensive oil will be
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a problem, because a completely unexpected economy has become the democrats’ trump card, a year ago it seemed that this would be their achilles pit, but indeed the economy of the united states, including by shifting the problems to the europeans, it has shown good results, so expensive gasoline is completely unnecessary for the current government, in this regard, it is quite logical that they will play the decline in oil prices, this, by the way, is quite profitable for us, why? because they realize, i repeat once again, that rude actions are against russia, as one of the largest players in the global energy market, they are driving up prices, even if this is not true, the assessment is the actual situation with retired capacities, but if it is said, it is already affects prices, by the way, from the point of view of... real consequences, that’s what is untrue in this article, it says here that damage has been caused to production, there is no production at all
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no damage has been caused, again, even if we say that there will be a reduction in the supply of petroleum products, and there will be, especially since we have a six-month ban on the export of gasoline, we can supply crude oil within our quotas, and naturally we will to take advantage of this, that is, in this regard, the volume of our supplies will not be much ... will decrease on the world market, which means that, in general, our budget revenues should not decrease, especially since world prices are going up, so, in fact, second part of your question relatively, regarding the ceiling, again this is a very dangerous story, including for them, when you start - how to change this situation quite radically, this is natural, if such a decision assumes that it will be decided to lower the ceiling, but it is completely obvious, that world prices... will grow quite strongly, the world market has actually shown its flexibility and adaptability, vast experience has been accumulated
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in overcoming sanctions, why? because let me remind you that this ceiling is the maximum price in the russian port, the so-called price fop, that is, this means that in the russian port the selling price should be 60 dollars for bars, but there is. insurance, that is , in this regard, the oil that reaches the buyer, it already quite officially has a different price, this also applies to india and china, naturally the cost is higher there, actually, when you provide this logistics, you understand that there there are quite literate people who, that is, the united states, britain, the european union, demand, well, first of all, from companies that are part of the so-called countries the price coalition, that is, which introduced this ceiling, requires documentary... confirmation that they do not violate this ceiling, so, in fact, especially companies that do not belong to the countries of the coalition, they have quite a lot of experience in
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providing the necessary documents where they they say: “well, yes, we took it at the price of the ceiling, but then, you know, the freight cost so much, the insurance cost so much, we are not violating anything, in this regard, the west, itself, contributed to the fact that we created this infrastructure, where we really exist traders there in dubai, in singapore in hong kong, they often appear in the last 2 years for the west, they are unknown, companies appear that transport this oil, there, say, the united states put pressure on liberia, it refused to provide flags, there gabon agreed , we have cases when we add sanctions courts, the russian register, to our own register, we suddenly discovered that why not, we have our own register, we can under our own flag, it’s strange that we previously, such a simple thought did not occur to me that it was possible, that it was possible to sail under your own flag instead of the liberian one, but now it comes along the black sea, walks here with
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the russian flag, the sheets included in the sdn are american, nothing happens to them.
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is like a fighting fist. for a coup you need a power wing. the curators invested millions to intensify the ideological struggle with russia. they need to be hit in their own booths so that they understand that war will come to every russian. the whole ukrainian trace. this complete scum. he loves money, he loves power and he loves death. he has his owners, who know very well when they can take off his muzzle and tell him to face him.
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their interest is simple: to tear russia apart. dmitry yarash, bonderyonysh. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. janie is probably better, better. you don't. love, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, all the attacks on taxi drivers happened in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t rest, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch
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the time after the program, raised a generation of nazis on american orders. russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine. he was a participant in the first chechen formation, and was involved in recruitment into these battalions, primarily the techkerian battalion. they pricked ukraine based on national history. curators invested millions to fuel the ideological struggle against russia. they need to be hit in their own booths so that they understand that war will come to every russian. the whole ukrainian trace. this is complete scum. he loves money. he loves power and he loves death, he has his masters, which they know very well, when you can take off his muzzle and say face, their interest is simple: to tear russia apart, dmitry yarosh, little bandary, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you
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have no idea what it’s like to be in my place? all attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait.
7:28 pm
tutte is on first today. janie is probably better, better. you don't love him, you have no idea what it's like to be in my place. rocky will fall asleep. tikhonov maxim. all attacks on taxi drivers occurred in the same area. i hope you don't want to work there as bait. you won't rest until you catch them, yes. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program.
7:29 pm
time will tell the program, we continue to work live, discuss live in general, where, where the current situation of our confrontation is moving, where it can develop, change. and within the framework of this discussion. this is not the first time, here in the studio with my guests we are asking ourselves the question: is the terrorist attack, the tragic events that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region, this is still a kind of black swan, and which, well, happened caused a lot of reactions, of course, but it’s like tangent to the general situation or is it something that may somehow affect its development, someone says that this may have begun to happen plan. b, someone says that it is possible, they are giving us a signal that a second terrorist front can be opened against us, someone says that no, this is not so, in general, there is something to discuss and analyze here,
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moreover, today, and of course , one of the main conversations here is who the customers are, despite the fact that we more or less imagine the performers, but who is the customer and who is the operator, there is a certain dispute going on here within the framework of our conflict with the west. and we assert that there is certainly a connection with ukroreich, and ukroreich itself naturally does not exist, the curators there are not alone, the west continues to claim that there is no ukraine, period, in this sense, literally before the broadcast a new message appeared from the investigative committee of the russian federation, this is how it sounds, please, as a result of working with detainees terrorists, studies of technical devices seized from them, analysis of information from financial transactions , evidence of their connection with ukrainian nationalists was obtained. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed data on the admission the perpetrator of the terrorist attack of significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine,
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which were used in preparing the crime. another suspect involved in a terrorist financing scheme has been identified and detained. the investigation will petition the court to select a preventive measure in the form of detention in relation to him. come on. in fact, once again we are talking about the fact that, of course, this is connected with ukroreich, and this is a continuation of that absentee dispute, which began almost literally not even in the first days, in the first hours after the terrorist attack , starting with kirby, who, when nothing was clear, already knew for sure that ukraine had nothing to do with it, they continue to say this every day, and the insistence with which they say this every time keep talking, causing more and more.
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and yes, i understand that miller is answering journalists who ask , mostly western journalists, who ask him this question for the second, third, tenth or twentieth time, but the very fact that... they continue to ask it, he is also very indicative, and another indicative fact , in my opinion, very indicative, is that if in the first days the kiev terrorist regime, well, went in a completely idiotic direction, trying to officially, without expressing any condolences, given that peaceful civilians died, without expressing any condolences, immediately blame the russian federation for this, then apparently, i don’t know which of the curators knocked on the head, but someone knocked very hard.
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explanations appeared from patrushev and bortnikov, who accused me personally and ukraine of terrorist attack, this is nonsense. by the way, if we touched on this painful issue, even though this is the enemy, in principle i do not approve of terrorist acts against civilians . that is, not even 3 days have passed since ukrainian official representatives moved away from their initial statements, for a moment in the person of their whatever, but nevertheless, supreme commander-in-chief, that is. russia itself and joined the western
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version, which the west has been hammering home from the first hour after the terrorist attack. well, regarding the fact that budanov does not approve in principle terrorist acts against civilians, i have such a conversation that it was one of the curators who imprisoned him, wrote this, gave him a slap on the head, said: you can’t say that, bitch, with rot, said: let’s go, well, i think, if we talk about the terrorist attack itself, then of course it was very very...
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afghanistan, which , in fact, was created under the americans, with the arrival of the taliban it turned out to be, as they say, a turnaround, and many are in prison, the isis, who are in their prisons, in fact, at that moment they were sitting, that is, they were released before the arrival of the taliban, all together, together with those who held them, today constitute this very velayat.
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absolutely exactly, within the framework of this, in fact, a large-scale terrorist attack of this level, it is precisely, well, what is called an attempt to transfer all these problems to our territory, in fact, in the development of this very topic, another very this is the second day the story is gaining momentum, and this is also clearly some kind of game, you just need to understand what this game is about in the professional sense of the word, that is at first. the new york times states that the united states did not convey all the information about the impending terrorist attack, fearing to reveal its sources , peskov says that the kremlin does not know that the new york times is writing about some sources there, only now, literally in front of ours broadcast, kirby stated that
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at 11:15 am on march 7, moscow time, according to the usual procedures established by channels, they transmitted a written warning to the russian special services, they continue to share. this is an inevitable accompanying component any military operations, it is clear that our special services prevent terrorist attacks, and the entire population does not need to know about this, sometimes these results are reported to us and based on the results, so that, by the way, on march 7 there was a message
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that they prevented an attempt at a terrorist attack , and they’re doing the right thing, let people work calmly, they prevented it, that’s all, that means they’re working, but we usually only have statistics... it was organized and clearly not planned by budanov at all, as it seems to me, because budanov is these performers, and this in fact, it will be proven, as i understand it, this information is already being sent to us, this time, the second time it’s not budanov, but what?
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well, excuse me, it’s not, well, if you say it’s clearly not budanov, then you have an assumption that it’s clearly not budanov but... completely with vladislav, he says correctly, these are the british intelligence services, the handwriting is different, you know, well, the handwriting should be skillful work, it is very serious, it is very multifaceted, because these are the performers, and you are the pool of people who provide this operation, it is huge, absolutely, and it is these people work remotely, this is a whole network, these are very difficult things, that’s why here... this is a separate topic and also for a specialist, an expert, which i am not in the intelligence services, i just understand that this is how it works, but i have to say about khrasan velayat, which means they are acting not only against the talebs, they are acting against iran in kermania
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, they committed a jaw-dropping, absolutely monstrous terrorist attack, and in kandahari just right against the backdrop of our terrorist attack, just by the way... as far as i understand, the victims there are chinese, for latest several days in afghanistan there have been several major terrorist attacks, in which the victims are interesting, listen, there has just been a terrorist attack in pakistan, where yesterday, it seems, or the day before yesterday, and where the chinese also suffered, the chinese are withdrawing their workers, about which the united states threatened pakistan, that there will be sanctions and problems if they continue to build the gas pipeline. from iran to pakistan, yeah, which is very beneficial, in fact, for pakistan, as you can guess, they are neighbors, this is the displacement, this is the process of ousting the chinese from...
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why don’t you answer, why don’t you answer like this, that is, so that there would be complaints against the leadership, trust in the leadership, the patriotic part of our society would fall, that’s what is aimed at, well then in this situation, i apologize for the cynicism, terrorist attacks against civilians not the best way to do this, because in our country, as practice shows, we are more likely to somehow gather inside from such tests, just look at how informational it is. there was an attack and how many different throw-ins, and very different
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skillfully, this was prepared in advance in order to show that our special services and security forces worked unprofessionally, they also accuse us of not being able to prevent it, but they could have prevented this very destruction of this very bridge in america they couldn’t either, well, with the bridge, it’s still not a terrorist attack, let’s be objective.
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citizens, of course, well, i hope that the patriotic part of the citizens is still somehow , well, they are at the front, but that they are at the front, many of them are people, in general the patriotic part citizens - this is the majority of citizens, if you are talking about turbo-patriots, then indeed many of them, including at the front, but i hope that many of them, well, somehow with an understanding of what you are talking about , it will also be normal, and it’s normal, i don’t know, your knowledge, feelings, assumptions about what... we are dealing with now , is this some kind of new stage, or is it just a very loud and tragic event, but
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not fundamentally affecting the development of the situation . well, i definitely won’t make assumptions about who was behind it, it’s not mine, this is not my area, i hope that our special services will present us with convincing evidence of the ukrainian trace, which has indeed been said many times, then indeed many questions will arise: will it stop in ukraine, or will these threads actually stretch to other countries, at least, will we hear official accusations from our president in relation to, in relation to these countries, because here it really seems to me that this is an important topic, and i personally thought a year ago that the west gave ukraine carte blanche for any actions towards russia according to the principle, do whatever you want, that’s all.
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even expresses readiness to cooperate from the point of view of terrorism, of course, they have the olympics ahead, and it is also unknown how and what will happen there, in this regard they are quite seriously nervous, so the real question here is what evidence will be found not only regarding ukraine, and regarding who could be behind
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ukraine, of course, it is still interesting to listen to the official explanations of the united states states. what they knew about the impending terrorist attacks , what exactly they conveyed , where this information came from, not only, by the way, from the united states, great britain too, we remember, officially, they posted these announcements on embassy websites that there would be terrorist attacks in russia, they suggested to their citizens should urgently leave, what kind of information was this, we haven’t heard it yet, and maybe the united states will tell us who blew up the nord streams, since we are talking about global terrorism, we would also be interested we heard this version, especially since i’ve recently been acting...
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the curators invested millions in stirring up the ideological struggle with russia, they need to be hit in their own booths so that they don’t understand that war will come to every russian, the entire ukrainian trail is complete scum, he loves money , he loves power, and he loves death, he has his masters, who they know very well, when they can take off his muzzle and say face-off,
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their interest is simple, tear russia apart, dmitry yarosh, bonderyonysh, dolls. heir tutti, today on the first, cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, zhenya, probably better, better. you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers took place in one area, but i hope it’s not as a bait, you want to work there, you don’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi
7:52 pm
, premiere, watch the time after the program, little bandit. so that they understand that war will come to to every russian, the whole ukrainian trail is complete scum, he loves money , he loves power, and he loves death, he has his masters, who they know very well, when they can take off the muzzle and say face, their interest is simple, tear russia apart for a part, dmitry yarosh, little bander, dolls
7:53 pm
of the heir tutti, today on the first. probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov maxim, and... all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in the same area, i hope you’re not used as bait you want to work there, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. the young bonder, dmitry yarosh, raised a generation of nazis on american orders. russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine. the curators invested millions to build it up.
7:54 pm
at the end of the program, i want to quote to you, as it seems to me, confirmation, of course, indirect, that the united states knows more than its official representatives know more than they say about their involvement in the terrorist attack, since there is such an indirect, but still an intelligence sign, if the officials who...
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today expressed the program in a very interesting way.


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