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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  March 28, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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so to speak, to go beyond some limits , they begin to get nervous, to go beyond unimaginable limits, this is evidence that something is stopping them, and john kirby, for a minute, the official representative of the white house just made a statement that isis bears full responsibility for this attack on the crocus, the us continues to remain vigilant, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, and then, attention, this is kirby, the white house spokesman, who says that my uncle often said, the best manure sellers often wear image...
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one of the founders of the anti-russian front, the ideologist of russophobia and fierce hatred of our country, extremist and terrorist, dmitry yarosh, back in early 2000 on handouts.
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began to incite hatred of fraternal peoples, russian ukrainians, where is he now, what did he become famous for, how much did he sell the country, soul and his ideals for, rise and fall, who is his master, and who does the modern follower of bandera serve, the price of betrayal of the little bandera boy dmitry yarosh, all of his skeletons in the closet, right now in the program of the doll-heir tootie... let's find out where it all began, what it led to, with you , marya butina, let’s begin. the west now speaks much more radically than in 2014, and most importantly, statements are followed by actions, constantly and consistently. a big deal is the participation of western partners in the training of our armed forces and our intelligence services. while dmitry yarysh is hinting and rushing into joyful lights from the consequences of the terrifying intimidation campaign in crocus, ukraine has nothing to do with the game, it is playing out. in the white
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house, has not spoken out, so far only biden, giving the opportunity to officials from his the administration is interrupted to whitewash kyiv. there is not a single piece of evidence that the ukrainian government has anything to do with this attack, we are sure of that. the american authorities ignore the escape of terrorists towards the ukrainian border, as well as the fact that the islamists had no reason to settle scores with russia not by order of the ukrainian reich, which cannot be said about ukraine. and, of course, in the united states they do not want to answer questions about the long-term supervision of their... services of united nazi and islamist gangs in ukraine. since the beginning of the 2000s in ternopil under the anti-imperialist front operated under the chairmanship of yarysh. the task is to fight the russian world, at the hands of foreign fighters and groups of isis banned in russia. yarosh recruited thousands of ideological and non-ideological radicals to carry out terrorist attacks. his western curators imbued him with hatred of everything russian. i grew up russian-speaking; i started speaking ukrainian at the age of 16. school, i became one of the founders
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of the city association people's movement. the people's movement of ukraine is one of the first nationalistically oriented parties in the ussr, imprisoned by the states for the collapse of the union. in this organization, the first recruitment took place recently of a soviet citizen who served in the missile forces in belarus and irakutsk, born into a russian-speaking family in dnepropetrovsk, former pioneer and komsomol member dmitry yarosh. a year later he was drafted into the army, and after demobilization the revolution appeared. too moderately radical, another thing is the trident named after stepan bandera, a paramilitary-type organization that traces its history to bandera’s deputy, yaroslav stetsko. at the trident base along with andrei biletsky, yarosh creates the right sector, which became the radical force of the maidan. the right sector is a platform for uniting revolutionary-minded youth of various persuasions. this is a powerful organization that was represented in every region of ukraine, without exception, in donetsk. lugansk region, she
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operated underground. after the orange revolution, he was assigned as an assistant to the future head of the sbu valentin nalyvaychenko, through whom the intelligence ties with the cia and yarash himself were strengthened. elite fifth directorate counterintelligence began its work as a sabotage group in response to the invasion. later it focused on what is called wet work. our task was to bring war to the russians. there is indirect confirmation that these operations were supervised by yarysh and his thugs from another neo-nazi organization, the ukrainian volunteer army. the victims were the first head of the dpr, alexander zakharchenko. battalion commander samali givi was killed as a result of a rocket attack, and a spartovets motorola was blown up in an elevator. later yarosh was already publicly threatened the physical elimination of the leaders of novorossiya, terrorist attacks in crimea throughout russia, explosions at infrastructure facilities, official promises to carry out terrorist attacks became part of his presidential election campaign, of course, no one made serious bets on him, rather he was brought into power to demonstrate
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a course for legalization of bloody terror. the right sector also gained legitimacy by joining the national guard and participating in operations in the donbass, the beginning of a long-term civil war between east. it was yarosh who put it out of the west, he himself admitted to attacking russian soldiers under the formal pretext of provocation to damage the television signal on the approaches to slavyansk, a group under his command disrupted the peace agreements. i did not receive any formal written orders. i am convinced that it is most effective to wage a war with the russian federation using volunteer forces. we were thanked for this battle in dnepropetrovsk, but some leaders did not like it. one of the generals began.
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her latest warnings about unpleasant surprises and the expansion of an asymmetrical war with russia are now acquiring new meanings, and as you know, the ukrainian security forces have a habit of staying on their own at intervals. the head of the sbu, who openly told on camera the details of the terrorist attacks previously committed by kiev against russia, confessed to the latter’s actions, although malyuk suddenly decided to abandon the sbu’s responsibility for them, transferred everything to a certain ukrainian intelligence service, clearly hinting at budanov and his guru, as for terrorist attacks in crocus cityhall, then without an official statement there is no doubt about who the organizer is. and even in france, french journalists see a ukrainian trace in the terrible terrorist attack in moscow, and not just a ukrainian trace, but they literally see dmitry yarosh’s calling card there. all the terrorists were detained
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before they tried to escape across the ukrainian border, where they were expected, they were identified as citizens of tajikistan, they admitted that they were recruited via the internet and killed for money. according to them, they had no direct contacts with customers, however , a business card in the name of dmitry yarosh was found on them, since yarysh was the founder of the right sector movement, number two in the security council of ukraine, and then an adviser to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the russian authorities immediately blamed ukraine, but yarosh denied the involvement of his country for this terrorist attack, seven accomplices were also arrested, this is not the first story with the so- called business card, it almost became. meme and yarosh himself even registered it as his corporate brand, no, seriously, he patented it on his property , zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be
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in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maksimovo, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope you you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maximovo, that’s it!
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maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope it’s not as a bait, you want to work there, you won’t calm down, right. until you catch them. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. but for the first time this story arose, if i’m not mistaken, back in the fourteenth year. what was the matter? and the whole story began at that time in slavyansk. this is mid-april of the fourteenth year. and ordinary citizens of slavyansk around the city. they set up roadblocks on the highways, who are entering the city, one of these checkpoints was attacked by unknown people at night, there
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were dead, wounded from the residents of islanskaya citizens of ukraine, yarosh’s business card was actually found there, there were many insinuations that it was , as a matter of fact, this yes, it’s all just an idea, that these are attempts to blame, but later it became known that there were even posthumous awards. there were sbu officers killed by the attackers and representatives of the right sector, indeed, that is, it was really an authorized joint operation of the sbu and the right sector, that is, this is an absolutely accurate story, and he himself later confirmed that the business card, which then really became a meme and he actually later made money on this story, it was his business card, without a doubt. yarysh really denied his involvement, literally like this. they say they found my business card there. i officially declare. this is not us, we will not take credit for other people’s merits, not because we feel sorry for the orcs. we understand well that the
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fewer there are, the better life in this world. a because we, ukrainian soldiers from the ukrainian defense forces, do not fight with civilians. we adhere to the rules of war, the geneva conventions and so on. but in general, if they all died there behind the pavement, it would be nice. away with terrorism, the death of the moscow sub-empire. oh, i'd like more. to continue the idea that yarosh was sharpened from the formation of trizub for precisely nationalist stories, when trizub was formed, in fact, and it was formed, roughly speaking, by the same lyovochkin, firtash and nalyvaichenko supervised it, the task was it was the national idea that was integrated into the country, the right sector, it arose already on the maidan, in fact , kolomoisky, korban and, say, felatov joined there precisely when it already existed. maidan was made a brand of the right sector, and before that the same trident included patriots of ukraine, and ultras, well, different, it
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was the solyanka team, and already, let’s say, he gathered the right sector, it was the right wing of the house of trade unions, by and large already like brand, it arose from kolomoisky and korban with fillatov, regarding the principles of yarosh, well, this how can i say, this can be said, a man with low social responsibility, i would call it that, because he simply took money from his hand, and there is nothing to talk about any principles, but what is the money for? he took money for himself, himself, and, of course, for the battalions, but the question is what, he has a conflict, in the end, how the right sector fell apart, it fell apart because the nationalists, who were part of it, did not divide, or that they didn’t share, they began to be indignant on ethnic grounds, because their idea was, let’s say, they persecuted the jews, well in a big way, according to ideology in its own way. they didn’t agree a little on the financing of another , that’s what outraged them, and yarosh motivated this
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already, that someone didn’t agree with something, in fact they called him just a bribe-taker, who spins this whole story there for money, in 2017 he denotes his role, and he says that in all these terrible terrorist attacks and murders, he performs a certain task, which, let’s see, is the ukrainian special services. must contribute in every possible way to the collapse of russia, there is no need to carry out terrorist attacks and sabotage, you just need to shake up the situation using a bunch of factors, the same muslim, islamic factor, chinese factor, ukrainian diaspora. so, here we are talking about the muslim factor, now let's look at some parallels, not only with the business card, but also with the build-up of sentiment, which is basically the task. after all, the americans and other western intelligence services immediately began to throw in
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the national card, what was the task? well , the british are quite skilled in this matter, the most striking example is how they india was torn apart, it is still at war within itself, one part called pakistan is at war with another, even to the point of using nuclear weapons, well, at least this is just a conversation, at the level of conversations, but it is still present, again- after all, the british, well , first of all, the british, they have quite ... rich experience in inciting national conflicts within russia, the caucasian wars of the 19th century are all british, central asia, the baltic states, ukraine, this is also mostly all ukraine, and not . only now, but throughout xx centuries, for example, post-war , post-war wars within our country , in the carpathians, for example in the baltic states, these are also the british, they believe that on the basis of nationality it is possible to undermine russia from the inside, the revival of these national conflicts, national enmity was
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also on the territory of ukraine, and yarosh, in fact, is a child returned by these very british... in the late eighties on the territory of ukraine, russia is not a mono-confessional state, there is there are different confessions, there are different religions, again, the islamic factor in russia is very strong, and internally islamic, so they will pump up these topics, and if we talk about the crocus, yes, they brought it up, it turns out that the theme of interethnic enmity is at the same time, if we talk about it so, well, the question is not about nationality, the question is about crime, because you know, there are scum and good people.
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power, which at one time could not take the storm itself. in this situation , analyzing yarosh from the age of 14, i i must say that he was able to take the helm himself. today we are discussing him and condemning him for being a fascist, and he says: yes, i am a fascist, you understand, our epithets for him are exactly the opposite, they sound like a balm for the soul,
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there are also a lot of people around him who are bearers of these , why did they get this isis involved... earlier this month, so i'll repeat , we just need to get more information and try to see if we can put all the pieces together, we don't have any evidence
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that ukraine ukrainians are involved in shooting at crocus cityhole, that’s what makes kirby’s gestures so chaotic and his eyes darting, when he comments on the terrible tragedy in moscow, we’ll look at it right after the commercial, don’t switch. “zhenya is probably better , better, you don’t love him , you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers took place in the same district, i hope you’re not used as bait if you want to work there, you won’t calm down.” yes, until you catch them. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program.
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cognac, old barrel is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. bourbon steersman. product of steller group. gin сnop product of stellor group, cognac monte shococa, product of stellar group, janie is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers happened in the same area, i hope. you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after
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program time, zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on the taxi. happened in the same area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. dmitry yarosh, an ultra-right radical, imbued with hatred of the russian world since childhood, he became the executor of the bloody will of the ukrainian regime. why terrorist acts have become a common method for kiev, watch it now. so, back to kirby. roman, we will need your help, because
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one video is for a tv channel, and there he is more confident in himself and even smiles, the second, they asked him, you noticed correctly, he is really confused, what’s the matter? yeah, kirby usually speaks steadily, he looks into the eyes of his interlocutor, looks at the operator, speaks normally, or... behaves like jim carrey, grimaces. in this case , the situation is as follows: imagine that an athlete takes a low start, when the start is when the start, when suddenly they tell him, go ahead , and he runs forward, burnt out, that is , there is a feeling that he was waiting for this moment, he was ready, he was already in the horn, in the studio, it was said absolutely precisely, the cartridges had not yet cooled down, and he was already ready with a speech, with a keynote speech, the whole point is that this is the message... the ukrainians didn’t ask him or who they can’t tell, who
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blew up the nord stream for 2 years already, now this is the same thing that’s been lost to us within a second they already reported and also, the fact is that this information story, it certainly lay on the british and americans, the americans dominated here, because kirby spoke first, and also, why didn’t it... without agreeing, they constantly changed the testimony, they either had igil, then they didn’t, then one, then the other, it was a global mistake, and podalyak, for example, generally decided, you know, like in the classics of the genre, so as not to lie , to say it as streamlined as possible, while the americans, the british, and many others say under the same tune, this, these are those, these are those. podalya says: we don’t know who, but it’s definitely not us. ukraine definitely has no relationship to these events. has never
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resorted to the use of terrorist methods of warfare. so we believed. even about this interview, yes, an emergency one, let’s say, honestly far from it, we can say that he once made an extremely careless mistake in terms of exposing the truth. he mentions the message from the british american embassy, ​​which was made on march 7th, it was clearly recorded on march 8th. they said it was on holiday weekends.
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without involvement gurmo of ukraine, main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense ukraine. by the way, gurmo includes a foreign, so-called legion, where there is a tajik battalion, an ichkerian battalion, and yarosh, the same one we mention, would be one of those people who was recruiting for these battalions, primarily the techkerian one, since he was a participant in the first chechen formation on the side, i once participated in it, like other ukrainian nationalists, and he was definitely tied to... the event of the main intelligence directorate, the ministry of defense of ukraine and special forces, special operations forces, that is, here a very clear story is being built, there is the so-called anglo-saxon commonwealth of five-eyed intelligence, american, british, mi-6, among others, which oversees a number of projects, in particular political and terrorist, and ukrainian nationalists, who were and are recruiters and old school, and new ukrainian nationalists who are connected with intelligence services
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and... no one, i emphasize, no one knows about this, the more complex the operation, the smaller the circle of people who are aware of it. look, if we talk about methods, yes, there are several important elements, but first, these are still ideological, not financial, in this case money specifically appears, then the terrorists took the money, the next moment, yes, they are either suicide bombers, or they take hostages and try something.
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according to the latest information, this is a radical islamist, of course, i said from the beginning, the only political factor for the basis for recruitment, money plus everything, it’s like a secondary one, add, yes, of course, if we talked, we were looking for the difference between isis, isis actions never were not accompanied by the fact that someone was talking about some kind of payment and receipt of funds, but here we are clearly talking about receiving funds, what is most interesting is that the amounts are named, the amounts for such a monstrous act, well, they sounded completely worthless. such an amount
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is half a million rubles, well, this is absolutely not the same money, this is in such amounts, very often, if we draw parallels, they cooperated in their such operations, let’s call it, representatives of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, yes, when it was necessary to throw there some molotov cocktail military registration and enlistment office, but not 500,000 rubles, smaller amounts appeared there, but there was a murder of bloggers, an attempt on their life, so 50-100,000 rubles appeared there. these are the exact amounts of money like breaking a window at a police station,
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you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. after the program, time, zhenya is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks
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on taxi drivers happened in one area, i i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t rest until you catch them, taxi. under cover. premiere. watch the time after the program. now they convinced us that no, no, no, we have nothing to do with terrorism, podalyak said. and here is what yarosh says about the russians. how pleasant it is to see how our special services are carrying out massive strikes on the crimean peninsula, on russian territory. they need to be hit in their own booths so that they understand that war is coming to every russian. russia is a centuries-old enemy of ukraine; as long as the russian empire exists in any form, true independence of the ukrainian people is impossible.
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and he hates our country so much that he even raised his own grandson so much that you look, a young killer of russians is growing up. degenerate, i was then a living witness to atrocities such as this yarush, khatyn, it was on march 22, 1943 that they took out in front of the barn, completely inconspicuous young komsomol members, one of those girls was my younger sister her grandfather, she was wounded in the leg, she was one of those komsomol members who survived, the germans thought she was dead, she crawled to the forest. there were our partisans in the forest, they saw how, excuse me, i can’t live without, how their wives, sisters, children were driven into a barn , my grandfather’s older sister was pregnant with her fourth
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child, there were three more children with her, she was the chairman’s wife collective farm, the head of the partisan detachment, was her husband, he saw it all, there were already five street children in whom she warmed them up and raised them as if they were her own children, she was a medical worker, just like me, she covered them with her body to the end, they were burning alive, when i later asked my grandfather why the bendera people made it so that they burned alive, all alive, children , women, and he answered: they were so cruel, they felt sorry for the bullets on these women and children, they screamed for a very long time, until the evening, men, their brothers, husbands in the partisan forest, they could not approach, because there was a cordon around the germans , i thought,
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for a very long time i thought that these were fascists, the ss men, no, maria, they are like a descendant of this beast, and i am a descendant of those, they burned and killed so cruelly, and i want to say, what is the difference between us? in me, just like in this yarosh, belarusian, ukrainian, russian and a little jewish blood flows, the only difference is that i am for life, and he is for death. this is all, colleagues, the difference, we, we came into this world in order to restore justice, thank you maria, your program, for giving us, the descendants of the innocently killed, the opportunity to remind all modern generations that that this must stop, and now on march 22, 2024, in exactly the same way, but krokus, those who tried to get out, they were shot,
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just like my grandmother, my cousin, it turns out, yes, she tried to push one baby out of this barn, through a small window, and he was simply shot, she covered the rest with her body , just like later... our special services, when they opened the crocus and the mothers covered the children with their bodies, everything happened again, i don’t believe in a coincidence, maria, i believe in fate. the person who today absorbed what
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there were detachments of ichkeria, who have now been warmed up by the british, give them money, give them power, give them weapons, give them protection, give practically everything for them, so he’s completely screwed, no, this is complete scum, many want him to be just crazy, he is not crazy, he loves money, he loves power and he loves death alone. this sword was given to me from lviv by guys who are entrepreneurs, this knife was given to me by the american diaspora, this is an indian knife, such a souvenir, and this is what the guys brought.
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keep something close, warm to yourself, and not a dagger donated by some american tribe , tell everyone about this in an interview on top of everything else, marriage is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, all the attacks on taxi drivers happened in one area, but i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. janie is probably better, better, you don't
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love, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place. tikhonov, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area. i hope you don't want to work there as bait. you won't rest until you catch them, yes. undercover taxi, premiere, watch. initially, he was not like that, he just wanted to be noticeable, this time, and he wanted people to talk about him, he really needed attention, because until the year ninety-four, or rather, approximately. so he didn’t really show himself in any way in this direction, i know
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i watched his interview a lot, which means he stated the following: that in the army, while still in our soviet army, he was already a member of the rukh, which means he discussed similar things, fought for these things among his colleagues in our soviet army, and after that he declares that, you know, he says, it turned out that before ninety-four i went to the city of noyabrsk - to work as a pombur, as an assistant to drillers, that is... he needs to be in the center of attention, he sincerely wants it, and you know, now this is the situation, he seems to be more in this regard even radigaten than everyone else. the rest , he wants to get into the mix again, he was taken, or
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he is working in the shadows, you know, i most likely admit that in this case he could have worked in the shadows, and you know, another thesis, i think that who knows , he will agree or not with me, he has a very good image, he is a good actor, it doesn’t seem like it, he is a very good actor, he has an image, you know, such a guy’s shirt is a table of embarrassment, oh well, guys, just leave him in the middle in fact, this is how he behaves, and i also ask you not to call him headless, he is very...
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it was impossible not to give him a grant, he himself did not present anything, he cannot speak, it means he always stood behind, and young guys, students of the dragopoch pedagogical institute instead of him tell how they will patriotically educate young people on national ideas generation of ukrainians, you personally communicated, i communicated with him, that means with his... circling several times, i ran into him on february 24, 1914, i was leaving the ministry of youth from sports, and that means there is a double glass door, in the middle i collided directly with yaroshch , and two security men passed, which means there were three others behind me, with this man i
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really experienced animalism and fear, because he was already so demonized at that moment, which means, well, then, how can you get there? here in the deputy... space, that means he is such a straw totemic effigy that is used for , but if we say in such dense internal terror, and then the month of regional terror, and that means naturally, let's see what his says about him.. . lydia rudenko claims that in the eighties, in their russian-language school, he spoke russian, received c grades in mathematics and english, was a leader and a dictator, if something didn’t work out, he achieved it, they say the end justifies the means in his case, you know, his entourage, his brilliant
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brother commanders are absolutely independent, and they talked about him about some kind of symbol, a totem no more, everything means a high opinion. they didn’t talk about him, which means there is a very precise moment when they talked about his service in the army, which means he leaves, serves in transbaikalia, returns from the russian army, transbaikalia in the year ninety-three, so who understands, these are the ones who hung ukrainian flags, they were not put in disbat, certain services worked with them, so he returned, that means.. .. here is such a guy without education , but then, that means, here is a very important moment, the year ninety-three, that means who creates the trident organization, soros, the revival fund, the deputy head of the revival fund , that means vasily stepanishin, that means he’s very sick nationalist, associate professor
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dragobych pedagogical institute, the revival fund gives a huge amount, 4,000 dollars study, it turns out that they are funded. and now, then, you remember, when he became an adviser to the head of the general staff on april 5, 1915, after minsk-2 the hunt begins, by the way, mikhail pavlev is reaching out to him too, and in fact it turns out that dmitry yarosh is carrying out this hunt , and the roots of this stretch back to
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the ninety-third year to the soros revival, how the right sector appears, we will discuss right after the ad. now let's take a break for a few minutes, don't switch, zhenya is probably better, better, you don't love him, you have no idea what it's like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope this is... you want to work there as bait, you won’t rest, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. romcastra stellar
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group product vodka veda stellar group product cognac old barrel stellar group product bourbon stirsman product stellar group whiskey mankatcher product steller group. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. janie is probably better. better. you don't love him. you have no idea what it's like to be in my shoes. all attacks on taxi drivers occurred in the same area. i hope you don't want to work there as bait. you won't calm down, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, watch
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the time after the program. banderyonnysh, dmitry yarosh, raised a generation of nazis according to the american order. the curators invested millions to intensify the ideological struggle with russia, all through the hands of yarysh. could the terrorist attack in the city of sitiholi be part of this inhumane struggle, and where does the idea of ​​this right sector, an extremist and terrorist organization, come from? we are discussing with experts right now, colleagues, we have begun to discuss where the roots of all this radical nazism came from, hatred.
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lvov was occupied, but after the war, who she was, she was the head of the union of enslaved peoples of the soviet union, in fact, she was the head of the organization that the americans nurtured, fed, directed, which was engaged in subversive activities, including on national grounds, on the territory of the entire large soviet union, that’s right, here’s the photo shown by dmitry yarosh and yaroslav stytsko, here. in fact, it is a symbol, that ’s where it comes from, that is, it is this ideology that goes to the maidan, of course, if you even look at the program documents
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of the trident, they repeat it, and somewhere they they are simply included in fragments , earlier documents, which were also written by stepan bandera himself, including who stepan bandera is, in fact, he is an ideologist of terrorism, if you read his books, he talks about terrorism, on the maidan it’s just yarosh and they left with him, that’s just it...
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as for yarosh on the maidan, there is a rather ambiguous long history of his presence on the maidan. yarosh was used by representatives of the authorities, the opposition, including representatives of the authorities, i’ll tell you briefly. sergey lyovochkin, yes, he was the head of the presidential administration of ukraine, he convinced the authorities. what is needed is the maidan, january 2014, the maidan needs to be radicalized, why radicalize, in order to create such a negative image from a peaceful assembly that they are radicals, a clash between representatives of security forces and protesters was needed, and blood was needed, on the 19th, january 19th on grushevsky street on the feast of baptism, just such quite tough confrontations took place, by the way , klitschko was the first to be there in the role of a conciliator, why is klitschko, because lyovochkin and the firtash... he was considered as a future presidential candidate and they needed exposure, these shots when he was shot from a fire extinguisher there cooled his ardor a little, this whole situation
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that was there, and just on january 22, later 3 days after this event... the first sacred victims appeared on the maidan, this is where the american scenario began to be implemented, when blood was shed, and yarosh received money from government officials, he was under the hood of the sbu during the maidan, so he did not he was afraid to go to negotiations with the presidential administration, he was not afraid for his life, because he was given guarantees, including by the sbu officers, so it’s quite interesting, because in fact the maidan is for him the apogee of his career. the current government is the liquidators of our statehood, these are those people who have a clear goal, they achieve it in different ways, using our, unfortunately, narrow-minded president zelensky, i do not rule out that he really does not understand anything, but he bears personal
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responsibility for this, he is the one who heads country, the state is destroyed.
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and the united states of america creates a congress of enslaved nations, then the idea of ​​this congress is adopted by soros in 1993 and completely rewritten by his revival fund. the bottom line. he really liked the idea of ​​lev dobryansky. they sounded very simple: nationalists can create a whole fighting fist that will defend any ideology of the nation that is enslaved. next:
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maidan, the right sector appears as a combat sector. fist, we will further compose the matrix of any color revolution, and we will find this a nationalist fist, but before that there will be a very strong chechen trace, this is ichkeria, that ichkeria that will introduce a new type of nationalism, new cruelty and new methods of struggle, and yarush will really like it, and now compare what they got by 24 , this is the a man, yarosh, who has lost part of his influence,
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who knows very well when you can take the muzzle off him and say: fas, off he goes, and he is profitable. janie is probably better, better, you don’t love him, you have no idea what it’s like to be in my place, your hands will fall asleep, tikhonov, maxim, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, i hope you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t calm down. yes, until you catch them. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. janie is probably
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better. better. you don't love him. you have no idea what it's like to be in my shoes. tikhonov, maxim, here. all attacks on taxi drivers occurred in the same area. i hope. you don’t want to work there as bait, you won’t rest, yes, until you catch them, undercover taxi, premiere, look after the program time, yarosh as a project, who created it in general, for example, kolomoisky was once asked about this, this is what he answered, i can’t ask about yarosh, he’s your man, no, he’s never been.
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nalyvaichenko - he was at one time the head of the sbu, he worked in foreign intelligence, was a consul in the states, well, in fact , he was a traitor who led yarosh, prepared him for military action, by and large , two camps were deployed before the maidan, one was in cherkassy, ​​the second in lutsk, where well military preparations were underway for the maidan , after... the maidan and i will say that kolomoisky is probably not lying about something, in what sense that korban really paid money to yarosh, maybe he didn’t even communicate with him, they are more carried out a political project
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, they really created cells in every region, but their colleagues know that they were engaged in racketeering robbery and protecting businessmen, that is, by and large it was, say, a power political project until it went into, say, national...
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it's just a tool that is used by western intelligence services in their own interests, their interest is simple, to tear russia into pieces, for this purpose they used any means, well, it’s as if there are ready-made people, ready-made tools, even a ready-made ideology, so you say that there won’t be long left ukrainian nazism , why, because the moor has done his job and the moor can leave, then the creators themselves will strangle him, they themselves will die, that is, they are grinding down, now... they are grinding down on russia, they are dying, well, maybe they will not die before end, and after a while, through several decades or maybe centuries , if god forbid, if, of course, our main enemy survives, then this enemy may
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remember this instrument again, but in this case this instrument will soon cease to be relevant, because it will simply be ground down, destroyed in thank you to the fight, you know, you are very welcome, i would be very happy sincerely if it were in your opinion, but as long as this force is needed, as long as... money is allocated for this force, it will work, there will be new, new ones the same yarosh, yarosh, who was not such a nationalist brings up this way, listen, yarosh is not a product of pure. nationalism , he just realized that it was profitable, he could rise on this, that’s the meaning of this yaryshka, and he forced himself to be like that, he’s drowning the zabet, also excuse me, to say, the moment, i say, mr. muzychka, so to speak generally , comrade comes from the perm region or the pendensky region, i just don’t understand, it was , you know, an example of lawlessness, 2000, about his death, in a nutshell, he simply said that for the first time nationalism is above all, and he just went squeeze amber ones to work.
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you all know this, this is exactly what his best friend was for, they worked with him, because with him, they devour each other, in their hatred, these people simply devour each other, so in fact, what is happening now is enemies are devouring each other, your opinion, we mentioned chechnya several times, from 1994 i was, as it were, a participant in all these events, until the end of the first chechen campaign, i must say that we had products of this kind in...
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he is very it's hard to stop if it's a huge and heavy pendulum. therefore, when western curators, americans, british, and other western intelligence services, play with this pendulum, lest it turn against them at some point. maria butina, the doll of tuti’s heir, was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. another suspect in organizing terrorist attacks has been detained. in cityhol there is evidence
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of the connection between terrorists and the kiev regime.


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