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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 29, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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international highway towards the m11 highway. instead of the old one, there is a new overpass, it is longer, almost twice as wide, and wider. the old overpass is located literally 100 m from the new overpass. it was built more than 60 years ago, now it does not meet modern requirements. this overpass will be demolished. the work is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. the new facility was built so that other important ones could be accommodated in the future without any problems. transport arteries, it is made in such a way that we have a reserve of movement for laying a high-speed highway line moscow-st. petersburg, and here an interchange was made on the highway that goes to sheremetyevo, so we have improved traffic for residents of the moscow region, zelenograd, in total there are about 600,000 people, and of course, traffic has been improved...
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presenter the airport of the capital sheremetyevo, the main air harbor of bridges, last year received over 36 million passengers, people were afraid of being late for their flights, sometimes they had to stand in traffic jams, especially during rush hour , for several hours, now it was 30 minutes, 3 km to get here, i think it will be great everyone will drive quickly, not slow down, we often stop and sometimes take an hour and a half to leave, all this is in the past, on the section from repin street to the international highway. and those who were driving towards the airport today were pleasantly surprised. i just got to the opening. compare your impressions, then? great, new, it's always new. the new overpass passes through the mcd-3 railway tracks. build such a large object and not interfere with traffic. this was not an easy task for the builders. the complexity of the construction of the facility
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was that the work was carried out without cessation of rail and road traffic on the leningradskoe highway and the international highway, and today i am happy to report to you that 6 months ahead of schedule, the facility is completely ready, which is excellent; at the peak of construction, about a thousand people worked at the facility, there were kilometers of utility lines that we saw, which we also... we didn’t see, but we found them, but we re-laid them, solved all these issues, the result was wonderful object, and that’s not all, the improvement of the adjacent territory is ahead , more than 9,000 trees and shrubs will be planted from them, and the reconstruction and construction of overpasses will continue, there are plans for nine such objects for the next 4 years. anastasia kobozeva, dmitry belov, olga merkulova, sergey valetov, channel one. from heart to heart, from voice to voice, soul to
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soul, songs that at all times gave hope, united people, brought joy and consoled, a big charity project to help all those affected by the terrorist attack in crocus sithole, famous artists sing songs of the national pop legend muslim magamaev, dedication album: hear my voice, and it is about the power of unity and love, which, like spiritual medicine, helps to heal and reduce the pain of losing loved ones, songs that help to survive, as if to hug everyone and say quietly, you are not alone and not alone with loss, we will be like in the song, the crane is free, a grieving person, the pain does not go away and responds with music, melodies and poems living in the heart of each of us, today sound like a ray of hope, i really want to believe that everyone who could not leave the burning hall turned into a white crane. cries, calling out to all of you whom
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he left on earth, the memory of those who are no longer in support of those who suffered, each artist chose his song, the most beloved, the most sincere, the sun is golden, the darkness sparkled. my favorite song, maybe a little sad, but at the end there is a light of hope, hold on, don’t despair, i hope everything will be fine with us. the artists retained their cordiality and depth, tenderness the shrillness of each song, but today they sound completely new, with the intonation that will penetrate the soul of everyone who hears them, the birds have stopped, in my opinion, very cool.
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how fragile it is, human life, your footprints from the dill by the river are like mica, long -beloved artists throughout the country sing about the mental pain that will be with us for a long time, i ask, i ask, at least not in debt, at least not in debt, my pain, my pain, you leave me, every day. every single day an endless crowd of people comes there, crocusity holo, they lay flowers, the whole country is mourning , in fact, because for us this is a huge tragedy for the whole country, but all together they, the artists of different generations of musical tastes
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, nevertheless united in order to give us all the hope that is so needed today, hope for the fact that you can hear each other survive trouble together, without becoming embittered, without giving up.
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to help the victims, the families of the dead, music heals, it’s hard to find any words now, yes, because it seems to me that they have already been said, so many tears have already been shed, with whomever we didn’t talk, no matter who we talk to, everyone perceives it as their own pain, their own loss, no matter what happens, please live, live happily, always. listening to the album with a crocus flower on the cover, we will feel, whether we hold hands, whether we breathe together and feel the same, everything that the musicians collect on streaming services will be given to those who suffered , their families, to those who need it most now in our love. after all, i am even
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stronger than you. hear my voice sounds in one breath, maybe due to the fact that everything the artists surprisingly matched each other in intonation and energy, or maybe the fact is that each of them sings with faith that good will win, and darkness will recede, the night will pass, it will pass, it’s not time for us, the sun will set, alexei zototov, mikhail kunitsin , yulia khodorova, nika vishnyakova channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time, stay up to date with events, now on air on channel one, premiere, crime detective, undercover taxi, new series.
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why by taxi? yes, what would you ask? no, well, it’s interesting, but the fact that we’re confused what, now the cops are driving taxis, or vice versa, taxi drivers are moonlighting as cops? oh, well, this is so strong, i don’t work with my brains, otherwise they will boil, listen, after all, why take a taxi, you can earn extra money as pizza delivery boys, yard? and the country will become clean and safe , it’s cool, i see, you’re not a fool to chat,
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yes, i’m not a fool at all, i was even praised at school, and our bear is not a fool, bear, is it you or something, bear, well, me, who else, what are you, in our passport you are tikhonov.
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central 812 punch passport dictate 812 tikhonov maxim maksimovich year of birth 1980. from the first passport series 403 46 49 91 accepted 812 kurbin yes tovac meer and what’s with the face? and i hit the steering wheel, that steering wheel, that’s right too,
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8:12, well, the turbine, 8:12, i’ll see at least one scratch on the car, i’ll kill it, 8:12, well, where are you, central 8:12 communications, no documents in the database. no, well, just like that, no, a passport with that number does not exist, i accepted it. hello, hello, i can use the computer, why do you need it, i met a little man on the street, a familiar face, i want to see if he is wanted, they give you directions, well, i need the whole database, come on, just for a little while, i’ll have some coffee, thank you.
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filororetov mikhail nikolaevich is wanted on suspicion of article 105 111 161. 162. when arresting, be careful; the suspect may offer armed resistance. yeah, i already understood that.
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hello. hello. cheslitsa? yes. i missed one today, what kind of bastard? yes, there’s a first aid kit in the car, let’s go, i’ll patch you up, i’m already in your thoughts, catch my stand, soon you’ll want to me, i’m already in... the hospital just called, do you remember that the sister with a broken head, uh, the owner of a silver skoda, died tonight, how he died, why, but it’s unclear, whether it was the heart, or something else - sit still, excuse me, i was just
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making an orientation, i discovered something interesting, all the attacks on taxi drivers occurred in one area, in which one? rzhevka-powder, do you think someone from the gang lives nearby? possible, but unlikely, why? it would be too easy anyway, even if it is the case that it changes, there are 2000 lives there, to check them all, you need an army, ready. thank you, you won’t calm down, right, until you catch them, sorry, if you were me, would you behave differently? you have no idea what it's like to be in my shoes, you don't
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know a damn thing about me. well, guys, let's help? take care of yourself, my friend, come on, in general, listen,
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it was our mikhail nikolaevich who got involved with a saleswoman in saratov and somehow came to her after the store closed. and she , suspecting nothing, let him in, and he robbed the cash register and killed her, can you imagine, the main thing is clean worked, turned off the cameras, took the hard drive, but the girl was only 20 years old, it doesn’t work, so let’s go the other way, well, you’re a glutton, so what’s the ksp 30 t sp puzzle here, i don’t understand anything. are you serious, or what? well, let's go get some more. over the past 7 days
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, 12 bus stops have been dismantled in the city. 12. the population is outraged because they think that the stops are being demolished by the authorities, the authorities are outraged because they are forced to listen to outraged citizens and install new stops, our bosses are outraged because they are being pressured from above. they think, that you and i are sitting here with our hands folded. this means that from today, special attention, i emphasize once again, we are paying special attention to bus stops. the list of stops will be given to each of you personally before the start of duty. let's move on. a new order from the state department of internal affairs, in connection with recent events, to carry out explanatory work with taxi drivers. our task is to explain to the drivers that they must be on alert, because each of...
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8:12, i’m close to everyone, i’ll check now, central 3:19, we are in the taxi depot, one driver claims that there was another attempted attack, what are our actions? 319 is 812, redirect him to me, i ’ll show you later, the taxi driver asks where he should go, we russians drank the enemy’s glory and we will beat me, you... 8:12, why did they snatch you, 8:12, welcome, 8:12, reception, 3:19 is 8:12
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, contact the dispatcher, please, he will clarify everything for you, who did you call a man, and i’m not a man, i’m against you, your honor, i understand your honor, i understand, the arete has been served, your honor, well done, it’s our way, our way, yes, yeah, give it back!
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you will watch how dushar takes, be careful, dear, the central one is 8:12 on the promenade des anglais, please send it quickly and quickly, well, your honor, instead of a ball now there is a vuzoret. well , why are you so sloppy? every week we catch such a hussar, but listen,
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didn’t you take pictures on your mobile phone? this needs to be filmed and posted, a drunken busar cuts off everyone ’s finger, it will provide a million likes, next time for sure, thank you, well, let’s do it, come on. is this to you about the attack on taxi drivers? yes, how can i help? there was another attack, on whom? on me, it was somewhere three weeks ago, i think it was the third or fourth, i received an order to malinovka park and from there to the center. malinovka park - this is the rzhevka-porokhovye district? yes, yes, right there on the edge. continue? well, i'm approaching the park. a client almost immediately sat down with me and we went, and he just said: the plan was changed, we are going to our revolution, well , we changed, we changed, the owner is a gentleman, we are going there, but somehow i felt uneasy .
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i feel something wrong with my back, we turn ours from the revolution, and it’s dark there, please, as he tells me, slow down for a minute, something is bothering me, well, i think that’s it, i turn around, and he has a brass set on his hand, what are you doing? well, the choice is small, either jump out of the car and run wherever you look, or hit the gas, well, i chose the second, accelerated as much as 200, we’re flying, i’m yelling at him , hit me if you want, we’ll die together, feel free. and he? well, was he yelling something? i didn’t really hear much, we were flying on adrenaline, in short, i looked, there was a bus stop, and there were taxi drivers and three or four cars standing there, so i jumped up to them, slammed on the brakes, and he jumped out of the car, well, me and men in cars behind him, and there were gateways, some narrow passages, there was no way for cars to go there, basically he ran away, but
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his voice didn’t seem to you? diploma, no , it’s ordinary, but you can describe it, i say , it was dark there, i couldn’t really see him, well , we can try, let’s try, like that, no, he either looks like a tatar or a bashkir. like that, yes, like that, okay, now the nose, and the number from which the order was made is preserved, preserved, the men and i called it, punched it, and it ’s kind of strange, it consists of fourteen digits, and the first one is not eight, plus three, you know, they called through some special program, it’s impossible to call back, it’s also impossible to find out where they called from, it’s so similar, right?
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so similar, good, you can print, that is, after all, there were no special signs, but it seems not, although he had brass knuckles on his left hand, and not on his right, if he had been on his right , then i would not have seen him, a chair would be in the way, left-handed, but can you give me a copy too?
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what witness is the taxi driver, he was also attacked, but he managed to fight back, well, well, he brought it and brought it, what are you doing here, go, stop, what do you have, a sketch of the attacker, where is it from? i made coffee, i see you have a lot of things to do, our cells from heaven were busy with them, if i knew, it’s in vain
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that you’re trying to stay in my head. 8:12, and you ’ve already checked all your stops, central, second, come last, central 8:12, all stops are intact, look carefully 8:12 , i’m trying, hello, lesh, hello,
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lord, turbines, then you fell, something else, well, this is how to live with you, well, you don’t live, wife. it’s better to be calmer, well, that is, this is for you now the main thing is that it’s calm, i didn’t understand. why get up and leave? no, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, okay, maybe you 'll apologize to jeniy then too? for what? because you
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hit him then? olya, i hit him because he climbed into someone else’s bed. lyosh, i’ve already explained it to you a thousand times. there was nothing between us then and there couldn’t be, because i was your wife, he just came to support me, because my parents told him that you and i had quarreled and he, it was a bad idea until you love him. tell me how to vomit part of you is non-war, tell me what to do, if reason is a word, tell me how to take me out of the wings of painlessness, tell me how to find it, save souls,
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save souls, we will survive, and i love. so, well, batunich, the moment of truth, what do we have here, yeah, only three contacts, all outgoing only to these numbers, a message to the sisters, a prudent bastard, okay, let's get through it. i’m listening, greetings, the turbine is bothering me, but what did the taxi driver want? i have three numbers here, can you help me out and get through to the owners? okay, go ahead, send a text message. thank you very much, i'll send it now. good evening,
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lyoshenka. hello tan. but i baked some pies for you, otherwise you just eat pasta, and soon you’ll become like a pasta. these are smaller ones with liver, larger ones with potatoes. thank you very much, but it’s somehow inconvenient, what’s inconvenient, it’s inconvenient to sleep on the ceiling and put your pants on over your head, thank you, that hedgehog is healthy, okay, i’ll run, and you ’re the first to start my voice there, nogieva, well, i just adore it, thank you again, what are you going to do, with liver or potatoes, what happens, it turns out that the burden will be
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maybe they were sitting? let’s do this, let sampsonov’s group take care of this, let them check all the suspicious housemates who have been sitting back lately. of course, i know, this is yura, he rented an apartment from me here. yes, i know, this is denis. but i know this is a strong word. well oleg, so what? yesterday, out of the blue , he called and said that circumstances had changed and he was moving out, we met him here in a pub, we had a blast then, then we met again at the party, well , drunk, we exchanged phone numbers, maybe you have some other details can you remember
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he’s like this guy, uh-huh, then they offered him, in general, he sat down with me, at first it seemed like they were just talking. and then he started signing me up for some murky scheme, then he took me home, then he called again, we can get all the money quickly, well, i said that i’ll think about it... the answer, and what did you decide? i refused , i don’t need to risk it now, my wife is pregnant , i never showed it to you, i’m seeing it for the first time, but i don’t know anything about it at all, the guy was just putting glue on, i said to everyone who, i said to everyone who does it stick to me? that's all this in general, this is all, this generally
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takes a long time to get ready, yes, of course, that is, you work the night shift, who, if it’s not a secret? cashier, cashier at a gas station. zemfira, hello, hello, went to bed, yes. dead end
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and where should i look for you now? maxim maksimych, start the engine, we are going home, the window is open, it’s starting to smoke like one of our own, poured it on the floor, poured it, more. well, that’s it, the loaf is good, everything is fine, it’s him, hello, but i don’t know, he’s jealous of my car, maybe he’s barking there, he’s full of buzz, the middle is full, the edges are playing, he gobbled up the whole pan, well, it’s him maybe.
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oh, loaf, loaf, i understand, we will fix it, i will definitely fix it. okay, let's go.
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hello, dad, hi, mom, i decided to sort out the popcorn, you didn’t have time, i decided for you. finish this thing, and you,
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mom, aunt tanya, hi, she seems to be trying to take care of me, you know? oui. i promise,
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that's all, everyone is free, come on. yes, allow me a couple of subsequent shifts, in the evenings in the rzhavka-powder area. why exactly there? the latest attacks on taxi drivers were carried out in this area. where does this information come from? well i have my own sources. i hope you don't want to work there as bait? no, no, i want to travel, talk with locals, with taxi drivers. what if something pops up? well, okay, at the end of the shift you can, but i’ll stay. don’t forget to check, okay, thank you, where is the must, he’s running a taxi company, you’re the one
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communicating with the turbine, what? well, who is leaking the details of our investigation to him? i don’t know, vyacheslav mikhalovich, not me, for sure, otherwise, given your past, i wouldn’t be surprised, from now on , no contact with this simpleton from the teaching staff, otherwise there will be consequences for you as tough as possible. yes, building 4, apartment 37, that’s right, i called and knocked, they don’t open, maybe no one is home, 3:19, from the windows of apartments where there is no one, cabinets
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fly out by themselves only in horror films. damn it, don’t even talk about it, son, and the herods removed it, that’s right, lariska said that soon all the buses here would be canceled, i haven’t heard anything about it for hours, no, i haven’t heard, they took it, loaded it onto a car, period, like a cow from ... i was a jerk, i already called our deputy, i called the district, i told them everything about how i will now go to my granddaughter if there are buses there are no buses here at all, well, there were buses, they are running, they will continue to run, and the central
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one is 8:12, i have bad news, i’m listening, just a second, grandma, and you said, they took it and loaded it onto the car, you saw how they loaded it, otherwise, of course, i saw it, it was this morning , why did i wake up, look out the window, and there’s a car there, along with a stop, and it’s driving away , uh-huh, and you didn’t remember the car by chance, but how could you not remember it, i remembered it, such a burgundy truck. well, with this, what’s his name on the side, with the coat of arms, what other coat of arms, well, with what, with our leningradskys are sons of bitches, and don’t
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say, son, some kind of herods, thank you, wobble! all outfits, the next stop has just disappeared, the corner of academician garin and lesnoy prospekt, central 812 , i’m moving forward, i remind you that the criminal can travel in a burgundy-colored gazelle with the coat of arms of st. petersburg on board, this is 319, 5 minutes ago, one of these drove past me, even out of the back the glands were sticking out, where was this reception? alexander vasilyevich, i hear you perfectly, the plan is operational. approved, but to implement it i need people, i once again i say, i understand, but give me at least, well, at least 10 people from the local departments. "excuse me, please, just a second , is there something urgent? yes, our witness is a taxi driver who is driving a silver skoda, what about him? he didn’t
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die, he was killed. alexander vasilyevich, excuse me, i’ll call you back. come on, these are the results of the autopsy, the expert report of him strangled. why are you here? i'm reporting to you, you should be in the hospital, interview everyone, and you also have cctv cameras . commander, help me, thank you. guy, come on, otherwise your partner has disappeared somewhere, and this what, a bus stop, or what? she's the one,
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huh, why are they taking them off? yes, who knows , you are small people, the authorities said to remove it, we are isma, soon they will install a new one, and new ones, and what about new ones, it seems like nothing, but who knows, they want to use the budget, they probably want brilliant, of course, in broad daylight. and the men and i are racking our brains, with the men, with which men? out with these guys, let's get out, your stop.
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hello, hello, de fifth, full, please, hello, hello, third, how much? full tank, yeah, now wait a second, get up, today is the thirtieth or thirty- first, thirtieth, so that means the owner will come for an inspection today, maybe this time the pay will not be for... who knows? young man, take the change, please, young man, take the change, thank you, thank you,
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colleagues, i can’t help but share. the newcomer admitted everything, in general, his sister works in the administration somewhere in the region, they were recently ordered to install new stops there, and she had already spent the entire budget, she had nothing for it, and without thinking twice, she entrusted her brother with five to find stops somewhere, he thought, thought and came up with an idea, he just started making them in our city right in the middle of belodnya, and no one even asked him anything, since the overalls were drinking so brazenly, it means it’s necessary. no, well, the self-made coat of arms on his personal gazelle is actually a brilliant touch, i think, well, thank god,
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otherwise i’ve already started dreaming about these stops at night, and i’ll finally perform normally today, even if, as usual, i’m better off dreaming about shabarkin, what are these damn stops, i’m embarrassed to ask, but what if does stakh shabarkin make yours? 3307 and 3693, stop talking, this thing smells like a reprimand. central 812 az on the primorsky shosse, suspicion of an armed attack, send
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help, accepted 812.
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central 8:12. addition to the attack on the gas station, primorsky highway 251, we need an urgent ambulance, so what we have here, maybe pancakes, they killed right in the hospital, no one saw or heard anything. this is how they actually
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worked, what's wrong? they did a good job, maybe you can give us some more medals, how did they know that the taxi driver survived? well, the hospital workers knew ambulance workers and taxi drivers from the taxi company were also in the know. “this is not our leak, vyacheslav mikhailovich , i would like to believe, yura, i would like to believe , hello, what are you doing here, something happened
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, i apologized, i was wrong, lesh, no need, why, you understand everything yourself , i don’t understand, you’ll understand together. this will be the best evening, i’ll pick up the whole film, i’ll take it from my mother and herme, i’ll break it, i’ll break it with you, it will be a signal from
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a taxi cab, the number cannot be determined, it seemed to the dispatcher that the caller was trying to change voice, central 812 nearby, call address. central -812, i’m there, i see the object, write 8:12, i see a suspect, about thirty, skinny-headed, heavy-set, the taxi hasn’t arrived yet, as soon as the night surveillance arrives, accepted 8:12. central t 812,
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the suspect is walking towards me, the suspect is approaching me. 8:12 don’t even think about it, good morning, dear tv viewers, hello, you are our golden ones, march 29 is on the calendar, friday, and it’s so great, so wonderful that we are celebrating this day with you, but what about timur solovyov meets, we have big plans for this morning with you, it’s time to prepare for the summer season.
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good morning, there are three schoolgirls in my family, and i , as an exemplary mother, from time to time distract them from lessons to do gymnastics, today we will stretch our back muscles, stand with our feet shoulder-width apart, elbows to the sides, palms in front of the chest, fists clenched , now we move our arms back, try to connect the shoulder blades, pause for a second, return. to the starting position, don’t stretch your neck forward, pull the top of your head up if you don’t have enough
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speakers, you can complicate the exercise a little, we spread our arms and at the same time move our right leg back, put it on the toe, take turns taking a step back then... thank you very much colleagues and good morning our dear, the best tv viewers on earth, hello, thank you for you are celebrating this day, and this is, by the way, friday, the 29th, i remember, march 29th, with us, this is by the way. this is svetlana zeynalova. so, the first month of spring is coming to an end, and more and more often on social networks on various forms dedicated to healthy eating, talking about all sorts of diets and calories,
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well, it’s really the season, counting them begins, arguing about how to count correctly and how to count incorrectly, and sometimes just like that, god bless them, and you open the refrigerator to relieve stress, but we don’t let's argue, our correspondent varvara fedorova will now tell us everything, how to count, how to eat, perhaps, probably, very possibly , someday... will you lose weight? 500 kilocalories is one very sweet bun, ate it and it was good right away, but how to work it off? shall we? probably not at all, there is such a concept as basic metabolism, even in a lying position, when we rest, the lungs, heart, liver, the whole body works. processes are constantly happening, hair grows, enzymes are produced, hormones are produced so that you just wake up in the morning, hormones are needed, therefore... energy is constantly spent on everything, and yes, a lot of energy, at a time when you are just lying there and doing nothing if you don’t, your body spends about 60 kilocalories per hour, multiply by 24, a total of 1,440 calories per hour
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day, this is approximately, but to be precise, the basic metabolism is calculated using the mifflin sangeor formula, here you can substitute your weight, height, age and gender, we spend as much on the weekend without leaving the couch as on a working day with... we multiply the result by coefficient, minimum 1.2, maximum 1.9. if we are at home, then this is weak physical activity, the coefficient is small, but if we constantly go somewhere far away, then this is higher physical activity, and the coefficient will be correspondingly higher. example, a 35- year-old woman, weighing 60 kg, height 170 cm, with minimum activity will spend 1.585 kilocalories, but with average activity it’s already 2.048, and this difference, remember, is the sweetest one. bun, here's how it works: made the bed, plus another 35 kilocalories to the base metabolism, took a shower - another 45, cooked breakfast - 75, then washed
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the dishes +50, got ready to go out, put on makeup, got into bed, got dressed, that's another 60, that's of course , very approximate calculations, the total is already 220, and if the cleaning is planned, if we do a full-fledged vacuuming, washing, and then everything... we collect, then this is about 250 calories per hour, so they compensated, unnoticed, and it’s okay that the dumbbells you once bought are still in the package, let them lie there, you can move as you like, with me. i don’t have enough motivation, i don’t have enough desire , i’m resting at home, there’s also intellectual training , just having the brain turned on is very energy-consuming, it’s not for nothing that schoolchildren go to exams with chocolates, the body knows how much and what it needs in order not to lose weight or gain weight, so when we want change, it can be very difficult to come to an agreement with him. varvara fedorova, mikhail karasev, channel one. let us remind you that on the calendar on march 29 , our ancestors said this on that day, sani
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is not bad, although he is a little leisurely in his work, some will even accuse him of being delusional, but this is not so, he is just meticulous, he likes to come up with something, taking his time bring the idea to perfection, so to speak, polish it with brilliance and bring it to life. this day is very good for artists, designers, architects, everyone who makes or sells something original and author’s, it will be great for renovations, home decorations, the other side of the same coin, this day is greedy for beautiful things and easy to spend money on them, another disadvantage is that he is... not very picky in
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making acquaintances, sometimes he is too arrogant and arrogant, but he is also very amorous. aries can feel this, but the stars cannot say whether this is a plus or a minus. but what they know for sure is that this day is also very good for work and career, some of the aries, however, may hear something addressed to them like there is too much of you, but here the stars are powerless. taurus today are businesslike, persistent, inventive, if all this is channeled in a constructive direction, you can collapse. for gemini, this day may reveal something new, interesting, and maybe even surprising, you may have to help one of your relatives or friends, sacrifice some of your plans, but nothing, you will get credit for it, and the evening will reward you for your efforts. cancers are planning some kind of troubles and bustle, in which you can easily forget something, lose something or make mistakes, in general, be more careful while driving too. otherwise
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, the day is just like a day without any special ups, but without downs, the evening seems to gather pleasant company for you. this day will help virgos improve something, fix something, put it in order. the new bosses will be able to optimize the work in their teams, just don’t nag your subordinates, and in the evening you may well buy something. the scales simply work smoothly. friday, it’s possible that some nervous conversation at work will happen, but just control yourself, definitely don’t argue with your boss, and be careful with sharp tools. scorpios, your motto is patience and prudence. the day, firstly, is fraught with some temptations, and secondly, you can be provoked into a conflict, you don’t need any one or the other and call some old friends. not a bad day from sagittarius, when everything that was planned turns out. the main thing is, take your time and don’t hesitate to ask for help and advice from...
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your hands, if something slows down, boldly forward, everything will work out, and don’t give up , try to approach this something from the other side. capricorn ladies, you are simply charming today. aquarians may remember an old debt or some kind of obligation that you took on but never fulfilled; reproaches from family members are also possible, about something that you promised them will have to be corrected. after lunch, it is possible to make a new acquaintance and be careful with caustic chemicals. good luck to you. our program continues right now , we invite you to a wonderful place, a wonderful peninsula, crimea. you can, of course, admire its nature endlessly, just stand and watch it in the spring.
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here we see old graffiti, the last name or first name is not very visible, but the year is visible, 1900 , further down it gets darker and darker, traces of ancient people were found inside.
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now hidden behind the clouds, procedure the cry was repeated, it was already bravo, the mountain itself, that’s why it’s called bravo, that’s how royal tourism is in yalta. further to the palasa pine, in 600 years other trees managed to grow on this giant. here we can see blocks of stones, yes, that is, good drainage, less of this rot, less stagnation of moisture allowed us to avoid a fire. near chansu, now full of water, translated from crimean tatar as flying water. it is believed that...
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a parade of tulips called, dozens of varieties, this variety bloomed very early, and there were buds on it still almost at the beginning of february, and the flowers have bloomed in the last days, magnolia and sakura are blooming, multi-colored fruit trees that bloom before the leaves bloom, sakura is still called different forms of plum, and these are decorative peaches, if you are japanese, then the sakura peach , finally, you can stop by the kadykovsky quarry in the vicinity of sevastopol, a popular place for a photo shoot, before... crimean limestone was mined here, and several moscow metro stations are lined with this stone, in particular the park kultury station, and then groundwater flooded the quarry, how fortunate, this is the heart of crimea, you and i see very clean underground water, which still has a beautiful, pleasant color, i highly recommend coming in the summer, yes, no matter how much
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you come to crimea, you still need to go. dmitry kuzmin, nikita kuvakov, stanislav khizhnyakov, oleg soshin and dmitry krivtsov, crimea channel one. early in the morning, let's talk. participants don’t even have to hide anything, this is a very fat pyramid scheme, no contracts in hand and reporting, payments to investors at the expense of subsequent clients will end, the project will be scammed, that is, deflated, and we warned you, why then do they believe them , we’ll sort it out with the experts, they’re trying to get us
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hooked on the excitement that we’ll want to go there because there’s something so fabulous there, 300% in 3 days to 20% of actions of your referrals, that is , how many people you invite to... we have envy and a desire for me to do the same, since he succeeded, then i will succeed. moreover, when we are talking about those you trust, sofia gave a friend more than 800 thousand rubles in cryptocurrency for a pixel image of a sneaker from a popular applications that promised payback in a month. the
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more you run, the more you complete certain tasks associated with this sneaker in this program, the more you earn. they were in a hurry, they said come on. now there’s a very favorable rate , now it’s very profitable to invest, now we’ll exchange everything for you, rubles for cryptocurrency, i didn’t understand this at all, that’s what they played with, but when i decided to withdraw the money, problems started, the rate fell, that money , which you invested are no longer there, our accounts were blocked, and almost immediately people disappeared, i still can’t return a single ruble, how can i deceive myself, our brain loves fairy tales very much, and when we are in a childish position, we want to believe that this is possible, 3.00% per annum, our task is to be in adulthood. positions, that is, such a direct, such grounding, we reduce the level of stress and anxiety, which
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actually inspires us to move into something so high-risk, this means that 10,000 for you will turn into 10 billion, literally counted hours, that is, we just really turn it on critical thinking, let’s turn on our critical mind, which should tell us, this doesn’t happen, the rule is simple, if you heard about an incredibly profitable high-project, it means you ’re already too late, it doesn’t have long to live. dmitry kuzmin, mikhail chetvoryakov, channel one. so, we remind you that march 29 is on the calendar. the summer season is getting closer and closer, it’s time to buy shovels, hoes, and other equipment if it has disappeared somewhere this winter. yes, well, and most importantly, seed fertilizers, where without them, experienced people are already doing this with might and main, because so far cheaper. natalya is an agronomist, and her children are preparing for a medical and biological class, together with them we collect a summer resident’s basket. first feeding. nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. fertilizers are the main ones in a summer resident's spring basket. and now there are discounts. if
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you're lucky, you can even snag a discount of up to 50%. in april-may, a rush begins among summer residents, prices rise. per square meter 20 g per hundred square meters of garden - 2 kilos. second seeds: borscht set, cabbage, beets, carrots, and also tomatoes and cucumbers, two bags, each about 30 rubles. i'd take cucumbers too prickly for... pickling delicious salads and smooth for children, because they are not prickly, children love them very much, and children love watermelon, its seeds are also in the summer resident's basket. i want to treat all my friends. the third number in the picture is the covering material. it comes to the aid of summer residents who do not have a greenhouse, because it helps protect plants from frost, helps cope with excessive ultraviolet radiation, that is, the plants do not get burned. we're about to start pruning the trees, so number four is garden varnish.
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we will need no more than one tube for a season, and maybe even one package will be enough for several years, which is very economical in consumption. also in the summer resident’s basket is medicine for plants, the same insecticides based on petroleum jelly and fungicides containing copper. for spring treatment, before the buds bloom. to cultivate a small garden. we need to take about a liter of a preparation based on petroleum jelly and about a liter of preparations based on copper. we met 2,800, this is if you already have garden tools, if no, the costs are higher. alexey and tatyana are assembling a basic set, a garden sprayer. the price for such things is very reasonable, about 800 rubles. there’s also a shovel for digging beds, for 200 rubles. she's kind of flimsy.
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2 mm, this one is already 30 mm, an expensive imported sicator costs 3,500, this price is steep, there is another analogue, the price is about 500 rubles. in total , the most important tools are 2,500, together with garden medicines, fertilizers and seeds, a little more than four. nadezhda pravdina, dmitry likhachev, channel one. practice shows that in winter we do laundry more and more often with great pleasure, practice shows
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that in spring more often, by the way, yes, well, there are puddles, because, well, dim things need to be put away for storage, they need to be washed, some things need to be sent to the washing machine car, something needs to be dry-cleaned, but we don’t stop doing laundry at home, yes, what should be in a good washing powder, how not to ruin clothes when washing, and maybe it’s better to choose a gel altogether, in general, let’s figure it out the basis of any washing agent... alkali, or rather calcined soda, baking soda, here it is more caustic, as an option soap, but this is not enough. anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants , an alkalinity regulator, complexing agents are always added there, surfactants help to wash , anionic surfactants deal best with dirt, their content is usually higher, but they are very aggressive, they destroy the fabric in order to preserve it and at the same time get effect, manufacturers additionally introduce non-genic... active substances that act more mildly. in laundry detergents there are much fewer hard surfactants of wool and silk;
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they are not present at all in the compositions for membrane materials, there are only soft surfactants, since the membrane is easy to damage. therefore, the type of fabric is important to consider, and color, let’s figure it out. we can notice that when dissolving the powders , our solutions turned different colors. this is due to the fact that special additives are added to colored laundry powders to restore color. due to them, the water became blue, but with the white powder it remained transparent. there are bleaches, they are colorless, as a rule, there are two at once: oxygen optical. the latter contains fluorescent pigments that settle on the fabric and reflect light, they simply mask dirt, oxygen-containing ones they clean well, but this also has its drawback, they only clean at temperatures above 60°, most packs say 40° or more, so they advise that , which obviously doesn’t work, what to do, either wash whites at higher temperatures, wearing out the fabric faster, or look for it in the composition
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, it’s not available everywhere, this compound helps oxygen bleach works at low temperatures, but even at... their colored linen should not be washed, we tried it, sent identical t-shirts, stained with ketchup, coffee, chocolates, into the machine . a t-shirt washed with powder for white linen, but received a certain amount of erasing in the form of white spots, this defect is noticeable insignificantly, since we carried out only one washing cycle, however, if the number of washing cycles increases multiple times, it will lose color faster, while powder for colored linen color things saved, all this also applies to gels, their composition is the same, plus preservatives that are added so that the products do not spoil. another difference: due to their liquid form, they dissolve in water more efficiently and are then washed away. for this reason, they are better suited for washing those very delicate fabrics. evgenia popova, tatyana yust, dmitry likhachev, arina anisova, channel one. our good morning continues, and alexey boyzhi continues to teach us various tricks
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right now, three super useful life hacks, which every home master should know. you wanted to screw the screw into the edge of the board , but it split, how can you avoid such a problem in the future? first, screw the screw in a little, unscrew it back, like this , now you can safely drive the fasteners inside, the board won’t crack, you see, everything worked out, there’s another one task we need. bars with a self-tapping screw so that it is not visible, i show how to do this: take a chisel and carefully peel off a thin layer of wood, lift it up and screw in the self-tapping screw, now we need to coat the chipped area with glue and press it with a clamp, then we wait for
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the glue to dry, look, everything turned out neatly, no one will notice the self-tapping screw. let's move on to the next trick: we need to drill a hole in the wood strictly vertically. for a novice master, this may be a problem, but it is not difficult to solve. we need a mounting angle, put it on its side where we are going to drill a hole, insert the drill into the bend, press it and work. we check with a square. it turned out very accurately, these simple tricks will help you in working with wood. use it. so, dear friends, as you remember, this is the 21st century, a time of high technology, high speeds, space is shrinking, cities are crowded with cars, trains are getting faster and faster,
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planes will soon catch up, planes will catch up with trains, in general , all this is well. it seems like yes, the car has come to replace the horse, but no, today. you see, we need to think about what she should do, her speed is not very high, if a gallop is 20, but 25 km, a trot is 10, the most powerful is only one horsepower, but she is alive, she beautiful, she has a soul, and in general horses are very cool, a hotel for horses, the list of services includes a balanced diet, cleaning, walking in levadas and daily maid service, such a service opened in nalchik, and you know what’s most surprising, in the hotel has no vacancies for the last 2 years, the service has been in great demand due to the fact that many have become interested in skiing, realizing that it is a healthy lifestyle. among the enthusiastic, salikha abdullaeva, she lives in an apartment, the horse sky is here in the hotel, well-fed, well-groomed, ready for training, different types of training, you can just
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train on the parade ground, or you can go to the forest, to the river, all for fun, without violence and harsh training. the attitude towards horses in society began to change, it is considered dashing, if earlier it was the traction power of a vehicle, now it is prestige and aesthetics, that’s all. ours will be like after a bathhouse, clean, even, beautiful. sergey deev works at the kursk hippodrome, you can also rent a stall here, there are currently 21 guests, a personal horse is an expensive pleasure, no more expensive than a car, sergei assures, feed, equipment in different price categories, communication with horses is priceless, this is a slightly different side of life, often people get tired emotionally, get tired physically, but here some of this is just being unloaded, this it is seen. igor has been able to cope with a neurological disease, he has become more collected, and after classes he is always calmer. how it
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works? motor impulses are transmitted from the horse to the rider and stimulate the human muscles. the child learns to keep balance keep balance, when a child sits down, rides a horse, he also gets such a warm, pleasant feeling. horses today are doctors, athletes, artists, police officers, what happens to them in retirement, when they are sick, here, too, everything is slowly changing for the better, shelters are appearing, here is one of them in the krasnodar region, they are buying up horses that have become unnecessary to the owners, very often there is a write-off, in addition to peasant farms and sports schools, it is very disappointing when it is precisely such horses that are in danger of life, because they do not have this at all they are waiting and ready... to continue to help carry out some simple tasks there. the squirrel was working, giving rides to people, got sick, and decided to get rid of it. tyoma was poorly fed and hardly cared for at the breeding farm. dolce was born
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from a sick mother, who died before she could feed the foal. without a shelter, these animals would not have a chance, here many of them learn new skills, then find their place in hypotherapy, amateur sports, and pensioners simply live out their lives with dignity and full care. nazir. ksenia ionkina, ksenia can’t sit at home, you know, she doesn’t want to sit at home, cook borscht , wants to raise his children to the pacific higher naval school, this is the only school in the far east where they train personnel for naval photography, the pacific higher naval school, in vladivostok , each. the third family is connected with him, because when you live by the sea, you desperately want to become a sailor; such an opportunity has existed for 85 years.
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only a strictly defined circle of fleet commanders are allowed to walk along the wind rose, which is located in the central lobby; the rest go around her side. alexander is familiar with the traditions, charter, and routine of the school firsthand; he is now a teacher; he once studied at the sturmansky faculty. i came here for... love, hereditary, my parents are military personnel, former, though already retired, i decided to come here in the eighth grade, studying. now he talks about serving on warships to cadets, among them fifth-year student konstantin tsyugaev. we already have two long-distance sea voyages through the mediterranean and baltic seas, across the atlantic ocean, beautiful is very difficult. sea waves, dolphins, but together with this there are a number. difficulties, this is a rocking motion, some people can’t stand it, it’s hard for me too, but i’m trying to overcome myself, these are watches - this is a big responsibility for the navigational safety
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of the ship’s navigation, of course, they won’t immediately send you from the ship to the sea, you need practice, so here is the regel training complex, right now each of the cadets is plotting a route for the ship, during my training i also graduated from this school, there were no such classes, we trained on analog ones... simulators that did not allow us to work out, well, what is called such questions online. six faculties, future navigators, radio technicians, officers of coastal units of the navy and naval aviation units and all, without exception, with ideal physical training. let me remind you that the loss of any element of equipment or uniform leads to dispelling and the standard is not counted. try swimming for 2 minutes in clothes with a gun on your back or while holding your breath from side to side, they can do it. this will help in the future service, we are sailors, suddenly there is some kind
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of emergency situation on a submarine. and of course, every sailor should know what to do in case of emergency evacuation from a ship. for cadets, this is exercise number one and seems to be the first most important skill for a sailor. more important knowledge is to give the command to man overboard and throw him a life preserver. and then focus everyone on saving him, this is probably the first, and this is probably the second. the only school in the far east where they train military sailors, graduates from all russian fleets. already over 20 thousand naval officers. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev, evgeniy morinkov and alexander ostroukhov. first channel. well, now let's cook something delicious. a good pover can always take familiar ingredients and make them in a new way. write down the recipe from culinary specialist victoria bredis. potatoes with mushrooms are usually fried, but i will make juicy rolls. fry
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chopped onion in vegetable oil. champignons, salt, pepper, the filling is ready, add vegetable oil and flour to the mashed boiled potatoes, knead in thick, homogeneous dough, put the mixture on cling film and form a layer, distribute the mushroom filling on top so that the edges remain empty, and now carefully roll the dough into a roll, at the same time separating it from the film. and put it in the freezer so that the mold sets, cut the workpiece into rolls, put the pieces in the mold with the cut side up so that the dish turns out juicy and tender, make a tomato dressing, mix a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of dried provençal herbs and two tablespoons of tomato paste, sauce , by the way, is also suitable, but you will need twice as much. pour
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the mixture into the rolls, put them in a hot oven for 20 minutes, bake at 180°. potato rolls with mushrooms are ready, you need to eat them hot, and if you sprinkle with chopped herbs, the dish will turn out even tastier. help yourself! our program continues, now we will give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. we will find out what events. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. our paratroopers destroyed a unit of militants in artyomovsky direction of the special operation, near the village of krasnoye. the enemy had set up a fortified stronghold there, and russian intelligence
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tracked him down to the target as close as possible. this crew, which is now working, he cut off the infantry, there was a rotation, he extinguished this rotation, with the first shot, well , the rest have already added two more shots , they were extinguished completely, in the southern donetsk direction the enemy positions are being pressed by rocket artillery, armored vehicles, ammunition depots and militant infantry destroys rszzo uragan, the installation delivers precise strikes from a distance of about 40 km, according to this
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calculation. several ukrainian regions turned out to be a disguised attack that night; powerful explosions thundered in the dnepropetrovsk region, they were heard in pavlovgrad, kamensky, where the mayskaya airfield is located. the regional authorities confirmed damage to critical infrastructure facilities that are used for military purposes; at least three powerful strikes were carried out in the cherkassy region, where a military airfield could also be targeted. reports of explosions also come from the zhytomyr and vinnytsia regions. anxiety was announced throughout central and eastern ukraine. the number of draft dodgers hiding from forced mobilization in ukraine has reached a million people. this data was provided by deputy alexander dubinsky. according to him, control measures at the border will be tightened in the near future; the next step will be a ban on military personnel traveling even outside
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the region where they are registered. some. regions are already using the police to search for conscripts, so in poltava, at the request of the military registration and enlistment office, about 30 people have been put on the wanted list thousand people, in ivano-frankivsk region there are almost 40 thousand. moscow cannot exclude the involvement of the kiev regime in the terrorist attack in kroku sitihol. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with izvestia. the minister pointed out the intrusiveness of attempts by a number of countries to blame the banned organization islamic state for the incident without any alternative. the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of an islamic state, there is no need to suspect anyone anymore, first of all...
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that these people fled to ukraine when they detained. earlier, the connection between the perpetrators of the terrorist attack and the kiev regime was confirmed by the russian investigative committee. he received information that criminals from ukraine received significant amounts, including in cryptocurrency. the russian ministry of education has issued recommendations on how to deal with cases when unknown persons are trying to involve children through social networks in illegal activities. such attempts increased sharply after the attack on crocus city hall. teenagers are receiving calls and messages from the territory of ukraine with offers to commit a terrorist attack for money. all this is accompanied by threats. in this case, the child should remain calm, block such contact, not enter into correspondence with him, and tell
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his parents, teacher or law enforcement officer about the message. the recommendations advise parents to inform their children in advance about all possible risks and threats on the internet. pay attention to changes in the child's behavior. and be sure to inform the authorities about '. such messages, meanwhile pavel durov, founder of the telegram messenger, said that after the terrorist attack tens of thousands of attempts to send such messages were stopped, and thousands of users who did this were blocked without the possibility of recovery. in addition, in the coming days, russian users of the messenger will have the opportunity to limit the circle of people who can write to them personally. western countries are in the security council for the second time in a week. were not allowed to hold a meeting convened by russia on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of nato aggression against yugoslavia, nine members of the security council, including france, great britain and the united states, abstained when voting on the meeting agenda. the advantage was on their side. six
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states were in favor. earlier , the representative of france said that this topic is not relevant, and a meeting of the security council is not the place to discuss historical issues. martha. so, timur solovyov. so, svetlana zeynalova. we wake up, get up, but don’t rush, especially if your back is not perfect. you woke up? don't rush
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to get up. we haven't moved for a long time and our back muscles are now stiff. first you need to knead them. pull your knees to your chest, clasp hands. now we pull our legs up and our arms. we interfere with this movement, but the resistance should be light, you feel how the muscles of the lower back are tense, this is good, after 10 seconds we relax, repeat the exercise five times, alternating cycles of tension and relaxation helps to stretch the muscles of the lumbar back, now we rise, but we do it slowly. .. that’s right, we turn over on our side, lower our legs, at the same time push off with the hand on which we are lying, take our time, sit for about five seconds, only now rise up, what else is needed to
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to keep healthy? we learn to stand correctly, we pull in our stomach slightly, we twist our pelvis a little, we move our shoulders back, and our chest forward, the top of our head... we stretch up. this is the position of the body of a healthy person; there is no excessive load on the spine. also, pay attention to how you sit. your legs should be bent at right angles and your soles should be flat on the floor. we rest our backs on the backrest and place a small pillow under the lumbar curve. it can also be a rolled up towel or a roller. like this. support will help keep your lower back in order, stay healthy, dear friends, is it like living next door to one another in big cities, in huge houses that are like these chaplains? yes , we don’t know anyone by sight, and we don’t know their names, even
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if we live in the same treatment cell, they’re just some strangers, but the heroes of our next report are known by their neighbors, moreover , they are friends with them, help them, it’s simple great, alexander can’t go out on his own, he’s waiting for a friend, oh, seryoga is coming, sergey helps his friend move around the streets, and alexander helps sergey take a new look looking at the city, sanya says, look, the well is open, and there looks like a tractor there. i moved the bowl along with the lid, the lid fell through a little, he said: i need to take a picture and send it, he says let them repair it, and i came up to something, pulled out the lid, somehow moved this concrete slab with my feet a little, the lid so softly put it down, stood up, stomped everything, the suite is closed , alexander and sergey keep maps of open closed wells on social networks, about those hatches that they cannot close on their own,
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the pulse is rather low, you already drank today pills, pulse 75. natalya appreciates her grandmother’s advice, and she appreciates the help of her attention. she 'll talk to me and i'll feel better. sometimes a little participation is enough. evgeny skorkin and evgeny zavalishin served on the kursk-rylsk highway, at the same time the sobolev family was taking their daughter to the hospital for appendicitis. naturally, i sat with the child, reassured her, supported her and was afraid for her condition. at this time, the idea occurred to my husband that if we and...
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punched two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you have no the simplest period in life, let 's meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, well, this way it will be better, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some... somewhere in the courtyard in the gateway, our only one, a thread to bundy, no help needed, how are you doing, are you an identikit? you can compose, yes you will compose and we will search, calm, calm, police,
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calm, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambhala is located, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating us to the hearth? we think it’s all the living things around , it’s all spirit, this broth contains almost all known sciences, amino acids, this action is dangerous, why in the run morality jumps over a height of 2 m, leave the life of your prime minister on sunday at the first, a big sore point for...
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there is no parking in the yards, and there are no fines, so what should residents do? alina has practically no chance of finding a free place near her house after eight in the evening. literally, probably three weeks ago, i just walked across the yard to the store, there were 21 cars, a taxi and a korscherin. the girl ends up parking in the next block. let's deal with taxis first. first, let's find out if this is a neighbor and if he is working on his car? i live myself, i haven’t built a house yet. well, i just don’t know, my cars
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are personal and my licenses are the same as everyone else’s, take a samosa, anyone can earn extra money in a taxi. having received appropriate permission, then an example on the lawn, why a taxi is bored in the yard , ask its taxi company, the third option, as a rule, is a logo car, that is, there is always a phone number or website of this taxi company, you can tell them to clarify why the car costs 1-2 days . if cars have been in the yard for a long time and it is generally unclear whose they are, prepare a complaint. in each region there is necessarily some kind of specialized department that is responsible for taxi control, and residents in these regions can contact these departments, well as a rule, these are regional ministries of transport. finally, the most effective measure is to install a barrier, but this is not possible everywhere; andrey sergeev has been solving the issue for several years now. the yard has a rather complex configuration; there is
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a five-story house here, which they have been wanting to demolish for a long time; the residents of this house are not particularly eager to participate. in this process , it remains to be careful to be creative, this is information, signs, some kind of educational signs, drawing on the asphalt that there are vehicles only for residents, but again, all this is on borders of the law and is unlikely to stop a driver who decides to stop and park there, i am glad that with car sharing it is easier, which company owns the car is known, and sometimes it is enough for residents to contact them for support, the more complaints there are, the more likely it is that this zone will be marked in korshernik,
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just contact the bank office, present your passport, share participation agreement, and the specialist will already fill out the application itself. afterwards, the investor puts the money into a secure scroll account, from that time on it is on it frozen for the entire construction period. upon successful completion of construction , the apartment building is put into operation, here
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the developers are the beneficiary, the funds go to it. a big plus of an escrow account is that it already includes insurance. for example, the developer violated. deadline for the house to be delivered, the equity holder has two options: terminate the contract with him and return the money, or wait, but demand a penalty. or even worse, the developer went bankrupt? in this case , the shareholder is returned the entire amount from the scroo accounts, but if there are problems with the bank, if a credit institution loses its license, the central bank revokes it, then the clients have funds that are in the spark account, they are insured in the amount. 10 million rubles. returned by the client. yes, it is unprofitable if the apartment is more expensive, but banks say that only reliable ones are allowed to open scrow accounts, so you don’t need to worry about revoking your license. if we talk about buying a secondary home, it is more profitable to open a letter of credit. in fact, this is also a secure account and the same registration scheme, the difference is in the timing.
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the money is in the israo account, it has been sitting for a long time, the bank cannot use this money for lending. or in some other way, in order to earn a letter of credit, we have about the same thing, but as a rule, they are opened for a shorter period, the terms are set by the seller themselves , the buyer, this is the second difference between a letter of credit and the third, the scope of its application is wider, it opens up not only for transactions for real estate, but also for the purchase of cars or securities, for example, konstantin struchkov, anastasia kremeshnaya, channel one, well now let's talk about... delicious kiwi, it was once called, yes, yes, there is such a thing, it was once called chinese gooseberry, well, because its origin is ancient china, well, there really is something from gooseberry in it , yes, but it turns out to be such a hairy gooseberry, well, in the sixties of the last century, one new zealand breeder noted the similarity of the berry with a bird , so he named it kiwi, because the bird
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is hairy and the fruit is hairy, yeah, bird and berry, there are about 100 varieties of kiwi. but in russia you can find only three, one of them, by the way, it grows here, hayward, it is also the most popular, its fruits are large, from 80 to 150 g, round and slightly flattened. inside is a white sertivine, green in color, in the middle there are small seeds, it tastes pleasantly sour, with a sweet aftertaste, and this is a variety from new zealand, gold with gold, yellow flesh, the peel is lighter, without hair, the aroma smells of citrus, and it tastes sweeter, reminiscent of banana and kiwi. finally, the third variety that can be found here, kiwi with a red core, is brought from asia. it was crossed with an ordinary variety, with a very
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rare, red variety, and they got this variety, but there are also different versions, which was simply done here as a marketing ploy, and there is a version here that the iron content here is higher, so the core turned out to be red. the peel is thin with a reddish tint, without hairs, the taste is berry, it gives off a little. transporting kiwi with raspberries is not fast, they can ripen on the way, the smell of fresh kiwi is light with citrus notes, if it is not there at all, it means it is not yet ripe. as soon as we press your finger on the fruit, it should be a little soft. overripe ones begin to deteriorate, they can be identified by their wrinkled and uneven surface, it is important that the color is uniform without spots or mold, as here. if you press in the area of ​​the stalk, and if liquid flows, then the fleet has deteriorated. in the spring we need vitamin c so much;
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kiwi has almost 98 mg per 100 g. for comparison, lemon has about 53. it also contains an enzyme called actinidin, this is a very important enzyme for our digestion, it promotes the absorption and breakdown of proteins, which is very important for our gastrointestinal tract. you can double the dose of nutrients by eating kiwi with the peel. only if there are no stomach problems, it includes vegetable, digestible and indigestible dietary fiber, which is very necessary for our gastrointestinal tract, however, the hairs on the peel can irritate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. so, if you find a kiwi of ideal ripeness, you definitely won’t regret it and won’t gain weight; the berry contains only 47 kilocalories. anastasia kremesna, konstantin struchkov, channel one. in the kitchen, everything should be at hand, then it will take less time to cook.
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space organizer tatyana abramova knows how to conveniently store various jars, flasks and other necessary containers. when everything is in sight, it’s convenient to cook, for example, to quickly find the right seasoning, i pour the spice into a small jar of baby puree, stick a label with the name of the spice to the wall, close the lid, put a magnet on it, and attach the jar in a visible place. i place the rest of the seasonings in the same way, measuring spoons and cups get lost all the time, you can’t find them at the right time, so i keep them at hand, glue the spoon to the container with sugar, like this on double-sided adhesive tape, when necessary i remove it, collect as much sugar as possible, i return as many as needed for the recipe to its place, in my opinion it’s very convenient , i’ll share one more trick, in order to replenish food supplies on time i rearrange... empty containers on the top shelf of the cabinet, now you can immediately see what you need to buy in order i’m sure i won’t forget anything,
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i make a shopping list, put it in an envelope, stick it to the inside of the door, i keep my favorite recipes there, now everything is under control, you’ve taken care of yourself, it’s time to think about the comfort of the youngest members of the family. if you have a small child at home, place his favorite cup or plate in the bottom drawer. yes, it’s a non-standard solution, but it will be more convenient for the child to get the dishes and the baby will quickly get used to independence. magas, city of the sun, wait for us! each ingush clan had to have its own ancestral fortress like this, the irzi tower complex dates back to the 14th century. how do you have fun? but the most important entertainment is, of course, going to see relatives, friends, guests, and of course , eating delicious food. the dessert is traditional, considered in ingushetia - this is hingles.
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and now attention to all sports fans, especially tennis, especially daniil medvedev, yes, he reached the semi-finals of the prestigious masters series tournament in miami. during the pre-match warm-up, the south american accidentally hit a girl serving balls. fortunately, there were no injuries and the matter ended with an apology. well in the game itself the chilean tried to catch medvedev by surprise with his dense punches. however, the russian coped well with harry's initial onslaught, and in just over half an hour, he confidently won the first set, making two breaks - 6:2.
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but in the second game things got serious. a very serious opponent awaits the russian tennis player, italian yannick siner. this match will be a remake of last year's final in miami. then medvedev won the trophy. throughout the meeting, he dictated his terms to the italian, forcing him to make mistakes in long rallies, and as a result achieved a confident victory in two sets. however, it will not be easy for daniil to repeat the success of a year ago, because
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siner’s score this season is truly phenomenal. form, he was the first on the atp tour to reach the 20-win mark, suffering only one defeat. in the quarterfinals of the masters tournament, the italian easily defeated the representative of the czech republic , tomas machac, winning with a score of 6: 4-6-2. in addition, siner has perhaps the most unusual support group. his fans in carrot costumes follow his idol everywhere.
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that we are together, even during difficult trials, the release is available on streaming platforms, you don’t need to pay anything, just listen, and with this you will help those who need this help. i ask, i ask, at least not for long, at least it’s not necessary, my pain, my pain, you leave me, this pain is forever, in memory of those who died in crocus city hall, artists of different generations gathered in one studio.
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proceeds from broadcasting the album will go to help the victims. there is no need to transfer money; each of us will make a contribution simply by listening to the music. we'll be like magamaev's songs, the crane is free, a grieving man, for a quiet farewell, i thank you for everything, for everything, for laughter, for sadness.
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good morning, there are three schoolgirls in my family, and i , as an exemplary mother, from time to time distract them from their lessons to do gymnastics. today we will stretch our back muscles, stand with our feet shoulder-width apart, elbows to the sides, palms in front of our chests, fists clenched. , now we move our hands back, trying to connect. we pause for a second, return to the starting position, do not stretch our neck forward, pull the crown up. if you lack dynamics, you can complicate the exercise a little, we spread our arms and
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at the same time move our right leg back, put it on the toe, take turns taking a step back with one or the other leg. you girls are great, and so is sherry, this is a great workout for your back muscles. exercise your whole family and be healthy. right now the news is on channel one. see you soon. hello, news is on air. in the studio sergei tugushev. russian su-34 fighter-bombers destroyed a militant stronghold in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the enemy unit was eliminated. our pilots attacked it with high-explosive bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow you to strike without entering the range of enemy air defense systems.
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the russian drone crew also carried out a successful air battle. a heavy impact vehicle of the "baba ega" type was destroyed on the fly by a direct hit from a drone. we had a specific task from the regiment commander to destroy it. find a way to do it. and more about the valor of our military, lieutenant colonel
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konstantin lyutov spotted a group of saboteurs, transmitted their coordinates to the artillery, and it delivered an accurate strike. in addition, during the battle , konstantin, under continuous enemy fire , was able to restore the broken communication line, which made it possible to defeat the enemy positions. the senior lieutenant hovered tebelio with his. the division stopped the attack of ukrainian formations that were trying to break through our border; before reinforcements arrived, the fighters destroyed a tank, an armored car, a mortar crew, and eliminated more than a dozen militants. a real headache for paris, the question becomes where to get the 3 billion euros promised to the kiev regime for military support, as the limon newspaper points out. the publication notes that not everything is good with france’s finances; it is even planned to reduce government spending by 10 million euros; in addition, it is noted that residents of the republic, according to a deputy, of the ruling coalition are increasingly asking them why, in such a situation, the government is going to allocate ukraine a round sum. against this background
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, the article states that it is extremely unclear from what sources paris is going to finance its assumed obligations to kyiv. us participation in all conflicts ended as american business squeezed everything it needed from the relevant region. let us know about this in the interview. despite the fact that it ruins european farmers. everyone knows that the three largest american companies bought up the lion's share of the fertile land of ukraine, so when now there is such a rather heated skirmish within the european union, when some countries produce. we must remember that this grain is american and how can you ban
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the owner to sell goods that were taken for use and which should bring some profit. the russian ministry of education has issued recommendations on how to act in cases where an unknown person is trying to involve children through... networks in illegal activities. such attempts increased sharply after the attack on crocus city hall. a teenager receives calls and messages from the territory of ukraine offering to carry out a terrorist attack for money. all this is accompanied by threats. in this case, the child should remain calm block such contact, do not enter into correspondence with him, and tell a parent, teacher, or law enforcement officer about the message. the recommendations advise parents to inform their children in advance about all possible risks and...
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tens of thousands of attempts to send such messages, and thousands of users who did this were blocked without the possibility of recovery. in addition, in the coming days, russian users of the messenger will have the opportunity to limit the circle of people who can write to them personally. the us congress intends to question president joe biden as part of the impeachment investigation. the head of the united states is suspected of using his political influence. in the interests of their relatives' business. according to the case file , the accounts of the biden family and business partners totaled more than $24 million. the us president denied his involvement in all financial schemes, however, bank statements collected by legislators and witness testimony indicate the opposite. explain all this to the head of state proposed in person and invited a hearing in the house of representatives. and lastly, the upcoming weekend in moskovskaya. region,
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as well as the beginning of next week, are expected to be abnormally warm. according to weather forecasters, air from the south, in particular from africa, will begin to flow into the european part of the country. temperatures will be 5-6° above normal, which will be close to or even above record levels. this afternoon the thermometer will rise to +10, on sunday it will be up to +14, on monday tuesday in some places up to +18. the program will continue to air on channel one. good morning. thank you. colleagues and good morning, our dear, the best tv viewers on earth, hello, thank you for celebrating this day, and this is, by the way , friday, 29, i remember, march 29, with us, this, by the way, is timur solovyo, this is svetlana zeynalova, so, the first month of spring is coming to an end, more and more often on social networks on various forums dedicated to healthy eating, there is a conversation about all sorts of diets and about calories, well, the season really begins, counting them, a debate about how to count correctly , will tell everything,
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how you should count, how you should eat, perhaps, probably, very possibly, someday you will lose weight. 500 kilocalories is one very sweet bun, we ate it and it was good right away, but how are we going to work it off? probably not at all, there is such a concept, basic metabolism even in... a lying position, when we rest, lungs, heart, liver, the whole body works, processes are constantly happening, hair grows, enzymes are produced, hormones are produced so that you just wake up in the morning, hormones are needed, therefore, energy is constantly spent on everything, and yes, a lot of energy, at the moment when you are just lying down, doing nothing, your body spends approximately 60 calories per hour, multiply by 24, a total of 1440 calories per day, that’s approximately.
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and to be precise, the basic metabolism is calculated using the miflin sangeor formula, here you can substitute your weight, height, age and gender, how much we spend on the weekend without leaving the couch, how much on a working day we multiply our result by a coefficient, minimum 1.2, maximum 1.9, if we are at home, then this is weak physical activity, the coefficient is small, but if we are constantly somewhere far away we walk, then this physical activity is higher , the coefficient will accordingly be higher, for example, 35 years old, weighing 60 kg, height 170 cm, with minimal activity will spend 1585 kilocalories, but with average it will already be 2.048, and this difference, remember that that is the sweetest bun, that's how it works, made the bed, plus another 35 kilocalories to the base metabolism, took a shower, another 45, cooked breakfast 75, then washed the dishes +50 , got ready to go out, put on makeup, got into bed,
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got dressed, that's another 60, that's of course, very approximate calculations, the total is already 220, and if according to the cleaning plan, but if we do a full -fledged vacuuming, washing, and then sorting everything out , then that’s about 250 calories per hour, so we compensated, unnoticed, and it’s okay that the dumbbells we once bought are still in the package, let them lie, you can move as you like, i lack motivation, i lack desire, i rest at home. also , the training is intellectual, just the brain being turned on is very energy-consuming, it’s not for nothing that schoolchildren go to exams with chocolates, the body knows how much and what it needs in order not to lose weight or gain weight, therefore, when we want changes, it can be very difficult to come to an agreement with him. varvara fedorova, mikhail karasev, channel one. our program continues right now , we invite you to a wonderful place, a wonderful peninsula, crimea. you can, of course, admire its nature without... if
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you have already been to aipetra, admired the palaces and beaches, no question. the guides have a new route ready. the entrance to the mosantro grottoes , popular among tourists of the 19th century, was prohibited for the last 100 years, but was recently opened. we cross the borders of the old stalin dacha. was security, local people were not allowed in. here we see old graffiti, the last name or first name is not very visible, but the year is visible, 1900. it gets darker and darker there. inside. found traces of ancient people, the grotto was formed a million years ago, this cross, allegedly carved at the behest of alexander ii, he saw the spirit of a monk, who, among other things, warned him about the famous train accident that happened to him. from the very top there is a gorgeous view of
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yalta and mount ura from old legends. alexander ii, after climbing it, drank a shot glass and shouted: “hurray! melting water, it is believed that it has more than 20 cubic meters of power per second, it moves huge blocks the size of a bus, well, nothing so pleasant, to visit the reserve you need to register, for example, via qr- code
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, and otherwise a fine of up to 3,000. the botanical garden is in the midst of spring work, we are saturating the earth with oxygen, in the summer. it will be beautiful, a parade of tulips has started, dozens of varieties, this variety buds very early, and the buds on it were still almost at the beginning of february, and the flowers blossomed in recent days, magnolia blossoms and sakura, multi-colored fruit trees that bloom before the leaves bloom, sakura is still called different forms of plum, and these are decorative peaches, if you are japanese, then peach, sakura, finally, you can stop by the kadykovsky quarry in the vicinity of sevastopol by...
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let us remind you that on the calendar, march 29, our ancestors said on this day: leave the sleigh, move the cart, and prepare this in the summer, what? sanya , our ancestors also say what wise ancestors they were? yes, they put wheeled vehicles in order, in fact, why not? no, why don’t we do the same thing, for example, change the tires on a car, that’s what astrologers think about this, do aquarius , for example, need it - who are you, i ’m a taurus, taurus need to change the tires, now we’ll find out. march 29, nineteenth lunar day, tenth solar day, generally not bad, though a little leisurely in his work, some would even accuse him of being carried away, but that’s not true, he’s just meticulous, likes to come up with something, taking his time to bring the idea to perfection, so to speak, polish with brilliance and embody
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life. this day is very good for artists, designers, architects, anyone who makes or sells something original and original; it will be great for renovations, home decorations, and the other side. on the same medal, this day is greedy for beautiful things and is easily spent on them, another of the minuses is that he can be careless, not very picky in acquaintances, sometimes he is too self-important and arrogant, but he is also very amorous, aries can feel this, the stars can’t say whether it’s a plus or a minus , but what they know for sure is for work and career, this day is also very good, some of the aries can really hear their address, something like there are too many of you, but here the stars are powerless, taurus today... the channel, you can move mountains, after lunch if that’s all it is possible to turn some serious conversation or argument into something constructive, perhaps about money, calm down, okay, this day may reveal something new, interesting, and maybe even surprising for the twins, they may have to help one of their relatives
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or friends, donate some of their own plans, but never mind, it will count for you, and the evening will reward you for your efforts. cancers are planning some kind of troubles and bustle in which... you can easily forget something, lose something or make mistakes, in general, be more careful while driving too, especially when overtaking, feel free to make a date for the evening, the stars promise a new acquaintance for leos , most likely... its business or simply useful. otherwise, the day is just like a day, without any special ups, but without downs, the evening seems to gather pleasant company for you. for virgos, this day will help them improve something, establish it, bring it into order. the new bosses will be able to optimize the work in their teams, just don’t nag your subordinates, and in the evening you may well buy something. libra just has a smooth working friday. true, some nervous conversation at work is possible, but just control yourself . with the authorities for sure. don't argue and be careful with sharp tools. scorpios - your motto is patience and
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prudence. the day, firstly, is fraught with some temptations, and secondly, you may be provoked into conflict. you don't need either one or the other and call some old friends. it’s not a bad day for sagittarius, too, when everything that’s planned comes to fruition. the main thing is to take your time and do not hesitate to ask for help and advice from those who are more experienced than you. towards the evening some interesting news may come. the stars tell capricorns about... doubt, go ahead boldly, everything will work out, and don’t give up, if something slows down, try to approach this something from another country, capricorn ladies, and today you are simply charming, aquarius may remember an old debt or some kind of obligation that you took on yourself, but did not fulfill it, reproaches from your family are not excluded, also about something that you promised them, you will have to correct the situation, take care of your stomach and liver, this day may puzzle the pisces with something, some of fish in...
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so, we remind you on the calendar of march 29, the summer season, it’s getting closer and closer, it’s time to buy shovels, choppers, and other equipment, if it disappeared somewhere this winter, yes, and most importantly, seeds fertilizers, where without them, experienced people are already doing this with all their might, because so far cheaper. natalya is an agronomist, and her children are preparing for a medical and biological class, together with them we collect a summer resident’s basket. first feeding, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. fertilizer is the main thing in the summer resident's spring basket, now there are discounts. if you're lucky, you can even snag a discount of up to 50%. in april-may, a rush begins among summer residents, prices rise. per square meter 20 g per hundred square meters of garden - 2 kilos. second seeds. borsch set. cabbage, beets, carrots, and also tomatoes and cucumbers, two bags, each about 30 rubles. i'd take cucumbers too
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prickly for pickling delicious salads and smooth for children, because they are not prickly, children love them very much, and children love watermelon, its seeds are also in the summer resident’s basket. i want to treat all my friends. the third number in the picture is covering material. comes to the aid of summer residents who do not have a greenhouse, because he helps. protect plants from frost, helps to cope with excessive ultraviolet radiation, that is, plants do not get burned, now we will start pruning trees, so number four is garden varnish. we will need no more than one per season tube, and maybe even one package will last for several years, which is very economical in consumption. also in the summer resident's basket are medicines for plants, the same insecticides based on petroleum jelly. oils and fungicides containing copper, for spring treatment, before the buds bloom, to treat a small garden,
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we need to take about a liter of a preparation based on vaseline oil and about a liter of preparations based on copper. we met 2,800, this is if you already have garden tools, if not, the costs are higher. alexey and tatyana are collecting basic set, garden sprayer. the price for such things is very reasonable, in order. 800 rub. there’s also a shovel for digging beds, for 200 rubles. she’s kind of really flimsy, i think you could put your hand on the shoulder. there’s no need for a heavy shovel either, you can’t swing that much. we choose a durable but light one, the price is almost a thousand; to remove caked leaves after winter - a trusty rake made of metal or plastic. they should be quite light, because the work also happens, and... it takes more than one hour to prune the garden in spring pruner, look at the thickness of the cut,
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for example, 22 mm, this one is already 30 mm, an expensive imported pruner costs 3,500, this price is steep, there is another analogue, the price is about 500 rubles. in total, the most important tools are 2,500, together with garden medicines, fertilizers and seeds, a little more than four. nadezhda pravdina, dmitry likhachev, channel one. in the fifth grade, i watched all the episodes of the police academy and decided how cool i wanted to be like them. yes, i just said from a change of hand, on behalf of the investigative committee we are conducting an official pre-investigation check turbine, we’re working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss , to put it mildly, doesn’t like me, or maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it like that, and just glory, i was called to the css yesterday, how i understand, they
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were given the instructions to kill you, i didn’t tell anyone like that, in general, meet lyosha. natasha, natasha, lyosha, it's for work, don't you want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, vodka veda, stellor group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, bourbon steersm. stellar product group. whiskey mancacher. product of steller group. gin cnop. product of steller group. well, now let's cook something delicious. a good cook can always take familiar ingredients and cook them in a new way. write down the recipe from culinary specialist victoria bredis. potatoes with mushrooms are usually
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fried, but i’ll make juicy rolls. i fry the onion, chopped champignons, salt and pepper in vegetable oil. the filling is ready. add vegetable oil and flour to mashed boiled potatoes and knead into a thick, homogeneous dough. i'm laying out a lot onto cling film and form a layer. i distribute the mushroom filling on top so that the edges remain empty. and now i carefully roll up the workpiece. into a roll, at the same time i separate it from the film and put it in the freezer so that the form sets, cut the workpiece into rolls, put the pieces in the form with the cut side up so that the dish turns out juicy and tender, make a tomato dressing, mix a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of
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dried provencal herbs and two tablespoons of tomato paste. by the way, the sauce is also suitable. but you will need twice as much, so i fill it rolls with a mixture, put them in a hot oven for 20 minutes, bake them at 180° , the potato rolls with mushrooms are ready, you need to eat them hot, and if you sprinkle them with chopped herbs, the dish will turn out even tastier , help yourself, let ’s go to vladivostok right now, there already... our correspondent, ksenia ionkina, is waiting for you and me, ksenia can’t sit at home, you know, she doesn’t want to sit at home, cook borscht, raise children, to the pacific higher naval school, this is the only school in the far east, where personnel are trained for the navy, pacific higher naval school, in vladivostok every third family
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is connected with it, and because when you live by the sea, you desperately want to become a sailor, such an opportunity has existed for 85 years. only a strictly defined circle of fleet commanders are allowed to walk along the wind rose, which is located in the central lobby; the rest avoid it. alexander is familiar with the traditions, charter, and routine of the school firsthand; he is now a teacher; he once studied at the sturmansky faculty. i'm here i came for love, my family, my parents are military personnel, former, though already retired, i decided to enroll here in the eighth grade. learning. now he talks to cadets about serving on warships. among them is fifth-year student konstantin tsyugaev. we already have two long-distance sea voyages through the mediterranean and baltic seas, and across the atlantic ocean. it's not easy to look beautiful. sea waves, dolphins, but at the same time there are a number of difficulties: it’s pitching, some people can’t
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stand it, it’s hard for me too, but i ’m trying to overcome myself. this is wah. this great responsibility for the navigational safety of the ship, of course, they won’t immediately send you from prison to the sea, you need practice, so here is the regel training complex, right now each of the cadets is plotting a route for the ship. during my studies, i also graduated from this school, there were no such classes, we practiced on analog simulators, which did not allow us to practice, well, what is called such questions online. faculties, future navigators, radio technicians, officers of coastal units of the navy and naval units aviation and all without exception with ideal physical preparation. i remind you, loss. any element of equipment, uniform , leads to dispelification, the standard is not counted, try swimming for 2 minutes in clothes with
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a machine gun behind your back or holding your breath from side to side, they can do it, in the future it will help in the job, we are moriki, what if -that was the situation, and of course, every sailor should know what to do in case of emergency evacuation from a ship for a course. so, dear friends, as you remember, this is the 21st century, a time of high technology, high speeds, space is shrinking, cities are crowded with cars
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, trains are getting faster and faster, soon they will catch up with planes, planes will catch up with trains, in general, all this, well, it seems like yes, the car has replaced the horse, but no, today, you know, you have to think , what should she do, her speed is not very high, if at a gallop it’s 20, well, 25 km, at a trot 10, the power is only one horsepower. but she is alive, she is beautiful, she has a soul, and in general horses are very cool, a hotel for horses, the list of services includes balanced meals, cleaning, walking in levadas and daily room cleaning, such a service opened in nalchik, and you know what’s most surprising, there are no empty rooms in the hotel, for the last 2 years the service has been in great demand due to the fact that many have become interested in horses, realizing that this healthy lifestyle, among the enthusiasts , salikha abdulaeva, she lives in an apartment, the horse sky is here in the hotel, well-fed, well-groomed, ready for training, different types of training,
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you can just train on the plot , or you can go to the forest, to the river , all in pleasure, without violence and harsh training, the attitude towards horses in society began to change, it is considered dashing, if before it was the traction power of a vehicle, now it is prestige and aesthetics. if that’s all, we will have her like after a bathhouse, clean , even, pretty, sergei deev works at the kursk hippodrome, you can also rent a stall here, now there are 21 guests, a personal horse is an expensive pleasure, no more expensive than a car, sergei assures, feed, equipment in different price categories, communication with horses is priceless, this is a little different side of life, often people get tired emotionally, tired physically, but here it ’s just... some kind of unloading is going on. this can be seen in hypotherapy classes: the horse hera in izhevsk helps eight-year-old igor cope with a neurological disease. he
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has become more collected, and after classes he is always calmer. how it works? motor impulses are transmitted from the horse to the rider and stimulate the human muscles. the child learns to keep balance, to keep balance when the child sits down and rides a horse. he also gets such a warm, pleasant massage, horses today are doctors , athletes, artists, police officers, what happens to them in retirement, when they are sick, here, too, everything is slowly changing for the better, shelters are appearing, here is one of them in the krasnodar territory , they are buying up horses that are no longer needed by their owners, very rescues are often carried out, in addition to peasant farms and sports schools, it is very disappointing when it is precisely these horses that find themselves in danger of life, because... they do not expect this at all and are ready to continue to help carry out some simple things there tasks. the squirrel worked, kicked people, got sick, and decided to get rid of it. tyoma
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was poorly fed and hardly cared for at the breeding farm. dolce was born from a sick mother. she died before she could feed the foal. without a shelter , these animals would not have a chance; here many of them learn new skills, then find their place in hypotherapy and amateur sports, and retirees simply survive. far from the village of krasnoye. the enemy established a fortified stronghold there. russian intelligence tracked him down to the target from the maximum distance and hit him with a spear, so
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called an anti-tank grenade launcher. he destroyed the shelter, and then the assault team cleared the area. another decoy ukrainian stronghold was hit in the kleshcheevka area, also near artyomovsko. the enemy object was destroyed with the help of artillery and attack fpv drones. a detachment of militants has been eliminated. we are dismantling the oporniks, the previous crew was dismantled by the opornik, this crew that is working now, it cut off the infantry. there was a rotation, he extinguished this rotation with the first shot, well, the rest had already added two more the shot was extinguished completely. in the southern donetsk direction, the enemy’s position is being pressed by rocket artillery, armored vehicles , ammunition depots and the militants’ infantry are being destroyed by the uragan missile system. the installation delivers precise strikes from a distance of about 40 km. this team has hit dozens of targets, including western-
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made combat vehicles. several ukrainian regions came under massive attack that night. powerful explosions occurred in the dnepropetrovsk region. they were heard in pavlograd, kamensky, where the airfield is located mayskoe. regional authorities have confirmed damage to critical infrastructure facilities used for military purposes. at least three powerful strikes were carried out in the cherkassy region, where a military airfield could also be targeted. reports of explosions also come from zhitomir, lviv, and khmelnytsky regions. and vinnytsia regions. the alarm was declared throughout ukraine. the number of draft dodgers hiding from forced mobilization in ukraine has reached a million people. this data was provided by deputy alexander dubinsky. according to him according to him, control measures at the border will be tightened in the near future. and the next step will be a ban for those liable for military service to travel even outside the region where they are registered. in some regions
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, the police are already being used to search for conscripts. so in poltava
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, new circumstances are being revealed, but we simply do not have the right to exclude obvious versions, especially since these people fled to ukraine when they were detained. earlier, the connection between the perpetrators of the terrorist attack and the kiev regime was confirmed by the russian investigative committee; it received information that the criminals with ukraine received significant amounts, including in cryptocurrencies. the russian ministry of education has issued recommendations on how to act. case when an unknown person tries to involve children in illegal activities through social networks. such attempts increased sharply after the attack on crocus city hall. from the territory of ukraine, teenagers receive calls and messages with offers to commit a terrorist attack for money. all this is accompanied by threats. in this case, the child should remain calm and block such contact without interacting with him in correspondence and tell a parent, teacher or
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law enforcement officer about the message. parents are advised to inform their children in advance about all possible risks and threats online, pay attention to changes in the child’s behavior and be sure to inform the authorities about the receipt of such messages. meanwhile , pavel durov, founder of the telegram messenger , said that after the terrorist attack, tens of thousands of attempts to send such messages were prohibited, and thousands of users who were engaged in this were blocked without recovery possibilities. in addition, russian users of the messenger. in the coming days it will be possible to limit the circle of people who can write to them personally. western countries in the un security council for the second time in a week did not allow a meeting convened by russia to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of nato aggression against yugoslavia. nine security council members, including france, great britain and the united states, abstained from voting on the meeting agenda. the advantage was on their side. six states were in favor. previously representative of france
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stated that this topic. relevant, and a meeting of the security council is not the place to discuss historical issues. deputy spokesperson of russia palyansky noted that nato countries are willing to do any tricks to ensure the truth. their crimes were not mentioned in the security council; none of the leadership of the alliance members was ever brought to justice for the bombing of peaceful cities and the death of thousands of people. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. early in the morning, let's talk in serious topics, let's talk about money. well, we all know where the free cheese is. where does he go, timur, well?
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the same financial pyramids only online, the term is shorter, the promises are false, and the authors and participants may not even hide anything, this is a very fat pyramid scheme, no contracts in hand and no reporting. payments to investors at the expense of subsequent clients will end, the project will be scammed, that is, deflated, and we warned you, why then do they believe them , we’ll sort it out with experts, they’re trying to get us hooked on the excitement that we’ll want to go there, because that there is something so fabulous, 300% in 3 days, up to 20% of the actions of your referrals , that is, how many people you invite to the project, after three days you will already understand that you most likely got scammed, they can pay first some then the amount to whet interest. it doesn’t matter what the hype project looks like, money for watching videos or a simple game with hourly profit, the goal is that you suddenly have time to bring out the hype, the nicknames of registered users are given and the amount of money they earn, most likely it’s simple
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virtual fantasy, this picture of successful success makes us envy and desire that it would be like this for me too, since he succeeded, then i will succeed, especially when we are talking about those who care...
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our task is to be in an adult position , that is, just such grounding, we reduce the level of stress and anxiety, which actually inspire us to move into something high-risk, this means that 10,000 for you will turn into 10 billion, literally counted hours, that is, we just really turn it on critical thinking, let’s turn on our critical mind , which should tell us, this doesn’t happen, the rule is simple, if you heard about... an incredibly profitable hype project, it means you’re already too late, it doesn’t have long to live. dmitry kuzmin, mikhail chetveryakov, channel one. our good morning continues, and alexey baiji continues to teach us various tricks. and right now, three super useful
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life hacks that every home craftsman should know. you wanted to screw the screw into the edge of the board, but it split. how can i avoid such an unpleasant situation in the future? at first screw in the screw a little, unscrew it back, like this, now you can safely drive the fasteners inside, the board won’t crack, you see, everything worked out, there is one more task, we need to connect the bars with a screw so that it is not visible, i’ll show you how to do it, take a chisel and carefully chip away at a thin layer of wood... we lift it and screw in the self-tapping screw. now we need to coat the chipped area with glue and press it with a clamp. then we wait for the glue to dry.
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look, everything turned out neatly, no one will notice the screw. let's move on to the next one tricks: we need to drill a hole in the wood strictly vertically. yes starting. this can be a problem, but it is not difficult to solve, we need a mounting angle, put it on its side where we are going to drill a hole, insert the drill into the bend. we press it and work , check it with a square, it turned out very accurately, these simple tricks will help you in working with wood, use it, practice shows that in winter we wash more and more often with great pleasure, that in spring more often, by the way, yes, well, there are puddles, because what do you need put darker things away for storage. to wash something you need to take it to the dry cleaner, but
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some things need to be put in the washing machine, we don’t stop washing at home, yes, what should be in a good washing powder, how not to ruin clothes when washing and maybe it’s better to choose a gel altogether , in general, let's understand, the basis of any laundry detergent is alkali, or rather soda ash, a misnomer from food, here it is more caustic, as an option soap, but this is not enough, anionic surface active substances, aninogenic, are always added there surface active substances. it is surfactants that help remove dirt; anionic surfactants cope best with dirt; their content is usually higher, but they are very aggressive, they destroy the fabric; in order to preserve it and at the same time get an effect, manufacturers additionally introduce non-ionic surfactants that act more gently. there are much fewer hard surfactants in detergents for wool and silk; in compositions for membrane materials there are none at all, there are only soft surfactants, since the membrane is easy to damage. so fabric type it is important to take into account, and when boiling
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powders, our solutions are colored - in different colors, this is due to the fact that special additives are added to powders for colored laundry, they are colorless, as a rule, two at once: oxygen optical, the latter contains fluorescent pigments that settle on fabrics and... reflect light, they simply mask dirt. they clean oxygen-containing ones well, but there is also a drawback here, they clean only at temperatures above 60°, on most packs it is written from 40°, it turns out that they advise what is known everywhere, this the compound helps the oxygen bleach work at low temperatures. we tried
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, we put identical t-shirts , stained with ketchup, into the washing machine, however, if the number of washing cycles increases several times, it will lose color faster, but the powder for colored laundry retained the color of the item, all this applies to gels, their composition is the same , plus preservatives that are added so that the products do not spoil. another difference: due to their liquid form, they dissolve in water more efficiently and are then washed away. for this reason it is better suitable for washing the most delicate fabrics. evgenia popova, tatyana yus, dmitry likhachov, arina anisova, channel one. good morning, dear tv viewers, hello, it’s great that you are celebrating this day with us, it will definitely be a wonderful day, it’s friday, march 29th. so. moore nightingales. so, svetlana zeynalova.
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we wake up, get up, but don’t rush, especially if your back is not perfect. you woke up, don’t rush to get up. we haven't moved for a long time and our back muscles are now stiff. first you need to knead them. we pull our knees to our chest and wrap our arms around them. now we pull our legs up and interfere with this movement with our hands. but with... the resistance should be light, you can feel the lower back muscles tense, this is good. after 10 seconds, relax and repeat the exercise five times. alternating cycles of tension and relaxation helps stretch the muscles of the lumbar back. and now we rise, but we do it correctly, we turn over on our side. we lower our legs, at the same time push off with the hand on which
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we are lying, take our time, sit for about five seconds only we're going up now. what else do you need to stay healthy? we learn to stand correctly: we pull in our stomach slightly, twist our pelvis a little, move our shoulders back and chest forward, and stretch the top of our head up. this. this is the position of the body of a healthy person; there is no excessive load on the spine. also, pay attention to how you sit, your legs should be at right angles, and your soles should be completely pressed to the floor. we lean our back against the backrest, place a small pillow under the lumbar curve, it can also be a rolled up towel or a bolster, such support will help keep your lower back in order. be healthy.
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in the kitchen, everything should be at hand, then it will take less time to cook. the space organizer knows how to conveniently store various jars, flasks and other necessary containers. tatiana abramova. when everything is in sight, cooking is convenient. for example, to quickly find the right seasoning, i pour the spice into a small jar of baby puree. i glue a label with the name of the spice to the wall. i close the lid, apply a magnet to it, and attach the jar in a visible place. i place the rest of the seasonings in the same way. measuring spoons and cups get lost all the time, you can’t find them when you need them, so i keep them under. i glue the spoon to the container with sugar like this on double-sided adhesive tape, when necessary i detach it, collect as much sugar as needed for the recipe, return it to its place, in my opinion it’s very convenient, i’ll share one more trick to replenish food supplies on time, i rearrange half-empty
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containers on the top shelf of the closet. now you can immediately see what needs to be purchased. to make sure i don’t forget anything, i make a shopping list. i put it in an envelope, glue it to the inside of the door, i keep my favorite recipes there, now everything is under control, you’ve taken care of yourself, it’s time to think about the comfort of the youngest members of the family. if you have a small child at home, place his favorite cup or plate in the bottom drawer. yes, it’s a non-standard solution, but it will be more convenient for the child to get the dishes and the baby will quickly get used to independence. the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming towards me, all pps squads and assigned units, full combat is declared readiness, i'm calling, i just wanted to say, please be careful, okay , i'll try, leave her alone, let me build a new life with her, or i
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should help you with this somehow, don't interfere, undercover taxi, premiere on monday, on the first, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i ’m already eating, a big sore point for all residents of big cities, where to park, sometimes in your own yard there is nowhere to park a car, russia is often big, and there is nowhere to park, so many complain , you come home from work, many, we we are complaining, it ends, there is a law that prohibits talking about this, as a rule, taxi drivers do not park in courtyards, and there are no
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fines, so what about residents? alina has practically no chance of finding a free space near the house after 8 pm, literally. probably about three weeks ago i just walked across the yard to the store, there were 21 taxis and corcherens. the girl ends up parking in the next block, let's deal with the taxi first, first we'll find out if it's a neighbor and if he works on his own car, and i myself i live, i don’t have a home yet, but i just don’t know, no, this is my personal car, and the rights are the same as everyone else’s, take the self-employed, and they are absolutely legal for us on september 1, 23.
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they prepare a complaint. each region necessarily has some specialized department that is responsible for taxi control, and residents in these regions can contact these departments. well, as a rule, these are regional ministries of transport. finally, the most effective measure is to install a barrier, but this is not possible everywhere, andrey sergeev does not solve the problem first year. the yard has a rather complex configuration; there is a five-story house here, which they have been wanting to demolish for quite some time. the residents of this house are not... only for the residents, but again, all this is on the verge of the law and is unlikely to stop a driver who decides to stop there, park, i’m glad that
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car sharing is easier, which company owns the car is known, and sometimes that’s enough requests from residents for support, the more complaints there are, the more likely it is that this zone will be marked in kosherny as sulfur, that is, an area in which, according to the company’s rules, parking will be prohibited. maxim betrenko, nikolay krysanov, anton remeny, ksenia maklyak, channel one. well now let's talk about the delicious kiwi, it was once called, yes, yes, there is such a thing, it was once called chinese gooseberry, well , because its homeland is ancient china, but there really is something from gooseberry in it, yes, but it turns out to be such a hairy gooseberry, well, in the sixties of the last century, one new zealand breeder noted the similarity of the berry with a bird, that’s why he called it kibi, because the birds are hairy and the fruit is hairy, yeah, bird and berry, there are about 100 varieties, but in russia you can only find three, one of them, by the way, grows here, hayward, he’s also the most popular, the fruits
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are it is large, from 80 to 150 g, round , slightly flattened, the peel is dense, the core is white, green in color, and there are small seeds in the middle, it tastes pleasantly sour, with a sweet aftertaste, and this is a variety from... new zealand gold with gold , yellow pulp. the peel is lighter, without hair cover, the aroma smells of citruses, and the taste is sweeter, reminiscent of banana and kiwi. and finally, the third variety that can be found here, kiwi with a red core, is brought from asia. it was crossed with a common variety with a very rare red variety, and they got this variety, but there are also different versions that. here it was simply done as a marketing ploy and there is a version here that the iron content here is higher, so the core turned out to be red. the peel is thin
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with a reddish tint, without hairs, the taste is berry, gives off a little raspberry. transportation of kiwis is not fast; they can ripen on the way. the smell of fresh kiwi is light with citrus notes. if it’s not there at all, it means it’s not ripe yet. as soon as we press our finger on the fruit, it should be there. a little soft, overripe ones begin to deteriorate, they can be identified by their wrinkled and uneven surface, it is important that the color is uniform, without spots or mold, as here, if you press in the area of ​​the stalk, and if liquid flows, then the fruit has deteriorated. in the spring we need vitamin c so much; kiwi has almost 98 mg per 100 g. for comparison there is about 53 of it in lemon. kiwi also contains an enzyme called actinidin, this is a very important enzyme for our digestion, it promotes the absorption and breakdown of proteins, which is very important for
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our gastrointestinal tract. you can double the dose of nutrients by eating kiwi with the peel, but only if there are no stomach problems. it includes plant-based, digestible and indigestible dietary fiber, which is very necessary for our gastrointestinal tract. however, hairs on the peel can irritate the oral mucosa cavities. mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, so if you find a kiwi of ideal ripeness, you definitely won’t regret it and you won’t gain weight ; the berry contains only 47 kilocalories. anastasia kremesna, konstantin struchkov, channel one. and now attention to all sports fans, especially tennis fans, especially daniil medvedev. yes, he reached the semi-finals of the prestigious masters series tournament in miami, our colleague, sports columnist, viktor gusev, has details. daniil medvedev in the quarter-finals of the prestigious masters tournament in miami, met with a dark horse, chilean tennis player nicolas harry. during the pre-match
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warm-up, the south american accidentally hit a girl serving balls. fortunately, there were no injuries and the matter ended with an apology. well, in the game itself, the cherian tried to catch medvedev by surprise with his dense blows. however, the russian coped well with harry’s initial onslaught. and in just half an hour. small confidently won the first set, making two breaks 6:2. but in the second game a serious fight ensued. hari started playing even more active, while the cherian made noticeably fewer mistakes. as a result, the showdown dragged on until a tiebreaker. during the shortened period, the chilean led with a two -point advantage, but still, at the decisive moment, medvedev managed to tip the scales in his favor 9:7. at this tournament, daniil still has not lost a single set. in the semi-finals, the russian tennis player faces a very
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serious opponent, italian yannick sina. this match will be a remake of last year's final in miami, when medvedev won the trophy. throughout the meeting he dictated his terms to the italian, forcing him to make mistakes in long rallies, and as a result achieved a confident victory in two sets. however, it will not be easy for danil to repeat the success of a year ago, because sinnar has gained truly phenomenal form this season. he was the first on the atp tour to reach the 20- win mark. having suffered only one defeat. in the quarterfinals of the masters tournament , the italian easily defeated the representative of the czech republic, tomas machac, winning with a score of 6: 4-6-2. in addition, at sinor, perhaps the most unusual support group. his fans in carrot costumes follow his idol everywhere and even attend
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press conferences. in miami, the carrot guys have settled again. in the stands and expect only victory from siner, hear my voice, this is the name of the album that our musicians released in support of victims of the terrorist attacks in the crocus city hall near moscow. as you know, this cinema and concert hall is named after muslim magamaev, which is why the album includes songs by our legendary favorite singer. and this album is another confirmation that we are together, even during difficult trials. the release is available on streaming platforms, pay. you don’t need anything, just listen, and by doing this you will help those who need this help. i ask, i ask, at least not for a long time, at least not for a long time, my pain, my pain, you leave me, this pain is forever, in memory of those who died at crocus city hall, artists of different generations gathered in one studio, better than
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the golden sun. the petitions stopped, the light of the stars touched the roofs, by the river, lyubaya, basta, vladimir presnyakov, vanya dmitrienko, lyusya chebotina, valeria, 12 songs by muslim magomayev, like 12 confessions. hear my voice collection, available on streaming platforms vk music, yandex music, nts music, hi-fi, streaming, sound,
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funds from broadcasting the album will go to help the victims, transfer. no money is needed, each of us will make a contribution just by listening to music. we will be like in magamaev's song, the crane is free, the grieving man. for a quiet goodbye, for everything, thank you, for everything, for laughter, for sadness. right now the news is on channel one. see you soon. hello, the news is on air, in studio sergey tugushev. russian su-34 fighter-bombers destroyed a militant stronghold in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the enemy unit has been eliminated. our pilots attacked it with high-explosive bombs with universal planning and
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correction modules. they allow you to strike without entering the zone. actions of enemy air defense systems. the russian drone crew also carried out a successful air battle. a direct hit from a drone destroyed a heavy strike vehicle of the baba yaga type on the fly. we had exactly a specific task from the regiment commander to destroy it. find a way to destroy it, because it brought a lot of trouble to our guys. and we gradually began to track her route , taking turns raising the copters with resets constantly on duty. it turned out that it was on my shift, when i raised my jacket, she was in close proximity, already approaching our position, taking into account the gusts of wind there, i made a drop on her and hit the target. on the zaporozhye sector of the front, geotsinb gun crews destroyed a towed weapon of ukrainian militants. in addition, the artillerymen attacked armored vehicles, artillery positions in the military defense, and
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fortified dugouts. and also a doble. our military lieutenant colonel konstantin lyutov spotted a group of saboteurs, transmitted their coordinates to the artillery, and it delivered an accurate strike. in addition, during the battle, konstantin was able to recover under continuous enemy fire. blown up the communication line, which made it possible to destroy enemy positions. senior lieutenant vitaly tibelius and his unit stopped attack by ukrainian formations that tried to break through our border. before reinforcements arrived, the fighters destroyed a tank, an armored car, a mortar crew, and eliminated more than a dozen militants. the real headache for paris is where to get the 3 billion euros promised to the kiev regime for the military.
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paris is going to finance its obligations to kiev. us participation in all conflicts ended as american business squeezed everything it could out of the relevant region need to. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov recalled this news in an interview. currently, he noted washington’s interest in exporting ukrainian food to the eu, which will continue despite the fact that it is ruining european farmers. everyone knows that the three largest american companies bought up the lion's share of the fertile ones.
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the russian ministry of education has released one that should bring some profit. recommendations on how to act in cases where unknown persons are trying to involve children in illegal activities through social networks. such attempts increased sharply after the attack on crocus cityhall. from the territory of ukraine , teenagers receive calls and messages with offers to commit a terrorist attack for money. all this is accompanied by threats. in this case, the child should remain calm and block such contact. do not enter into correspondence with him and tell his parents, teacher or law enforcement officer about the message. the recommendations advise parents to inform their children in advance about all possible risks and threats on the internet and to pay attention to changes
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behavior of the child and be sure to inform the authorities about the receipt of such reports. meanwhile, pavel durov, the founder of the telegram messenger, said that after the terrorist attack there were tens of thousands of attempts to send such messages, and thousands of users who were engaged in this... were blocked without the possibility of recovery, in addition, russian users of the messenger in the coming days will have the opportunity to limit the circle persons who can write to them personally. the us congress intends to question president joe biden as part of the investigation on impeachment. the head of the united states is suspected of using his political influence in the interests of his relatives' business. according to the case materials , the accounts of the biden family and business partners in total. more than 24 million dollars. the us president denied his involvement in all financial schemes. however, bank statements collected by legislators and witness testimony indicate otherwise.
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the head of state was offered to explain all this personally and was invited to a hearing in the house of representatives. and the last upcoming weekend in the moscow region, as well as the beginning of next week , are expected to be abnormally warm. according to weather forecasters, air from the south will begin to flow into the european part of the country. particularly from africa, temperatures will be 5-6° above normal, which will be close to or even above record values. this afternoon the thermometer will rise to +10, on sunday it will be up to +14, on monday tuesday in some places up to +18. channel one will continue to broadcast the program, good morning. our program continues right now, we invite you to the beautiful place, wonderful peninsula, crimea. you can, of course, admire its nature endlessly.
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here we see old graffiti, the last name or first name is not very visible, but the year 1900 is visible , there it gets darker and darker inside ... traces of ancient people, the grotto was formed a million years ago, this cross, allegedly carved at the behest of alexander iigo. he saw the spirit of a monk, who also warned him about the famous train accident that happened to him. from the very top there is a magnificent view of yalta and mount ur from old legends. alexander ii, after climbing it, drank a glass and shouted: “hurray, he was on his way.”
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the next mountain, which is now hidden behind the clouds, the procedure was repeated, the cry was already bravo, the mountain itself, that’s why it is called bravo, this is such royal tourism in yalta, further to the palasa pine, in 600 years other trees managed to grow on this giant, here we can see blocks of stones, yes, that is, good drainage, less of this rot, less stagnation of moisture allowed us to avoid fires, near changsu, now full-flowing, in translated from crimean tatar flying... water is believed to have more than 20 cubic meters of power per second, it moves huge blocks the size of a bus, well, nothing so pleasant, to visit the reserve you need to register, for example, through a qr code, and otherwise the fine is up to 3,000. the botanical garden is in the midst of spring work, we are saturating the earth with oxygen, it will be in the summer... beauty! the parade of tulips,
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dozens of varieties, has started. this variety bloomed very early, and the buds on it were still almost at the beginning of february, and the flowers bloomed in the last days. magnolia and sakura are blooming. these are colorful fruit trees that bloom before the leaves bloom. sakura is the name given to different forms of plums, and these are decorative peaches. if you are japanese, then peach and sakura. finally, you can stop by the kadykovsky quarry in the outskirts of sevastopol, a popular place. it is with this stone that several stations of the moscow metro are lined, in particular the park kultury station, and then groundwater flooded the quarry, how fortunate, here is the heart of crimea, we see very clean underground water, which also has a beautiful, pleasant color, i highly recommend visiting in the summer. yes, no matter how much you come to crimea, you still need to go. dmitry kuzmin, nikita kuvakov, stanislav khizhnyakov, oleg soshin and dmitry krevtsov, crimea channel one. for the fifth year now, when purchasing housing during
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the construction stage, money must be transferred not to the developer, but to special escrow accounts. what bills? scrow accounts? to be honest, i don’t know, and many people don’t understand how it all works, but you’re not buying an apartment, i agree, yes, i agree, that’s why let us show and tell you everything about those who are going to buy apartments and who know what escrow accounts are. since 2019, you can only buy an apartment under construction by opening it. about accounting for how he works, whether the shareholder buys an apartment with his own money or with a mortgage, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he doesn’t personally transfer them to the developer, as was the case before, he only concludes an agreement. after this, the developer already sends documents to the bank with the intention to enter into equity participation and the client just needs to contact the bank office, presented passport, equity participation agreement, and the specialist already fills out the application itself, after which the shareholder puts the money into a secure scroll account from that time on.
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it already includes insurance, for example, the developer violated the deadline for handing over the house, the shareholder has two options: terminate the contract with him and return the money, or wait, but demand a penalty, or, even worse, the developer... went bankrupt, in which case the equity holder is returned the entire amount from the escrow account, but if there are problems with the bank, if the credit institution is deprived of its license, the central bank withdraws, then the clients ' funds that are in the sparks account are insured in the amount of 10 million rubles. the client returns. yes, it is unprofitable if the apartment is more expensive, but the banks say that only reliable ones are allowed to open scrow accounts, so they are revoking the license. no need to worry. if
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we talk about buying a secondary home, it is more profitable to open a letter of credit. in fact, this is also a secure account, and the same design scheme, the difference is in the timing. the money is in the spark account, it remains for a long time, the bank does not can use this money for lending, or in some other way, yes, in order to earn money. our letters of credit are about the same, but as a rule, they are opened for a shorter period. the seller themselves restore the buyer, this is the second difference of the letter of credit and the third, the scope of its application is wider, it opens up not only for real estate transactions, but also for the purchase of cars or securities, for example, konstantin struchkov, anastasia kremeshnaya, the first channel. let us remind you that on the calendar on march 29, our ancestors said on this day: leave the sleigh, leave the cart move it. and still cook this in the summer, what? sleigh, our ancestors also said that our ancestors were wise.
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yes, they put wheeled vehicles in order. actually, why not, why don’t we do the same thing, for example, change the tires on a car. but what do astrologers think about this, is it necessary, for example, for aquarius. who are you i am taurus taurus change tires now we’ll find out march 29 19th lunar day, tenth solar day, generally not bad, though a little leisurely in work, some will even accuse you of delusion, but this is not so, he is just meticulous, he likes to come up with something, taking his time to bring the idea to perfection, so to speak, to polish it with brilliance and bring it to life, this day is very good for artists, designers, architects, everyone who makes or sells something... then ... home decorations would be great for renovations, the other side of the same coin, this day is greedy for beautiful things and is easy to spend on them, another of the minuses is that he can be careless, not very picky about acquaintances, sometimes he is too self-important and arrogant, but also he is also very amorous, you can feel it yourself
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aries, they don’t dare say whether it’s a plus or a minus for the stars, but what they know for sure for work and career, this day is also very good, some of the updates may actually hear their address something. it seems like there are too many of you, but here the stars are powerless. taurus today are businesslike, persistent, inventive, if all this is channeled in a constructive direction, you can move mountains, after lunch some serious conversation or argument is possible, perhaps about money, calmer, okay? for gemini, this day may reveal something new, interesting, or maybe even something surprising, you might have to help one of your relatives or friends, sacrifice some of your plans, well , that’s okay, it will count for you, and the evening will... reward you for your efforts. cancers are planning some kind of troubles and bustle, in which you can easily forget something, lose something, or make mistakes. in general, be more careful while driving , especially when overtaking. feel free to make a date for the evening. the stars promise leo a new acquaintance, most likely business or
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simply useful. otherwise, the day is just like a day, without any special ups, but without downs. a the evening seems to bring you pleasant company. this day will help virgos to improve, establish, bring something. the new bosses will be able to optimize the work in their teams, just don’t nag your subordinates, and in the evening you may well buy something. libra just has a smooth working friday. true, some nervous conversation at work is possible, but just control yourself. definitely don’t argue with your boss, and be careful with sharp tools. scorpios, your motto is patience and prudence. the day, firstly, is fraught with some temptations, and secondly, you may be provoked into conflict. you don’t need to...
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everything will work out more boldly forward and don’t give up, if something slows down, try to approach this something from the other side, capricorn ladies, and you are simply charming today. they may remember an old debt or some kind of obligation that you took on but never fulfilled, reproaches from your family are possible, also about something that you promised them, you will have to correct the situation, take care of your stomach and liver. this day may puzzle pisces about something, as a result, some of the fish will even change their idea of ​​something or their opinion of someone. after lunch, it is possible to make a new acquaintance and be careful with caustic chemicals. good luck to you. monte chococa cognac, a product of the steller group, rum, castro, a product of the steller group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac,
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a product of the stellar group. so, we remind you that march 29 is on the calendar. the summer season is getting closer and closer, it's time to shop. in april-may, a rush begins among summer residents, prices rise, 20 g per square meter, 2 kilos per square meter of garden, second seeds, borscht set cucumbers, too, i would take prickly ones
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for pickling delicious salads and smooth ones for children, because they are not prickly, children love them very much, and children love watermelon, its seeds are also in the summer resident’s basket, i want to treat all my friends, number three in painting covering material. comes to the aid of summer residents who do not have a greenhouse, because it helps protect. plants from frost, helps to cope with excessive ultraviolet radiation, that is, the plants do not get burned. we're about to start pruning the trees, so number four is garden varnish. for the season we will need no more than one tube, and maybe even one package will be enough for several years, which is very economical in consumption. also in the summer resident's basket are medicines for plants, the same insecticides based on petroleum jelly. and fungicides containing copper, for spring treatment, before the buds bloom, to
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treat a small garden, we need to take about a liter of a preparation based on petroleum jelly and about a liter of preparations based on copper. we met 2,800, this is if you already have garden tools, if not, costs are higher. alexey and tatyana are assembling a basic set, a garden sprayer. the price for such things is very reasonable, on the order of magnitude. 800 rub. there’s also a shovel for digging beds, for 200 rubles. she’s kind of really flimsy, i think you could put your hand on the stump. no heavy shovel either. you can't shake that much. we choose a durable but light one, the price is almost a thousand. to remove caked leaves after winter - use a trusty rake made of metal or plastic. should be quite light, because work can also happen as... not it takes one hour, for spring pruning of the garden with a pruner, we look at the thickness of the cut, for
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example, 22 mm, this one is already 30 mm, an expensive imported assicator costs 3,500, this price bites, there is another analogue, the price is about 500 rubles. in total, the most important tools are 2,500, together with garden medicines, fertilizers and seeds, a little more than four. nadezhda pravdina, dmitry likhachev, channel one. so, dear friends, as you remember, this is the 21st century, a time of high technology, high speeds, space is shrinking, cities are overcrowded with cars , trains are getting faster and faster , soon the planes will catch up, the planes will catch up with the trains , in general, all this seems to be true, the car has replaced the horse, but no, today, you know, we need to think about what it should do, her speed is not very high, if the gallop is 20, but 25 km, the trot is 10, the power is only one horsepower, but she is alive, she is beautiful, she has a soul, and in general horses are very cool, a hotel for
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horses is in the list of services , balanced nutrition, cleaning, walking in levadas and daily room cleaning, such a service opened in nalchik, and you know what’s most surprising, there are no vacancies in the hotel, for the last 2 years the service has been in great demand due to the fact that many have become interested in horses, that this is a healthy lifestyle, among the enthusiasts is saliha abdullaeva herself lives in an apartment, the horse sky is here in the hotel, well-fed, well-groomed , ready for training, different types of training, you can just train on the parade ground, you can also go to the forest, to the river, all for pleasure, without violence and harsh training, the attitude towards horses in society began to change, it is considered dashing, if earlier it was the traction power of a vehicle, now it is prestige and aesthetics. once that’s all, we’ll have her like after a bathhouse, clean,
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even, pretty. sergei deev works at the kursk hippodrome, here you can also rent a stall, now there are 21 guests, a personal horse is an expensive pleasure, no more expensive than a car, sergei assures, feed, equipment in different price categories, communication with horses is priceless. this is a little different side of life, often people get tired emotionally, tired physically, but here it’s simple. there is some unloading going on, this can be seen in hypotherapy classes: the horse hera in izhevsk helps eight-year-old igor cope with a neurological disease. he has become more collected, and after classes he is always calmer. how it works? motor impulses are transmitted from the horse to the rider and stimulate the human muscles. the child learns to keep balance, to keep balance when the child sits down and rides a horse. he also gets such a warm, pleasant massage, horses today are doctors, athletes,
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artists, police officers, what happens to them in retirement, when they are sick, everything is slowly changing here too. very often they are written off, in addition to peasant farms and sports schools, it is very disappointing when these very horses find themselves in danger of life, because they do not expect this at all and are ready to continue helping to carry out some simple tasks. the squirrel was working, giving rides to people, got sick, and decided to get rid of the problem in the breeding farm. they were poorly fed and hardly cared for. dolce was born from sick mother, she died before she could feed the foal. without a shelter, these animals would not have a chance; here many of them learn new skills, then find their place in hypotherapy and amateur sports, and pensioners simply live out their lives with dignity and full care. nazir nugumanov, tatyana simonenkova, marina sidorova, magomed tepeev,
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channel one. well, now let's cook something tasty, a good cook can always use the usual ingredients. cook them in a new way, write down the recipe from culinary specialist victoria braddis, potatoes with mushrooms are usually fried, but i will make juicy rolls, fry onions, chopped champignons in vegetable oil, salt and pepper, the filling is ready, add vegetable oil and flour to mashed boiled potatoes, knead into a dense, homogeneous dough, put the mass on cling film and form a layer, i distribute the mushroom filling on top so that the edges remain empty, and now i carefully roll the workpiece into a roll, at the same time separate it from the film and put it in the freezer so that the form sets, cut the workpiece into rolls, put the pieces in
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shape with the cut side up so that the dish turns out juicy and tender, i will make a tomato. dressing, mix a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of dried provencal herbs and two tablespoons of tomato paste, the sauce, by the way, is also suitable, but you will need twice as much of it, pour the mixture into the rolls, put them in a hot oven for 20 minutes, bake at 180 °, potato rolls with mushrooms are ready,
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500 young journalists and schoolchildren took stories from state archives, from books, from neighbors’ stories, from their own family photo albums. approaches of modern schoolchildren they used non-trivial ones, for example, they revived the stories of their grandparents with the help of artificial intelligence. my great-grandmother tasya got a job at a factory as a turner during the war. she was only 14. they found a woman, a veteran, who at the age of 13 learned to drive a tractor and ran to the front to become a tank driver. why not a plot for a blockbuster? i decided, stop fooling around, i need to urgently go to the front. children read poems about the great patriotic war, look for evidence of incredible heroism in the archives, tell stories of memorials, many stories, sincerely, interestingly, with tears in your eyes, check it out for yourself, the works are available on the website nepocornye.rf. meanwhile,
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one of the largest professional animation shows, the open russian festival, ended in suzdal the other day. animated film, zoya apostolskaya from the scene. there had not been such a full house here for a long time; in order to take a seat in the hall, spectators came an hour before the show. for 29 years, the festival has literally grown its winners. for example, nikita meshcheryakov, author of the film vedrite. 5 years ago i just came with friends to watch cartoons, now i have a special prize and first place in the professional rankings. i came to suzdol, watched films, i just arrived without doing animation or drawing and... i liked the films, i wanted to do it. aw! under the shouts of au, director timofey shilov appeared on stage three times, a special mention by the jury, a diplomat from regional film criticism and the winner based on the results of audience voting on the suzdalfest online platform. the thing is that this is
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a personal story, this is the story of my first an unfulfilled school crush. meanwhile , the commercially successful project ivan sarevich and gray wolf 5 by konstantin feaktistov was named full-length animation, and the festival's grand prix this time was awarded to a student film, which happens here extremely rarely, but... this year, 19 russian film schools presented more than worthy work . so, the grand prix is ​​her electric light, directed by anastasia lisovets. a story about a girl and her parents. it’s hard to describe, but somehow, you know? and a little about the news of russian cinema distribution since 28 in march, the film abnormal directed by ilya malanin was released. a touching story about how sports and music helped a boy cope with...
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and what kind of movie are we showing and the movie are showing that it’s normal - it’s different, he needs to move, warm up every day, warming up the body comes from warming up brain , you see, ilya malanin’s film talks about how to love, without harming others, how not to abandon your own, how not to give up, at what moment a stranger who suddenly appears in your destiny can become you loved ones, starring alexander yatsenko, natalyava,
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filming immediately after the pandemic in shanghai, moscow, novorossiysk, life story, the healing power of fatherly love and art is already in the cinema. with this, dear friends, today i bid you farewell with a wish. have a nice weekend, see you on wednesday morning in the this movie section on channel one. our program continues, now we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour on the news broadcast. see you soon. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. our paratroopers destroyed a unit of militants in the artyomovsk direction of the special operation, not far from the village of krasnoe. the enemy established a fortified stronghold there. russian intelligence tracked him down to the target from
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the maximum distance and hit him with a spear, the so -called anti-tank grenade. he destroyed the shelter, and then the assault team cleared the area. another decoy ukrainian stronghold was hit in the kleshcheevka area, this is also under artyomovsko. enemy targets were destroyed with the help of artillery and destroyed by the rszzo hurricane. the installation delivers precise strikes from a distance of about 40 km.
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this team has hit dozens of targets, including western- made combat vehicles. several ukrainian regions came under massive attack that night. powerful explosions occurred in the dnepropetrovsk region. they were heard in pavlograd and kamensky, where the airfield is located.
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the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of an islamic state, no one else is needed to suspect, first of all, ukraine, they talk about ukraine and its non-involvement directly and regularly, and it becomes intrusive. we have repeatedly said that we do not make any final conclusions until the investigation is
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fully completed. the investigation is still working on the facts, new circumstances are being revealed, but we simply do not have the right to exclude obvious versions, especially since these people fled to ukraine when they were detained. previously, the connection between the perpetrators of the terrorist attack and the kiev regime the investigative committee of russia confirmed that it received information that criminals from ukraine received significant amounts, including in cryptocurrency. the russian ministry of education has issued recommendations on how to act in cases where an unknown person is trying to involve children in illegal activities through social networks. such attempts increased sharply after the attack on crocus city hall. from the territory of ukraine, teenagers receive calls and messages with offers to commit a terrorist attack for money. all this is accompanied by threats. the child in this in this case, you should remain calm, block such contact without entering
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into correspondence with him and tell about... the message to your parents, teacher or law enforcement officer. the recommendations advise parents to inform their children in advance about all possible risks and threats online, pay attention to changes in the child’s behavior and be sure to inform the authorities about the receipt of such messages. meanwhile, pavel durov, founder of the telegram messenger, said that after the terrorist attack , tens of thousands of attempts to send similar messages. and thousands of users who did this were blocked without an opportunity. recovery. in addition, in the coming days, russian messenger users will have the opportunity to limit the circle of people who can write to them personally. western countries in the un security council for the second time in a week did not allow meetings convened by russia to take place on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of nato aggression against yugoslavia. nine security council members, including france, great britain and the united states, abstained from voting on the meeting agenda. overweight
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was on their side. behind. none of the leadership of the alliance members was ever brought to justice for the bombing of peaceful cities and the death of thousands of people. that's all for now, stay with us, the program "good morning" will continue to air on channel one. thank you very much colleagues and good morning, our dear, the best tv viewers on earth, hello, thank you for celebrating this day, and this is, by the way , friday, march 29, i remember, march 29, with us, this, by the way, timur silovyov, this is svetlana zeynalova. so, the first of spring the month is coming to an end, increasingly on social
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networks on various forums dedicated to. healthy eating involves talking about all sorts of diets and calories, well, the season really begins, counting them begins, a debate about how to count correctly and how to count incorrectly, and sometimes just like that, god bless them, and you open the refrigerator to relieve stress, but we won’t argue, our correspondent varvara fedorova will now tell us everything, how to count, how to eat, perhaps, probably, very possibly , someday you will lose weight, 500 kilocalories - this is one very sweet bun, eaten and immediately good. but how will we work it out? probably not. there is such a concept, basic metabolism, even in a lying position, when we rest, the lungs, heart, liver, the whole body works. processes are constantly happening, hair grows, enzymes are produced, hormones are produced so that you just wake up in the morning, hormones are needed, so energy is constantly spent on everything, and yes, a lot of energy. at the moment when
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you are just lying down, doing nothing, the coefficient is small, but if we constantly we go somewhere far away, then this physical activity is higher, the coefficient will accordingly be higher, for example, a 35-year-old woman, weighing 60 kg, height 170 cm, applied. here's how it works: made the bed, plus
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another 35 kilocalories to the base metabolism, took a shower another 45, cooked breakfast 75, then washed the dishes plus 50, got ready to go out, put on makeup, bed, got dressed, that's another 60, this is of course very... .so they compensated unnoticed and it ’s okay that the dumbbells you once bought are still in the package, let them lie there and move you can do whatever you want, i lack motivation , i lack desire, i rest at home, i also have intellectual training, just having the brain turned on is very efficacious, it’s not for nothing that schoolchildren go to exams with chocolates, the body knows how much and what it needs we need to neither lose weight nor gain weight, so when we want changes, it can be very difficult to come to an agreement with him. varvara fedorova, mikhail karasev, channel one.
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early in the morning, let's talk about serious topics, let's talk about money. well, we all know where there is free cheese, where it is, timur, well, lady, everything is correct, it’s on sale, we’re tricks, but that’s the way people are designed, that when they offer it to us. something profitable, then we immediately buy into it. well, actually, financial pyramids lived on this, on this belief in miracles of ours. so, they didn’t go anywhere, they just went online. hype projects are the same financial pyramids, only online. the deadline is shorter, the promises are broken, and the authors and participants may not even hide anything. this is a very fat pyramid. no contracts in hand and reporting, payments to investors at the expense of subsequent clients will end, the project will be scammed. that is, it will be blown away , and we warned you, why then do they believe them, we’ll sort it out with the experts, they are trying to get us hooked on the excitement that we will want to go there, because there is something so fabulous there, 300% in 3 days, up to 20% of the actions your
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referrals, that is, how many people you invite to the project, after three days you will already understand that you have most likely been scammed, they may be the first to pay some amount to stir up interest, it doesn’t matter what the high project looks like money for viewing. for a pixel image of a sneaker from a popular application, they promised payback in a month, the more you run, the more you complete certain tasks related to this sneaker in this program, the more you earn, they hurried, they said, come on
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now, just a very profitable rate, now it’s very it’s a profitable investment, now we’ll exchange everything for you, rubles for cryptocurrency, i didn’t understand this at all, and that’s what they played on. but when i decided to withdraw the money, problems began, the exchange rate fell for the money that you invested are no longer there, our accounts were blocked, and almost immediately people disappeared, i still can’t get back a single ruble, how can i not let myself be deceived, our brain really loves fairy tales, when we are in a childish position, then we we want to believe that this is possible, 300% per annum, our task is to be in... an adult position, that is, just such grounding, we reduce the level of stress and anxiety, which actually inspire us to move into something so high-risk, this means there 10,000 you have will turn into 10 billion there , literally in a matter of hours, that is, we just
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really turn on critical thinking, and turn on our critical mind, which should tell us: this does not happen, the rule is simple: if you heard about an incredibly profitable hype project, it means you are already too late, he has only one life left. long dmitry kuzmin, mikhail chetveryakov, channel one. good morning, dear tv viewers, hello, it ’s great that you are celebrating this day with us, it will definitely be a wonderful day, it’s friday, march 29th. so, timur solovyov. so, svetlana zeynalova. we wake up, get up, but don’t rush, especially if your back is not perfect. you woke up? don't rush to get up. we haven’t moved for a long time and the back muscles are now stiff, first you need to stretch them, pull your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them, now pull your legs up. we interfere with this movement with our hands, but the resistance
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should be light, you feel how the muscles and lower back are tense, this is good, after 10 seconds we relax, repeat the exercise five times, alternating cycles tension and relaxation helps to stretch the muscles of the lumbar back, now we are rising, but... we are doing it correctly, we turn over on our side, lower our legs, at the same time push off with the hand on which we are lying, take our time, sit for about five seconds and only now rise. what else do you need to stay healthy? we learn to stand correctly, pull in our stomach slightly, twist our pelvis a little, move our shoulders back and chest forward. with the crown of the head we stretch upward, this is the position
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of the body of a healthy person, there is no excess loads on the spine. also, pay attention to how you sit: your legs should be bent at a right angle, and your soles should be completely pressed to the floor. we rest our back on the back, put a small pillow under the lumbar curve, it can also be a rolled up towel or a bolster. such support will help keep your lower back in order, be healthy, a big sore point for all residents of big cities is where to park, sometimes there is nowhere to park a car in your own yard , russia is often big, and there is nowhere to park, so many complain, you come with work home, many, we complain, you arrive in the yard and a taxi is parked, and there are cars, some broken down cars, whoever is standing, but there is no room for you, we want to find out whether you live here or i can’t stand,
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well, theoretical of course you can, thank you very much, all the best, and the conversation usually ends there, there is no law that prohibits taxi drivers from parking in courtyards, and there are no fines, so what should residents do? alina has a chance of finding a free space near the house after 8: 00 pm is almost non-existent, literally, probably three weeks ago, i just walked across the yard to the store, it was 21 taxi cars from korscherin bar. since september 1, 23, they have been absolutely legal with us, anyone can earn extra money in a taxi after receiving the appropriate permission, then how can he be prohibited from parking in the courtyard of his house? the second in the traffic police. you should only contact if the yellow car is parked incorrectly, for example, on
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the lawn. why is a taxi bored in the yard? ask its taxi company. third option. as a rule, the machine has a logo, then there is always a phone number or website for this taxi company. you can inform us to clarify why the car costs 1-2 days. if cars have been in the yard for a long time and it is generally unclear whose they are, prepare a complaint. each region necessarily has some kind of agency, a specialized one, which is responsible for monitoring taxis and residents in these areas. regions can contact these departments, well, as a rule, these are regional ministries of transport. finally, the most effective measure is to install a barrier, but this is not possible everywhere; andrey sergeev has been solving the issue for several years now. the yard has a rather complex configuration; there is a five-story building here that has been wanted to be demolished for quite some time. the residents of this house are not particularly eager to participate in this process; they must be careful to be creative. this is information, signs, some information. signs, drawing on the asphalt that
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vehicles there are only for residents, but again, all this is on the verge of the law, it is unlikely to stop a driver who decides to stop and park there. i’m glad that with car sharing it’s easier, which company belongs to car, it is known and sometimes it is enough for residents to contact them for support; the more complaints there are, the more likely it is that this zone will be marked in korscherin as sulfur, that is, a zone in which, according to company rules, parking will be prohibited. maxim betrenko, nikolai krysanov, anton remyony. ksenia maklyak - channel one. magas, city of the sun, wait for us! each ingush clan had to have its own ancestral fortress like this. the irzi tower complex dates back to the 14th century. how do you have fun? but most importantly entertainment is, of course, going to relatives, friends, visiting, and of course eating delicious food. the dessert is considered traditional in ingushetia - it is khingl with pumpkin. the dough is rolled out thinly and filled with sweet pumpkin. well, now let’s take care of that very skull-riddled pride of this region, i
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will have it in two versions: i’m responsible for lamb, you, i’m responsible for fish, for fish, let’s start, premiere, cooks on wheels. on sunday in the first, they hit two left-handers, neither one nor the other fits our description, you’re not having the easiest time right now period in life, let 's meet at 2:00 tomorrow, have lunch and decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, well, this way it will be better, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in the gateway, our only mitochka to bundy, no help... needed as successes, you can make an identikit, yes you will make it and we will look, calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, practice shows that in winter we do laundry more and more often with great pleasure, practice that in spring more often,
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by the way, yes, well, and puddles, because, well , the dark things need to be put away for storage, they need to be washed, some things need to be sent to the washing machine, that... we need to take the dry cleaning, but we don’t stop washing at home, yes, what should be in the composition of a good washing powder, how not to spoil clothes when washing, and maybe it’s better to choose a gel altogether, in general, let ’s understand, the basis of any washing detergent is alkali, or rather soda ash , not confused with baking soda, it’s more caustic, like soap is an option, but that’s not enough, always anionic surfactants, non-genic surfactants, an alkalinity regulator, and a complex are added there. surfactant forming agents help to wash , anionic ones cope best with dirt, their content is usually higher, but they are very aggressive, they destroy the fabric, in order to preserve it and at the same time get an effect, the manufacturer additionally introduces non-nogenic surfactants that act more gently. in detergents for wool and silk there are much
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less hard surfactants, in compositions for membrane materials there are none at all, there is only a soft surfactant, since the membrane is easy to damage, so the type of fabric is important to take into account, and the color... let 's figure it out, we can notice that when dissolving the powders, our solutions turned different colors, this is due to the fact that that special additives are added to powders for colored laundry to restore color, due to which the water turned blue, with powder for white it remained transparent, there are bleaches, they are colorless, as a rule, two at once: oxygen optical, the latter contains fluorescent pigments that settle on the fabric and reflect light, they simply mask the dirt. they clean oxygen-containing ones well, but this also has its own drawback: they clean only at temperatures above 60°, most packs say 40°c, it turns out they advise something that obviously doesn’t work, what to do, or wash whites at higher temperatures faster, learning fabric, or look for it in the composition tied, it is not available everywhere, this
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compound helps oxygen bleach work at low temperatures, but even at such temperatures it is not worth washing colored clothes, we... tried it, sent identical t-shirts, stained with ketchup, coffee, and chocolates, into the machine. the t-shirt was washed with white laundry powder and received a certain amount of fading in the form of white spots. this defect is only slightly noticeable since we only carried out one wash cycle, but if the number of wash cycles increases multiple times, it will lose color faster. powder for colored linen preserved the color of the item. all this also applies to gels, their composition is the same, plus preservatives that are added. to the funds did not spoil. another difference: due to their liquid form, they dissolve in water more efficiently and are then washed away. for this reason, they are better suited for washing delicate fabrics. evgenia popova, tatyana yus, dmitry likhachev, arina anisova, channel one. and now attention to all sports fans, especially tennis fans, especially daniil medvedev. yes, he
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reached the semi-finals of the prestigious masters series tournament in miami, our colleague, sports columnist viktor gusev, has details. daniil medvedev in the quarter-finals prestigious masters tournament in miami, met with a dark horse, chilean tennis player nicolas harry. during the pre-match warm-up, the south american accidentally hit a girl serving balls, fortunately there was no injury and the matter ended with an apology. well, in the game itself, the chilean tried to catch medvedev by surprise with his dense blows. however, the russian coped well with the starting game.
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your side 9:7. at this tournament, daniil still has not lost a single set. in the semi-finals, the russian tennis player will have a very serious opponent. italian yannick ciner. this match will be a remake of last year's final in miami. then medvedev won the trophy. throughout the meeting, he dictated his terms to the italian, forcing him to make mistakes in long rallies. and as a result, he achieved a confident victory in two sets. however, it will not be easy for danil to repeat the success of a year ago, because siner has gained truly phenomenal form this season. he is number one on the atp tour. reached the mark of 20 victories, suffering only one defeat. in the quarterfinals masters tournament, the italian, without any particular
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difficulties, prevailed over the representative of the czech republic, tomas machac, winning with a score of 6: 4-6-2. in addition, siner has perhaps the most unusual support group. his carrot-suited fans follow him everywhere and even attend press conferences. in miami. good morning, there are three schoolgirls in my family, and i , as an exemplary mother, from time to time distract them from their lessons to do gymnastics. today we will stretch our back muscles, stand with our feet shoulder-width apart, elbows to the sides, palms. before chest, we clench our fists, now we move our arms back, we try to connect our shoulder blades,
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we pause for a second, we return to the starting position, we don’t stretch our neck forward , we pull the top of our head up, if you don’t have enough dynamics, can you make the exercise a little more complicated? we spread our arms and at the same time take our right leg back, put it on the toe, and take turns taking a step back with one or the other leg. girls, you are great, from sheri too, this is a great warm-up for the back muscles. exercise your whole family and be healthy. hear my voice , that's the name of the album that you... our musicians in support of victims of terrorist attacks in the crocus city hall near moscow. as you know, this cinema and concert hall is named after
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muslim magamaev, which is why the album includes songs by our legendary favorite singer. and this album is another confirmation that we are together even during difficult trials. the release is available on streaming platforms, you don’t have to pay anything, just listen, and with this you will help those who need help. i ask, i ask, at least it’s not necessary. i just touched the roofs, your traces, lyuba, basta,
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vladimir presnyakov, vanya dmitrienko, lyusya chabotina, valeria, 12 songs by muslim magamaev, like 12 confessions, collection of hear my voice, available on streaming platforms vk music, yandex music, mts music, hi-fi, streaming sound. proceeds from broadcasting the album will go to help the victims. there is no need to transfer money; each of us will make a contribution simply by listening to the music. we will be like in magamaev's song, the crane is free. a person is grieving, for a quiet goodbye, thank you for everything, for everything, for laughter for sadness, this is
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a beautiful morning, we met with you svetlana zeynalova and timur solovyov, exactly, thank you very much, we wish you a great, good, bright day, you are great company, take care of yourself, see you soon, bye. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. whatever the provocateurs promise, how to protect children from toxic spam and not fall for the tricks of those who propose to carry out terrorist attacks,
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what measures have already been taken and recommendations for parents. they went through a hurricane and struck from the air. in the southern donetsk direction, our military destroyed strongholds and warehouses militants. and there will be no mercy. an accomplice of terrorists, through whose fault civilians died, was detained in the lpr. it won't be possible to shut up. for the second time in a week, the west disrupted a un security council meeting requested by russia on nato aggression against yugoslavia. our representative publicly accused the french diplomat of double standards. and april ahead of time in the capital region this coming weekend promises significant warming, how long will this weather last? at the beginning of the situation in the zone, south donetsk direction, support the enemy's ammunition depots were destroyed by our artillerymen. hurricane multiple launch rocket system calculations. it only takes a few minutes to prepare to clarify the coordinates and immediately fire at the target, the distance to which
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can be 40 km. same here.


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