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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  March 29, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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my first birthday, then we barely got a candle, a candle and a cake, how did everything begin for you then, in the fourteenth year no one thought, no one guessed, july 22 is my birthday, the first shelling in donetsk, that’s when people in the subway , they were taken off the trains, my husband arrived, he immediately began to look where we had a shelter, he saw what was happening in... donetsk, so he came, he said, let's go buy you a gift. i say, what a gift, i say, you see what’s going on, we can eat tomorrow there will be nothing, we won’t spend money. but in principle, this is what happened, when the first shelling was clear, we were the very first to come to this shelter. then people who came from donetsk, who also found themselves at the station, in this kind of mess, yes, that was happening, we tried to stay there.
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to spend the night, but it was impossible, because when soslan went there for the first time, this is not all the horror that he saw, we saw all the horror first, when, of course, no one ventilated the room there, no one prepared to such events that happened in our country, they said, yes, we saw slavyansk, we saw, but still we did not believe until the last that it would affect us, but we still thought it would somehow end differently, even
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when - greetings, i’m very glad to see you all, now i’m in such a little shock, hello zhenya, i remember this day very well, when i saw this guy, this is in my life, i probably don’t know, something very important i made the decision when i saw this guy, i’m very glad to see you, i’m very glad, that you’re alive, we’re glad to see you too, when you say that, in fact, it’s hard to imagine, yes, that...
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there were a lot of people, and you, when you realize that the water is running out and you can’t get out, but our men walked through the water, that is, you just sit there waiting and you don’t know what to expect. when the ukrainian army was there, we were afraid in the shelter, because even then they were walking around throwing grenades. evgeny, please, saslan hasn’t seen you for 10 years, tell me what you are doing now, what you are interested in and what you yourself want to tell him, i was getting carried away. all kinds of studies, and i, for example , go to chess, swimming, cyber school, something you wanted to convey to saslan, i will thank you for bringing us humanitarian aid, difficult times, yes, they were not afraid and came to us, it’s true the feat is , i want you to know that your mother is a hero, be proud of your mother, because you have her...
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well done, i was already successful, you have the best mother, she made a big difference, in turn i together with my mother, i’m waiting for you in ossetia, i invite you to ossetia, come to us, promise to me. that you will come, definitely , i’m waiting for you, i’m waiting for you, very much, i know this and i know that you have a person in asiti who loves you very much, thanks to all the people who helped us meet now, see each other, this is the first anti-fake channel , thank you so much, irina , thank you so much for bringing this story to the end, and the guy is alive, i talked about him for a long time, thought about him a lot, thank god that you are alive, zhenya, i love you very much. saslan, thank you so much for finding the time today. to join our program , it’s great that we all remembered together these difficult moments that changed the lives of these guys, and as you yourself said today, changed your
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life too, speedy victory for all of us, i think there’s simply nothing to add here, huge thank you for coming to us today, all the best to you. channel one presents 6 kg of dishwashing detergents used by one average russian per year, this is how all this affects our health, about this ...
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there are no stupid questions, there are stupid ones answers, and today we even invited two cosmetologists to answer our viewers’ questions about our female beauty, we are waiting for the first guest,
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they say there may be bruises, i say: well, good, that means i’m alive, even if i were a corpse, bruises would not be, but nevertheless, today there is a technique for administering drugs that allows you to either have one tiny bruise, and even where it is not visible, or have no bruises at all, i want you to show us what the needle looks like, which you use, look, this is a state-of-the-art needle, it’s called a conula, it’s very long, it’s elastic , that is, it has a blunt end, that is, when we insert it into the skin in the desired layer , it doesn’t break all the vessels in its course, just poke it at
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me, there you go, here, that is, poke nothing else , but just pushes them apart, this is an ordinary needle, if i prick it, it hurts, it cuts, this needle doesn’t cut. bonin will make one puncture. in her hands is a special syringe with a long elastic needle . we are doing the procedure now with horsemen. this is, roughly speaking, a modern needle, then it has a blunt end, unlike a regular needle, it does not rupture
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all the vessels along the way, but simply pushes them apart. that is , the patient is not in pain because there is no injury. uh, it's safe, and it's aesthetically pleasing and doesn't leave any marks. the needle is really soft. she doesn't pierce the cotton wool, she... it moves, it is elastic. so, the doctor inserts the conule under the skin through a single puncture and distributes the hyalurnic acid with a weir, first over one and then over the other. i am certainly unique today, i just want to emphasize that this technology i’m also a patient of ilina alekseevna , she knows this well, now we’re just showing a video that i shot on my phone, when she also inserts this needle into me, look, a puncture is made on the side, once, a conula is inserted through this hole, once hyaluronic acid gets into the skin... the acid will not only fill and straighten wrinkles, but will retain water all the time
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, thus returning elasticity, firmness and just a youthful appearance to the skin, just you know, a few seconds are enough to i started bleeding from this small needle, where it is, from this small sharp metal needle, so these old technologies, when they poked hyalurnic acid into every wrinkle, this is filler, they are... old, they are well they simply inevitably caused bruises, although i think that this is not terrible. in this case, lensina, i know you, i will directly ask on my face that you, like this, applying your miracle horse, show how you lay it out, which means there is only one puncture, we select it right here in the most distant point, that is, even if there is a bruise, it will not be visible, because it looks at you like this, and then with these vectors we lay out the drug in the layers we need,
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three and imagine, she wants to inject botox, i tell her, don’t you dare, your face will paralyze, and in general , it will be artificial, it will be just a mask without emotions, is it really possible to inject botox for 23 years, well, can i say the preamble, ekaterina olegovna, in general, the batulism toxin is used in medicine, it is approved for use from the age of two , that's right, i don't mean cosmetology, what are the problems? for the treatment of some neurological diseases, this is cerebral palsy, it is also
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used in ophthalmology, the treatment of strabismus, dentistry can be used, that is, these are situations when there is spasticity, for example, with infantile cerebral palsy, pastic syndrome is introduced to relax the hands, so the child could take it, torticollis is injected here to relax the muscle in order to straighten it, so in general, if we talk about the norm, it is allowed from the age of two.
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i want to show you now what the point is actions, this is a blockade of the neuromuscular clearly, that is, this is not a permanent treatment, i transmit, let's look at the screen, you see, the signal has arrived, the white nerve, the muscle has contracted, wrinkles have appeared, this is the mechanism, now this signal transmission has been blocked, you see, the nerve has turned blue, the wrinkles have straightened out, but the young girl can say, i don’t want me...
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14 days, there were these creases on my forehead, the creases on my forehead disappeared, well, thank you very much, ekaterina olegovna, we are waiting for the next guest.
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i always think he’s lying, i’ll do it now, he gave it to me money, she will get her lips done, and then she accepts them as they are, doctors need your expert opinion, enlarged lips, let 's show them, because today there are even famous actresses and singers who had their lips enlarged, probably 20 years ago, they still do they go with them, so ilina alekseevna, this is a serious question, lip augmentation, what drugs were used and which ones? is using it now, what's the difference whether this young man should spend money on his wife, who is unhappy with her lips. look, elena vasilievna, there is biodegradable preparations, fillers , that is, fillers, and non-biodegradable ones, what is the difference, some dissolve and nothing remains, it’s safe, others remain forever and do not completely dissolve or
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go away, in modern cosmetology, of course, only biodegradable ones are used. which are completely dissolved either by the enzyme that is inside our body, hyolronidase, and over time the effect of these enlarged lips disappears, or if for some reason the patient did not like it, you can also administer the drug hyaluronidase this enzyme and also dissolve the filler, this drug, of course, that is, today only biodegradable drugs, fillers, are allowed , so we showed how elina alekseevna introduces... hyaluronic acid, we have hyaluronic acid, we have an enzyme in every person, which dissolves it, so how long does the effect last? on average it is 4-6-8 months depending on the density of the drug, then the lips will return to normal, and as they say, prepare your money, if
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she liked it, we are waiting for the next guest! doctor my grandmother was prescribed an injection of her plasma in the knees, and my cosmetologist also advised me to give injections of my plasma only in the face, that this plasma can be injected in all places? which means there is such a therapy, it is called pr therapy, which is used both for injection into the joints and for injection into the face, what is it, this is when it is taken. the patient’s blood is put into a special test tube and plasma with active platelets is released from there, the mechanism of action is essentially the same, what these active platelets do, and with the introduction of enriched plasma platelets, and growth factors are released , which further stimulate, if
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we inject into the skin, then we see the effect of stimulated skin with collagens and which is also collagen, in fact, so whatever one may say, collagen is everywhere, in the skin there is collagen, in collagen in cartilage, collagen everywhere, let's show how this drug works: so, these are wrinkles, here is your active plasma, see? there is little collagen and this collagen begins to patch up, build up collagen, the little blue ones are growth factors, collagen begins to grow and the quality of women's skin improves, this is such a general procedure, right? yes, yes, this is a general, so to speak, therapeutic procedure for the skin, and the visible result is just fresh skin, a good pink tint,
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healthy, which, in fact, is what we were trying to achieve, thank you very much and... another guest with us stayed, you always talk about beauty injections with hyaluronic acid, but there is also a cream with hyaluronic acid, tell me, can it be used instead of injections? which is better, cream or injection? elinzen, let's come to this huge layout, so, hyaluronic acid cream. or an injection with hyaluronic acid, what works? look, what are the preferred injections, why? because there are two types of hyaluronic acid: low molecular weight and high molecular weight. for us , high-molecular hyaluronic acid is of great importance, it attracts water more, this molecule is unfortunately large and cannot penetrate the skin like these balls, that
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is, you can smear yourself from head to toe, correctly, of course, it is applied, but inside it is not delivered, therefore it has no effect, when we make domes and inject them into the skin, we immediately deliver deep into those large molecules that begin to moisturize. this is an industry of pleasure, nothing more, thank you very much ilina alekseevna, well, we ’ll take a break for a while, and then we’ll continue, life is in short supply, sensitivity disappears, goosebumps, then they are less so that a person stands on the ground, but to make sure... what is he standing, he should look, really i’m standing, all these are signs of vitamin deficiency b1, what food will make up for it, pain below the belt,
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and i went to six or seven gynecologists, six or seven neurologists, bractologists, surgeons, urologists, chiropractors, kinesiologists and even a homeopath, what is pelvic pain syndrome, why did it arise? the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. what are you treating your eyes to? we believe that everything is alive and everything is around this is the spirit. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. altai, this action is dangerous, why during the run
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morality jumps over a height of 2 m. leave, the life of your own. premiere on sunday on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. shop, city of the sun, wait for us! each ingush clan had to have its own ancestral fortress like this. the erz tower complex dates back to the 14th century. how do you have fun? but the most important entertainment is, of course, going to relatives, friends, visiting, and of course it's delicious to eat. a traditional dessert considered in ingushetia is fingle with pumpkin, the dough is rolled out thinly. is filled with sweet pumpkin, well, now let's take care of the very wild garlic pride of this region, i will have it in two versions, i am in charge of the lamb, you are in charge of the fish
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, we are starting the premiere of the cook on wheels, on sunday in the first, in the fifth grade i watched all the episodes of the police academy, and i decided how cool it is, i want to be like them, yes i... lyosha, this is for work, do you want to meet? undercover taxi. premiere, from monday on the first. only german shaevich
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does not work in our kitchen. friends, this program is to live healthy, and the rest are preparing food for us. because right after the program we will, in fact, have lunch. what do we lack , what do we russians lack, russians, take the microphone urgently, the question is simple, what vitamins do we, the inhabitants of our vast homeland, lack , say, vitamin d, vitamin d, because there is not enough sun, because there is not enough sun, smart girl , he is also missing, but everyone knows about it, here... there are still a few b vitamins missing, and they are the most important, no one is talking about this, vitamin d just received a pr campaign during the coronavirus pandemic,
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now everything is straight about it. everyone drinks it and so on, it makes me happy too, but today we will talk about theamine, also known as vitamin b1, bring us foods super rich in theamine or vitamin b1. name the products, first product. and the record holder is rice bran, bran, exactly bran, exactly bran, contains the most thiamine or vitamin b1, approximately 230%, that is, 2.3 daily allowance norms, 2 and a half daily norms in 100 g, which means you need about 40 g of rice bran per day, add spirulina somewhere, here spirulina is two daily norms
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of the vitamin.
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such degrees that a person is standing on the ground, and to make sure that he is standing, he must look, really i am standing, it is clear, this is a deficiency of vitamin b1, the first is neurological symptoms, the system that is damaged is the cardiovascular system, heart failure develops , look, this is the heart of a healthy person, it hurts.
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the first were given moisturizing drops, the second cortisone, the third vitamin b1, and the fourth vitamin b steroid drops, and found that the third group who were given vitamin b1 had improved symptoms, and the fourth, respectively, where the drops were, concluded that high content of vitamin b1, improves trophism of the cornea,
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reduces innervation. it is clear that beauty, in short , is not earthly, it remains to repeat once again how much of these products you need to consume in order for your life to become a song, the doses are not large, 50 g, rice bran about 40 g, about 40 g, and spirulina 50. the first is elderly people who eat poorly, the second is people suffering from chronic alcoholism, how to help alcoholics - this is a serious matter, and the elderly?
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their children are obliged to help people, we have a lot of children in our studio, yes, that is, if we are talking about older people, our recipes should be quite simple, we roughly understand that this is a kind of dry version that needs to be filled with something. or steam it or somehow, that is, give it volume, what we do is we have a version of porridge, if we call it that, we add any fruit that is wet enough, an apple, a pear, you can have a banana, it does n’t matter, mango, if you want, you can have yogurt, yes, but i recommended how, look, i add the pulp of just the product there , i put it in the oven, it soaks itself, just mix it dry and it turns out to be such a wonderful volume, everything we told you can be poured spoonfuls into a glass of yogurt.
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pelvic pain syndrome and right now at our medical site a patient is being examined by this wonderful doctor, who suffered from pelvic pain syndrome. tell me, please, how many doctors does a patient go through before he gets help from someone? in my case, i went to six or seven gynecologists, six or seven neurologists, practologists, surgeons, urologists,
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your doctor, a person who professionally deals with pelvic pain syndrome and the pelvis, there are a great many organs, which, andrei yuryevich, here are all reproductive organs, well, in this case , a woman, yes, this is the uterus, and here is the bladder, yes there are appendages, an ovary, a rectum intestine, rectum, well, including this bone formation, this is the sacrum and coccyx. and the nerves coming from here, it turns out that there can be pain everywhere, so these patients walk in a vicious circle, right, absolutely right, they are, i would call them medical orphans, that is, they cannot get
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help anywhere and visit many doctors, as a result , they become isolated with their pain, and that in turn leads to emotional, psycho-emotional disorders, which aggravate the course of this. that’s right, andrey yurievich is absolutely right, because when the pain lasts, in my case for 10 months, and when these pains a - pain in the lower, lower abdomen, in my case on the right, lower in the right abdomen, look, this is very important to understand, there are many organs located here, the bladder, the uterus , ovaries, intestine, directly lower back, sacrum, this is where the nerves come out. that is, pain, the sensation of pain can be transmitted from all these organs, but the beauty is, if we say in summary, that this pain is transmitted by one single nerve,
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it is called, you already know, as i already know, the pudendal nerve, it’s called the pudendal nerve, now andrey yulievich, i’ll ask you to come to our screen and show where this nerve is located. well, here the beginning of the formation of the pudendal nerve from the second to the fourth sacral roots is presented, by the way, it is very well shown here, that is , an anatomical feature, it can go in two branches, then give a third branch, or go with one trunk and then divide into three branches, it passes critical points and the largest amount of compression of the genital.
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the principle of treating hypertension, it sounds like this: first reduce the pressure, because there may be a stroke, and then understand the reasons? it seems to me that we don’t have a single protocol. neurologists will treat, but this does not make it any easier for the patients, it seems to me that the same protocol is needed, and then the patient walks without pain and understands, correctly, does an ultrasound, the fifth, the tenth, and the situation is that the patient has been climbing the wall for 10 months, bypassed six gynecologists, six urologists, five neurologists. everyone tells him: this is not mine, and
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this is not mine, and this is not mine , but where should he go, that’s right, go to such rare specialists as yuryevich, but also go find him, our andrey yuryevich, this is how you found him, i don’t know objectively speaking, they say that patients, women pass it on, stories about him, you know how there is such a doctor, i looked for information on the internet, going through more than twenty diagnoses that turned out to be. untenable and were not confirmed by instrumental examinations, purely by chance i found the phrase social syndrome and became looking for information on your profession? i’m a translator, that is, to find a doctor you need to finish medical school and find the word meaffasocial syndrome, i don’t even know how you even found it, but you are some kind of genius, my late mother is a doctor, and my health care provider is not a chemist, well, my mother is a doctor, at least this. at least this, let’s say it again, pelvic pain, if
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you do it on principle, first we make it painless, and then we do an ultrasound, other examinations, that’s right, they are needed, they are needed, this would be the most correct principle, andrey yuryevich, he does exactly this, relieve pain calmly look for the cause, now i will show you how our wonderful doctor works, here it’s good, you can see the ischium, the tendon bursa, a little higher is the sacrotuberous ligament, and this is the obturator muscle, in order for us to accurately determine, we will now look at vascular mode: the patient is 34 years old, she has pain in the perineum, foreign body sensations, all these sensations are transmitted to the brain by the pudendal nerve. it is precisely this that the doctor must block; the procedure
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is carried out strictly under ultrasound control. we clearly we determined that we are now with the sensor exactly in the projection of the alcock canal, where we clearly see an artery and vein on the monitor, this is a definite landmark for us, so we can show the picture again, here it is really very beautiful and corresponds to the required parameters for administering the drug. the doctor injects two medications directly into the canal where the pudendal nerve goes: a local anesthetic and a steroid to relieve inflammation. now we inject the solution, you can see in the picture the expansion of the tissue, that is, we got there, where needed, and after 5 minutes we will ask the patient to answer some questions, that is, her feelings, normally this is small. no less in the perineum and a decrease in
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pain activity, this is a positive result of the procedure and confirmation of the diagnosis. so, look, here the doctor is guided by the vessels, andrei erovich, i want you to show that this nerve runs next to the vessels, the vessels are clearly visible on the ultrasound, show me exactly right, here on the obturator internus muscle the alco channel is located , when a neurovascular bundle consisting of an artery, a vein and... the pudendal nerve, it passes through this place, that is, you saw the artery , you know exactly where to insert it, i want to ask you, well, 10 months of suffering, when did the damn pain go away, the pain began noticeably decrease after the first procedure with andrei yuryevich, was it his gender or did he do a manual procedure at first, the injection after the first procedure gave me the feeling that in my pelvis i really had... living moving organs, because before that it seemed that everything was filled with
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concrete to the state of stone and that i basically i can't move. after the second procedure , i already woke up in the morning in a position different from the kneeling soldier, because before that i could only sleep on my back, with my arms extended along my body, any movement caused pain, even the simplest movement of my feet from myself towards myself, it gave off pain in the pelvis, after five procedures...
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god, they will remember the person’s name, andrei yuryevich rusakov, a wonderful specialist who solves all problems, thank you very, very much, honor and respect to you, andreevich, and then we will continue. my dadir,
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dishwashing detergent, our expertise. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors; this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country. mountain altai. why are you treating otchag? we consider this to be all living things and there is a spirit around everything. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science.
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options, i am responsible for lamb, you, i am responsible for fish, of this region, i will have it in two let's start, the premiere, cooks on wheels , on sunday, in the first, fifth grade, i watched all the episodes of the police... on behalf of the investigative committee, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine , we are working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, does not like me , or maybe we’ll sit somewhere
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and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s just say it, and just glory, yesterday they called me to the css, as i understand, they were given instructions to kill you, who didn’t i deceive you like that, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, you’re at work, don’t want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday onwards, 6 kg, that’s how much detergent one russian uses.
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a greasy film appears on the surface of the dishes, it needs to be dissolved somehow, because water cannot penetrate this film, these are the very surface active substances, they are alcohol, the fact is that when it is torn, water washes off this film, so this is the mechanism for cleaning our dishes, now we will show graphically how this happens, which means surface active substances are substances that, on the one hand, have... an affinity for water, on the other , they repel water, so they grab pieces of dirt or fat, no matter what, and actually tear it off the surface, this is called emulsifying. fats, this kind of fat is easy to wash off, other fat is difficult to wash off if it is not divided into pieces, everything sounds good, but it turned out that these
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are special surfactants that can remain on the surface of the dishes in very small doses, because after all, we wash them off, unfortunately, it has toxic effect, herman shevich , highlight what you should... are not indicated on detergents, do not take products with anionic ones, but the best product is not ionic surface-active
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substances, they almost do not irritate the skin, there is another substance that you should pay attention to whether linear alcohol ethoxylate exists, laboratory studies have shown that it can be toxic, so it is better not to take the risk. this is linear alcohol xelate, this is another label that needs to be read, i highly recommend it to everyone now, u many of us in the studio record what we say here, but there is an even easier way to shoot on the screen of your smartphone, just take a screenshot, a snapshot, you will have all these names, and then rewrite it wherever you want. andrey petrovich, i want to say two things that, in principle, we, as specialists, allergists, immunologists, even... there is a rating from the point of view of skin sensitivity, in first place for such pronounced reactions are anionic ones,
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in second place are cationic ones and the safest will be, as german shaich said, non-ionic ones, although all detergents are good in terms of effectiveness, but if you took anionic ones, be sure to wear gloves, because there will be manifestations the longer you have exposure, i... the inscription that it is approved for use in children or you can wash children's dishes, in this case, you can be guaranteed that there will not be these anionic compounds of linear alcohol. that’s why at home everything is bad, in short, there are children’s products
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where everything is guaranteed to be prohibited, here we have a great girl, she does it in a modern way screenshots, tans are photographing, wait, andrey petrovich, let ’s emphasize your life hack, in children’s products, in detergents for washing children’s dishes, everything is contained without...


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