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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 29, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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and military units of the armed forces and other military formations on the territory of the russian federation. military personnel undergoing conscription service will not be sent to the point of deployment of armed forces units in new regions of russia or to participate there in carrying out the tasks of a special military operation. a third of the conscripts will be sent to training formations and military units, where within 5 months they will master modern military equipment and receive a military specialty. without attention to picking research and production divisions that implement advanced ideas and breakthrough technologies into production. and at the end of the footage from brazil, in the city of recife, a skyscraper caught fire, it is at the construction stage, it should have a total of 33 floors, 28 have been built. in the footage taken by eyewitnesses, the high-rise looks like a burning torch. as rescuers say, the fire started at the very top, then the flames quickly spread to several floors below.
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according to preliminary data, there are no casualties, as of this moment the fire was localized, it took the brazilian firefighters 3 hours, they were helped by the rain that started, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program will tell time, good day everyone, the information channel on the first continues its work, we are working in live, anatoly kuzichev is with you, our project is on air:
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nothing is clear about the northern 2 years , here everything is immediately and clearly clear, this is a reason for jokes, but you understand, in every joke there is only a grain of joke. investigative committee of the russian federation has now confirmed that the islamist, well , at least that’s what was said, carefully and pay attention, responsibly, that there is a certain ukrainian trace in the receipt of money by these militants, the americans nevertheless continue to
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insist... from beginning to end, in planning, it’s the isis members who are to blame for the execution , you know, it’s not even the persistence of promoting the point of view itself, it’s some kind of suspicious confidence, but confidence, that is, if this, if this is confidence from the word faith, then what is its price, if this is confidence from the word knowledge, then why not share this knowledge there with russia and with the public in general, because they said... that there seemed to be some warnings, but being afraid to open their own sources, there was a warning of the most general nature, like guys , be careful, if anything happens, it’s clear, let ’s remember now, let’s remember where this very igil came from, to whom it owes its emergence, brilliance and subsequent, i still hope for a fall, please.
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2003, the us begins its invasion of iraq. the country is rapidly plunging into chaos. the american occupiers control only the largest cities and some roads between them. throughout the rest of the territory, power passes to local groups, which are joined by thousands of islamic radicals released from prison. and... one of these groups of the society of monotheism and jihad, led by the militant ahmad al-khalailah, who later took the pseudonym azzarqawi. by this time, he had managed to fight in afghanistan against the ussr and during this time undergo training under the guidance of the american instructors from the cia. however, zarqawi would have remained the unknown leader of another terrorist cell if not for the americans. in early 2003 , us secretary of state colin paul demonstrated this. the world
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's famous test tube with supposedly iraqi chemical weapons, in a speech delivered at that moment, paul remembered azzarqawi calling him the main liaison between the iraqi leadership and international terrorists. i want to draw your attention to the sinister connection between iraq and the al-qaeda terrorist network. today iraq is harboring a deadly terrorist network led by abu musabam azzarqawi. zarqawi fought in the war in afghanistan more than 10 years ago. returning there later , he oversaw a terrorist training camp. one of his specializations and one of the specializations of this camp.
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the united states to justify the invasion of iraq, but in the end the azarqawi terrorist group received crazy publicity, which provided it with a huge influx of recruits and funding, a society of monotheism. the jihad quickly developed into a developed network with many arab fighters and foreign mercenaries. they declared one of their main goals to be the creation of an islamic state. in early 2010 , the arab spring broke out in north africa and the middle east. by this point, the region is already entangled in a network of islamic radical cells. and washington decided to use this power for its own purposes. as a result, an islamic militant. which turned out to be a convenient tool for eliminating regimes that america did not like, were used in the overthrow of the head of libya, muammar gaddafi, and became one of the pillars of the coalition against the leader of syria, bashar al-assad. us instructors began to teach and arm militants directly on syrian territory,
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where special bases have been created for these purposes. one of them, near the border with jordan, is currently operating. when the west realized the danger of the monster they had created, egil had already taken over most of iraq and syria. it was possible to stop the growing islamic state only with the help of a military operation by the russian army. it seemed that the terrorist organization isis was a thing of the past, but 2 days before the terrorist attack at crocus city hall in the united states , a large-scale report was released in which the americans they openly declare: isis is being reborn. before us is a depressing picture, although the main provinces of the islamic state in iraq and syria were destroyed, the group managed to take root in the khurasan province in afghanistan, as well as in africa. islamic state supporters also continue to plan major terrorist attacks. today, militants from tajikistan
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have become the support of the terrorist network of the islamic state, and the influence of this organization in the world is only growing. moreover, just a day before the terrorist attack in crocus, the representative of the united states, the coalition on isis affairs said america can no longer ignore the threat of a resurgence of the terrorist organization. we cannot afford to ignore this danger just because we face other threats. however, now one can notice a strange pattern in the actions of terrorists: only the enemies of washington are under attack, but the allies of the united states and the americans themselves do not seem to interest them. in recent years, igel has adjusted his plans now.
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but it seems to me that we have the right, we simply have to doubt, to ask each other questions, yes, we have doubts, we ask each other questions, on the one hand, elena vladimir, on the one hand, well, isis, indeed, there is a terrorist organization, which, apparently, has some scores to settle with us, although here too there are a whole series again questions of doubt, why they suddenly became so selective, if they are, so to speak, an islamic state, they are fanatics, not one demand, not one demand, not one slogan, nothing at all, but the money is interesting.
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creation, preparation of a number of extremist organizations in relation to i have no doubts about al-qaeda, a terrorist organization, the fact is that some of the militants of this... all of them, without exception , confirmed to me personally that in pakistan, where a base was created
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, translated into arabic, al-qaeda to train militants and counter the soviet troops, representatives of several intelligence services worked there, at that time they were representatives of the intelligence services of pakistan, although now this country itself is suffering from terrorism from great britain, the cia and a number of arab countries, which again. they themselves gave birth to this monster and they themselves suffer from it, and they knew about the existence of so-called charitable organizations that collected funds for this, that is, look, now we need an intermediate, well, not so much a conclusion, but just pay attention, that is, at least herself this technique of attracting extremists there, i don’t know, but fundamentalists, terrorists to solve their own problems, so to speak, and... one of
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the militants even told me that there were agreements with arab airlines to provide discounts to people who moved, let's say, from egypt, from somewhere else to pakistan and underwent training there, the same abu musab zarqawe, discounts, well, yes, people are not rich and...
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american bases that are in syria are under them, so why- then they were fed until now with a review of the preparation of militants, well, yes, they are so conventional, not not fans, some kind of religious fanatics, well, such conventional, moderate militants who cut their heads more gently than the rest, but still they are constantly being prepared, also. began to appear in the twenty-second year from the very beginning of the northern military district, and the icelandic militants in ukraine fought, advertised, some even here in zelensky, we showed this video the other day, zelensky awarded some there, something like that, yes, and they just built their chains, to move weapons to black market in the blue east directly from ukraine, yes , they are very active there, they worked, it’s clear, probably, excuse me, irzhe will work, just tell me. as it were, how do you see, how do you see, well, so to speak, the trace of isis,
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does this, so to speak, contradict the trace of ukraine, about which the investigative committee i said, well, i would first like to express my condolences to all the victims and those injured in this monstrous terrorist attack, yes, because of course i covered it as a journalist, but it was terrible to just write about it, yes, so once again i want to express my condolences that concerns the trace of ukraine, well, it seems to me that it’s not enough...
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practically everything, practically nothing, well , i would say that’s just everything, then i’ll continue further, yes, the fact that russia fought against isis , which is banned in russia, yes, that’s all we know you showed this story perfectly, when the phenomenon of indulgence is not from meanness, nor from hatred, you know, it seems to me so, not from murder, from anything, or i don’t
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understand something, maybe life, maybe, excuse me, they say there, here they just silently went to whom it is seems like? well, we observed these silent terrorist attacks that were carried out by the intelligence services of the reich, that part of ukraine that is occupied by the zelensky regime, well, to understand the terminology, some have already been liberated by the russian army, and some are occupied, this is the rey, that’s what i call it, this uh these special services, the murder of the same vladlin
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tatarsky, well, this is a silent terrorist attack, after all, these same silent dasha dugin, that is, it’s normal for the jew zelensky to kill dasha, ok. no, why, i don’t understand, what kind of argument are silent terrorist attacks, after all, they are committed every day in melitopol, in berdyansk, in these new territories, when people are blown up, two or three weeks ago the deputy mayor was blown up berdyansk, who was involved in organizing the presidential elections, she is originally a citizen of ukraine, she is the mayor, the deputy mayor of berdyansk, she is responsible for social policy, they blow up her car, by the way, the tavre car, but the question is simply that it is difficult to imagine a ukrainian deputy mayor who drives a tavre car, but here is the deputy mayor.
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it is absolutely not like the terrorist attacks that islamic fundamentalists commit, but it is very similar to those terrorist attacks that the reich intelligence services commit, well, that is , it could be an izbo, it could be a gur, there are some other units there, but this drawing is absolutely identical, you know, that’s how there is such a rule, in my opinion it’s american, yes, if something walks like an abalone, a duck quacks like a duck, and so on, then it’s
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a duck, well, there’s just no sign that it’s not a duck, the only sign is that the owner this duck says, no... boys, well, it’s no secret that he directly admitted that yes, it was our own taliban who were born by the same americans, why , so that later they, then they, the taliban would fail off the leash, the same one right there. americans were born, american newspapers were published, before you can still find american newspapers bem, i even showed nadyah, listen, this is a good question of yours, let’s remember it, we ’ll discuss it in a few minutes, really. that he fell off the leash, but is it possible to predict the moment of breaking off the leash, that’s where he is, when he frays this leash, when, as if a crocodile has been sucked up, you think that he will serve you all his life, but he
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turns his mouth on you, this is interesting, we’ll talk separately, please, well, in afghanistan they went wrong on how and when the americans left, because the americans , after the soviet union left and then collapsed, the americans lost all interest in afghanistan, they promised the afghans a lot, they promised a lot of what they would build there, by the way, they came from syria the other day , remember, well, or rather they they stated more than once that we were going to leave... as a result, the americans did not fight against isis, these are all fairy tales, the fact that the americans fought in convoys tens of kilometers away, stood on the turkish border , pumped out the oil that went to egypt, calmly sold it to turkey, turkey sold it israel got this oil back, everything was going fine, the economy was going well, while the same egil stole all the jewelry of all the museums and sold it on the black market, they broke some of it into cameras, they sold everything else on the black market. that the money is huge from slaves, they , lord, the igel had a glossy magazine that they published all over the world, a monthly magazine, yes, this is generally
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an amazing story, and the other day i was not the other day, now we are all carefully reading the news feed there, i came across something today, i think what nonsense, huh then i realized that this is not nonsense, this is the time, the isis press secretary said that the isis press secretary, seriously, is advertising on channel one. let's go back, we hit two left-handers , neither one nor the other fits our description, you're not going through the easiest period in your life right now, let 's meet at 2:00 tomorrow, we'll have lunch and we'll decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, there you go it’ll be better this way, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only lead to bundy, no help needed. how are you doing? you can make an identikit, yes you will make it and we will look, calm, calm, police, calm, undercover taxi, premiere from
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monday on the first, monte shock cognac, product of the stellar group, in the fifth grade i watched all the episodes... of the police academy , hands up and i decided how cool, i want it, like them , yes, i’m just off shift, hands, i said, on behalf of the investigative committee, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we are working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, does not like me, maybe we can sit somewhere, let's chat, vyacheslav mikhalich, let's do this, for your sake and just glory, yesterday i was called to the css, as i understand it,
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undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the cultural country of shambhala is located, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains, why are you treating ochak? we believe that everything is alive and there is a spirit around it all. this broth contains almost everything known science amino acids. altai, this action is dangerous, why during the run morality jumps over a height of 2 m. leave, the life of your own. the premiere is on sunday at the first , two left-handers were shot, neither one nor the other fits our description, you are not going through the easiest period in your life right now, let
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’s meet at 2:00 tomorrow, we’ll have lunch and we’ll decide everything, okay, good, see you tomorrow, well , it will be better this way, you recognize someone, the car is parked somewhere on the outskirts, in some courtyard in a gateway, our only lead to bundy, help. i don't need you like success you can make an identikit, yes you will make it and we will look, calm, calm, police , calm, undercover taxi, premiere from monday on the first, the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors , this is where the entrance to the mystical country is located, shambola, welcome to one of the most...
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we continue to work live, so we talked to you before advertising, we talked about the fact that, so to speak, terrorists whom you tame seem to think that listen, what an amazing, so to speak, effective instrument, and firstly, from morozkin , and secondly, no one seems to think about you, well, in general it’s great, well, this always happens, always, there’s not a single exception, as far as i understand, there hasn’t been one yet, which means they’re losing their shit leash at a certain moment, well , in order to...
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except for the word terrorism, please, i have no other word, political murder, political murder, thank you very much, sasha, let's do this, according to article 19 of the constitution, government bodies, their officials are obliged to act in a manner in a manner in within the framework of the constitution and the law, according to the constitution of ukraine, according to the criminal code of ukraine, sanctions, such as sanctions and the death penalty, no, no, no one has the right to give an order to kill a person on
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the territory. especially a government body, here is malyuk, he, by the way, is one of the smartest, despite the fact that he looks like a monkey, he understands that this cannot be admitted, budanov is a little dumber, although he looks worse than malyuk, this one admits, malyuk , although he understands that admitting it directly, directly their involvement in the murders is impossible , because everyone who gave the order for a murder, a political murder, there is no such term in ukrainian legislation, and if they violate ukrainian legislation, this is called, according to the ukrainian constitution, under the fifth article, usurpation of power, usurpation of power is prohibited if. .. they commit some kind of crime in order to scare, well, the main component of a terrorist act is to scare, to instill fear, this is , strictly speaking, terror according to the classic classics, again right there you are we focus on these high-profile murders, and the same dugina, the same tiwa and so on, but not high-profile murders, not high-profile assassinations, including in a socially dangerous way, for example, an explosion, this practically, well,
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this happens almost every day. so i wanted, sasha, i just wanted to clarify for you , please tell me, jew zelensky is giving orders to hit belgorod, maybe this is ok for a jew, i think it’s not ok, if anything for me, but this it's happening, it's happening, like this a paradox, it’s true, unfortunately, that’s how it happens, i know, now, you know, that i want you right now a little bit in advance, before i forget, it’s just important, to announce, katya strizhenova interviewed yuri bardash, it’s so ukrainian, a very successful, by the way, ukrainian producer, just super successful, that’s it. so he told, in fact, well, he shared his thoughts there, how the ukrainian state went from a fraternal republic to actually a terrorist entity to a terrorist state, after the news thirteen o'clock, let's watch this interview together, then discuss it, but this is getting a little ahead of ourselves. stanislav mikhailovich, yes, or the sss wanted to finish, i just wanted to talk about the jews, jiri, you are czech, yes jiri, i am czech, yes, czech, yes, thank you, every third german tank on ours, on the eastern front, is czech tank, but i’m talking about something else, here among the prisoners of war are
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wehrmach soldiers.
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this is not at all not but at what point listen the leash is fraying after all, here is a specific situation, a specific organization, here is the general one as if, when these dogs turn against well , the whole world from alkaida, they were there quite often with such organizations. who helped control it, but still, as part of this entire structure, there will be more silt, where they worked in
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iraq, there is a lot of money that came from control, two key words i heard are money and... control and there also a clan system, in iraq in general the clan system works, because there are entire clans that went into rebellion against the state, it all started when the americans first bought many generals who did not go into battle against the american army, but sat in their barracks, promised them light, well, they were offended, went home, gathered their clans, went into rebellion against the americans, then there is still such a clan system, so it’s hard to say , who answers to whom , money and control, good words, so to speak, for understanding this, so to speak, this formula, this situation, please, and you have an answer to my question, there is, but first let me remind you that israel is in last october experienced a terrible tragedy, and the palestinians
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as a result, he also still suffers , but i would not develop this topic, because, let’s once again, let’s leave the point straight, i repeat, yes, let’s make it sound, so to speak, this is a common problem. stupidity , let's not do this, please, the leash never frays , it's nonsense, it never works, it never, never frays, some of you may have watched such an american film, a detective story about americans in iraq, i won't name it as they call it, it is there... the moment when the local iraqi intelligence services they arrest a terrorist, they arrest a militant, they start torturing him, beating him, suddenly , a representative of the us embassy in iraq comes running to this prison and begins to drag
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out this militant, negotiates with the leadership of the local special services, hints in every possible way that this person needs to be pulled out, they need to stop beating him, because this man, they say you are a man. i thought that this was an artistic invention, since i travel a lot around the region , i have a fairly high level of communication, i was told about such cases in iraq, in somalia, in some other countries, that is yes, osama binladen broke free, got off the leash, and... directed strikes against america, it would seem, stop, it would seem, stop, no, 2003 begins iraq, flirting with those who recently struck at american
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interests begins again, it would seem that stop here, stop, but the so-called arab spring begins in 2011, again the temptation facing the westerners. intelligence services to use these groups to overthrow muammar gaddafi, in attempts to overthrow bashar al-assad in syria, he turned out to be more than... more recent experience, of course, yes, sash , i wanted to say something, i think that after all , the leash is fraying, fraying, and it is fraying at that moment, but then not only this is the relationship, the relationship between islamic terrorists, in this in the case of islamic americans, they are two-sided, not only americans use islamic terrorists, but also islamic terrorists, they also have some kind of their own ideology, they also use it, and at some point there is a contradiction between them and one...
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this is the most flagrant act of terrorism, they said that we will probably tie the hryvnia not to the dollar, but to the euro, because recently our external economic balance is greater in euros, but who cares about your external economic balance when the american dollar is the main currency of which the main main commodity that your owner sells, and you are making such statements here, so the signs that this leash is fraying are also present , these representatives will manifest themselves. hostility, well, this is a hostile step,
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definitely hostile, and they hit him himself , so a colleague can repeat, he seems to confirm, he knows better the psychology of americans than i do, this is the most hostile step that the zelensky regime could take, he could cover biden three times with anyone, but the dollar is taken away from dollar, yes, this sacred thing has been encroached upon, you know, i’m not like this for you , so to speak, well, as if to say pop excuse me, hype, honestly, i’m really interested in you, you’re a european, you live in moscow, thank god. in russia, because there are many more terrorist attacks,
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which were committed by islamic fanatics , but happened in europe, than terrorist attacks that were some kind of ukrainian, we can remember, starting with madrid, yes, a monstrous terrorist attack on a train, we can remember bacatlan, yes, the french cube and so on, so on, so on, so for europeans, of course, the threat, the islamic threat, is much worse than any other. somehow helps security, making peace , let's see, well, it really is safer, better, calmer, judging by the fact that we are not quoting verbatim, but... by the way,
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when it was 20 years ago, even more, 20 years ago, even more, putin formulated this then, back then, so once again, friends , i want to remind you that immediately after the news on our first channel, watch the program ekaterina strigiano, it’s time, katya spoke with a native of ukraine today , now a russian. yuri bardash, in my opinion, a very interesting and important interview. news on channel one. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. at the beginning of the situation in the zone, south donetsk direction, support the enemy's points and ammunition depots were destroyed by ours. calculations of hurricane multiple launch rocket systems for preparation, clarification
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of coordinates, just a few minutes, immediate fire on the cylinder, the distance to which can be 40 km. in the same area , the crews of su-34 fighters acted harmoniously at enemy positions, hitting enemy positions with high-explosive aerial bombs with a universal module, which allows them to deliver precise strikes and not enter the enemy’s air defense zone. and zaporozhye region, fighters of the dnepr group destroyed the weapons of the ukrainian armed forces and fired geotsin guns. b: shot! a large arsenal of weapons was destroyed near the former positions of ukrainian militants, counterintelligence discovered the mine, and fighters of the russian national guard headed to the site.
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ukrainian militants were hit in a residential area , 17 apartment buildings were damaged, windows were broken, 12 cars were cut by shrapnel, the balcony of one apartment was almost destroyed, a sports complex and a gymnasium were also hit, and arrivals were recorded in nearby villages. to prevent such attacks and sabotage, a lot of work carried out by our special services, identifying accomplices of ukrainian militants. sbu spies were detained in the lugansk people's republic, they were ferried, they were given instructions via the internet, the task was to collect data on the locations of our military and equipment, and transmit coordinates for strikes. now those detained face up to 20 years in prison. operational footage in the report by oleg shishkin. attention, we started with operational footage - the moment of the arrest of a local resident suspected of collaborating with
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the ukrainian special services, financial special operations, which employees of the fsb department for the lugansk republic have been developing for a long time. federal management. security services of the russian federation in the lugansk people's republic, you have been detained. these are the consequences of ston shadow missile attacks on lugansk in may last year. they shot from the kramatorsk area from a distance of 130 km. the first use of british missiles on the territory of the lpr. the blows hit enterprises in the food and chemical industries. the explosions were so strong that residential high-rise buildings were damaged, including the wounded - six children. the high-profile terrorist attack was timed to coincide with republic day. on may 12, 2014, as a result of the referendum, it was. self-determination of the lpr and dpr was announced, how the operatives found the gunner is a secret of the investigation, now a young man who is not even twenty is giving detailed testimony, he told me, this is dima, that there was an arrival and that there is success, victims, destruction, i was happy. dima introduced himself as the sbu curator,
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who made sure that the agent did not get off the hook. i realized after talking with dmitry that this was directly from the sbu of ukraine, after how he... gave me methods of secrecy, what to do, how to delete, not to delete, after he quickly helped me solve the problem with a scholarship at my technical school, which is now located on the territory of ukraine, and i was registered there, studied remotely, the detainee's testimony sheds light on the methods of activity of the ukrainian special services, the recruitment of agents takes place on the internet, i saw how the military equipment of the russian federation, kamaz trucks were parked... a military man, i remembered this, i came home through a telegram baud created by the ukrainian special services, submitted a geotag , that, which i chose, literally 2 minutes later i receive a message from some new contact previously unknown to me, dima, he
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says that now we will work with you directly, and not through baud, and so we started working with him, during operational events... lugansk and on may 16, after our successful start to work with him, so to speak , he suggested that i plant an explosive device near the bus station in lugansk in the hospital. yes, i understood that there could be casualties among civilians. another enemy agent was detained on similar charges, according to article of the criminal code, both face up to 20 years in prison. the directorates of the federal security service of russia for the lugansk people's republic and the federal service of the national guard troops suppressed the illegal activities of citizens of ukraine who collected and transferred to special services of a foreign state information about
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the locations of military equipment of the armed forces of the russian federation. criminal cases have been initiated against them based on the elements of a crime. at first february, an enemy from the american rszzo hymers attacked the bakery building in lesechansk. 28 people died, including a pregnant woman and a child. another 10 local residents were injured. on the main day of voting in the presidential elections, the ukrainian armed forces hit an apartment building in volchevsk with a drone. fortunately, there were no casualties. enemy agents are also involved in these attacks, and their capture is only a matter of time. the general staff today announced the beginning of the spring conscription; it starts on april 1 in all regions, except for certain extreme regions. north, some of the conscripts will be sent to military training units, where in 5 months they will master modern military equipment and receive a military specialty. in
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addition, the formation of scientific sports divisions, as well as scientific and production units, will continue. all information about conscription and military service is collected on the official portal of the ministry of defense. in addition, on april 16, a direct telephone line will be launched, where specialists will provide clarification on any questions that have arisen. starting the dispatch of conscripts. april 15, 2024 of the year. the term of conscription military service, as before, will be 12 months. all conscripts will be sent for military service to points of permanent deployment of formations and military units of the armed forces and other military formations on the territory of the russian federation. at the point of deployment of units of the armed forces in new regions of russia, these are the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the kherson and zaporozhye regions, or for... participation there in carrying out the tasks of a special military operation, military personnel serving in call will not be sent. international
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structures, which should be impartial, are becoming increasingly privatized by the west, sergei lavrov stated this, commenting on interpol’s proposal to help russia with the investigation of the terrorist attacks in kroku city hall. the tragedy was discussed in an interview with the minister of foreign affairs . lavrov, in particular, drew attention to how suspicious the reaction of a number of states to the attack looks.
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cynical indifference to the tragedy in krasnogorsk, as the official emphasized mida representative maria zakharova, the leaders of the council of europe never expressed their position and did not condemn the terrorist attack, although the organization claims to be the main defender of human rights in the region. another shame, hypocrisy and confirmation of deep degradation. here's what zakharova says this says about strasbourg. the west disrupted the un security council meeting. topic 25 years since nato aggression against yugoslavia, discussion. our country requested, but russia’s initiative was essentially blocked, and for the second time in week. the pretext is far-fetched, saying that it was too long ago and there is nothing to talk about.
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let me remind you that about 3,500 civilians became victims of those bombings. georgy alisashvili looked into how the west is trying to turn this page of history and what loopholes they are taking advantage of. this is the second security council meeting in a week dedicated to the anniversary of the bombing of yugoslavia. the first one on monday was at the very beginning. was thwarted by western diplomats who suddenly , bypassing established tradition, opposed the pre-agreed agenda. by according to the rules , it is impossible to block a meeting initiated by a member of the security council, but the format of the work and the topic of debate can be challenged during a procedural vote. it was this legal loophole that france took advantage of. the security council deals with crises, international security, this is not a historical club where issues that relate to are discussed
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. russian representative dmitry polyansky recalled that the french diplomat at the last meeting also opposed discussing the nato attack on yugoslavia. last time , our french colleagues argued that we were not they asked serbia's opinion on the convening of this meeting, despite the fact that in the hall at that moment there was its acting prime minister and vice dacic, who specially flew to new york to participate in this event. that is, france openly misled everyone in front of the cameras. this lie is forever recorded in the minutes of the meeting. representative. the united states, which formally had nothing to do with the disruption of the meeting, pretended that it was only supporting the allies. we
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witnessed real hysteria.
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the most important transport project, which will connect almost the entire country, was discussed today at the final meeting of the board of the ministry of transport. we are talking about the route between st. petersburg and vladivostok, it should become the fastest and safest in russia, this is the order of the president. the first moscow-kazan section has already been launched, with plans to build another fifty bypass roads around major cities by 1930. deputy prime minister marat khusnulin provided details. route from
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st. petersburg to vladivostok. we broke it down into stages, for example, i can say, that the section from st. petersburg to moscow , bypassing tver, will be launched from july 17 this year, that is, this section will be completely ready, then the route to kazan, it is completely ready, by the end of the year we plan to get to yekaterinburg, that is, we have laid out all the way in terms of intensity, distributed according to money and until the thirtieth year, wherever there are bottlenecks that are limiting... another topic, the development of moscow central diameters, will soon be extended to large cities in 11 regions. the routes, however, are now in great demand, with passengers making 800 million trips every year. what the weather will be like in the coming days, the hydromidcenter said. it is abnormally warm in the european part of russia, and we will feel a significant increase in temperature this
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weekend. in moscow they promise up to +15, which is more typical. until the end of april, the snow will actively melt, this weather will continue next week, the values ​​are close to record levels, all due to air masses that come from the south, including from africa. that's all for now, broadcast on channel one, the column will continue, it’s time with ekaterina strizhenova. sharp glasses hang out, broken heads. but they are peacefully silent and no one will hear, two sides, one medal to choke, who got it here, it will be time to eat, all the miles are profitable, but the person will not listen to her, but wins to spite everyone, the film transfers her
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across the maidan begins. from a musical composition by successful ukrainian and russian music producer yuri bardash. his life and career, like the events in the film , unfold against the backdrop of the maidan. bardash is known for bringing the fashion scene musical projects quest pisles, nerves, mushrooms. the song tait let gained 268 million views and became a laureate of the russian national music award in the category song of the year. and an ambiguous path: in 2010, ukraine, he goes to live in the usa, but after 2 years , when yuri becomes uninterested in creating for a year, he returns to kiev almost immediately immersed in the events on the maidan. i’m a man of the show, of course, i couldn’t pass by, and my heart also swayed, i threw away cash there, who didn’t carry money there, who didn’t carry money there
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everything that could be brought to help people. it seems to him that everything is correct, the way it should be, crimea is ukrainian, and he calls zelensky his president. what is my attitude towards zelensky? we have a young country that is in a phase. sense, and after the start of svu , his poetry becomes radically different, i repeat, i know these people, for 8 years the cemetery of children grew, and we kept circling, circling, we
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were paid fees for this, with the light hand of a crooked jester, well, it’s true that here he turned football hooligans into murderers, a bloodsucker, he immediately becomes a target for the ukrainian authorities, after which he is a loser. with one backpack he crosses the russian border on foot and on january 23 , 2024 receives a russian passport. donbass is mine, my homeland, that is , how to separate yourself, how to separate yourself now in this particularly acute time, i’m running home, my mother taught me that, if something is wrong, run, i ran home to my place in donbass, because these people raised me, i grew up in this environment, i know the workers, i can speak the same... language with them, i can speak for them so that they can hear these people, of course, i go to them, why should i, that i came to kiev, it became fashionable there, this is what, this is just fashion,
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which is nothing, for some reason they came up with everything , that this is the basis of being, this everything, all their clothes, all these bells and whistles, this whole popular culture, they thought that this is, well, like life, no, and at what cost? did you pay for this broadcast? well, 7,000 in about an hour, 7,000 comments, the most popular one there was that i had never read such curses anywhere, well, yes, that is, the most terrible thing, if only close people to whom you did a lot of things that you never expected from them, so every uncultured person considered it his duty to throw a stone. rum castro, a product of the stellar group, in the fifth
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grade i watched all the episodes of the police academy, hands up, and decided how cool, i want to be like them, yes, i was just coming from my shift, hands, i said, on behalf of the investigative committee we are conducting an official pre-investigation checking the turbine, we are working. i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, doesn’t like me, but maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it this way, for your sake and just glory , yesterday they called me to the css, as i understand it, they were given instructions to kill you, because i didn’t take you away like that, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, you work, don’t want to meet, undercover taxi, starting monday first. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors; this is where the entrance to the mystical
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country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country. mountain altai. why are you treating the hearth? u we are considered to be all living things and there is a spirit around everything. this broth contains practically... all known sciences amino acids altai rudders this action is dangerous, why in the run morality jumps over a height of 2 m, go away, the lives of your own, the premiere on sunday on the first, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming to me, all the pps squads and assigned units are announced. full alert, i'm calling, i just wanted to say, please be careful, okay, i'll try, leave the tool alone, let me build a new life with her, or should i somehow help you with this, don’t interfere,
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undercover taxi, premiere from monday on the first, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i’m already eating. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors; this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most.
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in the fifth grade, i watched all the episodes of the police academy, with my hands up in the air and decided how cool it was, i wanted to be like them, but i was just coming from my shift, i said hands up, on an errand investigative committee, we are carrying out an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we are working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, to put it mildly, does not like me, but maybe, well, let’s sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do that. for you and just glory, yesterday they called me to the css, as i understand it, they were given instructions to kill you, who did i displease so much, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this is for work, do you want to meet , undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, yuri, i... after the terrorist attack that occurred in
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moscow in crocus city, the whole world, of course, began to write their reviews, comments, and some people in ukraine expressed their condolences, and some people began to gloat and write, that’s what you need, i ukrainian, but this does not prevent me from sympathizing, condoling and sincerely apologizing, i will explain why? apologies, i want to touch on the topic of crocus, what happened in moscow, to immediately apologize for those ukrainians who are happy about this, shouting that it’s good that this happened, no, it’s not ok, this is not good, first of all i feel sorry for you, and this was not only with the beginning of the northern military district, it was about kabzon, about mark zakharov, i think, well, whatever...
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all this is the face of exactly this, i want to understand the nature this hatred , why did they buy the ukrainians like that, they wanted it because they wanted it, i guess, i remember a conversation with my friend, about a week later he told me he was just so excited, but you don’t understand, we are now going to become the center of the earth, that’s it , here we are, here, that is, it turns out that...
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where culture, music, shows, youtube are filled, views, likes, hype, success, artists, that is, you didn’t understand the seriousness of everything that was happening, you didn’t notice during this time how ukraine, well, it was moving in a certain vector of its development, this vector, it was a little like that, for how not a little bit, little by little, he put pressure on, he put pressure on
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the russian, once some radicals appeared there, shouting towards russia, some disgusting vile chants there, at first it was a little bit. then this elgbet prides are all around for a long time, but this the freedom that you so wanted, i didn’t want , i mean i went there, that’s where in los angeles, well, in general, this is one of my favorite topics, which i generally have never told anywhere, this stay in los angeles, well that is, in america , because what i went through there, how did i, well, what kind of system did i meet there, yes, well, what’s wrong, that is, there is a whole system that works there, loers, these are lawyers on the legalization of a person in america, that is , they teach you for 3 months, they give you a legend, they create it for you, then you learn this legend
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tell me, it’s all about cancer, well, it’s all nonsense, what are you trying to avoid, well, that is, we are the ones who look like you in your country. what is happening here and this is at the official level, that is, there are a lot of people working there , in the end i come, sit down in front of me, a row of these officers sits there, they put someone on speakerphone who knows russian, someone else there knows, they look at you like that, and you start your own for them, you didn’t like that your story was rewritten, i freaked out and didn’t wait. one day, this is just one day for it to come to me , are you crazy, that’s it, here it comes, there’s a card, and i just decided that my children can’t, well, they shouldn’t, i’ve seen schools, i’ve seen hospitals, well, that is, this is a completely different world, you understand, when our person brings his child to the doctor, he
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entrusts him to god, and this doctor takes this child, that is, he accepts him cordially, but... at least that’s how it works here, there, if a doctor says an extra word, you can sue him, so the doctor doesn’t speak, it’s written down in seconds, it’s for you, well, that is, it’s just completely different systems of worldview, attitude towards a person, they have the police shooting without warning, i saw terrible things, well, i saw terrible things, evidence of that...
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completely well i’m homeless and there are a lot of them there , the most important thing is that i didn’t say about america that there are a million people like me there, despite the fact that i love myself there, i’m the only one, a lot of people are driven to surprise them there, yeah, and naturally, they constantly hit the sky with their finger, always, that is, all the artists,
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the only ones, probably not, there are probably some interesting djs there, all this is there, but if we are talking about a big suffering, then they are not allowed to participate in the world war, but well, tattoos were allowed because they are lgbt, or so , for example, we have this director who makes videos, tanya munyo, very famous there in ukraine, so they gave her a big award there because some number one rapper in america in heels went down a pole, they gave her everything , please, this is of course great, for all sorts of wild things like that, uh. devilry, well, without question, first places, you returned to kiev, you came to the maidan, you saw that there were changes in the country, yes, specific changes, drugs were completely overrun. the whole consciousness of young people, this is a fact , because europe, that
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is, european tourists poured in, i still remember this fear, the club is big, there is a youth club, 17 years old, 16 girls in boys, these ones in shorts, everyone is under the wheels, this is well, that is, it’s all very scary, and it was deliberately pumped up. then, over time, only i, well , began to understand in general what they were doing to ukraine, when some kind of conflict begins, parents, children withdraw into themselves, begin to destroy themselves, this is what happened between when this conflict between ukraine and russia began, but the youth, they did not get involved in this conflict, everyone is there the world's best electronic dj scenes, we have them all. every weekend they are in kiev, well, that is, the most beautiful, there was a feeling that this is cool,
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because well, in terms of this, everything has been done for you, that is, we already have, in the end, there is such a club in berlin, it is considered very there is such a tough place, then we have in kiev , i don’t remember where, but a huge club where all the naked people walk around, well, that is, this naked party, which now is a vacation, this is not a naked party. that’s when it’s just that, well, maximum obscurantism, all this was already happening in kiev. on february 24, you were on vacation, did you decide to go from there to georgia, did you decide not to return to ukraine? well , of course, well, where are there already people, it’s not all boiling there specifically, if i returned there, i would have to immediately to speak out, the first thing i would do is, well, what did they start doing, they started grabbing all public people.
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soviet films about the war, i watched everything at once, this is the only thing that saved me, because all the answers are there, the school
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of soviet cinema is very strong, and it’s not just, well, the cinema is not entertaining, but educational, and all the answers are there, well, i every day i posted soviet films and quotes and where specifically, well, not specifically, and this is me for the ukrainian audience, imagine how many curses they listened to, at first that’s all. moved, well, in second meanings, who will understand , who will not understand, well, that is, it was not so obvious, well, what a bare nerve, how can you throw in other information, and i go on air, in batum, we were then, i go out on air on instagram, i have a two-hour broadcast, where am i and how many subscribers do you have, 60,000, but these are all people of the profession, if i were in the country and they grabbed me, because there are left and right ultras, shmultras, everyone.. . there they asked, if they grabbed me, what would they do with me, i don’t know, i don’t
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hero, i justified to people why i, well, why, that is, my main message was capitulation, that is, that only capitulation will save the ukrainians from grief, from this simply non-stop hell in which they live, i justified why, the most interesting thing is just beginning , actually, well, that is, i have it.
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there, in short, you did a good job , you need to, well, what are you doing in georgia , why did you even forget there, you understand that you, well , you can’t, i say, okay, i say, we ’ll organize a corridor for you to abkhazia , and you go there, i i say, guys, what kind of rescue of james bond, some james bond really got it, i’m not saying, everything is fine, you didn’t believe that something could threaten you, that everything was fine, i’ll figure it out myself, i’ll solve the problem myself,
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and there is and she chose that side, no, she ’s nothing in the plan, she chose, she ’s looking at me, she’s my wife, what should i do? yes, and i see that i pressed down fiercely, well, she’s so scared of her, i say, write, write that you, like yura, forgive me, yura, goodbye, i say, i don’t, i don’t know where, well, i’m going to abkhazia , that's it, i'm not i know where i’m going, and you’ve decided, that’s it, she stays, of course, of course, of course, she’s with the child, well, naturally, she stays, she writes, this one... her post, yura, forgive me, yura, goodbye , like, i’m staying with ukraine, yeah, well, and he has 70,000 likes there, and this is the essence of the fact that it’s a scam, i was very worried about how they would treat me at customs, yes, but my passport turned out to be issued by lugansk, i they just, yes, please
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have a safe journey in 4 months. the family is back, of course, the wife, that ’s it, that’s it, that’s it, of course, well, here you are to moscow, well, it was necessary to start working here, in general i went through the market, everything , who, what, why, but for some reason the market stopped bothering me, well, it began to worry me to a lesser extent, i am concerned about social issues, first of all the question culture, since we are undergoing a shift, but for now it’s a shift. the system can’t offer anything, and this is a very important task, that is, you now think that such a change is taking place in show business, new names must be proposed, but of course, it is necessary, we need to sow, there is nothing to offer yet, we need to sow, and to sow you need to do it like you do you are doing, so i’m interested, because we have a lot, we have a lot of producers who come here and talk about how it is now,
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what, well, first of all, we need to think about how to help society, how to help the people. how to help specifically, that is, what i am doing , so i realized for myself that i would like to show russia the talents of the creators of donbass and you have your own project, but the state heard me and they gave me the opportunity to make a project the sound of my region, i went there , visited different cities and picked up this extract from there,
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now the internet development institute has given him an award there for the clip of the year, the family is the voice of donbass, strength in business, what day bites every day, today seems like yesterday, maybe, but when the point needs to be fried, it gets torn out, blown up, tramp, where is your salt water on the wound, now. here will be the sound of my region 2 with an expanded one, we’re expanding the regions together with our valiant army, uh , we’ll move on now, and the girls from stakhanov will make a very interesting episode, um, she’s already managed to distinguish herself, for example, there’s a film on channel one
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translate it and there is your track lyuba and the title song. lyuba is such a moment, well, that is, a very beautiful song. the pipe is being assembled. evil wins against everyone's evil, these are the words , but exactly what happened in ukraine, there evil conquered against everyone's evil, no one thought that it would come to such a madhouse, everyone thought that...
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brings a very good condition society, and what i saw here is some kind of negative, well , now it’s all going away, i can feel it directly,
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i’m making an effort to explain to the artists that, well, relationships, well, sort of with the state, this is good, our society now acutely senses and feels everything, this story that i don’t know, it came out of me, and you already have this, well, how can i appreciate that, for example, the phrase “i am russian” , i have a gif, when there is some success, and someone congratulates me there, i send it off, there is a shaman’s face, and the signature is
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russian, by the way, today the song is a bullet, well, now he has a song after the terrorist attack, he wrote, and many accuse him of opportunism, that is, he should have waited how long, 3 days, 10 days, 25 days, well, there some, well, that is, a person. now, for example, i’m making a song that is dedicated to vladimir vladimirovich and the russian people, my task is for this
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song to be relevant on radio stations, so that it is competitive with modern pop music, you know, and this is important, it is important to explain to people what to explain in love for my fatherland, for my family... gratitude, because as a state, that is, as a government, as a people, they accepted me, they accepted me with all my truth, with everyone. i don’t know how mine is there with all my life experience and i was accepted here humanly and the most important words,
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because this is a big channel and many will hear me, my most important words are words of gratitude for being accepted, so i will try, of course, not to let you down , it was yuri bardash’s time, time will tell which of... will put everything in its place, thank you, when i read your biography, you know, i’m in the orphanage... you were returned several times, and i i couldn’t go on, i couldn’t read anything further about you, because that i thought about it all the time, how a person lives, who is rejected, who is first taken into the family, and then again divided by very strong sensuality, well, he feels, i just feel everything, there is respect, disrespect, like, well, that is, there trends, trends, there is talent in people , well, it’s just sensitive, yes, there is a dark side of the issue, but it does not concern the public,
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that is... i thank god i’m already an adult, so that, like, i could sort of put it in an envelope, yeah, i'm fine, my daughter is still correcting me very 3 years old daughter, she is mine, that is, she is my legacy, that is, she is the legacy of my, that is my empathy, sara, sara, in my opinion, amazing, interesting interview in the sense that this is what one officer’s daughter, a crimean, said, there is something to say about this,
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with whom and how about how china proposed a year ago, please, china is saying sensible things, we reacted positively, because , unlike a completely crazy point of view...
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zelensky and his masters in europe, london and the united states, based on a serious analysis of existing problems in the field security. well, actually, having sat down, you can understand only by sitting down at the negotiating table, but what will force both sides to actually sit down at the negotiating table, force, force, i don’t know. any verb used to force the other side to negotiate can only be carried out by the further advance of russian troops, when in kiev they understand that everything they have started is useless, in general, just now anatoly, you said about the orientation in one direction, towards washington, but it’s extremely stupid to even look at geographical map, and about this in america.
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what are armenian officials saying now in any case and history then puts everything in its place, questions primarily to those politicians who are sitting in kiev in this case and who probably should understand that they are being used, but for some reason, wait , this is where it’s interesting, this is where it’s interesting. do you think they don't understand? i think they understand, but they have their own selfish economic, financial, political interest, that is, as long as there is interest, it will be so, yes, but most likely, the same zelensky will become a victim in this complex game, how did many other leaders who were used by the americans become such a victim, a pawn, today we talk a lot about... about
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the threat of terrorism and extremism, well , look where the americans started in iraq, where they they started in libya, where they started in afghanistan, there were still the same conversations about democracy, about prosperity, by the way, here is a wonderful example, friends, please look at iraq, by the way, find it, it’s probably possible, but there’s libya, conditionally there are the seventies, libya is ours days, afghanistan, the seventies, our days, iraq, and so on and so forth, just for fun, look at the truth in 2003. the american president stood on the deck of an aircraft carrier and said that this is it, prosperity, this is it, it will come now, here, for his team. they miscalculated, alexander anatolyevich , yes, depending, you know, on what goals they set and what should prosper, they were counting, well, they partly succeeded, by robbing the periphery, and capitalism is always nice, to raise
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its own a little there was a condition, another thing, that the holes they have inside are so big that it is no longer possible to plug the holes for a long time with the same iraq, the same syria, the same ukraine, so they have more serious goals, the goal... to tear russia apart, you are absolutely right when you say , look at the same syria, but you don’t even need to go back to the seventies, here is the beginning of the two thousandths, when they had not yet begun to establish democracy there, but this is, in principle, a more or less normal state, libya, iraq, yes, under saddam hussein, in those same there, even in the nineties already after the desert storm, it is still a more or less normally governed state, although the americans were already investing well then, especially in the separatist movements there in the north.
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that’s why - here’s lavrov, you know, i admire lavrov, he can say about a bad person in such a way that everyone understands that he’s a bad person, but with such good words, i still don’t know the art of rhetoric, and regarding the titanic plan , it is also just as streamlined, but give us the main points, friends. well in fact, there are 12 of them in total and the chinese plan , let’s look at it together, listen to alexander and watch, yeah, yes , so streamlined, but here’s what i took away from this plan, in principle, the chinese plan does not deviate particularly far from that concept , which china tries on
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itself, because china also has problems with separatists, yes, there is a concept of a united china, and there is a certain chinese republic on the territory of the island of taiwan, there are several other islands there, but china at the same time believes taiwan is its... the final act of the organization for security and cooperation in europe in helsinki in 1975, and what is written there on the borders, and where the borders of the same russia are, according to these documents, china says: we respect sovereignty, and to me this approach of china is interpreted in this way, and it
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cannot be interpreted in any other way only through the prism of china’s policy towards itself, i absolutely like this approach, i understand, but you say that there is, like, a little bit, so to speak, in common character, but no, this is the same formula, if we are discussing an interview with sergei viktorovich lavrov, and with... the means of achieving, so to speak, the main thing for a country for any country to actually have responsible security, i repeat, this is not a goal, this is a means , therefore, the point where it is written regarding the security, so to speak, of all participants in this process and, so to speak, the global policy of everyone, not at the expense of anyone else, is ours. fundamental, something that we repeated a thousand times back in december twenty-first year requirement, i repeat, svo is not a goal, a means. well, we, in fact, openly said everything about our goals even before
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the start of the northern military district, still offering the west, then at that time, to come to an agreement and take into account the interests of russia, but they again step on the same rake. by the way, moscow has repeatedly... in the fight against terrorism, offered the west to join forces and come to an agreement, we recalled today the terrorist attacks in madrid, i remember putin’s wonderful speech at the united nations in 2015, when he said that let’s unite efforts, i remember how moscow invited the americans to join forces together to plunder and destroy the stronghold of the isis terrorist group in the syrian city of raqqa, they still continue theirs.
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got it, thank you very much, friends, for this conversation, thank you for your attention, news on channel one, thank you very much. hello, there's news on the air. in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. the footage we received
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shortly before our release. vladimir putin held an operational meeting with permanent officials via videoconference from novo ogorev members of the security council. the discussion was about russia's interaction with friendly countries. dear colleagues, good afternoon. building relationships with our partners in the international arena. we always talk to you about the fact that... the most important thing for us is relations with our closest partners, with our friends, with our neighbors, this is how it appeared traditionally, and the level of trade, economic, political ties with our neighbors is constantly growing , we always proceed from the fact that these contacts should be built on the basis mutual interests, taking into account each other's interests. and i propose today to consider
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one of these areas, it seems very important for us, it is traditional, well, minister of foreign affairs sergei viktorovich lavrov will now report on this. now there are attacks on the rear areas of the armed forces of ukraine, explosions are reported in the dnepropetrovsk, ivano-frankivsk, kirevograd and cherkasy regions of ukraine, energy infrastructure facilities were damaged there, a fire broke out in... khmelnitsky, poltava. the operation of critical infrastructure facilities has been disrupted, also in lviv, vinnitsa and kiev regions. in the special operation zone in the avdeevsky direction, our orlan-30 drone operators are helping artillerymen destroy militant positions. during reconnaissance , the military personnel noticed an enemy field warehouse, as well as unloading sites. krasnopol high-precision projectiles were fired at the targets. as a result, the center group improved the position along the front line and left the ukrainian armed forces without sleep.
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anti-aircraft missile and gun complex takes up
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combat duty. zaporozhye direction, in front of us is the pantsir es complex and quite i think there will be unique shots now. the commander will confirm, they don’t come to see him often , no, of course, it’s just cozy here, a blanket, of course, we’re constantly on combat duty, in the six months that a fighter with the call sign “daring” has been serving on this machine, he says he’s lost count of how many enemy targets he’s destroyed , in a minute the complex is capable of intercepting up to 12 of them, the target acquisition time is less than 5 seconds, now if you can see that the target detection station is spinning, the machine can also at low... speed, well, relatively low, in movement, work, observe and conduct precise tracking of air targets , even practice on it, and can even practice, sights and small drones and large ones and of course, missiles, s200 missiles were destroyed, but its speed is much greater than ours, but there is no
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limit to perfection, now for us this is generally a goal, not that it is not difficult, it can be destroyed, so to speak, the machine is unique, they don’t have anything like it. at first, the armored special operations had already shot down more than a thousand different targets. fifth, missile danger, readiness one. fifth, accepted. and this position is occupied by an ideal anti-aircraft duo, the s-300 and the buk missile system. by itself, it can hit targets at a range of up to 70 km. but here buk acts as a command post and an additional locator in a pair of these. the vehicles can reach targets over 200 km away. in the zaporozhye direction, fighters are increasingly having to destroy western-made missiles. let's just say that i'm not the only one who put money on them, right? we have a lot of such crews and crews that, let’s say, bring them to zero
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all these supplies. the commander's crew with the call sign locomotive was awarded medals for courage, and this despite the fact that all of them were fighters. young, we worked on the khimars multiple launch rocket system , american-made, this was my first combat launch, it was march 8, i remembered this date because, well, let’s say, then, i congratulated my wife on the holiday, yeah, i gave she gave her expensive fireworks, and day and night the air defense ensures the safety of our military facilities and protects the peace of the civilians of zaporozhye. the sky is clear, under our supervision, not a single missile, not a single plane will pass. valery kuznetsov, sergey kuznetsov, islam ustarkhanov and natalya moshtakova, channel one, zaporozhye region. the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova, ridiculed the statements of john kirby, coordinator of strategic communications at the white house national security council. at the next briefing, he openly insulted russian officials who were talking about
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ukraine’s involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. russia and the united states exchanged proverbs. my uncle. said they were the best manure sellers often carry samples in their mouths; russian officials seem to be pretty good manure sellers. there are no such proverbs in russian, because they carry manure in their mouths not here, but overseas, but there is our proverb: whoever hurts, speaks about it. by the way, it now becomes clear why the expression “wash your mouth with soap” is common in the states. now important information for all parents.
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this girl is only 15, and she already faces 10 years in prison. a young blogger from khakassia published a message calling for a terrorist attack in money. based on the results of the inspection, the investigator of the department of internal affairs of russia for the city of severnogorsk opened a criminal case under the second part of article 207 of the criminal code of the russian federation against a minor resident of the city of sayanogorsk. this article is about deliberate reporting. and to attract attention, like a nine-year-old girl from the republic of tva, for such a message calling for a terrorist attack, she was registered with the police, an administrative protocol was opened against her mother, gadgets and
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correspondence of both schoolgirls were also are studying, it is possible that the children acted on the orders of someone, those who after the tragedy in crocus cityhole. began mass mailing of similar calls to russian schoolchildren: there is a job for you, it’s not difficult, it pays well, you need to leave your bag on april 1 in the metro, you don’t need to enter into correspondence with these people... log in correspondence, you don’t need to respond to their messages, it could be unsafe for you. most of the sender accounts are registered in ukraine, which is also known for its network of fraudulent call centers. some provocateurs don't even hide ukrainian phone numbers. thousands of similar messenger and telegram accounts have already been blocked, said its founder pavel durov. 4 days ago, russian-speaking telegram users began to complain about messages from strangers calling for terrorist attacks. within an hour of receiving such complaints, we applied a number of technical and organizational measures in order to prevent this activity. as a result
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, tens of thousands of attempts to send such messages were stopped, and thousands of users participating in this flash mob faced the eternal blocking of their telegram accounts. according to durov , the platform will use artificial intelligence to strengthen the filtering of unwanted mailings. from the beginning of next week, new opportunities for self-defense will appear. all russian. users, not just paid subscription holders, will be able to limit who is allowed to send private messages. the ministry of education reminds us of the importance of such blocking. the agency has issued recommendations on how to act in cases where unknown people are trying to involve children in illegal activities through social networks. as a preventive measure, in setting the privacy of your messenger, you can set a restriction on receiving messages, prohibit receiving calls, texts and voices. messages for all unknown numbers. be vigilant, attentive, informed, continue to monitor your child's behavior and pay attention
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to any changes that may indicate an ongoing threat. remember that terrorists and recruiters can also use robots to imitate live communication. in addition, the ministry of education publishes a hotline telephone number where, if necessary, they will provide psychological assistance and a qr code. it leads to a special chat where you can report your rights to. the violation is important, it is very important to complain about spam to the support service of the social network or messenger where you receive this information, so you will complicate the life of those who are engaged in this mailing, be sure to block the user who sent you this message, no need to forward it send all your acquaintances and friends to school chats, so you simply play into your hands. the criminal is helping to stir up panic. a wave of such mailings creates the impression of a sharply
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increased state of insecurity. therefore, such mass mailings can be used by those forces that are interested in destabilization, escalation and panic. lawyers remind that correspondence with the sender of a call for terrorism can be interpreted as complicity. this is a criminal article. answer. danger threatens if you simply ignore the message about planned terrorist attack. in general, the first reaction of any law-abiding citizen who receives this kind of message should be to immediately report this kind of recruitment to law enforcement agencies. article 205 with sign 6 of the criminal code of the russian federation establishes liability for failure to report a crime of a terrorist nature, including failure to report recruitment. members of terrorist groups. it is important to remember, no matter what mountains of gold the ukrainian provocateurs promise, everyone who decides to help them will
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the deplorable perpetrators of sabotage on the railways, arsonists of military registration and enlistment offices, all have harsh court sentences. valentina solaveva, boris kamenov, elena shtokolova, channel one. today it became known that another victim died in hospital during the terrible terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. as minister of health mikhail murashko said. the patient was in extremely serious condition, he received multiple gunshot wounds. currently , 69 people remain in hospitals under medical supervision. 98 have already been discharged, another 19 are preparing to be released home. their condition does not cause concern among specialists. meanwhile, in the cathedral mosque , the main monastery for all muslims in moscow, fifteen-year-old islam khalilov was awarded, the same schoolboy who led out more than a hundred people during the terrorist attack in crocus a week ago. the medal for merit was presented to the boy by mufti ravil gainuddin. he noted the fearlessness of the young hero. islam worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant in a concert hall, and knew
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the location of all the exits, and that evening he acted strictly according to the instructions. for young children, teenagers, the act of islam is example. i am proud of what we have in russia. these are the kind of young guys who are growing up who will set an example for others. i’m not the only hero who was on shift, other guys were also heroes, they all helped as best they could, we remember we grieve the dead, and we will pray for, well, quickly, that those who are in the hospital will recover, with this i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia, right now the big game program. good afternoon, straight ahead. there's a big
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game on the air and i'm vyacheslav nikonov. today the president russia's vladimir putin held a meeting of our country's security council, this is how he set the agenda. when building relationships with our partners in the international arena , we always tell you that the most important for us are relationships with our closest partners, with our friends, with our neighbors, etc. appeared traditionally, yes, the level of trade, economic, political ties with our neighbors is constantly growing, we always proceed from the fact that these contacts should be built on the basis of mutual interests, taking into account each other's interests, and today i propose to consider one of
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these areas, it seems very important for us. in the chersk and ivanofrankivsk regions , as a result, apparently, the krivorozhskaya tes, the sredneprovskaya ges , the kanivska ges, the tes in ivano-frankivsk, the kremenchukska ges were affected, that is, the blow again was mainly on the energy system, and , in my opinion, very symptomatic the statement was made by energy minister hermann kholushchenko. another massive attack on
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our energy sector. dnepropetrovsk, poltava, cherkasy regions. the targets of the drone and missile attacks were, in particular , electricity generation facilities. ukrainians, hold on, the light is within us. so the light is now inside them. yuri ivanovich podalyaka is in direct contact with us. yuri ivanovich, good afternoon. well, ukraine again reported that they shot down almost 99% of all the missiles that were flying. it seems that it was not so successful for kiev, well , it depends on what they shot down, if with blocks, then yes, they shot everything down, sooner or later, the rocket still falls somewhere, yes, but what’s for sure it is known that this really was a powerful blow to the energy infrastructure facilities, and the shunting, so-called infrastructure. yesterday i specifically read the ukrenergo report, where they openly write that they currently have a peak shortage of one and a half gw, that is,
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one and a half vr units, respectively only... europe, they can cover it up, in fact, it is for this reason that today ours repeatedly struck a huge, largest substation in europe in the stryi area, this is western ukrainian, it was built at one time in order to supply electricity to the nuclear power plants of ukraine, the northern country, it was hit again, and what is known for sure, again, literally before the broadcast , i learned from my sources that the krivoy rog plant will begin the first unit. taken out, he still says there is no option for restoration, as they say, it cannot be restored, srednedneprovskaya, in principle, it is not that big, powerful, there, in fact, it is equivalent to one thermal unit, approximately the same can be said about krivorozhskaya, oh, and i apologize kremenchuzhskaya es, well, strictly speaking, the main task now is to destroy the unified system, the energy system of ukraine and cut it off from europe, which is what our aerospace forces are doing, and
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the problem is really very serious. and if we continue, apparently once a week, exactly a week ago there was a previous blow, that is, if we suffer such a blow once a week, i think the enemy will not be able to withstand it for long, and until the summer there will be no catastrophic situations there , but by winter there will be huge problems, because at the same time we are hitting places, nodes connections to the ukrainian gas storage system and the ukrainian main gas storage facility, now the heating season is just ending , the time to fill them begins, so we do not give them for... the energy system, but this also undermines the capabilities of the ukrainian defense complex,
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because it is quite difficult to produce without electricity any products, including defense products, so this is for the long term and for today, where we continue to successfully solve problems on the battlefield, what is the news today, yuri ivanovich? yes, indeed, i will also add that logistics, energy also means logistics, this includes railway transportation and so on. what's new, from the last one, is novamikhailovka, here it seems that the enemy has begun to give in, yesterday they seem to have completely cleared out, according to my data, the northern part of the settlement in the western part, where the enemy is still holding out, it is essentially surrounded by three sides, this is that we have advanced, the main enemy is desperately trying to knock us out of the bridgehead that we occupied in semyonovka. this is aavdeevsky direction, we have occupied the southern part of semyonovka, the enemy has been throwing in reserves for the second day to get us out of there, realizing that if we hold out and continue to develop an offensive here simultaneously with the berdychs, that is
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, here too we continue to try to advance, the enemy is also here desperately, by the way , it counterattacks, then the next step is to reach cheretina and these are already huge operational -tactical problems, at least, perhaps strategically, the same situation is with the enemy in the hourly ravine, he is desperately throwing literally for the third day... platoon after platoon, armor after armor to knock us out of the western outskirts of ivanovsky from the hill, the main thing, which we occupied on the approaches to the hourly yar, is burning up reserves in attacks that are essentially pointless, because for the most part i communicate with the guys, they have most of the reserves up to the front even they don’t make it, they are hit by our artillery or aviation as they move out, depending on their luck, so far this is the situation, to be honest, so far i’m very happy with everything, and the situation doesn’t make zelensky happy, thanks to ivanovich.
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today the situation in the east ukraine is as stabilized as possible, given the fact that we are experiencing a shortage of certain types of ammunition. it is important for us to share information with our partners that russia will be preparing a counteroffensive at the end of may. in june it is very difficult to fight with an enemy whose artillery shells hit 20 km more, and ours 20 km or less, to protect and stabilize the situation you need some kind of parity, and to attack you need to have more strength. commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces syrsky, actually specified, how much less shells there are in ukraine now. the current situation in certain areas is tense, the russian occupiers are further away. are increasing their efforts and have a numerical advantage in personnel. the experience of the past months and weeks shows that the enemy has significantly increased aviation activity and is using guided bombs that are destroying our positions. in addition, the enemy is conducting dense
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artillery and mortar fire. just a few days ago, the enemy's advantage in ammunition fired was about 6: 1. well, really serious panic, in my opinion, already if he is raw and says that a few more? this means that a few days ago it was 6 to one, apparently, now the gap has increased, obviously, he said this with a message, well, you know, he didn’t say anything new, syrsky is obviously trying to cover up his own, not even incompetence, but it’s difficult for him to blame for this, after all, he is such an experienced courtier, an experienced general, who maneuvered very well, carried out the orders of the presidential office, he found himself in a difficult situation now, because the presidential office, who set the tone, relaying... the main thought of london, which means that washington now does not have these thoughts, and he does not have his own, and sirsky is trying to act independently, but this is not the general who acts independently, because
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he he is afraid that this will come back to haunt him later, in the end the situation, as zelensky says, has stabilized, it has not stabilized, the commanders don’t know what to do, everyone criticizes syrsky, syrsky doesn’t know what to do, and the office of the president of ukraine is silent, that’s all v eventually got up. that’s it, the story seems to be ending, well, this is stabilization, as the people say, the stabilizer, anastasia mikhailovskaya, war correspondent, is in touch with us now, in direct communication.
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they mourn together with our people , together with moscow, we all support you very strongly, here are our military, artillerymen, whom we are helping together with you, they struck a blow of retaliation, let’s look at the material, they dedicated it to the dead, crocus, for crocus, for ours, load one shell.
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guns, fire, zakroku, yes, that's if the enemy i thought that he could break us with such a monstrous terrorist attack in which a huge number of people died, he did not break us, the people and the army are united and... our guys support us, support moscow, and of course, everything that is happening is monstrous , but we are still holding on, these are the guys you see now, they were the ones who helped, the guys who gathered on our first channel, our viewers, thank them very much, now i want to again support our artillerymen, our fighters, help us on our collection, we have now collected together with
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you already have 26 million rubles. the collection is now only on the first channel, so we can clearly know how much money we have collected, very soon we will bring another batch of rebs, the popular front will distribute it, just to these guys, the artillerymen, whom you see now, we receive a huge number of applications and thanks from them, thank you very much for supporting us, moscow, hang in there, we are with you, thank you very much and thank you very much. thank you anastasia leonidovna, and your initiative to provide our fighters means of electronic warfare , we also thank our tv viewers who help, now there are also opportunities using a qr code to access the resource where you can make a donation for this really very important program, thanks to anastasia mikhailovskaya, military correspondent of the russian spring. take care of yourself, we are waiting for you on
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our broadcast. thank you! well, the united states and other western countries continue to deny ukraine the help it so desperately needs. how long will this continue after the advertisements? the name of this republic is translated as golden mountains. local residents. remembers all his ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambhala is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous, why during the run morality jumps to a height of 2 m. go away, the life of your own. premiere on sunday first.
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borbon steersman, product of the steller group, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming to me, all the police officers and dowries units are declared on full combat readiness, i'm calling, i just wanted to say, please be careful, okay, i'll try. should i leave her alone, let me build a new life with her, or should i somehow help you with this? don't interfere! undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first. is there vyacheslav mikhailovich? i'm already eating. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors and... this is where
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the entrance to the mystical country of shambhala is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country. mountain altai. why are you treating your eyes? we are counted. it's all alive, there's a spirit around it all. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous, why during the run morality jumps to a height of 2 m. go away, the life of your own. premiere on sunday on the first. when i was in fifth grade, i watched every episode of police academy. hand up and decided how cool it is, i want it like them, yes, i was just coming from my shift, hands, i said, on behalf of the investigative committee we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we’re working, completely irrevocably, i realized that your boss, to put it mildly
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, doesn’t like me, or maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it, it’s just glory, i was called to the css yesterday, as i understand it , they were given the setting. to wet you , to whom did i not deceive you like that, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this is for work, do you want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember everyone their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambola, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating the hearth? we believe that everything is alive, there is a spirit around it all. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous, why during the run morality
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jumps to a height of 2 m. go away, the life of your own. premiere on sunday. on the first, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming towards me, all the police officers and dowries units are declared on full combat readiness, i'm calling, i just wanted to say , please be careful, okay , i'll try, leave tevlya alone, let me build a new life with her, or i should help you with this somehow, don't interfere , taxi. under the guise of the prime minister from monday on the first, yes vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i’m already eating, the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all
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their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country of shambhala is located, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. altai, this action is dangerous, why during the run morality jumps to a height of 2 m. leave, the life of your own. premiere on sunday on the first. big game live. anastasia mikhailovsky told us before the advertisement that our fighters were already taking revenge for this terrorist attack with all their might. well, in the west they say: what does ukraine have to do with it? what does ukraine have to do with it? because the investigative committee has already established, and
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here is ukraine. official statement. investigators of the investigative committee are establishing in detail the circumstances of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. the initial results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. as a result of working with detained terrorists, studying the technical devices seized from them, and analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence was obtained of their connection with ukrainian nationalists. in the investigation has confirmed information about receipts from he participated in the terrorist financing scheme, the investigation will petition the court to select
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a preventive measure against him in the form of detention. all financial transactions of the terrorists were established. and after that talk. that there is no ukrainian trace, well, at least, well, it’s not seeing what really is, just as they don’t see in the united states, as before, in western countries, but... john kirby turned to the now tested language of american diplomats of american diplomacy, specifically to the language of insulting us. let's listen. the united states will continue to remain vigilant and alert governments around the world whenever we learn of terrorist plots, regardless of our relationship with them. i remember my uncle's words. he said that the best sellers of manure are the goods in the mouth. russian officials seem to be pretty good manure sellers. maria zakharova has already
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responded to these words. there are no such proverbs in the russian language, because there is manure in the mouth they wear it not here, but overseas, but we have a saying: whoever hurts, talks about it. by the way, it now becomes clear why the expression “wash your mouth with soap” is common in the states. well, their main western argument, comrades, is that ukraine will never. does not commit terrorist attacks, but it so happens that just now the head of the sbu, well, admitted to committing a number of terrorist attacks, in particular on the crimean bridge, let's listen, you all remember that hellish morning for the enemy, when we successfully implemented plan, this was the first stage of the operation on the crimean bridge, and i will tell you frankly, after this operation, senior leaders of western intelligence services said: you are simply the best, hats off, so, mr. kirby, well... today, really exactly in our program, you will have the status of a dung press secretary or just
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a dung beetle, of course, fantastic rudeness, this is an interview with the head of the ukrainian special service, it was noticed in the west, that is, sometimes the west plays a game, we don’t know, contradictory information, here you go they always avoid answering uncomfortable questions, but here i want to say that, for example, the british tv channel sky news. this is a detailed material, they, of course, got a lot of things wrong, but most importantly, they understood, here is the head, here is an officer of the ukrainian special services, he tells what terrorist acts, what liquidations, what attacks were inflicted on russian territory, that is, to say that they don’t know this, it’s impossible, but from what you know, some conclusions should be drawn, but they don’t exactly draw conclusions none, they still stick like crazy to the manual that they have developed, ukraine is here... has nothing to do with it, any facts that the investigative committee of russia, the russian authorities lay out, are rejected out of hand, but since in theory it is necessary
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to repel arguments and facts arguments and facts, they simply fight back with rudeness , because they can’t say anything else , what is their main argument, this is not ukraine, period, that’s it, there are no other arguments, so we have a classic situation when someone is shielding someone , despite on the fact that he knows that the one he is trying to present...
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and will we consider zelensky as a legitimate president of ukraine, this is what sergei ovekovich lavrov said on this matter. let's listen. regarding the decree , zelensky’s decree, prohibiting him and everyone else from negotiating with putin’s government, vladimir vladimirovich spoke out more than once when he described our readiness to enter into serious negotiations, but for...
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maybe there will be no need to admit anything, an interesting statement, yes , maybe not it will be necessary to admit anything, in fact it will be required or not, largely depends on whether there will be american help or not, here is this: in the interview that i mentioned, zelensky complained strongly about the fact that the money remains in the west, let’s let's be honest, tens of billions of dollars allocated by congress and the presidential administration for ukraine, in most cases , remain in the usa, this is approximately 75-80%, ammunition comes to us, but production
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is carried out there, and the money remains in the usa, taxes remain in the usa, yes, for us this is really a huge support, however... we need to look at things fairly, the economy is fair, of course zelensky turned out to be an interesting mix, in fact, who promised them that assistance would be provided in the sense in which they understand it, assistance in the sense of the american budget is assistance to one’s own national industry, well, it turns out that 80, or even 90 percent of the funds will remain in american industry simply because it is a way to provide. budgetary financing of american factories, these are jobs, this is the expansion of production, in the end, this is the economic growth that the united states is seeking, indeed 3.2% growth was achieved, first of all, of course, due to the fact that it was possible to pinch its own allies from the european union, selling them very expensive energy resources, but the american military-industrial complex also makes a big contribution to
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the american gdp, so to speak, so what did zelensky count on, what should he say? will supply money. completely in vain , the americans never supplied money to anyone, they always only ensured the development of their own national industry and through this they resolved their own issues, why did he decide that anyone would help him at all, a completely vain delusion, yes, so maybe be until the twenty-first and there will be no need to resolve the issue of legitimacy, the ukrainians themselves can demolish it, but germany does not refuse help, it continues, here is the next aid package, and it reported for a month of supplies, here
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... i think that these ponchitas, they definitely won’t reach the front, they will be sold out, the things are popular and expensive, but please note that here in this aid package there is no equipment, but real equipment, as it were forces , but there are no tanks, there are no air defense systems , there are no light armored vehicles, there are not even just combat vehicles, bbems, solid ammunition, here are the drones, which, in principle, we...
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the other, in this case, the federal government is feeling the worst of all, because that it should spend the money that is spent on purchasing serious large systems weapons, must be spent on social programs, they cannot afford it , and it ultimately works against them, that is , you know, the germans, of course, mr. scholz has laughed at him like no one, including the ukrainian leadership, well, really... the german government, the federal government, resembles such a kerpil , who was appointed, so you will exemplarily do what we tell you, everyone else will look at you, and if you do not do as we tell you, we will punish you, and these the germans, as if being under the pressure of the lost war of the second world war , which we defeated them, we defeated them and
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we forgave them, those who in forty years ago quietly appeared and seized a significant... territory of germany, those who still consider themselves victors force their supposedly , which means the allies should work themselves, well, i think that not everyone in europe has gone crazy, they see the situation, assess it correctly, and the situation in germany works as a whole against the situation in the european union and nato, which is why we see that everything is getting worse and the european union and nato are doing worse agree, the european union, in principle , cannot agree on any issues. but - all this really comes down to the economy and the decaying american infrastructure, well, today is friday, so there are trains. trains in the united states summed up the results of the twenty-third year , 1990 trains derailed in america at the end of the year, this year, i think, there will be an excess,
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this is south carolina greer, an eyewitness filmed how a tractor-trailer stopped on the tracks and did not managed to drive away, drove into it passing train. socor, new mexico, freight train derailed on scene, crews still working to clean up millions.
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that your boss, to put it mildly , doesn’t like me, or maybe, well, let’s sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do this, for you and just glory, they called me yesterday to the css , as i understand it, they were given instructions to kill you , komush, i didn’t say that, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this is for work, do you want to meet, undercover taxi , premiere, from monday to... first. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains. local residents remember all their ancestors; this is where the entrance to
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the mystical country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating your eyes? we consider this to be all living things and there is this spirit around everything. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous, why in the run-through morality jumps to a height of 2 m, go away, the life of your own, premiere, on sunday on the first, the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming towards me, the entire pps squad and assigned units are declared in full combat readiness, i call. i just wanted to say , please be careful , okay, i’ll try, leave her alone, let me build a new life with her, or should i help you with this somehow, don’t interfere,
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undercover taxi, premiere from monday on the first , yes, vyacheslav mikhalovich is, i already eat, the name of this republic. translated as golden mountains, locals remember everyone your ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambola, is located, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains, why are you treating the hearth, but it is believed that this is all living and there is a spirit around it all, this broth contains almost all known sciences are amino acids, this action is dangerous, why is there morality in the run... jumps to a height of 2 m, go away, the life of your own, premiere, on sunday on the first. in fifth grade i watched all the episodes
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of the police academy and decided how cool it was, i wanted how are they, i’m just off shift, i said, on behalf of the investigative committee we are carrying out an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, to put it mildly, i don’t like it, but maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav mikhailovich, let’s do it like that, and just glory,
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this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambola, is located, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains, this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science, altai rules, this action is dangerous, why in during the run, morality jumps to a height of 2 m, leave your life. i watched all the episodes of the police academy and decided how cool it was, i want to be like them, i was just coming from my shift, i said hands, on behalf of the investigative committee, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we are working, i finally and irrevocably realized that your boss, gently saying he doesn’t like me, but maybe we’ll sit somewhere and chat, vyacheslav
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mikhailovich, let’s do this... and just glory, yesterday they called me to the css, as i understand, they were given instructions to kill you, who should i not do that brought out, in general, meet lyosha, natasha, natasha, lyosha, this is for work, do you want to meet, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first. the big game live, all the leading western media quoted what they thought was a sensational statement from the head of america's largest investment fund b rock, larry fink, who predicted very unpleasant prospects for the american economy, let's listen: 3 years ago,
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bet ostentatious. the obligation was less than 1%, but now it is more than 4%, and this increase is very dangerous. if rates continue, an additional trillion in interest payments will accumulate over the next decade. there is a bad scenario in which the american economy begins to resemble japan's in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when debt exceeded gdp and led to periods of austerity stagnation. in america, with high levels of debt , it will also be much more difficult for monetary authorities to fight inflation. will not be able to raise rates without increasing without besides the unsustainable cost of servicing the debt, while fiscal discipline can help curb debt in the periphery, it will be very difficult to raise taxes or cut spending to the level america needs to sharply reduce the debt, we can no longer view debt as a problem that can only be solved by reducing taxes to reduce spending. well, such a statement can only be considered sensational for those who don’t watch our program and don’t
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understand at all. in economics, well, these turn out to be the majority, or even some sympathizes with biden, because the assessment of biden's work is, in fact, simply catastrophic for the president of the united states, fox news asked for an answer to the question, what is the main achievement of the biden administration and the conclusion they came to, well, let's listen . everyone is asking about the biden administration's top accomplishments, so we conducted a poll where nothing was the winner, with 38% of respondents saying so. they say biden's actions did nothing to help them. many people say that if biden did nothing, i mean literally nothing, and if they hadn't tried to undo trump's policies, they would be much better off now. look at what biden did as president, revoked the pipeline permit,
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stopped production. and released his multi-billion-dollar funds from sanctions, he drove our country into a deep hole, and voters are very concerned, so after the column nothing, the economy, the main achievement of boydonomics, 19% rated it as positive, not a lot, but this interests us primarily from the point whether there will be money for ukraine or not, that’s what medjaray taylor greene, an influential member of the republican faction in the house of representatives, said. ukraine should not receive the money, ukraine stole money from the united states. no matter how you look at it, this whole war is just a money laundering operation. people in my district are fed up with this, they've had
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enough. and it's not just in my district. 70% of americans - this is evident from statistics that no one can ignore anymore. 70% of americans do not want to send new money to ukraine. americans, of all people, are political. financiers have taken even more power than they had before, what is happening? in fact, today american corporations strive to pay as large dividends as possible to the holders of their securities, and this is done to the detriment of investments in the future. this is, in fact, the biggest
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problem in the american economy today; in fact, american corporations today , instead of investing in the development of production, in the creation of new jobs, in something else, in technology, they actually in fact, they buy their own securities on the market and thus increase the price of securities located on... the market, this entails a formal accounting increase in the price of the company, on the one hand, on the other hand it entails an increase in dividend payments, this is all , in fact today the ideal for the operation of the us financial market, in this situation , it is simply impossible to talk about infrastructure, nor about the creation of some new production facilities, nor new technologies, nor about anything, in this situation, of course, when, so to speak, the situation so serious, to say that ukraine needs to allocate new funds, of course citizens simply don’t understand, they just don’t understand, but biden’s achievement is...
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8 billion, total dollars, well , total we don’t even understand anymore, but what here is ukraine, here is baltimore, the bridge, it turned out to be a really important strategic bridge, it turns out that 3% of all imports and 10% of container imports of the united states of america pass through it, and engineering products, there and woodworking products there are 30. 9% there steel 20%, construction equipment 31% , that is, an important port, an important bridge, yes, which is now blocked, and it also turned out that the ship had 56 containers with dangerous chemicals, which naturally began
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to leak, as usual, so what what the american government is doing, let 's listen to president biden, i won't be able to answer your questions because it is necessary... to approve emergency funding to restore critical infrastructure, but since congress is on recess until the end of next week and with state and federal officials just beginning their investigation, questions about where exactly the emergency funding will come from and how quickly
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remain open? both conservatives and lib dems agreed that, given the huge national debt, the costs should be paid by the company that owned the cargo ship that caused the collapse. in china, too, some kind of cargo ship demolished a bridge span, this happened a week ago, well, we can already see it, this is real catastrophe, here are the last shots that this week the bridge has already been restored, 7 days, the bridge has been restored, well, these are, of course, certain symbols, and about how the chinese economy is moving forward and how the american economy is doing, but in this... the situation with the bridge also has a political subtext,
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look, i think that in the united states of america, one side of the political process will try to sweep under the table the information that the captain was a ukrainian, and the other, on the contrary, will try to somehow pedal this within the framework of its political struggle, but in general, imagine an american voter, the collapse of this bridge, well, of course, this is a blow to the economy, this is a blow to the psyche, and in general, this is very symbolic, it must be restored as much as possible. faster, where to get the money? we can say for a long time that the company in singapore , insurance payments, it was insured, in my opinion, for 3 billion, this dry cargo ship, which is clearly not enough to compensate not only the construction of the bridge, but all the costs that and the losses around it arose, here is an option on what to spend money on american taxpayers, of course, the american will stand up, restore the bridge as soon as possible, in this situation come out and say: no, let’s give 60 billion to ukraine. this is politically very dangerous, especially during the election campaign
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, so this situation with the bridge, it seems to me, well, we will hope to put an end to it, but at least it puts a very long ellipsis in this procedure of constantly renewed attempts to allocate this money to the kiev regime, well and in the process , of course, this matter turned out that in america has 47 thousand damaged bridges that require urgent repairs, ukraine, goodbye. he went to the funeral of yet another policeman killed by yet another assailant in
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the same city of new york, and at the same time the republicans, finally, i was waiting for something to happen, now they decided that it was the right time to call biden to a hearing in investigative committee to answer questions about the hunter biden impeachment trial. usa, which causes more and more,
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probably, more and more smiles, their laughter all over world, but doesn’t these, these events add seriousness to the attitude towards the united states throughout the world? yes, the superpower looks somehow very unconvincing, against this background of the desire of the united states to bring the war in ukraine to a victorious end, but it also looks clearly not serious; apparently, ukraine will not receive the money after all. our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we give the floor to the news and see you again at 17:00 don't miss it. hello, time for news on the first, most important events we will tell you right now. and we start with an operational meeting held by vladimir putin. permanent members of the russian security council.


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