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tv   Golos  1TV  March 29, 2024 9:45pm-11:27pm MSK

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so, in the center is our golden team with the russian flag. pinsk skiers are on the right, to the left of us is the norwegian team, which won silver. 70,000 spectators in trondheim. welcomes the best skiers in the world, among them the best of the best, our beloved lennochka vyalbe.
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let's collect buckwheat, lord, stand, oh, stand, who did you say, who is in charge here, who? i’m the only one who can give commands, well
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, everyone stand in formation, so go away, skier , fix the fence, i’ll let you through, little one, but you have a fighting character, what’s your name, trubitsina, don’t interfere, you can fix it yourself, we’re having a training session, rybalkin, for talking in the ranks to the fence, step, march, denis ivanovich, why am i, the young guys broke it, let him. he’s fixing, hey, young fellow, you’ve jumped to the fence, well little one, come to our section, i’ll teach you to ski, and you have ski wax, you have it, branded bindings and poles , i have excellent bindings, my grandfather made it, i’m talking about my mother i asked , hold on, what about so-and-so, why are you so upset, hurry home, quickly, i told you, hello, i wish you, hello, march, keep your distance, don’t sleep.
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gorokovo direction , lie down, you'll get into trouble, well, where are you looking, it's frosty on the street above the plowing, guy no... you're not at work with your loaders, we're not playing the fool here either, the sun shines there like in sochi, try the salt, it's ok swoo, i ’m invited to join the ski section, really, you’re my good one, you want to ski, i really want to, i have to earn it, i thought, i’ve got enough to do, galya, leave her alone, we’ll handle it ourselves, everything in this life has to be earned, you she taught me that herself, mom, i agree, i’ll do whatever you say, well if you break the agreement, i’ll break your skis, gal,
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make us a pot, oh, i just brought a lemon, oh, chocolate for you, let’s make a jar. this is for you, my favorite movie, crimson, thank you, stand your ground and never give up. oh, lena, sit there, don’t help her, oh well , well, galya wouldn’t know, an agreement is an agreement, you can handle it yourself, bah, why are you
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unraveling my sweater, did i give you permission, another boss in the house, it’s too small for you for a long time , i ’ll knit a ski cap for you. well, okay, well, she’s an artist, well, shielda, shieldaa, shielda. there was one king, he ruled the country as best he could and people, he was called louis, he was called louis the second , but by the way the song is not about him, but about love, in those days there lived a beauty alone,
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she sent geese near the walls of the palace, but she was the sweetest of all, he decided to marry them. i'm frozen here for you like napoleon near moscow , holders, remember, my word is law, either you will carry out all my orders, or
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you will stand on your knees in the cold all day, that's understandable, understandable, keep your skis, don't screw up, i said above, lenka, because of your excess, let’s not come here, now i’m definitely not going anywhere.
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grandmother? where's my dad? ask your mom. mom doesn't say anything. but i don’t even know, it’s a pity, otherwise everyone has a dad, but i don’t, but you have us, come on, prince ivanovich, the pipe has arrived. i was almost late, oh, little one, for prevention,
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you’ll put it on yourself, deathly, to the left, use your brains, start. so that’s what we’re doing here , yes, mom, come on, she got up, showed me where your coach is, quickly, quickly, i said, skier, i want you so much. i’ll show you a regional championship, and i ’ll show you such a regional championship, such
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a championship, what kind of noise fighting, no, you’re my daughter took her so she could learn to play cards, lie down, i said, let's go home, go home quickly, i said, you said that my skis were broken, mom, don't eat me, i'll give you how to leave without my permission, lie down, you creature , don’t embarrass me, businesswoman, i’ll give it to you, don’t embarrass me. len, well, get up, stand, my child, as i think necessary, i will
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raise him, i forgot how you put me on buckwheat, why are you staring?
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pipe, you can’t wait, pipe, her, stick, what are we talking about, but what’s so special about lenka, skin and bones? well, you can build up its muscles, here
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character, it either exists or it doesn’t. well , there is someone, well, that’s understandable, but why does she need skis? well, for example, are you watching the olympic games? of course, but how? now, i promise you, lena will become an olympic champion. why are you telling me with your teeth, huh? skiing is not a profession? well, it’s okay if you don’t want fame for your daughter? for example, what salary do you receive? well,? if with bonuses, then 400 rubles, but i’m behind the deposit, when lena completes the master of sports, she will receive 500, but why are you telling me fairy tales? you’re telling me, hey, i look like a storyteller, well, when i have time in person.
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take care of your life, take a break from your daughter, we have training camps for 9 months, how many, how many, 9 months for me at home, but where will she live, the best sports facilities in the soviet union, and food, the best product, scarce cakes, no, well ... yes lenka needs to study and go to college, we have the best teachers in all subjects, i guarantee you, lena will grow up smart, i’m telling you as a father of many children, how many children do you have, yes 10, 10, well, that’s , if together with lena, the best,
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children of the magadan region, that’s it, i believe him, good man, mile, pour it, unfortunately, we can’t, we have a regime to communicate. well, if only symbolically, well, come on, come on, come on, the tubes won’t freeze, so, so,
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well, well, well, well, well, well, let’s keep working, and come on, i’ll remember it all my life. never dare to cry in front of your rivals, understand? yes, it makes you weaker and stronger and more confident, understand? yes, if you want to cry, go into the forest and cry there, okay? well, now i’m going forward, let’s go ahead with trubichkin, come on, come on, come on, right away, like this, easier, right first, fly away, where's the smile, okay, think about it. it’s not hard, it’s normal, come on , here’s one gift for you, here’s a second one for balance,
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go ahead, have fun, girls, okay, come on, come on, push, without fixing it right away from them, come on, come on, that’s it, take it, well done, we smile, well come on, come on, come on, come on , one more circle, then we’ll rest, one, well done, and, two, three, well, come on , come on, come on, come on, and then he appeared. to the crimean land, like a child-loving father, the saints, father luko, came to him from all the authorities, because he
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then he performed in the district hospital those operations that were performed or not even performed in moscow in moscow clinics, in 1946 we received a telegram from him that he wrote, i received an appointment to simferopol, the whole of crimea is my diocese. taking orders at that time was a recognition of the fact that you were going to calvary, when he was exiled, people rebelled, sat on the rails and were not allowed on the train, healer luke, tomorrow, on the first one. the lord gives us the image of a holy man who gave himself all to people. unburnt bought. on saturday and sunday on the first , the name of this republic translates as
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golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the regional country, shambola, is located, welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains, why are you treating the hearth , we believe that this is all living and there is a spirit around it all, full combat readiness is declared by division, i’m calling, i just wanted to say, please be careful, okay, i’ll try, leave me alone, let me
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build a new life with her, or should i somehow help you with this, don’t interfere, undercover taxi, premiere from monday on the first, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i’m already eating. passengers who arrived on a flight from novosibirsk will receive their luggage, i repeat , those who arrived on a flight from novosibirsk will already receive their luggage, forgotten things in the storage room , the little one scared where to go, you will be taken to the proletarian one, a fiver, plus a tenner for the unspoken cargo, money in advance. another thing, let me help.
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a lady or to go home to a competition, so what? success? fine. and what do they pay for normal things now? well, a taxi is enough, maybe then it ’s 50 kopecks for a fool? i don't know how, can i teach? no need, what the hell? children are slaughtered, and then
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they are not looked after, and where are their parents? do you have children? maybe there is, maybe not, i haven’t given birth, i don’t know, i still want to go for a walk, i need it, although about 15 years ago one aunt persuaded me to marry her daughter, well , i thought i was a taxi driver with money, my daughter didn’t want to, she seemed to have a sailor , but her mother was such a powerful woman. and there was another name funny, menacing, the police , as you understand, you can’t argue with the police, well, after a week they signed, and after 2 months i realized that i was not ready for family life and got divorced, just like that, and i also had a case, one dad grabbed me his daughter come,
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oh, move away, i'll do it. hold it, come on, little one, hey, little one, what’s your name?
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little one, hey, i need it, lena. why don't you come in? bah, yes, i was just fussing a little with my skis, let me help you, were you crying or what? no, i just got snow in my eyes, it’s normal. oh well come on, come on in, otherwise we'll find it cold, come on, oh, champion, come on, come on, somehow it all came to an end, by taxi, and where did you
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get the money for the taxi? galya, what kind of person is this, and we haven’t seen our granddaughter for 3 months, you’re immediately questioned right from the door. gal, stop putting pressure on her, mom, now you will play cards with me until i die. so, i don’t understand, what do you want? what about ski wax with a christmas tree scent? yeah, i felt it too. don’t tell me anything, i’m asking where i got the money. well, that's enough, be careful. i thought that i would never more. i’ll see, little green one, oh-oh-oh, ba , remember, you once told me that you dreamed of a real christmas tree, like in leningrad, but they don’t grow here, here’s a gift for you from novosibirsk, grandpa, and this is for you, oh, a fishing rod made of space materials, okay, wow, grandpa, your dream has come true, no shit. no
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shit, mom, this is for you, french perfume, for fishing, but where did you get the money for perfume, for all the gifts, received your first salary, and who do you work for us? 2 months ago, i received the title of master of sports of the ussr, and a month ago maksimych got me a job as a sports instructor at the factory. yeah, and this is my first salary, and how much do our instructors get now? 500 rub. how many? len , it’s good that you remember about us, well done, but there’s no need to throw money around, you’re saving up the best for a rainy day, or maybe lena would better get a higher education, woman, and what have you done, well , well, i said, maksimych is a good man , listen, let’s put the christmas tree here, here at the buffet, how will we get the dishes,
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and the glasses, it’s logical. come on now, come on now so, now like this, yeah, calm, back, yes, i remember, like that, like that, that’s it, yes, ah. that you married your mother against her will to a taxi driver, yes, it was such a poor time, you wanted
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what was best for galya, bah, but she didn’t know him at all and didn’t love him, i didn’t know your grandfather either... i wish i had hardly known him, and we are still happy with him. no luck with the taxi driver. he was a hooter and a gambler. in the third month of pregnancy, golya left him. that's why you and her constantly quarrel? i feel guilty before gally. but i know. "if it weren't for him, we would have if you weren’t here, my parents would have sent
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you varicas jam, from what? from malenia, raspberries, my favorite, come and drink tea in the evening, well, i love tea. yes, come, trumpet , they would, of course, take a good one, all shurumuru after the olympic games, by the way, he also needs to prepare, maksimovich, there are no shurmur, but i know these views, yes, these are not views, we are just communicating with ormus, we have the olympic games ahead, we don’t have time for all sorts of things. i know, sports mode, discipline and no partying, i have everything under control control, uh-huh, pass out.
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marmastation, what? i love you. general secretary of the cpsu central committee, comrade mikhail sergeevich gorbachev, met with representatives of the olympic committee and journalists. he expressed the hope that soviet athletes. will perform well at the 1988 winter and summer olympic games. comrade gorbachev asked the coaches about the progress of preparation and wished our athletes brilliant victories. “i am confident that the banner
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of soviet sports is in good hands,” said mikhail sergeevich. so, comrades, as you see, the leadership the country expects only victories from us, and we, of course, will not let you down. let's start with the good news. viktor maksimovich tkachenko, appointed coach of the ussr youth team. congratulations. now the list of applicants in calgary will be presented by senior coach alexander alekseevich grushin. undoubtedly, all are worthy
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and if it were up to me, i would take them all. but rules are rules. so, the main contenders. nina gavrilyuk. by the way, in italy your victories are still discussed in all the newspapers, they even gave you a nickname, blow from the east, well done, lena, the country is counting on you, touch athletes, we won’t disgrace our, so to speak, scarlet soviet flag, and as they say, we’ll all strike together from the east, i won’t be able to go. which means i won’t
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be able to go, due to personal circumstances, so i ask everyone to leave, except for the coaching staff. what's happened? i'm pregnant, how, how is it pregnant? no one allowed you to get pregnant, this is, so to speak, sabotage, you’ve become completely insolent, do it. whatever you want, if it weren’t for these times of ours, not for this
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perestroika, i would have you now myself, maksimych, why are you silent, your pupil, listen, we have there is an excellent doctor, an excellent specialist. listen, len, what are you saying, the olympic games are upon us, you can’t let the team down like that, we were counting on you, with your irresponsibility you are betraying your homeland, the party and the entire soviet people, who work hard from morning to night so that you can eat and drink sweetly , in order to defend the honor of the country at international competitions, especially at the olympic games, what are you doing here, wait, what do you think, you’re about to give birth, no one,
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believe me, no one regained their previous physical shape after giving birth. forgive me, maksimovich, i let you down, i'm sorry. i will still have the olympics, but i may not have children. maksimovich, i’m sorry, but we decided to wait with your appointment until you talk about your acting duties, you understand, yeah. you need to wave to her, well done, yanka,
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don’t jump on your stomach, i know everything, urmas, look how beautiful she is, right? yes, space, strength, oh, what a joke, oh, oh, not a joke, no, not a joke, it seems. it started, how are you
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feeling, is it normal, have you seen him, no, it’s cheap, you have something to live with, whatever you want , i want to live with my ski mother, here, look, what kind of hero you were born. iskult, hello, and i thought i couldn’t wait, hello trubitsina, maksimich, hello,
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only now i’m vyalba, elena vyalba, it’s funny, well, you will, elena vyalbaobraznaya, no, but i’m here alone, training juniors, as they named their son, french, in translation, brave, uh-huh, french urmasovich velba, you’ll break your tongue, if you want to return to the national team, it will be very, very difficult... i ’m ready, okay, then let’s go to the canteen to have something to eat, well, there’s training in 2 hours, you’ll like it.
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come on, let's move our legs, that's it,
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why, i can’t take it anymore, is that all you? come on, come on, dear, come on, come on, come on, dear, bring a pillow, drabinyan, come on, come on, get up, come on!
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trubichki, maksimich, this is all i need. rinse the form
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like this. so, where are we going, madam of the valbe-shaped ski on the shot, and home, grushin was right, after giving birth it is impossible to return to sports, stop whining, i decided to give up, and bury my talent because of simple muscle pain. sorry, maksimych, i let you down again! it means that all the sacrifices were in vain, everything we went through together, it was in vain, it’s a pity, it’s a pity that i
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won’t see your pink cap anymore.
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i’m on the air, ivan zharov, our guest is two-time olympic champion, nine-time world champion, elena vyalle, mom, they’re showing you the underside, thank you for the invitation, i’m always glad to come to your show, everyone notes that last season was not very successful for you, it’s a pity that you are leaving big sport without winning, are you rattling around, the legendary flight of sour cream, losing constantly. rivals italian belmondo, norwegian debendal, eleventh place, eighth, is this why you decided
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to leave big sport? no, there is another reason for my leaving the sport, then what is the reason, i promised my son franz that i would leave the sport and spend all my time with him, he is now 9 years old and he is growing up very quickly, i am afraid that i will miss something- this is very important in his upbringing, so i began to think about what a wonderful love they have, the best time in their lives, and how different it is from ours, they are together and see each other every day, and we are so far from each other.
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"i'm happy you're here, let's go, press that parents, they prepared a lot of delicious food , as you like, urmas, we won’t go to your house, what are you saying, i think we should break up, why?” we were just young in love, now, now there’s nothing,
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who do you have? - appeared, no, i don’t understand anything, you know, when my grandmother was 18 years old, she went from leningrad to pick up her grandfather in kolyma, but i’m not sure that i can follow you. i can’t live without you. , listen, ormas, i'm sure that you will meet someone, your soulmate, my soulmate, i don't i need another one, i’m sorry, i understand, you’ve already decided everything. what will you tell the frenchman?
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lenka. naka salt, check, okay, oh , young, but be careful, i’m not waving sticks at you, sit down, i’ll do everything myself, forgive me, hello, mom, you, uncle maksimych is calling, thank you, lena, hello, maksimych, hello,
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world championships in norway, norgs will tear, they! they will do everything to please their audience, but one of us gave birth, missed the second season, the third got sick, in general, we’ll fly, we’ll embarrass ourselves, len, listen, stop trying to persuade me, you know, i’m france i promised, well, besides, our country is so lacking in good news, but i can’t, i ’m tired, i understand, i’m sorry, rest, i won’t bother you anymore.
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what do you think? sidich, my business is small, prepare the skis, pick up the lubricant, go pick it up, that’s it, and stop persuading this magadan nugget, come on, maharva, active, slower, come on, come on again.
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mom, help me, please, well, i already asked the enemy not to wash, but i’m sorry, i forgot, yes, because you only have skis in your head. mom, you can wake me up early tomorrow, you promised to go fishing, french, you’re with me i’m already an adult, really, well, yes, i really need
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to help the team, i promise you this for the last time, you again? yes, you don’t love me, okay, don’t you feel sorry for me and your son? we continue reporting from norway from the unique world ski championships, and we are, of course, glad that
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lena vyalbe and her pink cap have returned to the team. irina makarova appears. come on, good fellow! according to the elder. coach of the national team grushin, she is in excellent shape. yes, yes, ira takes first place, ahead of the norwegian and svetka. features of races with split the start is that the skiers do not start together, but one after another separately with an interval of 30 seconds. therefore, it doesn’t matter who comes first, the main thing is who shows the best time. larisa lazutina is reaching the finish line. he follows her. this is vzhina neumanova from chekia. larisa is an olympic champion, winner of four gold medals at the world championships in thunderbay. lazutkiny finishes. neumanov pushes
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irina makarova’s result one line back. olga danilova is reaching the finish line, olya returned to sports after the birth of gemini, well done, olya, she quickly recovered, olga is in second place, nina gavrilyuk finishes in third place, but we, of course, are still waiting for elena vyalme to appear. stefania belmongo is approaching the finish line. it's going well.
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olympic champion, eternal rival, our girl. and now stefania belmondo finishes the race and shows the best result. now she ranks first in the table. elena vyalbe flies into the stadium. come on, come on, come on, come on! hooray!
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look at the gap from third place, olya, more than 30 seconds, 38 seconds, nina, ira, almost a minute, lazutina, a minute and a half , this is no good, something needs to be done , something needs to be changed, as i understand it, they started without me, ilya, i asked, i told them , sit down, comrades, i just talked to moscow. they rightly believe that our results should be higher, second and third places should also be ours , this is the most important thing for us now, the main thing is not to eat yellow snow, jokes to cheer up
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are of course good, but medals are better, the country is waiting victory from us, comrades, that’s all, that’s all i understand perfectly well, let's not force it, girls, let's go to dinner.
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memorial day, tomorrow is the first day, with the whole country, vovka called and said, the boys have taken their first steps, can you imagine, they’re already walking, well done. come on, but mine just started talking and is already asking: mom, why did you run so bad? i say: how do you know? she says: dad said, is it okay? my alice will soon be in first grade, and my, time seems to fly, it seems like she just gave birth, yes, and soon she will have to get married, oh tuntar, she doesn’t participate in races, she’s not for dinner he’s late, and so...
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and listen, i can’t do this anymore, we’ve already been through this, i don’t really understand why you came, listen, i’ve driven 3,000 km, and you won’t even offer me tea, we’ve already had tea, that's it, let's not do it, maybe we 'll go for a walk tomorrow. no, thank you, yes, hello, mom, hello. “hello, son
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, hi, mom, hi, what are you doing, yes, i’m doing my homework , solving math, son, okay, mom, come on, bye, otherwise grandma is swearing that i’m sitting here until bedtime, bye!” when you grow up, you will understand, we continue our reporting from the 1997 world cup year from norway, the 5 km race in the classical style ends, here elena vyalme is coming to the finish line, she already has one gold to her name, she still shows excellent speed and... they are clearly competing for another medal,
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let’s see, she has the best time , olga danilova finishes, olga is in second place, followed by our larisa lazutina crossing the finish line. and becomes third, will all the medals really be ours, but here...
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and makarova comes with the best result, she has first place, well done, ira, well done, what a gift from one defender of the fatherland. gold and silver, congratulations, dear fans, and i told you, i told you , i got it, well done, well done, i congratulate,
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congratulate, well, finally, the president of the international ski federation presents a bronze medal and a bouquet to stefania belmondo, silver goes to elena vyalba, and the long-awaited gold. irina makarova gets for ira - this is a very important victory, she hasn’t won individual races for a long time,
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eh! trubichkina, are you yelling and scaring away all the bears, who taught you that, huh? olyushka, have fun there for me, it’s a pity, of course, i’m not in the mood for something, uh-huh, i want to be on the bottom, lenka, well, happy holiday, happy holiday to you, thank you.
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let's not be sad, today is a holiday, we have a captain in the russian army, on this occasion i want to congratulate you on defender of the fatherland day, yes, thank you, my love, don't be upset, you won silver, don't you understand? you can be proud of this medal too, len, stop it, len, i didn’t think that it could offend you, stop it!
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len, you’ll have coffee, i’ll be happy to, but i can’t, and i completely forgot, this is for you doping, and tea, yeah. why are we starting all this again? we love each other, i want to be close to you, you are always busy with your own affairs.
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do you really think about this, all the time , it’s strange, in general, men are silent about this, just wait for six months, i have a big contract coming up, and no one will even dare to think about settlement on my part. that's it, then let's finish this conversation, i'm the happiest, thank you for
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this holiday for the gift, grushin will kill me for violating the rules, call me a taxi, how interesting this pursuit race turned out at 10 km, belmondo and vyalbe are almost like. first one is ahead, then the other, unlike previous races, today the skier who comes first will win, so lena begins to overtake the italian, well, well, well, forward, forward, lena, belmondo increases the pace, again takes the lead again and takes the leading position , really? the team will beat lena at this championship, while stefaniy is ahead, but lena is not lagging behind, she
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is literally skiing with belmondo, the pair of belmondo and vyalba are approaching the stadium, while belmanda is slightly ahead, what a tense duel, lena decided to overtake stefania in a large radius, but belmanda does not allow her to do this, come on! and here is the finish line, what a will to win , they finish at the same time,
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well, the race ends well for our team, two prizes,
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well done anyway, look, the judges decided to watch the photo finish, but so that there is a victory. fair, everything will be fine, let's see,
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in a controversial situation, victory is only recorded. this is the finish line, the winner is determined not by whose ski crossed the line first, but by boot, toe, boot, 10 km race, lena beat the glass!
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that's right, and i remind you that in 3 days the most unpredictable race will take place - a relay race, in which teams of four athletes from each team will take part. irij, oh, thank you, danke. what do you think? will we win the relay? we'll definitely win with you. how's franz? how did he react to you?
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i returned to the sport, said that i don’t like him, what are you talking about, uh-huh, i’m very guilty towards him, well, the cake, my kolka cooks tastier. yes, your absolutely ideal husband, father, oh, a fairy tale, yes indeed, i would have gotten all worked up here without him,
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well, who's faster? yes i am, of course.
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why did you attack him? this is his job , i like it when they take pictures of me, but i don’t like it, this is my personal life, you know, i ’m not particularly eager for my face to adorn the back pages of the cheap yellow press, you’re afraid that they’ll see us together, don’t be stupid , i’m not a public figure, you ’re married, whoever’s married, i’m married. that is, it was all a lie, yes, but i believed you, i think
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what a wonderful man i have, he’s not afraid of his complexes, he always speaks openly, i i always told you the truth, yes, i wanted to spread the word, and then tell you , but you brought me here too, to say something, no, i brought you here to say that i love you, there are some things that cannot be to do, so... abruptly right away, well, yes , well, stop it, i'm very afraid of losing you, hands, okay, well, think about it, these are papers, that's all, lawyers, and i'll think about it, you yourself know how it is, well , hi,
11:11 pm
11:12 pm
tomorrow on the first. the lord gives us the image of a holy man who gave himself all to people. the name of this republic
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translated as "golden mountains". local residents remember all their ancestors; this is where the entrance to the mystical country, shambhala, is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you serving food to the hearth? it is considered that everything is alive and there is a spirit around it all. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous, which is why there is morality in the run. jumps to a height of 2 m, go away, the life of your own, the premiere, on sunday at the first, they punched two left-handers, neither one nor the other the other one doesn’t fit our description, you ’re not going through the easiest period in your life right now, let ’s meet at 2:00 tomorrow, we’ll have lunch and we’ll decide everything, okay, okay, see you tomorrow, well, this will be better, do you recognize who?
11:14 pm
make up and we will search, calm , calm, police, calm, undercover taxi , premiere, from monday on the first, class, lariska where is everything, girls, i’m tired, this shopping of yours is exhausting, i don’t even buy anything for myself, listen, stop laughing at her, she’s building a house, by the way, girls, girls, girls, look what i found, mom, to the dacha, to the dacha, where can i put such a thing in the dacha there in the flowerbed... it looks like
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lena, look, look, what does this look like to me, just as crazy, so girls, olive, hop, wow, what, girls , where would you be going to something like this, to a disco , of course, and what are you, so lovely, thank you, damn it, bring me the same, i want it too, and where are you?
11:16 pm
hadde provist brumantan i sitt blod, preparatet ble erklært som et dopingmiddel bare for seks måneder siden, og det er mulig at deltaget fortsatt har. so, we're done shopping.
11:17 pm
“there’s your medal on the table, ir, what’s wrong with you, i don’t know what’s wrong with me, i’ve become afraid to compete, what are you talking about?” i would like
11:18 pm
your health. yes, it's open, come in, it's a cheerful morning, and i have good news. we were allowed to take part in the relay race, i’m ready, but weren’t you sleeping or what? maksimovich, i need to get ready, i see right through you, well
11:19 pm
, you’ll apologize to them for this doping, today they’ll applaud you, and tomorrow they’ll forget you, they’ll forget you here, but here? no, because you will be devoured, accused of treason, you will lose work, well, think about your loved ones, well, it’s not you who was caught for this doping, because relationships in the team are always more important than these foreigners, and that’s all they’re waiting for while we...
11:20 pm
olya, your task is to push through, how- then stay in the top three, you yourself know what to do, there are problems, everything will be fine, then the italians, your beloved stefania belmond, they put lazutin against you, they want to go to...
11:21 pm
“i am authorized to convey to you the position of moscow, so to speak, no public repentance, but compensation and period fershtein, that’s after all reputation of our country, we are still a team , and not every man for himself, and we must support, and not drown each other, even if it’s enough, they’ll figure it out without us, let’s go!”
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good afternoon, your majesty the king, dear public, it’s not so easy to say.
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thank you for your attention, who authorized her to speak on behalf of the team of the whole country, maybe conscience, you in moscow will answer me for this mess, i’ll just gloss
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over the lies. well, girls, forward to victory! so, start, skiers are rushing forward, now the most important thing will be to get into the top three, before how after leaving the stadium there will be only three left on the rise. and then only two ski tracks, let's hope for our olya danilova,
11:27 pm
ah-ah-ah, the finnish skier cut her ski when changing, ole, she almost fell, this could have a bad effect on her morale, sansevich, danilova is fifth, do something- somehow, it’s accepted, maksimych, olga the fifth, support her, we need to take third place.


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