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tv   Eksklyuziv  1TV  March 30, 2024 6:20pm-7:11pm MSK

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the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated objects were hit. and these are shots like iskander missiles. our fighters are striking the area where the combat effectiveness of ukrainian armed forces units is being restored in the kharkov region. the location was discovered during aerial reconnaissance. the operator transmitted the information to the combat control point, after which the decision to strike immediately followed. and that's all for now. thank you for being with us, and the “big game” program will continue to air on the first floor. big game live. hello. today is the ninth day, it's the monstrous tragedy that occurred in crocus city on march 22 of this year. this day will already go down as a black date in the history of our country, like the day when... in moscow, or
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you want, in the moscow region, there, in fact, from moscow to the moscow region, in crocus city, 50 meters away, this blow was struck, which our president called a mass murder, which everyone calls a monstrous terrorist attack, in which officially 100 people died at this minute...
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the ninth day fell on parent’s saturday, when everyone remembers the dead, and well of course, the funeral service was held at the walls of crocus city, in the cathedral in krasnogorsk, where the deceased were remembered, and the patriarch of moscow of all russia, kirill, conducted a memorial service within the walls of the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow. let us also pray for peace. the souls of the deceased for the recovery of those whose lives doctors are now fighting for. doctors were also among the heroes, uh, of the rescue operation, after the terrorists disappeared, doctors began work, one of them was vecheslav aleksandrovich sakharov, he is an anesthesiologist of the ambulance team.
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it is extremely difficult to imagine what happened on place, from the side, to someone, somewhere, no way, we were returning to the substation, it was time for a shift change, a call came in, and what about shooting, a gunshot wound, multiple casualties on the territory of crocus city, international 18, at the time when the brigade was leaving, we couldn’t even imagine what was happening there, we were already approaching the mkad, leaving the volokolamsk highway.
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people were already running towards us, and undressed, some in what, some in what way, they all ran from the direction of vegas, crocus, ran across mkat, jumped over the bump stop, but from those who ran there was no help they asked when we had already left the moscow ring road under the main stele - the crocus, there was already a paramedic team from the moscow region, this is olesya mashukova, and she was already working. upon arrival, sorting patients, injured people, they went out, opened the doors, well, first they opened the doors, then they came out, of course, they looked at what was happening around, people were running towards us, naturally, blue beacons, intensive care vehicles, people see protection, people they saw salvation, everyone ran to us, well , the first algorithm was action, understanding what happened, but in the distance, in the distance, they heard there were pops, perhaps there were still shots fired at
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the time of our arrival, but of course we didn’t see the terrorists themselves, because we were on the line of contact with the outbreak; the algorithm does not allow us to enter the outbreak itself.
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with feeling, he says, the main thing is that we help, well, naturally, triage, triage is very difficult, because the first question is, what hurts, where, wound, bleeding, can you stand on your feet, are you breathing, that’s it, you’re breathing, there’s no blood, step aside, there’s a cordon, i’m sorry, go out there, wait there, if there’s bleeding, quick dressing, tamponade, to the side, stable, waiting for arrival.
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there was more than one girl, i honestly didn’t look at the faces of those who brought us patients, but she returned to the hearth of the crocus over and over again, she ran there to this fifteenth hall and led people from there to the ambulance team, that is, she could bring
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one to leave, but no, she was already coming back again, and the man was there, his neck was cut or shot, to be honest, he couldn’t get his bearings at this moment, he brought the man. said there are still people there, they i need help, i went there again, well, the teams were already arriving, we organized an evacuation circle so that the teams could calmly enter and leave calmly, at that moment the disaster medicine team of the moscow region had already arrived, i reported to them, because this is the senior team, and conveyed the number sorted and they had already taken over their work, but a man ran up to us, and at that moment , burnt and... patients who had inhaled the products of combustion began to run up to us, we sort of sorted them too, but if possible, that is, the senior organization was already sorting, they took the man, he was with his wife , fighting his way through the fire from the hall, exactly where the concert took place, i don’t know how
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the wife can be alive, we didn’t see her on the lists and, by the way, it’s so interesting, that we know a man on the list, he is in the hospital, but the burns were severe, we brought him in, and then, when we had already returned to the place of ... the hospital, we stood in line for the evacuation route, but at that time the extinguishing was already underway active and they didn’t let us near the crocus itself, we they lined up, set up gurneys with shields, stood, waited, they already told me at the end of everything that only a resuscitation team was required, that if there were survivors now, they would be extremely difficult, well, more than i could have done at the time of the start, especially provided assistance. and only later, but i will say for my colleagues, there were quite a lot of teams , everyone got their bearings on the spot, and as you already said, there really is no demarcation between moscow and the region, in fact there is none, this probably played a very big key role in what we really are saved a lot of people, and the fact that
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strangers really helped us, whom no one would have told, if they just ran away, nothing, but they came, brought, went, again. therefore , there are much fewer victims due to this, there are much fewer victims, that there were people like vyacheslav aleksanovich who fulfilled their duty, and many people then simply did their job. someone really saved themselves, someone saved others, it’s really, it’s amazing that in this panic there were people, a lot of people who absolutely calmly, understanding danger to themselves, they helped others to escape, and sometimes even at the cost of their own lives, but the colonel of the grooms was one of them, the bright one. memory, he died in the hospital yesterday, who was able to save his
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family, but at the cost of the fact that he closed them with his chest, literally, and there were a lot of such really bright, strong people there, in general, sometimes we say, probably and it is right that trials strengthen us, trials force us to show our best. the quality of all our people, and the woman who returned there and brought more and more, and there were also very, very many of them, these guys who worked there as cloakroom attendants and who could also be saved by hundreds of hundreds of people, simply by showing them the way out. alexandrovich, what does this say about our country, about the people? such great trials, indeed great upheavals, they are such a terrible test, but
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an exam for everyone. this is such a test of strength, of the ability to experience these terrible overloads of history, and this is a test for the state, for all institutions, for all systems that exist, including medical system, for the security forces, of course, and for... russian society, the state, passed this terrible exam, before us through the press, through evidence, through well-known facts, news, russia, society and for individuals, if you look closely at this texture , which is heard and this means that we are able to move into the future, we... are worthy of a future, which, of course, is not cloudless, of course there will be a huge number of all sorts of difficulties,
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but we will get through them, we really will get through this, and the best qualities people, they manifest themselves in such difficult moments, and the quality of the nation, and we certainly know that we will stand, and we know why the enemy did this, in order to rock our psyche, in order to get us out of the rut, in order rock the interethnic , religious peace in our country, all this is understandable, but it must be said that in these conditions society really demonstrates its best qualities; the medical services, our law enforcement agencies, and everyone, all the people who these they've been bearing flowers for a while now. not only in moscow, but
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throughout our country, all over the world, at our embassies there are such improvised corners in memory of the dead, in my opinion , our special services worked very well, which were able to...
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today they are trying to wage a war against us, at the front , in the rear, it was liquidated recently, almost every day we see new reports that another of the saboteurs...
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was destroyed immediately, firstly, no one needs witnesses, no one needs perpetrators, and we would have ended up in a situation where we don't know that, who, well, they would have established their identity, yes, but objectively, the subjective side, why they did it, who helped them, we would not have known this, so everything that happened now showed a very high readiness, by the way
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, this is not only for this terrorist attack, for many other terrorist attacks, because i remember the seventy-seventh year , the moskovsky explosion in the metro, but then from january 7 to october 30 we were looking for these killers, that’s how many months passed, but we didn’t have such opportunities, of course, yes, that’s why that if we had immediately revealed it there , it would have been of course, maybe they wouldn’t have noticed, but in my memory it was the best school in terms of operational-search activities and training, we were taught by the old guys - the old men from smersha who helped with this search there. today everything is revealed very quickly, thank god that it is revealed, but the only question is that we really, if the highest feelings are shown here, and the human qualities of people who helped other people, maybe on autopilot, maybe
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without even realizing that they themselves may become victims of it in this situation. but the most important thing is that today we still do not always receive reliable information about those people who are preparing to commit a crime, because now if you look, there will be an investigation, it is natural - it will come to all the circumstances of the commission of this crime, i am more than i am sure that there will still be a huge number of witnesses who knew that this crime would be committed, knew, guessed, so... i mentioned the tenth seventh year, when this detained these bandits who blew up the moscow metro, who also committed two more explosions in moscow on january 7 , 1977, because then during the investigation it turned out that about 200 people knew about the intentions of these terrorists, about 200 people in different uniforms, some even helped, someone
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there made something, someone purchased it, someone pulled out some pins, today it is important that... these people who were witnesses were not unpunished either, otherwise it will repeat repeat, like in that one, well, the circle of suspects it is big, and it is clear that i think more than 200 people knew about this outside our country, certainly those who were preparing this terrorist attack, but one of the goals of the terrorist attack was, of course, to sow interethnic, interreligious discord, his holiness patriarch kirill, the congress of the world russian popular scenario using religious and interethnic, russia’s ill-wishers tried to use internal problems with the migration situation,
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aggravating interethnic relations in our country, including with the help of radical islamist factor. an attempt was made to pit two traditional religions ; an attempt was made to divide people according to religious principles and also pit one against the other. of course, we cannot allow anything like this in russia. once again , i want to emphasize that the ideological and moral unity of orthodox and muslims is in many ways the stumbling block that defeats the efforts of our opponents, who dream of destroying their enemies. and i must say that when these non-humans came to kill, they too they didn’t know who was sitting there, a muslim or an orthodox christian, they killed everyone. among those who saved people, there were also muslims and orthodox christians, and no one asked the question, when you saved someone, what religion was he, the same ismail khalilov,
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yes, fifteen, like mufti ravil gainuddin, awards him for the courage of saving people, and this is really so, or like this...
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a lot, but i know who is behind me and how much they trust me, it didn’t matter to us how many there are, we know that if necessary will arrive aviation, artillery will support, we will find
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an opportunity to gain a foothold, we are not afraid, but what to do like this when you find yourself in a crowd in these conditions, and the courage of the people, for me it is incomparable with anything, in this case , under... look , these are four people, like cannon fodder, who were fed with drugs and prepared for money
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, physically and morally to carry out such things , were thrown into crocus city defenseless, and there were also people who bought cars, rented apartments, carried out communications, then there were people who represented the special services of ukraine, who were involved in... with instructions somewhere at some stage and through someone, they undoubtedly pawned a lot of things. alexander georgievich , you absolutely correctly said that they had hope that we would be caught and shot at the stage, they would say, they would say that egil, that tajiks, would be revealed, this is the problem that has developed, the complex problem of interethnic relations,
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services and law enforcement organs, glory to them today, glory to everyone. we will continue, no switch, today is the ninth day since the tragedy in crocus, which claimed the lives of many people, but there could have been much more victims if not for the courage of the earthly angels, flying, flying across the sky, a tired wedge, where, where, where, there you all go to on the other side, we opened the service exit, people were already being taken out, hundreds more. they separated people to get them out faster. did you know that he is a brave boy? i couldn't even imagine that he would be in such a situation. he just turned 14. our guys accomplished a feat,
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real. civil feat, i could never imagine that at some point in my life my family would be saved by a third-party woman. sofia, like such a little commander , she commanded: everyone follow me, and we pulled open some door, the first shot was fired, well , a very strong crush formed, the shot flew from the back into the chest, he fell on her, it turned out that he covered it, it turns out that maxim simply saved her life with his body, smoke began to appear, i opened it. pulled up the door and said: come out, what kind of reward do you have? i am a cossack, ataman cossack army, wanted to reward, in such a monstrous situation, heroes of our time were born, who did not, they did not think that they would become heroes, look after the program time, mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. nepolimaya kupina, tomorrow on the
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first. on march 31, 1814 , the russian army’s liberation campaign abroad ended and it marched victoriously into paris. alexander i was deeply convinced that if we want to conclude peace, a strong peace, then we must conclude it in paris. the brilliance of our armies entering paris completely amazed the french, they they told me how it is now.
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he admitted the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries, the statement of the gali rooster was dictated by the us instructions. the polish-german tank brigade fully supports the french maneuvers and is about to enter ukraine. macron got ready for a hike, ate a doll of the heir tutti on monday first. big game on first. the investigation into the terrorist attack on the mass murder of people in crocos city is being conducted by all our law enforcement agencies, first of all investigative committee, directorate for the investigation of war crimes, genocide
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and rehabilitation of nazism.
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border, in order to then get to kiev to receive the reward he promised. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational verification measures continues.
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nothing with this matter, what needs to be done, you need to prove your worth, today the head of the sbu actually admitted to the terrorist attacks of the russian organization, isn’t it time to recognize them as a terrorist organization, well, we need to do this, of course, yes, i believe that this the basis, not only to consider, but also to accept the appropriate ones, you recognizing them as a terrorist organization, of course, is our legitimate goal of the leadership of the ukrainian special services, but everyone who commits crimes against russia and russian citizens is legal. so, nikolaykovich, the sbu really should declare a criminal organization, maybe there’s someone else behind it. i think that this issue is really very acute now, and we are more likely to ask ourselves why the sbu has not been declared a terrorist organization than,
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we are probably discussing whether this should or should not be done, when the head of this structure openly declares that he, of course , will not take official responsibility, but everything that he says after these words gives... one hundred percent confidence that exactly the sbu carried out a number of terrorist acts, well, of course, there should be direct ideological and legal conclusions from this, but i would like to say that when we see a terrorist act without any demands, this does not mean that these demands do not exist, just these demands a completely different level, in general, terrorism is always an instrument of international politics, it is a method of such terrible, bloody influence. one country to another, here we see exactly the same thing, the only question is what they are trying to lead, push, force our country to, obviously so that we as a whole, as a people,
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carry out someone else’s will, because politics is always to force the enemy follow the interests of someone else, fulfill his will, well, here it seems to me that big geopolitics is the main answer, which stands for -
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says that ukraine is responsible for the terrorist attack. does america have evidence of this? no, and first of all, let me start by saying that what happened in the terrorist attack and the number of people who died is obviously a tragedy and we should all express our condolences to those families. no, there is no evidence and we know that isis is responsible for what happened. corinne jeanpierre, unforgettable. repeated press secretary to the president of the united states of america. we expressed ourselves it is very clear that this was a terrorist attack carried out by isis. mr. putin knows this very well and understands this. there is absolutely no evidence that
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the ukrainian government is in any way connected to this attack. matthew miller, the speaking head of the state department, answered the question about the involvement of at least someone in this act 10 times, but he was occupied with reinforced concrete. i do not have any specific information, i only know what has already been published, however i do not think that this terrorist attack has any connection with ukraine any meaning. ukrainians are not fighting against the russian people, they are fighting against the army that invaded their country. i don't see any connections with ukraine. egil has already taken it.
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conspiracies, regardless of our relationship with them. i remember my uncle's words. he
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said that the best manure sellers carry the goods in their mouths. russian officials seem to be pretty good manure sellers. maria zakharova already answered him. there are no such proverbs in the russian language, because they carry manure in their mouths not here, but overseas. but there is our saying is: whoever hurts, talks about it. by the way, it has now become clear why the expression is common in the states: mouth with soap, well, i must say that i’m afraid even this won’t help, but really, vyacheslav alekseevich, you know, there is a fundamental difference between what russia says and what what the talking heads in the united states say is that russia has conducted an investigation, or rather not not conducted, but is conducting this investigation, and only based on the results of interrogation of those arrested and clarification of the facts. based on the results of this investigations and alexander bortnikov
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’s investigative committee have already begun to talk about the ukrainian trace. the united states began to talk about isis even when the city hall crocus was burning, that is, they already had a prepared version without any basis, and this suggests that they are trying to turn the arrows on a falsely existing existing version, they are trying to divert it.
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and naturally, the question is who benefits from this, well, in the current conditions, the president of russia spoke about this quite clearly and correctly, in the month of ramadan, in conditions when russia is seeking a fair settlement of the palestinian-israeli conflict, well, it is illogical that some islamist forces are striking at russia, the kiev regime is waging a hot war against russia and the collective west is waging a hybrid war, so who needs to destabilize the situation in russia, who needs to strike at
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russian society and country, naturally to them, naturally to them, this is just another act in the chain of crimes that are being committed against our country in a hybrid war, but i must say, in the west many people see in fact, since it is so sewn with white thread, it’s simply impossible not to see it anymore, but i spoke about it very clearly yesterday. and yet, each of them has the gift of clairvoyance, and because they magically know exactly what evidence the russians have, and that ukraine has nothing to do with them. this is complete nonsense and
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the most blatant lie i have ever heard, because instead of a professional approach where they could... say, we don't know who did it, but we we want to work together with the russians, because we disseminated information about the impending terrorist attacks, and now we also want to get to the bottom of the truth, but there is nothing like that. this whole operation was prepared to try to attack and weaken putin, and that the british and americans don't care how many russians died in the process. you know when a central intelligence agency analyst of that level is old.
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counted only on one thing, that he is hiding behind the top officials in the states and in the united states states of america, what happened, having revealed all these preparatory activities, starting to talk in advance about isis, to which in this case in all respects, neither in methods of implementation, nor in approaches, does not correspond in any way, neither friday maghrib, nor the month of ramadan, they are on ...
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the activity from which they also earn money is completely under the control of the united states of america, and the intelligence services of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, the ministry of defense and the intelligence service of ukraine, well, these are full-time cia employees who receive money from there, executing a command, while having the opportunity, well, narcissism and...
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the intelligence services of the united states of america or great britain or together, this is already this, as if in fact the americans already had an answer to the first one on the very first day, kirby immediately stated that , that this is not just an islamic state, but this is an islamic state of kharasan, prohibited organizations. country, but what is this afghan trace? afghanistan, naturally, immediately makes a statement that we have nothing to do with it, we have such an organization on our territory no, here is suhel shaheen, the head of the political office of the taliban, let's listen to him, during the us occupation, supporters of the islamic
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state were present in the eastern and northern parts of afghanistan and in the fight against this group the taliban lost more than 2.0 fighters, but after gaining... independence, we destroyed them, there are no training centers, no recruitment centers, no fundraising centers in afghanistan, they are hiding and have moved their centers outside of afghanistan. there may be some members of khorasan in afghanistan, but you know that khorasan is this is not only afghanistan, it also includes pakistan, india, iran, central asia. we strongly condemn this and we contribute to this cause, we fight against them. that is, this is a statement by the taliban. yes. but good. that means, nevertheless, this one is an islamic state banned in our country, kharasan is actively starting to speak in the media on... they have their own websites, and on authoritative foreign resources, they are starting to prove, no, this is us, this is us, here close to, just in time for isis publications
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annaba writes, let's listen, after after a resounding defeat, russia found no choice but to direct charges of conspiracy against its opponents in the western camp in order to avoid admitting its great failure in the face of the mujahideen. america and europe accuse russia and iran of...
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the wounding of the american air base in bagram, the americans do not allow unverified people either of the company or company employees who are not directly affiliated with them to receive such services, and in addition to security measures, this is also used for so that in the future these people can be was, well, let’s say, giving them certain tasks. that is, this is this kind of asset, well, that is, the americans actually handed over their own agent to us, right? in general, when
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i look at these radiant faces that we have just been shown, denying ukraine’s participation in this terrorist act, i want to ask them a very simple question: who are you? from the point of view of who could report to you, is there? whether ukraine is there or not, these are all speculative judgments based on personal feelings on the political one and who the performer, the customer, and the organizer, of course, could have said this, but such operations are carried out in extremely secretive conditions, when sometimes 5-10, well , a maximum of 15 people know about it, well, plus the performers, but well, they don’t report to kirby, they don’t report to everyone else who say: that’s it, guys, what are you doing? it’s like in a german toilet there is such a note: come closer to the urinal, you have too high an opinion of yourself,
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it seems to me that they should point this out too, because in principle they are too high opinions about themselves believe that everything is reported to them, so on the basis of these reports they make a decision, a very important point related to the fact that we are now all trying to take ukraine out of the game, but we remember the great patriotic war.. they don’t try to take part, they didn’t even offer to take part in the investigation, we were always even from boston - when it was in boston.


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