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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  March 30, 2024 8:05pm-9:00pm MSK

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me from the smoke, when i fell, when we ran to save ourselves, i fell, lost consciousness, he pulled me out, i am also grateful to the traffic police, who helped us along the way, when i fainted, the hospital named after inozemtsev, to all the doctors who helped us there met, many thanks to the psychologists who worked with us, on my birthday i was discharged from the hospital, how would i... i express my deep gratitude to everyone for their support, all the people still call, asking how we are, what we are, i’m very sorry that there are many dead, i express my condolences to the relatives, to the kids who are there... thank you, i know what
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to say, hello, my family, loved ones, caring people who have gathered here today, i am the head of a small family, it so happened that we... on that fateful day also ended up in the crocus , thanks to the lord we managed to escape, we ran out of the crocus and here our family was overtaken by the same white reno of the terrorists, my little son ilya suffered the most, he flew 5 m away, literally 100 m from here, he lay without breathing. thank you very much to all caring people, ordinary people, our relatives. who provided
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first aid, who found a free ambulance, thanks to those doctors who worked their magic on him all night, thank god, the second operation has already taken place, he was transferred from intensive care to his sister, now i think the worst is behind me, i want to take this opportunity to express my words sincere gratitude to all doctors, all magicians. from the spiransky children's clinical hospital, my little son is a hockey player, it was a revelation to me how close-knit the hockey community is, my wife and i are really amazed at how it has become as a single monolith, our entire country from kaliningrad to vladivostok in the literal sense, we receive daily support from clubs such as kaliningrad yantar.
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admirals from vladivostok, our grandees, cska , spartak, dynamo, torpeda, guys, low bow, you can’t imagine how it treats my son when he sees idols who say hello to him, who help, who come to the hospital, give up everything my business, preparing for the playoffs, guys, you have no idea, i want to end with the words of the hero from the cult film brother, i learned that i have... a huge family is you, low bow to you, condolences to all those who died.
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i had this idea that... you know, this is what, in principle, these perpetrators were framed, set up , and either they had to be destroyed, or they could have been captured, why? because look, since all the performers
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have pronounced asian, let’s say, features, this is a picture, this is a picture that, as it were, allows for, well , look, this is, these are... not ukrainians, these are not slavs, these are not, not, not christians , these are muslims, these are, these are tajiks, this, this, this is obvious, that they should have been connected with isis with... and with terrorists from the middle east, that is, how do i it seems that there was a certain intention in this, which they use today, that is, they say: well, here’s the name, here’s the person, look, well, he ’s not ukrainian, and the russians say, well, you never know what the russians say, they were tortured, they were forced to confess, that is , it seems to me that this is also the strategy that they are leading in this matter.
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man, it occurred to him that this situation could be used
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to give impetus to some better relations than those that existed between moscow and washington at that time. this is how rodald reagan behaved, and now look how mr. biden behaves. okay, let's talk about what happened in crocos hall. mikhail sergeevich golikov, artistic director and chief conductor, is with us now. international symphony orchestra tavrichesky, and you were just there with your orchestra, absolutely that’s right, and please share your main impressions, well, first of all, of course, on behalf of all those who survived, i want to express my deepest condolences to the relatives, and we monstrously grieve all those who could not get out of there, because we understand perfectly well, probably for a long time there will be these impressions, feelings inside - will remain about how we managed to get out, i honestly
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admit, there are a lot of them, probably, some still need to lie down a little and achieve their maturity, or something, but today i in general i remember very vividly how lucky i was, how you found out that i was lucky, yes, i was lucky in that my dressing room, by coincidence, turned out to be the closest to the fire, and... that this is not a firecracker, not a firecracker, this is a shot, here’s a single shot, taking advantage of the fact that
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next to me, right in my dressing room, there was an exit to the faye, i quickly looked out there and saw the following picture: a crowd of people trying to get into these service premises from the faye, a service corridor, a security guard is holding them back trying to calm them down , says: everything is fine, we’ll figure it out now, don’t panic, and i looked over his shoulder and saw just a rushing crowd there, after that there was an instant sound of... to be honest, at that moment i had only one thought, to urgently run to the stage, gather my orchestra, there are about 65 people who need urgently bring others out to help them. there were no thoughts , i ran - i ran to the stage, because there was still a certain distance to it, along the way in the corridors, meeting some of my musicians who simply had not yet reached the stage, i asked urgently if anyone was delayed in the dressing rooms, call everyone from the dressing rooms to the stage, i gathered people on the stage and asked them to be here until my orders, i honestly admit,
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i’m still in some kind of amazing state, uh.
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to get at least some moments of understanding of what will happen next, whether the service entrance has been seized , whether we can get out of here, hostage-taking is possible, then it would be better to go down there to the underground rooms in the technical ones, from which there may be an exit to the parking lot, and you had some idea about the configuration of this place, about the exit options, it was very fragmented, i knew how the dressing rooms were located, i knew where there were technical rooms, if there were exits to the parking lot, i
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honestly didn’t know at that moment, but i understood that it would be necessary, so we’ll find it, but. .. after 30 seconds, literally all my doubts were dispelled, when behind the curtain that separated us from the stage and the audience, who had already half filled the hall at that moment, if not more, machine gun fire was heard, it was already completely clearly audible, here already everyone trembled, a roar was heard, the crowd rushed to this curtain, trying, because there was the only possible place for the audience to evacuate, here i commanded the musician, we ran quickly to the service entrance and began to kick everyone off the stage, and you knew where the service entrance was, yes, of course, i knew where the service entrance was, moreover,
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i was very surprised that only one door was open at the service entrance, the rest were wrapped with a metal band, in response to my calls for security, please open the second door, the answer was, why, this astonishment, of course, the amazing behavior of some people in this situation also affected me, but fortunately all the musicians went out into the street and i gathered them in a separate
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place away from the crowd, there was such a wonderful intersection with a guard booth, who were not there, but with who at least... had a good look at the perimeter of the territory, one could understand how the situation would develop further there, gathered his guys from the crowd, thank god, they were all in black and some of them even managed to grab tools, although many of the tools were unfortunately, the stage remained and burned irrevocably, and after that we already left past the metro, i said we don’t go into the metro, because it’s dangerous, there’s a crush, there’s a possibility of provocation, we left through the cable-stayed bridge there to krasnogorka, now i saw it here... footage the temple where the service took place today, this is the temple that here it is, here it is right now on the screen, this is the temple that became our salvation, it was in it that i succeeded...
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to you and your colleagues for what you saved in such a terrible situation , presence of mind, but as for how who behaved there, the investigation is just beginning, i want to be very, very careful here, of course, because the last thing i want is to cast a shadow on people who either suffered themselves, or perhaps did everything in their power and... very often in such cases, first impressions , well, let's say, are not the most reliable, but of course, i not only have no doubt, but i
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know that the investigation will deal with a wide range of issues, and not only those who ordered the crime , and not only those who and how he committed it, and of course, how all the services and security worked. dimitri, two , two more words, can i say, you know, lately in our society there have been a lot of such negative arrows towards the creative intelligentsia, here is your guest, the creative intelligentsia, the most real thing they have, look, i just bow in front of your courage, how you behaved, because...
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to maintain presence of mind and not rush to rush at each other, we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes
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, we’ll talk to vladimir alekseevich chizhov, first deputy chairman of the federation council committee, the defense committee, and for many years the russian ambassador to the european union, i would very much like to receive, vladimir, your assessment of how... crocus general pain, 9 days since terrorists attacked city hall, memorial service at the site of the tragedy, to the spontaneous memorial, people continue to wear flowers, strong and fearless. ilya krasnikov was one of the first to leave the burning building, but returned to save others. attacks on military factories, arsenals and bases
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of ukrainian mercenary fighters. weekly summary of the progress of the svo. the power has tripled. defense minister sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled in the altai territory, at the enterprise where ammunition components are produced. folk cinema about the fate of man, 50 years of vasily shukshin’s drama, kalina krasnaya. there's a big game on the air. so, senator, what do you think, western? let's say, a somewhat peculiar reaction to the terrorist attack, a truly peculiar reaction, and, probably, for
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the uninitiated viewer. somewhat surprising to the listener, although for specialists, among them, which i try to attribute to myself is unlikely, this is a big surprise, and what we hear from washington, from other western capitals, is the so-called false flag operation (and the fact that the reaction followed immediately does not indicate in favor of its persuasiveness, on the contrary, to declare, firstly, that this is isis, and secondly, that in any case, even if it is not isis, then this is not ukraine, this speaks for itself, but if according to the laws of logic,
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elementary , if you... say that this is not ukraine, then you have confirmation information that this is not ukraine, the same applies to isis, now the handwriting of isis is well known in recent years, alas, they have shown themselves at various crossroads of our planet, and the current terrorist attack, of course, does not fit into this in any way, just as it does not fits in. the behavior of the performers, well, where have you seen an attack by a group of people, be it terrorists or even just robbers and bandits, an attack by a group of people, after which they all hide together in one car, well, the elementary rule is to disperse for a while and lie down, like it says in
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in this case, no, therefore... i agree with kooryevich that their fate was probably destined to either die in a shootout, or escape somewhere where they would continue to be promoted, and the fact that some in our country, in particular, criticize , first of all, our law enforcement agencies and special services , what is it like, they left there for 376 km, this may be - you need to see a certain meaning, and the direction, absolutely right, if they were taken there near the moscow ring road, then it would have been it would be unclear where they were going, but so it is absolutely obvious that their path lay in ukraine, then, and...
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i’m not even talking about the international situation, talking about isis kharasan, and kharasan is a region, well, it’s sort of located between afghanistan’s neighboring countries, but is based in afghanistan, of course, this unit gil, what reasons did he have, what motives to attack russia, right now. no one has yet given a convincing answer to this. of course, the investigation will continue, and i am sure that in the end we will know the full picture happened, then the entire western reaction of recent days will look, well, i would say, politically correct, then grotesque. as for isis. kharastan, as
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you know, this organization is not new for russia, yeah, it’s not new for the united states either, and it’s interesting that this organization is known. when the united states was still in that this is a person who, recently,
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in afghanistan, that he worked with such a person, with marshal dostum, who was the vice president of afghanistan, has been known since the times. presence in afghanistan and this a completely unique person, he was in everyone’s country, yeah, and as they say, he changed his loyalty depending on the situation. there were allegations that, among other things, when he was in opposition to the soviet union, that he collaborated with the cia. these statements were not made by the kgb.
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somehow poke fun at putin’s russia, but it seems to me that they lacked intelligence and tact, also not to behave as russophobic as the biden administration is behaving, why are they doing this?
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dmitry, well, again, i’m expressing my opinion, which is based on the fact that i i hear and see in the media and what i hear behind closed doors... and what the american professors say, this reaction from washington is explained primarily not by the fact that they are trying to somehow protect ukraine in this situation, they they are trying to protect themselves, because if we remember the story of what happened with alkaida, for example, who ultimately raised osama binladen, who carried out the greatest terrorist attack, perhaps, in the entire history of mankind. of course, we will remember that at first, america tried to raise an ally , yes, who would oppose the ussr , then it turned out that this ally turned in their direction, because in essence, terrorism
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is a weapon of mass destruction that does not know nationalities, now in fact the united states is in a state where they realize that by turning a blind eye to certain... what is happening in ukraine, it is getting out of control, kiev is completely uncontrollable, and if this connection is psychological, yes, we will say that the investigation is still underway, the final results have not been announced, this connection, if it continues as a narrative in the american information space, it will negatively affect the biden administration, and... trump and other republicans who are now actively
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trying to regain their place in the white house, of course, will use this story, and i can tell you that i, too, have been in washington for a long time and i have never seen such a reaction to an attack on russian territory, and what happened, for example, with the egyptian plane, the americans did not react so actively, the americans on the... for example, you can ask ambassador antonov, they came and left their notes in the book of condolences, that is, they are now trying in every possible way to abstract themselves from this story, to show that they have a negative attitude towards everything , trying to show that no, they are not to blame at all in what happened in krokos , because i repeat, it seems to me that the issue here is not just in ukraine, the point is that the united states is afraid that...
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well, it seems to me that this opinion has already been voiced here, in society, they actively talk about it, to take these attackers, whom we see now on all the screens, as professional terrorists, considering what i saw in the hall itself moments before the evacuation, this is probably very strange, random shooting, some completely.
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enter the hall in which there were more than 5 thousand spectators, plus the participants on stage, we would not have had a single chance to resist even five armed men, it would have been much more...
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to apply this idea that isis is behind this terrorist attack, even from a simple point of view completely philistine, so i’m not a political scientist, not an expert of special services, analysts compared to the examples that i know. senator, i have a question about the extent to which the united states, maybe some other western intelligence agencies, shared information with their russian...
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provided such data to their russian, well, let's say, partners, at least a partner in this situation, data that could be operationally useful to prevent a terrorist attack, and you know, well, firstly, not only the cia, i would go there to the pentagon
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related, even the minister of defense goes to the hospital without informing the president, but... well , in this case, they are now referring to one degree or another in everyone refers to the announcement that the us embassy in moscow posted on its website on march 7, but this the warning was not addressed to the russian authorities, not to the russian special services, it was a warning.
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made a statement that no warnings, no signals were received through his line, well, in this case i can refer to my experience of working with the european union, the last document that we were able to agree upon before the collapse of our relations was an updated joint document on cooperation in the fight against... this
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is already somewhat inconvenient, because i actively pressured him to tell as much as possible about the information that was conveyed americans, and he is quite. he rightly told me that the special services transfer information to the special services, this is the statement made by general bortnikov, and i wanted to be absolutely
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sure that we would hear from him if there were even the slightest transfers of information to him and his embassy, ​​which would have warned them about the danger, but there were no such broadcasts, in moscow , i repeat, you know better than me that there are people in the russian government, in various departments, who from time to time, when they need something, call them, american colleagues and make some requests or pay attention to something, i was told that there were no such calls to moscow either, well , of course, you can say that there are certain procedures, these kinds of calls, well, how can i say , they did not fit into these procedures.
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so he took my hand and put something in it, uh-huh, well, naturally, when he walked away, i looked, and it was written in russian: look at the second table on the left, greetings from jeni, well, i i looked, but i kind of assumed that something like that could happen, and... in general it worked out, but then i met the person who gave me this note, many, many years later, i
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met him in moscow, and he was already a general, and i asked him why he did it, someone assigned it to him, he said no, no one assigned it to me, and i didn’t even talk about it later reported, because it would be like a violation of discipline, and... then this is not forgotten, it really makes an impression not only in terms of accepting some kind of abomination, but also
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causes an appropriate reaction, if you want, for your future relations with those people with a country that behaves this way. koron georgievich, your last word. i still don’t quite agree with your respected expert that the americans are not
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worried about ukraine, that is, it is clear that they are worried about themselves, but this is something so common, but still, it is obvious to them now that they are saving ukraine, because you understand, well, okay, our emotions, if ukraine’s participation is absolutely irrefutably proven... it is becoming more and more obvious, yesterday there was a message about what was found evidence that the money came from ukraine has already happened, but this in itself is a fact that speaks of a direct connection between this, but this, of course, can greatly change the entire public opinion, world public opinion, even with the powerful information attack that americans they do it, because after all, dealing with a terrorist state is a story that no one wants to deal with, then they’ll start asking: how are you supplying weapons to a state that
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is engaged in terrorist acts, yeah. very good position in the islamic world, very good, in principle, russia clearly supports muslims in israel today. in
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the conflict between the palestinians and the israelis, so to speak, that is, russia demonstrates its, its support for the islamic world in everything, but in in this terrorist attack there is also a motive to destroy this connection, which is absolutely clearly taking shape today, which is very important for us, because of course the islamic world is a powerful multi-billion-population country, so it seems to me that in this terrorist attack there is also such a motive that ...
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memorial day is on the first. from the whole country, hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. general pain, 9 days since terrorists attacked the croc in city hall. panekhida in place. minutes of silence and symphony orchestra concert under the direction of valery gergiev. strong stance, fearless. is there anyone? is there anyone? ilya krasnikov was one of the first to leave the burning building, but returned.


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