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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm MSK

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memorial day, on the first, with the whole country. hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva. briefly about the main thing. general pain, 9 days since terrorists attacked crocus cityhall. ponykhida at the site of the tragedy, a minute of silence and a concert of the symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev. strong stand, fearless, there is, there is, who! ilya krasnikov was one of the first to leave the burning building, but returned. to save
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others. attacks on military factories, arsenals and bases of ukrainian mercenary militants. weekly summary of the progress of the svo. tripled the power? defense minister sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled in the altai territory at the enterprise where ammunition components are produced. folk cinema about the fate of man, 50 years of vasily shukshin’s drama, the film kalina krasnaya. the pain that united the whole country. 9 days since terrorists attacked kroku city hall. a monstrous crime that claimed 144 lives. and here are the photographs of those who will never return home again and will forever remain in our memory. in our hearts, the terrorist attack destroyed
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dozens of families, among the dead there are children, the victims of terrorists were people of different generations, different nationalities, different professions, they all went to a rock concert that evening, no one thought that it would all end like this, the cruelty of the attackers is shocking, indiscriminate shooting, in fact , point-blank, the goal is to kill as many people as possible, for this purpose the militants are included...
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and the victims, so that they recover as quickly as possible. in the evening, a minute of silence was announced, after which the concert of the symphony orchestra began valeria gergiev. our correspondent, konstantin, works all day at kroku city hall. now he is in direct contact with the studio of the vremya program.
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despite the late hour and despite the fact that it is raining outside, people come here to honor the memory of the dead, bring flowers, toys, lamps, notes and just stand in silence, think about those who are no longer with us. 144 people are on the list of dead, according to the latest data, today all the thoughts of those gathered, of course, are about them. today about an hour ago here at the crocus walls city held a small concert, it didn’t even start at 8 pm, but a few minutes before, there is a certain symbolism in this, because it was exactly 2 minutes before 8. o'clock in the evening on friday the twenty -second, the first shots were heard near the crocus city building, then the first dead and the first wounded, but today at this very time there is a minute of silence, someone will say that this is a coincidence, but today we have been working all day crocus, all day long the low gray sky... only at this
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very time, when the metronome sounded, the sky rained down here, here on the crocus, on the people gathered at the people's memorial, many people who generally did not know that there would be some kind of concert, some kind of requiem, just came... remained everywhere to honor the memory, not we dispersed, stood in the rain, listened to music, music by prokofiev, performed by the bolshoi theater orchestra under the direction of valery gergiev. all this did not last very long, the words received today first of all, of course, were those who survived the terrorist attack, one of them is igor tolpykin. the whole country knows the story of the tolpykin family, who came to the concert, independently, safely, and evacuated at the very moment when they left the building. were in the parking lot, crossing the road, the four of them, together with his wife olga and son ilya, as well as daughter irina, the terrorists’ car, which at that moment was leaving the crocus building at high speed, flew into the family, perhaps deliberately, especially violently children suffered, like me, we are following his fate, and he received
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severe fractures of the legs, collarbones, open trauma, traumatic brain injury, chest injury... chock is also getting better, she had minor injuries, but the main problem is natural, the stress she experienced, now psychologists are working with her, her condition is much better, another
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survivor of the terrorist attack today got the word, her name is natalya skisova, a completely different story, she was in the hall, could not evacuate on her own and was there at the moment when the shooting was already going on and the building was on fire. she several other people with her, who were in the same group, were saved thanks to the security guard of crocus city, let's call his name alexey osanushkov. she talked about him more than once today. this man led the group out in different ways, tried to lead the group out through corridors, somewhere they were hindered by shooting terrorists, somewhere then flames in basements, corridors interfered, trying to break in, breaking open closed doors, somewhere unlocking with keys, he took a very long time to lead this group out, into at some point natalya, whom we met today, she already says that in general she did not believe in her salvation. lost consciousness and was saying goodbye to life, but this man, a security guard, let’s say his name again, alexey asanushko, still brought natalia and the group of people who were with him out, he himself almost died, lost consciousness, and now natalya says that being in good health now, she directs all her prayers to
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her savior, because he is in a very difficult emotional state after what he experienced, and of course today natalya spoke only about him... well, kind of in poor condition, he understands that he didn’t get all the people out, he couldn’t get them out because he himself was hurt, he also suffocated, it turns out they pumped him out and he ran after us, people continue to come here right now before our eyes to the people's memorial with flowers, with toys, right now this is happening and has been happening today throughout the day, here today we observed the owners of crocus city, the agalarov family, they also laid flowers, and after...
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not only praying, priests visiting the victims , visit relatives, victims died, because the consolation of a priest is a lot, very often a priest can help where no one
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can help, a psychologist cannot help, although everyone helps, everyone together, this is repeated, probably the most important thing, i considered it my duty to come , to honor the memory of our large family. our large family, because the losses were very great, the generation was older, adults, there were people of different ages, those who were older, that means... there were children left, children left without parents, i’m talking about a big the family of our country, our homeland, this is my close friend and my godchildren, a friend from kindergarten, they suffocated, and adima’s father has not yet been found, people began to gather here a few hours before the memorial service in the morning, all 9 days for a spontaneous memorial to croc city hall people bring flowers and wreaths. photographs of the dead, notes from different cities, from different countries, the whole country is mourning,
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god forbid anyone to find themselves in such a situation when you understand how mothers died in an embrace with their children, they understood that they could not help us in any way, sorry, these are the angels of children those who died in this tragedy, we made them with our own hands, let it be... some kind of piece. today, about 130 representatives of the diplomatic mission and international organizations, ambassadors, consuls, secretaries, and military press officers arrived at the scene of the tragedy to honor the memory of those killed, expressing words of support for our country. after beijing received information about what happened in the moscow region, the chairman of the state of china first sent his telegram to the president, mr. putin. this tragedy is not only for russia, it is such a tragedy for our
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planet, and the kind, fair people of the whole world, together with the russians, we, together with the russian people, are confident that we will definitely defeat terrorism, no matter where they are, many diplomats arrived with their families, we honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence, we we are going to lay flowers to honor the memory of all our russian friends who died in this terrible tragedy, we also wish a speedy recovery to all the wounded, we wish stability and prosperity to all of russia. we condemn this terrorist act and express our sympathy, we wish that the souls of the victims rest in peace and that the wounded recover quickly. we believe that russia, where all believers live together and defend this country together, will enjoy peace and prosperity. there were diplomats from unfriendly countries, security measures have been strengthened along the entire perimeter
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of the crocus fence, people enter through the metal detector, dog handlers patrol the territory, some of those who escaped during the terrorist attack in crocus only today found the strength to take personal belongings left in the wardrobe. i ran out very early because neither the ambulance nor the fire department had yet arrived, but i want to say that the people who were with me, i want to wish them health, happiness, because many helped me, i was just without...
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well, we are a strong country, we we will cope, today we pray for the victims and those who protect us first. marad khabibulin, andrey
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sachuk, yulia khodorova, sergey prokofiev, channel one. actions in memory of the victims of tragedies throughout the country today. in pyatigorsk , a memorial appeared in victory park on the alley of cities of heroes near the moscow sign. in vladivostok people gathered in the central square, lit lamps, from which they composed a word. the skorbin candle in yekaterinburg is exactly 144 according to the number of victims of the monstrous attack, and this is footage from nizhny novgorod, people came to honor the memory of the victims, among whom were children. including representatives of the first movement, our new regions are mourning along with all of russia. in donetsk in the evening they also lit candles and bowed their heads in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus. is it possible to measure human courage and dedication, especially when everything around is blazing, exploding and it is unclear what will happen next,
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it is not clear in the first minute what happened at all. suddenly, life is divided into before and after. ilya. doesn’t usually show them simply because there is no one to film them at such a moment, but ilya filmed, understanding how important it is, an eyewitness testimony in the thick of it, when our correspondent asked him what was the worst thing, he answered: he perceived someone else’s pain as his own , so he returned to this crocus over and over again, each time he went out with someone to whom he gave new life. is there anyone, is there anyone?
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literally the first seconds after the terrorists left the crocus, everything was on fire, we urgently needed to save those who remained alive. help here, help, help! help! we see these terrible images thanks to this man, ilya krasnikov, who turned on the phone camera and kept it in his breast pocket. he managed to get out of the crocus in the first minutes of the terrorist attack, but lost his friends in the crowd and decided to return for them. i moved against the flow of people, and having walked there up to 30 m, i almost approached... the kusovny path i saw a girl who was being carried by her husband, what is it, wait, help, the girl’s right leg near the knee was injured, a lot of heavy bleeding was visible, and this girl’s husband and i began to carry her towards the pavshin floodplain, carried her to the corner, someone running said that there
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was a paramedic station somewhere ahead, where the woman was given... first aid, then taken by helicopter to botkin, she would quickly recover and would send greetings from the hospital to the person who could not get through past, but that will happen later, that’s what ilya saw next on that terrible day, a young man is doing cardiac massage and artificial respiration of a girl in white clothes, i offered him my help, he told me, after measuring the pulse, i measured the pulse, the pulse was weak , but, but there was, i remember telling him. we’re working, that’s it, he continued to do, to massage, at that moment an ambulance drove up behind me, the terrorists had just left the building, ambulances and security vehicles were rushing towards crocus, through this hole in the glass there were guys, security guards in black clothes, because the guards immediately understood, they were carrying out a wounded man, he was also in black clothes, he had a wound above the knee of his left leg, i
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was helping, i took the guy by the legs too, we carried him through the fragments, gave him to the doctors, there seemed to be no further thoughts it was, i realized that i was needed here, and then i ran into the building, it was already difficult to breathe in the fire, but ilya and several other men did not pay attention to this, they ran from person to person, someone was dragged, someone was dragged in my arms, i remember the situation when i ran into the elevator lobby behind the escalator, and i i see that people are lying among them, a girl in...
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look, the painkiller girl, killed now from shock, lost with the painkiller, give me an injection, i’ll inject myself, give me an injection, i inject myself, i know how, medical instructor, girls, reconnaissance battalion, i can do everything, i can, come on, he offers his help to everyone he meets on the way, finds words for them, carefully trying to understand what state people are in, where their relatives may be, everything is fine, don’t worry, everything is fine, where is the husband, children yes, no, children at home, what are their names?
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the first floor is essentially a basement, and there was already it’s impossible to be there because of the smoke, rescuers are in protective suits, ilya is the second man without people, there is something there, yes, it’s a closed room, i don’t know, voices were heard behind the door, come on, dozens of people are walled up in this technical room, perhaps because going from where they came meant burning alive, the second door was closed from the outside, they felt for that door, help, knock down the door, help, they broke down this door one by one, running out periodically to breathe, and seeing that
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there were people there, they decided to spread out according to the distance , in order to take these people upstairs, there were about a hundred people there, you separated them, yes, i stood at the turn to the escalator, left onto the escalator, left onto the escalator, people were already on that... encourage them to run to the exit here, go up to the left , get up, even when it’s already very dangerous to be in the building, ilya once again goes around the second floor, leaving on the escalator he meets a man, everything is fine, you, everything is fine with you, parents, where are you talking, let’s go, one is in the second toilet, i checked toilet and no one there.
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went into the toilet room, passed, well, no one in front of his eyes, i walked through another toilet, didn’t find it there, ran out, i had to tell him that his parents were waiting for him on the street, and i began to lead him to the exit, helped again, then quietly went out, caught a taxi, went home, friends unsubscribed. situation, he was crying, yes, and what did you do, hug him, hug him, let's go, let's go,
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let's go, come here, i'm with you, go, they're on the street, they're on the street, i'm telling you, olga knyazeva, roman mikhailenko , nikita chupin, maria mortanova and sergey klishin, channel one, it’s that simple, don’t be afraid, i’m with you, he was with them all this time, all this time. immediately after the tragedy , ambulance teams fought for the lives and health of the victims, provided assistance on the spot as quickly as possible, and transported patients to the best clinics. according to the health department, 98 victims have already been discharged from hospitals, another 69 people remain in hospitals, 17 of them in serious or extremely serious condition. the investigation into the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk near moscow is ongoing around the clock , how is the work progressing, including with the accused at the crime scene, today discussed... to establish the entire circle of accomplices, and most importantly, the organizers
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of those who ordered the attack. investigators are working with victims, collecting evidence about the circumstances of the crime, the identities of 134 victims have already been established, and genetic examinations are ongoing. now the main operation of the special operation is over in a week. one massive 57 group.
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repelled 64 enemy counterattacks in the areas of the settlements of semyonovka, orlovka, novgorodskaya, umanskaya, nitaylova, pervomaiskaya, tonenkoe and berdychi of the donetsk people's republic. during the circuit battery during the battle, 30 field artillery guns were hit , including five us-made m-777 howitzers, a us-made m109 paladin self-propelled artillery mount, and a self-propelled artillery mount.
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altai region, visited the technodinamika plant, where they produce parts for cruise missiles, rockets and anti-aircraft ammunition. the minister stated that, in general, the state defense order is being fulfilled, and in some areas it is being exceeded, but there is still work to be done. more details about everything alexander lyakin. robotic machines they manufacture the most critical parts; only the final assembly and quality control are performed by humans. these are components primarily for aviation ammunition. concerno tekhnodinamika plant in altai. the region is in the process of modernization and in just 2 years the volume of output here has increased by 3 times, but the army needs even more, the country has allocated a huge amount of money so that you can produce here what we need, a huge amount of money has been allocated, everyone is paying attention, everyone is doing everything to ensure that this equipment comes here, and you have such a quantity, here it costs more than thirty, three adjusters, what are you
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setting up here, they have to work in three shifts. the concern's employees ' salaries have been increased by 30%, which is higher than the industry average in the altai territory. 24:7, we try, or 24, 6 days a week, several shifts allow us not to violate labor laws, but the machines practically do not turn off. the concern has more than thirty enterprises throughout the country; they produce the most modern types of weapons. sergei shaigu walks along the production lines. you won’t immediately understand what exactly is being collected here. all these details will soon take their place in cruise missiles, rockets and anti-aircraft ammunition. new workshops are being built nearby, but not as quickly as we would like. place this design bureau here so that it sits here on the site, sits on the site. the second
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look at the examination, and come to an agreement, that is, they worked faster, we have three facilities here, the examination has been going on for 3 months, recruitment of employees is underway for new assembly lines, the staff of the enterprise has already been doubled, there is a training center here to prepare your own specialists, rather than looking for them on the side. by decision of the president, a large-scale program for technical modernization, re-equipment, technical re-equipment was launched, in almost all areas. defense-industrial complex, production of weapons, ammunition, both for rocket artillery and for our own artillery, of course aviation ammunition, the first is that the funds have been allocated in full, the second, all the equipment that we need has been purchased for this decision, the third is for everything objects purchased available construction material. modernization and expansion of production concerns all the most
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popular ones. which transform a conventional aerial bomb into a precision-guided munition capable of traveling several tens of kilometers to a target. and in addition, cruise missiles, primarily aviation ones, are constantly being improved, their accuracy is increasing, as well as the weight of the warhead. alexander lyakin, artyom pekhterev, channel one. women's revolt in the khmelnitsky region of ukraine. they stood up for their husbands, brothers and sons against the general mobilization. war to the last ukrainians require new human resources. this time the draft hunters were in trouble, and there are more and more such cases. enraged women surrounded the official car and smashed the windshield . an employee of the local military registration and enlistment office cowardly fled for his life, and then the ludolovs, as they were called in ukraine, complained to the police, saying they were subjected to an aggressive attack.
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arrived in odessa. president of the french national assembly, yael bron pivet. the city leaders with whom she met and representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, for some reason it was she who was asked to close the sky over odessa, and discussed the supply of weapons and training of the ukrainian military in... france. let me remind you that earlier president macron did not rule out the possibility of sending ground forces of western countries to ukraine, and the number of this contingent could be 2,000 people. it is possible that they want to station the french military in the odessa area, in the event that they are nevertheless sent to ukraine. however, not everyone in france shares the warlike spirit of their president. they even began to sound psychiatric terms such as "npd" narcissistic personality disorder. the topic will be continued by the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev in the odnak program. however, hello, macron’s repeated bellicose calls to send troops to ukraine caused
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a nervous reaction among the allies, some even began to fear a nuclear war, which is actually good for health, the french reacted especially nervously, the former defense minister compared macron to the king. when you were not allowed out of the castle with the courtiers for 7 years, you lose touch with reality and you give free rein to arrogance. emmanuel macron is a narcissist, and like a true narcissist, he always creates meaningless provocations. another proof of this was the ridiculous photographs of the president as a boxer. we are talking about a photoshop in which macron presented himself in the image of a pumped-up match, which naturally caused a stir.
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spain does not plan to send troops to ukraine, and not a single country plans to do this, not a single country, i mean france too, this is called keep me five, otherwise i can’t vouch for myself, only... hold it tight. it is believed that macron’s bold idea, in addition to the baltic ciliates, was supported by poland. with all the love the poles have for russia, this is a strong attraction. this is how radok sekorski, one might say, the chronic head of the polish foreign ministry, even reacted to
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the idea of ​​inviting ukraine to nato. if ukraine had been invited and received security guarantees. this would be an invitation to go to war with russia. i doubt public opinion. in most european countries, including poland, they are ready for this, but here it is a matter of honor, there is nothing to pull, you need to take the whip and enter the cage with full responsibility, here you go, we completely trust you, who am i, where, into the cage, big comrade, thank you for your trust, but i, but i have a number, they have a number , poland feels like a beneficiary of the decline of germany...
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we continue the 50th anniversary of vasily shukshin’s film, which immediately entered the treasury of russian cinema and had a huge impact on the consciousness of millions of people. a film about the fate of a person, kalina krasnaya. there is not a single random line in this film, nor one random gesture. shukshin measured everything, so to speak, down to the millimeter. and he himself played in this film, which is called breaking, no second takes, the first time and to the very heart, to the very soul. that’s why the audience said that the film went to those corners of the heart where just a movie wouldn’t reach, but more than a movie, definitely, that’s how shukshina filmed kalina.


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