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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 31, 2024 1:35am-2:21am MSK

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i met it very differently, yes, it happened to me differently, not every time differently, i can’t say that it’s always the same according to the same scenario, no, of course, but fasting is such a thing, somehow if you enter into it that’s right, and sometimes you don’t even want to go out, you don’t want to, but how can you put it that way, well, it’s not easter after all, you know, fasting is not a diet, if we’re talking about food, but prayer, and so here you are. .. i, in general, as they say, don’t celebrate, i’m interested, after all, it’s lent, great lent, just like christmas, by the way, these are memories of those days that the savior spent in the desert in some sense, in some sense, but this is still a later reading, so to speak, because it often happens with us that a certain tradition appears, and then we tailor some content to it, and tell us then, because i actually read that somewhere by the 5th century, lent was already established in the ancient church, after all, this was connected with the institution of the catechumen. that
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is, those people who were preparing to accept baptism, and accordingly, for the sake of this event, these people, well, somehow they spent a certain period in fasting and prayer, in order to approach baptism so consciously and ready, and then gradually it spread to the entire church, like something like this a sign of solidarity, or rather as a kind of sign of solidarity with these people, but then it became mandatory, and then it was protected by canons, i would still like... some things may be formal, but important, to say, here we are we’re talking about 49 days, yes, but the actual fasting is 6 weeks, and holy week, which seems to have ended the fast, but not in the sense that we are starting to break our fast, yes, in the sense that the hundredth week is a special period of preparation, and i even think, dear friends, maybe we are separate let's talk about this period, because there is, there is something to talk about, but there are some...
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it is considered. efrim sirin, well here too, i don’t want to go into these historical excursions now and to what extent it belongs to him. yes, well, the church says that this is his prayer, and he is one of scetes-mystics of the early christian era, this is a prayer, i think it is important, because not only during lent, it simply expresses those christian aspirations that we should have in general, so to speak, within the framework of our christian life, those aspirations which should... well, one of our
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revered elders said that in this prayer, in general, the entire gospel is all orthodoxy, just in case, let me remember it, yes, and we read it in church slavonic, but in general, it seems to me that everything is clear, yes, lord lord of my life, that is, of my life, yes, but the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk will not be in darkness, yes, that is, save me. yes, from these characteristics: the spirit of chastity, moderate wisdom, patience of love, grant me to your servant, that is, grant me to your servant, by the lord, the king, grant me to see my sins and not condemn, do not condemn my brother, for he is blessed forever and ever, amen. in general, it seems to me that everything is clear, but why did you say here that it is not only for lent, why seraphim vyrevsky, in my opinion, said this, he was such a... ascetic, yes, that all
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orthodoxy, all the gospel, is in her, and i am inclined to agree, but why do i say that she is always important, and these words seem to coincide with the opinion of the mentioned venerable seraphim, well, because these are the conditions from which we ask to be delivered and those virtues that we ask to be given, they are actually essential for us, not only during great lent, these 7 weeks, well, 6.7 weeks, here, but also... in general, always in our life, because somehow without them i think, it’s hard for a christian to exist in this world, vika, vladyka said, by the way, i didn’t know this fact, unfortunately, not all local churches read this prayer aloud, but it seems to me that in our church, yes, when they read it, it’s so special, you experience this experience, really with bows, how does it resonate with you, do you? some kind of experience of mine,
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maybe something related to this prayer in church or outside, i like to go to church during the first days of lent, and i try to stand up for it all, but i wanted to. to say that there is the prophet zechariah, who lived 500 years before the appearance of christ, he has a similar prayer, and this saying in our family’s home stands right at the entrance, and rarely do any of the guests pay attention, but there are such ascetics, one might say , attentive, and practically everything is said there, i can even read it, the court is righteous, judge, and mercy is sought. behold , do not do violence to every man against his brother, the widow, the sir, the stranger, the wretched, and let him not remember the malice of every one of his brothers. in your hearts, listen, why is it in your house? my husband, when he started his
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business, bandits came in the nineties, wanted to take away this business, and he asked them for time until the morning, he left for optina, he had his spiritual mentor there , but... i didn’t find him, i accidentally met some monk, well, in the darkness then optino optina was reborn, but it was dark there and he told him that today is the day the icons quench my sadness, i otherwise said that yes, pray, go pray, he prayed all night and returned to the office in the morning, and the bandits seemed to pretend that they had come here on another issue, they separated, my husband... very curious, insinuating, exploring, he began to study what was written there in the baby christ scroll, and there were the words of the prophet zechariah, with then he printed it out and put it in a frame, and he still has it to this day. vladyka, how to perceive this story, how we need it
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, we need it, we need interpretation, so to speak, this is what they call miracles, yes, god is my refuge and strength, listen, a wonderful story, thank you, that’s because well indeed, the era of miracles will never end, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, if this happens to us, then this means that this is yet another proof that we are essentially the same as those holy ascetics who lived before us, and this yet, and this in turn means that we can ascend to the height of holiness to which they ascended, this is very pleasing, but what does it mean to ascend to the height of holiness, i think few people understand, that’s how much don't say there are no people. sinless people usually don’t let anyone be offended, but that’s what they say for the average person, a saint means sinless, he is good, he doesn’t do anything bad, he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t swear, but this is not about holiness, no, this is not about holiness, there is - well, it still has to be said that there are two, so to speak, fundamentally different,
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fundamentally different things, there is righteousness, like the fulfillment of the law, there is holiness, like some kind of chosenness, but christians, we read about this ... in the book of the acts of the apostles and further, yes , in the apostolic epistles, christians initially called each other as saints, and this is not in the sense of righteousness, in the sense of being chosen by god, well , like a holy people, this does not mean a sinless people, it means a people chosen by god for a specific mission, what is the mission, well, christians have to be witnesses of christ’s resurrection, here we are holiness as a mission, that is, in modern language, almost as a duty, but of some kind. well, yes, as a matter of fact, well, here we are just coming up, that is, we are returning a little to the prayer of ephraim the syrian, because there are absolutely wonderful words about chastity, chastity in our philistine understanding is understood as such a non-violation of the seventh commandment, that is, do not
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commit adultery, well, you do not violate its abstinence from unauthorized physical intimacy, well, you said it wonderfully, but chastity is still a much broader concept, it is really important, yes. implies integrity in relation to god, that is, when god comes first for me, he is the center, and christ, our lord, he is the center of my life, not i myself, not anyone else, but christ, strictly speaking, all our ascetic efforts are aimed at this, when christ becomes the center of life, then we, like the apostle paul, yes, who was a man, of course, he was a man with inherent sins, but at the same time he was absolutely... chaste in the sense that he dedicated his life to serving christ, and here his conscience did not denounce him at all, he never shied away from this service, he did everything that christ commanded him, therefore, at his death, shortly before his death, when he understood, that they will kill him, that's it he
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wrote quite confidently in his letters to timothy that i know that the crown of righteousness is destined for me, and this made him convinced that he, well, that god accepts him, will be given the kingdom. for a little bit - to dwell on this topic, because indeed, in our country, chastity is understood in a very narrow sense, it also assumes this meaning, yes, but what is important to me seems to be, today for modern people, here we are in 2024 , yes chastity as integrity in a situation where a modern person, he dismantled, here he is completely, it’s not that he has no integrity in relation to christ, we don’t have it at all, yes, we have one thing in the morning, then another, the fifth, the tenth, then we’ll cut it out. feed, and this puts us in some kind of state, yes, here, wiki, i wanted to ask you, but the post we are talking about, from
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this point of view, it helps you, well, to gain some kind of integrity , or is it rather some kind of struggle, well, i don’t know, i don’t want to offer any answers here, but somehow you can relate what we’re talking about now we spoke with your experience in different ways, as you already said, but the passage of lent, well , of course, it helps to gather oneself, concentrate, yeah. because this is a special time for me, a special prayer for me and a special relationship, i try to somehow trace the path of christ in myself and empathize with him, well, i don’t know, again the prophet zechariah said when the rich jews who built in jerusalem, having not yet completed the construction of the temple, they wrote to him, what should we do next, fast or not fast, that they had already almost completed the temple, they were already tired wait, and he answered them: do you eat for your own sake
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or for the sake of god, so if you fast or don’t fast, decide for yourself who you are doing it for, so this is an important moment, why are you doing it, you, well, everyone i must decide for myself, the burning bush, tomorrow on the first day, the president... france emmanuel macron declares that he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. 2.0 people are preparing as an advance group. on a certain section of the front already locations have been identified. he said: la russia destabiliza, russia destabilizes and interferes with me. we are pushing him out of africa. free resources, uranium alone is worth it. and 16 uranium deposits in ukraine.
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i got ready, i ate my fill, the dolls of the heir tutti on monday first, the bishop of pereslavl uglich faktist, actress victoria bogatyreva, i’m vladimir ligoida, we gathered our thoughts about lent. vladyka, this is the film that shocked many, the passion of christ, what is your attitude towards it? listen, when i first saw it in the cinema, in saw correctly correctly. without translation with subtitles, yes, but i honestly burst into tears and i can’t get over it for a long time, but it’s true,
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of course, then after some time i watched it again, somehow i started to see some of my own there , maybe already yes, but somehow i wasn’t ready to cry, but i like the honesty of director mel gibson, because i think everyone knows, yes, well , anyway, i’m sure you know that he starred in it too in an amazing role, you know, like...
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who created a beautiful, but still created an image of a person, it’s like imagining his portrait instead of the real vladimir romanovich, i completely understand what you ’re talking about, this is how you read it.
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the polish man told me, i can’t, that’s about his impression, he said, i can’t, it takes four hours, in my opinion, but he walks, or 3 hours, 3 hours to sit in a chair watching christ being crucified, i can’t help but in the sense that i’m sobbing there, yes, well, it’s some kind of fake, fake situation, yes, he says, well, as a christian, for me it’s alive, here i’m sitting, yes, well, well there, what, what's next, yes, this is a very interesting experience, it seems to me, right?
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and here is his magnificent poem , the desert fathers and the immaculate wives, it is actually dedicated, and this is an arrangement of this prayer, but can i ask you to read it: the desert fathers and the immaculate wives, so that the heart can fly in the region of absentia, in order to strengthen it in the midst of valley storms and battles , have composed many divine prayers, but not one of them touches me, like the one that the priest... repeats during the sad days of lent. most often she comes to me mouth, and strengthens the fallen with an unknown power, the ruler of my days, the spirit of sad idleness, lust for power, this hidden serpent, and do not give vain words to my soul, but let me see my sins, o god, so that my brother
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will not accept condemnation from me, and the spirit of humility, patience, love and kissing. wisdom lives in my heart, how sweet do these lines of sergeevich resonate with you? one feels that ours is everything, he was a completely secular person, and accordingly, i begin to be offended for pushkin, he perceived fun in precisely this way, apparently carnal, yes, but for christians, the opportunity and specially allotted time there to somehow spend such in-depth work on their soul, to repent, change and draw closer to god, this is a period of spiritual joy, in fact, all our liturgical hymns of great lent, they just say: oh spring will come to our souls, there we will rejoice and so on, but there is no hint of any sadness, well , of course, sadness comes in the days of passion
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week and they are not connected with us, they are connected with christ, with his last days and hours. and of course we cannot help but empathize, not we can, well, that is, we are called to the church, we are called to the church in order to be present in general, trying to understand why this happened and what is my personal place in this whole story, but the other days of lent, they are just the point of view of the church is permeated with joy, which is why i cannot agree with this line, but still there are sad days there, i do not agree, yes, but look. uh, even here you change clothes, yes - the clergy and clergymen who help you for black ones, yes, ah, this the tradition is relatively recent and only one of our local churches, perhaps, and somehow the georgian church affiliated with it for a long time, it is also possible to do something similar, but this is not an expert, but in general there is such a variety of colors, well, in general, nowhere in
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the world except that we don’t have, let’s say, the russian orthodox church... souls - yes, the body is infringed, i repeat, yes, it grieves like this, well, the services are long , after all, yes, well, yes, but again all this
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tires the flesh, well, yes, but the soul should be the other way around to have fun, because it helps her get closer to that perfect state to which god calls us all, yes - maybe there really is some kind of emotional build-up and an aesthetic ae of a kind, right? to what extent it is traditional and corresponds to the spirit of the meaning is another question, well, yes, or in the gospel it says, when you fast, yes, wash your face there, but in general, remain in joy, and just show that for your soul, the benefit of the soul comes first, but the body is infringed, and again about chastity, again and some integrity and some kind of correct hierarchy, maybe really, but then it turns out that this can even be for the modern church consciousness, in which there is... this topic, yes, this is sadness, it will begin now, maybe this is really it just shows that we don’t understand all this deeply yet, well, apparently we’re too carnal, well, you know, also, by the way,
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it’s interesting, this is also a question about understanding joy, yes, it’s like you know, i have this from another topic, it came another analogy, i recently talked with a man who helps addicts, he said that i have a dream in the minds of our society to dissociate the theme of the holiday with alcohol, because he says: we have some kind of ironclad history, not only with us, of course, but in general of humanity, here is a table, that means, glasses and so on, but he says, you can find joy in others, it’s like if you take it as a metaphor, but it really can be, if i heard you correctly, how to dissociate joy, but with some... then it’s usually thoughtless fun, but associated with some kind of unbridledness, and certainly, with bodily joy, you understand, we could certainly engage in the celebration itself. you said that today we are just like this, well, how did it sound like that, i won’t quote it exactly, that this is supposedly the problem of modern man, that we are too yes, i also nodded, and i also nodded somehow,
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here are your thoughts, but in fact , saint basil oh athanasius the great has in one of his letters there and he says that the pagans celebrate this way and that, for them this one brings joy that brings joy to the flesh, well, we are christians, he says, for us, after all, a holiday should be something that is useful for the soul, and not for the flesh, that is, what the very appearance of these words says and this message that then christians, this is some kind of fourth century here, it seems or the fifth, now i could be mistaken here, but then the christians, they were also somehow apparently similar to us today and for them it was also a joy to eat deliciously great, but i absolutely agree with you that this method must be identified dead-end worldly pagan.
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actor, actress victoria bogatyreva, i’m vladimir ligoyd, and we continue, then you know, i would still like to have time, so, since we went in the direction of art, here is the wonderful ivan nikolaevich kromskoy - and christ in the desert, yes, the picture that he 5 he wrote for years in 1872, he finished it, here it is before us, yes, this is the same christ in the desert, yes, that is, this forty-day fast, right? which, as we found out later today, was connected, yes, with the idea of ​​fasting, and i was shocked by the words of the artist, yes, it’s clear that you wanted to say something, here is your painting, yes,
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something. i still need to explain, but it seems to me that this is important, look what he says, in some letter, someone asked him about this picture, and he says: in the morning , tired, exhausted, exhausted, he sits alone between the stones, sad, cold stones, his hands are convulsive, tightly clenched, his legs are wounded, his head is lowered, he is deep in thought, has been silent for a long time, so long that his lips are parched, his eyes do not notice objects, he does not notice anything he feels that it’s cold... a little, that he’s all numb from sitting for a long time and motionless, nothing moves anywhere around him, only black clouds are floating from the east at the horizon, what happens after that, is it possible to write it, and you ask rightly ask yourself, can i paint christ, no, i can’t, and i couldn’t write, i still wrote, i wrote everything until i put it in the frame, until...
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i wrote until he and others they saw, in a word, they may have committed a profanation, but they couldn’t help but write, i had to write, whatever you want, i couldn’t do without it, i can say that i wrote it with tears of blood, but this, in my opinion , is an amazing human confession, while i was listening to you, i thought that this is what needs to be said , it seems to me that kromsky managed to express this, maybe against his will, i don’t know, but we are somehow so accustomed to fragmenting the earthly life of christ, well, there is baptism, there is this sojourn in the desert, there is his ministry, there is then the way to jerusalem and there to take under guard and so on, right up to the ascension, but the fact is that his life, it was holistic, was its final goal, beginning...
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its fulfillment, in fact, here we see not fatigue, not exhaustion from the lenten feat or barbarism the devil, we see here... this is the same feeling that was fully revealed in the gethsemane prayer of the savior, when he asked that the cup be carried past him, past him, but not my will, but yours be done, there evangelists testify that bloody tears are sweat, behold and i see in this, in fact, the beginning of that prayer, and who are you, who do you see here, in this picture? well
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, it’s true, but you have, you have a spectator’s impression, here, here there are no correct answers, but i don’t know, who, who, who is in front of you, this is christ in the desert, and christ, and not christ, each of us, it seems to me so, oh, how interesting, i think every person has moments in life when he wants to sit down like this, fold his hands and, what next and how next, to do or not to do something what to him need to. christ, he is a god-man, everything that is human is not alien to him, and, well, my heart clenches, looking at christ, if this is him , then there is another question, to what extent can he be depicted, if we proceed from the hypothesis that this christ, then so and so portrayed christ, he himself says
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that... i know, well, this is amazing, it’s difficult to portray god, as fyodor mikhailovich, yes, he’s trying to portray, he’s writes about prince myshkin, yes, in his diaries, prince myshkin is equal to christ, then it’s good, he understands, it’s impossible, well a positive person is depicted as a broken, complex, yes, a person who loves two women, everything ends very badly, and what a positive person there is, and the novel, excuse me, about a positive person is perfectly called an idiot. yes, it’s the same here - kromskoy, but you know, it’s amazing, i ’m looking at her now, this is not from preparation, this may be, listening to you, dear friends, i thought, but for some reason i have just now at the moment i have the impression that this landscape is somehow outside this landscape, but before his eyes everything from the big bang and from the birth of the universe to golgotha, this grief, what are you people doing, that’s why he’s probably scared.
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uh, probably, but i don’t feel it now, i feel that i gave you life, i’m ready for you, that is, i gave you everything, and you ask for some little things, and i, uh, here... what i want to ask you about - at the end of our conversation, it turned out - thanks to you, not sad, and, probably, this is correct, nevertheless, here is the experience of fasting, it assumes after all, some kind of asceticism, yes, that is , exercises are not necessarily physical, yes, so i often came across the fact that people who are trying to live a church life, when they fast, well , they take something personal for themselves, yes, knowing themselves , well , someone, i don’t know, some child there refuses... watching tv series, yes, someone there, well, for example, yes, i don’t mean a specific child now, but something like that i have someone, i don’t know, something else, yes, understanding that these are his attachments , these are the ropes that hold him, yes,
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do you have some kind of, i’ll say, with a slight, almost pathos, some kind of personal feat, big or small, personal, not related to... some mandatory rules that you are on this post for they have defined themselves, well, it’s not exactly a feat for me, so i try to read the monastic rule that is obligatory for every monk, which somehow slips away in ordinary life, that is, to remove it, this is a prayer rule, yes, which every monk must, yes, every monk should, well, since there are a lot of interesting things on social networks in internet. in tv series, i try to minimize this in order to devote this time to reading the monastic rule, this is probably the main thing, thank you, and you, of course, i have my own personal relationship with god and it is currently in such
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an interesting transformational stage, very similar, it’s difficult for me at the moment, and i understand that i... within the framework in which they existed, no longer suits me, and i need to get out of this, from this shell or not from the framework , out of bounds, don't know when i’ll come out, i’ll tell you together what it was, and well , jesus said, know the truth and the truth will make you free, you are on the path to freedom, i want, in my opinion, this is wonderful, what do you think, sir, i’m sitting, i’m a little worried, so, that’s why? because the following phrase was said: to come out of the shell, that is , to get out of the comfort zone, where it is good, well, not comfortable, the relationships that i have already built are not satisfactory, that is
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, a necessity, this is great for you, this is faith not stagnant, i'm afraid it might be painfully, i feel it, with pain and grievances, let’s even say so, yes it is... on the one hand, the goal is noble and of course wonderful, on the other hand, you have to understand that it simply won’t happen, so i worry to what extent you you can stand it, i hope that you will stand it and i will pray about it, great, well, since i asked you, i will also answer it myself, everything is simple for me, i always try to re-read during great lent one of the main books of my life, this is the confession of st. augustine, what exactly now i do, thank you very much. dear friends, for this conversation, actress victoria bogatyreva, bishop, pereslavl uglich, feaktist, i am vladimir ligoida, let us fast with a pleasant fast, dear friends,
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hello, i am still dmitry bak. i still host a literary podcast with a very catchy name, let them not talk, let them read. today's issue is very special, because this year we are celebrating the anniversary of the wonderful poet rasul kamzatov. it's hard to say, he is a russian, avar, dagestan, soviet poet, he is a poet planet, i am convinced of this, which is why we decided to talk about rasul gamzatov on his anniversary.
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"hello, let's start with alekhalovna, and i know that the very name of our podcast has something to do with rasul gamzatov."
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i always saw, firstly, how dad
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spoke with great respect about his father, his dad has a very interesting poem, well, if you translate it from poetic to prose, so to speak, that he seems to hear that when there is no father, he asks the question, who should i fear now, who should i obey, and as if he hears a voice mother, who is also no longer alive, that just be afraid of him...
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then he was given an apartment on the main street of makhachkala, then it was lenin avenue, now it is rasul gamzatov avenue almost next to the square, and where it should have been to be the house of the government, there was a market there at that time, and the grandfather of so many people who came to makhachkala and had nowhere to live, to spend the night, according to this mountain tradition, he invited them to his home, this is a special cult of the guest, right?
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he observed this highlander code so very much, it the story is also very important, now it’s the turn to talk about the museum that you head, this is the dagestan museum to depict.
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let's take a photo under the burka, she also laughed like that under the burka, the burka is very big , yes, well, it swings open, and he said just like that, let's go with the burka, but it's a completely unstaged photo, to say that dad had such artistry , he was very skilled, that's funny play out situations and he does it like that. called, and she was already here, to be honest, when we were filming this, we didn’t even think that it would be published somewhere, so, they seem to be for a hat, burka and tie, you don’t even notice right away, but it’s very harmonious, but most importantly, it’s clear that these people are happy, because patimat saidovna, of course, is the muse of rasul gamzatovich, not only
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the wife, but also the muse, the inspirer of his poems, and the museum was created by her, right? and this is an interesting story, it means that we had a museum of local lore, in 1958 they decided to create an art museum, because by that time there were already many artists, a large collection was transferred to the regional museum in the thirties russian western european art , including painting, and in 1958 the museum of fine arts opened, and strangely enough, although it would seem so.
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she said that when she arrived, she was surprised that money was allocated for the purchase of exhibits, they were written off due to non-use, that it was as if they were not engaged in this collecting activity, but of course, this activity developed in our country, all the collections of decorative and applied art are very very good , very funeral storage, i’ll tell you the objects of the museum’s collection are like museum items.
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french president emmanuel macron says he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. 2.0 people are being prepared as an advance group; places have already been determined on a certain section of the front. he said.


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