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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 31, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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performed by anatoly prosalov, this hour has come, and we will now listen to a poem that is dedicated to the mother, it is called mother, because for rasul gamzatov and in general for people from the caucasus, mother is something absolutely sacred. so, a mother's poem. french president emmanul macron says he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war. 2.0 people are preparing as an advance group. on a certain section of the front already locations have been identified. he said.
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they created a party for him, they put him on the throne, the main component of macron’s dna is narcissism, he wants to remain in history, being equal to napoleon is a rather dangerous thing, he admitted the possibility of placing french nuclear weapons on the territory of other eu countries, a statement.
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all your instructions to adults, but the years passed, i was involved in them, i was not timid before fate, but now i often slave like a little one in front of you, here we are alone in the house today, i don’t hide the pain in my heart, i lay my gray head on your palms my, i’m sad, mom, sad, mom , i’m a prisoner of stupid vanity, and you felt so little attention from me in life, i’m spinning on a noisy carousel, rushing somewhere, but suddenly my heart sank again, have i really begun to forget my mother, and you, with love, not with reproach , looking anxiously at me, sigh, as if you had secretly dropped a little slug, a star sparkling in the sky, flies on its final
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flight, your boy puts his gray head in your palm. it would probably be appropriate to ask you, well, how did it happen that you began to read poetry professionally? rasul gamzatova, what happened to you when you started reading rasul gamzatov’s poems, what is there about translation, do you know or were interested, well, in general, tell us a little, it’s scary. it’s interesting, you know, as if from the other end, not from the family, yes, not from dagestan, but from your side, it seems to me that like most, let’s say, soviet children, it all started with cranes, because i, the grandson front-line soldiers, grandfathers fought, grandmothers were sent to a labor camp, and the theme of the great patriotic war is very important for our family. is close, so the song of the cranes has been going on since childhood, yes, when you
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hear it, tears well up, well, you know the song, but even as a child you don’t understand who the author is, you don’t show interest in it, and already interest in ros gamzatov and awareness of that that the song was written based on the poems of rasul gamzatov, i learned this in high school, when near the school in my native lugansk in the park on the grave of the unknown soldier a monument was erected, cranes and a quote there...
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therefore, without this victory holiday, in makhachkala in been to dagestan, makhachkala, here’s an amazing story, in 2010 we were on tour with the gogol theater, we had already seen the erected monument, and the taxi driver who was driving us, he boasted and said that rasul gamzatov, our famous poet, avarsky and lenin avenue were renamed in his honor, that totally fair and we wow, how interesting.
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i remind you that i am dmitry bak, and here now is a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read. please tell me, what about your dad’s travels, around dagestan, around the country, around the soviet union, then, around the world? they somehow responded in the family, he brought gifts, told something about where he had been, who he liked to meet, because, well, his fame had grown. he didn’t tell the children like that, well, my mother didn’t tell me either, when they met with adults, she somehow didn’t tell me, but i remember that almost all of my childhood we waited like this for our parents to leave somewhere, they came,
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they came back, they were bored, and i even remember this story, it was my sister who told me that she had a classmate who was so sad, she said that... she said, my mother i left for 3 days, so i’m crying, dad, i’m thinking , why is she crying, what in general, that she broke everything, and your dad often pinched him and nothing was good, but i remember even once my mother came back and said, i’m told they scolded me at school , that you are mine, my diary is not signed, she signed it for me 2 months in advance, she told me for another month, this is wonderful, you can get deuces, just kidding, here is a wonderful photo, the gamzatov family, and there are three sisters, right?
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19th century, or we comment on some poems, also classic, or we show books, this section is called an old book, oh it’s somehow not very correct to talk about gamzatov as about old books, these are living books that are with us, but still they were published a long time ago, so i have in my hands three collections of rasul gamzatov, just from my bookshelf, as is always the case , not from the museum, museum items are in storage. and these are just my own books, literally a few words about them, here is one of them - this is a book that was published by the publishing house soviet russia, and the star speaks with the star, and for anyone who knows poetry, it is clear that 64 is the year
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the sixties, this is the year of popularity of andrei voznesensky, white akhmadulina, evgeny ftushenko, bulat kudzhava, it is very important that in 64, in the same row. a book by rasul gamzatov is being published, and this is a very important fact, it means that he is already in the frame of not only avar, dagestan literature, but in russian literature. and the second book that i would like to show is a book that was published in a series of collections that meant high awards for this book, poetry, high stars, it’s called stars again, by the way, i just realized this.
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rasul gamzatov, based on family , traditional, rural, korsky values, he, of course,
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enters a different orbit, if we continue this style, this book was published already in the seventies in makhachkala, but in russian, which is important, and maybe it may be important to mention the translators, as far as i know, the translations were made into russian by his classmates at the literary institute , yakov kozlovsky, naum grebnev, and me. there are a lot of translators, dozens, of course, grevnev and kazovsky are so unsurpassed,
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even such outstanding poets translated simonov and robert rozhdestvensky, then he was translated by irina snegova and elena nikolaevskaya, also his classmate elena nikolaevskaya, and he was all very friendly with her, young murets translated, and june moretz, indeed many poets translated, well-known ones translated. it was translated by marina anatolyevna akhmedova, also a very good poet , she worked for many years in the writers' union, now she heads our dagestan writers' union, now avrutin recently translated a papiean poem, that is, this continues, then it’s not just that they translated, we say, but translations continue; however, some people themselves translate dad very unsuccessfully for some reason from russian to russian, which is completely sad. well, you know, on the one hand, this is sad , on the other hand, this is glory, this is the people's poet,
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yes, anatoly, you promised us poems, okay , please read the same ones , as long as the earth turns, as long as the earth turns, the burning bush, tomorrow on the first, march 31 , 1814, the liberation foreign campaign of the russian army ended and it was victorious. marched into paris. alexander ii was deeply convinced that if we want to conclude peace, a strong peace, then we must conclude it in paris. the brilliance of our armies entering paris completely amazed the french, and they were told, as it is now, that the cossacks are hairy cyclops. alexander walked around paris practically without security, and imagine how local women rushed to him to kiss his boot. russia was noted by everyone and acted so generously towards france. how close no one could even imagine, now
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210 years later there is no frenchman again, we don’t care about macron himself, nor what he says, nor his limitations, since history, as you see, repeats itself in the form of a farce, i think the outcome can be predicted, the premiere is a big story, ours in paris, 1814, tomorrow on the first. i drank the sun, like people drink water , walking across the highlands of the years, towards the red sunrise, following the red sunset, in the edge of the steep and proud peaks, where the hearts have a special ardor, i drank the stars from mountain rivers, from the springs of icy saws, from the blue sky more often, in the green thickets and meadows, i greedily drank the highest air, infused on the clouds, i drank snowflakes, where the paths intertwined over
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the steepness, i remember, the snowflakes melted along the way , sipped by me, i drank the spring, when the axes in the mountains baked there here, where the north is strong in degrees, i drank frost, as they drink vodka ; when i drank thunderstorms, it happened, whose glory is dear to the lands, as if the upper edge of the glass sparkled with a rainbow. again the prickly rosehip blossomed, hops oozed from the dark rocks, i climbed the steep slope, inhaled the hop smells, earthly beauty i reveled and blessed her. i fell in love more than once , fell in love, drank songs as i sang songs, the nature of the human soul is complex, i drank with friends at the same time, in an hour of joy , a bouza made of honey, in an hour of grief, bitter wine, and if i drank with my heart, i did not drink for fun and joy,
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i saw the ashes of kheroshima, i heard laughter at festivals, and... blowing sharply as if on beer to blow away the empty foam, i drank the essence of life, it is not false, it is truthful, the essence of life, i love and rejoice and suffer, and every day is my own i drink to the bottom, i feel thirsty again, life alone is to blame for this, let me leave the world one day, i have no thirst in it utalya, but do people thirst for this thirst as long as it spins? earth, wonderful, thank you very much , in my opinion, it is very consistent with the nature of these strict ones, yes, this is a translation by yakov kozlovsky, this is kozlovsky, of course, kozlovsky, one of the best translators, think about what a poem, indeed, it is about a lot of things, yes , are named here, yes, and the photograph
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is very consistent with all this, because this man is flying, in fact.
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don't talk, let them read. gamzatov was a friend of his readers, gamzatov was, naturally, a wonderful father, husband, son, and so on, but he has seen a lot of people. let's just look at these faces now. here are muslim magamaev, tikhan srenikov. oscar feltsman, yes, well, very recognizable
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people, that is, representatives of different types of art. wonderful picture. let's get a look. look at the conversation, it’s still unknown who is more expressive, how to proceed, i read this in my memoirs.
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a very famous figure, and finally, indira gandhi, yes, we also have a wonderful photograph where rasul gamzatovich talks with fellow countrymen, well, with ordinary people, apparently, yes, and it is clear that these elders are wonderful, not young people anymore, they are very attentive to rasul gamzatov, is it clear why lenin street was renamed? well, gamzatov knows how to joke, he knows how to be witty
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, he knows how to be ironic towards himself, and he, of course, is always in love, or rather, his lyrical hero is always in love, this is exactly what is said in the poem that we will now hear performed by anatoly prosalova, and if there are thousands of men in the world, right? called anatoly porosalov. if there are a thousand men in the world, matchmakers are ready for you. know that i, rasul gamzatov, am among this thousand men. if you have long ago captivated 100 men, whose blood rushes with a roar, it is no wonder to see among them, the proud man, the named.
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they printed a lot, and my mother was just so much more organized, budelovaya, here is the house where we live in makhachka or dacha, my mother built it all, he never seemed to be involved in housekeeping, so he didn’t get into it, and he really was a person, who could communicate at a very high level, very like that and he was very friendly to people when, after his mother’s death, he was in the hospital.
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i would like to end our conversation today with this, despite the fact that a person has traveled all over the world, reached the heights of fame, but still truly, he feels at home, here in his homeland, in dagestan, on horseback, and this is such a photograph parting words, which says that the poetry of rasul hamzad.
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meet on the website of the first channel, hello everyone, on the air of the first channel everyone wants to fly a podcast and i am its host, today you and i will not fly anywhere, we will remember today. whose name was igor sikursky, about the outstanding we will talk to you today about a man, aircraft designers. well, let's start with this: in may 1889, in the family of a famous
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psychiatrist, the family was wealthy, moreover, i repeat, it occupied a very serious position in society, therefore, the established traditions in the family of the boy were baptized exclusively, like his older sisters and brothers , baptized only members of the imperial surname, in this case the boy was baptized by the emperor's cousin and therefore his... wife, the grand duchess, at baptism the boy was given the name igor, the mother adored the boy, naturally, read him various fairy tales, but this is what is typical in the story about the great leonardo devinča showed him a picture of a certain design, which the great inventor, scientist and artist, one day suddenly, one might say, wandered into, here is the design of the great leonard devinča.
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this design is quite reminiscent of a modern helicopter. in general, i need to tell you that the idea was born a very long time ago, in that century bc, in china, someone, unknown, who noticed how an acacia leaf falls, it’s easy to check if you throw any leaf, but in my opinion the acacia leaf is better, it it doesn’t fall down, it starts spinning like this. along some strange trajectory, only then it lands, once upon a time, i repeat, in the century bc, in china there was such a toy, a stick on which two petals were attached, made of fabric, of matter, you could twist it like that let go of the wand, it won't fell down and spun in the air for some time, it was such a children's toy, we will later tell you that from this, precisely...
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the toy, the idea of ​​​​creating a similar image of machines was born, perhaps leonardo knew about this, but nevertheless, then what he drew, what he invented from... did, of course, caused unspeakable surprise in general to those who had ever seen it. and igor was completely shocked, and this is probably where his love began, his dream of heaven. when he saw this picture, and he was, i think, three or four years old, maybe a little more, he asked the servants in the house to pull the rope between him. in the sky , in the air, while his relatives, while his buddies, friends, older brothers and sisters
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were playing, he sat in this little person for hours, imagining as if he was flying, further more, he studied, his parents sent him to study in st. st. petersburg naval cadet corps after... in my opinion, six months, he suddenly unexpectedly told his parents, i’m tired, this is not my thing, this is the argument, he insisted, and achieved his goal, in 906 he went to a technical school in france, such at that time, a fairly famous person, about six months passed, maybe a little more, he returned in 908. he entered the mechanical faculty of the kiev polytechnic institute, where there was an aeronautical section, which was led by mazhaisky’s students, there and so on. in his second or third year, he
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invented a steam motorcycle, which made him absolutely famous at the institute, without finishing it, well, probably, it had already become a habit of the institute, he left, in 908... he began building his first helicopter, you need to to say that this is an incredibly technically complex matter, for those times, i repeat , this is the beginning of the century, nevertheless, in 909 he completed construction, i am now holding in my hands not his, naturally a helicopter, i am holding in my hands the legendary mi, but however , to make it clear, he always dreamed that the helicopter would be just like this, i will later explain how this helicopter is different, this helicopter design is different from many others, but for some reason he always wanted to make a helicopter with one rotor, a helicopter not was able to get into the air
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that is, he bawled, of course, he was wound up, but he could not rise for air, nevertheless, in 909 he gathers his family and asks to finance him. trip to paris , his elder brother was categorically against it, because sending young sucker to paris, and even with a certain amount of money, is generally speaking dangerous, nevertheless, having shown character, and this would later be useful to him throughout his life, he insisted on his , the family allocated funds and he went to paris to study with the famous designer ferdind ferber. ferber, i must tell you, first of all, he immediately explained to him that... it’s easy to come up with a helicopter, it’s more difficult to build one, you can never lift the air at all, and gave as an example all the living creatures that existed at that time on our planet, that still exist, that ran on the ground , and from which
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no one had ever taken off into the air, well, let’s say, higher than a meter and a half there, but sikorsky was a man, i repeat, of an incredible character, he decided that it would be... done, he gave up, by the way, helicopter construction, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out because what was missing was just a theory , it was just not yet clear, many parameters, aerodynamics, how the propeller should rotate, what configuration of the blades, well, a lot of things didn’t exist then, he left this activity for a while and began to engage in aircraft construction, on june 8, 909 he. .. built his first plane, c2, and made a flight, small and short, but nevertheless made. here is the very first plane, of course, the inventor himself was behind the handles; he never allowed anyone
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to lift a machine of his own making. now he's in a furor, but everywhere everywhere, in all subsequent photographs he is wearing his traditional hat. this is a legendary photo. it must be said that sikorsky , who did not graduate from the institute, suddenly it turned out that he did not have a diploma, and his comrades in... the mood wrote a collective letter to the kiev polytechnic institute with a request, well, for his merits , to give him a diploma, and sekorsky is not just received a diploma for success in the construction of the first aircraft, he received vladimir of the fourth degree, his imperial majesty was also present at one of the shows, who was very pleased with what he saw and... gave sikorsky a watch, years passed, uh,
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in 911, this man received a pilot's diploma in the same year, during maneuvers near kiev , he set four all-russian air records. in april 912 he was awarded a large gold medal at the moscow aeronautical exhibition; in the spring of 12 he moved to st. petersburg. he was invited. chief designer of the newly formed aeronautics department, chairman of the russa-balt society, russo-baltic carriage works, a man who later put a lot of effort and money into what sikorsky was doing. in the twelfth, approximately thirteenth year, at the aeronautical plant of this very russian-baltic carriage repair and construction plant, light airplanes c5a were built.
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s6b, s8, s10, that’s all, this is the sekorskiy and the monoplane s7, s-11, s11a and s-12, it’s incredible, in a year of construction he brought so many, all his life he amazed people with his efficiency, here’s his design, here he is in a hat, here aircraft design. in march 913, the world's first multi-engine aerial giant c9, the russian knight, was built. well, it was something unimaginable. and it would seem that we can stop there. nevertheless, in december of the thirteenth year, a fantastic four-engine aircraft, ilya muromets, was built at that time. i must tell you that this building was actually gigantic and at that time... a huge apparatus with a passenger cabin, where
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guests sat and were served, which is surprising, then this was never it was, they served coffee, tea, they could have breakfast on the plane, in june of the fourteenth year, 1914, he set a world record for the flight moscow, kiev in 13 hours, i must tell you that the flight was generally, how to say, fun. somewhere in the sixth to eighth hour of the flight, a fuel line burst , fuel began to flood the hot engine , a fire naturally broke out, the mechanic rushed to put it out, caught fire himself, the second mechanic rushed to put out the first mechanic, together they extinguished the plane, they were supposed to fly to odessa, but did not make it to odessa , boarded in kiev, well, there was an incredible sensation, of course , photojournalists, a crowd of people, here... the first plane, by the way, his imperial
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majesty personally allowed himself to ride the car, this is the same plane with the first passengers on board, i said that during the flight to odessa a gas line burst in the air, the engine caught fire, this is the same machine that made it possible to repair the engine in the air, it was open by the way over there, you see these windows here... the first passengers were located here, there were a dozen and a half passengers, the airfield dog shkalik. neopolimaya bush tomorrow on the first. french president emmanuel macron says he is ready to send troops and take direct part in the russian-ukrainian conflict. russia cannot and should not win this war.
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when the first imperialist war began, they were used as bomb throwers, several were shot down, several broke down on the road, there was something wrong with the engines, however, six or seven of them flew for quite a long time, and one
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remained in service, lived to mid -thirties, until it happened and quite a well-known... tragedy, he was in the air , and the sixteenth was spinning around him, he was spinning, spinning, spinning, he hit the wing , the plane fell, people died, it was a very famous tragedy, but i’m also saying that the car at that time was in fact , legendary, in the eighteenth year, despite the tremendous success, in a sense , one might say, the fame that sikorsky had acquired by that time. but this is what happened, there is a discrepancy here, some sources report that on a late january night they came to his house, and he rented the house with his first the wife with whom it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out for him, the fact is that, according to the tradition
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of the family, this is how he was raised, he was a monarchist, unshakable, he firmly believed that the monarchy is the main thing that can create a country and maintain country. and his first wife, surprisingly, suddenly turned out to be an ardent bolshevik and began to take part in some circles and even became middle-level leaders, the bolshevik party that had already been created by that time had already broken out, then they divorced, despite the fact that his wife was pregnant, when they divorced and he left from the family, she gave birth to his daughter tatyana, here i repeat, there is a difference in information: some say that on a late january night a factory worker loyal to him knocked on his house and said that during the day several people in leather jackets allegedly came for him, seemingly having received this information , he left home, ran away from home and lived for some time in
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a copter at the airfield, collecting documents to go abroad, in general the information is quite strange, because at that time... few experienced it, only one thing is clear, that having received the documents, he via murmansk went abroad and never returned to his homeland, he ended up in paris, where he lived for some time, trying to take up the business to which he devoted his life, nothing came of it, he did not want to work as a taxi driver. not right away, since he didn’t speak the language very well, all his attempts to talk with people who, as he assumed, could finance him, well, his calling, his desire to build airplanes, always
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ran into the icy gaze of people who didn’t really care doesn't matter, but anyway case. there were already enough emigrants, including those who were once involved in aircraft manufacturing technology, well, in general, he did not find any support, and it came to the point that he simply began to be in trouble, finally, after about six months of ordeal, he reduced his own budget to 80 cents a day, he ate mainly coffee beans in street canteens. six months later, when things had already reached the extreme, but the guiding star that had shone for him all his life led to the fact that some... migrant took pity on him and got him a job as a mathematics teacher at a school for emigrants, where he
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began teaching, after a while all his mathematics lessons suddenly turned into aeronautics lessons, and he told shocked listeners, truly shocked listeners, who were packed into the hall up to 40-50 people, about what kind of planes will be built someday, how... how huge they will be, how they will transport heavy loads and a lot of passengers. things got to the point where he had followers and some of them those who emigrated to the united states, under his leadership, organized the aeroingering corporation. a serious name, except that the name of this company, written, however, in beautiful handwriting, was nailed down. a dilapidated chicken coop, where, in fact, surprisingly, the construction of the first
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twin-engine biplane s-29, which was built in the twenty-fourth year, began. i must tell you that before this, in the twentieth year , his sister came to the united states with her son and his daughter tatyana from the first marriage. quite quickly he found a use for his nephew, the fact is that one of the correspondents who wanted to film new york from a bird's eye view suggested that sekorsky tie him to an airplane wing from above, so that he could film. sikorsky , i repeat, instantly found a use for his nephew, he tied him to the second wing so that the plane would not fall to one side, and so the two of them made a lap of honor in... the city and got wonderful photographs in the thirties, this plane c29 was used quite a lot serious popularity
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but it was used quite strangely in those years , well, for example, sekorsky was asked to translate a piano for the president’s wife on s-29, then hoover was there, in order to deliver it, and he transported this piano, and of course, there ’s nothing to hide here, it’s prohibited. alcohol was also transported on the s-29, which gave him the opportunity to save some money to do what he loved. after some time, this c-29 was sold to howard hughes, who remarkably burned himself to hell on the set of the film hell's angels. by the way, the music for this film was dedicated to in september 1926 , a man came to sikonsky.
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on may 21, 1927, a then little-known pilot, charles linberg, made the first ever


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