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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 31, 2024 3:55am-4:40am MSK

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in general, i came to him there on this yacht, he says: i don’t mind, puffing on cigars , sharing the golden branch with me, but the fact is that a year or a year and a half before that i was in america and was visiting him for a year, probably no, less, and he took me by the arm and we walked, and he said so confidentially: i’m going to cannes, they promised me a palm branch, i say as promised, he says, they said if i come , there will be palm wind, so he was driving already understanding that there would be palm wind, so when i came to him then go to the yacht, i don’t mind, but so, i think, well, thank god, the burning bush, tomorrow on the first. i remind you that this is a podcast
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of lisenstein's witnesses, and today we are talking with a real witness of lisenstein, andrei sergeevich kachelovsky. andrei sergeevich, in cannes you showed a version that was not the one that was in the soviet union, but regarding the issue of editing, it was shorter, because now, of course, who was the president of the festival then, he said, you there is.
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the tapes are 4 hours long, even more, and i remember how now, he gathered some five or six jury members, they looked at the picture , i walked along the champs elysees, then they came out, right on the corner, standing on the corner, and he saw me, said: come here, he says, that means , we take the picture, but we need to cut it, i say, how much? and they say, we need to cut it down, probably an hour, 15 hours, i say, okay?
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says, listen, take your picture in the kama , i say, yes, yes, how, how did they take it, they, they didn’t see it, how did they take it, i say, i don’t know, damn it, what to do now, yes, well, we’ll have to give it, but our politburo didn’t see it, yes, we have to show it, and then there was a funny story, then the politburo looked at the picture, they said: there ’s a wart on the secretary of the regional committee on his left cheek, they say it needs to be re-shot, because koshegin ’s wart is also on the left whitefish, and it turns out that it’s him, that something needs to be remade, i’m telling you how to reshoot it, it’s his, and if you were telling our viewers now, let’s say, why watch siberian series now, that in it is important for her to consider what the eternal would be doing today grandfather, i think that... in general, art
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, as lev nikolaevich said, tolstoy from the message of feelings, if the feeling has not cooled down, this or that work evokes a feeling, it will be looked at, fashionable things, as a rule, die, yes, but siberia will always be there, i don’t know if it can be done, if it worries, it will, if it doesn’t worry. it means that it will die, this is normal, the film lives only because there is a viewer, there is no viewer, there is no film, well, that is, everything depends on the viewer, of course, everything depends on the viewer, andrey sergeevich, thank you very much for this conversation, thank you for your films, thank you for sibiriada, and this was a podcast of ezenstein’s witnesses, all episodes of our podcast can be seen on the website of the first channel, i hope that
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our podcast today, the film seberiada, those new, new facts that its director, andrei konchalovsky, told us about this will help you while watching this film. thanks for. goodbye, goodbye, hello, the program is on air time in the studio ekaterina andreev. briefly about the main thing. general pain. 9 days since terrorists attacked crocus city hall. vanehida at the site of the tragedy, a minute of silence and a concert of the symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev.
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strong, resilient, fearless. from the building, but returned to save others. attacks on military factories, arsenals and bases of ukrainian mercenary militants. weekly summary of the progress of the svo. the capacity was increased threefold, defense minister sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order was being fulfilled in the altai territory, at the enterprise where ammunition components are produced. folk cinema about the fate of man, 50 years of vasily shukshin’s drama, the film kalina krasnaya, the pain that united the whole country, 9 days since terrorists attacked kroka
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city hall, a heinous crime that claimed 144 lives, here are photographs of those who will never return home forever . in our memories, in our hearts. the terrorist attack destroyed dozens of families; children were among the dead; people of different generations, different nationalities, and different professions became victims of the terrorists. they all went to a rock concert that evening, no one thought that it would end like this. cruelty the attackers are shocked, indiscriminate shooting, practically point blank, the goal is to kill as many people as possible. for this, the militants also set fire to the hall, they acted with certainty, they had an incendiary mixture with them, the fire spread rapidly, because of the acrid smoke it became impossible to breathe, a nightmare in which a friday evening ended in a matter of seconds, a big misfortune became common to
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all of us, the terrorists will answer for their crimes; the perpetrators themselves have already been arrested, as well as their accomplices. to the elemental... in the evening, a minute of silence was announced to encourage people to get well soon. the concert of the symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev began. our correspondent, konstantin, works all day at kroku city hall. now he is in direct contact. from the program studio time. konstantin, you have the floor. ekaterina, hello. moscow time, now approximately 9 pm - this is approximately the same time when journalists , including us, arrived here on friday, march 22, then we observed the flaming crocus.
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then there was a struggle inside for life, a struggle to save those who could still be saved. today we are seeing a completely different picture here, this endless memorial, a people’s memorial of memory, which has been growing here for nine days, growing. and people right now, despite the late hour, despite the fact that it’s raining outside, come here to honor the memory of the dead, bring flowers, toys, lamps, notes and just stand in silence, think about those who are with us more no. 144 people are on the list of dead, according to the latest data, today all the thoughts of those gathered, of course, are about them. today, approximately an hour ago , a small concert took place here near the walls of crocus city, it started not even at 8 pm, but a few minutes before, there is a well-known symbolism in this, because exactly 2 minutes before 8:00 pm on friday the twenty- second the first shots were fired near the crocus city building, then the first people died and the first were wounded, but today at this very time there is a minute of silence.
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someone will say that this is a coincidence, but today we have been working at the crocus all day, all day. performance by the bolshoi theater orchestra under the direction of valery gergiev. all this did not last very long, the word was received today, first of all, of course, by those who survived the terrorist attack, one of them is igor tolpykin. the whole country knows the story of the tolpykin family, who came to the concert, independently, safely, evacuated, already at the very moment when... they left the building and were in the parking lot, crossing road, the four of us together with his wife olga and
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son ilya, as well as daughter irina , the terrorists’ car, which at that moment was just leaving the crocus building at high speed, flew into the family, perhaps deliberately, and children like me were especially badly injured i have already said that my daughter irina and especially the eight-year-old boy ilya, we have been following his fate all week, and he received severe fractures of his legs, collarbone, open injury, and a craniocerebral injury. injury, chest injury, and of course, today after igor spoke to the audience tolpykin, our first questions to him were about the health of children. first of all, i want to thank all the medical staff of the spiransky state clinical hospital, they spent sleepless nights, they are real magicians, low bow to all of them. there is every chance that my son will already return to the ice, he is a hockey player. literally in the month of june, yes churki is also getting better, she
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had minor injuries, but the main problem is natural - the stress she experienced, now psychologists are working with her, her condition is much better, another one who survived the terrorist attack today got the word, her name is natalya skisova, a completely different story, she was in the hall, could not evacuate on her own and was there at the moment when the shooting was already going on when... the building caught fire, she was saved and several other people together with her, who were in the same group, thanks to the security guard of crocus city, let's call his name, alexey osanushkov, she talked about him more than once today, this man led the group out in different ways, tried to lead them out through corridors, somewhere shooting terrorists interfered, somewhere - that only then did the flames interfere with the basements, corridors, trying to break in, breaking open closed doors , unlocking keys somewhere, it took him a very long time to get this group out at some point, natalya, whom we met today, is already saying that... in general, she didn’t believe to her salvation, she lost consciousness and was saying goodbye to her life, but this man, the security guard , let’s call his name again, alexey asanushko,
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still brought natalia and the group of people who were with him out, he almost died, he lost consciousness, now natalya says that being in a good place now health, she sends all her prayers to her savior, because he is in a very difficult emotional state after what he experienced, and of course, today natalya spoke only about him. he seems to be in bad condition, he understands that he didn’t get all the people out, he couldn’t get them out because he himself was hurt, he also suffocated, it turns out they pumped him out and he ran after us, people are continuing right now with us eyes to come here to the people's memorial with flowers, with toys, right now this is happening, and has been happening all day today, here today we observed the owners of crocus city, the family family, they too... flowers, and after the funeral meeting of the concert we talked with journalists. well, we are here to honor
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the memory of those who died, the words of the dead addressed to the victims. that’s it, my colleague valentina solovyova said in her report.
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a friend and my godchildren, a kindergarten friend, they suffocated, and their father, adima, has still not been found, people began to gather here in a few hours.
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children who died in this tragedy, we made them with your own hands, let it be some kind of particle. today, about 130 representatives of the diplomatic mission and international organizations, ambassadors, consuls, secretaries, and military press officers arrived at the scene of the tragedy to honor the memory of those killed, expressing words of support for our country. after beijing received information about what happened in the moscow region. the stage of chinese domination at first sent his telegram to the president , mr. putin, this is a tragedy not only for russia, such a tragedy for our planet, and the kind, fair people of the whole world, together with the russians, we, together with the russian people
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, are confident that we will definitely defeat terrorism, despite the fact that... where they are, many diplomats arrived with their families, they honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. we are going to lay flowers to honor the memory of all our russian friends who died in this terrible tragedy, we also wish a speedy recovery to all the wounded, we wish stability and prosperity to all of russia. we condemn this terrorist act, express our sympathy to everyone, and wish that the souls of the victims may they rest in peace and may the wounded recover quickly. we believe that russia, where all believers live together and defend this country together, will enjoy peace and prosperity. there were diplomats from unfriendly countries. security measures have been strengthened along the entire perimeter of the crocus fence, people enter through the metal detector, and dog handlers patrol the area. some of those who escaped during the terrorist attack in crocus only today found the strength to take personal belongings left in
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the wardrobe. i ran out very early because neither the ambulance nor the fire department had yet arrived. but he was not far away, he could n’t get out, everything was fine with my husband, he turned around at 4 am , came back, a taxi picked him up, today it’s hard for everyone to talk, that evening i was here with my mother at a concert, we barely got out of there, machine gun it’s very difficult to forget, and i don’t know when it will happen, i
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don’t sleep well, my dad doesn’t sleep well, i came and put flowers, maybe it will be easier for me , people go to the memorial all day, stick together, in peacetime, in this , this is the only thing i can say, difficult time, we all always need to forgive this, we can’t forgive, it’s a pity that i’m already over 60, i would love to go, they won’t take me, you should go, you mean to the front, of course, of course, i’m a former military man, it’s impossible to survive
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, sveche in yekaterinburg is exactly 144 in terms of the number of victims of the monstrous attack, and this is footage from nizhny novgorod, representatives of the first movement came to honor the memory of the victims, among whom were children, together with all of russia our new regions are mourning, in donetsk in the evening too lit the candles, bowed their heads in memory of... the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus. is it possible to measure human courage and dedication, especially when everything around is blazing, exploding and it is unclear what will happen next? it’s not clear in the first minutes what happened at all, unexpectedly, life is divided into before and after. ilya krasnikov could have gone home; he was one of
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the first to leave the crocus city hall building, but he returned. and the lives of some people, thanks to this, did not end. ilya, a former border guard and intelligence officer, but somehow the word former does not fit him, acted clearly, did what was necessary at that very moment, and became for the people wounded by terrorists the very hand that seemed to be. they reached out from the sky and said: “grab it, he will pull you out.” and the footage that you will now see on television is usually not shown, simply because there is no one to film them at such a moment, but ilya was filming, realizing how important it was, an eyewitness testimony in the thick of it, when our correspondent asked him what was the worst thing , he answered, he perceived other people’s pain as his own, that’s why time after time returned to this crocus, each time he came out with someone to whom he gave... a new life, there is someone, there is someone, literally the first seconds after the terrorists left the crocus, everything is on
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fire, we urgently need to save those who survived , help here, help, help, help, we see these terrible images thanks to this man, ilya krasnikov turned on the phone camera, kept it in his breast pocket, he managed to get out of the crocus in the first minutes of the terrorist attack, but lost in the crowd. approaching the evacuation route, i saw a girl who the husband was carrying his friend, what is it, wait, help, the girl’s right leg near the knee was injured, a lot of heavy bleeding was visible, and this girl’s husband and i began to carry her towards the pavshin floodplain, carried her to the corner, one of ... from those running he said that somewhere ahead there is a paramedic station, where the woman is given first aid, then taken by helicopter to botkin, she will quickly
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recover and will send greetings from the hospital to the person who could not pass by, but that will happen later, that’s what ilya saw next that terrible day, a young man is doing cardiac massage and artificial respiration of a girl in white clothes, i offered him my help, he told me as much as possible... he also took the guy by the legs, we carried him through the fragments, gave him to the doctors, then there seemed to be no more there were no thoughts, i realized that
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i was needed here and ran further into the building, it was already difficult to breathe in the foyer, but ilya and several other men did not pay attention to this, they ran from person to person, dragged someone, dragged someone in my arms, i remember the situation when i fawned...
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maybe their relatives, everything is fine , don’t worry, everything is fine, where is the husband, are there children, no, the children are at home, what’s their name, veronica sergey, veronica, you’re smart, come on, where’s the husband, and where’s the husband, and where’s the husband, there, and what is happening, what is happening at that moment , no one yet fully understands, the roof of the crocus is on fire, inside, pay attention, the walls are literally burning, ilya bursts into the toilets, looking for people who could hide there, a guy in a white jacket ... i call him that in a white sweater, i ask him, where else could there be people? what's your last name? you're a man, bro, i love you,
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come on, let's go! first, we took turns running into a room that was completely filled with smoke, that is, zero transparency at all, and this is minus the first floor, essentially a basement, and it was already impossible to be there because of the smoke, rescuers in protective suits, ilya the second man without, there are people there, yes, this is a closed room, i don’t know , voices were heard behind the door, come on, dozens of people are walled up in this technical room, perhaps because to go from...
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uh to the escalator, to the left, onto the escalator, to the left, onto the escalator, people already at that time were heavily poisoned by smoke, they had a slow reaction, so we had to encourage them to run to the exit, here to the left, go up, go up, even when it was already very dangerous to be in the building, ilya goes around again second floor, leaving on the escalator , she meets a man, is everything okay, are you, are you okay? parents, where are you talking, let's go, he's alone in the toilet, i checked, there's a toilet and there's no one there, he was in despair and could have walked into the fire, that is, in that state the man was in serious condition, i stopped him near the escalator, walked through another toilet before his eyes, entered the toilet room, walked through, well, didn’t find anyone there, ran out, i had to tell him that his parents were waiting for him on the street and - i he began to lead
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him to the exit again, helped, then quietly went out , caught a taxi, went home, his friends left, everyone had gone to their apartments for a long time , he didn’t say anything to his family at home, even when in the morning he started coughing heavily and inhaled smoke. ilya has a wife, three children, he works in a construction company, served in the border guards in the military, in reconnaissance, strong, persistent, fearless, he perceives other people’s pain as his own, everything is behind him, and every day he sees that man on the escalator in front of him. a child who lost his parents, i... it was such a difficult moment, an adult child, admittedly an adult man, yes, who found himself in a very difficult situation, he cried, yes, and what did you do, hugged him , hugged him, let's go, let's go, let's go, come here, i'm with you, go, they're on the street, they're on the street, i 'm telling you, olga knyazeva, roman mikhailenko, nikita chupin, maria mortanova and sergei
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klishin, channel one. it’s that simple , don’t be afraid, i’m with you, he was with them all this time, all this time immediately after the tragedy , ambulance crews fought for the lives and health of the victims , provided assistance on the spot, delivered patients to the best clinics as quickly as possible, according to health data, 98 victims have already been discharged from hospitals, another 69 people remain in hospitals, 17 of them are in serious and extremely serious condition, the investigation into the terrorist attacks in... in moscow-krasnogorsk is ongoing around the clock, how is it progressing work, including with the accused at the crime scene, was discussed today at a meeting held by the head of the investigative committee. alexander bastrykin emphasized: it is necessary to establish in detail all the events that preceded the terrorist attack, this will make it possible to establish the entire circle of accomplices, and most importantly, the organizers of those who ordered the attack. investigators are working with victims, collecting evidence about the circumstances of the crime, the identities of 134 victims have already been established, and
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genetic examinations are ongoing. now the main thing is about wanting a special operation in a week, one massive 57 group strikes with precision weapons against enemy military targets and the infrastructure that supports them. military-industrial complex enterprises, air defense systems, arsenals, fuel depots and energy facilities have been equipped. about the latter separately. the day before, our yerani, hummingbirds, zircons and daggers reached the kanev tes, the middle dnieper ges and the krivoy rog tes. arrivals to the dniester hydroelectric station and burshitonskaya tes. to the situation at the front. ukrainian forces lost a total of almost 6,000 people. the russian army has improved tactical position in three directions, one of them is avdeevskoe. in the avdeevsky direction, a unit of the voz center group continued to actively advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense and occupy more advantageous positions. 64 enemy counterattacks were repelled in populated areas . semyonovka, orlovka, novgorodskaya,
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umanskaya. pervomayskoye, tonenkoe and berdychi (donetsk people's republic) during the contour-battery battle, 30 field artillery guns were hit, including m777 guns. made in usa, self-propelled artillery the m109 paladin installation made in the usa, the pancer habits 2000 self-propelled artillery installation made in germany, as well as the combat vehicle of the zalpovnyagrad rocket system. and in this footage of the ministry of defense there is an attack on the location of units of the thirty-second brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. two iskander missiles hit the target. the accumulation of enemy manpower and equipment was discovered during reconnaissance by a drone crew. the fighters transmitted the coordinates to the team.
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the concern's employees' salaries have been increased by 30%, which is higher than the industry average
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in the altai region. 24x7, well, we try, yes, we try, or 24x, several shifts allow us not to violate labor laws, but the machines are practically not turned off. and i work, and this concern has more than thirty enterprises throughout the country, they produce the most modern types of weapons. sergei shaigu walks along the production lines; you won’t immediately understand what exactly is being assembled here; all these parts will soon take their place in cruise missiles, rockets and anti-aircraft ammunition. new workshops are being built nearby, but not as fast as we would like. put this design bureau here so that it sits here on the site, sat on the site, this is the first, second, look at the examination, and come to an agreement, they worked faster, we have had the examination going on at three sites here for 3
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months already, for new assembly lines recruitment is underway , the company’s staff has already been doubled, there is a training center here to train its own specialists, and not look for them on the side, the president’s decision has begun a large-scale program. on technical modernization, re-equipment , technical re-equipment, in almost all areas of the military-industrial complex , the production of weapons, ammunition, both for rocket artillery and for our own artillery, of course, aviation ammunition, the first is that the funds have been allocated in full, the second, everything has been purchased for this decision the equipment that we need is the third for all facilities... purchased and available in construction materials. modernization and expansion of production concerns all the most popular types of weapons. defense ministers constantly inspect enterprises whose products are needed by the army in the first place, for example, guided planning and correction modules, which
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turn a conventional aerial bomb into a precision-guided munition capable of traveling several tens of kilometers to a target. and in addition, cruise missiles, primarily aviation ones, are constantly being improved, their accuracy is increasing, as well as their combat weight. city ​​leaders with whom she met and representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, for some reason it was she who was asked to close the sky over odessa and
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discussed the supply of weapons and training of the ukrainian military in france. let me remind you that earlier president macron did not rule out the possibility of sending ground forces of western countries to ukraine, and the number of this contingent could be 2.0 people. it's possible. that they want to station the french military in the odessa area, in the event that they are nevertheless sent to ukraine. however, not everyone in france shares the warlike spirit of their president. even psychiatric terms began to be heard, such as: calls however, hello, macron's recurrent bellicoseness to send troops to ukraine caused a nervous reaction among allies, some even began to fear nuclear war, which is actually good for health.
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we are talking about a photoshop in which macron presented himself in the image of a pumped-up match, which, naturally, caused a stream of ridicule in the press; these are obvious complexes, a sharp transition from mania and greatness to an inferiority complex - this is actually a sign of bipolar disorder. nato is not and will not become a party to the conflict, i can directly say how federal chancellor, i will not send bundeswehr troops, but...
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spain does not plan to send troops to ukraine, does not plan to do this.
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this was the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev, and we continue. it’s 50 years since vasily shukshin’s film, which immediately entered the treasury of russian cinema, has had a huge impact on the consciousness of millions of people. a film about the fate of a person, kalina krasnaya. there is not a single random line, not a single random gesture in this film. shukshin measured everything, so to speak, until millime. he himself played in this film, which is called breaking, no second takes, from the first time and into the very heart, into the very soul, because the audience said that the film went to those corners of the heart where simply a movie would not reach, but more than a movie definitely, this is how shukshina shot kalina the red, alexey zotov about a film for all times. red viburnum. this song sounded in the film, but either he learned that it was not folk at all, as he
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thought, or they could not buy it from the composer jan frenkel, in general, it did not work out, just like the happiness of yegor and lyuba. kalina is red, kalina has matured, there is something in it, ready to live, to rejoice, but something did not happen, in this case the song was not sung, ah-ah, handsome, the ancient russian city of belozers on the shore of a huge lake. by the way, it is older than moscow, almost 300 years. vasily shukshin examined this shaft 5 years before its release. kalina krasnaya dreamed that someday he would shoot his main film about stepan here.
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i was filming a film, i looked out of the bathhouse, yes, it’s me, they paid me up to 3 rubles, i’m very pleased, then who, in this scene in the frame was hit twice by the rails for the movie camera, but shukshin refused to shoot a take for a moment, not because he was saving film, he said again , i won’t play like that, one day everything was already ready here for filming the most poignant scene of the film, the meeting of yegor prokudin with mother, they were only waiting for the reception of theater and cinema , vera moretskaya... you are mortal, but moretskaya took it and simply didn’t come to the set, it seemed like she didn’t want to play a decrepit old woman anymore , shukshin was in shock, what to do, oh, where is our not disappeared, then they remembered that on on the outskirts of the village lives a woman with exactly the same fate as in the script, afimiya efimovna
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bystrova, this is her house, it immediately became clear that a living fate would be much brighter than any acting game, no sound, no sound. well, here she is, afimiya yafimovna. on the grave is a portrait that the whole country knows. by the way, for some reason the censors demanded that this shot be removed from the film , shukshin did not, and did not just pay the grandmother a fee as a pension for 3 years, help patch up the house and buy firewood. after her death, people began to look for where this crazy money was thousands that shukshin sent her. they think that kind of money does not bring happiness to life. the creature is underwater, i thought only after meeting with afimia bystrova, it is not in the story or in the script, the editor of the film valery fomin remembered that one take. it just seemed to me that he was just going to fly away before my eyes, that he felt so bad, so hard that her heart would break, he jerked there, thank god, someone, apparently standing next to me, managed to grab me by the hand, they pulled me
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away, mother, my, mother, for egor and lyuba there is another abandoned church on the hill, also not by chance. this is how it looks from the inside today, incredible beauty and the frescoes, like the soul of a person, were already crumbling, as shuksha wrote, for him it is a symbol of destruction at that moment. several years ago, valeria fell in love with these places and now she is also trying to save what is left. i just want this to not go further, not to collapse. shortly before his death, shukshin sent his film mother a soviet magazine.


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