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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 31, 2024 6:10am-6:56am MSK

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steamships, yachts, but the beaches were a real sell-out, dozens of people came out to watch dense white clouds of steam floating over the water. the mesmerizing sight made the passengers of the airliner, which had to land in impenetrable haze, nervous. however, as stated by the air ports of sochi, the airport was operating as normal, the weather conditions were not. well, of course, you, dear friends, know the famous letter said: “billy, you are a country boy, you write only what you know about that piece of land that is on the map you can cover it with a postage stamp, and folkter began to write his magnificent, brilliant novel."
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you may not like the story, and i, no, rewrite it, yes, i had this in my childhood to write down the finished book, i just wanted anegin not killed lensky, but suddenly he won’t kill him, i thought why not write, well, now this is being done, no , now this is a separate direction, by the way, it seems to be even profitable, that is, remember, friends, well, it’s clear, it’s clear, here’s dostoevsky .said that in order to
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to write a novel, you need to stock up on one or more strong impressions, this is very important, my question is: to what extent does your life fit into it in a transformed form or in a direct form? well, we involuntarily compare the facts of a biography and a novel, sometimes very directly, sometimes not very directly, but still... to what extent is personal experience included in the prose, or is it not there, and if it is included, then what personally ? intimate, private or, well, public, generalized after all, that is, the thrill of time or the thrill of the heart, what is most important? i'm here i actually remember a story that happened to me in 1920, when i reached the finals of the lyceum prize, and there was such a practice that part of the author’s biography and an excerpt from his work were posted. and i don’t know
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what it takes literally a paragraph, i described my life a little - it’s quite interesting, and the first comment was something like that the person’s biography seems more interesting than his text, and, probably, it’s more interesting to read about the biography, and so i i realized that maybe it’s not worth dealing all the cards at once and it’s better to give still, read the text, and not yourself , but at the same time, really, well, my personal experience is reflected in all my texts in one way or another, the point is that of course i give...
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i think it’s impossible to write a novel and some kind of the artistic world is exclusively from the head on technique, yeah, but the heart , well, you can argue about the proportions, but the heart must certainly be present, here it is, or maybe the heart can be tuned, as katya says, well, that is, once you twist it a little like - well, some gadget, yes, camera, some kind of wide, long-focal, just i’ll tell you about my experience, the presence of my biography in the texts. mine, but it seems to me that the further, the less of it, that is , gradually, probably, after all, i’m leaving this, well, probably, not only am i leaving, but well, like wine, the sadness of the past days in my soul is different from the old, the stronger, the stronger, yes, but
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here experience, personal experience of the time, already penetrates into your work, and the textual spirit of the time is not the spirit of the heart, both. it’s not dangerous, it’s not, it’s not automatism, it’s not skill, which is simple, i don’t mean you, in principle, yes, that’s how many successful writers there are, there are a lot of them who, starting from the third novel , get into some kind of rut, they understand that they can’t write the same way, we won’t talk about these , they’re just such cheap series, they don’t write the same way all the time, we won’t name names, yes, but it’s obvious , that this is just such a dead reconfiguration of the heart, yes, that is, it is possible... after all, it will reconfigure like this, so that you must be honest with yourself, that is, um, when you answer this question, i write this only on mastery, or am i experiencing it and melting it into something personal in my experience, yeah, and then there’s such a moment when experience returns
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, that is, if the world, and which you wrote, is a real living one, then what happens there, it returns to you, like your personal experience, and it is somehow different, but you are no longer it you'll find out, yes. so, i remind you that today we are talking about modern literature, we are talking about the literature of millennials, that is, those people who have become adults, become creators on the verge of the millennium, our guests today are representatives of new russian prose, this is asya volodina, this is evgenia kremchukov and ekaterina manoila, well, we’re just a little bit at this point. let's open a spoiler, well, in fact, my interlocutors are the authors of many works, but this is the protagonist asya volodina, the magical choir of the kremchuks, and of course we will not
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retell and talk about what , it would turn out vulgar, well, he comes there , villages are killed, well, my god. then he falls in love late, well, or it’s a bummer it’s impossible to retell, a man licks everything on the sofa, well, but nevertheless volodin’s axes and the novel, for my taste, are so in the english spirit, but such an oxford academic get-together, in in which various interesting events take place, a university party, zhenya kremchukova ’s novel is about friends, well, it’s also such a very humanly understandable novel, how growing up friends feel their connection with time. islam and christianity, where people seem to be bifurcated between these worlds, interesting books, by the way, i think, but what did you feel or what
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event became an indicator for you of what happened? for me, such an indicator was the moment when i suddenly discovered that the world... which i am still writing is not over yet, he begins to live partly his own life, he acquires a certain autonomy from my plan, pushkin. writes, she was cleaning up the thing, tatyana, yes, of course, well, this is a taristomatiin, yes, and tolstoy writes, if you don’t understand, to the nokarian, read it again, i already said everything, she lives on her own, that’s right, when this world and there are heroes begin, does not mean dictating their terms to you, no, of course, but you suddenly discover that he is developing according to consistent internal laws, as if on his own, yes, great, katya, father is looking at west, it came out for more than a year...
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to create texts, worlds, and yes, that is, before the protagonist, i knew that i could make a text that was worth something, and the protagonist just helped, well, set the bar higher, actually, but but i had such a rather formal approach that there is an author, and there is a writer, a writer needs publications, while i did not have book publications, the one who brilliantly plays hamlet in front of the mirror in the hallway, still he, even if he has the feeling that it turns out very cool, but still... it’s not quite right, yes, zhenya, katya, after all, a response is needed, a response is needed, it is needed
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, but it should come later, now the time is coming - for - the presenter's column, as you may remember, in the middle of our issue, i read something, three versions, or it's old a book, either it’s a quote from a classic, or it’s a poem, well, today there will be an old book, but very unusual... young for an old book, because this book was published in 1982, this is the debut book of the wonderful poet ivan fedorovich zhdanov, dissertations are being written now about the so -called metametaphorist poets, about poets, which then offered the reader complicated, unusual poems, but then in those years at the very beginning of the eighties, this was still a deep soviet union, three poets...
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still not renewed, well, he has such poems, for example, the bumblebee heat swayed in the candles , blacker than the blood in a heart attack, but the color and essence coincide in the nights, the pain, like a bumblebee, yearns for flight. the fact is that this reality is not the one that you and i see in everyday life, not the one that is already all written down, as we talk about icons and paintings, but... described in classical poetry, this is a completely new reality, which is realized as if for the second time.
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i’ll also read a poem from here, which for so many has become such a test of perception, not a test of the pen, of perception, i’ll tell you a secret right away, it’s about how the saxophone plays , it’s about music, master, occupy the bases of open voices, puppy throats, gill slits. until the soundless projections of the forests clung to your wall, he fell silent, and the darkness looked around, how the pastor, getting rid of the influx, like a glass blower, probed the ceilings, and the temple stood, and the chalk blossomed, he went away invisible and weightless, but harder than stone, the warmer creature and the pistrot of the viviparous gloom covered him. a map of chromosomes, the flying shell enveloped his immortal exhalation in such a way that it seemed inside
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him that the starry crowd around him no longer began or ended , lanterns swelled, in glass balls, music flew, a trombone blew, colored bubbles were heard somewhere every now and then , i’m suffocating, stuffy, open the heavens too, you raised your heated breath like niki, the vapors of yesterday the fog from the clotheslines carried away in circles the gramophone laziness of your birch tree on a scissor. dressmakers like this poems by ivan zhdanov from the book portrait , which was published in moscow by the sovremennik publishing house in 1982, well, i’ll ask you about this burning issue again, i’ll start this time zhenya, is it possible now to study only literature and
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live only on royalties, it’s possible to study, but it’s possible not to everyone, not to everyone, i think , but well, there are many different literatures, in general, modern, yes, in the one we are talking about, that is, great literature, the so-called, yes, i think that it has the best manages to live solely on professional income, well, this is probably how it should be, but who do you introduce yourself to in life? here you are in a company, you meet, you say, am i a prose writer or after all, no, i say, i’m probably a writer.
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and the writer, well, this is my conditionally subpersonality , that is, i even share some of my names a little, i have asya for the writer, you are generally anastasia, yes, yes, i have anastasia vsevolodovna for the teacher, i have nastya for my friends, these people, they usually intersect, this is still not what ramen woe had, emil azhar, let us recall that the writer’s last name was kotsev, received the competition prize twice, contrary to the rules, because he received it. two different names, once under the pseudonym emil azhar, another time romain kari, well , that is, you have not the same case, not different literary names, like andrei senyavsky and abram tertz, for example, this is a worldly name and a literary one, different modes of existence, let's say this, that is, now asya volodina is in front of you, she will come out, return home, she will already be there, now asya volodina, asya volodina, not
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to be confused, by the way, a very literary theater name, but so what? i once said a couple of times that , well, this is literature, no one comes here for the money, on the other hand, i thought that it’s probably not very correct to say that either, because there are literary prizes that i i received it too, or maybe they can’t support the prize for a long time after all, i’m saying, it depends on how you live, it depends on how you live, but there is royalty from books, but there are different ones, there are magazines and i don’t want to
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push them away and says: no, don’t come here, there’s no money here, but there is. no, well, there is. so let me remind you that today we are talking about modern literature. our guests today are representatives of new russian prose, this is asya volodina, this is evgenia kremchukov and ekaterina manoila. if we are talking about great, real russian literature, then what is this? secondly, who is your hero? what kind of person is this? he is a man from the present. of the past to what extent does it take into account the past and in particular the soviet past, well , i’ll hide the third question here so that we already have such a nine three times three, but we can get by with, well, how should i put it, well, i wanted perestroika to say the word without any gibberish, but i don’t like him, dostoevsky is full of gibberish, the father of murders, a crime, but is it possible to do without the fact
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that, well, it’s not every day that one encounters without murders, without some terrible ones...
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and it seems to me, that modern authors , well, at least if we are talking about our generation, in many ways treat literature as a whole, not as a tiered system of floors, where there is great literature, here is fiction and genre literature, but as a certain field, that is, you you take your basket, walk along this field and picking those berries. does not deny the fury , there are tiers, there are fly agarics, toadstools and white, yes, but maybe a pinch of fly agaric will be useful for your soup, it will make it unexpectedly interesting, do not try to repeat it without specialists, fly agaric does not need to be added to the soup, yes, well i i don’t know, there are mushrooms that just need to be boiled for a long time, yeah, but to make them edible, that is, you can also use some elements of the same genre literature, as i, for example, do in both of mine.
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that due to the fact that we probably grew up in the nineties, when all the boundaries were shifting a lot, that is, there were a lot of even cultural misalliances, i would say, when, in principle, well, the previous hierarchy was demolished, well, that is, it seems to me that we grew up in some chaos and we are out of this chaos we are used to collecting different elements and putting them into our texts, so our literature is so borderline.
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try the soup, and then you ’ll like it, i’d rather have some candy right away, how to work for those who are used to looking for easy ways, like a great author, does he have the right
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for some kind of compromise, maybe a trick - this is welcome, you can kill the hero of the hatchet on the first page, the first phrase is the main thing in the novel in general, without it it is impossible, it is impossible to take the reader, what are the first phrases we remember, well, except for my uncle the most honest rules, everything was mixed up in the oblonskys’ house. bravo, i really like the phrase from one english novel, and the boys were the first to run to the place of execution, great, i like that they once played cards with the horse guard narumov, queen of spades, what else is there, mom died among strangers, yes, but remember the first phrases of your novels, of course, what, this will be another spoiler, asya, well, asya doesn’t remember, but it’s even more interesting, you could have done that... the father looks to the west, this is a the gloomy three-story building in which moratik was born and died resembled a funeral home.
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well, right away it’s darkness, uh-huh, immediately darkness , a moralist has died, a little child has died, as we later find out, this is already, yes, the second novel, the wind carries dead leaves, it’s even more terrible there, the bell drilled by louisia skull announced the end of the lesson, right there it all starts in school, of course zhenya. bavrin learned about protasov’s arrest in izu, shizuka prefecture while visiting local sights, well, yes, yes, well, the arrest is still not a murder, but, but there is also a murder there, as we said in the protagonist, well, that is, still without such things are difficult, we deprived katya of the answer to what great literature is, but i have nothing to add, no, well, after all, you have your own opinion or not, well, there are two more. who is your hero third asya without blackness it’s impossible without blackness it’s impossible to me it seems well this there will be a lie, a terrible thing, i ask this is personal
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experience yaroslav. the nineties, naturally , there was something in my background, it is smoothing out gradually, sometimes i also find myself in some corners of moscow, and i see that the life that i have already forgotten a little is alive, well, i haven’t seen murders for a long time, glory lord, yes, or the son of violence except the screen , yeah, except books, including ekaterina manuela, yes, sorry about that, why not, why forgive me, i can’t tear myself away, i ’ll do this like that case. a compliment in person when you just swallow it because i have to to tell you, our dear interlocutors , that i am very strict, i am my editor, when i read something wrong, my face is like that of an astronaut who is rotated in three planes, it immediately begins to turn into a grimace, who is your hero, my hero, a product of his time, so far here are my two books, they are probably in time, this and there are sisters,
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there are real ones. here it’s like, well, they’re like heroin, which is also the heroes, who’s like , plus or minus, my same age, yes, that is, it’s like that for everyone , but more or less for everyone, zhenya, for you this is also true, this is important, this is probably the most important answer, that evgeny kremchukov, asya volodina, ekaterina manoila write about those who are close in age, in worldview, that’s why they are millennials, yes, how to become a millennial is necessary . become young, beautiful, confident, feel strong, then, then you will succeed. the very last question for today, what kind of book would you like to write, let's start with katya, now. now i'm writing a third book, and my goal and dream is to write it like this, what i intended it to be. uh, it's called golden boy, it's about growing up as a child in
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a family of gold miners. here i do, as i challenge myself, firstly, i have different layers of time there, this is a different geography, the neva, they are a boy, they are a girl, yes, this is magadan, they are the steppes and moscow known to me there, so i have great ambitions and dreams make it very good, so that later we can say, this is great literature, probably very important for me. and some challenges that are specifically related to the form, to the genre, to the work, to the genre, because that i, well, in part of the picture i was probably working with a novel of ideas, roughly speaking, in the protagonist, of course, this is a reworking of an ancient tragedy, in many ways, as the title shows, the protagonists are the main characters of the tragedy, now i know , that there is a certain set of genres that i would like to work with to find their core. and
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maybe break these genres, for me, for example, a very mysterious and incomprehensible genre is a love story, we don’t have such a thing as a russian love story, our russian authors write under pseudonyms, they they write under foreign pseudonyms , because russian will not be read, because our love, it is suffering and blackness, here are all the knights, ladies and so on, they are all there, so i am interested in understanding what the specifics of, let’s say, russian are..
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... ordinary genres, the novel, which from the borders of the steppes and forests and moscow moves to the extreme southeast, where gold is mined, and the novel, which is as necessary as poetry, will definitely be written by our guests today, assey volodina, evgeny kremchukov and ekaterina manuela, i it is with great pleasure that i thank you for this meeting, asya, all the best,
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see you again, zhenya, goodbye. see you, katya, we’ll talk again and again, well, our dear interlocutors, i, as always, say my sacred mantra, read with pleasure. under the suspicion of the authorities. there is justice in the world, you will be imprisoned, they will give us this room , a burning purchase, today on the first thing in the briefcase, the opening, you will manage
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, open the briefcase, i said, open the briefcase, it’s a pity, the next supporter was sent out, look, there are so many syringes here, now it’s clear , with glass with their eyes on the slaughter, ukrainian military personnel took injecting drugs without hindrance, and after that they behaved completely like animals. they have repeatedly admitted that torture under drugs is much more fun. tranquilizers, painkillers, official, unofficial, can you think of something they don’t use? here they come, really, the guys are coming, their ukrainian soldiers, they shoot at him, release a horn with a machine gun.
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on his life, his path and his end. special report. zelensky and his militants drug addicts. premiere, today on the first. let's fast a pleasant fast. this phrase sounds in one of the chants on the first day of lent. many people like to repeat it, not always understanding that the slavic word is pleasant, in this case from the verb to accept, that is , pleasant means accepted, pleasing, to god, and
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not to us. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about lent. bishop of pereslavl, uglich feaktist, vladyka, good afternoon, victoria bogatyreva, actress. i actually want to go back to this one phrase, we fast with a pleasant fast, which, as you know, is used all the time and often for some reason even in relation to the dishes and variety of lenten cuisine, but seriously speaking, we are talking about a fast that pleases god, this is the kind of fast that pleases god ? well, did you quote the beginning of the stichera? i would ask you to quote it in full, but i won’t do this, but i will say it myself, further in this verse it tells about what kind of fasting is pleasing to god, but i won’t use all the slavic phrases now either, but the idea is that this is abstinence from any
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kind of evil, evil, from condemnation, from slander, that seems to be all, well, that is, the idea is to avoid sins, and we often... say fasting, fasting, fasting , but it seems to me that talking about fasting as an independent phenomenon, yes, well, there is no point, it generally contradicts the spirit, the meaning of the holy scriptures and our worship, too, but because fasting, i apologize, you mean outside of easter , as it were, yes, the holy scriptures and the new testament, in most cases says fasting prayer, there are places which the ancients originally wrote there... all the gospels say simply prayer, then to synchronize, so to speak , with other gospel texts, parallel, there was added at some point fasting, yes, that is, prayer, prayer still comes first place, vic , you have some kind of personal feeling
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of fasting, now fasting begins , this is very responsible for you, that is, this is a big deal that needs to be endured, if you stand it, you feel exhausted or vice versa full of strength? i am very different i met, yes, it happened to me differently, not every time differently, i can’t say that it’s always one according to the same scenario, no, of course, but... in a sense, but this is still later, so to speak, reading,
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because it often happens with us that a certain tradition appears, and then we adapt some content to it, and then tell me, because i actually read that somewhere around the 5th century, lent was established already in the ancient church, yet it was connected with the institution of catechumens, that is, those people who were preparing to receive baptism, and accordingly, for the sake of this event , these people, well, somehow spent a certain period in fasting and prayer in order to approach baptism. consciously and ready , and then gradually it spread to the entire church, as some kind of sign of solidarity, or rather as some kind of sign of solidarity with these people, and then it became mandatory, and then they protected it with canons, i would still like some things, maybe formal, but important to say, here we are talking about 49 days, yes, but actually fasting - it turns out to be 6 weeks, and also holy week, which is like...
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the mystics of the early christian era,
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this prayer, i think, is important, because not only during lent, it simply expresses those christian aspirations that we should generally be, so to speak, within the framework of our christian life, those aspirations that should be in it, well, one of our revered elders said that in this prayer in general the whole gospel is all orthodoxy, i just in case, let’s i remember it, but... it’s in church slavonic, we read it, but in general, it seems to me, everything is clear, yes , lord, lord of my belly, that is , of my life, yes, but the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk will not sell the darkness, yes, that is, save me, and from these here are the features: grant me the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, love , that is, give it to your servant, lord, grant it to the king.
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seraphim, well, because these are the conditions from which we ask to be delivered and those virtues which we ask to be given, they are actually essential for us, not only during great lent there are these 7 weeks, well, 6-7 weeks, so, but in general always in our life, because somehow without them i think it’s hard for a christian to exist in this world, vika, vladyka said, by the way, i didn’t know. the fact, unfortunately, that not all local churches read
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this prayer aloud, but it seems to me that in our church, yes, when they read it, it is such a special, you experience an experience, really with bows, here you have how does this respond, do you have some, some experience of your own, maybe maybe something connected with this prayer in the temple or outside, i like to go to the temple during the first days of lent, and i try to stand up for it all, i wanted... to say that there is a prophet zechariah, who lived 500 years before the appearance christ , he has a similar prayer, and this saying in our home, in the family, stands right at the entrance, and rarely... who pays attention from the guests, but there are such ascetics, one might say, attentive, just yes, and practically there too everything has been said, i can even read, the court is righteous, judge, and mercy and show generosity to everyone, to his
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brother, widow, and sire, and stranger, wretched, do not force, and the malice of every brother, let him not remember in his heart...
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the frame and this is still with him, but how to perceive this story how we need it, we need interpretation, so to speak , this is what is called miracles, yes, god is my refuge and strength, listen, a wonderful story, thank you, that’s because , well, really, the era of miracles is not some era far from us , yes, it never ended, it will never end, that’s on the one hand, with on the other hand, if this happens to us, it means that this is yet another proof that we are essentially like this.
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in our understanding, it is understood as such a non-violation of the seventh commandment, that is , do not commit adultery, well, you do not break it, abstinence from unauthorized physical intimacy, well, you said great, but chastity is still a much broader concept, it implies integrity in relation to god, that is, when god comes first for me, he is the center, and christ, our lord, he is the center of my life, not myself. not someone else there, but christ, in fact, all our ascetic efforts are aimed at this, when christ becomes the center of life, then we, like the apostle paul, yes, who was a man, of course, was a man with inherent sins, but at the same time he was absolutely chaste in the sense that he spent his life...


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