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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  March 31, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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for everyone, today the vaccine is administered only in cases where the fourth stage, if everything is not effective, that is, this is the most severe case, in short, they are often incurable , do you think it’s time to give this vaccine earlier, yes, of course, this needs to be started on the adult population, and then moved on to children, but it’s very good, the simple fact is that no one will allow it on children...
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he’s been receiving the vaccine for a year now, looking at this boy, you can’t believe that he fights beats cancer. lukyan yarmilovich, are you ready? yes, won't you cry? i'll try. every time lukyan sits on his mother’s lap and hugs her. i used to cry, but today i didn’t. i call him by his first name because i sincerely believe that he is a hero. how much time. ago they started introducing the vaccine, well, we’ve had the vaccine for more than a year, and as you know , we have a desire to live life to the fullest, we forgot a little about the fact that we need to constantly be in the hospital, at least, and our luhyans don’t cry, yarmilovich, the first time, the first time i didn’t cry, because it will be our second time, now the second.
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please be patient, no, that’s it, we had a complete remission, naturally, we were very happy, but the fact that a vaccine appeared and - medicine is moving forward, as i say all the time, we are moving with medicine in parallel together, and we are very happy because they didn’t abandon us, didn’t leave us, didn’t tell us there, that’s all. stay there with your pain, well, what will happen, yes, after all, we are under control all the time, under the pencil of our wonderful doctors in petrovla, the vaccine still gives us a chance, i don’t want to deprive my child of this chance for that we will have a good life, long, long, yes, what do you want to become, tell me in your long long life, yube.
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everyone else, really, so let your eye be an eye, so that you become at least someone, if you become a doctor, this is generally separate, and health for everyone, because this is the most important thing.
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watch the health program on channel one. these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. hello. today we continue to get acquainted with the sights of the kaliningrad region, the westernmost part of our russia. in in the last issue, we started communicating with you about the city of gvardeysky, nee tapiao. let me remind the forgetful. we then walked around the comfort.
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and most importantly, we visited the new tourist site of gvardeysk, the medieval castle of tapiao, built by the tefton knights, for which we gave them a tassel, as the hairdressers of old moscow said. the city was amazingly lucky. in both destructive wars of the 20th century, he suffered, but only slightly. opposite the town hall building, there is a recognizable sculpture, the figure of a fighter with a harmonium in his hands. yes, that's right, this is vasily. the hero of the poem of the same name by alexander tvordovsky. how is he connected to gvardeysk? and it turns out that he is the creator of this most charming image. his literary father, a writer and poet, during the war years a special correspondent for the krasnoarmeyskaya pravda newspaper, alexander trifonovich tvordovsky, celebrated victory day on may 9,
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tapiau. here he completed the final chapter of his most famous poem. the city library, at the door of which the hero sits in harmony, bears the name of tvordovsky. it contains something touching. document, birth certificate of vasily terkin. he the poet turned out to be so reliable, alive, embodying the best features of our people, that for me, he is among the, well, invented heroes, such as tolstoy’s captain tushin in war and peace, like captain lokotkov from the germanovskaya check on the roads, like old maharashvili from the father of the soldier chkhiidza, about whom we are talking, a man of the people, putting the highest and kindest meaning into this concept. but the closest neighbor of gvardeysko, the city of villao, now the village of znamensk, was much less fortunate, it was almost was completely destroyed and now belongs to the lost cities, the more valuable in it are those buildings that miraculously survived in these places. st. jacob's church is one of them.
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according to the chronicles, it was built at the end of the 14th century, where during the turbulent century, during the siege wars, the church served as a refuge for the city's inhabitants. she suffered terribly. a lightning strike that left more than sixty marks on her brick body. the altar of the church, which was considered one of the most beautiful in prussia, alas, was destroyed during the last battles. it was splendid what remains are these walls, built conscientiously and standing firmly on the ground for almost seven centuries. the famous seven-arch bridge or lange brücke appeared in 1880. during its construction, they used a riveting method that was unique at that time, this is when it was melted. metal was poured into the connecting parts of the bridge and over time it became even stronger. the water tower, and there are quite a few of them in the kaliningrad region, resembles a church in color of the brick, but it is much younger in age. it was built at the beginning of the 20th century century. now it is simply an attractive
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architectural object. near the tower, we noticed a private house under a tiled roof. it also remains from german times. yes, a typical house, somewhat reminiscent of the fairy tales of the gris brothers. or andersen. at the beginning of the 20th century, a gateway was actively built here. and as a result, such water intake dams were formed. now almost nothing reminds us of the locks, and the name “waterfall in znamensk” has stuck to the place. and locals love to come here to wander by the river, take a walk in nature, admire the sunset. yes, the places are indeed very romantic, conducive to contemplation and peace. well, those who need it. after all, many are romantics and philosophers at heart, well, they’re just embarrassed to admit it. so, these places are for them. nowadays there are more and more fans of so-called abandoned buildings. here is a typical example of the collapsed mental
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hospital alenberg, which existed on this site until 1940. after the war, during soviet times , a military unit was located in the former wards for the mentally ill, as they remind. recording preserved on the brick walls. in the last decade, the hospital became ownerless and looks, well, somewhat ominous, that is, attractive to lovers of abandoned buildings, romantics and philosophers. if you are one of them, then you are welcome here, the former. aeroclub gvardeysk. in soviet times , agricultural aviation operated at this site. after the collapse of the union, a landfill was formed, but there were... there were enthusiasts who came here precisely for their childhood dream, and thanks to them, a flying club appeared, a club of those who are attracted by the sky, who want to learn to fly. people of all ages, including children, attend the flying club; many of them grow up and then enter a flight school.
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all club instructors are professional pilots. at the entrance we were met by the monument plane. this aircraft fought in korea, then ended up in the kaliningrad region. the flying club members saved him. from recycling, and notes and stars on board, well, just like in the legendary film , only old men go into battle, remember, as maestra said, you may not be a pilot, we will teach you to fly anyway, but a musician... to be must. introductory flights are arranged for tourists at the flying club. we talked with one of the young ladies who had just arrived from heaven, that is, with an angel. the angel says that it was her first time making such a flight, that it was a gift from her employees, that she really liked it, she was absolutely delighted, and the instructor pilot was wonderful, and that now she will dream of a new flight. well , great, we ourselves took the opportunity to look at the surroundings of gvardeysk from a bird's eye view. according to the head of the flying club vladimir anatolyevich, everyone who came here and at least once saw our land from above,
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their worldview changes, yes, they begin to especially appreciate beauty, and the earth, and life in general. kuzhskaya spit national park. on the list of must-see tourist places in the kaliningrad region, kuzhskaya spit is probably the first item. the braid is approx. long. 100 km, half russian, the other half lithuanian. there are three residential villages in russia, people live in them all year round. of course, what worries us most is the main question: how did this very kuzhskaya braid? i answer: the spit arose as a result of the washing away of sand brought by the baltic current. pseudo-scientists think so, because we are the real luminaries of science, and its fireflies, we ask them, who then turned off these very currents, huh? the width of the braid has not changed for how many centuries? therefore , the only correct answer is this: the spit
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arose as a result of a cataclysm that occurred in the atlantic, whose echoes reached the baltic, where two spits appeared: the kuga and the baltic. yes, look for yourself from space, you will see that kosata after all, it was originally part of the mainland, but later it separated from it. yes, this happens in life, although my students in science believe that the spit was formed from a chain of glacial islands. during their secrecy , madder, clay islands were exposed, on which this same sand was later nestled, covered with only a very small layer of vegetation, well, lord, delusion is common in youth. the main vegetation of the spit is the legendary baltic pines, of seven species. several centuries ago, an unenlightened people, well there was no television back then, and people who weren’t travel writers were just wondering where this enlightenment came from. so these people began to thoughtlessly cut down forests, including pine. braids. as a result , the sands, under the influence of the winds, moved from the sea towards the bay, covering absolutely everything
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in its path, including the village of these unfortunate loggers from fishing villages. and only in the middle of the 19th century did people realize the impending danger. oh my, what have we done? and the fight against the consequences of this disaster began. one of the most expensive environmental projects. they built avandune, that is, a protective coastal one. the pain of the national park workers, since it turned out to be an extremely fire hazard, so its impenetrable thickets on the spit are gradually being replaced by pinus, scots pine. on march 31, 1814
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, the russian army’s liberation campaign abroad ended and it marched victoriously into paris. alexander i was deeply convinced that if we want to conclude peace, a strong peace, then we must conclude it in paris. the brilliance of our armies entering paris completely amazed the frenchman, who they were also told that, as it is now, that the cossacks are hairy cyclops. alexander. uh, he walked around paris practically without security, and how local women rushed to him to kiss his boot, imagine, russia everyone noted this, acted as generously towards france as no one could even imagine, now it’s 210 years later, the french again have no, we do not care about macron himself, nor what he says, nor his restrictions, since history, as you see, repeats itself in the form of a farce. i think that the outcome can be predicted. premiere, big
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story, ours in paris, 1814, today on the first. gene sheaf, a product of stellor group. the irresistible bush. today is the first one. i came to the soviet union, i was nineteen years old, and i had no stronger desire than the desire to be russian, well, that’s what it is. my school, how were you able to learn our russian language, your russian language, the time for teleconferences has clearly come, we extend our hand to you, we don’t have sex, we honestly drove all over america behind the wheel and he drove himself all the way, he’s just such a boy kid, where did you earn your millions, birch is berezutsky, it’s correct what you
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say when you find yourself in front of him, my father, he was russian. tomorrow on the first. anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give me as a wife. you can give it away. it's a good idea to collect the dowry with your dad. we have embroidered shirts here. yes, very beautiful. the vologda province has preserved an amazing ritual of donning. the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and
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her friends helped her put on her wedding attire. who came there? well, yes, who, who? young? with a special wooden flooring so as not to trample down the soil and mosses, preserving the ecosystem of the spit, and this, admittedly, is more convenient than wandering through the sand, in which your feet get stuck, and you have to pull it out of your sneakers every now and then. one of these eco-trails leads along the top of that very man-made protective foredune along the coast of kuzhsky bay to the swan lake observation deck. why swan? i explain that it so
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happened biologically and historically that it lives on this lake. the magical swan princess, the magical mistress of the lake, by virtue of a spell that no one even the local police officer could remove, during the day she turns into a bird, and at night under the moon she becomes a person, i tried to remove her, but she turned out to be a rather evil person without any romance, well , you see for yourself, unlike the fox too enchanted for the daytime, well , you recognize the cat, as it turned out, not only enchanted foxes, but quite normal moose, often go out onto... roads or parking lots on the kuzhskaya spit for modest treats of cookies, chips or candies, take pictures with tourists and this is actually it’s a problem, since such food is strictly contraindicated for animals, they can die, and it’s not good for people either, well, he also listens to us nutritionists and specialists, that’s what you wanted to tell us about, the red-haired beauty who met us under the poster ,
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take care of the forest and life in it, attention, horror story, remove elderly children from... the dune is round, there is an anomalous zone in which strange creatures, most likely of alien origin, live. stalkers will lead you to this place, which is called the dancing forest. to the twisted trunks the western balts have always had a special relationship, especially since the forest for them has always been not only a breadwinner and protector, but an animated being, sacred and inviolable; for damaging or simply disrespecting the sacred tree, those responsible were punished. death, well, just an avatar, right? for the high priest of the pruss, the symbol of power was the crook, a staff made of curved wood. boring, unromantic pragmatists explain the existence of such twisted rings of trees by constant winds combined with sharp fluctuations in humidity and temperature, well, plus the impact of viruses that eat the apical buds, leading to curvature of the shoot. hmm, it’s not interesting,
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much more interesting are the versions of the impact of chemical weapons or the special energy of this place, but... you and i love all sorts of tales. in 2021, we entered the national ecology project. we chose the dancing forest route to change it, increased its route, made it more passable, and also made it accessible to people with disabilities. new floorings will create not only a comfortable environment for our tourists, but will preserve the root system of our unique trees. in general, the dancing forest attracted so many tourists who wanted to. be sure to take a photo against the backdrop of avatar’s exoticism, i’m a pine tree, which , as part of the national project that director anatoly kalina spoke about, we had to do a special job of separating these magical trees from people. paths from which our unreasonable brothers in reason can admire the forest without harming it, and take pictures, as they say in their barbaric language...


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